This is topic I'm so very tired of.... in forum The Anywhere Machine at Legion World.

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Posted by rickshaw1 on :
many things, but here's a bitch list of what I'm really very tired of right now.

P!$$Y internet wars over...well..nothing really. You don't like Twilight...don't watch the dang thing. You want "relevance" in your next Star Trek movie, but hate the fact that it will most likely kill sales...who cares? Yes, Virginia, Kanye West jumping up on stage was just get him noticed. He's an a$$hole, accept and move on. Don't feed the troll has been a popular statement on the internet for years. Why would you assume it only applies in conversation?

Obama lovers/ very tired of you. Just as i was, believe it or not, over the Bush lovers/haters. You think he's the new messiah/devil...I really don't care, couldn't care less in fact. Here is the plain, simple truth...what you as a private citizen think...doesn't matter a hill of beans because even if he is the second coming/son of satan...he cannot do a dang thing, cannot spend a dang thing, will not do a dang thing without...a) congress' approval, b) his handlers approval, and c) the big money investors in his winning bid for the presidencies approval.

stargazers...the folk that do nothing but populate the internet with the latest female twigs doings and goings, the latest "hearthrob" male's if it matters to anyone other than the ones that are most affected by their behavior, the kids that are in their lives through no choice of their own. And yes, I don't have to look at that junk...except...for the fact that it shows up in my email, and I spend time, effort, and money (electricity still costs) getting rid of it.

of being very tired. I long for sleep. Real sleep. Uninterupted hours of sleep that heal the body and sooth the soul. That are not interupted by my child, whom I love dearly but has insured for the last three, almost four years, that I do not get a full night of sleep. Hours not broken by what seems to be a shrinking bladder. By phone calls after 11pm by freakin' computers wanting me to buy something.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
vampires. Seriously, its been done to death the last few years. All the creative minds out there and all they wanna do is tell vampire stories over and over.

And zombies don't seem far behind. Zombieland looks fun, but whens the last time someone came up with something new? Or tried anything new?

We have a plethora of animals in the world, for pete's sake. Anyone used a cat since that stephen king movie?

How bout bears? Granted, they're scary enough on their own they don't have to be supernatural, but still.

Snakes, hey, you wanna terrify my neighbor, have a snake show up.

Spiders. 8 Legged Freaks not withstanding, there are plenty of people freaked out by spiders.

Its just...enough with the damn vampires, already.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Snakes have been pretty much overdone, too, imo.

I'd like to see more Mole People, though. There's a concept that it seems like there's a lot more to do with.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
If they wanna tell vampire stories, they should do a fighting game that matches up all the various kinds of vampire and vampire hunters over the years.

Louis Vs Bella

Buffy Vs Lestat

HJ Van Helsing Vs Claudia

Dracula Vs the one from Innocent Blood

Nosferatu Vs Edward

Angel Vs the one played by Eddie Murphy
Posted by MLLASH on :
For a different take on zombies, THE WALKING DEAD comic book series-- available in handy trade form until you can catch up with the monthlies-- is there.

You can go for issues at a time without even SEEING a zombie, or barley seeing one. It's really all about the human drama and how the zombie apocalypse has changed the survivors. And some of the most horrific stuff I've ever seen-- Kirkman is a master of the cliffhanger. It's no wonder this series has been snatched up by the AMC network for the weekly series treatment. And don't worry if you don't see a zombie for a while... they ALWAYS show back up, and always will.

PRIDE and PREJUDICE and ZOMBIES was a really cool idea, inserting the zombie apocalypse into Jane Austen's classic novel. I've been enjoying it. (soon to be a major motion picture!!)
Posted by Dev Em on :
World War Z took a look at a Zombie apocalypse through a different vantage point. Interviews with survivors.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
I think the problem with zombies is that, even though there's a lot of good material out there, there so much that there's quite a bit of crap too.

