If somebody ever wrote a book titled "Comicbook Continuity Mechanics" using all science fictional/mythical and other storytelling conceits which have been used in comic books since the beginning of the medium I'd certainly buy it. It's a fascinating and terribly convoluted subject and it gets more and more complex.
It would be probably a little less difficult to understand than Quantum Mechanics, but not by much!
A question that could be answered in such a book could be:
If original comic book continuity A diverges into Continuities B, C, and D, that contradict one another, would the new continuities be considered continuations of the original one, hence original themselves - thus contradicting the definition of the term "original" by their very existence - or is the linearity of the terms "continuity" and "original" nullified, suggesting the need of a new multidimensional or "holographic" term to supplant the original definition of "original" and "continuity" which would also include reboots of the original premise that created the original continuity? How about posting your own questions and/or answers that could be included in such a book?