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Posted by rickshaw1 on :
My taste in colors says a lot about me, i think. I have always liked deep, rich colors. Vibrant is a good choice of words for my taste, i suppose. My wife can always tell what colors i am going to go with for say painting the walls. Deep greens like you would find in the dark jungles. Blood reds in succulent plants. The vibrant yellows and iridescent colors you find about 100 feet down below the oceans surface (I was fortunate enough to be a scuba diver, something i really miss). Pastels hold zero interest for me, even as an offset color.

Fortunately for the house and anyone that visits, my wife gets final say so on the color scheme, lol.

What does this say about me, on the other hand? I don't really know. Perhaps it just says that i am a male with a taste for deep rich colors. Perhaps it goes deeper.

Maybe it has something to do with my love of comics and not so much for something like pointalism that uses dots seen from a distance to develop color. And having said that, all of us that are old enough remember the old pointalism of comics coloring. Slight contradiction there, lol.

Still, when Baxter comics first came out, the colors were off the charts for me. Heavy handed in some respects, but they popped out at me. Might explain my love of old technicolor movies as appossed (sp?) to the later "gritty", washed out movies of the sixties and seventies.

Maybe all it says is that i am old and like colors, lol.

So, what does your taste/choice in something specific say about you?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
The subject of colors alone is a huge one. There are the somewhat fixed associations - like yellow is happy and green is calming - I suppose there's a lot of research behind this.

My father once painted our living room wall purple. This was way back when walls were white or pastel, and it caused quite a stir in our little hick town. I think he just wanted something different in the middle of a dreary winter.

Clothing tends to be very drab colors in our society - at least in the north - lots of black, beige, white, monochromes. For some reason, tropical countries seem to have very rich colors. There's always pictures of people from Africa wearing all sorts of colors and prints that, by our standards, clash - we have pretty tight controls on what's appropriate, unless you're in a creative work environment or young.

Personally, if I could, I would have painted all our walls blue, with blue furniture - but I was overruled as well. I just like the color blue, I don't think it means I'm depressed. Seeking calm and order, maybe.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
from what little I know of him, Rudolph Steiner seemed to make a big deal about colors, as tied to education and the mind. It seemed to be a big factor in Waldorf education, at least on the elementary-school level (A friend of mine years ago was a tracher at a Steiner school).

I tend to prefer solid, powerful single colors for surfaces - walls, fabrics, etc. But in art, I love uses of color that really transcend the single element - not just pointalism, but many different techniques, both abstracted and naturalistic. On the Oscars last night, there was a snipet of an animated short that blew me away - it looked like animated impressionism, along with heavy negative space use. I really want to seek that out now.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
On colors, I'm pretty flexible (orange is kind of my least favorite color) My dad doesn't like dark colors, especially in clothing.

Shifting topics. I much prefer prose to poetry and lyrics mean a lot to me over just music. I hate when I buy an album and lyrics are not included. I think that comes because my logical rational side is pretty strong.
Posted by Set on :
I like darker colors. Even blue, my favorite color, I prefer dark. Sky blue or pastel blue just look chalky and 'thin' to me.

I also prefer single colors. I'm a big fan of celtic knotwork or persian rug patterns, but when it comes to clothing or house walls, I want one simple color. Even those painted borders along the edges of walls bug me. That's what paintings and posters are for, decorating the walls!

And for the music, yeah, music without lyrics is kinda like noise to me. I don't always care if I *understand* the words (99 Luft Balloons! Gregorian Chants!), but Surfing with the Alien could be the best damn guitarwork in the universe, but it's just noise to me. (Eddie Van Halen's guitarwork is way better, and there's singing!) I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket-loader, but I love to sing-along, and so I prefer people whose singing is understandable.
Posted by Harbinger on :
I read recently that a lot of fast food paint their walls a pale yellow as it's the least appealling colour to the human eye - this prompts people to leave quicker. Funny thing is I've painted my living room exactly that colour - is that why I never settle down?
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I like lyrics with music, but the meaning tends to be less relevant than the music. I guess the voice, and words themselves, are like a primary instrument to me; it's what they do for the music that counts the most.

Some lyrics I don't even notice, but if meaningful lyrics do catch my ear, I do appreciate them, but that's secondary to how they fit/work with the music.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :

I have varied and eclectic tastes in movies, like I'm sure everyone does.

but, I find myself drawn to the "lesser" movies, the non-blockbusters. These are the movies that seem to have better character. Some may have a very short shelflife (Up the Creek) or may be cult favorites (Real Genius, Tremors series) the constant I've noticed is that they all tend to have great characters that have something to offer.

Hey, I like blockbusters, but I'd watch Tremors over Exorcist any day, Shoot'em Up over any of the Diehards.

I think it has something to do with the fact that "little" movies don't have to feed certain preconcieved notions that go with having a big headline star and the formula they require to service that persona.

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