This is topic DC Heroes that have yet to appear in IC or related titles/minis in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Here is a thread to name them, or at least ones you think, and other people can tell you you're wrong and point you towards their appearances.

Think of it as a guide to obscure one-panel shots or a game type thing if you will. 52 counts (so say if you've heard that 'so and so' is appearing). 7 Soldiers will also count (just for the hell of it).

Geo-Force (Now I'm suddenly not sure if he did appear in a specific panel)

Agent Liberty

Gang Buster

Challengers of the Unknown
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Might be a bit tricky including 52 since it is only supposed to be about the 'b-grade' characters. IIRC none of the big timers are supposed to play a major role and while 52 is ongoing none of the characters used in it are to appear in the mainstream titles.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
How about then if they haven't appeared yet, then someone can just add 'I heard they're going to be in 52'?

Or I guess once we have a long list we can compare it to 52 appearances and cross them off, and then at the end of 52 see which DC characters have recieved absolutely no love!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Especially if they don't even get a mention in the DCU History backup. I wonder if they don't get a mention if that means they are off the plate for good?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Anyway, here's my first one.

Ambush Bug (plenty of joking about it but I don't know that he'll actually make an appearance)
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Both good - I think they'll both appear in 52, but like we said, we'll wait for that.

Jack Knight (former Starman)

I do think some people are being eliminated per the DCU history. For one, I know Linda/Supergirl is, and there are some others that might...
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I think they've mentioned that Jack Knight will make an appearance at some point during the 52 series.

Has plastic man shown up? I know he was off in his own series which wasnt really DCU.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
No, no Plastic Man yet as far as I can tell! Good one too, I actually didn't even notice that.

Of course:

Enlonganated Man - (who will star in 52)

The Atom (Ray Palmer) - (who Dan Didio has said we will not see anytime soon...'he's gone')
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Didn't Plas appear in the Titans Annual which has to be considered an IC/OYL tie-in?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Actually yeah! Nice call Scooter! First one knocked off the list!
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Has Brainwave appeared anywhere recently? Of course, given what's happened to Hector, Lyta and Jade lately, he may want to stay in hiding.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Brother Power the geek


Sugar & Spike
Posted by Calybos on :
The Inferior Five!
Posted by Brainiac 5 on :
Posted by TimeTrapR on :

( which confuses me since Indigo was sent back in time to kill Donna Troy so she couldnt interfere with the Crisis.)
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
How about *any* member of Power Company?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Witchfire showed up in the Shadowpact scenes in IC #6 I believe. She was a Power Company employee.
Posted by Star Boy on :
Alpha Centurion
Posted by Stratum on :

Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
While we caught a glimpse of the Western heroes and the post-Zero Hour Legion in IC #6, characters from other time periods have been noticeably absent from this crisis as compared to the last one. So no Anthro or Kamandi/Tommy Tomorrow, for example.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Thunder and Lightning from Titans. Gan and Tavis Williams.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
and Lieutenants Marvels!
Posted by doublechinner on :
Dare I say it -- I do!


Actually, I don't really know if he's appeared or not, but it seems unlikely, and I know how devoted many Legion Worlders are to the Amazing Apiarist.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Vibe! [Razz]

Have any of the JL Elite appeared? Or the current Doom Patrol (Robotman, Elasti-girl, the Chief, Faith, Nudge etc.)?
Posted by Stratum on :
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
Vibe! [Razz]

Have any of the JL Elite appeared? Or the current Doom Patrol (Robotman, Elasti-girl, the Chief, Faith, Nudge etc.)?

Yes, they have appeared in the Titan's fight with Superboy Prime.

Posted by Cosmic Boy on :
Hoppy the Marvel Bunny!

But on a serious note:
*Brother Blood
*Jesse Quick
*Ray I
Posted by Rockhopper Lad on :
Originally posted by Cosmic Boy:
Hoppy the Marvel Bunny!

But on a serious note:
*Brother Blood
*Jesse Quick
*Ray I

Jesse Quick (or Jesse Chambers, anyway) appeared in JSA (or it might have been IC, my brain's a little fuzzy right now) a few months back when her mother, Liberty Belle, was trying to use the Liberty Bell to restart her powers (or something like that).

The Ray was Earth-X's representative on Alex Luthor's Tuning Fork thingie in IC.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
One thing that I would like to have seen is a re-union between Lady Quark and her family.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Begging my pardon, but wasn't her family killed in the first Crisis? I thought she and Pariah were suppose to be the last survivors of their worlds.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Yeah, but with the multiple Earths being brought back, and her being transported back to her world in IC #6, the potential was there.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Have any members of "Primal Force" popped up? I saw Claw in Birds of Prey some time ago so I think he's around somewhere - any others?
Posted by Stratum on :
Does Dr. Mist show up with the Global Guardians? If not the only other PF member that I can remember is Reddy.

All I can say is, wait till you see who pops up in the 'Battle for Bludhaven'....

Posted by rouge on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
How about *any* member of Power Company?

Weren't they all killed off in Busiek's "syndicate Rules" arc of JLA?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Since we're also knocking people off the list, we won't include anyone that's dead. So, for example, Vibe and the Red Bee wouldn't count.

I think Cosmic Boy was saying The Ray I (Happy Terrill). Is he still alive? Wayne, do you know off-hand? I could have sworn he died near the end of the Priest series of the 90's.

Jesse Quick is around. I thought I saw Thunder and Lightning in the background of the Superboy Prime battle--but I could very well be wrong. Anyone have that handy near them?

