Legion World
Aside from the artists listed on the front page, how would you imagine the Legion rendered by the artists I've listed below. Some you may be familiar with,while some you may not!

Neal Adams
Jack Kirby
Carmine Infantino
Nick Cardy
Steve Ditko
Dick Dillin
Mike Sekowsky
Jim Steranko
Brian Bolland
Irwin Hassen
"Jazzy" John Romita
Berni Wrightson
Herb Trimpe
Martin Nodell
Murphy Anderson
Bruno Permiani
Gil Kane
Alex Toth
Antonio Prohias
Will Eisner

That's the list,maybe the names would ring some bells! Bye! smile
I've definitely seen the Legion depicted by these from the list...
Neal Adams (covers in the early 70's or late 60's)

Carmine Infantino (that digest and a backup story)

Nick Cardy (covers in the early 70's)

Steve Ditko (fill-ins before Giffen came along)

Dick Dillin (in the JLA/JSA/Legion crossover)

Brian Bolland (at least one DC Comics Presents cover)

Murphy Anderson (he inked a Dave Cockrum story and one of the issues from Earthwar)

I may be mistaken, but I don't think any of the others have drawn them.
IIRC Nick Cardy drew the story featuring featuring the Tornado Twins...and the same issue had a cover by Neal Adams. (two at once - sweet)

The closest I ever saw to Kirby art on the LSH was the Amalgam Spiderboy comic. Not bad either, an interesting look at might-have-beens.

All that Curt Swan artwork and no Murphy Anderson? Really? I though the two were inseperable as a team for years.

No Mike Sekowsky pics surprises me too. He was a hot property on the first incarnation of the JLA and that was roughly concurrent with the Legion's formative Adventure years...waitaminnit, didn't he have a part in the first Dr. Mantis Morlo story?

Jim Steranko
Brian Bolland
Berni Wrightson
Alex Toth
Will Eisner
Not any artwork out there of the Legion by these guys that I know of but I just know it'd be exceptional if there was.

-if you know where to find some link it up!- laugh

JRjr would be cool I guess but I'm not sure it would be anything to shout about from the rooftops.

...and there are a couple of guys there I don't know anything about.
Neal Adams drew several latter-day ADVENTURE covers. Good stuff it was too! But Yellow, the Tornado Twins tale is drawn by none other than the groovy super-faboo WIN MORTIMER, whose Legion work is grossly underappreciated.

I'd love to see the following take a stab at a Legion tale:




Really? I had the distinct impression that it was Nick Cardy on the art chores for that one. I guess 'ol Morty really outdid himself to tell the story of Barry Allen's descendants.

Great list too, Lash. I'd love to see a SCIENZWICZ (sic) pic of the Legion in his New Mutants/Warlock style of illustrating.
I think Jae Lee's style would fit a Shadow lass story really well. I also think Marc Silvestri (sp?) would be an awesome guest artist
Back when Image was all the rage, I kinda wished the Legion could have had an artistic treatment like that. In fact, IIRC, at that time, The Legion on the Run was happening. I kept imagining the new costumes and attitudes all Image-y. Probably not a popular opinion, but I liked all the splashy art. Not that I purchased much of it...

I hope that once he's done on Blackest Night, his next project is Levitz's return to the Legion. I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope!
That would be too sweet. Can't imagine it happening though, not for an extended stay. He's too big.
I thought about getting a sketch of Kid Psycho done by Allred, but I couldn't get one anyway.

What do you guys think of Amanda Conner drawing a story about Night Girl and the Subs?
I'd settle for Reis doing an annual.
Amanda Conner doing a Night Girl and the Subs story would be delightful.
Oh and hey, what about Adam Warren? You think his style might work for a version of the Legion?
Steve Epting, but he's Marvel-exclusive ATM and probably not interested anyway. He does want a second shot at Superman, though*, so if that happens he could end up drawing the Legion at least as guest stars.

