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Posted by LardLad on :
NB: Barbara Gordon thread, for discussion of the 2011 DCnU series, is here!

This post is spoiler-free! Click Here For A SpoilerSort of! *tee-hee* [Wink]

Okay, I haven't read this yet, but I flipped through it--and was very pleased to see who's wearing the cowl this time! I'd been thinking about the possibilities as this series was teased and decided who the person I'd most like to see in the costume would be. Turned out, my wish was granted! That was enough to convince me to buy the issue, at least, and I'll wager it'll keep me onboard for a few issues if the story and art are up to par. Like I said, haven't read it yet, but I think we're okay in the art department.

Whattaya think?

Note to moderators: I searched existing topics for an appropriate place for this post, but the other Batgirl-related topics seemed a bad fit. Feel free to move this if you disagree.

[ October 09, 2011, 07:16 AM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Arachne on :
Ah come on, spoil it, will ya?
Posted by LardLad on :
I kinda did--and you kinda are! [Big Grin]

Seriously, check out Newsarama if you're curious...and you'll get the joke, too! [Big Grin]

EDIT: maybe Arachne is playing along? [Hmmm?]
Posted by Arachne on :
Ah, I think I understand. [Smile]
Posted by Pov on :
Yeah, me too. If so, good choice... at least it's not Misfit... [Shudder]

Posted by ActorLad on :
Does anyone want to link me to the Newsarama article so I can get what y'all are saying?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Here's the Newsarama article.

I didn't get it until I read the article, then it was oh, of course! I'm not very familiar with that particular character, but the series sounds promising. They always sound promising at the start, though.
Posted by Pov on :
But waitaminnnit... Click Here For A SpoilerDidn't Steph die when she was Robin? I thought Black Mask pulled a Joker with her... How was that explained, another Jason Todd-type revival? [Hmmm?]

Obviously I missed something. [Roll Eyes] Big surprise... [Big Grin]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Pov:
But waitaminnnit... Click Here For A SpoilerDidn't Steph die when she was Robin? I thought Black Mask pulled a Joker with her... How was that explained, another Jason Todd-type revival? [Hmmm?]

Obviously I missed something. [Roll Eyes] Big surprise... [Big Grin]

Click Here For A SpoilerI forget where (I think in Robin) but they brought her back saying she didn't die, just severely hurt. Leslie Tompkinson was taking care of her for a year.

[ August 24, 2009, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: Quislet, Esq. ]
Posted by Pov on :
Ah. Thanks! [Big Grin]
Posted by ActorLad on :
Oh her, that's a pleasant suprise!
Posted by LardLad on :
>>>Spoilers below<<<

Having finally read the first issue last week, I'm definitely going to buy # 2. Beyond that, it depends on how good #2 is and so on.

That said, issue one was not anything spectacular, but I thought the art was really nice--kind of a Staz Johnson/Barry Kitson feel to it with a touch of Alan Davis to the faces. Not a whole lot happened with the story. It was mostly Steph struggling between costumed vigilantism as kind of an addiction and her promises to Tim and her mom to try to live a normal life.

Barbara Gordon has a subplot and that sub also entwines with Wendy Harris, late of the Teen Titans title. Those two characters have something very obvious in common, so it'll be interesting to see where it goes.

There were points during the two action sequences in which I got confused a little. In the car race sequence, I wasn't sure whether it was Steph or the observing Batman and Robin who threw a batarang. It certainly didn't seem like Steph had from the angle that was shown. During the hostage sequence, Steph's mouthpiece appeared and disappeared. Pretty sure that was a coloring mistake. There were also points where I thought the narration might have switched to someone else.

Despite all these problems, I know the series has a lot of potential. I never really dug the Cassandra Cain version of the character. I guess it was how she started out mute and kind of a cypher then got kind of an implausible fix to her being able to vocalize. I gave up on that series fast! I'm sure it probably got better later to have such a long run, but I just wasn't patient enough.

