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Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I'm glad this is finally here; luckily, it did *not* disapppoint.

How can you not love a creepy villain that hides in a crate in the back room of a gay bar (DC's first?)?

It's left to the reader's imagination to see how this villain disposes of a traitorous underling... which makes it, of course, more horrible than anything any artist could've drawn.

This ain't no shades of gray villain, either-- the bit about sending his hunky aides to show the family of the slain a vid of him begging for his life by telling the villain to kill his family instead of him was chilling. The aside, 'and kill their dog', was the final temperature drop.

Loved all the Catman/Deadshot stuff-- Catman's moral ambiguity makes for a great ongoing theme.

Ragdoll's little pick-me-upper was hilarious and wrong and touching all at once.

How did Bane hook up with this crew? Will he fit in? He's had some shifts up and down the gray scale of his own, hasn't he?

Is Knockout coming back, do you think?

The Huntress and the Bat cameo promises twists and turns ahead.
Posted by Bevis on :
Great issue and a stonking start to what hopefully will be a sucessful series. The villain in a box in a gay bar is the kind of twisted genius I've come to expect from Gail.

I'm not entirely convinced about Bane, but largely because I don't really care for the character rather than anything else. I do hope Knockout comes back though and I'm intrigued as to who the sixth member is going to be.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Finally! This has been a long time coming.

The S6 are back (of a sorts,) and they haven't lost any of the charm that makes them a fun team. Catman and Deadshot have that comraderie that makes for the best of buddy movies. It's a respect for each other's talents and an understanding of each other's character- maybe more then they understand of themselves. Hearing Deadshot rag on Catman for his moral questioning was hilarious.

Bane is a cypher, but I'm sure Gail will find a way to make him come alive. After his last appearance in Gotham Underground/Salvation Run, he needs some polish. Paired with Ragdoll, they just might bring back the fun of the original Parademon/Ragdoll partnership.

Scandal... such a mess and still able to evoke the ferocity of her father. Her mourning gift was something only our twisted team could think of, and her reaction to it was almost touching.

Lastly, leave it to Gail to find away to creep me out with but a few well placed words. This new villian is nasty, you can almost see Gail's glee in writing him. And Nicola's art really works well with this crowd. I'm expecting this to be a favourite for a while.

[ October 14, 2008, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#2: I would've preferred Bats' in tiny bits and pieces over a few issues- but the fight with Catman was a good showcase of their differences in style. "I think I'm marked". Chilling.

Bane's "firm but loving hand of a father" and Deadshot's ongoing 'messed up' lines were more examples of the wrong/kind of sweet/creepy vibe Simone gives these characters.

I guess it's good to see that Mammoth's still an idiot. "Ornament-things". Hee-hee!

Anyone have any ideas about the backstory of this 'card'?

I have to admit that adding Tarantula to the cast is a *big* downer for me. I loathe that character and her hero-raping story from Nightwing.

Ugh. Not even Gail Simone can redeem that mess.

Who else thinks it was a back-from-the-dead Blockbuster in that box?

I didn't recognize all the villains in that last panel. Several Nightwing baddies, there.

[ October 14, 2008, 07:26 AM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Seeing Catman's spar with Bats pointed out where his head is at these days. Blake may not have a death wish, but he certainly has given up on life. It's something he and D'shot have in common. I like that he may not be the world's greatest detective, but he's one of the best trackers. From the use of his nose to the use of his wit, Catman is very much my favourite character.

Bane is too talky here for me. He always seemed more of a quiet thinker. And he works better as Lawton's straight man I think than Ragdoll's. (Ragdoll was a little too Spidey in his humour, too chatty not creepy this go round.)

I like your theory ML, I didn't notice til you pointed out the BB connection. I can't say I have a better choice for Box's identity.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Gail deserves massive credit. With one line of dialogue, she made me rethink my whole position on Batman. (note: that position in recent years has become very unfavorable)

The "I care what happens to EVERYBODY" line really struck a chord with me.

2 issues in, this looks to be DC's best title launching in 2008.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I was worried it wouldn't work as an ongoing, but Gail is proving this crew can hold their own.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
My first issue is #3 so i dont' know what has come before in the first two issues.

This issue...was better than her Wonder Woman stuff by far. She has a real love for these characters and what she has put together and it really shows.

Catman- could have easily been a force for good, and is instead a slightly seedy bad guy...possessed of some noble traits, but they are for the wrong things.

Deadshot- charming psychopath when he wants to be, still a coward when he needs to be(as he sees it).

Ragdoll- comic relief that needs work. He is creepy, but it like that sick cousin creepy right now, not the makes your skin crawl, seriously demented creepy. And maybe that is needed. Wouldn't want him too like the joker, but he needs to get his hands really dirty, really fast.

Scandal- interesting, especially given the interaction between her and Bane.

Bane- a one note villian from the past. Honestly, unless he is pursueing an agenda we don't know about, he is going to need major work to hang with the crew. His "mothering" over Scandal could create some friction, but he seems more like creosote than he does Bane.

Tarantula- seriously hated this character from Nightwing. Hope she doesn't become part of the team. Yeah, she isn't a good guy, raped nightwing and all that, but there are too many negative associations for me to like her as anything other than cannon fodder.

Story- obviously, i came in having missed two issues. But, in having all the other stories, i see some things that need tidying up if they weren't in the first two.

Knockout- after all the brouhaha of "final flopsis" is done, hope this character comes back. She was the group powerhouse, she had an established relationship with Scandal, and they formed a group within the group dynamic that balanced Catman/Deadshot.

Reason- before, we had the Six against all the other villians for not joining. I hope that there is still this antipathy between the two groups. The Six need the "Us against everyone else" driving force.

Nastyness- Yup, the six should do some major damage in the DCU, but usually behind the scenes. Basically, they were the counterpart to the soon to be dearly departed BoP. Both covert groups, both secret powerhouses, both go the job done.

