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Posted by MLLASH on :
OMG, there's going to be a series! I didn't know this... please tell me the artist will be Amnda Connor, like it was on the GA/BC Wedding Special.

Speaking of said special, I **RILLLLY** enjoyed it, it was quite hilarious and had a KILLER shock ending, leadng into the ongoing.

As Silver Age fan who grew up in the 70s, it may surprise you to find I didn't mind Black Canary and Green Arrow NOT being a couple. In particular, I felt it helped Dinah make the leap to stardom she always seemed not quit able to make.

So the special was awesome, and I'm totally looking forward to the ongoing. Anyone else?
Posted by Reboot on :
Y'know, it's really not that hard to check m'boyo:

Originally posted by MLLASH:
I'm totally looking forward to the ongoing. Anyone else?

Posted by Arachne on :
I am.

I liked the special, too, but I wasn't so crazy about the art. I think a more serious style might have worked better with that script. That said, the cover is one of my favourite pictures ever. [Smile]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Conner has said she's not quite a monthly artist. But she does some great work, and she'd be a fit for this book. Maybe get someone else to draw 3 issues a year, or rotate like they did with the GL series.

[ April 23, 2008, 08:37 AM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm looking forward to it, but with reservations. I'm not really into that the married the two of them. I liked that they had flings with other people over the years.

I liked the special, but like I said, some of it was a little too cheesy for me. The strip club scene a little, but actually, the fight more than anything. But Amanda's art was just plain awesome. Dinah looked super-hot (I'm sure the men looked good too) and Amanda does such a cool job with facial expressions.

I'm only worried about Winnick writing a married Dinah and Ollie. I want more 'busting up drug dealers' than I do 'no, you take out the trash!'.
Posted by Stealth on :
If Winick is writing it, I won't read it. Why did they have Tony Bedard do only the Black Canary mini-series? I think he understands these characters a lot better than Winick.
Posted by Arachne on :
There's an interview with Winick up. I was wondering why Ollie's not on the cover for issue one. Looks like you won't have to put up with "taking out the trash" moments for awhile, Cobie.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I might pick it up, since

Click Here For A Spoilerit's Connor and not Ollie. I've never been much of an Ollie fan.
Posted by Bevis on :
Very much agreed on that Cru.

I really liked the special, mostly for the art (Connor draws very sexy men and women and manages to show emotion really well even in her slighlty more cartoony style. I especially loved PG with the hottie under her arm during the hen night). Admittedly then ending was a little silly since Click Here For A SpoilerDinah is one of the top martial artists of the DCU *and* has here Canary Cry so there were any number of ways she could have incapactitated Ollie without killing him even if she had been drinking or something but I can live with it. Hopefully it'll get fully explained right off the bat though (which seems to be the case from that interview).
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I haven't read the story yet. Why did

Click Here For A SpoilerDinah have to kill Ollie?
Posted by Stratum on :
Editorial Fiat, is my guess. I think we'll find that:

Click Here For A SpoilerOllie is not dead.

Truth be told, I'm not really interested in them sharing a title. I'd rather read about one or the other in their own book with the other as a supporting character. And with Winnick involved, my interest drops that much more.

Posted by Bevis on :
Well originally it was meant to be Dinah not Ollie, according to the interview. Whether that's true or not I don't know but either way I suspect you're right in that it was an editorial thing. I also suspect you're right about Ollie and his situation.
Posted by Language Arts Lad on :
Truth be told, I'm not really interested in them sharing a title. I'd rather read about one or the other in their own book with the other as a supporting character. And with Winnick involved, my interest drops that much more.

ditto, and i:m a big fan of both
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Well I was a Connor Hawke fan. I'm glad they didn't kill him off. Sure Ollie is an icon but does he sell comics? When he gets a star writer or artist he does. Get star creative teams on legacy characters and they will sell well also.

