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It's been hinted McDuffie is going to swap Hal for John, and future cover solicts back that up. But I think it's been confirmed KK won't be a Leaguer.
Just spouting off.
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Man, I HATE that Hal's not going to be in the Injustice League storyline! Chalk it down to being an irrational Hal-fan, but I'm actually thinking of dropping the title.
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Well, I'm looking forward to McDuffie and no more Meltzer. At the end of the day, there's just too much I hate about Meltzer's writing that outweighs the good. I really hate his dynamic between the heroes.
Hate the Roy/Kendra pairing. Its so fan-fiction it hurts.
I think the League has a great line-up right now, but we've yet to have a good story with them. If that doesn't change soon, more than likely this line-up will be looked on as very poor.
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Cobie, you've summed up everything that I cannot stand about the new series. If it wasn't for the Lightning Saga and the revelation that McDuffie is coming on board, I would have dropped this after Tornado's Path.
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Okay, so no one has posted sine # 13 came out? What do you think?
I'm having a bit of a hard time looking at this "new" Injustice League. What makes it different than the Society that has been so active during Infinaite Crisis and beyond?
I'm really liking the interaction between some of the characters, ala Vixen and Superman. I'm still not comfortable with where Black Canary is headed. It seems like we've gotten a lot of mixed messages with all the attention on her wedding.
I love the line up and want to see some fun things done with them. Done properly, it can be one of the best line-ups ever!
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What's with McDuffie shoe-horning in a possible relationship between John Stewart and Hawkgirl? Meltzer just spent 12 issues setting her up with Red Arrow and now he's trying to recreate the JLU here? This is the comic, not the cartooon. Hawkgirl is just going to come off as a plaything being passed around the team if he tries forcing this on us.
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The thing this the same Hawkgirl. In the last issue of her series it seems Shiera Sanders' soul left Kendra's body.
Kendra is a bit more wild than Shiera. But I agree not a fan of remaking the cartoon. John Stewart and Vixen on the other hand? I like. Hawkgirl is just too complicated.
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Meltzer I liked and McDuffie I like as well.
Cobie, Roy/Kendra is totally in character. We have two young hotdog characters? I see it as just natural.
John Stewart/Hawkgirl on the other hand? Yeah that doesn't make much sense.
Anyways, I liked the latest issue BUT have some issues.
Batman, Red Arrow, Wonder Woman have been kidnapped. BATMAN and WONDER WOMAN?! Black Canary turns down help from Green Arrow? What? It wasn't like it was Robin and Wonder Girl that got kidnapped. I would be calling in the reserves! I mean maybe not too many but atleats 4 or 5 others to help. But watching BC turn down GA's help? Not sure about that Mr. McDuffie!!!
Still loved the issue.
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Well I'm very critical concerning Meltzers writing, so his leaving kept ME from leaving the book - again - for the while being. Meltzers writing often leaves me confused, feeling that I missed something that I didn't. So I left the current JLA book after three issues and only came back for - what else - the Lightning Saga. Which was - especially the JLA issues - confusing AGAIN.
#13 I liked though. It was a streamlined Superhero story where you could actually tell where everybody was at which time all issue long. Kind of relaxing feeling after so much convoluted stuff going on in the DCU. I am eager to see how they will get the heroes out of this situation, and I like the current lineup.
Still think that JSA is better written, but McDuffie is off to a good start, I'll wait and read and see.
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Gotta say, McDuffie just isn't doing it for me either. This Injustice League storyline isn't my cup of tea, and its mainly from a writing standpoint that I'm feeling that way.
Superman feels completely out of character to the point where's its distracting as all hell.
I *want* to love this JLA. I really do. But I'm having a tough time doing so. Maybe its because JSA is just so much better.
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And as McDuffie's first arc comes to an end, one word seems to sum up the last issue: anti-climactic. Sure, there were things I liked (mostly, I will admit, relating to characterization) but overall, I found it to be rather disappointing.
But, hey-- maybe things will pick up when my boy Wally joins up. (Probably not.)
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Yeah, I hope. I've yet to see a decent story with this JLA line-up. Its one of those things...the line-up could be all awesome and stuff, but if we're not getting good stories, I'll always remember it as suck-ville.
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I'm glad to see this thread and totally want to jump in and agree with Caliente. The whole Legion of Doom set-up could have been a long-lasting, far-reaching thing. The way it ended was so abrupt I had to wonder if I missed an issue.
Nothing much seemed to come of this except yet another Leaguer and an end to a cool villain set-up. Although I'm a Legion fan and liked the largescale JLU concept (and the 14 member JLA Morrison roster), I have to say I'm not digging the growing roster of this League. I'd be more behind it if, like Cobie, I felt they had really made a name for themself already. A lot of members don't seem like they've done much. I was 100% behind this team when I heard about it, and while I still like this book my interest is dwindling.
I'm a big Wally fan too, Cal, and I thought he was already part of the team. It sure doesn't feel like it though and this may contribute to me feeling the roster is getting too big.