Stephanie is definitely a Batgirl I can get behind. I was a bigtime fan of the character during Dixon's classic run on Robin. Often, I found myself more interested in what was up with Steph than with Tim! After Chuck, she got treated really badly and was even killed off, so it's good to see such a great character get a second chance.

It also seems pretty obvious that they are slowly changing Steph's costume from the one she inherits from Cassandra. From comments about taking on sewing to the removal of the mouthpiece, it's clear they'll be working in new design elements. That's a good thing because I hated Cassandra's costume! More yellow seems to be in the works, and that's a step in the right direction IMO. Personally, I'd like to see her bring back the bat symbol with the yellow circle surrounding it--it was among her doodles shown.

My only fear is that the creators may possible have a bait-and-switch in mind here. The presense of Barabara and Wendy and their driven portrayals here make me wonder if someone else may be wearing the cowl before long. Especially with how reckless Stephanie is shown in this issue. I think Barbara shouldn't ever revert to Batgirl any more than Dick Grayson should revert back to Robin.

So this book has potential. If Miller and Garbett stay onboard awhile, I can see this becoming a very cool title as long as they get some of the bugs out. Hopefully, issue 2 will build on what they started here.

[ September 09, 2009, 07:52 PM: Message edited by: LardLad ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I haven't read #2 (if its even out) but I have to say I was also pleasantly surprised. Out of all the candidates, this was the one I liked the most, though I did like her status quo before.

The issue was good but it will take some subsequent issues of higher quality to keep me.

But for someone bored and annoyed at the current shift in the Bat status-quo, I'm intrigued by the new Batgirl.
Posted by LardLad on :
#2 ain't out yet, Des. It's on DC's schedule for next Wednesday. Glad somebody else here is picking it up and enjoying it so far.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well Lardy, what was your decision?

Ultimately, I think #3 is my last issue. While I personally love Stephanie and wanted to give the series a fair shot, I just am not convinced its good enough for me to stay on. I read a lot of titles, like you do, and each one really needs to grab me these days, especially if I'm already annoyed at the current state of the Batverse. Still, if anyone were to tell me five months from now: "man, #8 was fantastic, it had ___ and ___ and you're really missing out!", I might come back. But for now, not really.

I wish Tim was Robin and Steph was back in his comic again though as the Spoiler. Before they got all stupid and goofy with their characters (not just the current Batverse, but Steph as Robin IV and her unsurprising crappy death).

Also, while I found the new cop character interesting, I found Barbara to be hella-annoying here. I'm a huge Babs fan so I can't quite put my finger on it, but I was almost breezing through her scenes because of it.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I like Steph and I like the idea of her being the new Batgirl. The book so far has done an interesting job of mixing her personal life with her life in the suit.

It's been a pleasant read, but not one that's grabbed me. It does have potential, filling a spot that ROBIN held before the Batverse shake up.

Babs hasn't shown the same level head she kept during her time as Cassie's mentor, or her time with the Birds.
Posted by Lardi on :
After the first four issues, Batgirl was squarely on the bubble as to whether I was going to keep picking up this title, but after having just read issue 5, it's now on the precipice of making my official pull list (as opposed to me just buying it off the display as I have been). What a great, fun issue #5 was!

It appears that as of this issue write Bryan Q. Miller has officially found his voice on this series. Did anything really Earth-shattering happen? Well, no, but the banter between Steph and Babs combined with the interplay of their thought captions was just hilarious and nailed both characters just so incredibly spot-on. It was some of the best writing of this nature that I've seen and was just so suitable for a book which is about two women trying to carve out a niche for themselves in a realigned Batverse.

The plot of this issue centers around an arson in an especially crime-ridden Gotham slum. Steph is dealing with the arsonist when Dick and Damian intervene. Steph unintentionally does something to Damian to stop the arsonists that sets off Damian against Steph and Dick against Babs. The stuff between Dick and Babs is just pitch-perfect from my point of view for two former lovers that still harbor hurt and unresolved feelings.Seeing Babs fume afterward when her dad sets her up with a cop on a poorly timed surprise blind date was just poetic in its hilarity. the interplay between what she's thinking and what she says is just a perfect example of what I mentioned in the previous paragraph. And the Steph/Damian stuff is LOL funny!

