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Posted by Mystery Lad on :
The Story: THE SPY, THE SPACEMAN. THE GODDESS. THE ROBOT. THE GORILLA. In the late 1950’s, The U.S. Government let FBI Special Agent Jimmy Woo forge a team of unlikely heroes: Together they stormed the fortress of a criminal mastermind to rescue President Eisenhower, and the group disbanded soon after. Now almost 50 years later, an unauthorized S.H.I.E.L.D. mission goes down in flames--and from the ashes arise forces from the GOLDEN AGE OF MARVEL!
32 PGS./T+ ...$2.99

In Stores: 2006-08-02

I hope this title doesn't get lost in all the OYL/Civil War whoop-de-doo.

I remember fondly the AVENGERS annual (or was it a WHAT IF? issue?) that featured VENUS, THE HUMAN ROBOT, GORILLA MAN, MARVEL BOY and the 3D MAN teaming up. Anyone else planning to pick this one up?

[ November 07, 2010, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Leonard Kirk is doing the artwork. yeah, i'm there.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I'll be picking this one up. The whole retro vibe is very cool. I also liked this team when they appeared in "Avengers Forever". It's too bad there's no 3-D Man here (or in flashbacks either from what what I've read). Is his backstory now too contrary to what they want to do or was there another reason for his exclusion I wonder?
Posted by Reboot on :

(fixing links in light of new series)

[ July 24, 2008, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by ActorLad on :
Human Robot rocks my socks!

I so need this series.
Posted by Language Arts Kid on :
I wonder if the pictures of Cap and Bucky at the bottom of the CBR articles are a 'hint' as to who the un-named fifth member is going to e. I think they could use the psycho-cap from the 50 's in this story.
Posted by Reboot on :

Originally posted by Language Arts Kid:
I wonder if the pictures of Cap and Bucky at the bottom of the CBR articles are a 'hint' as to who the un-named fifth member is going to e. I think they could use the psycho-cap from the 50 's in this story.

A.K.A. The Grand Director? Dead.

(EDIT: Fixing links in light of new series. Also LOL at my comment in light of now-current events in Cap)

[ July 24, 2008, 09:39 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Originally posted by Language Arts Kid:
I wonder if the pictures of Cap and Bucky at the bottom of the CBR articles are a 'hint' as to who the un-named fifth member is going to e. I think they could use the psycho-cap from the 50 's in this story.

A.K.A. The Grand Director? Dead.
True dat. He's as dead as they come.

He's one of those characters we're unlikely to ever see around again in the present day, like Bucky Barnes and Marvel Boy.
Posted by Reboot on :
Exactly - they've used up their resurrection quotient already [Smile]

Plus, the writer's already not using 3D Man because he's a retcon character...
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
**********SPOILERS for #1*********
-- Great first issue! I think they did a great job presenting Gorilla Man's nostalgia for the old team and his loyalty to Jimmy which justifies his actions in the second half of the book, even though this is a man he hasn't seen in decades (it reminded me of that old "Trek" episode where Spock hijacks the Enterprise for Capt Pike's benefit).
-- I'm very intrigued to know what happened in that earlier meeting between Robotman and Gorilla Man where Robotman was apparently much more talkative.
-- I'm certainly not surprised that they brought Jimmy back, but I didn't think it'd happen so soon.
-- I love the retro bits - Robotman's design is classic, the flying saucer etc - love it! I'm glad they have a modern art style though rather than overdoing it.
Posted by Reboot on :
Human Robot, not Robotman (that's Doom Patrol) [Smile]

What is it with these characters and the names - I saw a review earlier today with Gorilla Man constantly referred to as "Man-Ape" (guy in a white ape pelt that annoys Black Panther)
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Human Robot, not Robotman (that's Doom Patrol) [Smile]

Oops!! They spent most of the issue calling him "M-11", so I guess I forgot. [Embarrassed]
Posted by Blue Battler on :
Aw, man... first I heard of this ....

Isn't Gorilla Man a little long in the tooth to still be around? [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I really enjoyed this issue, as well. GORILLA MAN is a fun 'voice' to read... and everyone knows how beloved talking gorillas are in comics. It's easy to see why when you get scenes like the one where GM's carried down a hallway, firing weaponry with both hands and feet. The fact that he's a long-time, respected agent for a government agency makes him more interesting, beyond the cartoon-animal kitsch.

The HUMAN ROBOT... is very machine-like. Apropos, I suppose. He makes me a bit suspicious, to tell the truth.

I think MARVEL BOY is going to be flat-out weirdness personified.

VENUS-- goddess or superhuman? Will we ever know? Kind of interesting that she and THOR return to the Marvel universe at relatively the same time. Maybe she can guest star in his new title-- whenever it starts...

