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Posting this for He Who Wanders. He mentioned the other day he was having trouble posting it so I hope he doesn't mind.


Why an off-the-cuff review? Because I'm wearing short sleeves. (Just joking. They're actually long.) Really, because, 1) I don't have the issue in front of me, so I'm winging it, and 2) I haven't checked out the other comments on the issue yet. It's not that I don't want to read what others have said. In fact, I can't wait to get a dialogue going, or join the one already in progress. But I find it's easier for me if I get my thoughts down first. This way, they are my own thoughts, uninfluenced by others. Which means I can either take credit for wondrous observations or make a total fool of myself. You decide.

LEGION # 21 ...

Just when we thought it was safe to root for a 31st century villain again, DnA throw us for a loop, or do they? Without warning, Legion World is invaded by Darkseid and his minions of Apocalypse, who overrun the place, keeping our heroes on the defensive, and overwhelming them with a space whatsit that dwarfs Legion World by, oh, several planet sizes. Our heroes are seemingly done for, just as they were when Robotica invaded, or Ra's al Ghul invaded, or the Blight, or ...

Or are they?

DnA pull a fast one in the middle of the issue by having two heroines see the truth of what is really happening. But they can't do much good yet, so they have to make a bee-line for an unstable threshold gate, through which, if they survive the transit, they hope to hook up with a pair of familiar allies.

As with last issue's foray into Saturn Girl's dream world, DnA are playing fast and loose with the element of surprise here. The Legionnaires don't know what is really happening, and neither do we, the readers, for awhile. It's a gambit that works quite effectively here. Just when I was starting to groan about DnA having only one type of story to tell (the invasion angle), they pulled the holographic floor out from under me. The plunge into the realm of the unexpected was worth it.

What's that about fool me twice?

Unfortunately, the element of surprise is mostly what LEGION # 21 has to offer. There's a hint of a development in the ongoing Ultra Boy/Apparition subplot, when she tries to confront him over his dalliance with Saturn Girl. But their scene is quickly interrupted by the crisis-not-really-in-progress. There's also a cliffhanger of something happening to their super-growing baby, Cub -- or is that more of Universo's illusion?

Sensor, the snake-turned-something-else, has a major role in this story. Not only has her appearance changed drastically, but so has her personality. She has a harder edge to her. Gone is the graceful nobility of her old self, it seems. It's too soon to tell whether or not this change is any good for the character, and, although it makes sense that she would experience serious psychological and emotional issues over her transformation, I was still hoping for at least a hint of the graceful creature we got to know previously. That didn't come across here.

Nitpicky continuity point: How did Sensor know who Universo is, when all of the events of his only previous postboot appearance (TITANS/LEGION: UNIVERSE ABLAZE) were erased from the memory of everyone involved?

Batista has a lot to offer as an artist, and I have no problems with his artwork. He incorporates the quirky, kinetic energy that made Olivier Coipel such a fan favorite, but brings his own, fresh look to the characters and their setting. The full-page spread of Legion World being dwarfed by the vessel from Apokolips was as magnificent as any of Coipel's landscapes or space scenes. He also makes Sensor look both attractive and menacing at the same time, a hard thing to do, I imagine, considering how unusual she now looks.

So, this was a good issue. But, like many of DnA's stories, I feel the pacing is too slow and that the storyline is padded for the sake of making it a four-parter. It probably could have been done more effectively in two or three issues.

Story: C+
Art: B+
Overall: B-

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I'm still looking forward to reading the issue!

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You gotta read it EDE. One of the best ones yet in my opinion. And Batista's art just fits. I really can't explain it. I'm not sure Copiel could have drawn this arc and made it as believable, for me, as Batista has.

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It's at least another week before I can pick it up. I'm thinking about waiting and reading it and #22 together, though!

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Mind? Thank you, LL! For whatever reason, I can't get things to paste in these reply fields. I can paste them into my own WordPerfect docs.(Yeah, I know, Word is king, not WP, but what can I say?) I was just getting ready to try again.

