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Posted by Jerry on :
What a strange, tragic, and surreal day here in Tucson. Anyone paying attention to the television or internet news knows by now that Congresswoman Giffords and 19 other people were shot at a meet and greet event outside a Safeway today. Six people are dead including a nine year old girl and federal judge.

Congresswoman Giffords is my representative. I stop in the shopping center where the shootings occurred a couple of times a month. I corresponded with Giffords' office by email on several occasions during the healthcare debate. My last email to her office was the day after the vote when I heard that her office had been vandalized. I thanked her for voting for the legislation and encouraged her and her staff to stay safe. I received four or five calls from her campaign during this fall's election encouraging me to vote. I assured them that I would be proud to vote for Gabrielle Giffords. I did and I was.

Tonight, she and several of the other victims are recovering in the ICU of the hospital where my partner, David, spent several days last month. The television news is showing a candlelight vigil outside the hospital as I type this.

I am overwhelmed with emotion tonight. The debate over the tone of the political rhetoric in our country has already started. I guess we'll endure the debate. Most of all, I'm just very sad. Congresswoman Giffords is a hardworking public servant, and a kind woman with a positive energy. I'm hoping that she makes a strong recovery.

[ January 09, 2011, 11:54 AM: Message edited by: Jerry ]
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
A few minutes ago, I was watching videos on YouTube. Then I checked back on LW to find this.

My heart goes out to Congresswoman Giffords and the other victims. The climate of fear we live in--where anyone can be gunned down anywhere for any reason--is sometimes too much to bear. People look for answers as to why a madman acted the way he did. But sometimes there are no answers. Madness and hatred have no answers.
Posted by Candlelight on :
She, and all of the victims, are in our prayers.
Posted by Ambush Bug on :
Prayers to all involved. The thing that gets me is that there are those out there using this to push their hatred even further.
Posted by cleome on :
That's not new, AB. That happens every time there's a shooting.

The assailant appears to be a mentally ill person who needed help and didn't get it. That also seems to be common in these cases.

Posted by Pov on :
"Rev." Phelps and his whackjobs from his Westboro Baptist congregation are planning on protesting at the funeral of the 9-year old girl who was among the six dead... [Mad]
Posted by Ambush Bug on :
I am convinced that they are attention whores and really "like" the attention.
Posted by cleome on :

Phelps has always been 57 Varieties of a**. I can't say that I'm surprised.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Everyone's wise to Phelps' ways now. Westboro won't get anywhere near the funeral and will instead be blocked by a human wall of gays and lesbians making out. I approve of the human blockade, but wish it wasn't necessary.

Prayers for all the families who lost someone or have to worry about someone injured by this lunatic. The little girl and 2 people in their 70s lost particularly hit me hard.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Originally posted by Pov:
"Rev." Phelps and his whackjobs from his Westboro Baptist congregation are planning on protesting at the funeral of the 9-year old girl who was among the six dead... [Mad]

Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Because he's an attention whore that uses the attention to solicit money from other idiots that believe the tripe he spews. Like P.T. Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute."
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
The only good time to be an attention whore is when you're confused and you could really use someone to talk to.
Posted by Candlelight on :
I don't understand why Phelps would protest?!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Phelps is as insane as the 22 year old shooter. He honestly and earnestly believes that everyone in the world except his inbred family/congregation is going to hell.

He in no way, shape or form should ever be confused with an actual example of any sort of Baptist faith.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
It's like rickshaw said. His group like the publicity.I think that they say they are doing it because these deaths are a result of America turning its back on God as evidenced by gay rights. They started out just picketing the funerals of gay people, but then started picketing the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. I got the following quote by "Rev" Phelps from Wikipedia. "Our attitude toward what's happening with the war is [that] the Lord is punishing this evil nation for abandoning all moral imperatives that are worth a dime."

Also according to Wikipedia, their annual travel budget is $200,000. So someone is funding these Blankety-blanks.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
Leaving the Phelps family in the gutter...

I, for one, offer my condolences to the families of those who were killed. And I wish a full and speedy recovery to those injured.
Posted by Jerry on :
In a notable turn of events:

The Arizona state legislature passed emergency legislation making it illegal to protest at funerals - possibly not constitutional - but a nice gesture.

Then the Westboro Baptist Church members backed down, and decided not to protest at the funeral of the girl. Apparently there was a negotiation to give them some air time on a conservative Phoenix talk show if they agreed to cancel the protest.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I can't agree with knuckling under to those reprehensible assholes. Cant think of any other appropriate word.
Posted by Candlelight on :
The newcaster did it to keep them away from ALL of the memorials to the Tuscon dead.
That was the contract he signed with them.
AND there will be a real Christian pastor there to discuss with them the problems with their actions and how they're not anything like Jesus.

He also said that when his wife died, they threaten to show up and his son's said that they'd bring baseball bats.
He didn't want the families of those dead to go through that kind of a scene.

Then, he wouldn't mind if people didn't listen in on Monday.

President Obama did a wonderful job at the memorial yesterday evening.
One of my grand daughters just turned 9 last month.
Loosing her would kill me.
Gotta go.
Posted by MLLASH on :
"Reprehensible assholes" pretty much describes any associated with Westboro quote/Baptist/unquote Church.

Again I can only hope people do NOT think those inbred freaks in any way, shape or form represent any kind of TRUE Christian/Baptist beliefs.

Unfortunately from my Facebook Page, I fear people DO think that, which saddens me.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Thanks, Lash. I'm not a follower of any denomination of any kind, and I hate it when others lump everyone in with a bunch of knuckledragging aholes. Those people don't represent any faith except the faith of self aggrandizement for money and fame.
Posted by Jerry on :
So, did Gabby look great today or what? What an inspiration! So proud of my Congresswoman today...
Posted by Candlelight on :
She looked beautiful and happy.
I'm proud of her and I'm from Oregon.

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