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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by stile86 - 03/11/25 10:49 PM
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by Invisible Brainiac - 03/11/25 06:07 PM
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by Ann Hebistand - 03/11/25 05:49 PM
My Art Commissions (Legion or Not Legion it's art)
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Updated since I haven't been around for a bit:

The Walking Dead - Yes, this series has seen better days but the art is consistent and I enjoy keeping up with the characters.

Wonder Woman - I'm a completist. I never get tired of reading about Wonder Woman. The David Finch art is good. The Merideth Finch writing isn't as bad as some say, and yes folks the Donna Troy story line is about redemption.

Swamp Thing - Len Wein returns to his creation with fun guest stars like Zatanna and the return of Matthew Cable.

Dark Knight III: The Master Race - Miller hands the reins to Azzarello as Bruce hands the reins to Cassie with satisfying results.

Paper Girls - The 80's, four girls who deliver newspapers on their bicycles team up on Halloween to deliver together for their safety and end up encountering aliens and time travelers. Fresh and fun.

The Legend of Wonder Woman - A fresh take on Diana's years growing up with a strong supporting role by Phillipus.

Huck - This one has heart. Yeah, I'm still a sucker for Millar.

Sex - This series has remained interesting. I haven't missed an issue.

Earth 2: Society - I suppose this is coming to an end soon. I've been loyal with no regrets.

Strange Fruit - Beautiful, relevant, and bogged down by production delays.

Sheriff of Babylon - Vertigo sensibilities applied to post Saddam Iraq. The series is off to a strong start.

Last edited by Jerry; 03/12/16 03:00 PM.

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Just discovered the random stuff threads smile


Batman and Robin Eternal - Incredibly average at best like all of Tynion's stuff, and has way too much of his pet Mary Sue Harper Row, but I'm supporting is for cassandra Cain.
Grayson - Best DC ongoing, one of the best Dick Grayson runs. Awesome. Also, Mikel Janin should draw all bat books. Love this so much, even though King and Seeley are leaving so randoms can finish it before Nightwing happens.


Black Magick - Slowly building up and its artwork is not everyone's cup of tea, but I like Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott.
Descender - Literally read the first issue yesterday at like 5am, and I loved it. I was looking for an indie sci-fi comic, and it delivered. Picking up back issues this Thursday.
Outcast - REALLY decompressed and slow, tot he point that BENDIS might be impressed, but it's interesting and has great art.


All-New All-Different Avengers (on probation) - Was hyped for it because I love Waid, but it's incredibly mediocre.
All-New Inhumans - Solidly average. Asmus uses way too much ellipses and dashes, as if he were writing as essay, but interesting concept and stories. HAD good art initially, but is now ugly af.
Daredevil - Soule's run started off slow, but issue 4 really paid everything off. I thought Waid's run overstayed its welcome, and I'm glad Matt's life is abck to being crap. He's the ONE character who is just plain more interesting that way.
International Iron Man (on probation) - First issue was solidly average.
Invincible Iron Man - My stupid fun book, at least before Deodato came and Marquez started Civil War II. The dialogue is incredibly off, so Bendis can write everyone like a teenager (he's up'd it to really early twenty somethings), but it's fun.
Karnak - Interesting, nice art sometimes.
The Mighty Thor - Art is gorgeous, and Thor finally became more than a plot twist. She was interesting before the reveal about her identity, but once Jason Aaron delved into that, she got interesting again. The actual stories... yeah, ALL the men come off as OOC af, adn the feminist messages are as subtle as a Mjonlnir to the face. Waiting for Aaron to take the 'out' he wrote himself and bring Odinson (original Thor) back.
Old Man Logan - Probs the only reason Lemire writes the X-Men. It's really interesting, has intriguing stuff and a really, really engaging character who Lemire isn't afraid to portray as a monster. And Sorrentino is as awesome as ever. Love this.
Silver Surfer - Silver Age fun with Modern Age experimental art a lot fot he time. Fun but still dramatic. Endearing. Got je into Surfer. Love this.
Uncanny Inhumans - Love this series. Soule gets the appeal of the Inhumans, with grand drama and weird pseudo magic and sci-fi witht eh royal family. Black Bolt is still the most interesting and engaging Inhuman character, and Soule knows it, as he ditched a lot of the NuHumans.