Pretty standard rally-the-troops #1. The shot of Marvel Boy's spaceship was impressive... in pacing and in effect if not in visual splendor. Jimmy Woo's status is curisoity-arousing.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Ok, I loved it. As someone who was always into the obscure Marvel Boy (Quasar, Captain Marvel, etc, etc, etc) stuff...what are they gonna do here?! Is it going to be the new Marvel Boy? Is it a Titan eternal? Phyla possibly?

The original Venus was THE goddess. I think with the way Ares, Hercules, and Thor have been popping will be the real Venus again.

Is this the same Gorilla Man from Howling Commandos???
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Hmmm. I thought there was an is she/isn't she thing going on with Venus. I really need to dig out that old What IF? issue.

Is that where you get that she was, in fact, the goddess? Or from her ATLAS COMICS stories? I've never read any of them-- though I'd kind of like to see what one was like.

Maybe this'll sell enough to convince Marvel to release a special or mini-series with samples of the '50s stories.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
Ok, I loved it. As someone who was always into the obscure Marvel Boy (Quasar, Captain Marvel, etc, etc, etc) stuff...what are they gonna do here?! Is it going to be the new Marvel Boy? Is it a Titan eternal? Phyla possibly?

It's the original Marvel Boy, somehow back from the dead (no, he doesn't have the Q-bands now).

And you think Phyla would be "Marvel Boy"? [Roll Eyes]

Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
Is this the same Gorilla Man from Howling Commandos???

Yes. It's even referenced.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I thought she was in fact the goddess, but I'm going by the reprints and synopses I'm familiar with.

UJ, this is indeed the Gorilla Man from the late and unlamented Howling Commandos.

I enjoyed this one a lot. The art was not the best work I've seen from Kirk, but it was decent enough. Much credit should go to the editor, whose name I've forgotten, who seems to have a jones for exploring old and underused Marvel characters.
Posted by Reboot on :
Here's CBR's profiles on the characters again (I'm using the way they were described in the end as the link text, rather than their "real" names [Smile] - I didn't link to all of them before):

The Secret Agent, The Robot, The Mythic Beauty, The Spaceman, The Gorilla, The Mermaid (pic, since CBR didn't include it)

And writer's blog, artist's blog, Temple of Atlas

(EDIT: Fixing links in light of new series)

[ July 24, 2008, 09:43 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Mystery Lad, I believe the connection was made in the comic series Champions. Venus had her own series in the golden age (Atlas). Her alter ego was Victoria Starr.

"Aphrodite" later appeared in "Marvel" I believe in the Sub-Mariner series and then Thor.

In Champions #1 she has an alter ego again and calls herself Victoria Starr. Is Venus and Aprhodite the same person? Well Hercules calls her cousin in Champions #1.

But that doesn't have to be an official confirmation. Mythology continuity is even worse than comics. Aprhodite was his aunt, cousin, sister depends on who tells the story (or all the above as well). In other words they can easily explain them being different people.

But it appears they are not thus far. [Smile] (did that make sense???)
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I am trying to remember in the Roger Stern Avengers when the Olympians appeared if she mentioned meeting the Champions? That would certainly confirm it.
Posted by Reboot on :
I **THINK** Marvel conflate the Greek and Roman gods, so you've got Zeus and Hera, but Hercules and Pluto.
Posted by profh0011 on :
Venus (whose series was done by Bill Everett) guest-starred in SUB-MARINER #57 (also by Bill Everett!). She most definitely was the Goddess of Love, and in her human identity of Victoria Starr had become a school teacher (the same school where Namorita had enrolled). This story also featured Ares, who was in love with Venus, though she didn't return the feelings.

This got me wondering... since on the Kevin Sorbo HERCULES tv series, both Ares & Aphrodite were half-brother or half-sister to Hercules, which would make them brother & sister to each other, right? When that crossed my mind, I wondered if Bill Everett had slipped something by the Comics Code... (heh heh heh)
Posted by Reboot on :
The Greco-Roman gods were notoriously inbred - Hera was Zeus' sister, after all!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Feh to the American school system for not teaching the classics.

Zeus stories mostly involve him becoming a bull or something and raping a beautiful mortal woman while covering the sky so Hera wouldn't see. Getting that story through the CCA woulda taken some doing.
Posted by Reboot on :
*bump for issue 2*


[ September 06, 2006, 08:05 AM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I also fondly recall that WHAT IF? issue, and figured out too late that AGENTS OF ATLAS would star those characters. I'm going to try to find # 1 and get onboard!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I don't think you'll be sorry, Lash. This is one of the best things Marvel's putting out right now.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I liked #2-- I think a reader could maybe even start with this issue without picking up #1, since it pretty much recaps what happened in that issue. A new reader wouldn't be totally lost, at any rate, especially if they had some knowledge of the characters' earlier appearance.