Anyway, I do appreciate your posting it here. On the other forum (are we allowed to call it by name? wink ), it got only one response, so I'm hoping to do better here. I want to keep a dialogue going about each issue as it comes out, so, please, everyone -- if you've read the issue or not -- post your comments. My views are entirely my own; they're not the final word on anything. They're intended to be the beginning of an exchange. Don't be shy. (Like that's ever been a problem with this group!) If I'm way off base, tell me so. If you agree with what I've said, tell me why. (Notice, I didn't say, "Just say yes." Unlike Nancy Reagan, I prefer some depth to commentary.) If you find a point to challenge me on, then challenge me. If you change my mind, you'll be my best friend for life. If you don't, I will eat you for lunch. (No, wait, that's Garibaldi's line on Babylon 5 ).

Seriously, I will treat all replies with respect, whether I agree with them or not. If I don't reply, don't take it personally. It just means I didn't have anything meaningful to say and didn't want to clutter up Gary and Scott's nice board (like I'm doing now shocked ).

Better yet, if you want to critique my critiques, go right ahead. As a writer, I grow through constructive criticism. Don't be nasty, but don't think you have to be overly nice, either. I've been through graduate-level writing courses. Believe me, I can take it.

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The Semi-Great Gildersleeve - writing, super-heroes, and this 'n' that
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Well, the reason I've always had Todd's reviews on my site (which I need to catch up on one of these days) is because I'm not that great at expressing why I like something. Never was much of a reviewer. But I'll try to post some of my thoughts here since HWW went through all the work on his post. I hope you all don't mind but I'll do this page by page.

The Cover: I knew that we were not going to get the cover that was previewed and I had guessed that Universo would make an appearance on it. But I was surprised to see them still use the 5 heads. I don't know if someone has said this on another board already and I just think the same or if someone mentioned it to me elsewhere but doesn't Universo kind of look like an evil Col. Klink? Nothing against TnT, who I think are doing a great job with covers so far, but this is my least favorite of the run so far. And what's with Universo's ears? If he is from Titan, are they a mutation, something he had done on purpose or something else altogether?

First Page: I like the prologue that has been introduced during this arc. Hell, I even thought of using the one from issue #19 as the entrance to this site. And I think that Batista draws one hot Shikari!

Pages 2 - 4: I like the idea of Cos being a teacher, and of 21st century history. Do you think maybe it is because of the time he spent there or was it something he was just interested in?

Dreamer says that the Titanians told her Imra could not be disturbed. Is Universo so powerful that he could full a whole planet of telepaths or does he have some help?

I liked them finally using Gear but his hand with the fingers at the end of that apparatus kinda freaked me out. Just eerie.

I love Batista's rendition of the Parademons. They actually look like their HeroClix version that was just released.

Note: Chuck's smirk in the first panel on page 2 looks like he is in dire need of some action. And I'm still waiting for my Legion jacket. DC is missing a big marketing gimick here. Anyone remember those Battlestar Galactica jackets they used to sell in Warren magazines?

Page 5: Batista's work here is a little uneven. Tinya in the middle panel looks off to me. But I like Jo finally getting some time with Cub without Brin around.

Page 6: Wow! Okay, Legion World just really isn't all that big afer all is it?

Page 7: Nice shot of the team working together but yet again large Vi. I'm just over that. And of course Brainy new all about Darkseid. So why did they waste time with Gear and Lu looking the info up? Spark gets hurt, her right arm. Universo messing with her because of Garth? And Shikari can 'hear' Universo? I don't know if I fully believe that her power would allow her to do this but I'll go along with it for now.

Page 8: Snecky (still part snake so it still fits) appears scared to go out in public her and this just doesn't jibe with her attitude later in the issue. At least to me. Did the process Ra's put her through make her mentally unstable? Do we have an upcoming Legion traitor storyline building here?

Page 9: Darkseid And he looks great! He didn't look this good during Our Worlds at War.

Pages 10 - 12: Kid Q states the obvious while Rokk calls for reinforcements. I say again, election recall. This Kid has no right to be leading the Legion.

Chuck helping Lu when she's hurt. Maybe we can finally get a believable couple out of these two this boot.

