This is a new idea I'm trying. I'm going to take a handful of points/ideas/questions that I think could've sparked more conversation than in the initial CTR answers and reprint them here with a short comment that I hope will create additional dialogue.
...was Shikari and her 'alien' Kwai senses perceiving the electronic (?) communications machinary later revealed to be the mechanism by which Universo was broadcasting his 'dream crime'?
I think the 'action-activation' component of Shikari's path-finding abilities better explains what happened-- however, I'd like to see *some* physiological differences highlighted, both in 'alien' looking folks like Shikari or Cham, *and* in otherwise identically similar *looking* 'humans'.
SENSOR: Page eight... Is it Sensor or the narrator who calls Cham and Gates 'bleeding hearts'? And who else, I wonder, is referenced in panel one's narrative box? Just who are the Legion's 'bleeding hearts'? I'd like to see who you'd put on such a list...
COSMIC BOY: "From one of my 21st century history classes..." Cos as professor. Imagine. Anyone else like to see a glimpse (or more) of one of these sessions?Precedent: Rokk visited the museum that had a collection of robots through the ages. His comments in that issue indicated that he'd been making similar 'advisory' visits for a while. Conclusion: He's a history buff with a foothold in the historical profession.
DREAMER: Reading background noise... or is she perhaps seeing further into the future than she's aware? Is there a Darkseid storyline coming in the wake of Dream Crime?The solicits sound like I might've been actually hit a bullseye with one of my guesses-- Lord knows I've 'thrown' enough that didn't even graze the target.
I wonder... is Jeka actually using supersnaketail strength... or is she tapping into Universo's dream? Has she uncovered a way to insert her powers into the overarching dream-structure? Consciously or unconsciously? Will she have a minute, once on Steeple, to think things through?Does anyone else think the superstrength *might* have been a red herring? Are illusions-within-illusions making things too complicated?
So- what do you think, CTR readers? Cool idea or waste of time?