* In the late 90s, he was fired from Superman after just a few issues, due to editorial and creative reshuffling.
I'm so old school. I'd love to see either Romita (Sr. or Jr.) drawing the Legion. Let's get Tom Palmer to ink, so long as I'm dreaming out loud.

Oh, and I'd totally read a Legion story if Joan Hilty wrote it and drew it. I remember her comedic super-heroines from her days on Kitchen Sink's Gay Comics.
I'd like to see a Jaime Hernandez LSH story.
Originally posted by cleome:
Let's get Tom Palmer to ink, so long as I'm dreaming out loud.

YEAH! I can just see it... The Kree-Khund War by Roy Thomas, Paul Levitz, Adams & Palmer. It makes my heart ache just thinking about it.
I always wanted to see a Kirby Legion story!
Originally posted by RED-001:
Aside from the artists listed on the front page, how would you imagine the Legion rendered by the artists I've listed below. Some you may be familiar with,while some you may not!

Neal Adams
Jack Kirby
Carmine Infantino
Nick Cardy
Steve Ditko
Dick Dillin
Mike Sekowsky
Jim Steranko
Brian Bolland
Irwin Hassen
"Jazzy" John Romita
Berni Wrightson
Herb Trimpe
Martin Nodell
Murphy Anderson
Bruno Permiani
Gil Kane
Alex Toth
Antonio Prohias
Will Eisner

That's the list,maybe the names would ring some bells! Bye! smile
Great list, the only one I never heard of is, Antonio Prohias?

Here's my 20

Art Adams
Brent Anderson
Jim Balent
Frank Brunner
Mike Deodato
Pat Gleason
Michael Golden
Paul Gulacy
Kevin Maguire
Bob McLeod
Don Newton
Kevin Nowlan
Carlos Pacheco
Steve Rude
Paul Smith
Dave Stevens
Ty Templeton
Ethan Van Sciver
Al Williamson
Wally Wood
On a serious note I'd love to see a Legion story drawn by Walt Simonson.

On a not-so-serious note wouldn't it be a great to see the Legion as they would look if the Archie comics artist drew them?
Has this been done already? If so, I'd love to see it!
Whilst it would be great to see Walt grace the Legion again you do realise he has already contributed to three issues over the years?

He drew #237 of Superboy and the Legion (even though you would hardly know it was him thanks to Jack Abels inks, he also drew the Fires of Creation story in Legion #100 and was one of the many pencillers in Legion #94.

But yes more Simonson on the Legion would be great just not very likely at present as he is supposedly stil working on his original graphic novel for Wildstorm and has apparently promised to not take on too much extra work until it is finished.
Ah yes .... I had forgotten that post Garth and Imra wedding issue that Simonson penciled. You are correct, Jack Abel's inks did overpower him a bit).
I do not remember his works on both Legion #100 or Legion #94. Have to go back and check those two out. Thanks!
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Neal Adams drew several latter-day ADVENTURE covers. Good stuff it was too! But Yellow, the Tornado Twins tale is drawn by none other than the groovy super-faboo WIN MORTIMER, whose Legion work is grossly underappreciated.

I'd love to see the following take a stab at a Legion tale:




My love for Mortimer goes way back!!
I'm not that close in feeling to any of the artists mentioned, although Brian Bolland, Art and Neal Adams, Jim Steranko and Kevin Nolan would certainly have wonderful and interesting versions.
I'd especially love Bolland and Nolan to give the Legion a try.
And one or both of the Adams do a Shady/NG story.

I'd kind of love to see the Legionnaires drawn by Eric Shanower (sp?).
I love his Oz stories.

I put him with Terry Pratchett as writer and put the magical/nexus Legionnaires on Disc world, with Eric as pencilor and Kevin Nolan as inker.


This might sound like an odd choice, given his proclivities for testosterone overload and gobs o' gore, but I'd like to see Greg Capullo draw the Legion.

