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Author Topic: City of Heroes: Your Chance to be a Legionnaire - Part 2
Still smoooooth!

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Originally posted by Doc Nimbus:
Have you guys seen the info on Issue 4? It looks so cool! We can take the Legion of Virtue on against other sgs! Woo hooo! Battle Royale!!!

The way they've designed the PvP makes it a bit more appealing than what I thought it might be. Setting up the arena for planned Battle Royale competitions sounds kind of fun, particularly since it doesn't involve any debt. More a mater of rankings and bragging rights it seems. Could be fun.

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"

From: Paragon City on patrol | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Still smoooooth!

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Condo decided to join a respec team last night since noone else from LoVirtue was on.

The first team was a full group of 8, all level 29-31 except for a lvl 27 scrapper who was SK'd. The first couple of missions are really short and kind of easy. I'll detail them in a different post.

Once we entered the reactor building it became a nightmare. The first room (entry foyer) was manageable but everyone was red or purple to me. Since Condo is a 29 that means 32s & 33s, but the were all minion Sky Raiders and maybe one lieut.

The second room was a distaster. We all died 2-3 times in the course of 15 minutes. (Remember our very first attempt at Positron? [Big Grin] ) Immediately after that the healer and 3 others decided it wasn't worth the debt and quit the team. One other member broke his keyboard and had to drop as well though he would have stayed for another attempt.

With three remaining (Condo, a lvl 31 devices blaster and a lvl 30 scrapper) we decided to dissolve the team and reform, thinking that a smaller team might make things easier when it came to mob size, which it did. We recruited a lvl 29 healer and tried again.

Things went much better the second time with only one death over all (not Condo [Big Grin] ) until we got into the reactor core (the final event)

Good golly Miss Molly! That SUCKED! [Frown]

Condo managed to survive (barely) through about 5-6 waves of attackers but we were finally overwhelmed and all four of us died.


At that point, Condo had accumulated about 54000 in debt during the evening and paid it down to the point where he currently has about 45000 (I get 9000 per death at lvl 29 ~ you can do the math [Big Grin] )

Though we were all disappointed, we decided to disband the team. The scrapper needed to log for the night and we felt that we as a team would be unsucessful in a further attempt in any case. Just not enough firepower & healing strength for a 4 man team facing lvl 32s (minions, lieuts, capt & bosses ~ all reds or purples to me at 29).

Having lived through that educational experience (well you know what I mean [Big Grin] ) I've come to the following conclusions:

1- It's definitely a challenging but interesting TF/mission;

2- I would only attempt it with a team of 4-5 ALL OF THE SAME LEVEL.

3- I would take a blaster, regen scrapper, tanker, empathy defender, and probably a controller with some healing powers and ideally PA. Group stealth would be extremely useful as would a couple of members with TP and rez.

4- To me the key is that everyone be at the same level. Mobs all seem to be 1-2 levels above the highest team member's level so in my case, it was near impossible to do any damge, while getting killed or nealry killed in two hits by Sky Skiffs (bosses) that were purple to me.

5- An 8 man team generates huge numbers of mobs with bosses. Not a good idea!

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"

From: Paragon City on patrol | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Still smoooooth!

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Here's the breakdown/summary of the respec TF

1- The contact to get the Respec TF is Jane Hallaway who is positioned on the Valor Bridge waypoint;

2- She sends you to speak with a contact in Terra Volta who has you defeat 30 Sky Raiders in TV;

3- Team leader goes back to Jane at Valor Bridge and she sends you to an office in either Steel or PP to defeat a Sky Raider Captain and his crew. You can stealth through this door mission if you want and just find the Capt. and take him out along with the Sky Raiders in his group;

4- Back to Jane and she sends you on to the Terra Volta Reactor (last mission)

5- Your task is to rescue some scientists and keep the Sky Raiders from destroying the reactor;

6- When you enter the door, there is a small group of Sky Raiders ahead of you with some hostage guards in a foyer. Take that group out first;

7- From that foyer is a doorway leading into what apears to be the TV Reactor control room. You enter on a catwalk above the back of the room. There is a group at the far right end of the ctwalk that are holding 1-2 scientists hostage. There are more groups down on the main floor with more captured scientists. Take out the group up top first. It seemed to work best to snipe and retreat back into the foyer;