From that point, Steph pursues the son of the property owner whose building was burned. The son is a fellow student at Steph's college, and things are complicated by the fact that Steph is attracted to him. All of which leads to a series of events that ends in a bit of a cliffhanger. The cliffhanger's a bit obvious, but doesn't really derail what was a fine issue and the anticipation of what will hopefully be another fine issue.

The Lee Garbett art now seems less of a Barry Kitson/Alan Davis mesh and more its own thing, except maybe I'm detecting a little Rick Leonardi influence now. This may have something to do with there being two guest inkers. In any case I felt the art hit all the right notes and delivered the proper facial expressions for the situations. It was quite lovely, and I can see Garbett improving with each issue.

If this issue is any indication Batgirl is becoming the successor to the salad days of the Robin title with its light, breezy tone and overall sense of fun. It didn't hit me over the head as quickly as Sterling Gates's Supergirl did, but it may end up going toe-to-toe with that title in its acclaim.

I'd freely recommend Batgirl #5 to anyone who would like to try this title. I'm pretty sure no one who gives it a shot will find themselves disappointed...unless they just don't like any fun in their funny books! If issue 6 continues this way, Batgirl makes my pull list!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
After #2, I stopped picking up issues of the new series. While it wasn't bad by any means, there wasn't enough there drawing me in. To be completely fair, that might have to do with my general distaste for the current Bat-status quo. Which is unfair to Batgirl (I also gave up completely on Sirens and Streets of Gotham and never even gave Azrael a chance). I'm finding the whole thing other than Batwoman in Detective to be rather annoying.

What that means is that maybe I owe it to Batgirl to give it a second look if you're enjoying it as much as you say Lardy. I could always pick up #5 and back-track if I want. I'm glad that by #5 Babs and Steph's relationship has grown somewhat so they're not in constant conflict. I've gotten very tired "always angry Babs" so hopefully Miller is going in another direction.

For me its a classic case of being disenchanted enough with the current Bat-direction that I've kind of hit the point where I'm burnt out on talking about it and reading anything Bat-related. I also can't get the idea out of my head that Steph will eventually lose the Batgirl moniker and become the Spoiler again--I just don't have any faith that DC would make any meaingful change. Like I said, not the fault of the Batgirl series at all but really my own distaste with the DC bat-books. Perhaps I'll give Batgirl another chance...
Posted by Lardi on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I'm glad that by #5 Babs and Steph's relationship has grown somewhat so they're not in constant conflict. I've gotten very tired "always angry Babs" so hopefully Miller is going in another direction.

Babs is still kind of on the rag (no offense intended, ladies [Wink] ) this issue, Des, but under the circumstances shown here with Dick, it works and is understandable. Babs really stands up for Steph here while Dick is striking his very best Bruce pose, so that shows how her and Steph's relationship is evolving. There's a respect between them and a rapport underlying their interaction that isn't stated outright but comes through. They're getting to know each other and to anticipate what the other is thinking.

There's just a snap to all the dialogue and captions that recalls what really made me fall in love with the writing on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series. If I could write natural, exciting dialogue like that, I would be 200% happier with my own writing!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Ok well we get a new issue of Batgirl, and things have turned for the better. Batgirl and Robin team up like in the days of old, but in no way is this a cheery, flirtacious pairing ala Dick and Babs.

