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#499188 06/27/07 10:49 PM
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Well, we get all that and the kitchen sink...<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> Sinestro's benfactor is shown along with the his generals. SP Prime breaks out of OA and brings along Cyborg-Superman to Sinestro. Ion is kidnapped and Sinestro takes the ION idenity out of Kyle and instead places Parallax in him. So who is the big chesse that will forever change the face the DC?

Its no other then the Anti-Monitor. </span></span>

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Wow. That last page! wow. How do you fight that????

Oh and I don't like what is happening to my fave GL! But I think he will come out OK. That last page is the most evil firepower I've ever seen.

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I've been getting tired of the neverending story that is comics these days. But yeah that last page was so jarring when I took a peek i had to buy this to see what was going on.

Can you see why DCMB chose this week to ban pre-release spoilers. lol

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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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I love it. This is such a great time to be into Green Lantern. And Lyssa Drak gets more awesome each time -- she deserves better than just narrating back-ups, she has the potential to become a classic villainess.

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">As powerful as that last page with the Anti-Monitor was, the two pages where Kyle gets possessed by Parallax literally made my jaw drop. Just to be perfectly clear, I do like him, and I do worry about what's going to happen to him and what evil things he might do in this state.</span></span>

Read LEGIONS OF 7 WORLDS in the Bits forum:

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 1 (COMPLETED)

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 2 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

"Don't look for role models, girls, BE the role model."

- Legion World member HARBINGER
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Ever have a song stuck in your head? I've sort-of got that right now - "sort of", because it's not a song, but a word; just one word, repeating over and over again.


My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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Sounds like you've been reading too much Silver Age Legion. tongue

Read LEGIONS OF 7 WORLDS in the Bits forum:

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 1 (COMPLETED)

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 2 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

"Don't look for role models, girls, BE the role model."

- Legion World member HARBINGER
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feelin' hot hot hot
feelin' hot hot hot
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I kinda figured with one of the backups that that loose tie from Ion would be tied up (yay, I got one) but, ohmigod, ARGH! Of all the Lanterns, can we please not torture my favorite anymore?! I mean, jeysus. <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Parallax?! SERIOUSLY???? #*^%, man, that was stupid Hal's deal. LEAVE MY KYLE ALONE. Why? WHY?! Always with the #*%@ing him over. Just stop it already.</span></span>

So. Filled. With. Violent. Rage.

Also, I didn't find the secret behind the Ion/Torchbearer status thing all that compelling. Honestly, I really didn't care all that much.

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I am not going to judge early regarding a certain character. I will wait till the end. It better end good for him!

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Originally posted by Stealth:
Sounds like you've been reading too much Silver Age Legion. tongue
Reboot and Lester Spiffany, twins separated at birth? Where's the LMB Enquirer?

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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Originally posted by Stealth:
[b]Sounds like you've been reading too much Silver Age Legion. tongue
Reboot and Lester Spiffany, twins separated at birth? Where's the LMB Enquirer? [/b]

Read LEGIONS OF 7 WORLDS in the Bits forum:

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 1 (COMPLETED)

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 2 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

"Don't look for role models, girls, BE the role model."

- Legion World member HARBINGER
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Originally posted by rtvu2:
Well, we get all that and the kitchen sink...<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> Sinestro's benfactor is shown along with the his generals. SP Prime breaks out of OA and brings along Cyborg-Superman to Sinestro. Ion is kidnapped and Sinestro takes the ION idenity out of Kyle and instead places Parallax in him. So who is the big chesse that will forever change the face the DC?

Its no other then the Anti-Monitor. </span></span>
I hate HEAT.

This is not good, but reading rumours about Ron Marz's new DC work has me bidding time.

Just spouting off.
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Haven't read it but looking forward to. I had the last page spoiled, but let me just say over and over: "I TOLD YOU SO". Check multiple threads in Gym'll's for evidence over the last two years laugh smile

I'm a Hal fan (Yay HEAT!), but I hope Kyle lives through this. I think he's more fascinating then ever and has great potential for years worth of stories.

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Kyle's gonna be fine -- they're using him with Donna Troy and Jason Todd in this Challengers of the Beyond whatever thingie later in the year. Unless all of that is a big head-fake like the fake Flash solicitations...