Star Wars:

Star Wars - Solid adventure stuff, great art usually.
Darth Vader - Really engaging plots, even if it got confusing for a while, and it's just fun backstabbery and drama. Gillen is very hit-or-miss with me, but this is definitely a hit. Also, Doctor Aphra is awesome and should never be killed (but will be, everyone knows it).
Kanan - Solidly mediocre pastg the first arc, but it's wrapping up, so might as well finish it.
Obi-Wan & Anakin - Nice art, boring story. I just don't care about Anakin and Obi-Wan anymore.
Poe Dameron - I know, not out yet, but I loved Poe in The Force Awakens. Dat charisma yo.

Series I'm reading regularly but aren't on my standing order:

Aquaman - Picked it back up after Bunn's trash run. Gonna pick up Abnett's first issue on Thursday. Not a fan of Mera calling herself Aquawoman and wearing a version of Arthur's suit, but it's obvs temporary based on Rebiurth's covers.
Astonishing Ant-Man - Recently dropped it from my standing order, but it's really good. I just have to bring myself to read it sometimes. Engaging main character, but Cassie feels OOC half the time. Still, it's fun and funny and sweet.
Black Widow - Eeehhh... first issue was ALL ACTION. There was so much hype for this and it was just okay beyond the art. But Bucky might appear! My OTP!!
Illuminati - Getting cancelled, but I loved it. Engaging, sympathetic characters, and a good plot. Sad to see it go... but the art really didn't suit he series.
Ms. Marvel - Really, really good. A teen-superhero book with something to say, and a unique spin on things and visual style.
Power Man and Iron Fist - Ugh. Plot's okay, but Iron Fist is INCREDIBLY OOC, and as a big fan of Immortal Iron Fist, I HATE his portrayal here. Oh, and the art is REALLY hit-or-miss, and I really need to be in the mood for it. Just... I dunno. Would prefer Iron Fist got his own ongoing again, but that won't happen til next year, so I guess it's okay for him to piggy back off Luke.

Wow, I didn't think I read that much, especially compared to some others I know, but I guess I do xD

Last edited by Fuzzy Barbarian; 03/29/16 07:04 AM.

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Disregard that last statement.

Last edited by Sarcasm Kid; 04/21/16 06:38 PM.
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My annual June 16 pull list update, 19 days late...

DC, Vertigo, Wildstorm
EVERAFTER (new Fables book coming in September)


Image & Others
MIND THE GAP (if it ever comes out again...Jim McCann swears he's working on it)
MORNING GLORIES (issue #50 last issue for a while)

Trade Paperbacks

Lost three, added one...still a slow attrition.

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The Discipline
Grant Morrison's 18 Days
Art Ops
Doctor Fate
Suicide Squad


Adam Strange & Hawkman
Doom Patrol
Shade the Changing Girl
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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^ The Cave Carson art they've used in the house ads has been spectacular. Actually, so has all the Young Animal stuff. I'll be getting all of it and Hawkman & Adam Strange too.

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I just updated my pull list today.

Astro City
Huck (in case it shows up again)
anything Legion of Super-Heroes (in case they show up again)

Black Panther (although it's good)
Ms. Marvel (although it's good)
anything related to Inhumans


"Everything about this is going to feel different." (Saturn Girl, Legion of Super-Heroes #1)
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Tempus Fugitive
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I've been picking up recent issues of 2000AD as the sequel to Scarlet Traces: The Great Game is in it. I've not read any of it yet, and it will be interesting to see how the comic has changed as it's been a number of years since I've bought one.

"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
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My list is longer than it's been in years, but I'm happy to say I'm loving every single book, and I'm managing to read every issue of these series before the next comes out, although they may sit around a week or two first.

The Discipline
East of West
The Goddamned
Invisible Republic
Paper girls
Sex Criminals
Southern Bastards
Surgeon X
The Wicked + The Divine

Black Panther
Doctor Strange
Invincible Iron Man
Ms Marvel

Astro City
Batman '66
Doom Patrol
Future Quest
Shade the Changing Girl
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman '77

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The Discipline (if it ever comes back)
Grant Morrison's 18 Days
Suicide Squad
Death of Hawkman
Doom Patrol
Shade the Changing Girl
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye
Kamandi Challenge
Super Sons

The kids get:

Super Powers (DC)
Sonic Universe
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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My annual June 16 pull list update, 2 days late...

EVERAFTER (it's ok...just ok...I'll probably drop it after #12)

SECRET EMPIRE (checking it out just because...haven't even read issue #0 yet)

Image & Others
MANHATTAN PROJECTS (Hickman mught be done with this)
MIND THE GAP (I'm thinking Jim McCann is not coming back to it)
MORNING GLORIES (waiting for "Summer Vacation" to start...come on Spencer & Eisma!)
SAGA (always good)
THE DYING AND THE DEAD (1 1/2 years after issue #3 came out...surprise!! here's issue 4 you didn't expect)

Trade Paperbacks

Pretty much the same as last year. DC, you need to put out a Legion book soon!

