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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 20 July 21)
Harbinger #1004919 07/20/21 10:05 PM
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Hi Harbi, some thoughts as I have been catching up!

- we're getting a different side of Lexikon, it's interesting to see! I like her musings on the Legion, and the peek into Tamaranean history and politics/culture

- poor M'windaji having his romantic getaway ruined! Again though, I like that his world has its own distinct cultural feel and it's very different from the Kirinyaga in my head. It is fun seeing the different directions we all go with elements that were never really explored in the comics smile

- I liked Cassandra's chat with Zoe, it makes sense to me that Cassandra would be able to talk to Zoe about the harsher side of Kirinyaga from a perspective that M'windaji can't. I like that Zoe's cool with her being M'windaji's wife now too; a mostly optimistic future with dozens of different worlds should be more interspersed with different ideas of love and duty than we're used to accommodating in the real world

- Zoe being grossed out by Backlash wanting to hunt reminded me of Ayla being horrified about people eating meat in the 21st century, it's a clever way of showing how sanitised a lot of the UP is. Gord's faux pas was funny as well, I wonder how often this sort of thing happens with some of the less culturally sensitive Legionnaires? (Timber Wolf, I'm looking at you)

- the Legion breaking up the protection racket was nicely done, and I really liked the extra touch of them helping the farmers retain their independence and fight for themselves moving forward as well smile

Oh! I can't believe I forgot to mention the Devil's Dozen - super cool, and I hope they stick with tradition and never make the full 12 members lol

...And your comment about Gahaji having to face something he doesn't want to has got me wondering exactly what they're going to have to confront when they find Backlash now!

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 22 July 21)
Harbinger #1004996 07/22/21 02:32 AM
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Thunder - Deputy Leader, Cecelia Becks of 21st Century Earth, immense strength, speed, indestructibility, space flight, wisdom
Dawnstar of Starhaven - Senior Team member, space flight, incredible speed, tracking
Green Lantern - Dkyun Mu of Xudar, wearer of a Green Lantern power ring

Dawnstar met up with Thunder and the Green Lantern at the perihelion point above Second Base.

Cece Becks rarely came to visit this base without being on official business so the tracker from Starhaven was particularly glad to see her. Ever since Kara had ...had left them, they had only met up a couple of times and Dawnstar missed the camaraderie that they used to share. When Thunder had contacted her to say she would be visiting the tracker from Starhaven had been grateful as she wished to discuss a personal matter and didn't know who else she could trust with it.

Dawnstar could see the cheeky grin on her friends face and so was prepared for the sudden blur of movement as Thunder rushed towards her. The game they used to play, one Kara had initiated called 'Tag', meant Thunder needed to physically touch her to pass on the title of 'It'. Dawnstar easily avoided Cece and flew over towards the Green Lantern.

<You are getting slow my friend> The tracker sent, her tone was mildly scornful though the laughter that followed was gentle.

<This game is also common amongst the young on Xudar> The Green Lantern added before reaching out to tap Dawnstar on the shoulder and sending <Tag!> through the telepathic matrix before speeding away from her, leaving only Dkyun's chittering laughter behind.

Dawnstar floated in space for several heartbeats, she shook her head though had a small smile on her face before counting to ten and giving chase.

Ten minutes later and the three Legionnaires were back together, all smiling.

<I need some advice, do you mind...?> Dawnstar knew that they would gladly help her but she was still nervous, her people rarely opened up about personal matters and she had made a resolution when she joined the team that she would be the most professional Legionnaire she could be. Cece and Dkyun both agreed and asked her what she needed.

<I have... I made a mistake... I believe that Southern Lights is attracted to me though I refused his advances and now wish to reconsider... though believe that he will not repeat his attentions>

<he's a man and you're gorgeous Dawnstar, of course he'll come back> Thunder tried to be upbeat but could see her friends face did not share her positivity.

<what did you say to him Dawnstar?> Thunder asked as she could see how serious her winged friends face had become and was worried that the sometimes direct manner that Dawnstar took may have been fully evident when she had spoken to Southern Lights.

<I reminded him he was a Legionnaire and to act professionally>

<So he should.... and that now gives you a chance to take this slowly to start with. Try smiling at him and asking how a mission went. You build it up from there as you need to create a rapport. There's no need to rush into this, is there? I mean, what do you know of him anyway? Okay, so he's from Starhaven like you and is really cute and has that sext blue colour now, but you still don't know much about him, right? He might be terribly, terribly boring! Uugh!> Dawnstar laughed as Thunder sent this message across the telepathic matrix.

<yes, you are right Cece. Thank you, I will try to get to know him before perhaps taking this any further> Dawnstar gave a small smile to the daughter of Black Adam. <anyway...> she continued, her smile getting broader <Tag!> she touched Thunder's shoulder lightly and sped away at sub-light speed. She could hear her friend's laughter as fled.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 22 July 21)
Harbinger #1004997 07/22/21 02:32 AM
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Kinetix - Zoe Saugin of Aleph, telekinetic animation
M'Windaji - Gahaji of Kiringyaga, super tracker, carries the Ruby of Life allowing tactile transformative magic
Backlash - Mrruaw M'Nau of Simballi, enhanced strength, speed, senses, absorbs kinetic energy to boost own size and mass
Spoiler ii - Gord Eno of Naltor, precognition, specialising in short range visions for combat situation


The Vikken shuttle rattled as it touched down on the private landing pad.

A grey dome closed over the top of it as the landing pad sunk into the underground bay where it would be offloaded.

Meanwhile, several hundred metres away, three Legionnaires watched it through the warm setting sunlight from the top of a nearby building. Gahaji was certain that they would find their colleague inside it but they had only gained sight of it as it had flown through the towers and spires of the city Nu-Robi they did not want to risk a confrontation that could potentially cause collateral damage unless they absolutely needed to.

"That's the university... they're the worst!" Gahajhi said.

"The worst? How?" Gord asked.

"One of the Founding Fathers was this high-falootin' science professor who put it in law that they would have special dispensation allowing the free reign on research grounds as he wanted to ensure education kept up with the times... didn't stop the same Founding Father banning any technology after the 25th century though. So, the university uses its legal exemption to cause trouble, usually for some political agenda. They've created a lot of ill-will towards the Hunters over the years, saying we're freaks that can't be relied on. They drag us in for experiments every ten years or so, not too kind about it either... I was only 7 when they took me for three weeks of experiments, terrified me!"

"What?" Both Zoe and Gord said.

"Our tracking power come from magic and they can't replicate that, and what the university can't have it gets nasty with... they hate me 'cause they can't figure out how I got these abilities."

"Planetary politics are always messed up. Naltor is the same, trust me." Gord said, before adding "Anyway, you're a Legionnaire now Gahaji. You have ambassador status and a group of colleagues with you that aren't likely to be shut down by anyone here, whatever their politics."

"Yeah!" Zoe agreed emphatically.

"You wanna go get Mrruaw now?" Gord asked with a grin on his face, even without precognition he was well aware of the answer before it came. The three Legionnaires activated the Distorters on the belts and floated across towards the university grounds towards the docking bay. They landed next to the dome and looked around for a control to open some way into the underground hangar for several seconds before Gahaji swore. Both Zoe and Gord turned to him, surprised by his words.

"Gahaji... honey, are you okay?" Zoe asked quietly.

"Oh, enough of this pussyfooting about, stand back..." The tracker held the Ruby of Life in his hand and touched it against the dome. A section two metres by a metre dissolved into air and Gahaji flew through. Zoe and Gord flew straight after him. After they had joined him Gahaji willed the Ruby to return the dome to its previous state and their entrance vanished. Inside was pitch dark apart from a single light that shone onto the Vikken shuttle sat on the loading bay twenty-five metres directly below them. They floated down the wide tunnel and stopped just above the cone of light.

