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Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Loved DOLL MAN's entrance as an action figure wrapped up in packaging as a gift for the 'target's ' son (though it *did* seem like something a villain would do). Until this issue, I really didn't like the new Doll Man. Cynical assassins make great solo characters- but tend to take up way too much space in team books when regularly appearing members, IMO.

But after reading a couple pages of Lester Colt, I really like the guy and can't wait to read more about him.

Though I like the way colors are used for the new PHANTOM LADY, her physical assets (plastic?) overshadowed her personality. We get a glimpse behind the packaging, here-- but not enough. Though there is a piquant poor-little-rich-girl thing going on. Zoftig world-weary hedonist? If the contents of a tube shown later in the issue turns out to be true, it'll be interesting to see how Stormy interacts with Click Here For A SpoilerMISS AMERICA, once she emerges.

Very reluctantly, I also warmed up to Stan Silver, our new THE RAY. I still want to see Ray Terrill, but now I'm conflicted.

Daniel Acuna renders an impressive bit of beefcake when we first see the unmasked RAY, I must admit that plays a big part of why I like him. He also reminds me just a bit of preboot SUN BOY, with his harem of a 'dozen of the world's most beautiful women'. AND he loves the way the use of his power feels. I *always* appreciate the sensory descriptions of what it *feels* like to have and use superpowers.

This was the biggest surprise of the first issue. I expected to *hate* THE RAY-- nothing I'd seen before made me think I wouldn't. Instead, I now look forward to his future role in the DCU. A roll that doesn't come at the expense of Ray Terrill's, I hope.

I've got to give the creative team credit. I didn't *want* to develop a liking for replacement FREEDOM FIGHTER members, but I have.

I *had* developed a liking for the new FIREBRAND in BATTLE FOR BLUDHAVEN, and now I like him even more. His impassioned John the Baptist 'He is coming' speech ingnited the plot, for me. I sort of wish a real Firebrand would interrupt some politician's speech with convictions like his (though I could do without the word 'gestapo'-- oversell!)

"You better hope he brings a good lawyer with him, freak." Hee-hee.

But for me, this exchange cemented my favorite character debut in I don't know when:

FIREBRAND: You don't have to torture me. I'll happily tell you anthing you want to know.

FATHER TIME: You'd betray him? (him being Uncle Sam)


FT: So, you intend to lie.

FB: Nope.

FT: You're trying to make me angry, aren't you.

FB: Not at all. I know what is coming.

FT: And what might that be?

FB: Freedom from tyranny. (later) Uncle Sam represents the voice and the will of the people. You represent only your interests and the interests of your corporate backers. He's building a new team of Freedom Fighters.

Sign me up.

I sure hope this guy survives the mini-series.

And I begin to see what the direction of this mini is going to be. I really hope this becomes an ongoing.

I've been thinking-- remember FATHER TIME's bit about recycling heroic names and legacies from the Bludhaven mini? Is *that* going to be the catalyst that causes the relaunch of the new JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA, with it's stated mission to protect golden age 'heirs'?

They've got to be related, I think.

[ February 05, 2011, 12:20 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Matthew E on :
I like the idea of Firebrand and his role on the team. Firebrand:Uncle Sam::Silver Surfer:Galactus
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
It strikes me that Stormy is the 21st century equivalent of the debutante socialite that many Golden Agers had as their secret identity.

I agree with Mystery Lad, those two page inner monologues made the issue for me.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
It's interesting that the team we meet isn't even the the title team. It'll be interesting to see Uncle Sam build his team and the inevitable confrontation with Father Time. I have to wonder if some of Father Time's team will defect. I'm not terribly attached to any of the characters yet but the one I was most interested in wasn't spotlighted (The Human Bomb). The fact that he makes his teammates uneasy is a nice touch.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I knew the team we met was the title team. The way the characters were set up in the first issue made it pretty clear that almost all of them would go over to Uncle Sam. I just find it hard to believe they'd all turn face as easily as they in issue 2.

Almost too easy. I think there may be some betrayal to come.

I think I love this Stormy character. I'm still cheering for a Power Girl/Stormy Knight team-up.
Posted by Stratum on :
Or, if they got into a fight, we could call it a bust-up. [Smile]

I was kind of surprised myself at the shift in allegiances, especially PL's, since she doesn't know what happened in #1.

Posted by superboymddjr on :
one character RETURNS at last!!! her name is.......

*drumroll please*.....

in #6 - they show two of them on the hinted in Battle in Bludhaven.....two of.....

Click Here For A SpoilerMISS AMERICA!!

Can't wait! Seriously that book is quickly becoming one of the book I want to read and enjoy through!

[ September 18, 2006, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: superboymddjr ]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
There's even a cameo by an unexpected character in issue 3. Acuna's art in the flashback sequence looks amazing.

Newsarama Preview Spoilers
Posted by Omni Craig on :
This really is an amazing book. I didn't care much for Firebrand in the Bludhaven mini, but you guys are right, he's really making this series really mean something! His devotion to Uncle Sam and the ideals of freedom and America are inspirational. And the preview of the next issue in Newsarama blew me away! Can't wait!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Just read # 3, and things are really picking up storywise. I've loved Acuna's art since I first saw it on covers.

The all-new all-now Black Condor looks good!
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
The Black Condor is hot!!! Love the art on this book.

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
It strikes me that Stormy is the 21st century equivalent of the debutante socialite that many Golden Agers had as their secret identity.