I'm glad Connor is going to get the limelight again.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I liked both GA characters. I'm glad to see Connor getting some more air time. And Dinah's recent reinvigoration (credit where credit is due- Thanks Gail Simone!) has earned her a title. With fans of both characters, this should guarantee a success.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Can't believe they wanted to off Black Canary? I like her more than any Green Arrow!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
*****SPOILERS for #1*******
-- Nice to see that they settled the whole "is he dead or not" thing in the first issue. It was no surprise that it was an imposter on the wedding night, but I was surprised that it was Everyman. (anybody know if this effects "Infinity Inc" at all?) Also suprising to see that it was the Amazons who were responsible.
-- Good to see Batman exhibit some detective work, but of course it still reinforces his modern near-omniniscient persona.
-- As a big Green Lantern fan, it was good to see that he was treated as Ollie's best friend here and that there was an explanation why his ring could've been fooled. I also liked the acknowledgement that Hal had brought Ollie back from the dead the last time.
-- Missed opportunity though with Dr.Mid-Nite since he and Dinah had dated. I would've liked to have seen a personal moment between the two.
-- The main reason I bought this was for the GL appearance (I flipped through the book at the store to find out what happened to Ollie). I might pick up #2 to see where it goes, but I'm on the fence. I like the clean art style, but it seems ... just a bit off from first rate.
Posted by Stealth on :
I'm greatly relieved to know that Ollie is alive.
Posted by Chemical King on :
So am I. Which leads me to the question(s): When did the change occur, and who the **** is Everyman???

Why are there so many characters in the DC Multiverse I never heard about although reading since my childhood days???
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Everyman was one of Luthor's Everyman candidates from '52'. I'm guessing the switch was made sometime during the wedding brawl.

Good to see Ollie alive, better to see Connor getting some spotlight.
Posted by Caliente on :
I really enjoyed this issue. I was never on the fence, since Conner is my favorite Green Arrow (always has been) and I ****ing love Dinah! So much. So much.

That said, I wasn't holding my breath for Winick to deliver. Sometimes I love his stuff (Exiles, parts of Outsiders, parts of Green Arrow), sometimes I hate his stuff (other parts of Outsiders and Green Arrow, Batman). But, man. I loved it.

I loved the characters across the DCU that appeared to help/offer support. I loved Batman (I just love him and Dinah-- she's so... good for him). I loved that Pieter was there to help even though he and Dinah used to kinda.. whatever. I loved Mia and Roy. And even Hal, reacting as a best friend would.

And, personally, I absolutely adored the art. I thought it was clean and the expressions were great. It kind of reminded me of the art on New Frontier, actually, though I'm not 100% sure why. I felt like it made for dynamic storytelling, and I actually looked back at the cover to see who it was halfway through because I was so impressed. (Naturally, I didn't recognize the name but still.)

The ending though, heh. That just made me smile. I dunno why, but it did. How badly am I hoping Shiva is one of Athena's converts like Harley and Holly? Or Cheshire? You don't even wanna know.. [Wink]

OH! And thank God someone finally killed that #*@%!(#$^@*#($*#%^ Everyman. God. I hated him. He was just so... and then he kept popping up everywhere. Jeysus, where are the other DCU evil shapeshifters?! There must be some! The MU has, like, half a dozen! Take some of theirs! Jeez. So glad to be rid of him.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
Everyman was one of Luthor's Everyman candidates from '52'. I'm guessing the switch was made sometime during the wedding brawl.

I don't think so. The brawl interrupted the wedding but the guy in the cage mentions his "wife" so it's more likely the wedding took place off-panel and the switch happened after that, but before the wedding night.

Originally posted by Caliente:
OH! And thank God someone finally killed that #*@%!(#$^@*#($*#%^ Everyman. God. I hated him. He was just so... and then he kept popping up everywhere. Jeysus, where are the other DCU evil shapeshifters?! There must be some! The MU has, like, half a dozen! Take some of theirs! Jeez. So glad to be rid of him.

Where else had Every(where)man been popping up? Marvel's currently overrun with evil shape-shifters, what with the Skrulls invading. Maybe DC should have the Durlans invade to explain away all the other recent DC deaths.
Posted by Chaim Mattis Keller on :
Where else had Every(where)man been popping up?
I know he impersonated Blue Beetle in Manhunter. Two appearances might not sound like a lot, but it hasn't been that long since 52 ended.
Posted by Caliente on :
Originally posted by Chaim Mattis Keller:
Where else had Every(where)man been popping up?
I know he impersonated Blue Beetle in Manhunter. Two appearances might not sound like a lot, but it hasn't been that long since 52 ended.
He also popped up in Wonder Woman v3/Amazons Attack impersonating Sargent Steel as part of a partnership with Circe. And then with him as GA it just felt like overexposure to me.