Where- stay out of gotham for a while after this one. Bedevil the rest of the DCU. Lately it seems like Gotham has overtaken Metropolis and New York as the place to be bad. The six should spread the distruction and aggravation around the world, like the BoP did previously, from the other side.

All in all, Gail did a stellar job. I wont give away the ending, but given that i just played online the Parker Bros. game that uses the basis for the ending, i loved it.

And while there really is no need to mention the art and how great it was, i will. Ms. Scott is one mighty fine artist and i could happily see her on this book for eight, nine years easy.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Is this an ongoing? For some reason this wasn't on my pull list. I picked up #2 and #3 but don't have #1, so now I have to hunt for it in NYC.

I've been on board with Gail since day one so this is a bright spot for me in the DCU!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Far as i know its ongoing.
Posted by Pov on :
Born-again Bane? Bane-Again? [Hmmm?]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
The Bane Identity?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Issue #4. More madness, murder and mayhem-y goodness(evilness) from Ms. Simone. I don't know if Gail is the one that has taken over JSA from Geoff, but man could she pull it off.

This issue rocked the outhouse with all kinds of fun. Methinks that spending a significant portion of time in contact with that little card begins to affect people's minds. I'm just sayin'.

Now, as to the cast. After two issues...we really need as much of the original crew back as possible. Knockout was very much more interesting to me than Bane. Still reads too much like Creosote to me. With Knockout, there was a certain offsetting group within the group dynamic.

Ragdoll- so creepy that even Lawton gets the heebee jeebee's around that guy.

Good stuff. I don't have to say anything about the art, cause'...dayamn!
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
If you'd like, I can rave about the art. Nicola Scott is incredible. She brings a very human look to the characters, while still drawing the energy in action scenes, or funny in the Ragdoll moments. Ragdoll is where she shines, that character is never simply standing, he's always spread out akimbo.

I'll give ya that Bane still hasn't stood out as a character yet in this group. But he's still new, and finding his way. The rest of the Six have had their moments, Bane is just waiting for his.

I want more Junior.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
And this is the problem with missing the first two issues. Is the hooded guy that likes to twist heads off Junior, or is it the guy in the limosine? Are they one and the same? That was the truly only weak point to the story in my opinion, and i suspect it is only on my part due to haveing missed issues one and two.

Posted by CJ Taylor on :
The hooded person is Junior. Junior lives in a box in the first two issues, so the travel bag is sort of in character.

[ January 24, 2009, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Hey, opinion time. Does this sound like something the Sixers would say?


“Why don’t we try baking gingerbread?” Kay asked.

“I’d probably just destroy the stove. And then I’d have to listen to Blake complain that I destroyed his precious kitchen.” Scandal told her.

“I’d snap his spine if he did.” Kay sweetly whispered.

“You’d do that for me?”

“Poppet I just did it five minutes ago to Kiteman. Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, Beloved.”

“Yes Merry Christmas indeed!” Ragdoll popped out of his hidey hole.

“You’ve been here the whole time haven’t you?” Scandal asked.

“And not just me. Fellows, come out and spread the Christmas cheer.”

Kay destroyed the wall, revealing Deadshot with a camera.

“You’re gonna castrate us now, aren’t you?”

“I’d sorry to say they’d missed the chance. Although they can have the jar if they want! But you can only have one.”

“For God’s sake stop telling us the things, ‘Doll!” Deadshot begged.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Just caught up. Man, Gail freakin' rocks.

So do Deadshot and Catman BTW.

When people talk about the best things happening at DC these past few years, any sentence listing Johns and Morrison better mention Gail Simone right in there, and possibly even preceeding them at times.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Gail has been doing a few interviews lately. She mentions getting an okay from DC about a Big project akin to these universe events of Grant’s and Geoff’s. I can’t wait for her to be an overnight sensation. Maybe it’s a G thing…
Posted by Pov on :
Gail? G-string? [Hmmm?]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Simone and Tomasi. Both are turning in some tour de force stuff. I have read Morrison since DP, and while he can knock it out the park, he strikes out a good bit too.

Simone did some stellar stuff on BoP and legion, as well as Atom.

Tomasi brought Nightwing back from the dead, only to have it cut down, again.

Both of them should be on DC's "go to" list.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Don't forget about Gen13. I should've stopped buying after Gail left because I had like no idea what was going on.
Posted by Wonder Lad on :
Whoever suggested checking out S6 deserves a MAJOR thankyou from me. I went ahead and ordered #2, #3, & #4 (I buy my comics online), but have had problems tracking down #1. Anyway, I got them in the mail today and read them all straight through and I freaking love it! It's such dark humor and very serious all at the same time and the art... Wow! I'm definitely hooked (if only to see more half-naked Catman).
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
The last page of #5 contained one of the most... provocative images I've seen in a comic in years.

Anyone familiar with the Rodin sculpture "She Who Was the Helmet-Maker's Beautiful Wife"?

This is like that, only if the subject was on crack.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Wonder Lad:
Whoever suggested checking out S6 deserves a MAJOR thankyou from me. I went ahead and ordered #2, #3, & #4 (I buy my comics online), but have had problems tracking down #1. Anyway, I got them in the mail today and read them all straight through and I freaking love it! It's such dark humor and very serious all at the same time and the art... Wow! I'm definitely hooked (if only to see more half-naked Catman).

You're welcome! [Smile]

Glad you're on board. This is a title I recommend gladly because the work is strong enough to do all the work pulling in readers.

Rickshaw is right, Gail can do no wrong. Too bad she has the same problem Geoff Johns does--when she leaves a book, DC can't find a suitable replacement and they quickly sink (BoP post-Gail was relatively horrible).
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Regarding the last page, i'll say the same thing i would to Anjolie....EAT SOMETHING!

The platinum blonde on the other! Deadly and curvy. If only she had red hair, [LOL]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Now now, that's very bad manners...
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, i am the Resident Cranky Poster.