I hope so that would be a lot more intelligent than Paris Hilton having such an effect on pop culture as to inspire two comic characters.

This is one of my new favorite books, It needs more women though, i was hoping Firebrand would be more like Danette.

but i like this firebrand, ray, condor, phantom lady, even the new human bomb.

I waiting for the new Red Bee, Neon, etc.

[ October 07, 2006, 08:49 PM: Message edited by: Disaster Boy ]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
The philosophical aspects of this book make it more than just another superteam. As corny as it might be to have Uncle Sam as a superhero, it gives this book the potential for more real world relevance.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
True Drake, I think DC's really empahsizing that each of its team books has a really different philosophy and reasons for existing. Which is what they didn't do when they merged the pre-crisis earths together.

So DC ended up with too many teams all similar to the Justice League. Now we have USFF as a social justice team fighting for political ideals. Hopefully this will pay off.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I was a bit disappointed by the last issue. Or, rather, I didn't enjoy it as much as I did the first two. Dunno why. Maybe because a big portion of it was online in previews?

I liked the Black Condor portion-- though I think his 'look' is more that of a villain, but that doesn't really matter anymore, for the most part.

It was kind of weird that he debuted in this title and Super-Chief did as well, over in 52. What, is it Native American Appreciation Month? (There oughta be such an animal-- even if it's a one-time deal). Can't Owlwoman get any play?

Anyhoo-- I'm looking forward to #6 and those battling dopplegangers in stars and stripes.

Any word if this is going to be an ongoing? I think it should be.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I enjoyed #4 quite a bit more. There's a *major* boost to one of the character's power-- the explanation of which was a bit dodgy and quite out of the blue.

Even though I'm enjoying all of the characters, I do still miss Ray Terrill and wonder what's up with that version of The Ray.

Click here to read a couple of hints dropped by Justin Gray about some upcoming developments in the mini (still no word about the title's future):

Posted by Tekwych on :
Cool 3 new members. We know about Miss America from the cover shots and the hint at the above link SCREAMS Red Bee so who is the third?
Posted by Tekwych on :
Check out the cover for the final issue of the mini. I like the new Red Bee but there is no Ray. Instead there is a blacked out figure.

Any ideas?
Posted by Spellbinder on :
The speculation is that the Ray depicted on this cover might be Ray Terrill, hence the blacked out image.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
God, I love this comic. It was *so* twisted to read Miss America as Father Time's handmaiden. But just when I realized how disturbed I was with all those "so and so is dead" comments, Joan Trevor, the real Miss America, shows up. I canNOT wait till the next issue! Wonder if she'll somehow regress in age to take on the new Missie? Will Uncle Sam accomplish this? I hope she (Joan) sticks around.

I think the whole subtheme of assuming a dead or discarded superidentity is really interesting-- particularly in counterpoint with what's going on with INFINITY, INC over in 52. And, possibly, with S&TLSH.

I don't quite know what statement DC is making about their properties, but it's clear that *something's* in the wind.
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
Joan Trevor's gonna rip out her weave.

I thought the new male character was the new "Invisible Hood". maybe he's the blacked out flying person.

cool new red bee. what are the new miss america's power...she takes every one out with negativity.

i like all the heroes i hope they all survive.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I assume the Miss America that is working with Father Time will go up against the real Miss America, and tell her she has no powers, not realizing it will cancel out her own abilities too... (half kidding here, but I think that would be funny).

And I would hope that is the Ray that has been hidden from view on the final issue, but with the shadowy figure DC has put there to mask the hero's real identity, it sure looks like Obsidian will join the FF, doesn't it? [Wink]
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

I think the whole subtheme of assuming a dead or discarded superidentity is really interesting-- particularly in counterpoint with what's going on with INFINITY, INC over in 52. And, possibly, with S&TLSH.

I don't quite know what statement DC is making about their properties, but it's clear that *something's* in the wind.

I've noticed this as well. You would think that the statement is that "it's not the name that makes the hero." But who knows. Perhaps it has something to do with the Siegle v DC case and the decision to make it SuperMAN and the Legion of Super Heroes as well.

Maybe they should have saved the name "Identity Crisis" for 52! Or maybe it should be "52: Identity Crises" [Big Grin]
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Disaster Boy:

I thought the new male character was the new "Invisible Hood". maybe he's the blacked out flying person.

I'm not familiar with Invisible Hood. Is he a Quality Comics hero also? I did notice that they introduced someone that was dressing in all black along with the Red Bee in this past issue, but I had no idea who it could be.
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Vee:
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

I think the whole subtheme of assuming a dead or discarded superidentity is really interesting-- particularly in counterpoint with what's going on with INFINITY, INC over in 52. And, possibly, with S&TLSH.

I don't quite know what statement DC is making about their properties, but it's clear that *something's* in the wind.

I've noticed this as well. You would think that the statement is that "it's not the name that makes the hero." But who knows. Perhaps it has something to do with the Siegle v DC case and the decision to make it SuperMAN and the Legion of Super Heroes as well.

Maybe they should have saved the name "Identity Crisis" for 52! Or maybe it should be "52: Identity Crises" [Big Grin]

On the other hand, it could simply be that the legal department has ordered the use of the names in order to fulfill the legal stipulations required to maintain the rights to those characters. [Big Grin]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Vee:
I'm not familiar with Invisible Hood. Is he a Quality Comics hero also?