I'm looking forward to this. I think the whole Sinestro Corps/Agents of Fear thing is cool, and I'm surprised no one ever thought of it before.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Haven't read it but looking forward to. I had the last page spoiled, but let me just say over and over: "I TOLD YOU SO". Check multiple threads in Gym'll's for evidence over the last two years laugh smile
Yeah, I wasn't all the surprised by the big bad either. Seems only logical to me, since we were honouring the original COIE. And with the characters from 52 playing a major role in Countdown, we had to expect him.

Goeff gave Kyle his props in Rebirth, so I don't doubt he'll give my boy respect here. But dagnabbit, this guy has had it tough.

Just spouting off.
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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SPOILER ALERT in my post...

So I read it and thought it was awesome. It showed that when Geoff wants to deliver, boy he can deliver. And the art was phenominal. Truly, the alien Sinestro corps members were scary and each one had a very unique individual design. There was truly a cosmic feel to the whole issue.

I love the major role of the GL Corps in DC, and the Guardians being heavily involved in the multiverse and the 52.

I love the further delving into GL lore, and the nature of the spectrum of emotions. Love the notions behind the Ion entity and the Parrallax entity, and can't wait to learn more about the rest of the spectrum (love, compassion, etc.).

Ganthet rocks still, and I love how he's become so important to GL lore, as the Guardian we can count on.

I thought the whole thing was done right, including all four Earth GLs. Liked how the 'missing GLs' still don't think highly of Hal, and Geoff showed how even John Stewarts famous mistake in Cosmic Odyssey still haunts him like Hal's greatest mistake does. That similarity is very powerful IMO.

Guy continues to be better than ever.

I’ve come to enjoy Kyle and I like that he’s got such a major story to come. The way I read it, the ramifications here probably won’t be felt until after all that Challengers of the Beyond stuff, which will probably involve Donna and Kyle going their separate ways, which we’ll learn is partially due to the Parallax entity. Indeed, DC seems to want Donna with Jason Todd for some dumb reason. But Kyle seems to have a lot of greatness in store for him. I certainly hope he won’t die, since his potential is more raw than ever. And damn, he looks scary as Parallax.

I think the Parallax entity is such an awesome addition to the GL mythos, and its entrance here, despite my knowing before hand it’d be here, was truly awesome. Superboy Prime and Cyborg Superman were equally awesome. Of course, the big bad, the Anti-Monitor, was the best entrance, even though as my earlier post indicates, I was spoiled (I’ve been calling it for over two years laugh ). So we have the villains behind CoIE, Zero Hour, the Reign of Superman and Infinite Crisis all assembled (with Monarch in Countdown). Truly the main enemies of the DCU as a whole for the last twenty years of continuity bending craziness. Its kind of awe-inspiring in itself, especially if you want to pin the blame on them (the characters) rather than the real life DC editors for any continuity horrors that have hit the DCU in the last 20 years.

Sinestro himself was terrifying in a way that hasn’t been seen in…well…ever! And the bug assassin and mini-disease Corps-men were terrifying and fascinating, as were a host of others.

With Geoff guiding the DC here, it all makes so much more sense. He comes right out and has the Guardians explain the relation between New Earth and the other 51, and he explains in one sentence by Ganthet why the Anti-Monitor would exist again.

The origin of Sinestro was awesome too—very well written and well drawn. Love the budding friendship of Hal and Sinestro giving us a taste of their similarities, only high-lighted further by the distinct difference between the two.

Again, can’t say enough about the script or the art.

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Anybody think the cosmic fascist Sinestero looked a bit like Hitler? yeah I bet that was done on purpose. It's cosmic nazis!

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Wow, that was a great read. This has just moved to the top of my must read list.

I just can't BLOK it out!
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This is some of the better mythos-building that DC has done in at least 20 years. The GLC has always been about the richest part of the DC mythos, but it has languished for SOOOO long thanks to the deconstructionists of the 1990s. Although, maybe you have to tear something down to build it back up better.

Geoff's penchant for "the villain is the hero of his own story" is at full-force here, with Sinestro believing fear is the only route to an orderly universe. On that note, is anyone a little surprised that Dick Cheney didn't end up being recruited to the Sinestro Corps?

