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#515057 05/30/06 03:01 PM
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so the news of the new BATWOMAN made the front and 3rd page of the UK's daily 'METRO' paper today !!??

didn't think it was that BIG a story !!

i do like her new look, so have we seen this new Kathy Kane before ??

ie: is it a new take on the OLD character, or is it the OLD character 'returned' after the changes in 'INFINITE CRISIS' ??


#515058 05/30/06 03:28 PM
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She hasn't been around in decades as far as i know.

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Something pithy!
#515059 05/30/06 05:46 PM
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This is a new character. Kathy "Kate" Kane is an homage to the original Batwoman, but this is a totally new take on things. The lesbian angle is new too smile

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#515060 06/01/06 08:25 AM
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Why in the world are they making her a redhead? I'd think DC would want her to look different than Barbara Gordon...

Already, I've heard a couple of discussions in which 'Batwoman' was completely confused with 'Batgirl' by non-comics people. Having the character look just like the most recognizeable lady to wear a bat just doesn't seem smart to me.

I thought she was a brunette in that one image that keeps getting shown. The art in the preview pages shows differently.

Ah, well-- I'm already getting 52. I'd probably pick up any BATMAN books featuring Kathy Kane... we'll see if 'Kate' Kane has the same appeal.

I hope she still owns a circus.

Wonder how in the world they'll work in that haunting moment from the KINGDOM COME follow-up when Bats whispered "Kathy?" after seeing her ghost? image? mannequin? in the superhero bar (Warriors?)? Most likely, it'll get ignored.

Considering Batwoman's utility bag of tricks, I think it's kind of appropriate (and campy and fun) that they're labelling her a 'lipstick lesbian'.

#515061 06/01/06 09:07 AM
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After Infinite Crisis, I wonder how much of Kingdom Come is still relevant? As far as that goes, with the relaunch of the Legion, I wonder how intact Starman is. This is a different Thom Kallor than what we had, so I wonder if his future is as certain as what we had?

I liked Kingdom Come as a stand alone story, but I wouldn't want them to make a concerted effort to steer the DCU in that direction. If it happens it happens, but I prefer that things aren't set in stone.

Without worrying too much about KC, a shift like a revamped Batwoman doesn't really affect things too much.

I wish they had left Kathy's hair dark as well, but I wonder if part of it was an attempt to make the DCU think that this might be a new identity for the retired Batgirl. Not everyone realizes that Barbara Gordon/Oracle was Batgirl, so the DCU for the most part might not know the difference.

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#515062 06/01/06 11:01 AM
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Hey gang,take a look at the Alex Ross design that accompanies the Yahoo News article listed below:

Take a particular at the chest emblem,looks alot like the symbol of Terry McGinnis/Batman Beyond.

#515063 06/01/06 11:34 AM
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It's also similar to Barbara Gordon's Batgirl outfit from the Thrillkiller Elseworlds.

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#515064 06/01/06 11:57 AM
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Originally posted by Spellbinder:
After Infinite Crisis, I wonder how much of Kingdom Come is still relevant?
I kinda think that IC replaced Kingdom Come as the apocolyptic redefining event for the DCU.

There are a lot of parallels.

Millions Killed in Kansas (KC) now Bludhaven (IC).
Luthor Manipulates Billy Batson (KC) now Superboy Prime (IC).
Lots of metas killed
Superman Cult in The Kingdom and 52.
Introdcution of KC versions of heroes in the main DCU.
The human/meta-human question brought to its head.

So I think having come out of Infinite Crisis, the current DCU stands more or less where the KC Earth was at the end of that story.

#515065 09/18/11 09:16 AM
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(Figure I'll give this Ultra Matt thread some legs...)

I finally found the time to give Batwoman the proper reading it deserved and with huge expectations I was still blown away by it's quality. I've followed Kate Kane since her intro and like Jerry says this seamlessly picks off where her run on Detective left off; what that means is one of the best quality comic books on the market.

If Action Comics was the clear winner in quality for DCnU in week 1, then this is surely the clear winner for DCnU in week 2.

J.H. Willaims is just a brilliant creator. Even without co-creator of Kate Kane, Greg Rucka, he makes every little aspect and moment count here. The writing is crisp and deliberate with fantastic pacing. The dialogue is sharp and real. And the art just takes it to a whole new level with composition and subtleties that will take multiple readings to truly appreciate. Utterly fantastic.

Kate Kane is complex, likable and just all around interesting. Even when she's being difficult, I like her more. The relationship with her father had already shaped up into one of the best father-daughter relationships in comics; I can't wait to see where it goes.