His stories ran in Smash Comics. He's one of the earlier Quality superheroes, debuting in 1939.

He was first killed off in All-Star Squadron when he was one of the bunch of Freedom Fighters who got killed off trying to prevent Earth-X's Pearl Harbor. But that got retconned away. Later James Robinson had The Shade and The Mist mention that they had killed him off in 1974.

No idea if they will bother to expand on that, or even change it again. No reason to, really.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
or is it Blindside - grandson of Invisible Hood?
Posted by Tekwych on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
or is it Blindside - grandson of Invisible Hood?

Which would give them a reason to continue the series and tie it into the new JSA title, maybe as a second feature, anthology style. I would love to see the All Stars brought back in some way, a title with the JSA, FF, and ASS would be SWEET
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
"There she is, Miss America
There she is, your ideal
The dream of a million girls who are more than pretty can come true
in Atlantic City
For she may turn out to be the Queen of femininity

There she is, Miss America
There she is, your ideal
With so many beauties she took the town by storm
With her all-American face and form

And there she is
Walking on air, she is
Fairest of the fair, she is
There she is - Miss America"

Joan Dale Trevor, welcome back to the DCU. Here's hoping you get a nice, long stay.

I am loving this book. PLEASE tell me it's going to be an ongoing. If nothing else, the Freedom Fighters should definitely guest star in JSA, since legacy is a big part of both groups.

Once Carter is firmly back 'on the scene', a FREEDOM FIGHTERS/HAWKMAN crossover would be very welcome. Utilizing some more 'rediscovered' golden age baddies. Maybe Quality ones, this time. (Note- I've never actually read Quality Comics featuring the characters making up the Freedom Fighters. Just as I've never read golden-age Hawkman, outside of JSA stories in the 100-page spectaculars of the 70s. I appreciate, an understatment, the 'fleshing out' of characters from those days, putting them forward for new audiences as characters that *have* history, but *aren't* history.)

Maybe Invisible Hood's death was a fakeout. Uncle Sam was precognizant enought to summon whoever it is facing Black Condor and Phantom Lady at the mesa, so maybe he anticipated Stan Silver's betrayal down to his choice of victim. I liked IH. If he's dead, maybe he has a twin brother, as his looks *were* a big part of his appeal. The reluctant hero bit was nice, too.

Red Bee, I'm still not sold on. She looks too much like Freefall from GEN 13, for me.

I also hope the Miss America robot is reconstructed, with a different ID. She was one unlikeable bitch-robot. A good thing in that most rare of comic book entities-- a credible female villainess that stays a villainess.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think this series has really picked up and gotten better.

A few comments in brief:

- Ms. America space-rawks! Glad to see her shine.

Click Here For A SpoilerThe Ray betraying them and going bad...YES! Awesome news! Why? Because this means that perhaps this is the end of this Ray and we can get Ray Terrill back. If that's the case, then everything about this book would be great. The one thing that I cannot yet bring myself to love about this book is that Ray Terrill has been discarded. If they could right this wrong, I'd be very happy.

- Great scene with Black Condor and Phantom Lady. We get some actual real characterization for why she acts that way, and Black Condor gives her some much needed tough-love. Up until now, I've found this new Phantom Lady very annoying. I'm hoping there's more of this to come.

- Firebrand - his comments continue to crack me up. His being waaaay over the top as a 'lefty' are kind of fun. I know I'd be annoyed as hell if I met him in real life. Everything about this comic says 'over the top' and I'm taking that as just part of the comic, whereas I could see many being rubbed the wrong way by it.

- The Bride of Frankenstein - yes! Glad to see her, I wish Frankenstein would show up too.

- Uncle Same vs. Father Time - I'm ready. I'm also ready for 'Father Time's cannon-fodder' to be dunzo for good now.
Posted by Omni Craig on :

I couldn't agree with you more (especially the spoiler comments). That was my first thought when we saw the traitor's true colors.

This series has been very enjoyable, and has incredible artwork!

Hate to say goodbye to the Invisible Hood again so soon though...
Posted by Spellbinder on :
The one ongoing theme of this series that I haven't liked is the concept of disposable heroes. I guess it makes sense from a governmental viewpoint, but with as much as I loved the original Freedom Fighters (and Force of July, really), I hate the fact that they are being treated as acceptable fallout, and that if one dies we just throw someone else into the costume.

But that's just me [Smile]
Posted by doublechinner on :
This book has been an unexpectedly fun ride for me. I know a lot of people have legitimate criticisms, but I'm enjoying it. Between the art, the dialogue and the plot the whole thing has a real melodrama to it that seems to have sustained itself so far.

Perhaps what I like most is that Palmiotti and Gray are making it so damn weird. This seems part of a general effort by DC to unleash Morrison and others to put a sense of the bizarre, weird, far-out back in comics. Starting in the early 1970s, DC had wonderful pockets of weirdness that really enriched the overall DCU. That weirdness all got bled off to Vertigo, Wildstorm/ABC, etc. and left the DCU blander and poorer for it. Bring back the weird, I say.
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
The one ongoing theme of this series that I haven't liked is the concept of disposable heroes. I guess it makes sense from a governmental viewpoint, but with as much as I loved the original Freedom Fighters (and Force of July, really), I hate the fact that they are being treated as acceptable fallout, and that if one dies we just throw someone else into the costume.

