The first arc in Supergirl had nothing to do with Infinite Crisis except for a small scene with Power Girl in the first issue of SUpergirl #1.
Jeph Loeb's writing hasn't really made sense in a year or more. (I'm sure Ultimates will continue to sell well but will be much different than what its been.) With Jeph going to Marvel, I get the feeling that they've kinda tossed out a lot of his Supergirl stuff already.
As for what's going on in the Supergirl title now i just take it that Kara and Karen are in Kandor to overthrow the last bit of "Byrne Krypton" from the DCU. I don't think reading infinite crisis will help you with Supergirl except that Power Girl has reverted to her pre 1985 origin so she's an older, alternate reality Supergirl.
Originally posted by walkwithcrowds:
Hey Numf.
I had no intention of geting the Crisis books. "They are going to totally re write everything AGAIN??...AAAAAAARGGH!!"
I wasn't that interested as the only "Mainstream" DC books I read are Green Arrow, (which I'm dropping) Hawkman (it's been going through a slump but WALT and HOWARD? WOW!) and, of course, THE FLASH - my all time favorite comic.
Now I've found something happens to Wally in Crisis and he may not be coming back.
So I don't have to fork out a lot of money, I don't have, to buy a book I don't want; can somebody tell me what happened concerning the Flash?
Okay the speedforce is gone. The Flashes (except for Jay) burned it out when they imprisoned the main villain of Infinite Crisis in a time warp. The villain got free. An artifically aged Bart returned to earth to warn the heroes, using the last of the speed force. This leaves Jay (who has non Speedforce related speed) as the fastest man alive.