<so, Backlash is several hundred metres that way... and moving.> Gahaji nodded along a northerly corridor that ran off the bay <Gord, you seeing anything?>

The Naltoran gave a tight smile <There are some ...I don't know, porters? they'll be surprised by us but shouldn't be a problem... in about one minutes time Zoe'll sort them out> and with that he flew into the tunnel that Gahaji had indicated, with his teammates close behind. The tunnel had lights in the ceiling every fifty feet, not quite bright enough that they would be spotted from a long way away but enough that the Legionnaires would be unlikely to sneak right up on anyone. As Gord had predicted, they ran into two porters moving several floating dissection slabs in the direction that the Legionnaires were going. Zoe quickly subdued them by altering their clothes to wrap tightly around their ankles, wrists and mouths. Zoe had scanned the two men with her flight ring and used the data to inform the Distorters in Gahaji and Gord's belts. They would pretend to be the porters transporting these slabs up the corridor until Gahaji found exactly where their teammate was. Zoe flew above them close to the ceiling, her Distorter kept in full camouflage mode.

It didn't take them long to find Backlash.

The great horned feline was unconscious in a cage in the middle of the floor of a large room filled with desks and screens. Around the cage were two dozen men and women; some were clearly armed security personnel while others carried data-screens tapping at their information streams as they took notes on the unconscious tigerram. Gahaji and Gord were still under the Distorters illusions so pushed the slabs into the room while Zoe slipped in and quickly flew behind a vehicle that was parked to the side.

As Gord and Gahaji made their way into the huge room under the holo-disguise of the porters a couple of armed guards signalled them over to the far wall, away from Backlash. Zoe waited a few seconds, took a deep breath and willed her flight ring to lift her out from behind the vehicle where she hid and switched off her distorter; it was time to stop hiding and start doing!

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 22 July 21)
Harbinger #1004998 07/22/21 02:33 AM
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"Stop where you are! I am Kinetix of the Legion and you're all under arrest for assaulting and kidnapping an ambassador and law enforcement officer of the United Planets!"

Zoe had set her loud hailer flight ring app to its loudest setting and her voice reverberated around the room like the voice of god. Several people cringed and covered their ears, though as many started shouting at her and several guards, including the two by Gord and Gahaji turned and pointed their guns at her.

Pandemonium erupted!

Spoiler dropped his Distorter-holo and leapt at the two guards nearest to him who were aiming their weapons at Zoe He punched one on the side of the head while grabbed the gun arm of the other, violently twisting it and threw that guard onto the floor. M'Windaji also dropped the holo disguise and flew at the cage holding their colleague. Kinetix used her telekinesis to animate the vehicle she had hid behind and it roared towards a cluster of guards that had pointed their weapons towards her scattering them. She flew down towards a group of armed guards and their gun melted in their hand before rearranging into shackles that bonded their wrists together. Zoe also telekinetically tied their shoelaces together for good measure - she wasn't going to let any of them away for putting her friend Mrruaw in cage like that.

As he got within ten feet of the cage half a dozen guards ran at Gahaji, intent on stopping him from getting any closer. The tracker had the Ruby of Life in one hand as he took up a martial arts pose that he had been taught at the Academy. He may not be the most physically powerful Legionnaire but he had trained hard and was certainly not afraid to get stuck in.

As Spoiler fought with the guards trying to get to Kinetix and M'Windaji subdued another group not far from the cage where their sleeping colleague slept, Kinetix took stock of her surrounds. She decided it was time to end this before someone got shot. She bent down and brushed her fingertips on the tiles below and the floor rippled out as if a rock had been dropped into a still lake.

<time to fly, guys> She sent as the rippling surface quickly spread across the room, tossing everyone and everything on it into the air. Before any of the security officers or scientists, now on the once more solid floor could react, she manipulated it to fling strips across them, effectively keeping them from moving and stopping the fight there and then.

"Hey Zoe, I was enjoying myself there, spoilsport!" Gord said with a laugh. She smiled towards him but didn't reply as she flew across to the cage where Mrruaw M'Nau was being held. That last use of her telekinesis had been a strain so she was grateful for a few seconds to catch her breath.

M'Windaji had used the Stone of Life to liquify the bars and had stepped inside to check on the unconscious tigerram. Thankfully, Backlash appeared to be breathing heavily, though Gahaji tenderly touched the great feline's chest to confirm there was a solid heartbeat.

"Right..." Zoe looked around at all the struggling people still trapped by the ground and pointed towards an older man in a white lab coat who still clutched at his data screen. The man levitated off the floor - strips of the telekinetically rearranged tiling still held him tightly though the strap that had bound across his mouth fell away as he got closer to the Legionnaire.

"What have you done to him?" Zoe asked, her voice stern.

"I... I do not answer to women." His face twisted in anger.

"Yes, yes you do. You are under arrest and if you do not, I will personally see to you being charged with everything I can find in the book, do you understand? And..." she added with a quite malicious grin, " should be grateful my friend Amynta isn't here when you say stuff like that." Zoe had levitated until she was staring face to face with him, her expression made it obvious she was not to be messed with.

"We... I will not be cowed by you girl..." Zoe flicked her eyebrows up at this and the man instinctively jerked his head back in fear, "But... but to stop you from destroying the university I'll... I'll answer you. We... we wanted to see what manner of beast this was. Is it a mutant? We couldn't read its DNA... we... we only wanted to know what it is." His voice cracked as he replied, sounding almost childlike. Zoe could see a wet stain spread down his trouser leg and tried not to smile.

The Legionnaires knew that their flight ring had certain defensive properties that Brainiac 5 had set as standard; blocking intrusive scanning being one of those features, though none of them told him this. At that moment Zoe, Gahaji and Gord were all too angry to explain.

"Yeah, 'cause you don't have records of tigerrams in your data base... that won't hold when we get to court buster. He better wake up soon or it'll probably be Takron-Galtos for the lot of you. Do any of you have any idea what the sentence is for attacking a Legionnaire? You could have caused an interplanetary incident... You're all bloody idiots!" Zoe said loudly so all the staff present understood exactly what the consequences could be. To be honest, Zoe was fairly sure that there wouldn't be anything like that sort of punitive actions taken, but she was enjoying the moment; showing these people how it felt to be helpless, just like Backlash was at their hands.

She turned her back on them and floated across to the cage where Gahaji and Gord were reviving their friend.

"Have either of you called the Police yet?" She asked in a soft voice as she touched her feet to the floor.

"Ah... sorry, you seemed to have it in hand." Gord replied, "...but I'll get onto it now." The Naltoran stepped out of the cage and activated the holo-comm function from his flight ring to call for the planetary law enforcement.

"How is he?" Zoe said, leaning over Gahaji's shoulder. The tracker held the Ruby of Life against the great feline's forehead, willing the magical stone to cleanse the anaesthetic from the tigerram's body. There were eight darts on the floor which GahJi had pulled from the tigerram's flank. Zoe felt her anger rise again as she saw these and took a couple of deep breaths.

"I'm enjoying laying down... it has been a most strenuous day. Wake me up when it's time to leave please." Backlash muttered; his low rumbling voice carried the humour in its tone. Both Zoe and Gahaji hugged their teammate, who gave a loud purr in response.

The Planetary Police Officer who appeared several minutes later, backed by two armed drones, was obviously star-struck though quickly rounded up the staff and security as Zoe released them. She muttered to Gahaji that the Police had wanted an excuse to bust the university for its actions for quite some time but due to their legal exemptions they hadn't the ammunition to do it. As Zoe had shared the record from her flight ring as evidence it was clear she announced who she was and told the staff present that they were under arrest so the police now had legally justifiable grounds to hold them. And even if it were only for a night, it would be worth it as word would quickly get out that the staff of this institution were not so far above the law that this sort of behaviour would be tolerated and could no longer act with such brazen impunity.

Three quarters ofan hour later, once the team had returned to Gahaji's grandfather's estate, they drank wine and celebrated for quite a few hours. Ruhandi was particularly happy to hear that staff at the university would finally get their comeuppance. The old tracker was certain that they would be censured for causing an incident that involved Legionnaires and so would be unlikely to steal wildlife or harass innocent people for a good while to come.

In the morning Cassanda hugged everyone before they walked through the warp back to First Base. She slipped a small bottle of perfume into Zoe's hands, whispering to keep it for special occasions as it was Gahaji's mother's favourite scent and he would have special memories attached... and perhaps Zoe could create new ones. Zoe giggled as the older woman pulled her in for a second tighter hug. The telekinetic Legionnaire gladly reciprocated.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 22 July 21)
Harbinger #1004999 07/22/21 02:36 AM
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Lallor, early morning on the small eastern continent.

The sun was still low in the sky, a small sharp light that gave the clouds in the sky a soft golden underbelly as it climbed up from the horizon.