I was a *bit* underwhelmed by the artist's version of Venus. She was pretty, but not flat out beautiful, the way the character would be. It would've been a nice touch if she appeared as the tribe she was living with would've pictured as beautiful.

Marvel Boy/Bob Grayson's secrets are *verrry* intriguing. As is the upcoming character that's joining the cast. The Yellow Claw's a bit of a throwback, even more than talking gorillas or clunky robots. But we've just seen him for a panel. I fully expect he'll be updated, or broadened, by the time the series ends.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I also fondly recall that WHAT IF? issue, and figured out too late that AGENTS OF ATLAS would star those characters. I'm going to try to find # 1 and get onboard!

Issue 2 includes the words "These are friends. Could you please make sure they have food, drink and sex if they need it?" (and the reply "We will be happy to")
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Let's not forget this issue also has an Ape-man going to the restroom in a flying saucer from Uranus.

This series actually kinda reminds me of "NextWave" if it were taken seriously - the motley crew, the "secret agents on the run", the old school global evil organization, a robot-man who has stretchy limbs, etc...

[ September 10, 2006, 01:50 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Let's not forget this issue also has an Ape-man going to the restroom in a flying saucer from Uranus.

Gotta love what Gorilla-Man's like over that, especially his look after going to the toilet in an empty room and the ship "dealing with it" [Smile]
Posted by profh0011 on :
The strangest thing for me was that I bought a copy of SUB-MARINER #57 (with Venus & Namorita) and read it for the first time just a few months ago-- and the story in there is referred to in the text article in the back of #2!
Posted by Reboot on :
*bump for issue 3*

Posted by Set on :
Is there any comic that can't be improved by a gorilla with a gun?

Enjoying this so far. But I'm a huge fan of comics that take up 'discarded' characters and breath new life into them (like the Thunderbolts).
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Same here. Especially characters on the quirky side of things.

Sales weren't that great for the first issue, unfortunately. So we may have to just enjoy this while it lasts.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I'm really starting to like the whole "Marvel's Golden Age" angle to this book. It's something DC has had and mined for a long time, but Marvel has always seemed to start from the Fantastic Four. The fact that these aren't retcon characters legitimizes their place in history and it's cool to think there's an unexplored corner of the Marvel Universe that's this fun and already has a history in place.

The Human Robot is becoming an interesting mystery. Aside from the fact that he may have his own agenda, he's certainly hiding something -- and he's got the best poker face. It's also interesting that he's the wild card - he wasn't in Jimmy's dream and thus wasn't "meant" to be on the team as originally planned.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I managed to get copies of # 1 & 3, and I **LOVE** this!

Yes, DC finally wised up and realized there IS a market for Golden-Age characters and I'm glad Marvel is attempting the same, outside of THE INVADERS and Captain America.

Loved the shot of the photos of golden-age characetrs that Jimmy was using to pick the team from. The Blonde Phantom!!

Female characetrs who run around topless kind-of annoy me, though. Venus needs to stop and the GAP or something and pick up a shirt.
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
Got the first three issues its ok, Uncle Sam is way better and I assumed the marvel Agents of Atlas would be the superior one. I don't think I'll pick up number four.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Female characetrs who run around topless kind-of annoy me, though. Venus needs to stop and the GAP or something and pick up a shirt.

I respectfully disagree.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Heh! Anyhoo, I guess it's a mute point since she suited-up in the last couple of pages of # 3. And Namora? YAY!
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I'm liking this a lot as well. Kinda cheesy but fun. A bit slow getting going though, I think it'll be better as a trade.

DB's point about Uncle Sam is true though. Its not a fair comparison though. For me Uncle Sam has easily been the best miniseries of the year.
Posted by Reboot on :

#4 came out last week [Smile]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
In most markets, yes.

Diamond shorted my store by a couple of boxes, which means they didn't get AoA plus whatever X-books were due.
Posted by MLLASH on :

Still enjoying this, even with my missing # 2.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
It's a fun read.

I read my store's preview copy of #5 yesterday, and while i won't give details, it does have a more serious tone.

Leonard Kirk said on Newsarama recently that Marvel will bring the AoA back after the mini but he isn't sure how yet. I hope that works out.
Posted by Reboot on :
*now-gratutious bump for #5*


Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Leonard Kirk said on Newsarama recently that Marvel will bring the AoA back after the mini but he isn't sure how yet. I hope that works out.