That makes me cranky.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Deadshot's probably the best choice of a POV character on the team. He's the least messed in the head.

Gail said she feels Bane has potential, I'm looking forward to his exploration more.

I think Ragdoll's would be too creepy to understand.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#8- Another entertaining issue- this one involving a double-date, a bet, a couple of eyeballs, white-supremicist gangbangers, and a 'Tiny Titans' style look at one of the Secret Sixers.

The story's almost beside the point for this title, which isn't to say that the plots are inconsequential-- they aren't. But the art and the characterization are so strong, that almost any story featuring them's bound to look good.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I dunno. I wasn't much for the art in this latest issue, cept for the "Secret Sixers" segment.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#9-- Ragdoll and Bane teasing Catman about wanting to be the next Batman... fun. Radgoll dressed as Robin and delivering old time banter through a Ragdoll prism... priceless.

Nightwing's guest-appearance was welcome. I loathe the fact that he's about to be the new Batman (unless something *really* unexpected happens), so I savor each appearance of the 'real' thing in the time he's got left.
Posted by Pov on :


Awesome funnies this issue. Still one of my faves month in and month out, even if I don't post about it often.

And agreed on Nightwing... [sigh]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#10-- While the Secret Six themselves do receive some examination (Bane and Scandal, Jeanette and Deadshot), most of this issue goes to the introduction of a new(?) villain and his enigmatic handmaiden.

It all leads to and culminates in a pair of lines in the last panel that should shake these characters to their bones. We'll see.
Posted by rouge on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
#10-- While the Secret Six themselves do receive some examination (Bane and Scandal, Jeanette and Deadshot), most of this issue goes to the introduction of a new(?) villain and his enigmatic handmaiden.

It all leads to and culminates in a pair of lines in the last panel that should shake these characters to their bones. We'll see.

I thought "Smyth" was a revamp of Sterling Silversmith, but maybe I'm way off (
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I finally caught up to #11 on Secret Six and am once again reminded why this is simply one of DC's best comics and the best in the industry. Gail Simone is at her best with all the things that makes me love her writing and Nicola Scott wows me every month. They are just one of the best teams in comics and I hope they stay on this title for a long time; if not, I hope Nicola keeps following Gail to other projects.

Gail continues to keep us in a zone that is far away from comfortable as possible, yet manages the right blend of humor and sexual tension to ease up a little. She tackles slavery in a way that is both over the top but yet not really that far-fetched, considering its usage in history (particularly Ancient History).

The core of Deadshot, Catman and Scandal continue to be the driving force that makes me really engaged; all three are favorites in all of comics. Ragdoll adds his quirkiness, the Banshee (do we have a codename for her at all?) is interesting and a welcome if not for her interactions with Deadshot, and I'm surprised at how much I am enjoying Bane's continued involvement.

Bringing in Artemis here is welcome as well. Artemis is a great character worthy of more respect than she gets and Gail obviously knows it. Since WW is too crowded for her, I wouldn't mind if Artemis had a continued presence here. And I love her rough around the edges nature, which is played up quite well. Gail also knows how to make a scene brutal without taking it too far--as you would expect her to know how to do, given her longstanding role on the internet in making creators consider this more often.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I could see Artemis replacing Bane, for a short time at least. But, not as a permanent choice. Bane I don't see staying for long anyway, though I might be wrong in that as well.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#13- Scandal's upbringing was even more horrific than I would've imagined. Jeannette's flashbacks are more as I'd expect- since the big suprise has already been sprung, for her (I think).

I'm reminded in this issue why I like Catman so much. That had sort of fallen away in the last half-dozen issues, or so.

I don't know if I really want to read about this stripper/Knockout lookalike all that much... unless she really is Knockout.

Ragdoll's perversity is amusing.

Has Grendel appeared before?
Posted by Blacula on :
^^^ Re: Grendel - I'm not sure but Gail did use Beowulf in one of her early Wonder Woman arcs. And I think he had a short-lived sword and sorcery type series back in the 70s right? Grendel might have appeared there.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Wow! #13 was a really great issue!!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Blacula:
^^^ Re: Grendel - I'm not sure but Gail did use Beowulf in one of her early Wonder Woman arcs. And I think he had a short-lived sword and sorcery type series back in the 70s right? Grendel might have appeared there.

*That's* right! Grendel followed Diana back from '70's sword and sorcery world, if I remember correctly. At the conclusion of the Beowulf storyline.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
The all Deadshot issue is here. And ooooooooooooo

But do I miss Nicola's art!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
This is one of the most fun books going, and if you can stomach it, the DCboard for it could use some input. Its no where near as bad as some of the others, including the ww board.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Another great issue. Lots of character development, in a jailbreak and a strip club. Alice was played very well, and that was an absolutely stunning cover. Interior art was okay, but it didn't dampen the quality of the story overall.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Blackest Night Suicide Squad.

This is only a Blackest Night tie-in in a purely technical term. At the start there are 3 pages and the last page deal with Blackest Night. The rest of the book is a clash between the Secret Six and the Suicide Squad (aka Amanda Waller).

From the Suicide Squad, we see them on a mission where they fail due to Deadshot's replacement, Yasemin. I can't recall seeing this character else where so I assume she is new and introduced in this story. So Waller want's Deadshot back.

On the Secret Six side of the story, Scandal has a date while the rest of the group take on an assignment. The assignment is to spring a drug Kingpin awaiting execution from Belle Reve prison.

The characterization is good all around. Gail Simone and John Ostrander know their characters. The story is tight and I can't see any plotholes. There is some Suicide Squad continuity issues I have. Rick Flagg is here and I believe he was killed in Suicide Squad way back when. I don't remember his resurrection. Likewise, Nightshade is here instead of being with Shadowpact. But the story is good enough that I don't mind these continuity glitches. So kudos to Gail & John.