Vampires, however, just bore me to death.
Posted by THE LABRADORIAN on :
Zombies rule
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Vampires are the glamor boys of the bump-in-the-night crowd. As such, it's not too surprising that they tend to get an inordinate amount of attention. Wolfmen are definitely the bad boyz of the crowd, while zombies seem to represent every(dead)man. Not sure about mummies. Maybe they're just really, really old, cranky zombies.
Posted by MLLASH on :
For a "mole people" type thing, I highly recommend the semirecent movie THE DESCENT. I've seen it at least 4 times and could watch it 14 more.

It's an all-female cast, which is fun; amateur cave-divers versus... well, you know.

There's also a lot of psychological thingies going on too for the deepthink crowd.

WARNING: There are TWO endings. My first viewing was of the original ending, which was nearly depression-inducing. So much so that I surprised myself by wanting to see it again (and again and again) when it showed up on ON DEMAND. The On Demand version had the redone ending which was not quite so depressing but actually made me appreciate the original very depressing Director's Cut ending.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
... of people being able to deflect bullets with a sword.
Posted by cleome on :
I was sick and tired of cool vampires before it was cool to be sick and tired of them.

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
On vampires, I think so much of the shared boredom / annoyance with them right now (by just about everyone) is the recent attempts to make them cool, beautiful and honestly: "pretty". That takes away quite a bit from the lure of vampires in the first place, IMO. I think some of that is okay, but overall, that should usually be a glamor being used for more sinister purposes.

I recently read Stephen King's "Salem's Lot", which is pretty much the opposite of that. Nothing pretty here, just pure horror and the terrifying use of one vampire in a small town. Its what I consider to be vampire fiction at its very best, and I'd like to see something closer in that direction that Twilight.

Zombies rock too, but are now suffering from the same thing that superheroes, 1980's heavy metal and modern hip-hop suffer from. There is so much crap out there, that it seems to bring the really good stuff down in the eyes of the casual reader/viewer/etc.

Hopefully the next big fad will be the "Creature from the Black Lagoon" / "swamp monster" type creatures. Those space-rawk to no end [Big Grin]
Posted by THE LABRADORIAN on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
On vampires,
I recently read Stephen King's "Salem's Lot", which is pretty much the opposite of that. Nothing pretty here, just pure horror and the terrifying use of one vampire in a small town. Its what I consider to be vampire fiction at its very best, [Big Grin]

Stephen Kings DARK TOWER

The priest from Salem's Lot reappears and the vampires are explained.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Hopefully the next big fad will be the "Creature from the Black Lagoon" / "swamp monster" type creatures. Those space-rawk to no end [Big Grin]

Swamp Monsters vs. Mole Men!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by THE LABRADORIAN:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
On vampires,
I recently read Stephen King's "Salem's Lot", which is pretty much the opposite of that. Nothing pretty here, just pure horror and the terrifying use of one vampire in a small town. Its what I consider to be vampire fiction at its very best, [Big Grin]

Stephen Kings DARK TOWER

The priest from Salem's Lot reappears and the vampires are explained.

I know [Big Grin] . "Wolves of the Calla" - the sequence where Father Callahan explains his life after Salem's Lot is fantastic and incredibly creepy yet moving.
Posted by Set on :
Bah, it's become too 'cool' to loathe vampires. I rebel against the new conformity and like them again!

Although creepy Creature from the Black Lagoon* fishmen could be awesome too, perhaps with an Innsmouth look half-human/half-fishman storyline about a scary village by the sea...

*Not to be mistaken with the Creature from the Blue Lagoon, which is Brooke Shields.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Okay, I've got one.

...of those morons on Deviant Art who find new ways to ruin for the fans and the professionals. Like this moron here, who tried to pass of J. Scott Campbell art as his own just by writing his name on it. And stealing other art and calling it "hot chik dat i banged".
Posted by cleome on :
SK, I've seen so many people "proflied" on LJ's plagiarism watch page lately that it makes my head hurt.

Posted by rickshaw1 on :
...being preached at, and "educated". Does Ibm really think that if they run enough commercials, I'll believe they give a rats behind about a "smart" planet. Here's a hint, people, every time you think you've gone one up on Mother Nature, it just means you've effed something else up somewhere else. You don't see it right away, but its always there.

Your hybrid cars. Hey, did ya'll actually SEE the report that says your emissions may actually hold in more heat than the carbon emissions from the fossil fuels?

