www.Earth23.net is a gay/straight
friendly PBeM/PBW game based on the DCU and events
spawned from Infinite Crisis; Our game takes place on
one of the many, many alternate Earths (#23). Earth 23
is very similiar to the main DCu, with minor
exceptions in that some characters have alternative
sexual preferences (was straight and is now gay, was
bi and is now trans-gendered) , or have had their
gender altered. Currently we are focusing on the Teen
Titans, with the team being composed of the Atom (Ray
Palmer), Changling (John Jones Jr.), Kid Flash (Wally West), Superboy(Conner
Kent) ,Wonderboy (Leo Troy ),and
Golden Eagle (Hawkman like character). Our game is primarily
dominated by male characters and we are hoping to find
a few female players to help balance out our ranks,
although all are of course welcome to what promises to
be a very dynamic, fair, and fun game!
Interested Parties can find us at:
We are trying to take inspiration
from Marvel Comics limited series 'The Young Avengers'
and as such, rather then just taking the standard DC
characters, we're trying to blend and twist them when
a good twist presents itself. An example would be our
version of Changeling, who is a green skinned
shape-shifter. Sound familiar? It should cause his
name is John Jones Jr, son of the Martian Manhunter.
A Legion game is under development and will be up and going soon. There is room for new players in both games.

It is an
NC-17 game due to adult themes/situations.