Darkseid obviously playing on Thom's fears of losing control of his powers again. And Kid Q being clueless again. Surprise. Not. And of course announce to the villain you are running out of power. RECALL!

Page 13: Cute Cub. I can actually see Tinya in the little tyke. But the best image is the last panel of Jo and Tinya. Now that is a couple shot and I can see why Matthew is hot for Jo.

Pages 14 - 15: So can Shikari just armor up parts of her body? We need a Secret Files entry on her stat! Still don't know about this seemingly new power of hers. And could Wildfire really be controlled by Universo that way? He's an energy being and immortal. As long as he has his containment suit he should be one of the most powerful members.

Pages 16 - 17: I can believe more that Jeka's illusion powers can see through Universo's trap than I do Shikari can. And did Jeka stop and research Universo or did she just know all of that off the top of her head? It sounds like the Titans/LSH Universe Ablaze wasn't completely wiped out. I just hope they don't make him Imra's cousin.

One nit-pick here on page 16. You can see Jeka's flight ring on her right middle finger here but you can't anywhere else in the issue. It was almost like it was added at the last second since she flies in the last panel on that page. On page 21 it is clearly not there.

Page 18: Jeka protects her face her again (she did it on page 16). So does she not have eyelids? Where did Ayla, Drake and Querl come from? And where are they standing exactly. Jeka turns her head to look at them and they are standing by a Threshold. Yet the Thresholds are in front of Jeka and Shikari and the first panel clearly shows only one row of them. Then the Thresholds are not there in the final panel. Just a little unclear but maybe it is supposed to be.

Page 19: So the pair are now running down a corridor? Where did that come from? They were in the Threshold chamber before. More confusion. And when did Sneckie get the power to just toss Lar aside. Of course, this man had the shite beat out of him by Ra's on more than one occasion. Just how powerful is Mon supposed to be, or not be? Even Shikari doesn't armor up when he starts blasting.

Pages 20 - 22: Setting up the next issue here. And I don't like the idea that they may be mutating either Shikari or Jeka because of the Threshold warning their 'bio patterns' may be corrupted. What good will they be if they are hurt and arrive at Steeple where Ferro is already hurt?

I do like the zombie-esque attitude of the controlled Legionnaires. Like they are hypnotized. But why send Mon, Jo and Rokk after them if Universo really intended to stop Jeka and Shikari? And why only Mon doing anything? If he had sent Drake instead of Rokk, the three of them could have reduced the lab to slag before Jeka could have moved. Or does she have super-speed too?

I did enjoy this issue, overall, the best one of the arc yet. Just little incongruencies. But this may be intentional because of the villain.

So there you have it. Now you know why I don't review but I hope that I at least provided something worth reading.

PS: Enough of the use of Sprock already guys. Use Nass or Grife or come up with something new. Please.

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I was always kinda fond of "Bloody Liberty"

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Re: LL's comment about Wildfire being controlled by Universo -- if Universo's powers are psychic in nature (as it seems to be), then I imagine Drake would be susceptible regardless of not having a body -- he does have a consciousness at least. And he was susceptible to Universo's power pre-boot as well, so there's a precedence.

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Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
Re: LL's comment about Wildfire being controlled by Universo -- if Universo's powers are psychic in nature (as it seems to be), then I imagine Drake would be susceptible regardless of not having a body -- he does have a consciousness at least. And he was susceptible to Universo's power pre-boot as well, so there's a precedence.
That's what I was trying to remember. I don't recall off the top of my head when Drake was shown under Universo's control.

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Yep - it was during that big four-parter where Universo takes over the earth and tries to exile the Legionnaires with the strongest will. Wildfire was blown apart for most of it, but at the end he's there with the rest of the brain-washed Legionnaires trying to kill the free ones.

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Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
So there you have it. Now you know why I don't review but I hope that I at least provided something worth reading.
Um ... actually, I'm still wondering why you haven't reviewed before. That was excellent, Scott. It was just the sort of commentary I want to read. I normally don't have the inclination to review every page, so I just hit the high marks and discuss what made the most impression on me. But you and Todd both take in-depth looks at different aspects of the issue, and this is exactly the sort of analysis I crave! (Particularly since you're obviously better at noticing art nuances than I am).

