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Originally posted by MLLASH: I dunno.
I *love* YA... it's posssibly the best team book on the market right now...
But I am *not* supportive of this it-comes-out-when-it-comes-out, even-if-that's-only-twice-a-year nonsense. I'll be interested to see how this turns out. I've thought for a while now, especially with the Legion, that we'd all be better off with a trade-type book coming out 2-3 times a year with a great story rather than a book that comes out monthly and just wanders all over the place. I agree that YA is probably the best team book going right now. I'd rather read that book 2-3 times a year (assuming that we got substantial story arcs each period, as opposed to just another 22 pages) than see it come out regularly and go down the Thunderbolts path.
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Originally posted by MLLASH: I dunno.
I *love* YA... it's posssibly the best team book on the market right now...
But I am *not* supportive of this it-comes-out-when-it-comes-out, even-if-that's-only-twice-a-year nonsense. Okay, we'll get Akira Yoshida and Chris Bachalo to do six fill-in issues while Heinberg and Cheung catch up, so by the end you'll wish they had waited... And given the way Marvel keeps chucking them work, I don't think that counts as reducto ad absurdium somehow...
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Don't Stop Peelieving
Don't Stop Peelieving
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In that case thank heaven for small favors-- it looks like Heiny and Cheung are getting the Whedon & Cassiday treatment.
"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt
"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
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As long as they can manage the bi-monthly schedule, then I can deal with it. It's worth it to maintain the integrity of the series. Another writer/artist team might ruin the book.
Kinda makes you wonder if Wonder Woman will manage to be out on time...
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Gosh... has it only been two months since the last issue came out? Seems like three Not bad so far, but not really looking forward to the New Avengers guest starring in the next issue. Enough with the team ups already. We get it... Young Avengers and New Avengers are linked, but do they really need to show up every other issue? <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Looks like Hulking really is the son of Captain Mar-vell and that Skrull princess person, and Billy and Tommy appear to be the sons of the Scarlet Witch. Wonder if either parentage will remain true...</span></span> All in all I liked the issue, and the book remains one of my must reads every two to four months when an issue comes out 
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feelin' hot hot hot
feelin' hot hot hot
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Personally, I just loved how abrupt they were with everything this issue. This is how it is. Bam. Just like that. My head was spinning but in a good way. Like I'd visited the mists or something. The cliffhanger ending, however, I did not dig. Not because it was a cliffhanger but because... I don't like where this is going, y'know? But we'll see how things end next issues, I guess...
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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hmmm...not sure how i feel about a YA and runaways crossover. love both books but they are very different books.
i don't want runaways to get more super hero-ish. and i don't want YA to get less so...
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ok, YA fans, i'm curious what you all think. what does Young Avengers have that LSH doesn't? i don't know. i've never read an issue. i've been tempted but will wait for trades. but reading all the rave reviews here..."best team book out there", etc. Does it have better characters than the Legion? better art? better plots? what exactly?
Gorilla Nebula
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Better writer certainly, and Chueng's art is a degree more dynamic than Kitson's.
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Time Trapper
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I don't think that YA will be as big a hit with their next "season". Delays and the special have killed the series for me.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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YA is heads and tails above the LEGION for me right now.
Action, romance (both gay and straight), powerhouse art, likeable characters and an "adults vs. teens" theme much more to my liking than in LSH currently.
I'm cool with bi-monthly, much cooler than with "it comes out whenever".
# 11 was again great. Who wants to bet Eli's injuries lead to a dose of the super-soldier formula?
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Lash, YA is head and shoulders above Legion. And it does have adults vs. teens...but it just isn't as corny or forced. And the adults happen to be pretty darn cool(Avengers!) I wouldn't mind Allan writing Legion. This last issue rocked! We get the origin of three characters!!! And what awesome origins!!! This all makes sense to me. The "Avengers family" was a dead horse decades ago they just kept beating. The Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Vision, Hank Pym, Wasp thing just got really dysfunctional. (I won't even bring up Wonder Man, the Grim Reaper and Ultron). Allan has brought back the Avengers family in a NEW way! With Billy, Tommy, and Cassie! Legacy heroes?! Imagine that. As for Patriot? Glad to see him hurt badly. Why? Cause I hated that they made him powerless and he did "super-steroids" or whatever. Now he can get a proper blood transfusion from Cap! 
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Y'know, I think the "blood transfusion from Cap" is just too obvious. Yeah, you don't leave a guy dying as the cliffhanger unless you intend to save him - you'd cliffhanger on "He's dead" - but, like I say, obvious.
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Personally, I like YA much better than Legion right now.
i don't know, but the Legion kids seem to be brats just for the sake of being brats. In the last issue, I didn't sympathize with them at all.
YA has a more likable cast right now. I love Billy, Teddy, Kate and all the rest.
Touch the magic...
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Don't Stop Peelieving
Don't Stop Peelieving
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Dangit, I wanna stay mad at Heinie, but... #11 was so #%^#ing GOOD!  I don't even mind that it features the "New"  ) And yeah, the ending setup is pretty obvious, but I like it. Dangit! 
"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt
"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
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Who says that Kree/Skrulls age normally, or that at least part of Teddy's memories of his life were implanted? Of course, the Super-Skrull could be full of crap 
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Don't Stop Peelieving
Don't Stop Peelieving
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I thought about that-- DC did it with Bart, sorta. And Teddy's a shapeshifter... who's to say he's not actually, say, 5 or 6? I hope the Super-Skrull's -not- full of crap, and that a better writer finds a way around the GROSS injustice done Genis in Thunderbolts 100... How funny would it be for Marvel to put them and Phyla Vell in a MARVEL FAMILY anthology? 