Hey, LA, green wannabee capital...where do you get your water from? Oh, thats right, you BOUGHT A FREAKIN' RIVER AND DECIMATED MILLIONS OF SQUARE MILES OF NATURAL LAND.

Just spare me the bs and shut the hell up. Tell you what, I'll be open to your "education" when you actually do good for the earth instead of trying to out think it and setting off chain reactions whose consequences are yet to be fully realized.
Posted by Candle on :
Well, ya!
Go rickshaw1!
(You know that your name is a human go-cart, right?)

Anyway . . . I'm TIRED of just about EVERYTHING!

. . . especially being cool or NOT cool!

But I never really get supertired of vampires, totally, just SOME vampires.

Terry Pratchette writes about vampires, sometimes as supporting characters, sometimes as the 'stars'.

He wrote a wonderful story starring his Weird Sisters where Granny Weatherwax, Esme, did the most incredible and surprising thing to defeat them (the vampires!)
I didn't see it coming and I almost always know what's coming in books and movies/TV.

(I'm even a little tired of Terry, though, and am having a terrible time getting through his last 2 books.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Yeah, she Weatherwaxed'em. I haven't read the Nations book, being a discworld fan, but from what I read, he may be having a terrible time getting through them as well. He has early onset of Alsheimer.

Terrys' stuff on vamps, no problem. the rest out there, though. Ugggh. Enough.
Posted by Matter Lad on :
I'm totally against deflecting bullets with a sword. Come on.

X-Men Origins: wolverine. A friend of mine loved it. I hated it. He said it doesn't have to be like the comics. I agree, but at least they could write a GOOD story. This pissed him off...

And the Walking Dead doesn't really mix anything up for the zombie world. Romero's always been about human drama, just on a smaller scale than Walking Dead. And the zombies are run-of-the-mill, which I like. I hate the runners, and the lion-roarers.

And if you want something new and creative? I just watched Trick 'r Treat on DVD. They do a form of werewolves in there whose transformations are unlike anything I've ever seen. You really should see it to believe it. I loved it.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I'll check it out. My wife has been on a horror and star trek kick lately...although I've seen so much of both lately they ARE starting to...merge. *sorry, typing like Shat speaks...its....addictive.

Ohhhhhh. Just had a great Idea for a horror movie.

Creatures of the night take revenge for humans everywhere by killing and eating....hollywood blowhards. Not just one or two blist actors, but lots of them. Except for paris hilton, of course. No telling what diseases some poor ravening creature might come up with from her blood.
Posted by Candle on :
That's the problem with a lot of scifi stories, stations and fans, they 'merge' the scifi with horror.

They are NOT the same genre!!!!!!!!!!

I just hate it when horror is all you find.
(Deep breath.)

And that's why I'm hating 'Blackest Night'! All it is, is killing, mutilating, monsters and death.
I don't care what the story is, I only know that the horror part is the all important goal.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
And now more freakin' vampires. First, there's "maybe I'm gay, maybe I'm not...I did win an oscar you know" chick from xmen acting like all the other desperate for attention hollywood starlets to promote her vampire show, and now once again I have to endure endless promo's for the positively worst tweeney garbage ever filmed for twilight. My wife has played the second one incessantly. If that chick screams and cries on the bed again I'm gonna fly to hollywood and give her a dang reason to scream. Termites in her luxury pad, dents on her expensive car...shoot all the plastic surgeons...

My kid was screamin and cryin' and acting like those damn fools on the home makeover shows that go into hysterics I'd put her outta my misery, to hell with hers. Have a pill and a slap and shut the hell up!


Now, I think I'll go get some Ice tea and watch a baseball game.
Posted by cleome on :
...price hikes for everything. Comic books, bus fare, you name it.

My wages, such as they are, never rise. It's just everything else that does.

Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Comic books about villain teams. Villains who are the heroes. The only one that works is Secret Six.
Posted by Blacula on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
And now more freakin' vampires. First, there's "maybe I'm gay, maybe I'm not...I did win an oscar you know" chick from xmen acting like all the other desperate for attention hollywood starlets to promote her vampire show,

I think the correct term for people like Anna Paquin is 'bisexual', Rick. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
nope... poser is the correct term.
Posted by Blacula on :
Someone revealing themself to be bisexual makes them a "poser". In what way please?
Posted by MLLASH on :
She digs the pole and the hole, it's all groovy.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Someone revealing themselves to be bisexual is fine. An actor or actress 'revealing' themselves at the most opportune time to help their movie, show, record, career, opportunistic...thus..poser.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Well if we know she's doing it just for attention during the most "opportune" time, it's not really that opportunistic, is it?
Posted by Blacula on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
Someone revealing themselves to be bisexual is fine. An actor or actress 'revealing' themselves at the most opportune time to help their movie, show, record, career, opportunistic...thus..poser.

Except that -

a) Anna Paquin has been a working actress since she was like 9 years old so when hasn't she had a movie/TV show on the go? (By your rationale no actor/actress/musician can come out until they are retired lest they be considered opportunistic.)


b) Other than the X-Men films, True Blood is probably the most successful, highly-visible thing she's ever done. And it already gets a ton of promotion. If she was just a "poser" coming out for publicity wouldn't it have made more sense for her to do it for one of her lesser-advertised, more obscure projects?
Posted by Blacula on :
Plus, even if she was coming out for opportunistic reasons - she's still coming out as bisexual. Not "maybe I'm gay, maybe I'm not". Bisexuals may find that kind of terminology condescending/offensive.
Posted by cleome on :
Bisexuals are mythical beings, Blacula. Like unicorns and cicadas. Didn't you get the memo?

Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Blacula, anyone can find anything offensive at anytime. I continue to find the the current fad in hollywood of pretending to switchhit for a while and announcing it to the media for bumps in popularity ratings annoying, irritating, and asinine.

As to bisexuality, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I tend to believe, as do more than a few of the gay people that I know personally, that either you is or you isn't. That may be offensive to some, but thats the way I believe. I don't expect you or anyone else to believe that way, and I'm not trying to convert anyone to my way of thinking and don't really think enough of it to be converted, either.

I simply find it suspicious and more than a little irritating when hollywood types make such "announcements" while in a big push for their movie/show/album...etc. Yes, thats my reasoning. However, before you go all overboard on what a horrible human being I am...I'm just tired of it. I'm not looking for legislation, I'm not asking for referendums, I'm just Me Personally tired of it.

I'm also a guy that doesn't watch the latest hollywood gossip shows, I don't read enquirer, I don't care who that kate chick is that has a bunch of kids, I don't wanna hear about brad and angela's love life and how jen is trying to win her back...I really hate that crap and think its contributing to the stupidifying(Yes, a made up word, but I cannot think of anything that better expresses how much I loathe that stuff) of America and all points north, south, east and west. And when, through no fault of my own, I actually HAVE to hear or see this stuff, it irks the hell outta me.

Fair enough?
Posted by Blacula on :
^ No, not really.

You made a comment that a lot of bisexual people (who do exist by the way. [LOL] at the fact that you or your gay friends think you have more of a right/knowledge/capactiy to tell someone what they are than they themselves do) may find offensive/condescending. I was just pointing out that fact lest you risk offending them in the future.

If you don't care that your words may offend someone... well, that's not only against the terms of the user agreement at Legion World, it's also a pretty rotten way to behave. Why not just treat everyone with respect?

I agree with your final paragraph about being sick of Kate Gosselin and her kids and all that tawdry tabloid-gossip type stuff - but what's that got to do with our current topic of discussion?

Surely you're not equating all that crap with the news of someone of Anna Paquin's stature coming out as bisexual? Despite what you may think, 'out' gay/lesbian/bisexual celebrities are still a very rare breed in the world and therefore the very fact of their coming out still has the ability to help lonely/closeted/in-denial gay/lesbian/bisexual people around the world be OK with their sexuality.

That kind of news is very different to whether or not Britney Spiers was wearing underwear on her night out or not.

Since Anna Paquin is also the only working celebrity that I can think of who has come out in recent years, I'm wondering who have given all the rest of these 'annoucements' that have gotten you so sick of celebrities coming out. Ricky Martin? I thought you'd be OK with that one since he's practically retired now. Has there been anyone else? I'm honestly asking because I don't know of any.