I've loved Maggie Sawyer since the early 90's in the Superman comics and I really love the idea of her being the romantic interest for Kate. It's obvious Rucka's love of her has transferred to Williams. In my eyes she's a much better fit anyway than Renee (and in fact I'd prefer a long break between the two seeing one another).

Bette / Flamebird being a part of this series is fantastic as well. She's been treated as a joke by writers for decades (since the 80's); it's clear the intent here is to turn her into something more serious. Good for her--can't wait to see it happen. And still, I can't wait to see her provide some tension-relief with light-heartedness the series will benefit from.

Love seeing Chase, Mr. Bones and be DEO playing a role.

Even the idea of seeing Batman (Bruce) and  interacting is appealing since we've only ever barely seen that.

Fantastic issue. I could go page by page and rave about the visuals, they were so good.

Cobie comparison: did I enjoy as much as JL #1? oh yes--best of week 2!

^ps - I want Q-Ball and the Pool Hall Gang to recur throughout the DCU!

#515066 09/18/11 10:53 AM
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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
And the art just takes it to a whole new level with composition and subtleties that will take multiple readings to truly appreciate. Utterly fantastic.
True! I reread the book and noticed (duh!) that the scenes with Kate were generally bright, crisp and day-like, even indoors; when she's Batwoman, it's much darker, softer, a totally different style. The dream sequence was yet another style.

I hadn't been reading Batwoman before. The way she called Bette "Plebe" seemed sort of insulting, in a drill-sargeant kind of way. Is she just trying to be tough with her sidekick or do they have a difficult relationship?

Holy Cats of Egypt!
#515067 09/18/11 12:44 PM
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I forgot to mention previously how tickled I was to see Chase and Agent Bones from Williams' much-missed CHASE series!

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#515068 10/28/11 11:36 AM
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Batwoman #2 rawked my face off much in the same way #1 did. Another fantastic issue as the series continues to build the current storyline as well as the status quo of Kate, Maggie and all the other characters.

I've always loved Maggie Sawyer since her introduction in the Superman comics over 20 years ago (wow, it's been that long?) and I really am loving her usage here. The idea of Agent Chase considering her the top contender of being Batwoman is just fantastic.

Batwoman's father and their strained relationship is ever present even though he wasn't in the issue at all yet. His return to the series should make for some excellent drama.

I think Williams ultimate goal is for Flamebird to grow into a super-capable hero like all the other Bat-characters and I'm enjoying the journey.

Love the interaction with Batman too, which put them both in a good light.

This and Wonder Woman are the two best female superhero comic books out there, hands-down. When I'm reading it, I'm really just enjoying the hell out of every page.

#515069 11/08/11 01:40 PM
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BATWOMAN # 2 continues the excellent trend. I'm staying onboard.

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#515070 11/11/11 06:19 PM
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RE: Batwoman #3

This book joins the list of the new DC titles that started strong and just gets better. Yes, the artwork in the first two issues was beautiful. Number three tops them both in mood and storytelling. The action scenes with Kate were top notch. When Bette appeared in costume I almost peed myself.

Lots of character development this issue. Chase was cold as ice. Maggie strong, compassionate and quoting Churchill!

A series that started out being about one hell of a tough woman has quickly become a series about four tough women. Each with her own voice and motivation. This is good stuff.

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#515071 11/12/11 05:08 AM
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All right, I'm sold!

I usually don't go for crime dramas, but between this and Ann Nocenti taking over Green Arrow, it looks like I'm drifting in that direction where DC is concerned.

Will post my thoughts once I have the Batwoman issue(s).

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#515072 11/12/11 10:12 AM
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I *knew* I was going to love this series... but I didn't realize just how MUCH until it actually got into my hands! Beautiful artwork is a given, but the story and characterwork is top-notch... and I'm only on issue #2! This is easily my favorite of the Nu52 titles. love

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#515073 11/13/11 09:15 AM
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The way Kate treats Bette reminds me of why the original TEEN TITANS got together. The fact that they're cousins (I keep thinking of them as aunt and niece...) makes it all sad.

So Batwoman's going to be the Gotham character that *really* wants to be on her own. Meaning no team-ups, joining a team, etc. Which, of course, indicates that she *should* be forced into uncomfortable team-ups and drafted onto a team. For her sake, I hope she hooks up with some 'lighter' characters (though probably not in this book, since its atmosphere and tone really doesn't need to be broadened at the moment.)

I both like and dislike the appearance of Mr. Bones in the title. I always enjoy reading him, but I definitely think that if there's no JSA on this Earth, there should be no Mr. Bones either. Cameron Chase, though, has no such obstacle to my gladness at seeing her on the page. I hope she sticks around as supporting cast, or perhaps goes on to hector other DC heroes.