I do hope that it'll tie in well with the Amazons, though. Since he was on their side (or Circe's, anyway) in the war and all.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Wow, I just read it and I liked it! Kind of suprised who is behind it all. I didn't think anything of it at first.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
something tragic on BC and GA #4 - they won't reveal the dead guy - is it Connor Hawke? or Eddie Fyers? who is the white silhouette??
Posted by Caliente on :
I will personally kill Judd Winick if it's Connor. Part of "my generation" of heroes, I love Green Arrow II. Seriously. Him, Kyle and Wally used to team up sometimes... [Love] That was like my dream team right there. If only Nightwing had joined them... ah well.

But, yeah, I had that same thought when I saw it. If it's true, I will cry. And then commit homicide.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
It would be a shame if it's Connor, but that's the safe bet. Last year's mini comes out in a tpb format the same month he bites it...

Guess that Kyle/Connor team up book ain't ever going to happen now.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
something tragic on BC and GA #4 - they won't reveal the dead guy - is it Connor Hawke? or Eddie Fyers? who is the white silhouette??

Maybe they're finally killing that ol' lech Ollie's libido! Long overdue, I say! [Wink]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Or maybe, just maybe...they're finally killing off Judd Winnick and replacing him with a decent writer! [LOL]
Posted by doublechinner on :
The picture I saw seemed to clearly have a hooded costume that made me think of the new Speedy. What's her name? Mia?
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Since Winick created her then I wouldn't mind as much. Never been a big fan though I did enjoy her short time with the Titans.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Originally posted by Caliente:
I will personally kill Judd Winick if it's Connor. Part of "my generation" of heroes, I love Green Arrow II. Seriously. Him, Kyle and Wally used to team up sometimes... [Love] That was like my dream team right there. If only Nightwing had joined them... ah well.

But, yeah, I had that same thought when I saw it. If it's true, I will cry. And then commit homicide.

I agree those 4 guys are among my faves. I prefer them to their older counterparts any day.

Sure Ollie is the classic but it's not like he was selling that many comics. He also benefitted of having big name creators on his title. No offense to Chuck Dixon but get a bigger name like Kevin Smith or Geoff Johns to write a Connor book and it would sell just as much.

Ollie like Arthur (Aquaman) just dont' sell that much any more. No need to kill them off. Put them in the JLA. There is no rule that classics need their own book.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
There is no rule that classics need their own book.

LOL that's an odd comment to hear on this board.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Conner is in the background of the cover, so it's unlikely it's him.
Posted by Pov on :
See, I wasn't sure that was Conner or Roy... [Confused]

And the sillhouette Ollie's holding looks male, so Mia? I doubt it...
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Conner is in the background of the cover, so it's unlikely it's him.

See I thought that was Roy in the background with the rest of the league.
Posted by Pov on :
Click for fullsize image
(Thanks, CBR)

Yeah, I'm fairly positive Roy's next to Kendra in the back row. They're boffing now, aren't they? [Wink]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Oh yeah. I forgot about Roy.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I'm thinking it's Mia. I think Connor and Roy are on the cover (and the book is called GA/BC, so I'm sure Dinah is safe).
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I think that's Nightwing, not Connor.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Who's that between Flash and Wonder Woman? Aquaman, maybe? And, to me, the picture is vague enough (because of the lack of colors) to cast into doubt whether that's Connor or Roy between Supes and Bats.

Also, to correct an earlier post: Mia was created by Kevin Smith, not Winnick. And if it is Mia in silhouette, is it possible her HIV might progress into AIDS and be her cause of death?

Still, my bet's on Connor. Unfortunately, I've been looking for him to be killed off ever since Ollie was brought back. Kevin Smith even toyed with us by putting Connor in mortal peril in his second arc.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I hope it ISN'T Mia....
Posted by Caliente on :
Dude, when I thought Ollie was dead, I was okay with that! But his "supporting cast"? I love them way too much. [Frown]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
BC/GA #2 is out. Judd certainly isn't wasting time here- Dinah and Mia meet the Amazons and Athena while Connor rescues Ollie. And Connor even wears green underwear!

As for the killer cover- with Connor's mini not being a big seller last year, I thik Didio has him marked.

[ November 15, 2007, 09:57 AM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]
Posted by Blacula on :
That looks like Alan Scott between Superman and Batman on that cover to me, rather than Conner Hawke - thus I definitely think it's him taking the dirt nap there.

