Hello fellow Timelords,

Otherstide and the Festival of R.O.O. (Rassilon, Omega and the Other) is here once again!

If you are asking yourself, "What in the name of Rassilon's Rod is Ray talking about?" the answer is simple.

Otherstide according to the Doctor Who:History Of the Universe is a celebration of the most mysterious of the 3 original Timelords: Rassilon, who founded the Eye Of Harmony; Omega, who captured a super-nova that would enable Timelords to power their TARDISes and was sadly lost to said super-nova; and a Timelord simply known as The Other as all records of his bio-data extract have disappeared. Did he change his name and become The Doctor? Who knows?

The Festival of R.O.O. (Rassilon, Omega, Other) is just something I've expanded on based on readings from said History of The Universe.

And the best part is, whether you "believe" in either of these festivals or not, NO ONE will call you a heretic or a blasphemer or say "You're going to Hell because you're not like me/us" or badger you to join. It's all a matter of choice!

So...once again, have a Happy R.O.O. and Otherstide!

Oh and for the Legion fans...Happy Klordny! (I don't know when it actually happens but this is Christmas and my post and I choose it to be around this time so break out the Silver Ale!)

The best way to find out where you're from is to find out where you're going and then work backwards.
Where are you going?
I don't know!
