So, the latest issues of Action Comics by Kurt Busiek and Brad Walker have been a total hoot! Unlike in Countdown, Kurt has given us actual story and characterization about Jimmy Olsen, transforming him from the non-entity of the last 20 years into a smart, resourceful little bugger who is a true friend to Superman.
Action 852 also gave me the funniest moment in DC comics since Formerly Known as the Justice League -- Clan MacHinery! Seems a group of Scottish engineers, on a drunkern lark, uploaded their thought patterns into a bunch of robots, and got stuck there. They've become the Clan MacHinery, out to free the toasters of the world from organic tyrrany. See, because they uploaded while they were drunk, they're STILL drunk as robots. That's right--drunken Scottish robots, baby! Kilt-wearing mechanical killers who call Jimmy the "wee meatsack." And they continue to warp their thought patterns to get more drunk to pass the time. Favorite moment is a cockroach-looking clansman lying legs-up on the floor mumbling "Clan MacHinery needs...robot wommin."
Anyway, check it out if you have an extra 3 bucks U.S. The art by Walker is really quite lovely, too.