But that's just me [Smile]

That's the one thing that bothers me about this series as well, though I'm loving it overall. The disposable hero attitude remains pervasive in the DCU (see 52 for more examples) even though Didio claimed Infinite Crisis would bring about a brighter, nicer DCU. Haven't seen it yet, and I'm beginning to think it was another of his "white lies"
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#7 came out last week and featured the return of...

spoiler space

spoiler space

spoiler space

spoiler space

spoiler space

spoiler space

spoiler space

spoiler space

spoiler space

Ray Terrill, The Ray II in a somewhat streamlined costume. We don't really learn what he's been up to, but he shows up just in the nick of time. This makes Stan Silver a possible exciting new villain, one with an active libido.

Anyway, with new or revitalized takes on characters like Miss America, The Ray, Firebrand, Red Bee and The Invisible Hood alongside the mainstays of the Freedom Fighters and a strong vision of Uncle Sam, it seems to me that this is one mini that has, at the least, earned a sequel. I'd prefer an ongoing, but sales might not warrant that step (drat it!)

I will say that the giant... beings(?)... that US&TFF face come across a bit like filler as the 'real' menaces gather for the last page villain-team line-up ready to strike shot.

Discovering that the Human Bomb is very young made me like the character more and I'm glad he survived his extreme blow-up, this issue. Maybe he can guest-star in TEEN TITANS one of these days? Or meet Stargirl and Cyclone in JSA? I'd have to say that the art didn't really get his youth across to the extent it was commented on in the characters' dialogue. A small criticism.

Actually, I'm still reeling a bit from how much presence Miss America brings to her appearances. I know she's seen by many DC fans as a bit of a trumped together retcon, but she sure doesn't come across as that in these pages. Gray and Palmiotti's status as comic's prime archaeologists persists; they dust off languishing properties and present them to the current reading public without cloaking them in deadening folds of history while still allowing the glow that *having* a history can bring to shine through.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

At last--Ray Terrill, the Ray II, is back. I can rest easy--my greatest criticism of this book is now gone, and I can exhale and enjoy it. And enjoy it I am. Honestly, I can't get across how relieved I am. The Freedom Fighters are now complete and the line-up is perfect. Yay for the Ray! One of my favorite characters.

Loving Ms. America, Human Bomb being young, Doll Man being such a rugged romantic lead, and everything else. At the end of the day (hinging on the final issue of course) I think this mini was a creative success.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Newsarama has a piece on Mega Con. Jimmy Palmiotti made some comments.

Mega Con

Scroll down and read some interesting hints he didn't make...
Posted by Vee on :
I really do hope they decide to continue the story of US & FF. These characters have really developed into something special. And now that Ray is back, they are complete and ready to take off.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Been reading some of the NYCC threads on both Newsarama and CBR, and the DC Nations panels confirmed there will be more Uncle Sam/Freedom Fighters stuff in 2007! Wahoo!!

Here's an excerpt:
...Didio asked the crowd if they like weekly comics, receiving a raucous response. “Addictive, right?” Didio then brought up “Countdown” head writer Paul Dini. What happens in “Countdown”? “S___ blows up!” Dini said. One of the writing teams working with Dini on “Countdown” is Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Grey, who were also present. Expect more “Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters”, including “some things you’ve been dying to see.” ...

This has been a great book, and I applaud DC's decision to keep with it!
Posted by Tekwych on :
From Comics Continuum
* Palmiotti on the next Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters mini-series: "You're going to see things you've been dying to see and things you weren't expecting."

[ February 25, 2007, 06:18 PM: Message edited by: Tekwych ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I agree, this is a fitting revival for the FREEDOM FIGHTERS! It's been a wild ride and I've loved the revitalization of the Golden Age heroes!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
With #8 out, the mini is concluded. Though I didn't love the last issue as much as I did the rest of the series, it still was a satisfactory conclusion.

There was a bit of gobble-de-gook exposition that went over my head regarding Father Time and a Mother- Father- Cousin Box.

I guess it went over my head because my mind was clouded by the revelation that Miss America (Miss America!) is now one of the most powerful superheroic entities on the planet!

Who saw *that* coming?

I have a feeling that that might not be a condition that lasts through the end of the follow-up mini (Yay!).

It was a treat to see The Ray as a grounded, dedicated and sincere hero. Liked that he's such a supporter of Uncle Sam.

This was a nice counterpoint to the CIVIL WAR stuff over at Marvel. It's hard not to contrast Uncle Sam's treatment with that of Captain America.

I need to reread this, maybe, to get a better handle on the plotpoints.

In any case, I'm *very* eager for the continuation of the stories of these characters by this creative team and hope that I'll be reading it sooner rather than later.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
A friend just let me borrow this. It rocked!

Glad to see the real Ray back! I liked everything about this series. Nice update to an old team. I guess with Phantom Girl if the costume is the same (including cleavage) everyone is happy. Actually this girl certainly has more character than the old one.

Who the heck was Father Time? A Lord of Order?

Uncle Sam's powers are a bit vague as are Miss America's. A bit like the Sentry no?

Since Uncle Sam is the personifcation of America I wonder if he needs an update? Maybe if he gets an alter ego? He has been around since 1812!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Why mess with a good thing?

As the weeks have gone by, the way the DCU regular people defended Uncle Sam stands in stark relief against the way Marvel normal folk treated Captain America in CIVIL WAR.

