Both serious and not, but it must end with "Legion" (at least for Legionnaires). People from every Legion timeline, of course...
Brainiac 5: Smart Legion Saturn Girl: Pink Legion XS: Running Legion Kid Quantum: Leader Legion Gates: Non-biped Legion (Bug Legion would be specist...) Sensor: Coiled Legion (the greatest. Why doesn't she use _this_ as a codename ??) Monstress: Big-boned Legion Leviathan: REALLY-big-boned Legion Superboy: Past Legion Chameleon: Orange Legion Invisible Kid: formerly-kwown-as Gay Legion Star Boy: Heavy Legion Shrinking Violet: small Legion Phantom Girl: Phantom Legion Ultra Boy: Stubble Legion M'onel: wandering Legion Spark: twin Legion Dreamer: insomnia Legion Karate Kid: fighting Legion Ferro: metal Legion Umbra: cleavage Legion Timber Wolf: catchphrase Legion Kinetix (present body): terror Legion Wildfire: Cool Legion (ten credits he suggested it...)
To all that lives, all that moves, all that hopes that tomorrow will dawn, he is the enemy.