This is topic Amazon’s Attack: Anyone actually buying this? If so, is it as bad as it looks? in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I mean, honestly, some crossovers seem really bad, but this one seems *really* bad. I’m not even buying it, which is probably the second time in 20 years (Joker’s Laugh or something being the other atrocious looking one). So far this has crossed over into Titans, which was pretty horrendous, and Wonder Woman, which is probably the worst that comic has been in 70 years (I exaggerate—but only a little).

Feel free to use this thread for over-zealous pot-shots at DC marketing and editorial for creating this little gem of a mini-series.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I have been reading a friends. yes it's that bad. It's really unfocused and unrealistic. It started with an amazon chopping off the head of tourist right in front of the guys kid. eh.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I didn't bother. They're covering the important items in WW, so why should I?

This is an example of DC coming off of some succesful minis (Secret 6, Villains United, Trials of Shazam-- all of which were/are VERY good) and then overestimating what they can fool fans into buying.

I can't imagine this is a success saleswise.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
I have been reading a friends. yes it's that bad. It's really unfocused and unrealistic. It started with an amazon chopping off the head of tourist right in front of the guys kid. eh.


I saw in Wonder Woman that the statue of Lincoln in DC had its head cut-off. Wow, color me unimpressed. [sarcasm]What a striking visual[/sarcasm].

This reeks of Punisher Back to School Special #2 (August, 1995). As in, what in the world were they thinking?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I didn't bother. They're covering the important items in WW, so why should I?

This is an example of DC coming off of some succesful minis (Secret 6, Villains United, Trials of Shazam-- all of which were/are VERY good) and then overestimating what they can fool fans into buying.

I can't imagine this is a success saleswise.

As I recall, AA was suppose to be a pre-IC mini like VU. They decided not to overload on minis and shelved the project. With WW making such a disappointing OYL appearance, I think they brought it back to hype the Amazon and rebuild some excitement over the WW book.

As if Gail isn't enough... [Wink]

[ July 05, 2007, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: CJ Taylor ]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I have only read bad comments about this series - that's enough reason to avoid it. One of the covers in Previews showed the Amazons attacking Air Force One. That just struck me as really inappropriate (for want of a better word) in these times. Whatever sentiments are they are pandering to? Chopping off tourists' heads?

The Amazons were idealists as well as great warriors - not a rampaging gang of war criminals. I wonder if this is someone's idea of an anti-war satire/commentary, like Our Army at Love.
Posted by Owl Lad on :
And where have I been? I just read Teen Titans and realized Hippolyta is ALIVE?! I know I shouldn't be stunned, but I would've thought I'd heard rumblings of her resurrection a long time ago. How and when did this happen?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Hippo's return happened in a recent issue of WONDER WOMAN and was apparently the work of evil sorceress Circe.

On one hand, it's awesome that they reversed a travesty from another mega-event (Hip's death in OUR WORLDS AT WAR. "2 Wonder Women is too confusing! Our readers are stupid ingorant jerks who won't be able to understand what's going on!!!!! Kill off the more interesting one!!!!")

On the other hand, it's a shame they did so for the travesty that is AMAZONS ATTACK.

Plus I have my doubts that her return will last the duration of this mini.
Posted by Pov on :
I'm SO glad I passed on this and WWIII. I haven't heard anything good about either of them. My "Suck Sense" has me avoiding the 52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen mini, too. [Razz]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I've already decided the only 52 Aftermath book I'm adding is BOOSTER GOLD's ongoing.
Posted by Caliente on :
I've been perusing it. I pretty much loathe its existence and all that it stands for. Why would you bring Hippolyta back just to destroy her character? It makes no sense and is completely stupid. I have some serious loathing happening here. It makes me wanna go back and read old JSA issues...

I'm not so much a fan of anything 52 spawned, including Countdown. I agree with Lash, though-- I'm planning to check out Booster Gold's ongoing... and not just because Geoff's writing. [Razz] I thought the premise was neat, and I'm curious to see what happens to the man without his better half.
Posted by Pov on :
Geoff's writing it??? Seriously, I was excited because Dan Jurgens is drawing Booster & Skeets again... I wasn't even paying attention to who was writing the durn thing! [Embarrassed] Now it's gonna be DOUBLY-good! [Yes] [Cool]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I bought AA principally to see how in the world giant Cyclops and winged horses and centaurs are fighting alongside the Amazons.

