This is topic Can anyone help!!!!???? - Death of Superman Poster in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by Matter Lad on :
So I'm sure you guys are for the most part familiar with the Death of Superman poster, with the six heroes bearing Supes' casket in the forefront. The Atom perched in greif at Darkseid's shoulder, the Legion in attendance nearby the Titans....

And then the left side of the poster...follow the edge...

Between my brother and I, we can name almost all of the characters on the poster...except ONE;

He stands just below the Timber Wolf of L.E.G.I.O.N., to the left of Fire and Guy Gardner...

Black hair. Red costume of SOME design. Completely unfamiliar to us comic-goers (and we've been around the block. If I don't have the comic, chances are my brother does...). So if anyone knows...

Please, tell us!

[ September 09, 2009, 07:57 AM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by LardLad on :
A link might be helpful here, Matter Lad.
Posted by Blacula on :
My Superman box is one of the few boxes I have here in my flat so I checked it out for you Matter Lad - and I'm kinda stumped too.

I think I always thought it was Jo Nah (Ultra Boy) but not having read that era of the Legion I'm not sure if he ever wore a costume like that.

Another possibility that comes to mind is that Bloodlines character that was in Hawkman at the time - Mongrel was it? - who had kinda long hair and I think wore red. Not sure how he would've qualified to get such a prominent place at Supes' funeral though.

It's a tough one.

(P.S. This thread might be more appropriate for Gym'lls, Mods?)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

Yeah I think it should be in Gym'll's too. But as I am not a moderator of this forum, I can't move it. Have you PMed any of the moderators of this forum, rickshaw1, Kent Shakespeare, or Outdoor Miner?

And Matter Lad,

a link to the picture would be helpful, if you have one.
Posted by Set on :
Is this the poster?

It's an awful picture, and the art seems pretty clunky, but perhaps it's a really bad depiction of Aqualad?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I have this poster.

I believe the character in question is Jo Nah in his TMK days.
Posted by Matter Lad on :
Yeah, Set, that's the poster. But I've finished collecting the original R.E.B.E.L.S. set, and I've got a lot of L.E.G.I.O.N., and so far, from what I have, when Ultra Boy appears in it, he's wearing a black and green costume, and has his brown hair, face covered. <Note- In Lo3W, last issue, when they pull other Legionnaires from other universes, someone says "Ultra a dragon costume?">

So I'm pretty sure it's not him. And my broher recently went back and collected the Bloodlines stuff, and he thought it could be Mongrel, but he looked it over and said it wasn't.

It's been a long-standing joke, part-funny, but part-frustrating!

Dan Jurgens, who is this mystery man?!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Great poster. Its hanging up in my Dad's basement in our 'weight-lifting room'. I don't have it in front of me, but its probably either Jo Nah from TMK, or its one of the Team Titans. They had just become popular for the briefest moment.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Jo became Emerald Dragon later on. From this period in time he had that look.

I swear it's him! Maybe I'll try to scan mine in or something...

[ September 09, 2009, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Matter Lad on :
I can't imagine Jo going from this to Green Dragon. It's quite a transformation if it's true! But I'm gonna keep looking into this as much as I can.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I'm really not sure why this is in doubt. Please check this out.

Here's a high res version of the poster.


In fact, I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be Kono in front of him, but she was miscolored Caucasian.

[ September 09, 2009, 08:27 PM: Message edited by: Nightcrawler ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
It is a bad drawing on Ultra Boy.

One thing that makes me question if it truly is Ultra Boy is that all the members of various teams are grouped together. And if you look on the opposite side, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Chameleon Boy, Ferro Lad, and, I think, Catspaw are grouped together. Granted Mon-el is separate from the group, but he is with the family aka Ma & Pa Kent, Pete Ross, & Lana Lang.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Isn't he with Timber Wolf and Laurel Gand?!?

(Not to mention that's a miscolored Kono.)
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
So he is. I still say it is a bad drawing of Ultra Boy
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Look at Saturn Girl. Yuck!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
He looks like a junkie. No offense.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
None taken. He does look totally strung out. Or like he's just found about about the reboot.

FWIW, I figure it's UB too.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Look at Saturn Girl. Yuck!

Well, she is in mourning. No one looks their best when they are mourning. [Wink]
Posted by Matter Lad on :
Well, it looks like mystery solved, I guess!

Thanks everybody!

And he does look like a junkie. And Lightning Lad doesn't look much better.

And I think Mon-El is separate because of Valor, when he was mostly on his own as it was.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I also think that that's supposed to be Jan Arrah (Element Lad) behind Strata.

You'd think they'd take a bit more time with the art/coloring on a piece like this.
Posted by LardLad on :
I wonder why the hell they'd have the Legion in that poster anyway?!?!

a) Supes had basically been ripped out of LSH continuity after the Crisis.

b) In continuity they now only had a passing acquaintance with Supes via the Time After Time arc.

c) TMK Legion had very few 20th century appearances at the time, limited to pretty much Furball/Timber Wolf and, ugh, Jamm (and he was never a Legionnaire, thank god!).

I guess the reasons are twofold: a) Symbolically the Legion were a big part of Supes' history, continuity or no, so Jurgens wanted to acknowlege that. And, b) DC was probably trying to represent all the heroes that had currently had ongoings in the poster whether it made sense for them to be there or not.

In any case the Legion probably had a better idea than anyone else that Supes was gonna get better, so why bother? [Razz]
Posted by Matter Lad on :
Well, it must be promotional as it is, because Martian Manhunter's alter ego at the time is in attendance with him, and why Tim Drake is helping bear Supes over Nightwing is beyond me.

Hell, Jimmy O. was always Supes' pal, can't he bring himself together to help lift the man?

Besides, the following issue of Action afterwords I recently read where Dr. Occult shows up and explains to Supes and Lois that Superman didn't ACTUALLY die in the first place, so if I ever get th chance in my so far nonexistent writing career, I'd bring that point back up, at least with DC's creative minds that I could.

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