Gee a niche-hero getting killed in a Judd Winick comic. How novel!

I'd be greatly surprised and relieved if it was Eddie Fyres biting the bullet though. Never liked that character.
Posted by Wild Cobalt on :
We should keep in mind that DC has famously used 'cover-trickery' in the past where the killer or victim is seen on the cover *with* either the mysterious enemy or dead body, but then is revealed in the issue. So potentially, it could be anyone on that cover.

But it doesn't really matter, since we can barely identify who is on the cover...
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Now that cover looks rather ditinct to me. I can identify everyone. Chiang has a great style, one that fits our more grounded cast. It's a bit of a bother to me that folks don't seem to be able to read the cover.
Posted by Blacula on :
YAY For Judd Winick!

May he continue to write for DC until there are no characters left!

And at this rate...
Posted by Caliente on :
I have so many words to say about this issue... all of them would get me banned. So... just... gah!

Still love the art, though.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
What an incredibly stupid ending, and lame murder all at once. So glad I didn't buy this issue. I refuse to give Winick any of my hard earned dollars, so I just flipped to the back page to see who died this time around. Lammmmeeee!!
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I read this issue and hated the ending. The main story wasn't that great but I enjoyed it.

The ending? Geez, I'm not sure to blame Winick or Didio or whom?
Posted by Lance's realm on :
So come on...give! Who's the body?
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Click Here For A SpoilerConnor.

Left a very bad feeling with me. Not just the ending, but the rest of the story seemed to waver between silliness and drama, achieving neither. Bathroom humour. Hippolyte's character and her reasons for the plot. Everyman's secret problem Click Here For A Spoilererectile dysfunction, which I put as a spoiler because it was a key explanation of why he tried to kill Canary.

Maybe some incredible New Gods science or Amazonian healing will reverse the ending at some point. The first issue in the series was intriguing, the second continued the mystery but where the train goes from here, now that it's so far off the tracks....
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I knew it was coming, and I still didn't like it.

This story seemed to spend more time explaining GA's "death" than having any real action. It was nice seeing the Arrow Family act like a family for a bit instead of just a bunch of capes. That's always been Judd's strong suit- the down moments not the action. Bendis-ian if you will...

And the new costume for Ollie- I don't like it.
Posted by MLLASH on :


Well, I think it would be a horrible mistake to off Connor and damage/destroy the "Arrow Family" feel of GA/BC.

Here's hoping it's just a misleading cliffhanger.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Well, it was Connor, but the result isn't quite what we predicted. The issue this week is all about Ollie. I don't like the soft retcon Judd did of Ollie knowing about Connor all along.

Click Here For A SpoilerConnor isn't dead. After surgery and Hal's intervention, he's been left brain dead.
Posted by Blacula on :
^^^ CJ - It was Meltzer who actually made that retcon in his 'Archer's Quest' story.
Posted by Caliente on :

Not. Happy. [AHHHH!!!!] [Mad]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Brain dead? then dont worry....Connor will be "bing" back alive after going through the "Brain dead" Syndrome like it did to Mammoth, Guy Gardner, and others.
Posted by Pov on :
Ugh. [Roll Eyes]

Thanks for the spoilers, folks. So glad I didn't continue with this after the first issue. I'm not missing anything, huh. [Razz]

Winick needs to get out of superheroes and back to writing BARRY WEEN... [No] [LOL]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Ollie & Conner's relationship had turned into one of the most unique father/son relationships in comics history. A shame.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I just hope this isn't some lame thing where Ollie goes through hell to revive Connor, who wakes up a blank slate, giving Ollie that second chance to raise Connor like he was supposed to...

Or maybe Onomatopea will come to the hospital and kill Connor.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
GL Alan Scott lost Jade
Hawkman lost Hector
Flash Jay Garrick lost Bart
Superman lost Connor (that's eerie)

Ollie loses Connor

Forget women in refridgerators, children are the slaughteratti of the new millenium.
Posted by doublechinner on :
I become a broken record, but I will state again that timeless, ageless heroes simply cannot be allowed to have kids. Sooner or later, the temptation to allow the kids to grow up becomes irresistable, which has the effect of aging their parents/mentors/etc. As wonderful as Wolfman & Perez's New Teen Titans was (and it is arguably my favorite series of ALL time), it virtually guaranteed that those characters would have to be bumped off in order to keep the first generation heroes ageless.