I think the art featuring the Amazons and an army comprised of these figures of myth was very well done.

I know Diana and other Amazons have had access to such creatures/sentients before, but have they been shown to dwell on Paradise Island, or one of its satellite isles?

I wondered if the mythological creatures were a hint as to where the Amazons have been, but the story hasn't given any background about much of anything as yet.

I suppose it could still be redeemed by a great twist, but it's gonna have to be a corker to justify the head-chops, etc.

I have to confess I'm enjoying the Tom Tressor (Nemesis)/Diana dynamic. I hope he hangs around, actually.

The Countdown scene with what appears to be Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, reaching out to Holly (of CATWOMAN) is hard to fit into the already dicey AA/WW/TT (Crossover of the Alliteritve Titles!) intertwining plotlines.

I don't hate it as much as many fans evidently do, but I'm not crazy about it either.
Posted by Jerry on :
I'm in the same camp as Mystery Lad. The art is not bad. Poor Wonder Woman can never seem to get a good storyline, and this certainly isn't the one I would have hoped for her. However, it is being attacked with much more venom then is merited. I'm still hoping for a redeeming twist. If it doesn't come, I still think AA is better than War of the Gods.
Posted by Pov on :
Isn't that like saying Revenge of the Sith was better than The Phantom Menace? It may be true, but that in and of itself doesn't mean much... [Wink]
Posted by Jerry on :
Point taken. And, yes, Revenge was better than Phantom Menace.

I'm trying to keep some perspective. I really want to see some good times for Wonder Woman and her devoted fans, who have a real redheaded step child syndrome going on. The expectations everyone is sitting for Gail Simone are so high, I fear nobody could meet them.
Posted by Pov on :
I hear ya. WW has been messed up since they brought her back post-CRISIS as a fledging heroine, "new to Man's World" in the LEGENDS mini. The early Perez stuff was good in spite of that set-up, but she's mostly foundered since. The post-IC relaunch by Heinberg has been a meandering mess in spite of having the Dodsons aboard for the art. But I have faith in Gail-- she's really excited about working on this series. Hell, she gave up Birds of Prey for the chance!
Posted by Star Boy on :
I've been buying Wonder Woman off the racks ever since the revamp, and Amazon Attacks I added to my order in a fit of strange humours...
That said, I'm not hating it. What's wrong with me? [Wink]
Posted by doublechinner on :
The art by Woods is great, but the story is truly awful, and I continue reading it because I want to have the whole thing so that I can write a total screed to DC when it is done.

I am on record before as observing that having an Amazon decapitate a father and son on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial is one of the worst examples of characterization rape ever printed in comics. It is an abomination, a horrendous abuse of the stewardship of these characters. The idea that warriors as skilled, disciplined and honorable as the Amazons would casually murder innocent non-combatants disqualifies this entire creative team from ever being trusted with any DC character again.

So, Hippolyta's back, but seemingly insane. What great choices they have to wrap up this piece of crap: either Hippolyta ISN'T Hippolyta, or she's under the control of some villain, or she really has become an evil bitch. Great storytelling, guys.

And how will Wonder Woman EVER be trusted again by the U.S. government and citizenry? I don't care WHAT she does to atone for this, her people occupied the nation's capital and defiled some of its most cherished monuments. How does the story end WITHOUT Diana being deported, or worse? Unless that happens, it loses all credibility, which I guess it didn't have in the first place.

[ July 13, 2007, 12:38 PM: Message edited by: doublechinner ]
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I suspect that Amazons Attack will be quickly and quietly forgotten.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Well, I don't know if it's enough to make up for the father/son slaughter in #1, but there appears to be *something* going on with the rank and file Amazons in #4 (as shown in their reaction to a nice speech by Superman).

Click Here For A Spoiler Circe returns, to no one's great surprise, I'm fairly sure. And the Bana who chose not to life on Themysicra turn out to be involved with the war-- though we don't know yet to what extent. If it's unThemysciran warriors who killed the father and son and committed some of the atrocities, will that make this story more palatable?