The dormitory was fifteen klicks from the nearest town. As it only had a small number of students and was fully self-sufficient for food and energy needs there was little need for the staff or students to leave the grounds. While it was common enough knowledge that there were meta-mutants here being trained by Lallor-Gov in this building they had little or no bother usually. There were only five mutants at the school at that point, and the planetary security forces only believed two of them would be of any real use in the years to come, but still they invested in this place so the young metas would have the best opportunities in their future, whatever that may be.

Dunar Oll was awake and running laps around the well-tended grounds. His mutation allowed his body to absorb ambient heat from around him freezing whatever was close-by. Despite almost three years of training and support he had never learned how to focus these attacks and so was not rated high enough to be likely given a spot on the planetary champion team; his abilities could potentially harm teammates as much as opponents. That didn't stop him from trying every day to make something of himself though, his family depended upon the stipend he was given for attending and they couldn't afford to lose that... The attack was so quick he never saw it coming let alone have the chance to fight back. As he turned a corner through a large patch of rhododendrons two unseen figures jumped out behind him, grabbed his arms and, as he spun around fixed an anaesthetic patch across his face before dragging him back into the darkness of the bushes.

In her room, Jini St Denys sat up. She had been dozing when the telepathic attack had smashed through her mental defences. The young girl's own psychic skill to manipulate the bio-electric fields of any living being were limited to a range of only a couple of metres so while she was rated as potentially useful, she was not high enough on the scale to be likely to ever be included in the public facing planetary meta-team. That hadn't stopped her from trying though; one thing all the reports that were produced about her agreed on was her determination and fighting spirit. But still, without any conscious though she walked to her closet, flung on a robe and left her quarters. She walked out to the garden and made her way to the dense copse of rhododendrons where her classmate had just been taken.

Liv Chorn had been having breakfast on the patio outside her ground floor quarters, happily munching on a freshly baked muffin when a clawed hand grabbed her from behind. She instinctively started to use her mutation; the ability to create a psionic armour around herself. As well as being able to manipulate it into crude shapes, the psi-armour gave her near-invulnerability and vastly increased strength... more than enough to deal with some stupid creep, she thought. Instead, the anaesthetic patch that had been pressed into her arm took almost immediate effect and she slumped forward onto the table before tumbling to the ground unconscious.

Dr Joon Bai Mihn was the oldest resident here undergoing training. She had just completed her medical doctorate and was beginning a placement at Lallor's Medicus Centre when her mutation kicked in. It had occurred as a yob looking to raid the drug cabinet of the ward she was working on had tried to stab her. The blade turned into a mist along with the yobs' clothing up to their elbow. Both her and her attacker screamed in shock, which brought security running in. It took a week to establish that Dr Bai Mihn could affect the solidity of matter and as a result she was asked to attend training for her ability here. That was almost a six months before, and she had been informed only a day ago that there was a place for her on the main planetary meta-team if she wanted it. she had been musing about the pros and cons of the offer at her kitchen table while sipping a cup of strong, black coffee. While she knew she would do a lot of good on the team, she missed working in a hospital environment... Not that it mattered as a figure grabbed her from her chair, she started to yell but they pushed an anaesthetic patch on her as she did, and slung her over their shoulder and casually walked out of the building.

Errk Onsta had quarters in the attic that overlooked the back of the building. He had grown large bat-like wings as he reached puberty so there was no hiding his mutation. With the increase in his senses, he was rarely sociable with the other students here and so had an entirely wrong reputation of being surly. Those that were so judgemental about his preference for solitude were aware of his heightened senses but didn't appreciate that the sound of heartbeats and breathing were increased hundredfold to Errk's perceptions, heavy footfall could disorientate him, someone clapping near him would give him a headache for a day... This morning he had been meditating when he heard something odd out in the grounds - footsteps on the immaculate lawns and low whispering voices... it was when he heard what seemed like a cut off scream that he moved from his lotus position. The young mutant stood up, stretched out his wings and opened the large windows that gave him access to the sky. He had flown for twenty metres when the lightning bolt struck him, sending him plummeting to the ground.

"You idiot, we're supposed to get them back relatively unhurt. The Shadowmancer wants them all alive." The metallic woman said. Nearly everyone who knew of her called this being the Silver Slasher, and she was feared for good reason as her metal skin, speed and claws made her a ferocious opponent.

"He is alive, you think I don't know how to use my powers by now?" The man who had hurled the lightning bolt replied angrily. Lightning Lord looked at the silver skinned woman with disdain.

"Shoosh! I need to concentrate. Illusions are difficult to maintain and we don't want the security systems alerting LallorGov... we don't need them coming in and spoiling this." The hooded figure beside them said, his face straining as he kept his spell from fading. The mystic was one of the Shadowmancer's staff, a thin man with pale violet skin and large dark eyes. They had been introduced him as Mr Chime, though Mekt thought of him as just another lapdog.

"The bat-winged boy was the last one. We'll be going soon so don't fret yourself there Chimes...The boss'll love these snacks." The Silver Slasher said with a vicious smile.

"And hopefully he'll honour the first part of his promise now and give one of us our revenge. I hope it's me as my brother and his whore wife need to feel my anger..." Mekt Ranzz crackled with electricity as he spoke.

Titania, the powerful redhead from Dryad, still held the unconscious Dr Bai Mihn over her shoulder as she chuckled. "Yeah, taking out two of the founders of the Legion will make the universe see that the new Devil's Dozen are a force to be reckoned with."

A spiralling warp opened before them and the villains caried their unconscious cargo through to the waiting Shadowmancer.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 22 July 21)
Harbinger #1005000 07/22/21 02:38 AM
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Folks, thank you for all your very kind reviews, they are greatly appreciated. Sorry I missed your earlier post IB, blame it on the heat addling my brain smile

Only a few more until LW7 concludes - Nura makes an announcement, interns leave, and Henry and Nura have an honest conversation.

Hope you're all still enjoying these stories.


Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 22 July 21)
Harbinger #1005001 07/22/21 08:11 AM
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Unseen, not unheard
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Hiya Harbi, no worries - I also hate the heat, so I totally empathize! Hope the heat wave passes soon!

More lovely stuff, I really love your quieter scenes, and it's nice to see the likes of Dkyun (who carries the awe of being a GL so to speak), Dawnstar (normally aloof - nice bit referencing her resolution to be uber professional) and Thunder (who bears the wisdom of Solomon!) taking time to be kids for a bit. I love the friendship between them, on surface unlikely, but in reality they do have a lot in common!

Speaking of, Thunder's Wisdom of Solomon shone through - she gave the best advice possible in the best way possible! She could be a therapist or life coach. Also loved the bit "yes he's cute and is a sexy blue" lol. And it's nice to see a more vulnerable side of Dawny

Nu-Robi, heh! Hello there future Nairobi. Ugh, that University, such abuse of power. So funny that a science professor would BAN tech development after a certain point in time... but actually not, that's the way we see despots in real life hold on to their power, by limiting tech and advancements to a few... well done, Harbi! Your world of Kiringyaga is so fully fleshed out! Also nice quick bit re where Mwindaji's tracking power comes from...

Love the tech you have the Legionnaires use. Voice amplifiers, distorters, eco-protect functions, immunity from scanning, holo-comms ...makes sense that such a professional, large org would use every advantage to equip their members

you have an excellent handle on Zoe's and Gord's powers! And especially Zoe, super impressed by your creative uses for her powers - a throwback to her first appearances in the Reboot. Her staring down the man in the lab coat had me stand up and applaud (in my head). She won;t let these archaic views of women stop her!

Backlash is a dear, such a dear, and finding humor in this situation - love him to bits

I also love that this arrest will shift the balance of power re the university and its impunity!

oh gosh. What a scene on Lallor, such a takedown, well done, I thought indeed the Devil's Dozen was behind this, but... Nice introductions to each of our would-be heroes and victims, I hope they'll be ok...

As always, thoroughly enjoying, and more more more please!

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 22 July 21)
Harbinger #1005095 07/25/21 05:49 PM
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Hi Harbinger,

glad to see some new post already.