Keep it up!

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Wow. Thanks Greg. I appreciate the kind words and coming from you they mean a lot. Maybe I'll try it again when the next issue comes out.

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Some specific comments, re: LL's review:

1. As far as Cos being a history student/teacher goes, I thought it was pulled out of left field. In the preboot, he did have an interest in history, as I recall; he and Lydda vacationed in the 20th century during the Cosmic Boy mini-series. But I don't recall this special interest of his being established postboot. (I'm not complaining about him being a history buff, just that this was an awkward place to establish it.)

2. Universo as Col. Klink. Now, I will never get THAT image out of my head.

3. If Universo is playing on Legionnaires' fears, perhaps Kid Q's fear is that she won't be decisive in battle. (Good catch, re: Ayla's right arm, though.)

4. Jekka's whole personality is different than what it used to be. One would expect her to maintain nobility and grace whatever her circumstances. I can buy her hiding from public, initially. But when the situation turns deadly, I would expect her former temperment to reassert itself. She gave up her throne to be a Legionnaire. She's not going to spend time whining about herself or hiding her face and snapping at colleagues when danger is about.

DnA never got a handle on her character before her transformation. (One of the things that still irks me: the issue of her much-ballyhooed change wasn't about her. She was just a walk-on, or, rather, slither-on, character.) And they certainly don't have it now.

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Just some quickie comments.

1. I always found pre-Ra's SENSOR to be merely okay. I like this All-New All-Edgy Sensor. Given her current circumstances, I can find the massive personality overhaul believeable.

2. Batista is "doing it" for me, as is the colorist.

3. It may be premature to say that this arc is guilty of overpadding as only 3 of the 5 parts are out. Let's be fairer and read ALL 5 parts before making the final call. They might all tie up nicely. Or not.


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On the issue of padding, I recently attended a comic book writers' workshop in which this very subject was brought up. It seems that the reason many story arcs last five or six issues these days is so they can be collected and sold in book chains.

While there seems little chance of that happening in Legion, I'm sure DnA (or DC) are writing with an eye toward that goal. That would explain the padding. If you have a killer story that takes only three issues to resolve, you're doomed as far as getting into bookstores goes. So you increase the page count.

My feelings on this are mixed. On the one hand, I'm all for comics reaching a larger audience by any means possible. On the other hand, I buy the issues as they come out, not the collected editions, so I can't help feeling a little cheated.

Time was, you'd get a complete story (or two) in a single issue. If a story had to be drawn out over four or five issues, then it was a story worth reading. But these days, when every story has to be five, six issues, or longer, the thrill has gone out of it, and even the best story gets watered down by forcing it into a certain page count. As a result, we American fans will be spending $12.50 for the complete "Dream Crime." (Canadian and foreign fans will spend even more.) This is about the same amount as a trade would cost, except that we have to wait longer for the entire story. While I'll be paying that much as, I'm sure most of us will be, am I the only one who finds that a little sobering?

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Yep, the recent trend to "write for TPBs" can be bothersome at times. JSA (a book I love) is guilty of it as is JLA. Oddly, my MARVEL faves like EXILES and X-STATIX -don't- seem to be writing in TPB arcs. Instead, "x" amount of issues (no pun intended) is collected in each TPB. I'm sure story-length is considered when determining how many issues are collected in each TPB, but I can see no definite trend to pad stories on these titles.

And DREAM CRIME *has* been tapped for the strong possibility of the TPB treatment.

Which could explain the possibility of padding here. I just don't wanna call it DEFINITE padding until I have read the whole thing.

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I really enjoyed 21 as well...

I am a bit confused as to what was REALLY happening as opposed to what the Legion BELIEVED was happening (Star Boy, Cub...)

Sensor is a big improvement over the snake, but is still not the Projectra that I would rather see.

I will be very interested to see what happens next...

Touch the magic...

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