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Pamela Sargent's "Fears" Sci-fi short story
#521903 08/31/04 07:41 AM
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Hey everyone,

Okay, this coming semester I'm teaching Pamela Sargent's mid-1980s sci-fi short story "Fears". Does anyone have a clean copy he/she can send me? My problem is that my "master copy" is not good for photo-copying. Photo-copies of my "master" come out ridiculously blurry, and because the story is a bit obscure, I can't find it anywhere.

So I'm hoping someone has a more clean copy I can use.




Omega Chase, available in stores in September:
Re: Pamela Sargent's "Fears" Sci-fi short story
#521904 08/31/04 08:24 AM
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Time Trapper
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Keith I may have it in an electronic format (PDA). Could you use that? It may be either in a Palm Doc, Microsoft Reader or Adobe.

Re: Pamela Sargent's "Fears" Sci-fi short story
#521905 08/31/04 12:22 PM
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Keith I may have it in an electronic format (PDA). Could you use that? It may be either in a Palm Doc, Microsoft Reader or Adobe.
It's certainly worth a shot. I'm *pretty* sure I can read Adobe format. Can you email me an attachment?
Thanks a bunch,


Omega Chase, available in stores in September:
Re: Pamela Sargent's "Fears" Sci-fi short story
#521906 08/31/04 05:55 PM
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Time Trapper
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Keith, I may not be able to get it to you until tomorrow or the day after. Will that still work? I'm having some problems with my external hard drive that houses all of my electronic books and stuff.

Re: Pamela Sargent's "Fears" Sci-fi short story
#521907 08/31/04 05:56 PM
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Keith, I may not be able to get it to you until tomorrow or the day after. Will that still work?
Sure, no problem. My semester doesn't start until Tuesday, and I don't think I'll be teaching that story until the middle of September.

Talk to you soon,


Omega Chase, available in stores in September:

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