I think years from now, if I read or think about this mini, that's the first thing I'll remember. Then, I'll think of Miss America taken seriously, The Ray's return, Firebrand's speechifying, followed by Stan Silver coming out of the shower.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
They're Back!!

Preview of Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #1 (scroll down)
Posted by MLLASH on :
Oh, gawd, ANOTHER book to add to my pull...! [Poverty Lad]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
What'd y'all think of the changes for Red Bee? I was borderline-bored with her character before (I think she just looked too much like Freefall), but now I'm interested. The powers as they were described were potentially a lot of fun to read about, IMO. We'll see.

It's odd that a new Insect Queen is debuting in one of the Superman titles so soon after Red Bee's power-up. There isn't a chance it's actually the Freedom Fighter migrating to Metropolis for a spell, is there?

I'm not wild about the division of the team. The optimist in me hopes that there's a plan behind the split. The pessimist in me's left crossing his fingers that too much damage isn't done.

I enjoy Palmiotti and Gray's take on the team, but I wonder if removing the government from the primary picture might be a good thing?

On the other hand, USATFF is a DCU counterpart to all the ongoing Civil/Silent/Secre/Hulk war stuff going on over at Marvel. Sometimes a direct commentary? Hmm?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I liked the first issue. Despite the very different art style being used, it still feels like the same team. The Red Bee transformation is ok so far, but I can't help but scoff at the notion that just because she calls herself the Red Bee she suddenly gets captured by alien bugs and is transformed into a *literal* red insect person?? I dunno ... reminds me of the people here who get miffed about Timberwolf being turned into a wolfman just because of the name he chose. Same thing.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I liked the first issue. I'll be honest and say that if Acuna was still doing the art, I don't know if I would be buying it. His style on the min just wasn't to my taste. The new artist is better.

I'll be interested in seeing where they go with this. The first issue led me to believe that they are going to start tracking down legacy characters. Besides Happy, are any of the originals still alive?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Didn't see what happens with Stormy in #2 coming... though in retrospect I should've.

I dunno- I thought she was brighter than what we see here. Guess substance-abuse takes its toll.

I wonder if we hadn't had the gossip about Paris, Lindsey, etc. and their escapades all summer if this still would've been Phantom Lady's character-arc?

For me, it doesn't quite jibe with the first mini. Though I can see the through-line.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I didn't care for #2 at all.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The Phantom Lady subplot not only annoys me but turns me off in general about the whole thing. I've been so over this celebrity obssession in our culture for years now and avoid it so often on the television that I'm annoyed to it in the comics.

I'd rather watch Ray and Black Condor fight robots and aliens [Smile]
Posted by Vee on :
Gotta agree with the above. This twist with PL turned me off so much that I'm not certain how much more of this mini I'll buy. Not only that but we just got the FF together and in two issues, they've torn apart the team. What are they thinking? [Mad]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I agree Vee. The last mini was great and in two issues they really lost my interest.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Well, if they're going to be focusing more or less on one of the characters each issue, there's lots to look forward too with The Ray, Doll Man, Black Condor, Firebrand and Miss America to come...

I agree that splitting up the team seems to be a mistake. But P&G have earned some faith, at least for me, since their run on Hawkman (bring the book back and give it to them!) and the first mini.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Doll Man's turn... I liked this issue quite a bit. The Level 9 revelation was momentous and full of potential for the future. Will that potential ever work its way into the DCU proper?

Click Here For A Spoiler Darryl Dane's return was both surprising and expected, a tough combo to get across. It's somewhat disconcerting to see him as an apparent opponent, but I'm sure after the requisite fight scene, matters'll work out. There's an obvious 'things aren't what they seem' vibe.

I hope the v.p. is the last of the villain-in-the-white-house characters for awhile. FREEDOM FIGHTERS is the place for 'em, along with CHECKMATE, I suppose. But there's got to be other forces for the team to oppose.

Reading Doll Man's origin makes me wish USAFF could've been coordinated with the Waid LSH introduction of IMSK and Shrinking Vio... Atom Girl. There *could've* been a natural, organic connection.

Did the 'new' Freedom Fighters make an impression on anyone? I kind of liked Captain Triumph's 'line', but I wonder if she'll be sincere or another fakeRay? The rest of them didn't register, frankly.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#4's out and is more enjoyable, as the team starts to come together again. Except for The Red Bee, that is. She's flipped out. Or is the victim of some sort of mind control or something.

Will she snap back and rejoin? Or will Jenna become a full-fledged opponent? We don't find out this issue.

It's so weird that the Red Bee stuff is playing out at the same time as the return of Insect Queen in SUPERMAN (which I really need to pick up- somehow, I forgot last time I went to the CBS.)

I'm afraid Stormy's little episode may have soured me on the character. I wanted her to stay in the other dimension and heal some more.

Uncle Sam's origin surprised me. He knows he's from another earth... which makes me wonder if the 'main' DC earth has it's own 'spirit' of the U.S. Father Time?

His mention of a couple of 'aces up his sleeve' has me curious. I think Gray or Palmiotti have mentioned that a new or updated Neon the Unknown will appear-- so I'm betting he or she is one of those aces. The other(s)? I can't wait for their unveiling.

Unfortunately, the writers themselves don't think the Freedom Fighters have much hope of receiving an ongoing. That's too bad.

I think this mini got a bit lost amid the crowd of COUNTDOWN related minis. The somewhat less compelling story didn't help, though there's plenty that's entertaining, IMO.