I don't say any of this to defend this creative decision. The old "Braindead" thing is a laughable, camp soap opera self-parody. I can only imagine that they are keeping Connor's body around so that someone else can take it over, eventually, possibly Ollie himself as a further step in the inevitable de-aging process.

All of this is so lamentable, since I always thought Ollie, of all the DC heroes, could be allowed to be a little older, old enough to have kids.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Bah, is all I can say. Bah bah and bah!

Least Nightwing managed to (narrowly) evade the children slaughter.
Posted by Reboot on :
Aren't they trying again on that in Final Crisis?
Posted by MLLASH on :
TT Year 1 is doing a massive continuity overhaul on the Titans that will hopefully quell any urges for TPTB to kill off the sidekicks to keep the main heroes young. The first issue features Robin and Kid Flash IMing.

As for GA/BC # 4, I have no doubts Connor will be back. I'm still on board.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Well the recent issue is Ollie apologizing to Connor for being an absent dad. And we get some idea of Connor's youth. There's a lot of hand wrining, no real action, but a long overdue elopement.

And Connor's tale isn't done yet.

I don't like the revision done to the Ollie/Connor dynamic, but the Batman/Green Arrow mirroring was nice. Still, Judd can't write a story without at least one or two plot devices, and this issue it just grates on me.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Judd @ Wondercon:

Regarding the “death” of Oliver Queen in the “Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special,” Winick said he really didn't think anyone would take it seriously. “We thought it was just this over-the-top, ridiculous ending,” he said. “We thought it was a joke. Not according to people on the internet! We thought it was so over the top it was obvious. Then, we shot Conner.” There were some boos from the crowd here. “He's not dead! He's not even remotely dead, comic book wise. He's just completely brain dead. That's like a hangnail.” He then joked that, “He's gona be brain dead for a really long time,” and reminded fans that everything is reversible. “I'm the writer who brought back Jason Todd!”
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Where's Sin?

I missed Dinah's mini last year, was the little girl she was adopting get killed? Removed? Kidnapped?
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm not sure these are the types of stories I want to see in GA/BC. I guess I'd rather have more stuff like the Wedding Planner and Special, and less Conner in a coma, angsty stuff.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'd say that if any current DC book needed the "A Whole New Brand Direction!" approach, it'd probably be this one right now. I find myself thumbing through the issues and admiring the art more than anything.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
With this cast, there really needs to be more brevity in the book. Not just witty quips, but crazy adventures.

New issue this week- and Judd brings in a guest star that's bound to add some humour to the mix.

[ May 15, 2008, 07:16 AM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I'm liking the art here, very old school. It's simple, bright, and fun.

With this latest chapter, we get Dinah and Ollie arguing, while Speedy and the brit face off against some League of Assassin metas. There's action, there's quipping, there's good art- and yet this book just isn't doing it for me.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
So according to Didio at this weekend's convention, we're getting a new writer on this book.

DC Nation at HeroCon
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
It's here. The new writer on GA/BC had his debut issue. It's a quick recap of GA and recent story lines in this book itself. Connor and Mia take their leave of the title, and they will be missed. I don't think Judd has a handle on either of them, but they both had a place here.

With the smaller cast, maybe seeing Dinah and Ollie interact will help the book. Seeing them romance each other as they do what they do best is why I first signed on to this title.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Okay, the second issue by the new writer is here, and a theme seems to be developing. I wont give spoilers, though.

I did read somewhere (I think it was about GA/BC) that the rogues gallery was needing some new blood. I can see this being created, but there seems to be a common thread between the first two. I could be wrong. I liked it.

As to the art, very good for GA. I like 'stylized' on occasion, but it seems that GA/BC or just GA has had it for a very long time. I am enjoying the more 'realistic' style with clean lines that i saw this issue.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I liked the first two issues, but this new writer better give Dinah some story soon, she's as much a part of the draw as Ollie is.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Yeah, there's a lot being said about it, too.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
And no one has anything to say about this book for eleven months? Guess DC should take note of that.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Big time.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Its one of the comics I least care about in all of the industry. Marrying Dinah and Ollie and then combining them in one book has been a disaster. Forget about the arguement on whether it could have worked--its clear now that it didn't and the execution was terrible. Now two great characters are stuck in one boring ass book.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I'm all for keeping them in the same book, as co features. And even rotating out the lead spot between them.

