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Posted by Dev - Em on :
God help me. I caved in and bought a few DCnU books today.

OMAC was one of them...solely based on Lash's insistence.

Giffen's art is totally sick in this. Such a great Kirby homage to it. Easy to follow, and totally dynamic.

The story itself is straightforward and fun. Didio actually got a couple chuckles out of me. Not the same as Giff and DeM, but a very good outing. Good enough to get me to get me to get the next issue.

To be honest though, the art alone was enough, the story being good was a nice bonus.
Posted by SharkLad on :
I definitely wouldn't have picked this one up if I hadn't gotten it for free... nice to see Giffen's art, even if it's a far cry from his heyday... like Dev said, a great homage to Jack Kirby... the story was good, but ultimately didn't leave me craving more despite the mystery of Brother Eye ("Call your girlfriend. She's worried about you.")... unlikely to pick up issue #2...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Of the many DC 52 relaunches, I figured the one I’d most adamantly refuse to buy would be OMAC because Dan Didio’s name was attached to it, and as most people know, fans of Dan Didio are Nazi sympathizers and devil worshippers. Yet, I love Keith Giffen and everything he does; further, I love Jack Kirby even more.

So after some surprisingly positive reviews and then seeing the Kirby-esque cover in the CBS, I figured what the hell its not like I have a baby and another one on the way, why not spend the money. (Oh crap! I’m in trouble now…). But I figured I’d buy & read it and if it was as bad as I suspected, I’d drop it immediately.

But…it wasn’t as bad as I expected. Actually, it wasn’t bad at all. It’s clearly a 70% Keith Giffen production with the use of a co-writer (which always helps him) and the use of an inker (the awesome Scott Koblish), and anything with that much Giffen has got to be pretty awesome. It feels entirely like a 70’s fun-as-all-hell action comic book with just enough going on beyond the surface to have me interested in what I might be missing. Plus, it also had a strong dosage of the weird which I feel is necessary in superhero comics sometimes; the final page of the issue was equal parts weird, scary and hilarious, and left me thinking “hella-kewl!”.

As I’ve said before, the name Jack Kirby is sacrosanct among my family and therefore non-Kirby fans are people I consider to be the lowest of all life forms, on par with maggots, cockroaches and raccoons. ( [Wink] ) Giffen’s art here is pure Kirby in almost everything: composition, linework, tongue in cheek over the top cheesiness. Giffen began his career as a Kirby rip-off artist, grew into something magical, evolved into something complex and equally wonderful and has now evolved again full circle into a complex, Kirby homage type style that kind of makes him the heir to a style once beloved but now scoffed at. And I love every single panel of it.

The usage of various Kirby characters like Dubilex and Mokkari is great. The “Gobblers” is so Giffen and so Kirby that I can’t tell who created them; all I know is for those three panels, I loved it. Brother Eye was weird and hilarious. And the office characters at Cadmus look to be set-up for all kinds of shenanigans.

*Choke* Will I really be buying more of a comic with Dan Didio’s name on it? I think I actually might. [Eek!]

Cobie Comparison: Did I enjoy it more than Justice League #1? The honest answer is…yes! This wasn’t the greatest comic, or even the second or third greatest comic I’m reading this week. But its damn entertaining.
Posted by Jerry on :
Um, nice review...

Was that a subtle LW announcement or did I miss something?
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Glad you liked it Cobie. I was pleasantly surprised as well with this one.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Jerry:
Um, nice review...

Was that a subtle LW announcement or did I miss something?

Jeepers, I don't know if I've ever officially announced it on LW! My wife is pregnant with #2 and is due in like 6 weeks! (I announced on FB a few months ago). I meant to post it on LW but got caught up looking at Lash's fandigo pics and reviewing comics and stuff. Damn ennui. [Big Grin]
Posted by Jerry on :
6 weeks -- That's really soon. Congratulations!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Thanks! We can't wait (and the craziness will begin anew). [Smile]
Posted by Legion Tracker on :
Happy congrats, Cobie!
Posted by Debbie T. Tastic on :
I can't say I *loved* OMAC # 1 but I liked it a LOT and I can JUST TELL this is going to blossom into love REALLY soon if this quality continues!

The Giff did NOT get lead/first billing on his and DiDio's OUTSIDERS collabs... that he DOES get first billing in OMAC # 1 leads me to agree with Cobie that this is probably 70% Giff. I approve, and yes, the Giff does fare better with someone watching his back (DOOM PATROL being a rare exception but even that took, what, 8 issues to hit its stride? By then most had bailed).

I'm very very pleased. The last line was a LOL-er!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Well, I'm almost sad I passed on this one! My concern, however, for y'all is that Giff hasn't drawn on a monthly schedule in quite some time. If he falls behind and needs frequent guest help, I could see the book losing its major appeal.

I thumbed through it at the store, as I did all the DCnUs, and DID think it looked pretty good. Liked seeing Dubbilex in there, for example. But I figured Giff's projects have been so hit-and-miss that it would be a big risk. (Having Didio onboard didn't help, either. [No] ) Also, not the biggest fan of the Kirby style and characters in general, despite liking Dubbilex. Loved Giff's stuff on the LSH Annual, though.

I'll keep my eyes open on your reviews here. If the raves keep a'comin, I might check out upcoming trades or back issues!
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Good review...
Posted by Power Boy on :
Finally got OMAC #1

I saw the preview a couple weeks ago so I haven't been craving this since i got a brief fix.

It's been reviewed already (partially by me) so I'll just add ...