The artist is J. Calafiore and is very good. I am not good for exploring the nuances of the artwork, but I know what is good. Characters are recognizable and you know what is going on.

So, I recommend this if you are a Secret Six fan or a Suicide Squad fan.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
That's my Quis, a true partner in immorality
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Rick Flagg was "never" killed - was exiled to another place under arrest..until Bronze Tiger found him and freed him with the aid of Checkmate! ( I think, but cannot remember)...or something the Suicide Squad mini-series....oh gosh I may be misremembering the title book. egad! help! that's the book where Windfall, Carapax, White Dragon, Tokamak, Twister, and others got killed or maimed. Chemo too. revealed that Amanda Waller has a "secret" power - acquired nanobot inside her body, thanks to Chemo (?)...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :

I thought that might be the case and I just didn't know the resurrection story. I say "resurrection" because if I remember correctly, the character was presumed dead.
Posted by Lardi on :
Bought, but haven't yet read Suicide squad #67--but I did just read last month's Secret Six #16 yesterday.

I haven't read Black Alice's previous appearances in (presumably) Simone's Birds of Prey. And so far I'm not impressed. It just seems that Alice's power set just doesn't fit in with the feel of this Secret Six. They're primarily physical characters and now we're incorporating someone who absorbs magic powers? WTF?

Yeah, I know Jeannette's a banshee, and this was highlighted by Alice's using Jeannette's powers. But we all know that Jeannette's manifestations are few and far between (only one display so far) and are indeed undesirable for her to use. So what we normally get is the physical side of Jeannette that works well with the chemistry. Now, we have someone that can look like Blue Devil and presumably a lot of other characters and use their powers. I'm concerned this will upset the chemistry that Gail has done such a great job on this title of executing.

But maybe I'm overreacting. Certainly, she appears to have the requisite mental hangups it takes to belong to this team, so it might work out. Of course, the Six are now seven, so you have to be concerned that Gail is setting up Alice to replace one of the others. Frankly, I don't wanna see that happen! I really like what every member of the Six brings to the team, even though it seems foregone that we'll lose some of them to death or leaving at some point given their volatile nature.

All in all, I'm pleased very much by Secret Six to this point. It's been a pleasant surprise with its terrific writing and art. I took a chance on number one completely blind and have found it to be one of DC's (and all of comics) best reads as it's progressed.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I also have not read the Suicide Squad issue yet but recently read #16. The series continues to be an awesome, strait-up excellent read. You'd think the darkness in the title could be overwhelming, yet it never seems to feel that way.

As for Black Alice, I've read all her previous appearances and its obvious Gail really likes the character (she created her, I think). She's okay but not a character I like all that much. I wonder if there's some kind of buzz about the character on some message board somewhere or something because that seems like what Gail is trying to do.

I've read all of the Secret Six appearances since the first Villains United mini so to me the team is really Catman, Deadshot, Scandal and Ragdoll with other members rotating in and out. So unlike Lardy, I'm fully prepared for one of the six to be gone shortly and someone else to come in. I suspect it will be Bane. I actually kind of like what Gail has done with Bane and his interactions with Scandal and the rest have been great. But he's a pretty good Batman villain and eventually he'll be back there trying to break Batman's back (anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves) so I presume he'll be exiting. I don't mind, as I like the last two slots of the 6 as rotating. Plus, I've come to really like Jeanette and don't want it to be her.

My absolute favorite part of the Secret Six as written by Gail is the 'sibling' type relationship between Catman, Deadshot, Scandal and Ragdoll (the latter being the really weird younger brother type). They are constantly betraying one another, setting each up, kicking the crap out of each other, etc., and yet you know in their twisted minds they all love one another and would die for one another. Its a great dynamic that keeps me coming back for more.

Looking forward to the Suicide Squad stuff.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Secret Six is one of my faves! The SUICIDE SQUAD 67 sets up what looks to be a very fun issue of S6 next week!
Posted by Dev Em on :
Suicide Squad #67

Been looking forward to this issue as I loved the SS back in the day.

Not much in the way of a BN crossover issue...and that's okay with me, but...

I recognize most of the Squad. I could have used a quick recap of who people were (ala Geoff in the Legion books.) Flag was dead the last I knew. Nightshade was with another team, although their book is now gone. Some new kid named Yasemin, no idea...and the only pne they really provide any background for. Good to see Vertigo and Bronze Tiger in action here. New Female Fiddler that I have no idea about.

Waller is Waller here. Good to see some things haven't changed. Not sure what the hell is going on on page 7 though.

Now I read the Villians United mini, but none of the Secret Six I am vaguely familiar with the set up of the group...Catman, Ragdoll, Deadshot (really nice to see he has not changed much over the years), and Bane are familiar...but I had no idea who Jeannette or Black Alice are. Still really do not have any clue who they are, or how their powers work. Black Alice seems to be able to mimick powers...?

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the issue, but as someone who picked it up out of "for old times sake" reasons I'm kinda annoyed that it is a TBC issue. This is a one shot, expected more of a contained story. Not really all that new reader friendly.

That being said, I will pick up the follow up to this next week. Want to see Bronze Tiger vs. Catman. Waller chewing up the scenery, and Deadshot having something happening to him.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
No one has any idea about the new Fiddler, but her name is "Virtuoso".
Posted by Dev Em on :
Thanks. More info than is in the book.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
That's ALL the info.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Virtuoso! I was calling her Maestro.

Writers of today really need to remember that every comic is someone's first (or first in years) exposure to someone.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Gail introduced her; seeing as she's the one that offed Fiddler, it seemed appropriate. It was at the end of the Villains United mini.

I do think we need more new reader friendly issues. But I'm guessing Virtuoso won't be coming out of this with any degree of prominence.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Even a "scorecard" on the first page would have been tremendously helpful. Names and a quick summation of powers...even a Roll Call like the Legion used to have.