We'll see (don't call it AoA though - that's indelibly locked to Age of Apocalypse in my head [Smile] ). After the way Livewires, new-Scorpion, etc disappeared or nearly so after their first appearances; I'm not holding my breath.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Well this issue brings up a question we've all seem to ask. Is this Venus the same as the one in the Marvel greco-roman mythos.

Click Here For A SpoilerShe isn't. Interesting. She was a siren of sorts that was given human form.

Namora fantasizing about Namor? huh? Aren't they cousins?! I know, I are Blackbolt and Medusa. Wierd.

Also it shows Namorita calling her mom. I wonder if they are going to retcon Nita being a clone of hers?

And I can't wait to find out what the heck Atlas is!
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
Also it shows Namorita calling her mom. I wonder if they are going to retcon Nita being a clone of hers?

Namorita gestated in Namora's womb for X months (don't want to say nine without checking), grew up relatively normally (as opposed to accelerated aging) and didn't know she literally had no father for yoinks. She wasn't grown/aged to adulthood in Cloning Machine X, and didn't have Namora's memories Ben Reilly-style. Why WOULDN'T she have called Aquaria her mum?

And, on the other thing, given that both Namor and Namora are sterile (ergo the need for cloning in the first place), would any genetic relationship actually matter in the first place? The taboo exists to prevent inbreeding, after all.
Posted by Reboot on :
And finally, the final issue:

Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Didn't know Namora carried Nita.

I wonder how Namora being back will affect Civil War, Namor, etc? I hope we get Nita back somehow.

Anyways, this last issue? Man I gotta say it was a bit confusing.

They really didn't want to keep it simple, huh? Woo is now the what??? This mini may have had more retcons than any other one. So anyways I am ready for a regular series. It was fun.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I loved it. Didn't see the big reveal coming either.

There were plenty of retcons, true, but when you're dealing with characters this old and this minor, you can get away with it. Proof that a retcon can be a good thing after all.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Any word when it's coming to trade yet? I'd actually like to read the series I've been "pimping" like mad. [Smile]
Posted by Reboot on :
They're doing a hardcover first with the first appearances of the Yellow Claw (and Jimmy Woo - same story), Venus, Marvel Boy, Human Robot, Namora and Gorilla Man thrown in
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I just can't wait for the "Agents of Atlas vs. Nextwave, Agents of H.A.T.E." crossover mini! It'd be worth it just for the Machine Man/ Human Robot stretchy-limbed throwdown!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
I'd get that.

I wonder if the eventual TPB will have the same bonuses as the hardcover.
Posted by Reboot on :
From the writer & artist of the AoAt mini:

Written by JEFF PARKER
Pencils and Cover by LEONARD KIRK
Remember your history - The Avengers didn't thaw out Captain America, and Kang the Conqueror became Master of the World throughout all time. To make a brighter future, our heroes have to go to the 1950's and enlist the help of The Agents of Atlas!
32 PGS./All Ages …$2.99
IN STORES: 2007-06-27
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :

What's the deal with "Marvel Adventures"? It's a more kid friendly line in its own universe right?
Posted by Reboot on :
More kid-friendly line, yes, but there's no "universe" - each MAdv title is completely independent of the others (so MAdvSpidey Spider-Man is no more the same as MAdvAvengers Spider-Man than he's the same as MU Spider-Man or UltU Spider-Man), and there are strict limits on reuse of stuff like minor characters between issues of the same series.
Posted by Reboot on :
Okay; #1, it looks like the MAdvAv14 story might be delayed a month till "Giant-Size Marvel Adventures Avengers #1". No idea why...

Peter Parker has a wonderful evening lined up for Mary Jane that starts with a horse carriage ride to a popular Broadway show. But then the stage magic becomes terrifyingly real and it's Spider-Man who has a date– with the secret super team known as The Agents of Atlas! Also, an all-new Mini Marvel tale, and classic Spider-Man tales!
All that plus Spider-Man J!
104 PGS./Rated A …$4.99


Posted by Reboot on :
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I'm excited about this! They're almost like Marvel's "Doom Patrol" in my mind for some reason.

Now we just need a "NextWave" ongoing...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
This *was* good news-- second only to WAR OF KINGS for me, on the Marvel side.

DOOM PATROL, huh? I haven't thought of that comparison before.

The publicity around this announcement made it sound like they'll sort of be a reverse THUNDERBOLTS. Good guys who'll have to play the role of bad guys in service of their agenda.