Dawnstar, Green Lantern, and Thunder's game of tag was really cute. It made me miss Kara so much.
Dawnstar and Southern Light's sitting in a tree. lol. laugh laugh
Wildfire will not be pleased I'm sure.
Loved that Cece pointed out that Dawnstar doesn't know anything about Southern Lights...we don't really know much about him to be honest. I like that she's pushing for slower movement.

the Kiringyaga mission:

Damn Backlash! be more careful.
Damn, Gahaji's home world...a founding father whose all for education also banned all technology beyond the 25th century? what the hell.
I was with Gord and not understanding until all of this went down.
That was really sad to learn that the University just abducts people for study and no retribution.
Brainy has so many good ideas in the rings. Every time you add a new application i instantly want to take it for my rings. lol. the anti-scan is a great one and very logical.
the fight was well done and slightly unexpected. I thought they were gonna do a stealth mission to get Backlash back at first. But glad it wasn't.
i like the banter Gord and Zoe are having.
Loved seeing Zoe going off on those lab coats and guards and that she was smart enough to use her flight ring to help bring the University down a peg or two. using a recording was a great idea. Glad she wouldn't back down and made the man talk to her no matter what.
Backlash...all i can do is laugh at him waking up.
Loved the sweet moments with Zoe and Cassandra and the passing of the perfume. it was sweet.

Lallor has such fun mutants in all the fics and you've added some that i would love to see again. I hope they can make it back from Shadowmancer.
My faves were Dr. Joon Bai Mihn, how her powers activated was a fun origin story, and Liv Chron who reminds me of Amror from X-men. Always thought it was a cool power.
Is Dunar Oll really that unique? wouldn't someone from Tharr fill his roll and with better control?
i was surprised at how effective the former LSV members were, barely raising any alarms.
wait Shadowmancer has warps of his own that he can use?? is this connected to Henry?
Really after all this time and they are all still obsessed with taking out the Legion? Well at least this is a promise the Shadowmancer might follow through on as I'm sure he wants them out of his way as well.

I enjoyed these posts and I can't wait for more!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005139 07/27/21 02:45 AM
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First Base, central meeting room:

The Legionnaires from all three of their planetoid bases, the Science Police liaison officers, support staff and the interns were all present.

The large horseshoe shaped seats that curved around half of this massive room were almost all full. There was some chatter going on as teammates and friends caught up with one another but the noise wasn't enough to echo round the rafters above. Not yet anyway.

Tinya took a deep breath as she began to speak. Although she hoped it didn't show, she actually felt nervous with this amount of people watching her. She knew it was stupid and irrational, she had been friends with a sizeable percentage of them for years, but still she needed to take a few seconds to collect her thoughts.

"Hello everyone!" The Legion leader gave her biggest smile as she looked up at the assembled team. Many said 'hi' back and she was rewarded by more smiles.

"As you know the last couple of months have been pretty intense, but hopefully with the destruction of Sa Lok's organisation we'll have a little breathing space to get ourselves back into order."

Several of the team spoke up and Tinya smiled at them, not that they needed a response from her, but she was grateful for the opportunity to not be in the spotlight for a few seconds.

"I want to focus today on some great achievements we've had... from our colleagues on the mentorship scheme and our interns! And because...." She stopped talking as the assembled team started to cheer and applaud. After they had quietened down Tinya gave a warm smile and continued. "So, because they have done so much in such a short period of time the Senior Team and I want to make a couple of announcements."

Tinya stopped to take a sip from a glass of water. After she had finished, the team leader lifted her face to the group and smile once more. She allowed her gaze to move round the sea of faces looking down on her and finally she settled on the two rows near the front where the interns were sat.

"So, just to formally announce it; Ultra Girl, Friction, Polar Girl, Spoiler, Bouncing Boy, Southern Lights, Atomsmasher and Kid Pulsar... you are all full Legionnaires now." The audience cheered again, giving Tinya another welcome pause. "We've all agreed that each and every one of you has gone above and beyond what was expected so feel free to go on whatever missions you want without checking in with a mentor anymore. Well done folks, you really deserve your place here." She clapped as she finished and the Legionnaires joined in, once more applauding their junior teammates.

"Now onto some more really exciting news..." Tinya gave a wide grin, "Booster and Glory, I'm sure you'll be happy to hear Dr Shakespeare says you have both performed tremendously and he is incredibly proud of you both so... we wish to offer you both full time roles within the support staff. You'll be working with the clinical team on First Base initially with plans to give you further training opportunities and perhaps move you onto the other bases when the need arises. Come down and join me, so the team can see you." She held out her hands to the two interns and smiled and nodded to them encouragingly as they made their way from the raised seating to the dais at the centre of the huge meeting room. The two interns walked to the front of the meeting as the Legionnaires and their fellow interns applauded, cheered and whistled their approval.

"There's also going to be three of our amazing interns going to Second Base as full time trainee Legionnaires." Tinya mischievously gave a pause here as the room went silent. She let it drag out for several seconds before giving a cheeky grin and adding, "Poltergeist, welcome, you'll have Element Lad as a mentor. Non you're going with him and will have Mon El looking after you ...and Minbender will be joining you over there. Marmud, you'll have Duplicate Girl mentoring you."

The three interns joined the team leader, Booster and Glory at the front of the hall as the team applauded again.

"...and if that wasn't reason enough to cheer, on First Base we're taking three of the interns as full-time trainees as well. Solar Gorilla, you're coming to First Base, Lightning Lass is looking forward to being your mentor. Also, Strobe, we'll be seeing you too, and Chameleon Boy will be yours... and finally... Triple Nova, you'll be joining us as well, Thunder'll mentor you. "

Yet again the team cheered the intern's promotion but before Phantom Girl could say anything else there was a loud creak and the huge white doors to the side of the enormous room started to open - everyone present recognised the three silhouetted figures that stood there: Dream Girl, Star Boy and Harmonia Li.

"Actually, before you go too much further Tinya, I have an idea... if you don't mind?" Nura Nal's said, her hands on her hips. The Naltorian gave her head a flick to move her silvered hair from her face as she smiled up at the Legionnaires.

"Hello boys ...and girls, are you happy to see us?" Nura Nal confidently strode into the hall and took her place next to the team leader andthe interns on the dais at the centre of the room.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005140 07/27/21 02:45 AM
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Five minutes later, after everyone had welcomed their three former colleagues, and Nura and Thom's gorgeous daughter Mathilda into the meeting, the business at hand resumed.

Thom Kallor sat the back of the auditorium with his infant daughter on his lap, her head nestled against his chest. She was running her fingers through the Xanthuan's beard, giggling to herself. Comet Queen was perched on one side gazing adoring at the baby girl and cooing with each breath. Backlash was lounging across several seats in front with his broad head hanging over the back of the seat, his nose only inches from the child's legs as he purred deeply. Kinetix sat on the other side of Star Boy pretending to listen to the speakers below while glancing sideways at Mathilda every two seconds.

Harmonia Li had taken a seat on the front row next to Jan Arrah. The pair whispered to each other as they caught up.

Meanwhile, Nura had easily taken centre stage, very comfortable with the attention it brought, as she began to announce to the assembled team about the prophetic visions that had led her to uproot her family to return here.

"Now I get that many of you don't know me," the Naltoran beauty pushed her hands through her hair and gave a low purring laugh before continuing, "...but you will."

Several of the team laughed to themselves as Nura casually flirted with their newer teammates.

"As I'm sure you all know though, I can foresee what's going to happen... well, that latest planetoid you've captured in Rimbor has filled my dreams every night for the last month. It's going to serve a very, very specific purpose."

"Are you saying the new planetoid won't be a... a Legion World?" Tinya asked. The team leader had stood to the side of her precognitive team-mate and had planned on staying silent but she had a sudden worry that the small world they had just captured in Rimbor System was away to be lost.

"Oh, Tinya, honey, it?s going to be the best one yet. You introduced the Hope Squads, didn?t you? Well, this world will function as the base for that team."

"Hope Squad missions are everyone's responsibility Nura, not just for a single team." Phantom Girl sounded slightly exasperated as she finished saying this. Nura smiled back at her. There was a definite sense of mischief in her eyes.

"They will be both from now on and I'm going to lead them with Thom and Harmonia. That's what my visions have been showing me. We're taking a team from here and we?re going to save many, many beings from horrid circumstances way beyond their control; from poverty and disease, from natural disasters, from being seen as little more than collateral damage in wars that don't involve them. Our role will not be to endlessly fight and imprison the thugs and nasty's that try to impose themselves on the majority, our job will be to bring hope to the galaxy!" She stared up at the assembled Legionnaires, all of whom were silently waiting for the precognitive to continue.