I guess I would have at least liked to know who everyone was.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I think Virtuoso debuted in one of the Secret Six minis before the ongoing, didn't she? Or maybe in SECRET SOCIETY?

The Fiddler was easy to mock, but he certainly did end up being behind one of the biggest villainous feats with lasting consequences, didn't he?

I would've loved more of Nightshade, Count Vertigo, etc. Especially tidbits about why Eve's back with this team.

I'd buy a Jeannette mini-series, though they'll have to come up a name for her. I think it'd be cool if Tyroc ended up being linked to DC banshees...
Posted by Blacula on :
One thing I did like about the Blackest Night issue was seeing that Count Vertigo is still alive - and obviously not a victim of the same crappy off-panel death that Negative Woman received in the-more-time-goes-by-the-more-pointless-and-worthless-it-seems Final Crisis.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Secret Six #17, Danse Macabre Part 2

The Good

- Loved the fight between Tiger and Catman. Shoulda figured on the "winner" and the end scene with these two. Very well done fight that gives both fighters their due.

- The other fights going on in the book were alright. The Bane/Vertige/Nightshade/Aloice was pretty entertaining.

- Liked the Jeannette/Ragdoll/Virtuosa fight was well done. So Jeannette is a Banshee...would have been nice to know that last issue.

The Boring

- No real Deadshot action his issue.

- The Waller stuff was boring, not necessarily bad.

The Bad

- Concluded next issue??!?!?!?! I just bought two issues to not get the story that should have been wrapped up in the first one? At least the main thrust of it should have been...not to have it spill into a three issue arc with another comic. Suicide Squad was a one shot. Should been read like one. I am really peeved with them for peeved in fact that I'm sure to be getting the next issue just to prove how upset I am! [Wink]

Seriously though...a three issue arc from a one shot is pretty low. Even if it is good.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
sorry, I'm not only loving it, but seriously wouldn't mind it going bi-weekly and switching off issues.

Hell, I'd like it even more if they just gave Johnny O. the squad again, and Califore' has been doing some great stuff since the first time i saw him long, long ago. A very underrated artist.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Nightshade should be in the JUSTICE LEAGUE. Period.

A stint in the relaunched BIRDS OF PREY would be welcome, too.

She's got a great look, an interesting power and a relatively unexplored backstory to make things pop.

I liked her face-off with Bane.

I also enjoyed the Virtuosa/Jeanette/Ragdoll/Fiddler sequence. Some funny lines and a fight scene. Same with Catman/Bronze Tiger.

Month in and month out this really is a twisted pretzel of a read... salty with just a bit of sweet.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Nightshade v Bane - best bout of the book. Right up until Black Alice stepped in and took her powers. It would be nice to see Nightshade used more.

Bronze Tiger v Catman - I don't like how it ended, but it sure was a great fight to watch. You knew these two were going to be bloody and brutal.

The Wall v Scandal - to hell with fighting, these two women show they are committed and no slouch in the strategy department.

And the best of it all - Virtuosa/Jeanette/Ragdoll/Fiddler make music and mayhem. It fun match ups like this that make this book a great read each month.

And Gail nailed everyone of the characters. Even the briefest appearances- Flagg and Deadshot- gave us something.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Just bought Issues 15 and 16 of this and really enjoyed them. Especially Issue #15.

It doesn't get much better than Deadshot and Rev. Cramer talking. Ostrander should have the Squad again monthly.

Issue #16 was good, and I feel that I at least have some clue as to Alice's power now. Which would have been helpful while reading the Suicide Squad issue.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
If the Suicide Squad won't be granted it's own series, I really wish it could be a back-up in this one. Especially given the revelation towards the end of #18.

Like Calafiore's art quite a bit. I've always thought he'd be a good match for LSH.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Issue 18 was another great issue. Gonna probably be picking this up on a regular basis on this point.

Part of the reason is the revelation at the end...I really want to see how that plays out.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I kid you not, each month I giggle like a kid when reading this book.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Ragdoll's comment about The Atom (Adam Cray) was hilarious.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I read the final two parts of the Suicide Squad crossover tonight. There is just so much good to say about this story from character interaction to pacing to art to awesome hilarious scenes. But really, all I can think about is how awesome it was to see Deadshot blast Waller! And I like Waller--but that was still freaking awesome!

Great, great job by Simone and Ostrander. Maybe this is finally what DC needs to get more people willing to check out an Ostrander driven Suicide Squad title after the recent mini did so poorly.

Ceej is right Dev, each month there are jokes like this. Ragdoll is comedy gold. And Lawton is good for at least one hysterical comment each issue.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Lawton just shooting Waller was perfect. You know that he can shoot someone to kill, or not as the case warrants.

As long as money holds out, I'm on board. Always liked Deadshot and Catman seems to have a lot of potential. Ragdoll is great. Getting used to the rest of the cast, but everyone has there role.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
For me personally, the cast is Deadshot / Catman / Scandal / Ragdoll and the rest are just rotating through (granted Bane has been here quite awhile). I think those core characters will really pull you right in and looking for more each month.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Another great issue. The uneasiness the rest of the team has with the relationship that is developing is hilarious. Ragdoll is by far the funnest character to read...since you really never know what he is going to say next. A Butterfly...

Great ending...looking forward to next issue...why isn't it out yet?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
So Ragdoll gets a little violent. He's always fun, and the connection between him and Black Alice just adds more humour to the mix. In true Secret Six fashion.

And now Catman has to wrestle with his conscience and his past. With such a great cliffhanger, I don't know how they expect us to wait a full month.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Catman runs over Deadshot with a caddy.

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Is anyone else surprised by how much they like Bane here?

I've actually never minded the character and think he's become a very welcome, fresh addition to the Batman gallery of villains. But he was quickly approaching "product of his time" problems until Gail came along and just made him awesome, yet still creepy and weird.