Maybe they'll at least get another mini, once the countdown has been completed?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yeah, I noticed sales for this mini were completely in the toilet, a shame.

It's been okay for me, but I don't feel as "into" it as I did with the first mini.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Me either, Lash. I think splitting the team up was a mistake, storywise. They haven't been together long enough for a split to matter to the reader. And there's so much to examine as they relate to each other and in that other-dimensional HQ (cool concept).

That said, P&G are working their resuscitate GA characters magic with The Crusaders and the promised aces up Uncle Sam's sleeve.

Still, I'm enjoying this a heck of a lot more than some other team books (Teen Titans and Infinity, Inc.-- though each of those titles have *some* things I like...)
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
OK, I kind of liked the focus on Human Bomb and his tragic love affairs, short thought that focus might have been.

It was also fun to see the original Ray again and read him call Uncle Sam 'old son'.

And Neon the Unknown gets a pretty fun debut...

...but if what happened to Miss America stands I'm gonna be so pissed.

I pretty much expect her to save the day in some cliffhanger situation between now and the end of the mini- but there's just enough fear that the 'some deaths aren't noble' sentiment will prevail for me to think of this title as one I want to read, but don't want to read at the same time.

Can Red Bee come back from this imbroglio as a viable character? I'm not so sure.
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

...but if what happened to Miss America stands I'm gonna be so pissed.

You're not the only one! Joan is one of DC's most underused, underrated characters. It's especially stinging when Lyta and Hector Hall (who I guess are still her daughter and son-in-law) had similarly pointless deaths. Still, Joan is a survivor. It's not the first time she's been portrayed as dead.
Posted by MLLASH on :
IF Miss A's death stands-- I'm only about 49% convinced it will-- then I will fully regret purchasing this mini.

I have grown to despise the Red Bee. I don't even WANT her back now, mind control or no. She seems pretty aware of her own actions to me.

I'm interested/scared to see hw this ends.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I thought the quick writeoff of Miss A seemed a bit hasty... a couple of panels and BOOM??? She's been dead before. It won't stick.

And Red Bee will have a lot of apologizing to do if she ever regains her own will. "Sorry about forcibly mating with you and then trying to feed you guys to the colony..." I don't think Hallmark has a card for that (so much for their "card for every occasion" slogan).
Posted by Omni Craig on :
I just checked the DC website, and noticed Miss America is on the cover of USatFF #7, so she didn't stay dead for long. She could be DC's answer to Jean Grey!! [Wink]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Justin Gray posts from time to time at the Comicbloc website. He made this cryptic comment about Miss A's fate:

"Miss America is no more but Joan Dale returns next issue. "


In #6, we get an origin for Neon... a new role and costume for Happy Terrill, a tragic and yucky lab accident,a cool moment for Human Bomb, and more Red Bee weirdness.

I'm beginning to agree that she might be unsalvageable.

I hope the trade of this sells-- I know I'll push it at the book store where I work.

Maybe trade sales would convince DC to publish another FF mini-- hopefully one debuting in a less crowded season?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Miss Cosmos?

Red Bee a victim of mite infestation herself? Makes sense, I suppose. Can we (the readers) trust her now?

Looks like the Freedom Fighters have grown with the addition of their replacements to their ranks?

Happy Terrill really 'shone' this issue, I thought. I liked the use of color.

All that's left is the Doll Man story, right?

Sheesh- this oughta be an ongoing.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
*Very* quick wrap-up. With a somewhat downer of a denouement showing the various dispersed heroes living their own lives.

Not a downer to *them*, I suppose. I actually appreciated Uncle Sam's 'they need their time' comment, especially with the knowledge that they're going to be appearing in (hopefully *starring* in an issue or two or at the least heavily featured in) FINAL CRISIS. With the proviso that there's not yet another gut-the-Freedom-Fighters scene.

Ms. Cosmos, in particular, needs some clarification. As does Neon. Now, wouldn't that make a fun BRAVE AND THE BOLD issue? There seemed to be a spark between the two, for a second there.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I really liked Miss Cosmos... DC is lacking in mega-powered femmes.

As for the mini itself, I'll need to re-read the entire thing. I don't think I hated it but I don't think I loved it either.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
No, me either. But there's *so* much potential there, that I really wish that an ongoing was scheduled. I'd rather read more with these characters than many others that get featured month in and month out.

I hope Morrison leaves them relatively intact when he's done with FINAL CRISIS, in which they're supposed to play a part, I believe.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
One of the major things that irked me about this was the art. I HATE, HATE, HATE when an artist continually copies panels over and over again, even if they think its helping tell the story a certain way. It distracts me and reeks of laziness. Considering the story wasn't anything to write home to Mom about, that certainly didn't help.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
But would you buy an ongoing or a third mini?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Before this mini it would have a definite yes. Now I'd really have to think about it and the wrong artist could actually kill the deal for me.

But its partially my own unfair bias lately. I feel like I've been 'had' by DC too many times in the last 2-3 years.

Still, all the things are in characters I like, writers who can be really great upon it would just need to actually deliver. Like Jonah Hex does (also done by GreyPal) each and every month.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
So a Freedom Fighters ongoing in Sept?!?!?!

By GrayPal?

Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm going to check it out for sure.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
same here. I actually tried to buy some back issues of their run from the seventies. Got about five.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
I can't wait to read this!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'll check it out, but I'm not 100% sold yet.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
After their PG run, I want to read this. I would be reading their JH, but my lcs had a problem getting me the book back then... so I never got into it.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Did anyone read FREEDOM FIGHTERS # 1?

I thought it was pretty good, but the cast has been cut down to a mere 6 members.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I thought #1 and #2 of the relaunched Freedom Fighters have been okay so far, but the series hasn't been anything to go crazy about (which correlates with what I thought of the last miniseries).

I was left wondering where Doll Man and the others were!

Freedom Fighters is a series where the political overtones are part and parcel, and so being heavy handed isn't really out of the ordinary...and I don't mind that actually. What I would like is some of that crazy sci-fi they had going on in the first miniseries, a la Gonzo the Robot President and such.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I read # 2... wow, the team really got their asses beat. I felt the pain when Uncle Sam went down at the end. I'm not in love with it or anything, but I'm still interested in how this can be resolved so that's good.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#4 did a lot to restore my faith in the creative team. Loved seeing Miss America, thankfully free of that Miss Cosmos moniker, back to lead the team during Uncle Sam's temporary (we learn) death-relared absence. I wonder if he'll look the same when next he appears? Or if he'll sound the same? I hope he isn't going to start rapping or talking in stock tips or something if he inhabits the body of a man who would speak in those terms. By that, I mean I like his folksy delivery and tone and would miss it if gone.

I love that the writers are updating another Golden Age character in the Jester. Is he a bad guy or a really pissed off good guy with an agenda? Don't know yet, but I'm hoping he joins the Freedom Fighters, rather than makes enemies of them.

I'm really hoping for some character work on the FFers- what is The Ray really thinking these days, for example? Or Firebrand- how is he adapting to his new life?

Of course, I want updates on all the characters who were featured in the two minis, but I can wait for those.

I think a team-up with this team aiding a Freedom Fighters team on Earth X is in order-- or fighting them. What if this FF team had cause to *aid* the Nazis of that Earth this time around?
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I love that one villainess, Funerella. I love the name, the look, and the personality.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Funerella impressed the heck out of me too.

Just put # 4 down and I agree that it restores a lot of my lost confidence in a GreyPal FF series.

1-3 have been okay reads, but # 4 is the first I've found to be an enjoyable read.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
The "meat and potatoes" bit reminded me of Psycho-Pirate from Animal Man.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#5: King Bullet and gang remind me of the Inferno babies now terrorizing the New Mutants over at Marvel. I kind of respect their struggle, but their methods- well, they're the stuff of comic book fights, aren't they? Which we got last issue and continue to get in this one. Some of the FFers go down a little too easily, even without their powers.

Funerella and Pharyngula are great new baddies with distinctive peronalities and visuals. Plus, they're totally bat***t insane! The creators want us to like, or like to dislike, King Bullet, but I would rather have been more formally introduced to some of the more interesting looking inmates.

King Bullet's a good bad-guy match for Firebrand, though. They can have battles where they talk for an hour before doing anything.

Given the cover, I know I should know better, I expected more Miss America. Maybe next issue?

I missied the continuation of The Jester's story. Hopefully, next issue.

I'm curious about Sherman's Wrath. Bet it'll figure in the FFers escape.

Black Condor gets quite a scene, battling Sea Wolf! Or are those all Underlings, without Sea Wolf appearing yet? There's one panel that I think's him, but I'm not positive. As always, Palmiotti and Gray excel at seamlessly inserting characters from the past into the Freedom Fighters saga. I freakin' love that about their work! Here, it's Sea Wolf. I hope we get a bit of his back-story.

The issue ends with a very freaky page showing Phantom Lady surrounded by skeletons, saying the line "they must breed to eat". Which confused me for a bit, till I decided I was reading more into it than was meant.

If you aren't reading this title and have any interest, pick up #s 4 and 5. I think you'll enjoy them and heaven knows, FREEDOM FIGHTERS needs the sales. I'd like it to be around awhile!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yeah # 5 continues the upward trend of # 4 and MLad's right, 4 and 5 are the place to start if you want to sample Freedom Fighters.

Yeah these new villains are CRAZY badass-- I think we are going to lose some of them when they try to rescue Phantom Lady for a way out.

I do hope Funerella makes it out okay... too bad a power like she has pretty much destroys any chance of one ever being on the side of good.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
After being a bit disappointed by the opening 3 issues, I found both #4 and #4 of the Freedom Fighters to take the series up a notch and actually be very good! The creative team all seems to be meshing together nicely now and things are moving along plotwise in an interesting fashion, while the characters are (at last) becoming more than just clichés. The potential for this series—to be a true sci-fi comic with heavy political and social commentary (sometimes so extreme that’s its parody) feels like it’s being reached here. When it fails, it fails real hard (as some of Graypal’s previous US&FF stories) but when it works, it provides a unique comic that is a lot of fun.

Some of the really cool sci-fi concepts are little things: the anti-hostage technology (a homing beacon implanted in the VP’s hand) and the metahuman hormone taken by the guards are quick, but cool concepts to include.

The cast of super-villains are very well done too, and I like seeing new threats like this emerge. I’m curious if they are all new or a combination of that with recasting some Golden Age Quality villains?

The usage of the Golden Age Jester is very welcome here, and I like that his motivations (and that of his grandson) are very complex, making for a more exciting story.