"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt
"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
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I've been losing interest in this book since the end of the first arc. I guess it comes down to three things:
-- fill-in artists: When Cheung wasn't on art I found myself not nearly as satisfied with the issue. -- direction: Maybe we just haven't gotten there yet, but so far the stories are centered around the origins of the individual characters. The team itself doesn't have a focus so I end up feeling like the book doesn't either. -- the characters: the mystery was intriguing, but now that we actually know where they all come from, I find myself not as interested. Aside from the aforementioned "druggie" origin for Patriot (which I felt totally undermines what I thought used to be a very strong character), I guess I'm just not that intrigued by the other origins (though I appreciate the tie to Avengers history).
I'll still stick with it awhile, but with other new things on the horizon, this book might get pushed...
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A lot going on in #11:
--Revelations about three YA origins. Though Hulkling as the son of Mar-vell and a skrull princess and Tommy and Billy as the Scarlet Witch's sons weren't exactly stunning surprises, there *was* that twist that apparantly the twins are still the biological children of their original families. It's their souls that are the sons of Wanda. I think.
--The Vision's attitude towards the boys should be interesting in the future. I noticed while leafing through the latest NEW AVENGERS, that the Vision is drawn to look more adult. I wonder if teen-Vision will be around much longer?
--I'm kind of liking Super-Skrull, here. It might be fun if he's a frequent guest-star.
--"You're not vaporizing them, Tommy." Ha!
--Like much of Marvel recently, a big chunk of the Scarlet Witch's history is ignored here. "Thomas and William ceased to exist. As did the Scarlet Witch's memory of them... until recently." Marvel's bullpen can spin this as much as they want, but it just ain't so! As recently as the JLA/Avengers mini, Wanda mentioned her twins. I know she did more than once in more regular continuity appearances, too.
--Loved the asides between Billy and Teddy. Fun dialogue showing how these two complement each other.
--Eli... wow! #12 can't get here soon enough!
I dislike this bi-monthly schedule. And the prospect of a relaunch (unless the team is changing it's name?) I'd much prefer the 'seasons' approach. Three to four issues released in the same number of months... then a gap of whatever time is required. Other creators could contribute solo tales or done-in-one issues to tide fans over, possibly. This title works much better as a monthly than a bimonthly, IMO.
Two months is too long between issues, for me. Especially with this creative team's propensity for cliffhangers.
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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I agree. No comic book is worth constant delays IMO. I'd prefer the seasons approach. YJ is good, but it my patience can only handle so much wait. Bring on Pachelo! 
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Well, the end of season one finally "aired" this week. Nicely tidied things up, although hints were dropped about season two. There were a number of splash action shots, and some interesting interactions between the kids and the Avengers (we should be a little concerned that Wolverine likes Tommy... that can't be good  ). And it was nice to see a tender moment between Teddy and Billy, and Cap's subtle acknowledgement of their relationship. The main story was wrapped up in a nice way, and I really enjoyed the epilogue. The last page was nice, and makes me look forward to the next chapter. Hopefully Allan and Jim are taking the next few months to get a jump on the next season, and hopefully get a good chunk of episodes in the can before the book is re-solicited. I don't mind the series taking breaks between seasons, but I would prefer a more regular schedule. Can't wait to see the kids in action again!
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Awesome finale! Love "Speed's" costume. As for Kate being called Hawkeye? eh. I don't mind it much but I worry what will happen to Clint Barton. I hope he doesn't become a violent Bendis mess.
Loved how Patriot got his powers! My fave Marvel title!
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Yep, one of the best titles out there. With art and story this good I don't mind having a wait for each issue. More happens in one issue of YA than has happened in the entire run of New Avengers so far. Hopefully it won't be on hiatus for too long. Oh, and promoting myself a little here but linking to the topic, keep an eye out for Rich Johnston's 'Civil Wardrobe' from Brain Scan comics in October (I believe). There's a take on Young Avengers in there by yours truly. Don't know if I'm allowed to say more yet so I shan't, but I thought I'd get a quick plug in now. 
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Don't Stop Peelieving
Don't Stop Peelieving
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This was good-- REALLY good. Good enough to make me tolerate the "New"  Avengers. It'll be interesting to see if they follow up on Billy's wanting to find the Scarlet Witch in the next "season". And that sounds interesting, Bevis! Can't wait until you can share a sneak peek. 
"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt
"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
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I'd normally opt for story over splash page, but here it worked well-- with the use of those smaller panels to move things along.
I was as surprised as Cap when Teddy 'revealed' himself. Though shouldn't have been. In retrospect.
I would've like to see more of Cap's reaction to the 'lost souls' confession. That was way too big a bomb to drop in Cap's lap in the middle of a fight. His distraction could've had disastrous consequences.
Though if Billy chose that moment to minimize Cap's reaction, he apparently chose well. Pretty sneaky.
I hope someone tells Eli that Cap was more than willing to donate his blood. He needs to know that, I think. It'd be cool if Eli spent a stint in Cap's book as an official apprentice, wouldn't it?
Cap 'naming' Hawkeye-- great. But what'll Clint think about it? I liked Tommy's costume a lot... but SPEED?! Are SNOW, LUDES, and XTC far behind?
Seriously, I find that way more-- suggestive? than the 'Ass Guardian' thing.
Notice how Teddy de-bulked when it came time to release his mom's ashes? I appreciate how sizing has been used as an emotional 'tell' for Stature and Hulkling. Very effective.
Didn't Marina die in a mother-related way? That makes her statue the perfect one to be included on that particular page, if I'm remembering correctly.
It's going to be a long wait to see this creative team with these characters in Volume 2, isn't it?
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