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#505474 06/24/10 07:19 PM
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Definitely enjoyed the first issue. Hopefully, Giffen's influence keeps away the souring effect that Winick's work tends to have after some decent starts. Of the four leads I probably enjoyed Ice the most. She's come a long way from her 'golly gee whiz' beginnings, and she's drawn quite attractively, too! I also like that Giffen and DeMatteis (the latter on Booster's own book with Giffen) are showing respect to how far Booster's come as a character in recent years and not trying to totally regress him to the guy they used to write, which was something I feared they would do.

I also enjoyed the gimmick of Max having all that blood stockpiled to pull off what he did. I also like that Max wasn't portrayed as totally bloodthirsty when he spared Booster and expressed regret about Ted. Hopefully, part of Giffen's goal is to marry the two disparate portrayals of Max Lord in a way that will attempt to make sense of what has been a puzzling character assassination.

Only the one issue down, but so far it's more interesting than three issues (including the zero) of Brightest Day.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
#505475 06/27/10 09:16 AM
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Read #4. I agree with Cobie about the fact that I love these characters, and adding the new "generational" replacements has given the book an interesting new/old feel.

I disagree with the whole Max thing though. He's still manipulating Booster and vrew, just as he's always done. They seem to be taking him back and merging the various aspects of his personalities. He's never been saint (he was manipulating them from the start...but he always seemed like he was trying to do what he thought was right.

I am interested to see where this goes, and unlike Brightest Day, this story is actually moving forward with each issue. New team member, new revelation about Max's power, something happens to keep it moving forward.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

#505476 07/06/10 03:22 PM
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I read 3-4 last night. This book for me has been OUTSTANDING.

*THIS* may not be the JLA of my very own golden age (that would be the one drawn by DIck Dillon until his death... may he RIP)... but *THIS* is very much MY JLA.

I'm loving this much more serious tale...Even back in the heyday, they might follow a KooeyKooeyKooey story with a Despero story. It all feels like home.

This comic is like a home-cooked meal of fried green tomatoes, corn pudding, stuffed bell peppers and applie pie cooling on the windowsill for desert.

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#505477 07/06/10 04:11 PM
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really? wow, i guess i will get the tpb, cause i dropped it after issue 2. although the beautiful cover of the rocket reds almost got me back.

#505478 07/06/10 04:36 PM
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I really am digging it. others' experience may differ.

I even enjoyed the questionable alliance with a Rocket Red from issue 4.

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#505479 07/06/10 05:10 PM
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allright allright i'll pick up the tpb next year. laugh

#505480 07/29/10 06:47 AM
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# 5 continued the goodness trend.

SO, Max actually LIKES our heroes. Hate to see what he would do if he hated 'em. smile

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#505481 07/29/10 09:09 PM
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Originally posted by MLLASH:
I really am digging it. others' experience may differ.

I even enjoyed the questionable alliance with a Rocket Red from issue 4.
We're on the same wavelength yet again (Booster Gold's new direction being the other most recent example).

I've read through 5 so far, and am loving this series. It's a serious story with real humor in it...just like real life. You know you have that friend that always knows how to lighten up the mood when things are gettin' too serious.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

#505482 07/29/10 09:24 PM
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great cover this week. the capt. atom.

mmmm candy!

#505483 07/29/10 09:44 PM
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I'm glad that DC gave Capt Atom back his mostly silver look. (and also glad they gave him blue boots instead of red like in the cartoon - that just didn't seem right) I hope they don't change his appearance when Cap goes through whatever changes he's supposed to go through. For a character whose look was created post-silver age, it's one of the most striking and potentially iconic, imo.

#505484 07/31/10 03:17 AM
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^ Totally agree. Captain Atom's post-Crisis look was an instant classic.

That said, I think I'm one of the few who really liked his gold and red Alex Ross-designed Kingdome Come look too.

It sucks when one character has more than one good look. It makes it hard for me to decide which costume I'd rather see them in. See also: Zatanna.

#505485 08/05/10 05:22 PM
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So I read #4 & #5 (realizing that #6 is probably now on sale) and I have to say, this was a real game-changer for me. Up until now, I’ve really been on the fence the whole series; well, I’m officially hooked and sticking this one out hereafter.

I thought both #4, in which the team has a bit of a motivational turning point and #5, where they regroup and we get some good character moments, was actually quite excellent. I echo what Dev and others have said that this bi-weekly series is actually better than the other bi-weekly series, Brightest Day. I feel like the Giff/Winnick writing team has hit their stride in balancing character, plot and action, while the artists Aaron Lopresti and Joe Bennett are knocking out of the park art wise.

Things I really liked:

The new Rocket Red – perhaps my new favorite character in comics? Everything about him just screams likeable to me. Diehard Communist that is hard to get along with; super-excited to be part of the JLI; man-of-action type mentality. Yessir, he’s the final element this series needed. Now I want him and Fire too hook-up.