That should be interesting.
Posted by STU on :
This is the most exciting news I've heard in a while! I'll definitely be looking out for it (as well as a copy of the Secret Invasion anthology also mentioned in the article).
Posted by Reboot on :
Complete Agents of Atlas by Jeff Parker checklist:

Agents of Atlas v1 #1-6
Spider-Man Family #4
Secret Invasion: Who Do You Trust
Giant-Size Marvel Adventures Avengers #1 (non-MU)
X-Men: First Class #8 (Gorilla Man only)

[On a technical point, you could add Incredible Hulk #111, which was co-written by JP and featured Namora, but that was a continuation of Namora's appearances in IH106-107 & 109-110.]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Which story used this group as the "50's Avengers?" (including the 3-D Man) I thought they were used really well in "Avengers Forever."
Posted by Reboot on :
What If? v1 #9
Posted by STU on :
Thanks for the list. I picked up a copy of the Secret Invasion anthology yesterday -- my store actually had one copy of the first printing left (and a couple copies of the second printing). I would never have thought to get this title otherwise, as I'm not really reading Marvel these days.

It was a nice story (and provided a nice overview of the characters, their powers, and their backgrounds), but a bit short at 8 pages.

Of course, there's the ongoing to look forward to...
Posted by Reboot on :
Solicited for February, with art by Carlo Pagulyan (Planet Hulk), and since it's 48 pages, presumably a backup by a guy called Benton Jew (who I've never heard of).

 -  -
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :

Why is Jimmy dressed like the waiter from some terrible Chinese Restaurant?
Posted by Reboot on :
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
*FINALLY* got around to reading the initial mini in time for the new ongoing. Amazing. Awesome. Fantastic.

Honestly, what wasn't to love? I knew I really missed the boat on this one (somehow), so I couldn't wait to get around to reading it, but even with that in mind I was blown away by how good this was. Exciting, fun but serious, bits of continuity but not overloading, great characters--it had everything. The entire Yellow Claw / Jimmy Woo twist, which I had no idea about, was totally awesome.

Gorilla Man is my fave, natch. Breakout character. They all rock though.

Jeff Parker--this guy is on my radar. Whenever I see his name lately its a must buy simply because he's so fresh and different.
Posted by Reboot on :
Preview of v2 #1:
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#1's out-- and it's a good read! Gorilla Man is just a hoot. Lao's almost as fun. So's Woo. And Venus.

Marvel Boy- Bob- is just weird. I look forward to peeking behind/beneath that.

The whole idea behind the book is a nice counterpoint fitting into the 'Dark' direction Marvel's chosen.
Posted by Raging Bull on :
So happy Agents of Atlas has its own ongoing title. The first issue was all kinds of awesome. Pagulayan's art is beautiful, though I'll admit to missing Leonard Kirk's penciling a bit -- I'd really come to associate it with the team.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I concur with the awesomeness of the first issue! The art's fantastic and I greatly enjoy the team dynamic. One of the defining aspects from the mini was how much the team rallied around Jimmy and it carries through here - it's amazing how a fairly minor SHIELD character contained so much potential for rejuvenation.

Jimmy and his team seem poised for a confrontation with Osborn and his team(s). I'm sure it'll be awesome, but I'm enjoying the more subtle cat and mouse cold war games for now.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Agents of Atlas #2 was great fun! The almost botched arms deal was fun. Very interesting reaction from Namora when M-11 was threatened. What's the deal with that? They obviously have some kind of history, but she kinda lost it there - it was a very effective scene.

The flashback-with-different-art-team device is back, but this time interwoven into the story, Iron Fist style. (or maybe "Lost" style) It makes the previous Wolverine guest appearance seem more than blatant promotion for the first issue. I like that they're taking advantage of the team's history with these views of their past. I'm really hoping for a 3-D Man guest appearance in one of these flashbacks!
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Issue #2 was terrific. I was a little ticked off that my CBS failed to pull a copy for me, but luckily I found a copy at a store a little farther away.

I also saw a variant-cover second printing of issue #1, so it seems to be selling well so far.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Re: the last page of AoA #3 -- is it me or does that look like someone swiped a Liefeld drawing of Cap?? (it'd explain the pose, the really thick legs and wrist, and lack of feet) The sharp decline of artisitic quality in that last page was a bit jarring.

Other than that, things are humming along swimmingly - I'm becoming more interested in the flashback story right now, but that could easily change next issue. Nice Namorita tribue too!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I am enjoying this, but I sort of wish a whole issue would be set in one time or the other. Or an issue would be divided into two stories.

I like the different art for the time periods. Venus should go back to the platinum. It's more goddessy.

The Namorita tribute made me sad. What a waste of a good character (though Marvel put her through the grinder quite a bit).
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
It really wouldn't surprise me if Namorita were brought back using the statue and Atlantean magic/super-science in a Wonder Woman kinda way...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#5-- And so the con is on. This is a logical and fun way to progress this title in the current MU. Crossovers this early in a title can be deadening. Not so here.

