Just re-read the mini-TPB compilation of "Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow," by Alan Moore, Curt Swan, George Perez, and Kurt Schaffenberger...
There must be more *choke*-worthy moments in these two issues alone than in a barrel of other comics!
- Lana and Jimmy racing off to fight (and die) for Superman: "Nobody loved him better than us. Nobody!"
- Poor Krypto...
- And, of course, Superman's exchange with Supergirl, who's visiting from the future with the Legion, but already dead in the present:
"Is it cheating if you tell me whether I grew up to be pretty?"
"You... you grew up to be beautiful, Kara!"
"As the Supergirl of this era, am I away visiting another time period or something? Because I thought you couldn't materialize in an era where you already existed."
"Uh, yes. Yes, you're right... Right now, Supergirl... Supergirl is in the past."