P.S. I don't think you're a horrible human being. [Smile]
Posted by cleome on :
...As to bisexuality, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I tend to believe, as do more than a few of the gay people that I know personally, that either you is or you isn't...

So your belief in absolutes trumps the RL experience of people who you don't know?


Bisexuals deal with this kind of attitude all the time. Its prevalence doesn't, however, make it correct.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Personally, I believe there are bisexuals out there, as I don't really think all these people who say they are, are doing it just for that reason, to say it. That, and it wouldn't really make sense for them to cover up their homosexuality by saying they swing both ways when they can just as easily say they are heterosexuals, although, this could just be so they can still date people of their sex and appear to be able to date people of the opposite sex... but they would have to deal with just as much criticism.

But anyway,

... people who act like idiots on public buses.
Posted by Power Boy on :
........ my dissertation proposal ......

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
She digs the pole and the hole, it's all groovy.

Best way to sum it up ever!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Originally posted by MLLASH:
She digs the pole and the hole, it's all groovy.

Best way to sum it up ever!
Of course, I stole this from Jerri Blank of STRANGERS WITH CANDY fame. Proper credit.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
^ No, not really.

You made a comment that a lot of bisexual people (who do exist by the way. [LOL] at the fact that you or your gay friends think you have more of a right/knowledge/capactiy to tell someone what they are than they themselves do) may find offensive/condescending. I was just pointing out that fact lest you risk offending them in the future.

I don't think I have more of a right/knowledge/capacity...I just believe what I believe. I believe that quite a few little starlets and wannabe's ( anne Heche anyone?) are right now doing the fad of "experimenting" when they are really straight and know it. But, its the rage to say that they are "bi".

As to being offensive....I won't go into the times I've seen stuff here posted about conservatives that, if I wanted too, I could take as "offensive". I show people the ultimate respect, I don't try to tell them what they should or shouldn't be or believe. I repeated said its the way "I" think and I don't expect others to think the same way. I also like steak and hamburgers. That pisses off PETA. Too Bad. Many people here think I'm a dumb redneck hick. Okay. If you go around your entire life and try not to "offend", then you are a shell of a person that has no personal convictions and will fall inline with just about anything. I'm sure those bisexuals have beliefs that I could find offensive...okay. Those are their's. Don't sweat the small stuff. And ultimately, my opinion matters less that buttbarnacles to them.

If you don't care that your words may offend someone... well, that's not only against the terms of the user agreement at Legion World, it's also a pretty rotten way to behave. Why not just treat everyone with respect?

I give people the ultimate respect. I let them live by their words and beliefs. I expect the same in return. Its not a rotten way to live. I don't go out of my way to insult or aggrieve anyone. I have no desire to, this is a great place and I respect it. I hope it goes BOTH ways.

I agree with your final paragraph about being sick of Kate Gosselin and her kids and all that tawdry tabloid-gossip type stuff - but what's that got to do with our current topic of discussion?

If you go back and read you will find it linked in that its all "hollywood crap" as far as I am concerned. Hollywood is the land of phoneyville. Its make believe land. It is a place based on selling 'playing pretend', and has about as much real substance as a gnat poot in a hurricane. I don't like the "emotion porn" reality shows, I don't like the "Hey everyone, look at me, I'm doing this weeks latest fad thing for publicity..." characters that populate the entertainment machine.

Surely you're not equating all that crap with the news of someone of Anna Paquin's stature coming out as bisexual? Despite what you may think, 'out' gay/lesbian/bisexual celebrities are still a very rare breed in the world and therefore the very fact of their coming out still has the ability to help lonely/closeted/in-denial gay/lesbian/bisexual people around the world be OK with their sexuality.

That kind of news is very different to whether or not Britney Spiers was wearing underwear on her night out or not.

hate to say it this baldly, but...only to those to whom it matters because they are in it. I have no doubt that it matters to gay/lesbian/bisexual people all over the world that Sean Hayes, Anne Heche, Anna Paquin, Ricky Martin, Portia Rossi, Doogie Howser (The best Flash by far so far as I am concerned) have come out. And I'm happy that people I know have people to...what...admire, look up to, give a path to follow?...but I don't relate to that need to have someone to look up to, straight, gay, professional, amatuer, sports, work...what have you.