Speaking of weird, Ragdoll's weirdness is so off the wall that you can almost see Gail grinning evilly when she writes his dialogue.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Bane is like that really creepy over protective older brother that your friend had.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I just love the scene with the fireplace. Why is it they always have those "heart to hearts" at the fireplace?
Posted by Dev Em on :
New issue, ooooohhhh...violent Catman. Good issue, Catman has sure come a long way over the last few years.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Issue 21. Catman continues his hunt, plus we see a little of him as a kid. MAking sense of why he is the way he is.

Bane's new crew looks destined to loose a few members.

"Gone, gone, oh form of man...arise the demon..." Now that cracked me up.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
As much as you want Catman to be a hero, his ruthlessness makes that just not possible. Not that we don't feel for the guy, and anyone of us in his shoes would likely act the same. He'll never be a good guy, but he's definitely someone you want to root for.

Deadshot's comment about Tom/Blake was a little revealing. When you've got Floyd worried, how far round the bend have you gone?

As for Bane's new crew, I wouldn't mind seeing them stick around, maybe be the occasional competition for the S6.

[ June 07, 2010, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
Deathstorke dhould have been written more like this over the years. Catman now owns him in the coolest badass villian category.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
#21 continues to remind us how badass Catman has become. Great issue--I've said this so many times I'm like a broken record, but I love the Scandal / Catman / Deadshot / Ragdoll 'core' group, and I like that being played up here. Between Scandal, Deadshot and Catman any one of them could go a murderous rampage at any time and the other two will back them up yet be concerned.

Love that Catman didn't give Loki what he was expecting and essentially slaughtered him like his father wanted him to slaughter the jungle cat of his youth.

Looking forward to Dwarfstar's eventual murder and I'm wondering who will get to do it? My money is on Scandal but Gail isn't that obvious.

I hope Giganta sticks around and Killer Shark too.
Posted by Dev Em on :
#22 was a great ending to this story, at least I thought.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Ragdoll backed Lawson up, and it wasn't entirely a joke to him. The 'doll may have had them chopped off, but he's still got'em.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
The Secret Six invade Birds of Prey:

Page One:

Page Two:
Posted by Arachne on :

Thanks for finding that, SK.

(Must. Avoid. Spoilers.)
Posted by Arachne on :
So, I caved and tracked down the latest story arc. It's much darker than I expected from the BoP/S6 crossover a few years back. Still, I really liked it. I'm a little sorry I didn't wait, though. I think Ragdoll's scene in #22 would have had more impact if I'd read the earlier stuff first.

Now, if my trades would ever arrive...
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
Ragdoll backed Lawson up, and it wasn't entirely a joke to him. The 'doll may have had them chopped off, but he's still got'em.

'doll has had the least developement of the core four. But now we know it was all part of Gail's plan.
Posted by Arachne on :
It usually is. Gail's great at planning. Ragdoll's one of my favourites so far.

My books arrived!! [Big Grin]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Gail and Grant Morrison are a couple of the writers at DC I still revere. I started my serious collecting with Villains United as one of the books. But Secret Six is practically the only book by her I collect.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
#22 was a great end to Catman's arc and didn't pull any punches. Gail's twist ending was a nice surprise and also just 'fit' incredibly well with the spirit of this series. Blake was both semi-noble and semi-horrific (to me at least).

Also, Ragdoll really had a solid scene there standing up to Deadshot! Like a little brother standing up to his big brother (but with the Secret Six more menacing approach).

This arc was a pretty dark, rough arc on the characters and readers and yet, compared to so many other overly dark comics I read, I think it succeeded on every level. First, it fits the nature of the series and the characters. And second, Gail made it all very poignant and made it matter. Other writers should take note.
Posted by MLLASH on :
That SECRET SIX doesn't outsell 90% of comics out there is a complete crime.

22 was EXCELLENT. ALL of them are.
Posted by MLLASH on :
23 was a fill-in... I at first balked, but it was written by Ostrander, so...

When it was done, I was actually of the VERY RARE opinion that this was one story that might have benefitted from an EXTRA issue.

SO NICE THOUGH to read a concise, done-in-one..
Posted by Arachne on :
It was good, but I want to know how Catman's doing after #22.

Apparently, Simone said something at SDCC about Catman and Huntress meeting up again, but it's not going to be pretty.
Posted by Arachne on :

Well, that was different.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
And how!

The Six set in the Old West! Shooting, killing, be killed-ing - and each on of the gang recognizable in character.

Part of me wants this to be a done in one tale, not related to the ongoing drama, but jsut a simple story about the crew.
Posted by Arachne on :
How could it be anything but a done-in-one?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
They should've put the Elseworlds symbol on it.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Just set it down... yeah that WAS different!

Def an Elseworldsy tale but very fun. (well as fun as it COULD be, I suppose, considering the events within)

I am assuming this is a foreshadow to a confrontation with Rag Doll's sister for reals?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
They already had one. The first arc.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Did she die? After I finish rereading SHADOWPACT I really need to reread Villains United and S6.

Then this was a total non-sequitor one-off.

Still enjoyed it, in that gloomy "everybody dies" What-Iffy kinda way.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
not ruining anything.
Posted by Dev Em on :
I think there is more to this story than it seems. But that is just me.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure what to make of it.

If we get more like it (the Six in other Elseworldy settings), I'll definitely think there's something going on.
Posted by Arachne on :
I think it's just an old fashioned "imaginary tale", myself. I hope they get back to the Six vs. Six plot soon.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
The November solicits hint something weird might be going on, time-wise.

They also confirm the cancellation of Madame Xanadu with #29.
Posted by Arachne on :
I think they're talking about Warlord's realm, not actual time travel.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think Al is right, they are going to Skartaris.

I read the Ostrander issue tonight and thought it was a solid done in one. A little rushed, but like Lash said, it was nice to get a solid story in issue. It was definitely a Suicide Squad-esque story.
Posted by Dev Em on :
I would love to see Boomer run into Deadshot again in this book.
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

I read the Ostrander issue tonight and thought it was a solid done in one. A little rushed, but like Lash said, it was nice to get a solid story in issue. It was definitely a Suicide Squad-esque story.