But give them separate adventures. They can be DC's happy couple, just not together, that's what made them work so well. Maybe once or twice a year they have a story together.
Posted by Lance's realm on :
I think they should kill off Green Arrow (again) and give Dinah her own book.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
They should give GA back his book and move Dinah back to BoP. I don't like winick, but GA was healthy. Dinah was great on BoP. Then they gutted one book to try and prop up another. The marriage has been handled horribly.

I tried to like the new team, but it just ain't happening.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Well it sounds like Ollie is taking his book back. No word yet on Dinah's role...

So with the lack of interest in this book I have to ask... can a new writer save this title? JT Krull recently wrote the BN:Titans mini. He's been tapped to write Green Arrow, as well as develop Aresenal's story from the recent events in Cry for Justice. (I'm not telling, you have to find out.) Will readers come back to a book they dropped? Would a re-launch be better for the title? What's it going to take to get GA back among the top 20?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, I've stuck with Ollie through this latest debacle so I can only hope things improve. But this has been one of the worst comic books I collect for some time now. I hope they do something right.

And I hope Dinah is moved somewhere better for her. Like Rick, I'd prefer a BoP comic again but it doesn't seem likely. I'd hate to see her reduced to Ollie's occassional partner, but its clear the current set-up is failing miserably. Good writing can cure all of these worries.
Posted by Lardi on :
Ollie Queen has long been one of my very favorite DC characters, but I haven't touched his series since about a year after Judd Winick took over. Winick did a terrific job at first, but it all just went to Hell all of a sudden and ran me off the book. When GA/BC started, Winick was still on the book, so I didn't touch it. He's off now, but I haven't heard the buzz I needed to hear to bring me aboard.

It sounds like it's only about to get worse, but I'll keep my ear to the ground and hope that something good eventually lures me back to reading the adventures of one of my favorites.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Ok this will not be a positive review. And I hate that, but truth be told...

So we have Team Arrow - Speedy is back, GA is alive, and Dinah (looking her trashiest).

We have Cupid, Dark Arrow (I'm not making it up) and Cobalt (a super secret spy organization)

And that's it. They tussle, trade quips, not all of them good, and nothing is resolved. Still.

Quick word on the art. It is all over the place, the fight scenes don't flow so much as hit key points needed for the story to progress.

And the back up- a continuation of Cupid's origin. Like that couldn't be done in 8 pages previously. This book has been the most disappointing read. JT Krul starts next month, so he gets 3 issues to make me stick around.

I can't believe I'm thinking of not picking up a Green Arrow book. DC should be ashamed of itself.
Posted by Dev Em on :
Cobalt is a super secret spy organization?!?!?!

We've been fooled..."It's a trap!"
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Good writing can cure all of these worries.

JT Krul delivers his first issue- the tie in with Blackest Night. This is the same guy that brought us the BN:Titans mini (the best BN tie in,) and he brings the same level of quality. It's just a single issue, a great way to start a run I think. Especially after that plodding 5 stages of grief we just wrapped. And the art, Diogenes Neve came to draw.

Team Arrow (Connor is back!) faces off with Zombie Ollie, and it's not a pretty fight. At least half of them take an arrow, and there's a sonic cry used to some affect. This harkens to Superboy's BN issue, being told from Ollie's POV- trapped inside is zombie-fied body. There's no real surprise in the story, except it doesn't quite end like you'd expect. Krul/Neve show some understanding of our cast- Dinah and Connor look like the martial artists they are suppose to be, Ollie's self douts wrapped in simple bravado, even Mia's sass (tho' that might need some work.)

After a year of trying to make me drop this book, DC finally has me wanting to buy it again. Krul has brought himself some time; now let's see what he does with it.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So I hated Cry for Justice and I thought the follow up Rise & Fall issue was 'meh' and more of that same craptacular-ness. As you'd guess, I wasn't really looking forward to Green Arrow's series continuing this awful, awful story.

Well, I'm still not pleased with it all. But I do admit, JT Krul is doing an impressive job on the writing side. You can't pour syrup on shit and call it pancakes, but he certainly has shown that where he is concerned (dialogue, pacing, etc.), things are very solid.

I thought the build-up to the final few panels was very well done. I was surprised and suddenly a bit intrigued. It will be a miracle to get me on board for enjoying this awful storyline but Krul's delivery so far is making me not rule it out.

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