This is topic Letters & Emails you've sent to comic books in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Let this thread serve as somewhere you can share letters & emails you might send to comic books & their publishers!

When I was 12-13 years old, I wrote Bob Harris, then Avengers writer, a letter telling him he was doing a great job restoring the Avengers to greatness and then offered a few additional suggestions (like adding the Wasp now that Hank was Giant Man again). At age 13, I was very sure of myself. [Big Grin]

I actually hand-wrote the letter and had my Mom type it, so I don't think any copies exist.

That was about 16 years ago. I've now written a second letter to a comic book company, this time an email. It was to Dynamite Entertainment regarding Zorro.

Here it is:

Dear Dynamite Entertainment,

I’m a longtime comic book collector and between my father and I (my father being a child of the early Silver Age), we collect a vast amount of comics that encompass most of DC and Marvel’s output as well as a wide range of independent comic book companies, including many of your excellent publications. I have not written a letter to a comic book publisher in at least 15 years.

The reason I’m doing so now is because it took the amazing Garth Ennis coming to Dynamite to get me interested in the company, as I picked up his Battlefields titles and loved every one of them. In the last few months, I’ve now picked up two properties I’ve been aware of my whole life, but have never really followed (like most readers I suspect): the Lone Ranger and Zorro. Both comic books under Dynamite’s guiding hand are excellent and have made me huge fans of the properties for life. So much so that I’ve gone out of my way to hunt down all of the back issues for both titles since your relaunch.

I’m writing specifically about Zorro, which I would rank among the very best comic books currently being published today by anyone, anywhere, in any format. Matt Wagner has weaved together a tale of Zorro’s origin and then the growth of his legend that is exemplifies what it means to be ‘iconic’. Wagner has been a true master of comic books for many years and in recent months between this and other works (including the thus far excellent Green Hornet: Year One) he’s reminding the rest of the comic book industry how to write a comic book. Meanwhile, the artwork by Francesco Francavilla is alarmingly fantastic to the point where I will now seek out whatever he does hereafter.

It’s with this praise that I’m imploring you to keep producing Zorro comic books by Wagner & Francavilla. I’ve noticed they were not among the solicitations for the summer of 2010 and that is a tragedy if Zorro will not be continuing. Unfortunately I came in late, but that should give you hope that an audience exists—they just need to make their way to Dynamite and Zorro. I know I’m doing my part in spreading the word among the various online outlets I frequent to get people to try out Zorro; I feel one issue will be enough to get the most jaded comic book fan to stay on because the quality is so potent.

I’m quite pleased with what Dynamite Entertainment is doing these days and look forward to the many new comic books you’ll be producing in the coming year given recent announcements about the King Features properties (specifically Mandrake, the most under-utilized property of all the icons King Features owns). But you must make sure you keep both Zorro and the Lone Ranger going, as they have become your flagship titles in quality and best represent what Dynamite is bringing to the table that few others are.

Look forward to more great things.

Desmond ----------- (blocked so my full name isn’t online)
Stamford, CT

Posted by Mattropolis on :
The only comic I have ever had printed was in the Avengers. It was either in #340 or about #340, can't remember which.

I have long since lost the letter and don't have the comic anymore, but it was a great feeling!
Posted by Kent on :
in the 80s, I sent letters to GL, Mage and probably one other (maybe Legion).

I got listed in a readers roundup in GL, and my guess for the "Guess Kevin's middle name" contest was included in a roundup in Mage.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Wrote a letter to Legion about the Brainy/Dawnstar tracking lost Legionnaires to the primitive planet. Hand written, and it got printed in the second issue of the baxter reprints.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I got a letter printed in Firestorm and I think Green Lantern (that one was about the Adam Strange back-up feature)
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Sent e-mails with critiques on RoA to J.T. Krul.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
When I was just a kid (pre-teens), my Uncle wrote a letter to Jack Kirby's "Viking Heroes" comic book and had it printed. I thought it was the coolest thing ever, especially because Jack Kirby is sacrosanct among my family. Seriously, he's like how Xerses was viewed in Ancient Persia.
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
Several years ago I wrote an email to the defunct Black Bull company about Garth Ennis's "Just a Pilgrim". I know I wrote a few others when I was younger (maybe one to Marvel Age?), but none of them got published.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I had a few letters printed or namechecked back in the day in Legion, Detective, and Justice League America among others.