On the subject of order, it seems like the Guardians' stated ends, an orderly cosmos, are somewhat at ends with their chosen means the "green willpower" of life. Geoff seems to equate fear and the Anti-Monitor with perfect order, a la Kirby's Anti-Life, which is an orderly absence of free will. At the same time, free will rarely results in an orderly universe. Creative, yes, orderly, no.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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doublechinner, i guess the "ideal" is that free will will result in order. That sentient beings everywhere will be able to agree to form some type of order.

Hey it's a cool ideal. smile

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Also I agree that the GL mythos is the star here. I think that is what Geoff is trying to get across and I agree 100%.

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"So we have the villains behind CoIE, Zero Hour, the Reign of Superman and Infinite Crisis all assembled (with Monarch in Countdown). Truly the main enemies of the DCU as a whole for the last twenty years of continuity bending craziness. Its kind of awe-inspiring in itself, especially if you want to pin the blame on them (the characters) rather than the real life DC editors for any continuity horrors that have hit the DCU in the last 20 years."

WHOA!!! Well said.

"The origin of Sinestro was awesome too—very well written and well drawn. Love the budding friendship of Hal and Sinestro giving us a taste of their similarities, only high-lighted further by the distinct difference between the two."

Didn't this simultaneously look back on EMERALD DAWN II and contradict major parts of it?

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I think Johns was looking back more to his own telling of their meeting from "Rebirth". I have no problem with certain elements of "Emerald Dawn" being retconned. I used to not like the retcon of Sinestro being Hal's trainer, but I think it does ultimately add a more personal dimension to their enmity.

There's so much awesome stuff here, I only hope this isn't another case of an epic story with a great setup with sorry follow-through. We've seen so many cases of that the past several years.

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"There's so much awesome stuff here, I only hope this isn't another case of an epic story with a great setup with sorry follow-through. We've seen so many cases of that the past several years."

Abnett & Lanning have been repeatedly lambasted for that. I've also had a feeling that Johns can never seem to write "the end" on ANY of his JSA stories-- for several years, all the book kept doing was building up to the NEXT story and the NEXT story and the one after that... (ONE at a time, please!!)

"I think Johns was looking back more to his own telling of their meeting from "Rebirth". I have no problem with certain elements of "Emerald Dawn" being retconned. I used to not like the retcon of Sinestro being Hal's trainer, but I think it does ultimately add a more personal dimension to their enmity."

I'm thinking about Sinestro breaking Hal out of prison in order to train him. In the latest retelling, he had an aircraft blown up from under while during a flying mission when Sinestro wanted to train him. I like this version BETTER. The whole "drunk driving" thing was pure "Keith Giffen out of control", as happens whenever he doesn't have an editor to tell him, "Let's NOT do that!"


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Prof, I agree about Emerald Dawn. From what little I remember of that time, the creators seemed to be violating Hal's character in an effort to make him more interesting. With the possible exception of Batman, Hal is the most disciplined, controlled character. (Unlike Batman, that discipline does not prevent Hal from relaxing.) I think Johns and Darwyn Cook have collaborated to erase the screw-up aspects of Emerald Dawn.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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"From what little I remember of that time, the creators seemed to be violating Hal's character in an effort to make him more interesting."

From what I've seen, this has been going on at least since Denny O'Neil & Neal Adams' run-- and again, when Denny was editor, when Jim Owsley & Peter David were writing. Owsley's the one who murdered Katma Tui and framed John Stewart for her murder (which was never adequately resolved at the time it was going on). David was the one who needlessly broke up Hal & Arisia (my favorite GL), and did the story that revealed that the ring had brainwashed Hal in order to remove all fear-- then reversing the brainwashing, he became paralyzed with fear. Then Mark Waid wrote a new "origin" for Hal which totally violated so many things known about his history that it clearly did NOT belong as part of continuity (before or since). I suspect by that point, Keith Giffen thought it was fair game to do a mild "reboot", as, if you read all the stories from the mid-late 80's in sequence, EMERALD DAWN does feel quite jarring when it comes up.

Kevin Dooley used that EXACT "excuse" when he had Ron Marz do EMERALD TWILIGHT-- claiming that his writers were "unable to make Hal interesting".

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