What did you think of the way Venus is used here? With the music notes, diva entrance etc?
One minute I think it fits and is a fun way to depict a nonvisual power- the next I think it's too hokey and campy.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#6-- The Agents visit a new undersea settlement that's the idealization of the phrase 'too good to be true'. It's rendered beautifully, though- as is the whole issue, IMO.

It's a bit of a break from the action, though there's a flashback or two illuminating Namora's history.

Her attraction to her cousin (who we find out is not blood-related) is explored. It's a nice moment and works well in the context of the story, but I'm not sure pairing Namor and Namora is such a good idea. They're each more interesting with other partners (Herc, for her-- so far, and Sue Richards, Marrina and Emma Frost for him).

I don't expect it's meant to last even in the framework of AOA. I suspect more of that 'too good to be true' stuff's at work.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Finally read #6 and wow, this book continues to get better and better if that is even possible.

From an artistic viewpoint, this was the best issue so far, and one of the best plethoras of undersea imagery I've ever seen. Man, I'd love it if the creative team on AoA had enough time do a Sub-Mariner book.

The Sub-Mariner is getting a lot of screen time throughout the MU lately and thats very welcome. Some places its done very well, like here, and some other places not so much.

As always, each of the Agents shines in their own way and continue to be very unique.

Also loving Derek Khanata's continued involvement and somehow hoping the new Scorpion makes her way into the title through him.
Posted by LardLad on :
I'm actually on the verge of dropping this title. It's not that it's bad or anything, but so far the characters just haven't captivated me. That's always the biggest appeal for me in any comic I pick up. They all just seem there to do their thing. I'd love it more if they'd explore what it's like to be a goddess, a robot, an ape-man, an alien, etc. Maybe all that was explored in the original mini (which I don't own), but there's not a lot here to make a new reader a fan of these characters, despite huge potential. It's also hurt a great deal by that ever-present "Dark Reign" banner on every cover. Its too-close affiliation with Marvel's non-event is something that's convinced me to drop another title recently, Invincible Iron Man.

Haven't read issue six yet...maybe it'll change my mind....
Posted by ActorLad on :
What's this I hear about Namora and Namor not actually being biologically related?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I appreciated Jimmy's comment in the latest issue about how they need to get back on track after spending too long being distrated by Osborn. A sign of the writer's feelings about "Dark Reign" perhaps?? The Osborn storyline started off really well and seemed to offer a lot of potential, but it hasn't really gone anywhere.

I agree about the characterizations so far being not much deeper than their stock types. I hope we see more depth from them soon as well. (except M-11 - the mysteries about his motivations and thinking are a good thing)
Posted by LardLad on :
M-11 has crazy potential!!! I agree that it would be foolish to spill everything about him all at one, but there should be more clues, more puzzling actions on his part and just more teases to keep us going. I think the images of a mysterious killer robot right out of those old cheesy sci-fi movies was the main reason I decided to give this series a try, even moreso than the ape man and the smokin' hot sea chick! More M-11, I say--but not too much more!

Originally posted by ActorLad:
What's this I hear about Namora and Namor not actually being biologically related?

Yeah, Actor, Issue 5 explained that Namora's father was adopted into the royal family. He and Namor's mother weren't really sibs. Why they both have winged feet is beyond me, though. [Confused] Personally, I'd rather Namora find someone else, though. Namor's such a stick in the mud! [Yes]
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
I'm not sure pairing Namor and Namora is such a good idea. They're each more interesting with other partners (Herc, for her-- so far, and Sue Richards, Marrina and Emma Frost for him).

It will never happen, but I would pay real money for Sue to walk away from Reed (who, in Mighty Avengers, is still 'not getting it,' when Sue tells him that he has to apologize to someone and he says, 'What for?' Ben also saw that Reed was out of line, but it seems that Reed increasingly has no idea where 'the line' is.) and hook up with Namor permanantly.

Yeah, I'm a freak. I want Spider-Man to be married again, and the Fantastic Couple to de-couple...
Posted by Reboot on :
Slott's a hack.

I mean, seriously, he goes out of his way to undermine characters like Reed (who Hickman's currently doing a repair-job on in Dark Reign: F4), events like Annihilation, character arcs like Fraction's Iron Man or even Lobe & Pak's Hulk (Pak just made a story out of Hulk's inability to remember Sakaar in Skaar in preparation for his Hulk run, and how doing so automatically knocks Hulk into "World Breaker" mode... but Slott couldn't resist a crude reference in Mighty Avengers that ignored that). When Jeph Bloody Loeb has his writer's head screwed on more than you...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You know, I have to agree with Reboot regarding Slott. Slott initially won me over with his She-Hulk stories, Thing series and a bunch of other things that showed he could write some really fun superhero stories.