His X-Force art was far better than most people seem to give it credit for. I've included a few choice samples in this post:


And, although it seems to me like most of his fans are the kind of guys who would like to forget that Capullo ever drew the solo book for the gentle, gender-ambiguous-in-presentation Quasar, I don't think his Quasar art should be overlooked, much less forgotten, especially as it reinforces my conviction that Capullo'd draw a great Legion:

For one thing, he drew a guest appearance by Marvel's Legion analogs, the Imperial Guard:



No IG members here, but a striking image nonetheless:


Love this Capullo rendition of Her/Kismet & Quasar:

[Linked Image]

Given Capullo's love of horror, it's not surprising that he seems to have taken particular relish in this Quasar cover:

[Linked Image]

Ha, ha. Told'ja Quasar was gender-ambiguous:

[Linked Image]
Originally Posted by Fanfic Lady

I don't know why I didn't think of this before. Here's some samples of Pichelli's work on Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. And, yeah, it was a badly written comic, but I don't think her art can be faulted at all:

[Linked Image]

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

[Linked Image]

I did a search for Pichelli drawing DC characters. There wasn't much to go around, but I did find this very nice Wonder Woman sketch:

click to enlarge

And, of course, to qualify to draw the Legion, you have to draw good teenagers. Here's a first-rate example from Pichelli's work on the IMHO highly underrated X-Men mini-series "Pixie Strikes Back":

click to enlarge

And, finally, one more nice example, this one from "Runaways":

[Linked Image]
Cleome and Red already mentioned "Jazzy" Johnny Romita Senior.

I found out recently that, back in '65, when Romita accepted Stan Lee's offer to move to Marvel from DC (where he'd become one of the top romance artists, but had gotten bored,) he just missed out on a opportunity to replace Ramona Fradon on Metamorpho (apparently, that book's editor (George Kashdan?) was out of town at just that moment.)

Much as I love the Jazzy One, I don't think he'd have been a good fit for Metamorpho.

The Legion, on the other hand...wow, if he'd come aboard right around that time, and he had replaced John Forte instead of Curt Swan getting the Legion gig...with Johnny's friend Frank Giacoia inking...MMM-MMM-MMM!

Of course, this is all pie-in-the-sky hypothesizing, and taking into account that working for Old Man Mort was a nightmare (even Swan, who had a much thicker hide than the rest of Mort's go-to artists and writers, got an ulcer from keeping a stiff upper lip to Mort's abuse.)

Still, it's fun to imagine.

(And Romita did actually draw the cover of 2003'a Supergirl #80, Peter David's final issue, with inks by Jose Marzan.)
What would they draw?

Jack Kirby - A Great Darkness Saga
Carmine Infantino - XS!
Nick Cardy - A Lamprey special
Berni Wrightson - Either a Chlorophyll Kid meets The Green story, Soljer's War or a v4 Dirk Morgna on the loose.
Bruno Permiani - Animal/Vegetable/ Mineral Lad joins the Legion!
Mike Sekowsky - The Legion lose their powers and have to rely on their Karate Kid training.
Alex Toth - v4 - moody shadows form the master.
Will Eisner - World's Finest Batman in a Metropolis Murder Mystery.
Gil Kane - The secrets of Imsk!
Originally Posted by thoth lad
What would they draw?

Jack Kirby - A Great Darkness Saga
Carmine Infantino - XS!
Nick Cardy - A Lamprey special
Berni Wrightson - Either a Chlorophyll Kid meets The Green story, Soljer's War or a v4 Dirk Morgna on the loose.
Bruno Permiani - Animal/Vegetable/ Mineral Lad joins the Legion!
Mike Sekowsky - The Legion lose their powers and have to rely on their Karate Kid training.
Alex Toth - v4 - moody shadows form the master.
Will Eisner - World's Finest Batman in a Metropolis Murder Mystery.
Gil Kane - The secrets of Imsk!

Bruno Premiani would've made all the various Lasses and Girls look *gorgeous.*

Mike Sekowsky would've drawn the fattest, most out-of-shape Karate Kid ever seen (Remember his Batman from JLA?)

Gil Kane doing the Vi/Yera storyline would've been great, especially if someone other than him had done the inks.
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