This is topic I currently buy "0" marvel books. in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I read Xmen for years, well, decades really, along with other assorted marvel books that came and went. never got into the avengers or ff.

And then xmen went to hell in my opinion. Still, there were other books along and along that I enjoyed, so it seemed like there was always one or two marvels stuck in my pull at all times.

but in the last few years they cancelled all the "b" titles I liked, and radically changed the "a" titles I still liked. Xmen was long gone. Captain Marvel by PAD was gone, Herc came and went, as well as the abortive attempts at a Hawkeye series. She Hulk was basically bukakied to death with just crap flung at her, till she got a good writer, and then people seemed to lose interest.

So, for the first time in decades, there is not one single marvel book in my pull. I do however enjoy some of the Dynamite books. Marvel may be taking the title in overall sales, but it just isn't interesting me anymore.

Posted by KryptonKid on :
Except for the JLA/Avengers crossover, I haven't bought a Marvel comic in over 10 years. Despite dire warnings, my life has been very happy in that time, thank you.

[The Umbra - 853rd Century]
Posted by Anita Cocktail on :
I've never been much of a Marvel fan, but I am currently enjoying Avengers Academy.
Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Doesn't this thread belong in the Dr. Gym'll's forum?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
^ Yes [Yes]

Rick, I'm surprised you dont read Thunderbolts. It seems like it'd be right up your alley. And IMO, right now it's better than it's ever been.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
CK, never got into them because of the usual...saw the first issue, never saw another one at my lcs till they were in the teens.
Posted by MLLASH's *glare* on :
Same for me, with the recent publication of YOUNG AVENGERS CHILDREN'S CRUSADE # 9, I no longer have any Marvel titles on my pull.

I just dropped the last holdout- NEW MUTANTS- due to far too many crossovers with "EVENTS" and the X-books.

I think it would take a massive "new 52" style total reboot of the X-books and Avengers to get me interested in them again.

I will still continue to purchase any MARVEL ZOMBIES or YOUNG AVENGERS titles they see fit to publish, because I enjoy those.

And if they ever do a title as high-quality and fun as Slott's SHE-HULK or Milligan/Allred's X-FORCE/STATIX, I'll be there too.

I *did* buy the AVENGERS ACADEMY 1-shot that collected issues 1-3, and *loved* it... I had hoped they would continue those 1-shots and collect the whole series that way, but it appears not. I *might* buy # 4-on in the back issue bins one day.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I've never bought a Marvel super-hero book. Ever. When I was a kid I read a few of licensed properties published by Marvel, but that was it. I've been given an odd issue, but I've never bought one.
Posted by Quislet, Esq on :
I read X Factor by Peter David
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Daredevil, my friends, is a Marvel you should try.
Posted by Power Boy on :
hmmmm ..... I'll look for Daredevil.

Wolverine and the X-Men is the best X book in decades ... and X-Men Legacy has been pretty "not bad in any way" for quite some time. (the Age of X story line was inspiring!)

Uncanny X-Force is good ... yet sensational ...

The only things I get from DC are OMAC and Shade.

and I go through X Factor phases.

I also get Uncanny X-Men but it's not that great.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
I've never bought a Marvel super-hero book. Ever. When I was a kid I read a few of licensed properties published by Marvel, but that was it. I've been given an odd issue, but I've never bought one.

Every human needs to read some Claremont X-Men from it's heyday. [Smile]
Posted by cleome45 on :
I barely read anything. Period. I follow the Legion books and BoP at DC, when possible. Which isn't much, lately.

The only Marvel book I try to follow is Daredevil. Possibly others would grab me, but I really can't afford them so it's not really worth it to try.

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Since I try to know the tastes of my LW peeps, I would recommend the following:

For Rick, Thunderbolts. But only the current run by Jeff Parker and Kev Walker. Also, I know this sounds crazy, but you might like the Venom's nothing like what you think.

For Lash, Wolverine & the X-Men. Trust.

For Cleome, you're reading exactly the perfect book for you: Daredevil.

For Rocky, I'd say Daredevil, realizing you've never followed a Marvel character ever.

For Krypton Kid, also Daredevil.