Babs is a little more relaxed, and the interplay between her and Dick is a little mix of their past as well as the new dynamic. It's a great example of that snappy dialogue you referred to, Lardi.
Posted by Owl Lad on :
How does Gail Simone's return to Birds of Prey affect Babs's appearance in Batgirl? I think I saw a cover for an issue with Barbara, LadyHawk, Huntress, Black Canary and a caped figure in the background who is shaded out. Perhaps Steph is joining the Birds?
Posted by Owl Lad on :
Anyone else notice the wave of blond locks flowing from our second generation of the Trinity? Supergirl, Wonder Girl and the new Batgirl would strike quite a golden maned cover.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Owl Lad:
Anyone else notice the wave of blond locks flowing from our second generation of the Trinity? Supergirl, Wonder Girl and the new Batgirl would strike quite a golden maned cover.

Second? Even if you say that Steph is of the same "generation" as Cass, we're talking third at the earliest.
Posted by Owl Lad on :
I stand corrected. I guess the same goes for Cassie. She's the second Wonder Girl after Donna Troy.

Speaking of Cassandra Cain, what has become of her? I didn't pick up the series when she wore the cowl, but I was always intrigued by her. What do you think it was about her that didn't resonate with fans?
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Owl Lad:
Speaking of Cassandra Cain, what has become of her? I didn't pick up the series when she wore the cowl, but I was always intrigued by her. What do you think it was about her that didn't resonate with fans?

I think that she, Ravager, Bombshell and a couple of other characters were all competing for the same 'angry teenaged girl against the world' niche, and they couldn't all succeed...

It was like angrychickapalooza over there in the Titans title for awhile.
Posted by Reboot on :
Let's be honest here - Cassandra had a 73 issue series (plus an Annual, an issue of "DC First" and a few other side bits) which was cancelled for non-sales reasons as part of the whole Infantile Crisis/One Year Later fiasco, plus that six-issue Beechen series we all try to forget after he'd already done his level best to sink the character for good in Robin.

I hardly think that sort of run counts as the character "failing" or "not resonating" as a whole.

What is, I think, true though is that she's a character not many writers have a good handle on - look back at the first 25-30 issues of her series and it's all very low-key, "small" stuff (the issue where she finds a dying man and the whole issue's about trying to get his letter to his widow - whose reaction to the letter leads to her trying to learn to read - leaps to mind). The further away she got from that sort of stuff, the less well she worked.
Posted by Owl Lad on :
just read Batgirl #4 and #5.

Liked the bit about Dick and Babs reminiscing over their butt-heading days as Robin and Batgirl while Steph and Damian go at each other. I do not follow the Bat-books, so I don't know anything about this Damian and how he came to be under Dick's wing, but he's written like some caricature of a little brat in these 2 issues.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
It's not just these two issues... he's been written that way since the start. It's sort of his thing
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
Just read Batgirl #9 yesterday and felt compelled to post since my good buddy Des wanted an update awhile back on the inclusive Batman thread.

Basically, I'm still enjoying the book quite a bit! It's fun, energetic and full of terrific chemistry between Steph and Babs!

Number 9 begins a new story arc called "Flood". The issue begins with a nice action scene involving a suicide bomber on a train. What's awesome is that, for once, Steph pulls off the win without a hitch! (She even comments "no collateral damage") It's not that Steph's been a complete mess throughout the series, but it's understandable that she would have some growing pains, given her spotty history as Spoiler and Robin. It's a fun sequence, and the best part was how Babs showed confidence in Steph to get the job done with all those lives at stake.

The rest of the issue is devoted to building up the arc's primary threat. We slowly understand that some people are being controlled by nanites and being forced to kill themselves after they've accomplished certain tasks. Interestingly, it turns out the tech involved is from Apokalips. But the villain behind it is revealed not from the New Gods milieu but someone who has in recent years become a nemesis for Oracle. And Babs seems a little afraid! (This villain also has a relationship to another of the series' supporting characters.)

I found the issue and the series pretty much thoroughly enjoyable. The main snafu was that Red Robin crossover. I wasn't about to buy Red Robin to see how that crossover played out! Otherwise, the first arc and especially the second (featuring Batman & Robin) were highly enjoyable. Miller and Garbett are doing at least as good of a job as Gates and Igle on Supergirl without having the limitation of constantly having to fit in with a larger storyline as the Supergirl team has constantly had to.