Since Anna Paquin is also the only working celebrity that I can think of who has come out in recent years, I'm wondering who have given all the rest of these 'annoucements' that have gotten you so sick of celebrities coming out. Ricky Martin? I thought you'd be OK with that one since he's practically retired now. Has there been anyone else? I'm honestly asking because I don't know of any.

P.S. I don't think you're a horrible human being. [Smile]

Thanks. I hope I'm not. I know that I'm a little less polished and more straightforward than most people though. Its why I have to be so longwinded on explanations sometimes. [Wink]

What i was saying in my own, bad, way, was that I thought it was a little bit insulting to people that actually ARE gay/lesbian/bi for people to be doing the Fad thing about a lifestyle that they aren't in by choice, but by their own personal proclivities, and trying to use it to make a buck.

As to being "bi", most of the people I know that have claimed to be bi in real life, eventually settle on one gender specifically, but not necessarily on one life partner. That to me means "either you is or you isn't".

[ June 07, 2010, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: rickshaw1 ]
Posted by Blacula on :
If I'm understanding you correctly Rick, you don't like it when celebrities 'come out' for three reasons -

1. you think the only reason they could ever do so would be as a cheap 'Hollywood' publicity stunt.

2. you believe it's insulting to real gay/lesbian/bisexual people when celebrities pretend to be one of us.

3. you're not gay/lesbian/bisexual so you don't really care about that kind of news and it annoys you when you have to read/hear about it.

As examples to prove your point you used -

* Anne Heche (whose sexuality hasn't been newsworthy in about 15 years)
* Portia di Rossi (who has been out for more than a decade and married to Ellen for nearly as long)
* Neil Patrick Harris (whose sexuality has been no secret in the theatre scene for years)
* Ricky Martin (whose coming out this year suprised exactly no one)
* Sean Hayes (see Ricky Martin)
* Anna Paquin.

For point #1 - I'll just repeat what I said earlier, that by that rationale - no actor/actress/musician/whatever celebrity can come out until they have retired lest they be seen as publicity seeking. That's unfair on them.

And essentially forces them to stay in the closet. Which as I'm sure you know from reading that long, other thread - is a very unhealthy place to be.

For point #2 - I get where you're coming from here and I agree with you. I think you just used bad examples.

If Portia di Rossi or Ricky Martin or Neil Patrick Harris are just 'pretending' to be gay for publicity then they're certainly very committed to their roles.

I wonder if, while having sex with their long-term same-sex partners, they're thinking 'I'm totally not actually attracted to you but my agent thinks this might get me a role in that new Michael Bay movie so... <grimace>' [Big Grin]

Better examples of annoying 'fake' gay/lesbian/bisexual behaviour would have been Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera or Miley Cyrus and any of their completely-a-publicity-stunt same-sex kisses at recent award shows and concerts.

But none of them actually 'came out' so they wouldn't be pertinent to this conversation.

For point #3 - that's your right and I'm certainly not going to try to change it.

My main purposes in kick-starting this discussion were just to point out that -

a) there really haven't been that many celebrities who have 'come out' in recent years. You've only mentioned 6 and though there are probably a few we've forgotten that is still far, far, FAR less than the number of celebrities who are still hiding in the closet out there.


b) when those celebrities do come out it can be for reasons far more important (to themselves and other gay/lesbian/bisexual people) than a mere publicity stunt.


As for the bisexual thing - well, I'll just say I would never presume to tell you what your sexual attractions/proclivities are based on watching/talking to some completely different straight people that I happen to know.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Robert Downey Jr.

That man rubs me the wrong way and I ain't ashamed to admit it.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
B, I don't know what to say here, man. I've tried to explain it. You seem insistent on making it out to be that I think ALL gays/lesbian/bi's that come out are only doing it for the money effect. That isn't what I said, and I'm not gonna try and explain it any better than I have already. YOu asked for people that have come out recently, I named a few. I never said they did it for the fad, I said they have come out. I don't follow the scene. I don't have a handy dandy list of "who's in and who's out in hollywood". Nor would I care to. I also don't carry around a list of "Known Straights". Its something I really don't think all, until I have the news reports literally right in front of me.