Everything can't be attributed to the Bana, though. If does seem that Hippolyta and the Amazon soldiers are under some sort of compulsion (see Circe).

The use of Supergirl and Wonder Girl is very uneven. One minute soldiers want to arrest them, if not shoot them on sight-- the next they want to escort them to Washington DC where they're "needed".

Is it enough? Can AA be redeemed? I don't know. It seems like this is DC's latest attempt to place Circe in the 'big leagues' of DC villains. I don't think this is hitting the notes DC wanted it to.

Posted by Jerry on :
Very nice speech by Superman. However, I'm sure WW fans will be disappointed that he gave it instead of Diana.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by doublechinner:
I am on record before as observing that having an Amazon decapitate a father and son on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial is one of the worst examples of characterization rape ever printed in comics. It is an abomination, a horrendous abuse of the stewardship of these characters. The idea that warriors as skilled, disciplined and honorable as the Amazons would casually murder innocent non-combatants disqualifies this entire creative team from ever being trusted with any DC character again.

Its like the worst part of the mid-90's all over again, but even worse.

For shame DC.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by doublechinner:
And how will Wonder Woman EVER be trusted again by the U.S. government and citizenry? I don't care WHAT she does to atone for this, her people occupied the nation's capital and defiled some of its most cherished monuments. How does the story end WITHOUT Diana being deported, or worse? Unless that happens, it loses all credibility, which I guess it didn't have in the first place.

It'll all be retconned away shortly in DC's next universe reboot.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
In a way Wonder Woman has reverted back to her 1950's era self. Back then, the title was so whacky, so downright kooky, that pretty much no one knew what the heck was happening in it, and each issue was completely different from the rest. Reading more than 12 issues in a row actually may cause psychological disorders in its readers--true scienfitic fact.

Nowadays, they screwed her continuity up in 1985-6, which lasted awhile, Byrne made some heavy retcons that raised more questions, Donna's history grew into an ever-expanding sentient being, and then recently they tried to tidy it all up again--only to have the immediate year after start derailing the amazons completely! Its like the 50's again, instead of issue to issue being crazy different, its story-arc to story-arc. Its like the 1950's unreadability of Wonder Woman has combined with the modern age of comics 'padding story-telling marketing ploy' to create a menace destined to instill fear, hate and death in comic book fans.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Good points Cobie. It seems Wonder Woman is a hypertime character. You never know what you are going to get. I always liked hypertime for DC because their characters do act differently depending who is writing them or what title they appear in. Wonder Woman probably the most. I suspect after Final Crisis she will be fixed? (doubt it)

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Its like the 1950's unreadability of Wonder Woman has combined with the modern age of comics 'padding story-telling marketing ploy' to create a menace destined to instill fear, hate and death in comic book fans.

Which is certainly a Marvel technique. [Smile]
Posted by Jerry on :
The final issue is out and it is a stinker. The big reveal is that Granny Goodness is behind the whole mess. It doesn't come until the final page. We get no explanation, so I guess it is just a lead in to the next event comic.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Sure looks that way. I wonder if WW is going to be spending her time finding and reawakening the Amazons?

What's really sad about this mini is the wasted potential. I wanted to see how Cyclops and Pegasi, etc. ended up fighting alongside the Amazons and why... those visuals certainly weren't lived up to in the mini. What happened to the Amazons' allies? Are they scattered on DC's earth, as well? Without memory-- eyepatch-wearing big guys and wingless horses?

Overall, the story suffered due to DC's much tie-in mania. All the Nemesis/Sarge Steel/Circe identity swapping got entirely too muddled between Wondy's book and AA.

In this last issue, though, I think there's the spine of a good idea. Granthena-s speech, equal parts accusation, sentencing and exposition had some interesting qualities to it. It reminded me of Superman's speech to a handful of Amazons earlier in the mini-series. Why? Because the Amazons were *listening*. That sense of these warrior women on the cusp of decision is potent. Too bad it's completely squandered, here.

I will say, I hope the Greek goddess of wisdom appears soon. I'm eager to see Athena kick Granny Goodness' saggy ass.

I wonder if the Greek gods are the ones killing the New Gods? Or the original Titans? Probably not.

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