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Originally Posted by kenaustin

MIND THE GAP (I'm thinking Jim McCann is not coming back to it)

I was SO into this book! It was FANTASTIC! It's now been over 3 years since the latest issue came out and nothing but crickets ever since. Such a shame. frown

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Originally Posted by Paladin

I was SO into this book! It was FANTASTIC! It's now been over 3 years since the latest issue came out and nothing but crickets ever since. Such a shame. frown

Totally agree!
I was deep into Morning Glories and really liked Rodin Esquejo's covers. I can remember wishing they'd let him draw an entire issue...then Mind the Gap was announced, and the premise was good.
It didn't have the deep mystery or super dense mythology as Morning Glories did, but it was still good.

For anyone that liked "The American Way" mini by John Ridley & Georges Jeanty, I just found out they're doing a sequel that starts on July 5th titled "The American Way: Those Above And Those Below"
I will be checking that out.

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My list continues to expand, mostly towards Rebirth stuff, but others as well:

The Discipline (if it ever comes back)
Grant Morrison's 18 Days
Suicide Squad
Bug! The Adventures of Forager
Doom Patrol
Shade the Changing Girl
Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye
Kamandi Challenge
Super Sons
Shirtless Bear Fighter
Mister Miracle
Saucer State
The DC Kirby One-shots in August

The kids get:

Sonic (if it comes back)
Sonic Universe (if it comes back)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The DC Kirby One-Shots actually look like they could be pretty good! And Mr. Miracle by Tom King looks like it'll be fantastic.

Lardy & kenaustin, count me as another reader who is really disappointed that Mind the Gap fell off the face of the Earth. I loved it too and was totally caught up in it. Even if it did come back, I feel that the creators really need to win back my trust and support.

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Saucer State came out already? Damn it, Brian!

Astro City
Bombshells United
Doom Patrol
Mother Panic

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur

Black Magic

Zodiac Starforce: Curse of the Fire Prince

Ghostbusters: Answer the Call

Hi Fi Fight Club

Night's Dominion

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Did you read the first issue of the rebranded She-Hulk? The previous issue seemed to be getting away from what I liked about the series to that point, and the addition of the leader made me think it will only get more so. Was I being too cynical?

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It hasn't come out yet.

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Current pull list:

Astro City
Manhattan Projects (although it seems to be on hiatus)

umm...that's the entire list

First comic books ever bought: A DC four-for-47-cents grab bag that included Adventure #331. The rest is history.
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Not a ton.

Paper Girls
Wicked and the Divine
Deadly Class
Secret Weapons (My new favorite book)


and I'm picking up Doomsday Clock and Black Monday Murders.

Black Monday Murders is excellent btw.

Last edited by Power Boy; 01/20/18 08:52 PM.
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It's been over a year. Let's see how things have changed:

+ is mew since last list
* means ending soon, or I'm planing on dropping at an upcoming changeup.
Books dropped/ended since last list given at bottom

+* Abbott (Boom Studios)
+Usagi Yojimbo (Dark Horse; actually put back on the list)

East of West
The Goddamned
Invisible Republic
Paper girls
+Scales & Scoundrels
Sex Criminals
Southern Bastards
The Wicked + The Divine

+*Astonishing X-Men
Ms Marvel

*Astro City
+*Eternity Girl
Doom Patrol
+* Mera
+Mister Mircale
+Mother Panic
+*New Super-Man and the Justice league of China
+Red Hood and the Outlaws
Shade the Changing Girl
+* Super Sons
+Teen Titans

Dropped/cancelled since last time:

The Discipline
Surgeon X

Black Panther
Doctor Strange
Invincible Iron Man

Batman '66
Future Quest
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman '77

Last edited by Brain-Fall-Out Boy; 05/01/18 05:29 PM.
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I've decided to branch out and have picked up Scooby Apocalypse. I think it's a great update on the Scooby Gang. I like how I still see glimmers of the cartoon characters, but they have been upgraded to fit the environment they are in now.

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Tempus Fugitive
Tempus Fugitive
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I've a small pile comprising of...

Stray Bullets
Usagi Yojimbo
Walking Dead be read.

"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
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Whoops, left off Thor. Still reading that.

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Don't Stop Peelieving
Don't Stop Peelieving
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BFOB, I saw INVINCIBLE on your "dropped/cancelled" list... did you finish it out, as it was ending with #144...?

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