And even then I don't care to know. I don't wanna know their politics (Celebrities and politics, attention whores on speed), I don't wanna know their sexual proclivities, I don't wanna know who they are married too, how many babies theyve adopted from russia, africa, south america, poland, new zealand...I dont' wanna know.

For one thing, I don't care. For another, it takes away from the fun of being able to see the work without having a bias about the person. I didn't like Tom Cruise for years. I thought he was a phoney and a flake. Then I saw the couch jumpin'. Havent' seen anything by him since. Same for Mel Gibson.

As for the whole closet thing..again, see my responses there. I think it their choice, as they are adults. Look at the Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman kid. He made his choice. I respect it. Same for Neil Harris. But others have a right to their choice as well. (If what I heard is true, I particularly respect Harris. That was tough enough.)

Man, this has bummed out this entire thread for me.

"Next, on a very special thread, we all learn valuable life less...." ewwwwww.
Posted by Ram Boy on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:

But, its the rage to say that they are "bi".

Never one to pass up a trend (especially a raging one), I hereby proclaim myself a bisexual.

cleome, put on your prettiest outfit and get ready to go dancing on boxtops for hours! Or, since you'll probably pick out something completely ghastly, let ME pick out your prettiest outfit. Either way, be prepared to be objectified just as if you were a really hot guy.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
For another, it takes away from the fun of being able to see the work without having a bias about the person.

Whether or not I agree with anything else Rick has said, I totally get this.

Sometimes I like the *work* of an actor, writer, artist, etc. and then he opens his big trap and outs himself as an anti-Semite and I can't admit to liking Lethal Weapon anymore or goes off on a rant about the great psychological conspiracy on Oprah and I have to make sure nobody is looking before I pop Risky Business into the VCR, or make the socially-contracted-caveat of 'of course Tom Cruise is a nutjob, but...'

Drew Barrymore has stated that she finds women beautiful, and that's cool. I don't like her any more or less than I did before. Fifty First Dates is still hilarious. Charlies Angels 2 still sucks ass. Life goes on.

Angelina Jolie remains incomprehensibly erotically hypnotically sexualized, no matter how many orphans she adopts or causes she endorses.

Julia Robert's face (particularly her smile) remains freakish and disturbing to me, and her marital shenanigans don't affect that perception.

The obsessive fascination with celebrity has become the religion of America (and, really, that's nothing new. Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Ginger Rogers, etc. all had their cults of personality) and the presence of reality shows and Dancing With People You've Probably Never Heard Of But Are Better Than You and E! shallow-bitchy-celebrity-gossip-network has just exacerbated that.

And I'm just as much a victim of this culture, since I'm often excited to see interviews with my favorite comic writers, authors, rock performers, etc.

Shallow is me.

If Anna Paquin likes the boys and the girls, that really doesn't matter to me, since I am not ever gonna be in her bed.

I vaguely recall a psych study of bloodflow to measure arousal in the viewing of 'erotica' that demonstrated that while many males where only slightly aroused by viewing porn of their non-prefered gender (and more so upon viewing their prefered gender), the majority of women tested become equally aroused regardless of the gender of the performers or their stated preferences.

If there's any significance to that research, perhaps Anna Paquin is just voicing an unspoken caveat that, as a woman, the act of lovemaking is more stimulating to her than the presence or absence of a penis.
Posted by Kent on :
Originally posted by Ram Boy:
Originally posted by rickshaw1:

But, its the rage to say that they are "bi".

Never one to pass up a trend (especially a raging one), I hereby proclaim myself a bisexual.
ah, you're just a poser! [Wink]
Posted by KryptonKid on :
you mean poster.

i, on the other hand, am a poster-child. for what I haven't figured out yet. suggestions?

Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Ram Boy:
Originally posted by rickshaw1:

But, its the rage to say that they are "bi".