I read that one last week and was a little disappointed. The moral of the story is the Secret Six are bad-ass and you don't want to fuck with them! No twists or anything, just pure-out S6 domination of the badguys after initially being caught unawares.

If Johnny O. does more one-offs in the future, I hope he'll stick with Deadshot-centric stories like he did last time. I'm sure given more room he could spin a yarn as good as Gail, but as a fill-in, I'd like a more character-focused story. Maybe something with Amanda Waller or Father Cramer guest starring, perhaps?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Father Cramer would be awesome to see. When was his last appearance? The Spectre in the 90's?
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Seems like Geoff Johns may have used him at some point in JSA, but I can't swear on that. Definitely one of Johnny O.'s signature characters who I'd like to see turn up again.
Posted by MLLASH on :
WTF is going on in this book???

I've got confusion issues. What are they doing in Skartaris?

The fault is all mine I am sure... I need to do some re-reading.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
No, I also zoned out for a second and have no idea what's going on. I don't think that's good for a comic like this--it needs to be accessible!

(I still love the series, but c'mon, what new reader would pick up this storyline and stick around?)
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Not really worried about new readers at this point in time. The book has a pretty stable fanbase. True, you need it to constantly grow to replace fans that leave, but its doing fine right now, so I can let a skip/break slide.

It actually reminds me of the old Wild Wild West tv show where you were always brought in in the middle with a minimum of exposition delivered in the middle of the storyline. I like it.
Posted by ML LSH on :
OK I'm really not into this Skartaris storyline.
Posted by rouge on :
Um, Father Creamer was in the Ostrander issue of Secret Six last year that dealt with Deadshot starting to lose it (just after the Battle for the Cowl stuff).

And, the two Six teams are in Skataris because Mockingbird/Waller sent her team (Deadshot, Scandal, etc) to stop Spy Smasher's team (Jeanette, Bane, etc) from annexing it as part of the US (for still somewhat murky reasons).
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by ML LSH:
OK I'm really not into this Skartaris storyline.

Ditto. This is probably the first Secret Six storyline I haven't loved.
Posted by ML LSH on :
Ditto that too.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm glad the Skartaris storyline is over.

Looking forward to moving things back into the S6 territory I know and love.

I do, however, enjoy Amanda Waller having a presence in the book now!
Posted by razsolo on :
Yeah, I didn't hate the Skartaris storyline, but doing Skartaris without using Travis Morgan is kind of like pizza without cheese?

I also like Amanda Waller having a presence in the book, and I am intrigued to see how this new larger cast is going to work out...
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I'll read any six i can get frankly. I don't know if I care for Amanda, though. I'd rather see her back in the Squad with Johnny O. writing a new series.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Finished the finale to the Skartartis storyline last night, and I was pleased to see it end much better than it began. I'm not sure why the first few parts lumped along, but I thought the writing and artwork were very tight for the finish.

Gail was able to bring the two teams together, bring the story-arc to a close but all the while letting chaos reign over the entire storyline, causing the leads to adapt and make a decision. I thought it was well done. Still, I'm really glad it's over.

Loved Deadshot blasting Lady Vic in the knee-caps. Deadshot is just someone that shouldn't be screwed with.

The Scandal / Bane relationship oddly keeps me intrigued issue-in and issue-out.

I'm interested in the continued presence of King Shark and others. I'm glad Dwarfstar was taken out (brutally). I kind of find Black Alice extremely annoying though and would prefer to see her go.

Amanda's presence is welcome by me--for a little while. But not too long.

I keep waiting for Jeanette or Bane to exit / get killed. Each story-arc where they don't actually surprises me.
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
Here's my comments from another board (gasp!), regarding the 2nd part of the Action crossover, but more to do with the series in general.

I found parts of the issue fun, but overall it was unsatisfying.

My problem with the Six right now is that it's become too stale. We're on issue 29 and things are stagnant, even with the promise of a line-up change courtesy of Waller. If you go back to the spiritual ancestor of this title, Suicide Squad, Ostrander had a group of characters he had carefully developed as well, but knew he had to blow it up every now and then.

By the same point in that series, Ostrander had killed Flag, moved Deadshot (arguably the most popular character) off-stage, exposed the Squad, and dramatically shaken up the roster.

The Six to date, despite the addition of Alice and continued threat of inter-team violence, haven't really progressed much. Even Cat Man's mostly recovered from his supposed freak-out. Gail needs to make changes with consequence soon and get the team moving again.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I liked that I didn't have to read the ACTION issue to enjoy this issue. They caught things up quite nicely, just the way I like it.

had the cover given it away I would have skipped this issue, as I do crossovers that go into books I don't read.

But this one was done right.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I really enjoyed the issue... except for Luther... if that makes any sense. Luther is right there with Joker and Hath Set for Overused in my opinion. But, thats just me.

As to the story, I loved it. Alice is growing on me, but to me the simple star of th story is Ragdoll. this guy is just genuinely creepy in a fun, seriously demented way.

However, we need something truly horrendous from the 'doll soon. Something to remind the rest of the team that there's a reason he's there. A couple of sayings every once in a while, some twisted proclivities.... he needs to put the fear of Ragdoll in the gang again. Everyone in the group should have a touch of something about them that makes the others on occasion back up and go Whoa... WTF!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Agreed, Rick! Deadshot had his moment of that last issue in Skartaris.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
SECRET SIX #30: "Blue Blazes!" The Doom Patrol in the river sequence was all kiinds of fun. Rita doesn't realize one of her legs has been bitten off! She's even weirder than I thought! How is she standing, perfectly balanced for all those panels?