I really enjoyed it and would call it 'solid' and 'standard' (in a sea of superhero comics that don't meet the minimum requirements of story telling). It fulfills all the requirements of a comic book, it's got a bit of a mystery, fairly awesome art ... (especially OMAC's mohawk squiggly effect )

The colorist is working their butt off here, and KG does an excellent splash page and/or spread that feels like it's a deserved part of the story rather than gratuitous.

OMAC presents a landscape for these characters and situations and leaves me curious about a whole lot.
Posted by Power Boy on :
One more thing ... I want to rip off OMAC's costume for Peebz. [Smile]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I can't believe I loved OMAC. Just seeing Keith Giffen's art brings to mind series like Ambush Bug, and I think that influenced my reaction. The unwilling/unknowing protagonist concept is appealing, I liked the office setting and OMAC is fighting a variety of strange characters, not just another big-muscled super-villains/hero.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Second issue was pretty entertaining as well. We get to meet a few new players in this world, and one shocker on the final page. Giffen is definitely riding a Kirby vibe with the art...which I am loving.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Originally posted by Dev - Em:
Second issue was pretty entertaining as well. We get to meet a few new players in this world, and one shocker on the final page. Giffen is definitely riding a Kirby vibe with the art...which I am loving.

OH YES, the final page was a BIG SHOCK! It was unexpected and I was like "XXXXXXXX?!?!?" [LOL]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You know, I enjoyed the hell out of #2! I really, honestly just soaked it all up and loved every page of this comic. #1 won me over but #2 reconfirmed that I made the right decision. It’s pure Giffen in its sensibilities but much like the recent Doom Patrol, it’s a newer version of Giffen as he continues to evolve.

The surprise last page was certainly a surprise, but for me the even better surprise appearance came immediately: Amazing Man! I love that there is an Amazing Man in the DCU (and I hope the original one will be on Earth-2 when that comes out). Giffen played him perfectly—totally interesting and dynamic personality with all the visual cues of Kirby’s Absorbing Man from Marvel, so that Giff could render him in awesome fashion all issue. The blowout between OMAC and Amazing Man was actually a thing of beauty and I didn’t mind its length at all.

Brother Eye is subtly humorous and I can’t help but smile at his dialogue.
Posted by Power Boy on :
The art in #3 continued to wow me and reminds why I love KG's art so much.

He reinvents the atm in this issue! He's working his drawing wrist off with that 'Ambient Tech' effect!!!

I love the newness and the invention he brings to his panels. [Big Grin]

and Max Lord, while still somewhat villanous, is treated with a bit more respect and believability.

Still my favorite of the new 52, sorry Bat Woman ...
Posted by LASHbrain on :
OMAC # 2 KICKED ASS. Brother Eye mollycoddling the discombobulated Kevin was hysterical.

I agree about there being an Amazing Man back is wonderful! And about the final page reveal!

This book is GREAT FUN!
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I picked up OMAC #1 on you guys' recommendation and didn't hate it at all! Totes picking up number 2!
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
Well it is gone with issue 8. I had read that OMAC was one of the few DCnU books to start to pick UP readers after the 4-month massive drop in sales. That isn't evidenced in the info I have posted below, but I will keep up with it until I have all the sales figures.

But if it IS true, I can only assume Didio and Giffen were overextended with this project, especially Giffen on a monthly drawing basis.

Spot on top 300/title/issue number/amount sold

82 OMAC #1 33,581

84 OMAC #2 29,434

292 OMAC #1 (reorders) 5,559

104 OMAC #3 22,572

126 OMAC #4 16,534
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I can't help but feel there was a political aspect to it as well. If say, a comic like Static Shock is being cancelled, then people would grumble at Didio's own series not being cancelled since sales were similar.

Which is actually too bad, as I enjoyed the hell out of this series! I hope the cast shows up elsewhere in a comic written by Didio and Giffen. I actually think they make a pretty good team, bringing out each other's good qualities.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Issue 3 was alright. Interesting new villain in Psi-Fi Man. The three Checkmate agents were fun.

One thing I do love about Giffen is his imagination here...he is channeling Kirby in not only his art, but also in his bizarre ideas as well. Rea;;y sorry to see this series end.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
OMAC 4 was fun. Kevin in the sewer being chased by Gators...of a sort. His life is not going very well at the moment.

Still a fun series overall. I think the fact that it is being canceled is diminishing my enjoyment at the moment...
Posted by Dev - Em on :
On to issue 5.

This was a fun fight between Omac and Frankie. I have not been reading Frankenstein, but once OMAC is gone, I may go back and check this out. I did end up with the first issue somehow...

Not really sure how I like the new Max Lord...on one hand, he's as manipulative as ever, but then again, they spent a year trying to re-establish him in the old DCU that I find it kind of annoying. A new character in this role might have been funner.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Frankenstein #5 was an interesting reverse view of the whole fight. Seeing things from Frankensteins perspective, as well as seeing what was happening with Brother Eye from the other side was kinda fun. The rest of the book was interesting enough that I do think I will give the book a chance once Omac is gone.
Posted by Anita Cocktail on :
Oh, my heavens!

I just finished reading the final issue, and boy, did this series go out with a BANG!

I simply loved the abundance of splash pages & double-page spreads. Giffen totally outdid himself, and the ending left me in tears.

From start to finish, this series was PURE COMICS FUN!
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
I finally sat down today and read some comics, among them OMAC 7-8. WHat a thrillride this book was!! I just set down issue 8 and miss it already!! I know OMAC is showing back up in JLI, but it won't be the same without the asskicking Giffen art!! Well done, DCnU, OMAC was just what I wanted!

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