Captain Atom bringing the booby-trapped Rocket Red into the skies to save the others even though he had to watch him die. I felt this was very powerfully done and to great effect. The subsequent conversation between Ice and Capt. Atom was also quite good and allowed for some great insight into both their characters. You know, we never really saw the two of the interact all that much.

Booster Gold as very much the leading man of this series. I’ve loved Booster’s series for a few years now and I like that he’s kind of the lead here. The others are beginning to realize he’s competent too.

Maxwell Lord’s interaction with the JLI took a very subtle turn: it went from ‘bad guy vs. god guys’ to becoming a more complicated thing where we see Max still actually likes his former friends. I like that. It’s subtle but really needed. Until now, I was ready for Max to go away permanently. Now I’m interested again.

Of course, I’m enjoying all the other characters too—Fire & Jamie and especially Skeets. I feel like the whole series just jumped from Grade “B” to Grade “A” over two issues (while Brightest Day is still a “B” and could go in either direction).

#505486 08/05/10 05:23 PM
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PS - I actually like all the various Captain Atom costumes over the decades. I like both his Silver Age costumes quite a bit, and have a soft spot in them because I was raised on Silver Age Charleton by Steve Ditko. That being said, I think the 80's Costume he's back in is probably his most iconic and works well, particularly when in unison with the various costumes of the rest of the JLI.

#505487 08/15/10 12:44 AM
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Just read 6-7.

6 was great and 7 had good moments but here it kinda stalls a bit for me.

I found myself wondering how long this story is going to be..? I am worried it might suffer from drag-out-too-longitis.

That said, I loved Bea taking a leadership role in # 7 and the new Rocket Red guy is awes-tastic.

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#505488 08/17/10 09:05 AM
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I'm not sure about the length of the story either. Biweekly for as long as BRIGHTEST DAY runs? That's supposed to be six months, isn't it?

I'm enjoying it quite a bit, and I'm nowhere near as much of a fan of that incarnation of the JL as some here.

Fire and Ice are really entertaining together, I think. Whenever they're separated, I think the fun level drops noticeably.

I hope Maxwell Lord dies again at the end of this. I didn't miss him one bit and still don't give a fig about him. He can take Captain Boomerang with him, too. (Should have been the original Trickster who returned with Aquaman, Hawk, etc. His 'gray' status and relationship with Neron would've made for some interesting stories. Grumble, grumble.)

#505489 08/17/10 12:13 PM
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^ I'll grumble right along with you about the Captain Boomerang/Trickster thing ML. Trickster had one of the suckiest deaths ever in THE SERIES THAT WE SHALL NOT NAME and while Captain Boomerang's death in Identity Crisis wasn't the best either, it was at least memorable and had an impact. Not to mention, I was really growing to like his son as his replacement too. Grumble, grumble.

#505490 08/21/10 10:37 AM
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Yeah, I liked Owen, too. He was at least a readable replacement. Unlike that slob who's taken the Trickster name currently.

DC could've had a pretty entertaining FBI based superhero title- with Cameron Chase, Mr. Bones, Trickster and GA Harlequin all having agency ties. I'm sure there's a few more...

I'd read that book, at any rate.

#505491 08/27/10 04:53 PM
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Caught up to issue 8 now. Still think htis book is great.

Totally agree about the new rocket Red...he's great.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

#505492 09/02/10 09:39 AM
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Originally posted by MLLASH:
I found myself wondering how long this story is going to be..? I am worried it might suffer from drag-out-too-longitis.
I'm out. More and more I want my stories coming faster and faster. JL:GL doesn't have enough story each month to drag it out as long as Brightest Day. That book has multiple stories it's juggling, and that rotation of characters and arcs makes it work. Here, it's one long drawn out hunt.

Just spouting off.
#505493 09/18/10 04:43 PM
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Issue 9 was pretty good. Max meets up with th eheroes, and it's his turn to just get out of there in time. Interesting ally he has revealed on the last page...

Nice to see Booster in the leader role, one could argue that he a, Cap and Bea are kinda taking turns depending on the situation, but it is noce that he seems to be driving the thing for the most part.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

#505494 09/20/10 02:10 PM
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# 9 picks up the pace again but I still am concerned this is going to go on too long (see CJ's comment above).

Well, I'm in it as long as each issue brings the action and two or three smiles as well.

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#505495 09/21/10 06:14 PM
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So I had no idea Giffen pulled out of this. Is there a certain issue he's no longer involved in it at all? I'm wondering if it will be noticeable.

#505496 10/02/10 04:49 PM
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Issue 10 was another solid outing for our group.

Shoing how powerful Max's effect actually is. I have a question though, how long will this effect last. I cannot see it lasting forever.

The crew splits to investigate some labs, and Ice, Fire and our favorite Russkie...Rocket Red find the Metal Men.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

#505497 10/30/10 12:56 AM
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# 12:

Dang... kinda hated seeing the Metal Men mucked up again.

And WTF happened to Tora...?

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#505498 11/09/10 12:00 AM
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Amazing story told with Ice at the centre of it. The power boost/transformation was too cool. (sorry for the pun)

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