The last letter I wrote was DC in regards to Myatery In Space.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
I had a letter printed in one of the JLI books around 1990. I had written a filk about the issue where Beetle and Booster build a casino on the island of Kooey Kooey Kooey, sung to the tune of "The Ballad of Gilligan's Isle":

Just sit right back and you'll here a tale,
A tale of the JLI.
It started at their embassy,
Transporters standing by.
Beetle was a cunning businessman,
Booster not so sure.
They built a casino on Kooey Kooey Kooey
So they'd no longer be poor.
Killowog constructed it in only three days' time,
If not for Big Sur's winning streak,
At least they'd have a dime.
The island then left the ground below
And then floated away
With Booster Gold,
Blue Beetle too,
The Island's Chief,
His nephew,
Big Sur,
The Major and Aquaman,
Here at Club JLI!
Posted by Blacula on :
I wrote a letter to the Reboot Legion team requesting (what else? [Big Grin] ) that they bring back Leviathan.

... They didn't. [Frown]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I think I remember that filk, Rocky! [LOL]

I had about 20 letters published and was namechecked about 10 times more. Two of my letters wound up in Legion comics, one in v.2 # 280, and the other (badly edited) in Baxter # 2, I believe.
Posted by googoomuck on :
I wrote a letter to the TMK Legion speculating that the SW6 Legionaires were really from Earth 2. They printed an excerpt of my comment. The first and only letter I've ever written to a comic book
Posted by Set on :
I had part of a letter printed a few years back in X-Factor. Not sure what issue 'though.

Before that? I'm pretty sure it was in Arion, Lord of Atlantis, so, uh, a couple years back now... (Somewhere between '82 and '85, I guess, so I was still in high school.)
Posted by Jerry on :
I had a couple of letters printed back in the late 70s/early 80s. One in DC Comics Presents praising the artwork of Jose Louis Garcia-Lopez. Another in Weird Western suggesting a team up between Scalphunter and Adam Strange.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
The lettercol of LEGION LOST #11 contains 3 letters: The first one from Dean Lee(our own Sketch Lad), and the other 2 from me!!(one under the name Alisynde & one under the name lil'rhino)
Go check!!
Posted by Mattropolis on :
wow... two???
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I had a message board posting printed in the letters section of MAGE II .... For the life of me I don't remember what it was about but I remember it being a thoughtful analysis of some kind - probably of Mage, but maybe Grendel. Diana Shultz wrote me a nice email then sent me a preview copy of whatever Grendel special was about to come out so that I could write a letter about it. (I don't think that one got published)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I totally had a letter printed in Haunt #9! And one of the artists whose art I LOVED as a kid, Todd McFarlane, personally replied!

I will gladly sign copies at my future LMB-Con appearances!
Posted by Jerry on :
Did anyone else get a surprise package of comics for getting their letter published? I got a nice stack of DC Implosion era comics in the mail after mine was published - including a Weird War Tales autographed by Bob Rozakis.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Guys, can I ask your opinion on an e-mail I sent to J.T. Krul, on Rise #4?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Second Image comic in just a matter of months to print a letter from the legendary poster known as Cobalt Kid: Turf #3!

Buy your copy now and I promise to sign it at the next LMB-Con!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I had a bit published in the letters page of PAD's Supergirl.

They took it off the message boards. It was something along the lines of "Our stupendous sweetie in the short skirt". Sounded much worse than it was [Wink]
Posted by Lsh Em on :
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
Guys, can I ask your opinion on an e-mail I sent to J.T. Krul, on Rise #4?

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yet another letter by the legendary poster Cobalt Kid has been printed! Run out to your local comic book store and pick up an issue of the Infinite #2 by Image Comics to see Cobie gush over Robert Kirkman and attempt to Rob Liefield a pep-talk by telling him to ignore his haters and do what he does best!

Image has printed three of my letters in one year (three for three, as they’ve written all I’ve printed). I might start writing them every month!
Posted by He Who LSHes on :
Congrats, Cobie!

Um . . . what does Rob Liefeld do best? [Wink]
Posted by Pov on :
NOT feet... [LOL]
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Or hands...or eyes...or anything to do with anatomy...

That's a good question HWL.
Posted by Exnihil on :
When I was... 12, I guess... maybe 13... I wrote a letter into DC's "Who's Who" just gushing about how cool I thought the concept was. I never saw it printed, but admittedly, I also didn't own a full set, so, in the back of my mind... you know... maybe.

25 years later, this past spring, I finally completed my Who's Who run and... no letter.

Curses! [Smile]
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
My kids both wrote to the Super Friends comic and had their letters printed.

Here they are transcribed:

Dear Super Friends,

I love you Wonder Woman. Why haven’t you seen your family again? What do you think you’d do if I ever met you?

-Love Abigail Hackett (Age 6)

Dear Super Fools,

We have trapped Superman with Kryptonite! We tricked you and kept all the power for us, not you. Show’s over!

- Brady Hackett (Legion of Doom) Age 4

Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Dave, did they answer your kids' letters (seeing as Abigail asked two direct questions)?
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
Yeah, they said something to the effect of Wonder Woman does see her mother a lot and she would give Abby a hug if they met, but she's a little busy right now saving Superman from her brother!

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