8- Once that first group is finished you need to clear out the main floor as well. Again, snipe and retreat into the foyer. Don't think we ever just got one Sky Raider. They always came in groups of 3-4. Beware the Sky Skiffs! They are as bad if not worse than Freakshow Tanks! There may also be Proximity Bombs scattered through that room. Don't get near them because they will explode and cause you massive damage. Have someone snipe them if possible. One shot from Condo was enough for the one near the reactor door;

9-Once the lower room is cleared, there are some metal doors along the side that also contain Sky Raiders and some remaining captured scientists. DO NOT open the door at the very front of the room off of the main platform! Thats the entrance to the main reactor area. We were fortunate in that the first side door we opened contained the last of the scientist so we didn't need to open any others. I do wonder, however, if we should not have stayed and opened each of the remaining side doors and cleared the Sky Raiders out before moving on. It may have made the reactor room battle less intense. Don't know but it's worth considering;

10- Once you've rescued the last of the scientist you enter the doorway at the front of the room. That leads into a corridor heading to the main reactor core. We had someone with stealth & TP bypass all of the Sky Raiders & Proximity bombs in there and find the anteroom to the core. Once there, he TPed all of us in. Again, I don't know if it would have been better to fight through that corridor or not. The two on the team that had done the mission before both felt stealthing & TPing was the better idea;

12- The anteroom to the core contains some racks with coolant belts (one for each team member only) and a platform with red energy radiating from it. You each need to take a coolant belt and then get in the platform which gives you a red bubble. This bubble protects you from the core's radiation which can damage you;

13- Once everyoe is bubbled you enter the reactor core. It's a very dark, cool looking circular room with the actual core in the center. Your coolant belts will heal it but each belt only has 20 charges so don't waste them!

14- Sky Raiders will begin ataacking from the air almost immediately. They will come from all directions and in large waves. You need to defeat all of them and keep healing the core;

15- Your red bubble will expire periodically and you will begin taking radiation damage. You should run back out to recharge the bubble every chance you get "between waves" of attacking Sky Raiders. (I never noticed any perceivable "waves". The room seemed to be under perpeutual attack, likely because we didn't have the fire power to take each wave out quickly so the following wave must have arrived while we were still battling the previous one.) In any case, you need to remain very aware of your bubble. I lost mine a few times because there was no opportunity to take a breather between waves in order to go recharge and I had to make a mad dash to the anteroom to get a new one, taking damage from radiation and Sky Raiders the whole time!;

16- I assume at some point you have defeated all the Sky Raiders and you successfully complete the mission. Don't know if there is anything else beyond that core room battle since we never survived the last of the Raiders.

[ March 12, 2005, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: Vee ]

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"

From: Paragon City on patrol | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Blue Battler

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When I did it, Vee, there were a set number
of waves to be overcome. The higher the level,
the more waves there are, I think.

Blue sniped all the proximity bombs as we
made our way to the reactor room.

As far as I know, you just have to withstand
all the waves to be successful.

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Still smoooooth!

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FYI, I ran into LWer Scottybones on Virtue last night so I switched to Cosmic Rokk and inducted his lvl 2 "Calorie Queen" char. I also inducted a few other chars of his (I'll let him post their correct names) and meet his lvl 32 Earth controller "Scottybones" who has a very cool pet rock! [Big Grin] So if you see some names you don't recognize on the SG list they are prob one of his alts.

[ March 13, 2005, 05:48 AM: Message edited by: Vee ]

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"

From: Paragon City on patrol | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Still smoooooth!

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Also yesterday Mysa successfully completed the Respec Trial with a group of 8 lvl 26-27. We had 2 defender healers, a controller with confuse and group invis, two blasters, an awesome tanker (would love to see how he's slotted all his powers) and 2 scrappers.

Initially a very disorganized team. So bad I thought about just telling them to go to hell and leaving the team. One scrapper and the tanker were friends and wanted the xp, one of the blasters had failed the mish afew times and just wanted to ghost through to the end and no one could agree about anything. They keep cursing each other out and doing whatever they wanted.

Mysa had been made leader just before we accepted the mish and she finally had to put her foot down and tell them all to shut up or she would kick each and everyone one of them from the team and they could each start over on their own! (Mysa does have a bit of a temper as you all know [Big Grin] )

That seemed to get their attention and everyone settled down and began working together instead of being at each others' throats. Once that happened the team really rocked!