I'm a little concerned that Gail Simone and BoP may pull Babs away from this title at some point. I hope not because Babs shines as well here as Steph does, and I'd hate to lose that chemistry and mentoring relationship.

This is a quality, fun comic to read that I'd recommend to anyone who likes a book with good chemistry. It has a light, breezy feel to it usually but is also capable of broaching more serious themes. I think this team has really nailed how this book needs to be done, and I'm on board for as long as they are as long as the quality stays up!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Cheif, I think you may be right on with your call of Oracle and the Birds. The latest issue pairs Steph with Wendy. It's a different kind of interplay between them, but one that I can't say doesn't work.

If Miller pulls it off, this could be a great bait and switch.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
I guess that's issue 11, right, Ceej? I read 10 the other day, and it was a terrific continuation of the storyline with some dire peril for Babs I'm unaccustomed to seeing her in as Oracle. (I know there've been other dicey situations, but I can only recall reading one during Dixon's run, the one I'm most familiar with)

So you think Babs may be leaving the book and Wendy taking her place? If I read your post correctly (the grammar's a little iffy [Razz] ), this interplay between Steph and Wendy worked for you? I'll see what I think after I've read 11, but I'd hate to lose Babs. [Frown]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Other than the Hunt For Oracle storyline in BOP, Babs didn't have a lot of physical interaction during Dixon's run. And yet- her interaction with Dinah and Ted Kord (sans Blue Beetle) really helped make that book. She's managed a little more frontline time under Gail.

Read ish #11 of Batgirl, Chief. I don't want to get too into it until you do. Babs is still the second voice in the story. But Wendy and Batgirl do have a conversation together, it's one of the more natural bits of dialouge in the issue.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
You know, I understand there's lot of hate aimed at Stephanie Brown? Why?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Steph was getting a lot of fandom love right after her death during the War Crimes cross over some years back. Didio was constantly being asked why she didn't have a memorial in the Batcave.

I do think her return, conicinding with Batgirl being cancelled, paved the way for her to take over as the new Batgirl. In doing so, she did replace a much loved Cassandra Cain in the role. That's likely the reason for any animosity towards Steph.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
I bought the first few issues of the Cassandra Cain iteration--then dropped that thang like a hot potater! I'm sure it probably got better later on, but I didn't have the patience for it especially with the craptacular-ness of those early issues!

Steph's Batgirl series didn't knock me out when it debuted, but there was enough to keep me picking it up. Yes, it didn't hurt that I was a fan of Stephanie Brown from her early days as Spoiler in Chuck Dixon's Robin run--at times she was the best thing about it! But when the title finally clicked around issue 4 or 5, it CLICKED! Good, fun series with a real voice to it.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
The only two Batgirls I really knew about were Betty and Babs. I had some knowledge of Cassandra before I started serious collecting, but by that time One Year Later was about to happen and Cass became "bad, but oh wait she's not really bad she's been drugged by Deathstroke."
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Miller has done a good job of making his Steph sound a lot like Dixon's Steph. This book is a perfect replacement for the Robin series we lost in the wake of BFTC.

As far as Batgirls go

#1 Babs - even as Oracle, she still kics butt
#2 Steph - she brings a lot of fun to the role
#3 Cassandra - had some promise, but never made good with it
#4 Bette Kane - 'nuff said

I don't count the Huntress' time as Batgirl as it was obviously a ploy to bring the name back.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
You left out Misfit.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Well she was never really suppose to have the title either. Much like Helena, it was a plot point, over and done in less than 6 issues.

That said- a teleporter will trump even Babs. If Charlotte ever gets offered the job, she will become the undisputed bestest Batgirl ever!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Or Huntress.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Cripes! Why aren't more of you reading this book?!?! And if you are, why aren't y'all RAVING about it?!?!

Batgirl is simply put a freaking GREAT book!!! Every single one of you who complains endlessly about all the doom and gloom in the DCU needs to read Batgirl!!! It's fun, it has great characterization, it's snappy, it's light--all without being a slapstick comedy!