King Shark is a villain I like quite a bit. He actually could work out as a Sixer, because he does have a heart. A cold one, but not an 'eeeeevillll' one. Keep him over Black Alice. For me, anyway. Negative Man vs. Ragdoll gets only one panel? There's enough strangeness there for an entire mini-series!

I loved the 6 vs. the DP scenes, where I merely liked the set-up for the new villain gang. There's potential there- but a team-up/fight between two super-groups requires lots of room. In setting and in story-space. Otherwise, why bother?

The Bane-tries-dating- scene was cute- but did it need to be in this crossover?

I'm looking forward to more between the Doom Patrol and the Secret Six (7?) over in DOOM PATROL with a little less C.R.U.S.H.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I ***LOVED*** the DP/S6 fight! Thoroughly enjoyable!! best issue since before the Skartaris stuff.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Easily. And yet we are losing the DP, a book I rank right beside SS as being the best in DC right now.

maybe one day in the far distant future, quality will translate into sales.

but I ain't holdin' my breath.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I ***LOVED*** the DP/S6 fight! Thoroughly enjoyable!! best issue since before the Skartaris stuff.

Yeah, I totally agree--this issue was really needed!

The DP and S6 work really well together. The first time was great and this one is shaping up to be even better; it should be an annual team-up.

Feel like this comic is finally back to it's level of excellence!
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
I liked it, though the ending felt a little contrived. Deportation? They just tried to kill you and you just them away scott free without any repercussions? I know you need to get both teams out of this more or less status quo, but there had to be a better way to extract the Six from Oolong.
Posted by MLLASH on :

The newest issue of S6 ruh-HEWLED!!!!

As uncomfortable as "hell" stories can make me... this one definitely re-establishes the 6's badassosity, complete with previously requested in this thread moments of badassness from Ragdoll. Also, humour.

So glad S6 is BACK.
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
FYI for those not in their shops this week, Catman is the focus of the latest issue of Birds of Prey (#11). Pretty big developmental issue for his actually. I'm still not a fan of Blake's but it's decent enough. Looks like it happens just before the trip to Hell.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Part 2 of "Secret 666" kept me on the edge, but I think the twist at the end may be bordering on lame. I'm not passing judgement on that until I read the final chapter.

I'm tempering my discomfort with this "hell" story by reminding myself that DC also uses Heaven in its universe.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, Gail never gives us the obvious, so I'm still looking forward to the conclusion. But I do have a sneakiong suspicion that Catman will be the one to use the card just so he can kill his dad all over again.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I knew Catty had no love for his Pops, but I think that would be a terrible waste of the card... though very fitting for S6...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
As always, Ragdoll is just an enjoyable freak show. Not sure how he'll fit in after this storyline, though.

I don't know- will the card actually get played? No way there'll be no repurcussions. Will the 'rescued' be the 'hellified' version- barely even recognizable?

It's funny, I always viewed the card as one a character would use on themself after death. Using it for someone else never even occurred to me till I read this storyline.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, the last issue was just what I thought it would be... a helluva lot of fun. Nice twists, some truly sick moments, and though Catty's story didn't work like I thought it would, it was still pretty close and a lot of fun.

The six, the only ones rejected by hell.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Gail on the end of S6...
Posted by superboymddjr on :
oh no...I wish you should not put that link on Gail....

even Gail s a class act, the message board makes me cry! I am gonna miss Secret Six. I agree with many of their comments, that Secret Six is ONE of the BEST book ever read. esp that it is a villains book. [Frown]

don't think that Suicide Squad can reach the high bar set by S6.
Posted by Dev Em on :
But...Gail posted the link on FB. I just shared...
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
My brother told me he almost cried reading the most recent issue.
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
Little spoiler for the latest issue #35, but...

Click Here For A Spoilerwouldn't an all out assault by the Six on the Bat Team, trying to assasinate Tim, Damien and Steph, make for an awesome crossover/mini-event, rather than just a one issue wrap-up for the series? I feel like the relaunch cut the legs out of what could have been a terrific larger story.
Posted by MLLASH on :
# 35, another great read.

It's pretty rare to find a 36-issue series where you don't experience utter joy during only one storyarc (the Skartaris one had me scratching my head).

I bet # 36 kicks all comers' asses.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
The end of this series makes me sad. Both in reading it and how the Six end up and figuratively. DC is so much poorer without it. It astonishes me they don't see that. But it shouldn't.
Posted by MLLASH Siegel on :
Yeah, 36 was a great finale for a great series.

My hat is off to Gail.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Fantastic, ballsy ending to fantastic, ballsy series. It ended the way it always had to end.

I do hope down the line Gail brings back the 6 without Bane (and I think bringing back Knockout was really a mistake). I've been following this group from Gail's original mini and it's been one helluva ride. I can't help but think this hiatus is only temporary even if this phase of the team is over.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I read the final issue earlier this week and have to concur that Gail took her book out in SPECTACULAR fashion! This was just about the most jam-packed 20 pages of comic book story I've read in a looooong time, yet it didn't feel like it was rushing or too cramped. It was just a perfect, logical and inevitable way to end what has been a terrific book.

Only caveat is that the way Gail framed this final two-parter, it really comes off like Secret Six was Bane's story all along, when that really is not the case. That said, I REALLY loved how Gail explored Bane's character in this series and how she apparently is setting him up to move on to bigger things. I'm sure with him being in the upcoming Dark Knight sequel that DC has big plans in store for what is still a character loaded with potential. But the heart of the book to me is with Catman, Scandal and Deadshot, so painting things from Bane's p.o.v. didn't sit completely well.

I'll echo Cobie's hope that DC relaunches S6 before too long, but only if Gail is at the helm. Hopefully, as Cobie says, Bane will have moved on.

In any case I really love these characters and hope that those who haven't already shown up in Suicide Squad won't fade into obscurity. The depth Gail was beginning to show in Ragdoll over the last year was fascinating, and I really, REALLY am smitten with Jeannette! And Scandal and Catman are deep characters who could each headline his and her own series!

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