But these last 2-3 years? A pretty poor performance and sometimes so bad its just plain hack-work. The way Slott is writing Reed, Hank and Tony Stark is actually worse than anything anyone else did during Civil War, including JMS, Bendis or Millar. Its almost unforgivable.

His stories are boring, repetitive or unoriginal.

And like 'Boot says, so much of what he does is outright undermining other writers--and obvious intentional digs at their work--that it takes away the enjoyment even further.
Posted by Reboot on :
Thing is though, Slott's been doing this stuff all along (or at least since he came to prominence through his She-Hulk run - I can't say for when he was doing incredibly obscure stuff like Wolverine #102˝). Take a look at the issues of She-Hulk & GLA where he takes great pleasure in aiming huge swipes at Mark Greunwald's work (which left an incredibly bad taste in my mouth at the time) and Keith Giffen's then-current work on Thanos, along with completely misreading the Infinity Gem & Elders of the Universe concepts and then touring the message boards saying "well I said so in print, it must be true".

The much-"celebrated" thing with Penance saying how deep he is while whacking his head off a wall? The thing he was mocking? That was Warren Ellis taking a shot at the Penance concept in the first place! Parodying a parody as if it was serious is cheap, cheap hackwork.

And this is getting incredibly off-topic from the series with a talking gorilla and a spaceman lusting after sea anemones, isn't it?

So, back to Atlas... I'm not actually sure where this series is going, conceptually. I think the multiple artists has hurt it - I'm not sure why Pags was chosen as the regular artist, given that he's done, what, three out of seven issues (counting the two part-issues as adding up to a whole issue). That's a worse strike rate than Ryan Sook managed on X-Factor - and HE realised "I can't do this" and stepped down after #4 (one whole issue, two part-issues). And Pags is a guy who they knew well enough in advance couldn't do all of Planet Hulk to the point that that they hired another guy to do half the issues in a more controlled way (4/4/2/2/2, rather than the bizarre 1/(˝/˝)/(˝/˝)/1/1/1/(˝/˝) we've had here.

Also not sure about "They're not cousins, really. Honest." Royal families were inbred as all hell - if you want to go there, then GO THERE. Don't apologetically aim for half a loaf.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The Dark Reign stuff puts the series in a bit of a conundrum really. On the one hand, its crossing into territory that could really help is sales wise (while its still in its earliest issues), so if it helps the comic gain new readers, then I don't mind it. But on the other hand, it does seem to be slowing the pace down a little bit as we hope to get past it "to the good stuff".

I'm sure I could easily find sales charts but those of you who know me probably just laughed when you read that I wrote that. I'm too lazy. I wonder how AoA is selling? Hopefully this Dark Reign stuff is helping.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Caught up with #7 and #8, which I felt were a stronger showing than previous issues and hopefully will focus the book on a solid direction going forward.

The wrap-up to the Namor story was great and the artwork was outstanding. The temporary conclusion to the Namor / Namora romance wasn't entirely surprising but at least seems different than what we've seen in the past in those situations. It was fun to see the Agents goofing around with each other, including Namora intending to have Jimmy walk her down the isle.

The following issue with the Hulk had a plot that was relatively "meh", but the subplots going forward were interesting. First, Jimmy's uncovering of the previous schism in Atlas is interesting, as is the (re)introduction of Jade Claw. The further inclusion of Temugin and Khanata are also a plus.

And the bath scene--that sure was a sit up and take notice type scene!
Posted by Reboot on :
Okay, this is officially cancelled with #11...

...but then there's the already-solicited X-Men/Agents of Atlas two-shot...

...and then they'll be appearing in backups in Incredible Herc during the "Assault on New Olympus" arc...

...and THEN the series will be relaunched from #1.

Not too complicated [Smile]
Posted by Raging Bull on :
Huh? What's with this title? They're making it awfully hard to be a regular reader, what with the accelerated publishing of the first couple of issues, followed in swift order by a cancellation, two-issue mini, stories in other titles, and then a relaunch.

Why not just publish the X-Men crossover as two issues of the current series, rather than as a separate two-shot?

And I'm really not that interested in picking up Hercules just to follow the adventures of the AoA. This is annoying.
Posted by LardLad on :
Originally posted by Raging Bull:
And I'm really not that interested in picking up Hercules just to follow the adventures of the AoA. This is annoying.