"I would like to be on your team." Sister Eclipse stood up sharply. The usual meek Legionnaire's voice carried across the room, her resolution and determination were very clear for all of her teammates to hear. Nura smiled broadly, said "Yes!" and bowed her head in grateful acknowledgement.

"Me too... if that's okay?" Infectious Lass said as she stood up. Nura laughed and again said "Yes!"

"Oui, I too will also like to join you Nura." Invisible Kid said as he stood next to his partner. Drura kissed Jacques on the cheek as he put an arm around her waist. Nura blew them both a kiss.

"You may need one who can traverse the Higher Paths of the Mystic on your mission. I volunteer." Southern Lights stood up and gave a bow towards Dream Girl, she solemnly bowed her head in response, tossing her hair flirtatiously as she straightened up. Her smile was electric.

"I'm only an intern... but me too, I'll join. Is it okay if I do?" Tesseract said as she also took to her feet. Dream Girl said "Yes! Definitely!" and blew the student a kiss and gave a little cheer, obviously enjoying this moment.

"Me too, me too! I'd like to volunteer." Orion, the intern from H'Lven shouted out while standing on the back of his chair, waving his little arms so he could be seen by Dream Girl below. She waved her agreement to him, mirroring his attempts to get her attention, laughing as she did.

"If you'll have me, I'd like to be a part of your team as well." Titan stood up as he spoke. Dream Girl gave the tall telepath a big smile and a pair of thumbs-up as a reply.

"If it's okay..." Dragon Lass put her hand up and nervously got to her feet, "I would really like to join your team too Dream Girl. Is that alright?"

"Mari, you are more than welcome honey. You're going to be a great asset to us." Dream Girl said with a gracious smile, "Aaand... a cute muscley Daxamite boy in a tight little outfit that..." Nura looked around the team as if to double check, before she continued, "that you will introduce to me." She pointed up to Theena, the teams Communications Officer.

"Me?" She looked confused for a second before speaking again, "...ah, I know who you mean, it's Droo Vri isn't it? He... he contacted me, saying he'd changed his mind and wanted to take up the offer for an internship if there was still an opening available."

"Droo Vri? Hmmm... in my dream I thought I heard him being called 'Groovy'. I thought that must be wrong."

"That is what he'll be called from now on though. Groovy the Daxamite Soldier Boy, it's got a ring to it, don't you think?" Tinya said with a wicked teasing smile which Nura echoed back with a laugh to the team leader. Nura turned back to the Legionnaires, gave another smile and once again flicked her hair away from her face.

"And alongside a certain super helpful student from Home Base who I'll meet this evening that will jump to the chance to join us... this roster fulfils my dream. Thank you for volunteering to join us... We will be Hope World's opening team. As for the rest of you, well, you will all be dropping by to help out from time to time as well so don't be upset thinking I might forget about you." She gave a warm laugh and smiled again.

Dream Girl opened up her arms to the Legionnaires sat around the massive room and her smile widened.

"Oh darlings, I promise you all, we're going to have the most amazing time."

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005141 07/27/21 02:46 AM
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Twelve hours later and Dream Girl was alone in her temporary quarters on First Base.

She had swung by Sa Lok's former satellite after the meeting. The refurbishment was going well and the young Dominator they had taken to call Ivy appeared to be happy to meet the Naltoran. Dream Girl knew that Ivy would become a trusted member of the team in time, but still had some way to go until she was entirely comfortable with her new ...teammates. Not being treated as a slave, and being allowed to have opinions of her own was something very new and usual to the Dominator girl. And, Nura realised, it would take some time for the Legionnaires to get used to a Dominator being there, but if they could have Khund members why not a Dominator? Surely, Ivy was proof of the Legion living its ethos?

Nura had stayed there for an hour, spoke to the crew that were making alterations to the defences and docking bays and gave a few suggestions regarding the fixtures and fittings in her own quarters, then left for another meeting. She had been dreaming of this for several weeks and knew that would irritate the usually stoic Duplicate Girl. Nura didn't really care, it was for the greater good... Lu would get over herself when she saw what became of it.

Exactly as she had dreamed, the student known as Army-of-One had asked to join Dream Girl on Hope World when it left on its mission. Lu had not been impressed but ultimately the student could choose what she wanted to do so the academy's headmistress had agreed to give her some bespoke focussed training in the next week before she left to join Nura's team. Aisha Servito had thanked and hugged Nura before she left. In truth, thought Nura, she should be the one thanking the student.

Nura knew it would be another week or so until Sa Lok's old planetoid was ready to go, and she intended to use this time to get as fully pampered as possible. Being precognitive was a double-edged sword for her as she knew just how messy things were going to get on their missions... so, she reasoned, it would be best to get thoroughly prepared by ensuring she looked her absolute best before then.

Thom had joined Gim, Reep and the new girl Janee, who they called Friction, down to Earth to visit Dirk. They would be gone for most of the night and Nura knew that Thom would be worse for wear when he finally got back. Nura had arranged a cot in the spare room for him as she didn't want his toxic stale alcohol fuelled breath anywhere near her when he finally crawled back in. Even without her abilities Nura realised he would do his best to make it up to her in the morning - after he'd brushed his teeth, taken a sonic shower and an anti-tox pill - but until then he was sleeping alone.

She also knew it was time to have a conversation that would have many ramifications in the future... for one thing, it would make it clear to a being of immense importance that they were on the same side. Nura was eternally grateful that her daughter Mathilda was such a sound sleeper as the little tyke would take her attention away from what was needed to be done had she been awake.

"Henry, we need to talk." She announced this into the empty room and waited.

Several seconds later the air in front of the Naltorian beauty coalesced into the form of the holo-man from the 75th century.

"How can I help you Nura?" he bowed his head as he asked.

"I know what's coming and so do you." She said this as a statement of fact, "so... are we ready?"

The usually stoic holo-man gave a coy grin before replying. "Of course. The Devil's Dozen will test Tinya but..."

"You know that's not what I mean. Are we ready for what's coming after I lead Hope World out into the galaxy."

"Your leadership will inspire generations Nura. You've always known that you and your daughter's legacy will be beyond that of any of your colleagues."

"Yes, yes, of course, though I'm more concerned if you will be able to keep up when the team take their next planetoid. Will you? You know that having five planetoids will tax..."

"It's all in hand. I have been preparing for some time. Each of the Legion's Worlds will have their own temporo-spatial warp matrices in place. We will not lose each other ... I am not that easily overwhelmed, not for too long anyway." Henry smiled as he spoke.

"And does Tinya know what she'll have to do? It's vital that she does it. Damn, she's tough but it will not be an easy choice for her to make." Nura stared intensely at the holo-man. Both were aware that this one facet of their potential future would ensure the Legion's legacy for centuries to come. But it solely depended on the actions of Tinya Wazzo at an unpredictable Nexus point.

"I am quite certain she will do what's needed when the time comes."

Nura ran her fingertips through her hair. "So much depends on it and if we get it wrong... well, let's focus on doing what we can to make sure it happens as it should."

"I am quite certain that when the time comes, as history dictates, Tinya Wazzo will make the sacrifice needed to defeat the Dark Man and the armies of Dominion. She is remembered as the greatest hero of this era because of it."

Nura Nal nodded, her eyes sad with the knowledge of what would be needed. Without Tinya's selfless action they would most likely lose their opportunity to set the galaxy on a path towards a reasonably harmonious future. There would be chaos without it, the fragmenting of the United Planets as the Dominion brutally expanded and the slow painful death of humanity... It all depended on one single decision at a crucial moment in time.

Dream Girl also knew what she had to do to ensure it happened, and it would start with her taking full control of Hope World.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005142 07/27/21 02:48 AM
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That brings LW7 to an end, though I've plotted out a fair bit of LW8 so it'll only ba week or two before this carries on.

Thank you everyone who has taken the time to read this and especially those that take the time to give feedback - it is always appreciated.

Tomorrow and Thursday I have a couple of hours free so will catch up with the other fics here, sorry I've fallen behind!

Below is a guide to where the team members are at currently.