#515074 11/20/11 11:13 PM
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Batwoman is one of, oh hell, it is THE best book that DC has out right now.

The artwork and the writing are a demonstration that J.H. Williams is pouring his heart and soul out into this book, and he's having help along the way with his co-writer, so, to me, he's giving equal attention to the script and the panels.

It would figure that ex Teen Titans are actually being handled better in books that don't have the word Titan in its title with Bette Kane. Which is both a good and a sad thing. Reading Kate lay into Bette is a reminder that Bette has had it luckier than most teen superheroes. She's not brooding, dark or depressed. Bette started out as a Robin fangirl who put on a costume to get his attention, but when Dick (as Nightwing) tried to tell her she doesn't have what it takes as a hero even if her heart is in the right place, Bette just decided to take things more seriously as Flamebird without becoming "x-treme".

You can't help but no be both awed by Kate Kane and want to give her a hug when you realize just how much she's had to endure and loss, while she hasn't reached the fridge. Kate's lost her mother and her twin sisters (twice), she was kicked out of West Point for admitting her homosexuality and not backing down, wandering aimlessly for a while until she realized she could serve under a different symbol. She's gone through some bad relationships and she's cut off contact with her father for lying to her, and now to protect her cousin she's had to present herself as an extreme control freak and really hit below the belt.

What did Kate do when she was kicked out of West Point? She became a party girl while looking for some direction.

What did she do when she discovered Alice was her sister? Cut her dad from her life and carry on as Batwoman.

What did she do when cut Bette out? She found solace in Maggie Sawyer.

Kate realizes all the sacrifices she's had to made for her duty and the people she cares about, but she's persevered. And when the weight finally hit her, instead of giving up she turned to her girlfriend for a shoulder to cry on.

Batwoman is a strong female character who has her shortcomings and her weaknesses like everyone else. She's soldiered on and she's made some sacrifices for the greater good, and whether or not those sacrifices will have been worth it we still have to see. She has not yet shattered, she has not become grim and brooding like so many other heroes DC has broken over the years, and she still has people she can turn to when the weight of everything brings her down.

This book has magnificent writing, beautiful artwork, a horrific villain and a growing supporting cast, and emotion.

God bless J.H. Williams and W. Haden Blackman.

#515075 12/24/11 10:37 PM
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Yikes! Things took a dark and horrifying turn in issue #4. I'm hoping for a good outcome, but not feeling much optimism.

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#515076 03/28/12 07:39 PM
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How in the world is it possible that Dick Grayson's contemporaries appear to be limited to Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Bette Kane and Starfire? I'll bet that's why Bette's in a coma. DC probably will leave her in one in the hopes we all forget about her.

#515077 03/28/12 09:46 PM
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The fact that Bette was going to be in this series is the only reason I picked it up, and quite frankly the treatment of her was why I dropped it. I had high hopes, but should kown better.

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#515078 04/01/12 04:37 PM
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After #7, I've come to the conclusion my love affair with this series, and Kate Kane, is fading. I found myself putting off reading it and then really not enjoying it when I did. It's hard to explain why, since I was so over the top all about it a few months ago.

I guess it's a few things:

- the ultra violence, when taken in conjunction with the rest of the DCnU, is distracting and disheartening. Hands ripped off, blood spilling out of eyes and mouths...its annoying.

- the set up of working for the DEO. I'm so over protagonists working for spy agency set ups at this point. The Chase plotline was exciting but now it's gone somewhere predictable.

- the treatment of Bette, though I think it's leading somewhere for Bette down the road.

- the villains / enemies. I'm realizing I'm not all that interested in remembering why they're so bad.

I'm a big fan of Amy Reeder but reports on the recent tensions between her and Williams III reveal what's obvious on the page. They are not clicking.

I don't know. A lot of DC series are losing me each month as I'm feeling like I just don't care. I expect Batwoman to be a top series and when it's not, I'm disappointed.

#515079 04/02/12 04:02 PM
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I miss the good old days when you didn't actually have to see someone disemboweled to get the idea that bad guys are, well, bad.

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#515080 10/17/12 06:11 PM
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This book got some good responses early on. Some of the enthusiasm seems to have worn off. I'm still totally in love with Kate, the lush art, and complex women in this book. The team up with Wonder Woman running through current issues is really good. Kate and Diana are moving from cautiously working together to developing a deep respect for one another. I hope to see a lot more of them together in the future.

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#515081 10/18/12 06:55 PM
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I thought this month's issue was absolutely gorgeous.

I still espouse Batwoman is one of the few consistently good books DC has out there right now, and I'm glad Kate isn't being involved with the Joker story because other than the symbol and Bette, Kate really doesn't have anything to do with the Bat Family and I think it should stay that way.

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