For Anita, you're right on with Avengers Academy. I think you'd also really enjoy Journey into Mystery.

Peebz, I'm surprised you're not reading Daredevil! It's awesome. You read Journey into Mystery, right? That's Marvel's other best series.

Quis, I think X-Factor is right in your sweet spot.

This guesswork is based on a complex algorithm that I know will be 100% accurate should you try these comics. I'm also good at predicting what kissing style would work best for you.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Legion Tracker:
Daredevil, my friends, is a Marvel you should try.

Posted by Fanfic Lady on :
Originally posted by Power Boy:
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
I've never bought a Marvel super-hero book. Ever. When I was a kid I read a few of licensed properties published by Marvel, but that was it. I've been given an odd issue, but I've never bought one.

Every human needs to read some Claremont X-Men from it's heyday. [Smile]
I'll second that, and add Peter David's Hulk from its heyday. And if you don't like the Hulk, that's all the more reason to read it, because PAD was no Hulk fan when he started writing the book, so he deconstructed the concept and found lots of fresh new angles. It's akin to what Alan Moore did with Swamp Thing, I'm not exagerting. If you liked PAD's Aquaman, and/or Supergirl, and/or Young Justice, you'll love his Hulk.
Posted by MLLASH's *glare* on :
Hmm. I do trust Cobie's knowledge of my comic taste.

Even though I cringe at the very idea of buying a comic called "WOLVERINE and the X-Men" (**CRINGE** --how dare that overexposed furball get billing over the entire team--) ...I will try it.

But the first time Wolverine's membership in the Avengers is referenced, my reaction could turn deadly...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think you'll like how Wolverine is portrayed. Understated, and recognizing strengths & potential in others. But he's only a minor aspect of the series so far.

The real reason you'll LOVE the series are the students and the X-Men used in teaching roles.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Peebz, I'm surprised you're not reading Daredevil! It's awesome. You read Journey into Mystery, right? That's Marvel's other best series.

well ... you may be disappointed but I'm going in and out depending on the art. [Frown]

It seems to be getting better again though. Such a great book!

The issue with the pups was incredible though! It wasn't even about anything but was just so entertaining!

I will check out this Daredevil everyone's talking about!

[ March 12, 2012, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: Power Boy ]
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Power Boy:
Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
I've never bought a Marvel super-hero book. Ever. When I was a kid I read a few of licensed properties published by Marvel, but that was it. I've been given an odd issue, but I've never bought one.

Every human needs to read some Claremont X-Men from it's heyday. [Smile]
... AND Penguins of course !!! [Embarrassed]
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by MLLASH's *glare*:
Hmm. I do trust Cobie's knowledge of my comic taste.

Even though I cringe at the very idea of buying a comic called "WOLVERINE and the X-Men" (**CRINGE** --how dare that overexposed furball get billing over the entire team--) ...I will try it.

But the first time Wolverine's membership in the Avengers is referenced, my reaction could turn deadly...

I know I know ... me too .... that's exactly what I was thinking ... more Wolvie madness ... I was thinking I would actually not get this book ....

BUT it's actually really good and almost focuses on Kitty Pryde, Beast, and Ice Man as much as Wolverine. Not to mention the students and Rachel Grey.

I think Aaron did his research because this Wolverine seems like the Wolvie from the end of Claremont's reign where he had mentored several members like Rogue, Kitty, and Jubilee and was a shoulder for Storm during her leadership.

not just another n@ss with claws.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I've never really understood the 'only DC' or 'nothing but Marvel' thing. I buy books because I like the characters, or occasionally the setting, or even more occasionally because of the artist or the writer.

Either publisher chosen eliminates a chunk of good to great titles. Why limit what's available?
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I think you'll like how Wolverine is portrayed. Understated, and recognizing strengths & potential in others. But he's only a minor aspect of the series so far.

The real reason you'll LOVE the series are the students and the X-Men used in teaching roles.

Yep...agreed. I recommend.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Since we're all talking about the X-Men, I currently collect 0.0 X-men titles and haven't for years, which is a shame because I was a Claremont/Byrne child (although through back-issue bins) I'll pop in once in awhile to see if it holds any interest, (that Cyclops v. Wolverine series being the last time) but the various relaunches never hold my interest.