Although there were a few deaths in the reactor core, it was mostly because they wandered too far afield for the heals to affect them.

That tank just stood there and knocked off Raider after Raider with just occasional heals from me! He probably could have cleaned out the place himself with just Mysa or the other healer along. Amazing!

In any case, we were successful in saving the reactor and they all earned their respec. SInce I didn't really need to change any power selections on Mysa, instead of the respec, Mysa chose a SO enhancement.

I think the Virtue Legion, with the right group in place could do very well and have a great time.

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"

From: Paragon City on patrol | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Still smoooooth!

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Originally posted by Blue Battler:
When I did it, Vee, there were a set number
of waves to be overcome. The higher the level,
the more waves there are, I think.

Blue sniped all the proximity bombs as we
made our way to the reactor room.

As far as I know, you just have to withstand
all the waves to be successful.

You are right Blue. A couple of the guys with Mysa said that it was 7 waves we had to withstand. WHile I didn't count, it seemed about right when we were done.

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"

From: Paragon City on patrol | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Hmm, with SL at 29, should we try to plan to do the Hess TF this weekend before Grev hits 31? On the boards it gets called the coolest TF in the game and a 'must-see'.

Anyone have Hess unlocked, or do we need to put that on this week's "to do" list?

BTW, almost have Prism's new build figured out! It looks like he'll be giving up Superior Invisibility, Enervating Field, Lingering Radiation and Recall Friend for Hasten and Stamina. The radiation powers are next to be re-picked... they are such an END drain I figure I'm okay with putting them off until I get stamina.

Recall Friend is the toughest to give up, but there are four pools I already want for Prism. (Flight, Speed, Fitness and Leadership) Flight is the one I'm least attached to, but I'm kinda emotionally attached to having him fly. Leadership sounds like it'll be really useful post-32, when he gets Phantasms.

Lyle's part-time blogging

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Still smoooooth!

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Don't be surprised to see some new Legionnaires on Virtue & Infinity. I signed my nephew Tommy up for CoH with that freebie Valentine's Day offer since I knew he and his roommate (you've seen both of them around LW on occasion as Condo & Pol) would enjoy playing. Unfortunately their computer can't seem to handle the graphics or memory or something (it's faaaaaarrrrrr from new) so I now have a second 1 year sub to play with.

and you know what THAT means..... [Big Grin]

Oh boy! More member s for Vee's Legion! [Bouncing Boy]

Look for Li'l Giant Gim (came out really neat looking in his blue & red costume) and Brin Wolf on Virtue. And who knows what other Legionnaires might turn up with all those slots to fill!

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"

From: Paragon City on patrol | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Still smoooooth!

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Now I just have to figure out how to play BOTH accounts at the same time! I think I might need a new laptop! [Big Grin]

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"

From: Paragon City on patrol | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Still smoooooth!

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BTW, I noticed this weekend that we have a Generic Hero 059 in the Protector SG. Couldn't figure out who it might be. Looked like it hadn't been played in a few months and was only a level 3 tanker. But you might all want to check your rosters to see if its yours [Frown]

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"

From: Paragon City on patrol | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by Vee:
Now I just have to figure out how to play BOTH accounts at the same time! I think I might need a new laptop! [Big Grin]

Hmmm, Vee's Buffbot is probably coming.... [Big Grin]

Originally posted by Vee:
BTW, I noticed this weekend that we have a Generic Hero 059 in the Protector SG. Couldn't figure out who it might be. Looked like it hadn't been played in a few months and was only a level 3 tanker. But you might all want to check your rosters to see if its yours [Frown]

That's too bad. I wonder how that one got caught if it hadn't been taken out... unless someone got reported for another character and that one got tagged as well (it sounds like they typically scan the whole account if they find something wrong to begin with... tho' not always).

Whoever had that character should have gotten an e-mail about it.

Lyle's part-time blogging

Registered: Aug 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Blue Battler

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Looks like they're getting closer to
rolling out issue 4. I had some stuff
start downloading when I exited COH ...

Registered: Aug 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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Originally posted by Blue Battler:
Looks like they're getting closer to rolling out issue 4. I had some stuff start downloading when I exited COH ...

On Live? Wow, I knew it was up on test (the pre-download). Interesting....

Lyle's part-time blogging

Registered: Aug 2004  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Still smoooooth!

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Probably Easter week...

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"

From: Paragon City on patrol | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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