Do you like Barbara Gordon and read Birds of Prey? Well, Barbara's HERE, too!!! Honestly, right now, Bryan Q. Miller is writing her better than Gail-frickin-Simone is over in BoP!

But the star of the show is one Stephanie Brown, formerly known as the Spoiler whose heyday was formerly in Chuck Dixon's excellent run on Robin. Well, guess what? She's out from under Tim's and even Bruce's shadow and is completely coming into her own as the all-new, all-awesome Batgirl!

Bryan Q. Miller has a writing style not unlike Gail's, really. It's effortless with a firm grip on character and a knack for drama and an ear for dialogue.

The current artist is fairly well-known: Dustin Nguyen. Other than the first coupla issues of Streets of Gotham, I haven't had extensive experience with him, though. His style is characterized by minimal linework along the lines of early Tim Sale. He's only two issues in, and I can see him still feeling his way around on the characters. But he's good and should grow into the more light atmosphere of the title. Original artist Lee Garbett had the tone absolutely nailed. I do miss him, but I appreciate that we have a name artist on what is more of a fringe DCU/Batverse book.

The issue at hand is #16 which concludes a two-parter which picks up with Steph being framed for a Gotham U. (where Steph also attends) student's murder. It's very fast-paced with a whole lot happening in the space of 22 pages. Miller wraps up the more immediate story but sets up an obvious longer term threat to Batgirl that is more her own where she's mostly been faced with existing Bat villains heretofore. That's a smart move on Miller's part and a big step toward her continuing to carve out her own niche.

I don't know if this issue is a great jumping on point, but the more I think about it, you get just about everything you need to know within the issue with how Miller writes it. And I think it delivers really well as a 22 page story.

Batgirl is such a terrific book. If you're complaining that the DCU is too dark, I don't want to hear any of your crap if you've never even given Batgirl a fair chance. This is a book that anyone can enjoy, so put that in your pipe and smoke it! [Wink]

Lardy's rating for Batgirl #16: 4 donuts! (out of five)
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Anyone but a Kid Eternity fan, perhaps.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Anyone but a Kid Eternity fan, perhaps.

Well, to be fair, Miller was only working what had already been done to the character over in Teen Titans. He used the Calculator in an arc, and it was relevant as Wendy Harris is a Batgirl supporting cast member.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lardy, your review of Batgirl has me intrigued again. As you know, I had given up on the series awhile back.

Tell me (I can't remember), when does Stephanie start the college phase? In particular, what issue? I can't recall if it was that way from the beginning. A superhero at college is a set-up I'm a big fan of that we hardly ever see (and IMO is much better than the tired old 'superhero in high school').

Is there a great "Stephanie at college" story that makes a good jumping on point? I'm considering hunting down those issues and give the series a try again.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
I'd have to go through the comics to pinpoint things, Cobie, but it seems to me that her going to college was set up from the first or second issue. Mostly, the college stuff has gotten an average of 1 or 2 scenes and issue, but Miller is slowly building a dynamic and some supporting cast.

The two-parter that concluded in the review above has the threat actually originate on campus with one of the students being involved. There are some humorous campus scenes in the second part with students protesting Batgirl and Stephanie reacting to it.

There was also an earlier storyline in the late single-digit issues that deals with a friend/potential love interest from college being kidnapped that's actually quite excellent.