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I agree and wasn't impressed. It all seemed a bit generic for some reason. Like a Super Powers comic that came with the toy.
I'm a big fan of McDuffie and am waiting for more. Eh, the Firestorm I don't like joined.
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The funny thing is the current JLA is causing me to *lose* interest in Vixen, Roy and Geo-Force, when I had thought it would do the opposite. I generally like all three characters and have for years, while they've never been my favorites. The current JLA (since #1) hasn't helped their cause for me.
I like the idea of John and Hal switching on and off in the League every few storylines. That could be fun and give both characters a way to interact with the League.
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Originally posted by Future: I'm a big Wally fan too, Cal, and I thought he was already part of the team. It sure doesn't feel like it though and this may contribute to me feeling the roster is getting too big. Yeah, he is-- he joined at the end of the Lightning Saga. But since he has yet to show up in any other JLA issues, I meant that maybe he'll join the team in their book for, like, an adventure. Originally posted by Cobalt Kid: The funny thing is the current JLA is causing me to *lose* interest in Vixen, Roy and Geo-Force, when I had thought it would do the opposite. I generally like all three characters and have for years, while they've never been my favorites. The current JLA (since #1) hasn't helped their cause for me. Ditto for me RE: Vixen and Geo-Force, especially the former. (Roy's my boy! Titans, w00t~) I never cared for/about her and now... I actually think she kind of sucks as opposed to my earlier opinion. Originally posted by Cobalt Kid: I like the idea of John and Hal switching on and off in the League every few storylines. That could be fun and give both characters a way to interact with the League. Oh, me too! It really puts them on more even ground. They're supposed to be sector partners, y'know? This way, I feel like they actually are.
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Exactly! That's what I was thinking too.
I have to agree about Vixen. I've seen her on covers, pin-ups of her, and discussions about her, and a limited view of her in Suicide Squad. Now that I'm reading stories with her, I'm finding her annoying. That should not be the case!
Can't wait for Wally to be in some adventures too.
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I too am behind the equality swapping of the GLs, though it sounds like John is already getting the boot somewhere down the line in favor of Hal. I read this SOMEWHERE. I'll get better with my sources.
I've never been a Geo-Force fan, mostly from lack of exposure, though I wouldn't mind seeing more of him. And while I'm okay with what they're doing with Vixen, I'm not flipping over it. Likewise with Roy. I'm not being driven to hate him but I'm definitely looking forward to him more in the new Titans book than the title he's already in.
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Ooh, y'know what else irritates me-- Red Tornado. I loved him in Young Justice and now not so much. They need to abuse him less. He was so fun before...
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I can't help but find Roy as 'Red Arrow' and having 'Ollie's spot' immensely annoying since he hasn't done anything in a year and a half (real time).
Everything about Roy in JLA screams fan-fiction to me.
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Man what's the hate for Roy?! To tell the truth I like Roy and Garth (Tempest) much better than their mentors. And I think they fit the JLA better. Ollie and Aquaman are tied down. They have more baggage. Cobie you and I agree about most things but thou art jaded sir! Anything Meltzer has done you dismiss as fan-faction. Methinks if it was another writer you wouldn't hateth so much! 
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Well, I'm a big Roy fan and think he has one of the best and most interesting histories in all of comics. I especially like how he grew into Arsenal about ten years ago and has had that role sense. But man, he's suckin' here 
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Aw, don't be such a hater, Cobster. He got Kendra, after all.  That's something. Though the hint that he still has a soft spot for Cheshire in #15 amused me to no end. Still the same ol' Roy, making the same piss poor mistakes when it comes to women.
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Well, I wouldn't say Roy is bad here (or Vixen, Red Tornado, Geo-force, or Black Lightning) just that they are not being used enough. How many of the last issues have involved a huge cast?
I think that both JLA & JSA could do with several issues of single issue or 2 issue stories (no 6 issue arc) featuring just some of the characters, particularly the new guys. Maybe include a page or some frames that foreshadow a coming story. Yeah, highly unlikely in the current "we need a 6 issue story so we can make it into a trade paperback" paradigm.
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Originally posted by Ultra Jorge: Man what's the hate for Roy?!
To tell the truth I like Roy and Garth (Tempest) much better than their mentors. And I think they fit the JLA better.
Ollie and Aquaman are tied down. They have more baggage.
Cobie you and I agree about most things but thou art jaded sir! Anything Meltzer has done you dismiss as fan-faction. Methinks if it was another writer you wouldn't hateth so much! I got to agree with the guy in the bird helmet Cobie. Ollie was the first super-hero I liked, from his guest spots on Super-Friends. But when Connor stepped in, Ollie really did seem ready to be put to stud. And Phil Jimenez and PAD made Tempest just about the coolest Titan. He's grown into the Aquaman role, protector of the oceans and a force to be reckoned with. Sadly, whenever he's put in a story with Orin, he gets downgraded to novice. Wally filled his mentor's role nicely. Nightwing did a great job carving his own ID. It's time the other Titans get their shot at the big leagues.
Just spouting off.
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