On a way side note, I only got into the X-Men in the first place in a reverse-promotion kinda way where the X-Men guest starred in "ROM". I'm sure they were trying to get people interested in "ROM" by having the merry Marvel mutants show up, but it went the other way for me.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Since a few of us have been doing a bit of a 'rating' system in the DCnU thread, I thought I'd do a rating one for Marvel, since I still collect a good amount of their comics. Just to give a sense of my own opinions on their line and see if others have similar ones:

Captain American & ____
Journey into Mystery
Amazing Spider-Man
Wolverine and the X-Men
Thunderbolts (about to become Dark Avengers)
Moon Knight (ending)

Captain America
Winter Soldier
Fantastic Four
Secret Avengers – (new creative team, still unsure)
Uncanny X-Men
X-Men Legacy

Invincible Iron Man
Incredible Hulk
Avenging Spider-Man
New Avengers
Uncanny X-Force

Do not collect
Avengers Academy
Avengers Assemble
Scarlet Spider
Punisher MAX
Deadpool MAX
Astonishing X-Men
New Mutants
Generation Hope
Age of Apocalypse
Ultimate Spider-Man
Ultimate X-Men

*The X-Men books have had a major resurgence in the last few months. The four “main” X-Men series have all been very good, with Wolvie & the X-Men being one of the best series out there.
*The Captain America books are starting to languish outside of the surprisingly fantastic Captain America & ____
*The Thor series are both good right now: Thor is a solid, strong read and JiM is one of the best comic books out there.
*Amazing Spider-Man is the best its been in 25 years, and Venom is so shockingly good that I still cant’ believe I’m buying and loving a Venom comic.
*The Avengers series are for the most part in need of a desperate change.
Posted by Power Boy on :
.. and that's only the books you get from MARVEL. haha.
Posted by Future on :
Cobie's adaption of our DCNu rating system has inspired me to actually reflect on my own Marvel collecting. It does help figure some things out, like make myself realize I'm only reading in the X- and Avengers-family of titles now.

Wolverine & the X-Men

Avengers Academy
New Avengers
New Mutants
Uncanny X-Force
Uncanny X-Men
X-Men Legacy

Astonishing X-Men
Generation Hope
Ultimate Comics X-Men

The X-books are constantly mutating on me with each creative shuffle and sadly most are trending toward drop. If Astonishing wasn't looking to finally settle on a fun cast of characters, it already would have been gone. Same with Gen Hope but I may as well finish it since it's ending. I can see Uncanny and New Mutants hitting borderline for me eventually. I can't imagine falling out of love with W&TXM unless they change the creative teams. Golly.

Avengers used to be my surprise favorite franchise, with me enjoying all the core titles after the relaunch. However, my interest has waned on many of them. Secret Avengers fell off my read list after the first year and just this month Avengers did too. The present team is a mix of characters I either don't care for (Protector, Vision, Red Hulk) or aren't being imo utilized to their fullest (Quake, Storm, Spider-Woman).

As for other Marvel titles, I promise I used to read them! My interest in Invicinble Iron Man took a sharp dive out of nowhere - I think I skipped an issue and just never got back into it. I fell off the FF wagon with the Inhumans filler early on. I also just dropped the Ultimate Spidey, but may follow it again later.

I imagine after A vs X this entire list will have mutated. I only hope it's for the better and not a bunch of drops.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
*titter* I find it very amusing that I currently buy no Marvel, yet several Image comics--

The Walking Dead, Morning Glories, Supreme, Danger Club, Hell Yeah and Saga, plus an intention to buy America's Got Powers!

Of the above, only Morning Glories and Supreme were comics I checked out on my own, so HUGE THANKS to Lightning Lad, Cobie and especially the stunning Ms. Anita Cocktail for helping me find cool stuff to read!

PS/ So as not to totes dis Marvel, I *do* have several issues of WOlverine & the X-Men in my pull; I am awaiting the release of the first trade to read first before i actually decide if I am going to buy them though!

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