Well...if it helps, Hercules is one of Marvel's very, VERY best titles! [Yes]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by Raging Bull on :
I picked up a copy of Hercules today, largely on the recommendation of Lardy and Cobie. If it fails to fully please me in any way, I'm holding both of you personally responsible! [Every-Ten-Years Monster]
Posted by LardLad on :
I don't know exactly why, but #8 with the Hulk really worked for me. Like New Mutants 3, it was mostly a big brawl, but it just clicked like no issue before it had. Maybe it was the sing along to the Brady Bunch theme recap page or that the story began with most of the characters in a huge hot tub?

Oh well, at least if this is the start of the title clicking on all cylinders, that means I'll get plenty of bang out of my buck when it moves over to Hercules.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Agents of Atlas relaunches with a new #1 as 'Atlas' this month after a few minis & back-up features and I'm glad to see it. I've enjoyed all of the AoA's appearances throughout this whole transition phase and really hope the title can get an audience and continue.

It's a very unique series in terms of the larger comic book industry (and Marvel in particular) and writer Jeff Parker really delivers every month IMO.

The inclusion of 3-D Man (formerly Triathlon) is not something I wasn't exactly clamoring for, but Parker has a talent for getting me to enjoy characters I previously never cared for. He already is getting me to like Delroy with #1.

Of course, I'm much more interested in the Agents who don't get shown too much in #1. I can see why from a story-telling POV but hope that isn't a mistake. The awesomeness of M-11 alone should be enough to convince anyone with an ounce of intelligence and dignity to become a lifelong customer for this title.

Gabriel Hardman provides the art and I'm really enjoying it. The depictions of San Francisco and nightlife in Los Angeles evoke a very noir-ish feel to me. I also love the way he draws all the individual Agents, particularly Venus & Gorilla Man. I've been a fan since I first saw his art and am glad he's still doing AoA.

Not sure if the back-up was necessary. Zombies might draw some other folks in but I'd rather just get more pages with the main story.

To sum up: everyone should be buying this. This is the kind of comic book DC and Marvel should be dong more of.

[ June 08, 2010, 08:11 AM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I liked the first issue and 3-D man's appearance *was* something that I was clamoring for! (although I was really hoping for the original) I'm glad that "Triathlon" has ditched the horrible outfits and has something similar to the original design (the best of the lot!) I had a bad feeling one or both of the original 3-D Man were going to bite it in this story and it's too bad Parker went that way.

The previous minis were ok, but weren't much more than the standard team-up books. So I'm really glad to see this team back in their own book where we can really delve into Atlas and the long term operations of the team and the dynamic between the characters.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Jeff Parker talks about the cancellation of Atlas here
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
As someone who has loved everything Atlas for some time, I picked up Gorilla Man #1 naturally a few weeks ago and just got around to reading it. Ken Hale is naturally a character we all love because he’s just so damn likeable—kind of like the lovable version of the Thing but as a gorilla. This miniseries seems to further that notion, as there is just something really awesome about seeing panel after panel of Gorilla Man.

Jeff Parker also does a good job at presenting Ken Hale’s earliest years. While there are hints of the tragedy of growing up an orphan in the Great Depression, Parker doesn’t hammer us over the head with it; rather, he presents the idea of going around the world and the sense of adventure it must have been to have done that at an early pre-teenage age.

I thought the art by Giancarlo Caracuzzo was good, a kind of cross between Lee Weeks and Gabriel Ba. I really would have loved if the issue had been drawn by Dave Johnson, who did the cover, as that is one damn fine cover.

It’s pretty sad that Atlas is coming to an end. I came into it a little late, after the first miniseries, and was just blown away by how damn cool it was. For a few years now, even though Marvel has continued to focus on their iconic stars that have been in publication since the Silver Age, they have been able to have some great corners of lesser known, very cool properties, like Hercules, Atlas, the new Scorpion, the Sentry, Nova & GotG and other properties. Now, though it feels like only Atlas and Hercules were left among those properties and now Atlas is ending (I hope the same doesn’t happen with Hercules). I hope as Jeff Parker’s star continues to rise (and there is no doubt it will, the man is immensely talented), he’ll use the Agents of Atlas in various other comics, such as Hulk and Thunderbolts.
Posted by Reboot on :
So, it's over, finished. And, when you add it all up, it actually had quite a run:

Plus solo stories:

And the non-MU Giant-Size Marvel Adventures Avengers #1. (I won't mention all the times Jeff Parker worked them into something else he was writing. It would take too long [Wink] ).

As for the end itself, Atlas #5... it felt rushed. When a comic book breaks into prose for two whole pages in mid-story, it feels very weird indeed.

*is seriously thinking about doing a reread of all the comics listed above when he gets a chance*

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Now, though it feels like only Atlas and Hercules were left among those properties and now Atlas is ending (I hope the same doesn'’t happen with Hercules).

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