Thanks again,


Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005143 07/27/21 02:50 AM
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The Legion Academy's planetoid is situated 2 light minutes galactic north of Saturn's northern pole and is called HOME BASE. They have an average of 300 students at one time, of which 270 or so are meta-staff from the Science Police or UP militia on three-month long secondments.

Former Legionnaires:

Triplicate Girl - Luornu Durgo of Carggg - able to split into three identical duplicates (part of Duplicate Girl)
Cosmic Boy - Rokk Krinn of Braal - manipulation of magnetic fields
Night Girl - Lydda Jath of Kathoon - incredible strength and durability out of direct sunlight
Colossal Boy - Gim Allon of Earth - increase personal size and mass at will
Wildfire - Drake Burroughs of Earth - composed of sapient anti-energy, extreme strength, speed, durability, space flight, anti-energy blasts
Chameleon Girl - Yera Allon of Durla - shape changer
Shadow Lass - Tasmia Mallor of Talok viii - summon and manipulate total darkness

Science Police training staff:

Jumping Jack - Science Police Senior Training Officer Jaxi Delgrado-Hynd of Morshesh 5 - hyper-awareness, reflexes and agility
Ms Big - Science Police Officer Erikka Chowdrey of Venus - increase her own muscle mass and density at will, combat specialist
Brain Girl - Science Police Officer Ella Drottmi of Titan - telepathy and telekinesis
Dream Boy - Pre-Commando Sergeant Rol Purtha of Naltor - precognition
Tues El - Science Police Officer Vae Loct of Daxam - incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability.

Support Staff on LWHB:

I.Z.O.R. - Gear ii - infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Henry - Anti Lad - Spatial warp controller
Numbers Guy - M'Rissey of Earth - super-efficient business management skills
Dr Boom - senior physician and United Planets Government envoy - Danii Schwartz-Geltt of Myar - physician and alchemist


Phantom Girl and her junior deputy leader Thunder have taken half of the team out into the United Planets in the former Tyrazzian battle planet they call FIRST BASE.

Their remit is to actively defend the United Planets, so this part of the team stays very much within the UP's sphere of influence and generally have high profile missions. As the team suffered badly as a result of the negative media manipulation by Psyche from the Dark Circle ruled alternate reality, they often invite journalists to report on missions from this base.

Legion World First Base:

Phantom Girl - Team Leader, Tinya Wazzo of Bgtzl Dimension - intangibility
Thunder - Deputy Leader, Cecelia Becks of 21st Century Earth, immense strength, speed, indestructibility, space flight, wisdom
Chameleon Boy - Espionage Squad leader, Reep Daggle of Durla - shape changer
Lightning Lass - Senior Team member, Ayla Ranzz of Winath - electrical generation and manipulation
Tellus - Ganglios of Hykraius - telepathy and telekinesis
Comet Queen - Grava of Extal colony - spaceflight, comet gas extrusion
Otaki - Bina Nawoti of Earth - mindsense
Kid Quantum - Jazmin Cullen of Xanthu - creation of temporal quantum bubbles, flight
Ferro - Douglas Nolan of Earth - can assume invulnerable iron isotope form
Dragonmage - Xao Jin of Earth - dragon magics
XS - Jenni Ognats of an alternate dimension Aarok - phenomenal speed
Kinetix - Zoe Saugin of Aleph - telekinetic animation
MWindaji - Gahaji of Kiringyaga - super tracker, carries the Ruby of Life allowing tactile transformative magic
Backlash - Mrruaw MNau of Simballi - enhanced strength, speed, senses, absorbs kinetic energy to boost own size and mass
Comet King - Drinchnar Lamment of Extal colony - spaceflight, comet gas extrusion
Atom Girl - Sylva Nrilsan of Imsk - can shrink to microscopic size
Ultra Girl - Li-Fahn Qiong of Xanthu - incredible strength, speed, indestructibility, spaceflight, and projection of force blasts, effectively limited to one at a time
Polar Girl - Mel Lassar of Tharr - cryokinesis
Friction - Janee Whittakka of Xanthu - manipulates the force of friction
Spoiler ii - Gord Eno of Naltor - precognition, specialising in short range visions for combat situations

Newly promoted from Academy student to full membership (Mentor in brackets):

Solar Gorilla - D'Nadka Endarooga of Dmansca - generate and project extreme heat and light (Lightning Lass)
Strobe - Denal Lort of Dryad - assume electro-magnetic energy form (Chameleon Boy)
Triple Nova - Elthur Mundo of Carggg - split into three separate bodies, each with either strength and durability, speed and reflexes, or laser vision (Thunder)

Science Police meta-squad seconded to Legion World First Base:

Replicator - Science Police Officer Tarev Jusool of Talok viii - can mimic meta-abilities of those nearby for limited periods of time
Gravity Kid - Science Police Officer Tel Vole of Earth - manipulation of personal or nearby gravity
Power Boy - Science Police Officer Jedidiah Rikane of Earth - personal density control

Other seconded members currently based on Legion World First Base:

Gazelle - J'izl Dtutuu from the Khundian Battle Brigade, of Khundia Prime - enhanced strength, speed, agility and metabolic control
Cosmic Kid - Po Miman, Justice Legionnaire of alternate dimension Mars - energy manipulation and flight

Support Staff on Legion World First Base:

Dr Richard Kent Shakespeare - Impulse - Chief Medical Officer and Support Team manager - enhanced strength, speed, durability, stamina
I.Z.O.R. - Gear iii - infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Danielle Foccart - Kid Computo - Technical support - technopathic communication and control over advanced technology
Henry - Anti Lad - Spatial warp controller
Ming Sul - Amp Girl - investigative officer - hyper-enhancement of her own sensory capacities
Shardwurd Gandussen of the Ten Peaks from Avalon - Silver Shaman - Medical Officer - biokinetic healing
Science Police Psychiatrist - Doctor Anje Falkner - alpha-level telepath
Flaurianarelle of Zerox - Greensleeves - orchard and farm caregiver - magical manipulation of plant life
Theena Greglenn of Silgor Marregorraus - Network - Communications Officer - hyper-pathic communication through symbiote
Solstin Wang of Earth - Booster - medical support - awareness and manipulation of physical properties of those around him
Gloriana Crestellen of Grighshtall iv - Glory - medical support - awareness and manipulation of bio-auras

Missing in action:

Captain Heavyweight - Senior Team liaison, Science Police Captain Tuk Shir of Daxam, Senior Team liaison - incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability


Tyroc has taken the remaining team members with him onto SECOND BASE, another battle planet won from the Tyrazzian warmongers. Their remit is a bit looser than the team on First Base in that they do not necessarily have such high-profile missions and they are not fixed within the United Planets.

They rarely invite journalists onto their missions.

Legion World Second Base team:

Tyroc - Deputy Leader - Troy Stewart of Marzal city pocket dimension - sonic control
Duplicate Girl - Senior Team member, Luornu Durgo of Carggg - creation of multiple identical duplicates
Element Lad - Senior Team member, Jan Arrah of Trom - elemental transmutation
Mon El - Senior Team member, Lar Gand of Daxam - incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Dawnstar of Starhaven - Senior Team member - space flight, incredible speed, tracking
Timber Wolf - Brin Londo of Zuun - enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth - breathes dragon fire and acid
Glorith of Zerox - manipulation of magical energies
Shield - Laurel Kent of Earth - physical invulnerability, tactile psychometry
Monica Sade of Rimbor - strength, reflexes - line of sight teleportation
Lexikon - Princess Daheenisha of Tamaran iv - enhanced speed, strength, durability, flight, omni-linguist
The Huntress - Ambassador Amynta of Nostos ii - incredible strength, speed, invulnerability, space flight
Karate Kid iii - Mithindrivithis Ngandraffa of Lythyl - strength, reflexes, mimetic motor learning giving incredible combat skills
Thirteen - Dann Hortra of Naltor - line of sight probability manipulation
Babbage- I-45ENG/Nth Series, of the Robotica Confederated Worlds - strength, durability, internalised weapons, hyper awareness and analytical skills.
Starkling - telepathic swarm-being composed of indestructible ball bearing sized components
Retro - Deen Toro of Ventura - limited reversal of personal timeline
Spy (also team counsellor) - Dr Noah Kabbo - heightened awareness and limited telepathy
Bouncing Boy ii - Stoor Chamble of Pasnic - creation of personal spherical force field
Atomsmasher - Ergus Wraithcat of Betelgeuse - spaceflight, durability, hyper senses, limited telepathy, radiation manipulation
Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth - incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts

Newly promoted from Academy student to full membership (Mentor in brackets):

Mindbender - Marmud Illic of Titan - alpha-level telepath (Duplicate Girl)
Poltergeist -Jaun Vineo of Titan - alpha-level telekinesis (Element Lad)
Non - negative energy being - spaceflight, speed, alter own dimensions and density, explosive touch, limited telepathy (Mon El)

Science Police meta-squad seconded to Legion World Second Base:

Captain Phantom - Senior Team liaison, Science Police Captain Gryal Vrizza of Bgztl Dimension - intangibility
Power Lass - Science Police Officer Nel Duwi of Daxam - incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Magno - Science Police Officer Dyrk Magz of Braal - manipulation of magnetic fields
Changer - Science Police Investigative Officer Urill Yagthal of Durla - shape changer

Other seconded members currently based on Legion World Second Base:

Green Lantern - Dkyun Mu of Xudar - wearer of a Green Lantern power ring

Support Staff on Legion World Second Base:

I.Z.O.R. - Gear iii - infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Henry - Anti Lad - Spatial warp controller
Hethuk Bran Drommsi - Smith from the Green Rift Forge of Talok viii - weapon maker and engineer
Dr Shoodixi Singh - Science Police Medical Officer - bio-empathic

Laipas - hunting dog from Nostos ii - enchanted to never lose a trail, fast and tough, far smarter than it looks!


HOPE WORLD is the latest planetoid base, specialising solely in disaster relief.

Dream Girl- Team leader - Nura Nal of Naltor - precognition
Star Boy - Senior Team member, Thom Kallor of Xanthu - stellar mass transference
Harmonia - Senior Team member, Professor Harmonia Li of Earth - manipulation of the natural environment
Invisible Kid - Jacques Foccart of Earth - personal and tactile invisibility
Titan - Nasir N'Cube of Titan - alpha-level telepathy
Sister Eclipse - of Rhoohanisett iii - durability, heightened senses, physical possession of any living being
Southern Lights of Starhaven - spaceflight, magic user


Dragon Lass - Mari Baertling of Rimbor - enhanced strength, durability, echolocation and flight
Orion -Science Police Cadet Tw'gg of H'lven - tracking skills, agility, enhanced senses and awareness of flaws or weaknesses
Tesseract - Sar Jerash Mor Toark of Mars - access to intra-dimensional space
Army of One - Ashia Servito of Luzonus Prime - self-replication

Support Staff on Hope World:

I.Z.O.R. - Gear iv - infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomoh
Drura Sehpt - Infectious Lass - medical officer - containment and control over bacteria and viruses
Henry - Anti Lad - Spatial warp controller
J2351 of the Dominion - Ivy - bio-manipulation of Hope World's chloro-technology
The Bludgers - clone-grown Dominion workforce with enhanced strength and durability but have 28 hour lifespan

Science Police Liaison Team:

'Smart Boy' - Senior Team liaison, Strategic Analyst Graq Maurus of Colu - 10th level intelligence specialising in disaster relief scenarios
Groovy - Science Police Officer Droo Vri of Daxam. of Daxam - incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Magnetix - Science Police Officer Jooli Esra of Braal - manipulation of magnetic fields
Mama Tank - Science Police Lieutenant Lolla Grayfrau of Badenhoff vi - cybernetics giving incredible strength, invulnerability, AI manipulation


The most successful students from Home Base are offered an internship that allows them special privileges including joining the Legion on selected missions, with potential to join the team as full Legionnaires once their internship is successfully completed. Currently there are 12 interns:

Imp Master - Dorrolo Capicca Redsail of Zerox - Elven strength, speed and senses, minor mystic specialising in summoning and controlling imps
Tectonik - Hardal of Granite Falls from Mondriak iv - geokinesis
Bloom - Lavender of Schentanhaumma iii - pheromone manipulation, enhanced senses
Shadowsurfer - Walyed Reeaz of D-1457H234 - strength and durability, teleport through shadows or darkness
Impact - Dillon Blackstream of Myar - incredible strength, speed, durability, stamina, motion sense
Little Loki - Magnus Laviksen of Nordhelm - illusion casting
Mosaic - Science Police Officer Rish'ha Nor of Lallor - tactile mimicry of material properties
Thunderbolt - Ness Strakinos of Gardenhome - assumes electrical energy form
Haze - Science Police Cadet Tkemwa Autmi-Hu of Ungara - strength, durability, induce confusion and senselessness
Polestar - Science Police Cadet Nykko Rine of Braal - magnokinesis
Zero - Science Police Cadet Amrendra Mayasinghar of Myar - multi-dimensional shifting
Snoop - Science Police Cadet Horol Gyllaspi pf the Galentorio Satellites - astral projection


Legionnaire on secondment to the Khund Battle Brigade:

Gates - Ti'Julk Mr'Asz of an alternate dimension Vyrga - creation of spatial warps

Academy Student currently within the Khundian Empire:

Inferno - Sandy Anderson of Earth - fire generation and manipulation

On long term leave:

Brainiac 5 (Personal leave) - Senior Team member, Legion Worlds Operational Manager and chief scientist - Professor Querl Dox of Colu - 12th level intelligence
Sun Boy (resigned) - Senior Team member, Dirk Morgna of Earth - generation of intense light and heat
Matter-Eater Lad (Medical leave) - Senator Tenzil Kem of Bismoll - mega-omnivorous consumption
Chemical Kid (removed from active duty) - Hadru Jamik of Phlon - catalyzes chemical reactions
Polar Boy (removed from active duty)- Brek Banning of Tharr - cryokinesis
Loutrahim Mango (Personal leave) - 'Death Boy' - Professor Li?s laboratory assistant, exemplary biochemist - sweat activated neuro-toxic palm secretions

Other affiliated teams:

Weber?s World ambassadorial team:

Quislet, . of Teall dimension - able to animate inorganic matter though this causes the matters destruction
I.Z.O.R. - Gear i, Chief Maitre D' - nannite collective being, technomorph
Oodoo Shanair of Lallor - empath
Sentinel of the Khund Battle Brigade - strength, durability, manipulation of magnetic fields
Princess Shooradel of Tamaran iv - enhanced speed, strength, durability, flight, omni-linguist
Proty iii of Antares - shape changer, limited telepathy

The League of Super-Heroes (former Academy Students):

Kid Dynamo - Ja Vlo of Dryad - incredible strength and invulnerability
Ballistix - Crishtrakrek 714 of Zuun - synthezoid with great strength, speed, durability, stamina and spaceflight
Magno Lass - Josi Rista of Braal - Magnokinesis
Kid Nimbus - Kendall Mekensy-Wolff the Fifth of Dryad - assume gaseous form
Flipside - Drannananna Otticolli of Grathvarth V - fast, agile, manipulate personal gravity orientation
Slingshot - Prince Alfon Gundrix Maunheesta of the Grindlaw Colonies of System Mondarsh - hyper-charge kinetic potential of objects by touch

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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005144 07/27/21 04:40 AM
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yay! what a nice treat for lunch, Harbi. I read while eating tongue comments as I come along, so you will see the points when I get surprised in a good way!

Nice to see the Junior Legionnaires graduate - it's a nice step up! And indeed, all those you named have done well and have earned their place on the team.

Also awesome to see the interns make it onto the support staff. I also love how your team really treats the support staff as crucial members of the wider organization.

Also love how the internships are being applauded. It's really a good step, and I like how your team has this tiered mentoring structure - after all, being a Legionnaire is TOUGH! Makes sense that these new potential members are given a lot of time and attention to prepare them.

Ah, Nura's entrance was SO Nura. Just so Nura. Yes, she loves the attention!

Also cute how Grava, Zoe and Backlash were all goo-goo over Mathilda smile

OH! I love this! The Hope Squad as a permanent squad within the team! Still open to everyone, and everyone has to participate; but with a set team that focuses on it 100%! Great choices too - Sister Eclipse's personality fits, while Infectious Lass can do so much. Jacques was also always less of a fighter. And Nura, Thom and Harmonia can do so much with their powers.