The art by Travis Moore and Trevor Scott is starting to grow on me now; it’s very dynamic and the action-oriented nature of it builds the excitement as each issue goes. Also love the cover of #5 featuring Miss America by Dave Johnson (who I wish would draw interiors sometime).

The plot for the opening arc has really become very complex and that’s definitely a good thing IMO. Combined with the action & constant character interaction FF went from a ‘meh’ title to being highly enjoyable!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
FREEDOM FIGHTERS #6: Miss America: "Speak for yourself, Human Bomb" spoken as we see she is the second FFer to exert enough will to overcome the slave-collar-thingie and rip it off her neck. But then she's willing to let all those people die while effecting the FF's escape? And then drives off teammates? And then conscripts Doll Man against his will? What the Cosmos is up with The Miss? Maybe that strong will's been turned in on itself?

These scenes also show Phantom Lady speaking up to Miss America, evoking Uncle Sam and what he wouldn't do. This was nice to read coming from her, showing her (tentative) growth. The Ray or Firebrand would've been more obvious choices. Andre's injured and spouting crap, which I think should be ignored, considering his pain. Don't know what The Ray's excuse is- he hasn't really 'shown up' as the hero he usually is yet.

The Jester is creeeepy- with his Revolutionary bewigged and bepowdered flunkies. I kind of love that (the Revolutionary drag, not the creepy), I still want The Jester to *not* be a villain, though that wish is looking less and less likely to come true.

Condor and Stormy- I like this pairing more than any recent superhero hook-up I can think of, even if she's using him as a crutch/one step backwards after her speech/two steps forward.

I find the concluding scene very upsetting. Is it possible this Miss is another robot? Though I do wonder who else is on her list to conscript, if anyone is?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Wow... # 6 continued the upward trend for FF!

Yeah I'm a bit worried about our Miss myself. Don't want another FFer going bad.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
well I am hoping that that Miss America is a fake and robot and Uncle Sam turns up alive and brings the REAL Miss Cosmos! grrr....
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
Bleeding Cool reports the book is canceled to help make room for Flashpoint related material:
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
And Doom Patrol and Rebels? F***ing DC! Those stupid jerks. Well, if they don't want my money, then so be it.

I wasn't going to collect the Flashpoint titles anyway but now I certainly won't in protest (whether this is their true intention or not).

Soon every DC title is going to be related to Bats, Supes, GL, Flash and whatever crossover they have running.
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
To play Devil's Advocate, all three titles had abysmal sales records and were on life support for a while now. Of course, that begs the argument as to why DC didn't promote them more.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
On the plus side, Outsiders is being cancelled as well. [shrug]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Chief Lardy:
On the plus side, Outsiders is being cancelled as well. [shrug]

True. It's kind of like the end of Old Yellar.

Originally posted by Dave Hackett:
To play Devil's Advocate, all three titles had abysmal sales records and were on life support for a while now. Of course, that begs the argument as to why DC didn't promote them more.

Exactly. Especially when Flashpoint has been getting promoted well before it launched.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
IMO, the only way to "promote" a series as old as these are is to have some sort of "event" occur. This would probably mean another death stunt. Or to have Superman, Batman or Hal Jordan join up. Or a tie-in to Flashpoint like REBELS and DP had with Blackest Night. Now, one could argue that BN added the extra year-plus of life both have had that they might otherwise have not.

The point is, as low as these two books in particular are selling, would it be worth changing or cheapening what we love about them just to keep them going for (what in all likelihood) would be a short while longer?

Honestly, from the sales, I didn't think either book would last a year, much less twoish. I'm not gonna throw rocks at DC over this one. I'm dubious about Flashpoint and am likely only to get the core series plus whatever handful of tie-ins interest me. But ultimately, it's not that event that's pushing out our beloved series. DC gave them much more of a chance than Marvel ever would have.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, I don't see myself replacing them with yet another Batman title or flashpoint specials. Especially as Flash has been... dull as dishwater.

Bats and Supes... if thats all DC wants to promote, thats fine. Just don't expect me to buy them.

Hmmm, what's Dynamite got out now?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Supposedly, there are 'plans' for FREEDOM FIGHTERS... whether that's during FLASHPOINT or after, nobody's saying.

I just hope these aren't 'plans' that are similar to the FF's usage in the next-to-last CRISIS DC published.

I really hate Andre Twist/Firebrand's fate. I thought he was a unique voice in the land of superherodom and I'll miss it.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
yeah me too I like Firebrand (alongside Invisible Hood --- still surprised there has no mention of Blindside - one of the Relative heroes who revealed to be grand nephew or nephew of Invisible Hood)....I guess that with those two heroes, they are fated to have a short life? makes me wonder about Danette Reilly.

Firebrand and Hood ought to join THUNDER Agents....anyone read that book?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
DC's publishing a mini with a new lightbearer using the name 'The Ray'. I'm not wild about that, but it is by Palmiotti and Gray, which makes me more accepting.

I always wished the last new 'Ray'- Stan Silver- got a shot at coming back as a full-fleged villain, with shades of gray. Or a really dubious hero.

But I really always liked Ray Terrill and am pretty ticked that he might be scrubbed from the new DCU. Maybe he'll have a different ID? Or be Earth 2's The Ray?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
well I am hoping to see Phantom Lady, old or new or maybe in that the Ray book *finger crossing* [Love]
Posted by Dr. Tot Rocket on :
Yeah I was pretty pissed by the announcement of the different Ray.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Me too

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