I'd say the college dynamic is becoming more and more featured in Batgirl as Miller's run moves on. So far, though, the central dynamic is that between Steph, Babs and Wendy as they work the cases and relate in the process.So I'm not entirely sure that the smoking gun you're looking for is actually there at this point. But I think it's getting there.
Posted by SharkLad on :
I dug the last issue with Damian... though I like him as more of a badass, similar to his appearance in Superman/Batman #77 it's kind of cool to see him act like a tool around a cute girl...
Posted by SharkLad on :
Issue #18 was another fun team-up... I didn't know anything about Klarion the Witch-Boy before this story, but he was hilARious with Stephanie... love the art too... the painted pages were gorgeous... I think I'm going to give this book a look-see for a while longer... nice to see someone wearing the bat having some fun once in a while...
Posted by SharkLad on :
Bit of a letdown from last issue, both art and story-wise... I guess the writer's feel Stephanie needs her own Oracle, but Proxy is kind of a bore...
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I just want to take a moment to lament the upcoming loss of what's been a really great and overlooked book in DC's line. Bryan Q. Miller has done a tremendous job with Stephanie Brown in the lead role and delivering a fun, witty and light read every month. Between this book and Sterling Gates' run on Supergirl, I can't think of any solo book with a female lead that I've enjoyed more consistently. Batgirl has an edge on the Supergirl run I mentioned because it was mostly unimpeded by crossovers while Supergirl constantly was overshadowed by the crappy "New Krypton" story. Heck, Batgirl has been so good it transcends the "girl comic" label.

Batgirl was about Stephanie, but it was also about Wendy Harris and Barbara Gordon. IMO, Barbara's moments here overshadow her usage in the recent BoP relaunch with Gail. Her interactions with Steph and Wendy showed her dealing with two people who were following Babs into each of her roles in the superhero community: Steph as Batgirl and Wendy as Proxy, an Oracle-in-training.

Wendy's struggles in the wake of her tragedy have been very poignant without bringing the book down. The latest issue, 21, had her hallucinating conversations with her dead brother Marvin and finally taking some figurative steps toward healing herself literally and metaphorically. Her conversation with Babs this issue just brought all the themes of this run home for me.

Issue 21 ends with Steph facing her upcoming fight alone as Wendy and Babs are moving in different directions. The great thing about that is that Steph relishes this instead of feeling angst. She's come a long way, and she's developed the confidence in herself to know she can handle it. At long last.

I hope we haven't seen the last of Stephanie when the series ends in August and that if nothing else, Gail Simone uses her in the new book if no one else does. Meanwhile, I'll have three more issues to savor. Gail and Babs will have a tough act to follow, though. For sure.
Posted by Reboot on :
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Note: We have this thread for Babs. Unfortunately, I've noticed that the "search" function tends to show the original thread names if the title was edited later.

The thread was VERY popular when the Babs returning announcement was made but has fallen to page 5 and hasn't been posted on since June or July.

Reboot: For the record, I removed the Barbara Gordon BG #1 review, and the subsequent confusion, to avoid further similar "whoops"es! Lash reposted his review here in the Barbara thread if anyone missed it!

[ September 13, 2011, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Well, I finally read Batgirl #24 today, Stephanie Brown's final issue. I really loved this book almost from the beginning and can't help but feel bitter that it's ending in favor of a relaunch with Babs out of the wheel chair. I must say, though, that writer Bryan Q. Miller takes her out with charm, love and grace.

Steph has a confrontation with her dad, the Cluemaster. They catch up on old times and slug it out but not before dad gives her a dose of the mercy flower. Said flower has popped up in Green Lantern among other places and causes hallucinations of your fondest desires. Miller and artist Pere Perez use the hallucinagenic effects to show us some of the stories Miller had planned to take Steph had the series not been cut-off through a series of splash pages. It's a gift to the fans of this book that is very much appreciated but is also bittersweet as we'll never get to see them played out. We even get two glimpses into her more distant future, though those would likely have never come to fruition anyway. But it's nice...kind of giving us Steph's life story in a few pages.

The ending with Steph and Babs is really touching. More than a little metatextual, sure, but it also works as an uplifting way to close the book on this volume of Batgirl.

This was a terrific book and one that will be missed greatly by myself and the book's other fans. It was above all else a fun book to read. It's entries into "grim and gritty" territory were few and far between. Steph made a GREAT Batgirl, and she had a gifted writer in Miller telling her story. Let's hope that we haven't seen the last of either.....

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