Top 10 things to know about Threeboot....
(weirdly, we might start calling it "Retroactive Post-Crisis" Legion)
10. The current society is a bizarre culture of repression, tyranny, and a geritocracy that deliberately tries to crush innovation and human sexuality.
9. No Superboy, Mon'El, or Supergirl (yet).
8. Inspiration is from comic books.
7. No R.J. Brande.
6. The Legion is some 5,000,000 or so strong but has a very small 'core' team so all former group Legionaires probably exist.
5. Karate Kid has better taste in girls.
4. Light Lass is decidedly the team's 'friendliest' member
3. Gim is a giant that shrinks.
2. Science Police are not your friends.
1. Reflecto is a psychotic fanboy....and HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO REFLECTO!? WHHAAAAAAAA! He was my favorite character!