Ok, gonna stop gushing now, but I will say that your choices made sense - I did have to look up one or two, but generally their powers and/or their personalities made them very fit for the Hope World! Oh I love it, yes this goes beyond just beating up bad guys, it's really a mission of hope and development! Yes, yes, yes! (I also like how we're both adding elements of this to our teams in our own stories!) After all, the Legion can do so much!

Ah Droo Vi! I remember you had a piece on him. Nice Chekhov's Gun there, him coming back! Lol, cute muscley Daxamite in a tight outfit, oh Nura

I also love how Tinya is just all for it - like, she knows it's both a good idea, and it's a Nura vision, so there's no sense fighting it.

Nura's thinking - yes, I know bad things will come that I cannot avoid, so might as well prepare and enjoy myself. Very wise, and a good approach to dealing with precognition. hah! A drunk Thom, sounds like him... nice allusion to the old Dirk/Thom friendship, playing video games.

Taking the next planetoid, wow! Your title, Legion Worlds, is so fitting. and I like how each Planetoid is now serving its own unique purpose.

Gasp! Dark Man and Dominion armies... sacrifice needed... oh what foreshadowing! I'm both eager and scared!

makes perfect sense that most of students are seconded from SPs or UP militia, am sure there are a lot of powered ones in their ranks.

Can I say I am stoked that Army of One, with her Philippine background, is on Hope World?

Is Jacques also gonna get Senior Team Member status? Brin doesn't have it either but I think it's more personality and lack of desire. Those two stood out from the very old guard as not being Senior Team members. Tellus too, but I still think of him as new-ish in comparison, plus I am colored by the canon version being so unsure.

Love the nicknames and codenames. Numbers Guy, Smart Boy, Mama Tank...

Can you remind me what Tenzil's medical leave is about? I've forgotten completely.

also interested to see if you have plans for Quislet or the League of Super-Heroes coming up.

as always, a big fan Harbi, you really excel in world-building as well. and excellent characterization, I admire how you manage such a large cast. looking forward to more more more!

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005145 07/27/21 05:24 AM
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Thanks again IB, just popped in to check on the formatting and your review was a nice surprise.

Re: Droo Vri - me foreshadow things? Never laugh okay, maybe a bit...

Umm, not sure if Tinya is that happy about Nura's announcement tbh, though the very first scene in LW8 will get into that. She may not be the only one either.

Tenzil is still technically insane so he won't be back in the foreseeable future I'm afraid to say.

And I started to write a short story just about the League of Super-Heroes a while back, maybe I'll get back to it and include it in LW8. Thanks for the reminder.

Thanks again, more more more coming soon


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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005146 07/27/21 05:44 AM
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re Tinya, ah I'm just going by her last reaction - her teasingly suggesting Groovy as a name for Droo Vi tongue

but indeed I can imagine not everyone is completely happy with Nura's announcement - both her goal, and how she did it! There wasn't even time for a discussion or debate, considering how she did it smile

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005149 07/27/21 07:01 AM
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Its super amazing that you can juggle so many of these characters and have them have specific personalities. Really great stuff!

Interested in the Post-Zero Hour Reboot Legion? Check out:

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Fan Fiction: The Legion of Super-Heroes v4.1 (continuing the reboot from issue 126!) on LW or here (external)

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (finished 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005755 08/13/21 02:22 PM
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Thanks for your kind words guys. I?ve been utterly swamped this week so haven?t had time to post the start of LW8 or review the other ficus here. Keep your fingers crossed that I?ll have a bit more free time next week.

Hope you all enjoy your weekend,


Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (finished 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005759 08/13/21 06:20 PM
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Same boat, so no worries. I?ve just started my next story too cause I?ve had so much going on myself.

Interested in the Post-Zero Hour Reboot Legion? Check out:

The Reboot Legion Timeline

Fan Fiction: The Legion of Super-Heroes v4.1 (continuing the reboot from issue 126!) on LW or here (external)

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (finished 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1005777 08/14/21 03:11 AM
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ditto, have a lovely (and relaxing!) weekend all ! real life has been crazy for me too, I really need a break

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (finished 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1006044 08/22/21 05:28 PM
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Hi Harbinger,
So ends another volume. This volume feels like it flew by and its been a fun ride. With a few plot threads held over.
But now this ending brings another giant change.
the meeting overall we nice. I enjoyed the interns moving on up and joining the team. When ever you bring your team together like this it really is a Legion. Seeing the giant scope of your team is amazing.

Mentorees: Happy that all have made it into the team and looking forward to see what you have instore for them. I don't know who I'm more excited to see step up and be a bigger part of the main team. Friction's powers are probably my favorite.
Mon-el and Non? hmmm stoic meets even more stoic. lol. laugh
Tinya's playful nature to welcome the newest legionnaire's and trainees is fun. I wonder if in another life she could have been some kind of game show host.

Then enters Dream first i thought she was coming to deliver some new life threatening news. But no its to announce her intentions for the new planetoid...which is all about hope and saving people from wars, and famine, and so much more. Alright I can get behind this and it opens up Tinya's hope squad missions more. Its interesting that as you expand the Legion and they get more planetiods, the planetoids themselves become dedicated to specific aspects of the Legion.

I might be in the minority here as I haven't read the comments form everyone else yet but I honestly hated the way Nura came in and took over the meeting and just got so grandiose about it. But if I was Tinya i would have wanted to throw her out. i don't know why but it really rubbed me the wrong way. it felt almost culty towards the end with people just jumping up to join. But i get it. She's a very charismatic person, who enjoys a show.

At first i wasn't even sure what this meant and if it was even apart of the Legion or its own thing like the League of Super Heroes. But was glad it would still be part of the Legion with everyone doing missions. But are Nura, Thom, and Harmonia are back and part of the Senior team or are they their own separate senior team?

Loved seeing Nura after the meeting. Of course she would pamper herself knowing she wouldn't have much time for it. I think that's very smart.
Finally some more with Henry! I'm so fascinated by this man from the future.
Nura and her daughter have a great destiny? Also something that will be fun to see come to pass. But now I want to know what powers her daughter inherited.
Is Duplicate Damsel annoyed with Dream Girl's powers or her plans?
I'm convinced Henry and Dream Girl know each other some how. Why wouldn't he trust her and see their on the same side? Were they adversaries or maybe they will be in some possible timeline? But that line "we will not lose each other" are they something more? mother and son? future lovers? former lovers? friends? so many questions i want to know!!!
Hmmm how many planetoids are the Legion going to have? is there a plan for that? even if there is i doubt you'd tell me. lol.

Ok...that sounds like Tinya's gonna be joining Jo...I hope that's not where this is leading.
Love the idea of Nexus points in time that Nura can't see into.

What a great ride Harbi and I can't wait for more, more, more!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (finished 27 July 21)
Harbinger #1006089 08/24/21 03:27 AM
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Omni, hi, thanks for your review. Couple of points to come back to you on:

I wrote Mon El's first meeting with Non as his mentor about three weeks ago and t'll be quite near the start of LW8 and Stoic meets Even More Stoic sums it up brilliantly - you'll love it.

Friction, along with a couple of her fellow new Legionnaires will be taking a mini-adventure too, as I'm aware they need a little bit of work, so expect to see more of her soon.

Dream Girl rubbed a lot of people up the wrong way - it was supposed to read like that - and the very first post of LW8 will show Tinya's thoughts on it. They're not happy and will have prepercussions. Lu was annoyed with Nura for just popping into Home Base and taking a student without talking to her first about it. Lu isn't so good at putting on a friendly facade as Tinya.

"We will not lose each other" refers more to distance than any personal matter, you'll find out in LW8 smile

Planetoids, well... there'll be another in LW8 and another in LW9 if my drafts go to plan. I have a very very very rough draft storyline going onto LW12 which will involve a few more, though nothing's written in stone yet so it might not work out quite that well. Who knows, in another year or two I might be bored of writing this and just decide to park it and write something else.

Anyway, coming up soon in LW8 - the Devil's Dozen kidnap someone close to home for the Shadowmancer and things get very personal, Mysa visits with some worrying news, the mentor and mentees meet up and not everyone will be happy, a founder has an adventure and we've still to find Tuk Shir.

And Omni, I only have half an hour spare today so will get onto reviewing your fic by the end of the week when I have a good hour to put into it.

Thanks again,


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