Never one to pass up a trend (especially a raging one), I hereby proclaim myself a bisexual.

cleome, put on your prettiest outfit and get ready to go dancing on boxtops for hours! Or, since you'll probably pick out something completely ghastly, let ME pick out your prettiest outfit. Either way, be prepared to be objectified just as if you were a really hot guy.


And so, yet another political scandal rocks the very foundations of Legion World.

[Quake Kid]
Posted by cleome on :
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Robert Downey Jr.

That man rubs me the wrong way and I ain't ashamed to admit it.

I think he mostly elicits the same [shrug] I tend to produce anytime a roomful of she-fans are going on and on about this week's "sexiest man alive."

He's okay, but I don't break out in a cold sweat just from seeing his picture or anything.
Posted by Blacula on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
B, I don't know what to say here, man. I've tried to explain it. You seem insistent on making it out to be that I think ALL gays/lesbian/bi's that come out are only doing it for the money effect. That isn't what I said, and I'm not gonna try and explain it any better than I have already. YOu asked for people that have come out recently, I named a few. I never said they did it for the fad, I said they have come out. I don't follow the scene. I don't have a handy dandy list of "who's in and who's out in hollywood". Nor would I care to. I also don't carry around a list of "Known Straights". Its something I really don't think all, until I have the news reports literally right in front of me.

And even then I don't care to know. I don't wanna know their politics (Celebrities and politics, attention whores on speed), I don't wanna know their sexual proclivities, I don't wanna know who they are married too, how many babies theyve adopted from russia, africa, south america, poland, new zealand...I dont' wanna know.

For one thing, I don't care. For another, it takes away from the fun of being able to see the work without having a bias about the person. I didn't like Tom Cruise for years. I thought he was a phoney and a flake. Then I saw the couch jumpin'. Havent' seen anything by him since. Same for Mel Gibson.

As for the whole closet thing..again, see my responses there. I think it their choice, as they are adults. Look at the Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman kid. He made his choice. I respect it. Same for Neil Harris. But others have a right to their choice as well. (If what I heard is true, I particularly respect Harris. That was tough enough.)

Man, this has bummed out this entire thread for me.

"Next, on a very special thread, we all learn valuable life less...." ewwwwww.

Rick - this whole thing began when you referred to bisexual people in a condescending way.

When I brought that to your attention you then claimed Anna Paquin was a "poser"/publicity-seeker just because she came out as bisexual and later stated that you were irritated/suspicious when other celebrities came out too.

All I was doing was pointing out that there are plenty of other reasons why a celebrity could come out.

Sorry if this thread has bummed you out. Maybe it's like the way gay/lesbian/bisexual people feel when they read condescending comments made about them?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
No, I didn't refer to bisexual people in a condescending way...I refered to hollywood posers in a condescending way. And I still do. And yes, I do believe that it was a form of getting attention for AP's show.

There are an infinite multitude of reasons why a celebrity may come out. Harris didn't do it to promote a show. And I never claimed that they all do. I said that the current fad of starlets pretending and posing as for publicity is irritating and irksome. And IT IS.

I would really appreciate it if you didn't attempt to tell me what I meant by what I posted as I do not attempt to do the same to you.

And given how much I have spoken up for gay/lesbian/bi's right here to live and let live, to have the same rights as anyone else, I would have appreciated a bit of the benefit of doubt.

You may not have liked how I said something, but you cannot make everyone happy all the time. I ain't gonna even try. I'm done with this thread.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Awwww, Rick! I know you're super-cool.

I just think in general you aren't big on much of any kind of celebrity/Hollywood stuff. Nothing wrong with that.

For what it is worth, I did find it odd that Anna made her announcement after the announcing of her engagement to her male TRUE BLOOD costar. Weird timing, I think most would agree.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Ed Benes artwork.

To be honest, I don't care for it.
Posted by cleome on :
...the nostalgia Olympics. It's impossible to find a YouTube video of any old song without some commenter having to proclaim how much better the song in question is than everything that's coming out now.

I love old music and I love new music. Every era has its diamonds and its dross;its craftsmen and its hacks. Can we, just once, enjoy something for its own sake without loudly running something else down in the process?

Pretty please?

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