I thought all the Power Company was still alive except Manhunter who died in the current Manhunter series. I have no idea about the JLA Elite, since that was one of the few series I never bought.

Brainiac has been notably absent since the Crisis started although his presence was felt in Robin recently.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Stratum:
Does Dr. Mist show up with the Global Guardians? If not the only other PF member that I can remember is Reddy.

All I can say is, wait till you see who pops up in the 'Battle for Bludhaven'....


I can barely remember Primal Force, but I think Golem had died by the end. Red Tornado has been around.

Jack O'Lantern and Dr. Mist have not been seen, and I can't remember what the woman's name was. Willpower had joined PF midway through the series and has not been seen since in comics at all. Claw is about to have his own series under the Wildstorm imprint, so I don't know if he's really DCU Proper anymore.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Has not appeared in Infinite Crisis, related titles and minis or 7 Soldiers
Geo Force
Agent Liberty
Challengers of the Unknown
Ambush Bug (will appear in 52)
Lobo (will appear in 52)
Jack Knight/former Starman (will appear in 52)
The Atom (Ray Palmer) - no longer 'around'.
Brother Power the Geek
Alpha Centurian
Dr. Mist
Jack O'Lantern
various members of the Power Company - will need someone to tell me their names
various members of the JLA Elite - will need someone to tell me their names
The Ray I (Happy Terrill)

Has not appeared but may not/does not exist in DCU
Sugar and Spike
The Inferior Five
The Lieutenants Marvels

Has not appeared, lives in another time
Tommy Tomorrow
Space Ranger

Everyone feel free to correct me or add to the list! I'm two weeks behind in my comic reading...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
How about Cain, Abel, Mordred, Mildred, and Cynthia? From the House of Mystery, the House of Secrets and the Witching Hour? They used the House of Secrets in the Villains United so that means its caretaker, Abel, has to still be around somewhere.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
various members of the Power Company - will need someone to tell me their names.

Striker Z
Josiah Powers

Witchfire made an appearance in the last Infinite Crisis and Manhunter is dead.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Cave Carson
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Have any versions of the Dial H for Hero concept appeared?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
No, not yet.

Rip Hunter, Time Master has also yet to appear.

BTW, Cave Carson counts, but I thought I'd make mention that he was in JSA not too long ago for any Cave fans.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
So in the latest covers to 52 we see that Animal Man, Starfire and Adam Strange seem to end up somewhere in space at the end of IC.

Also we see Black Adam has a new friend. Will Isis be the same as from the old 70s TV show? Talk about obscure DC properties. [Smile]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
G'Nort on the cover of Jim Lee's IC #7!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
We can take the following off the list!:

Geo Force
Agent Liberty
Skyrocket (of the Power Company)
Posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire on :
Primal Force
Red Tornado
Jack O'Lantern III
Black Condor II
Posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire on :
How About
The Alliance
The Blood Pack
Bronze Tiger
Brother Power
Captain Triumph
Snapper Carr
The Conglomerate
The Creeper
Crimson Fox
Doctor Occult
El Muerto
Fallen Angel
Folded Man
Forever People
Global Guardians
Immortal Man
Natasha Irons
Knight and Squire
Loose Cannon
Mister E
New Guardians
Night Force
Odd Man
The Ravers
Relative Heroes
Resurrection Man
Rose and Thorn
Rusty Ryan
Shade the Changing Man
Son of Vulcan
Supermen of America
Tasmanian Devil
Team Titans
Jonni Thunder
Traci 13
The Wierd
Wild Dog
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
All good suggestions LWL! Since we're constantly trying to eliminate people off the list, I'll confirm we can eliminate the following:

Argus - Villains United special
Atlas - doesn't exist in the main DCU?
Azrael - deceased
Captain Triumph - deceased
Snapper Carr
Celsius - deceased
Cinnamon - appears in Villains United Special
Comet - not a DCU character
The Creeper - appears in Villains United Special
Crimson Fox - all versions deceased
Doctor Occult - appears in Day of Vegeance Special
El Muerto - I could swear this was confirmed in IC #6
Fallen Angel - does not exist in DCU
Forager - deceased
Gog - not a hero
Gunfire - appears in Villains United Special
Halo - appears in Villains United Special
Natasha Irons - appears in Villains United Special
Jemm - in background of Infinite Crisis #3 - 6
Lionheart - appears in Villains United Special
Looker - appears in Villains United special
Loose Cannon - in Titans annual and Villains United Special
Mento - deceased
Odd Man - in Villains United Special
Onyx - deceased
Orpheus - deceased
Peacemaker - deceased
The Ravers - pretty sure all are deceased or powerless now except Sparxx, who appears in VU special and Aura who has not appeared
Supermen of America - all murdered in Omac Project mini
Tasmanian Devil in background of IC #6
Team Titans - all deceased/don't exist except Terra & Mirage (who appear in IC #4)
Terra - see above
Vext - not confirmed as existing in DCU
The Wierd - isn't he deceased?
Zauriel - in IC #5

Thanks for the additions though Lone Wolf! There's a bunch more added now...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire:
Primal Force
Red Tornado
Jack O'Lantern III
Black Condor II

I forgot Black Condor had joined Primal Force.

So, so far we have appearances by Red Tornado and Black Condor. Golem is deceased (at least not yet confrimed to be reborn) and Claw is a psuedo-Wildstorm property right now. So that leaves Merdian, Jack O'Lantern, Willpower and Nightmaster (unless this is the same Nightmaster as the one in Shadowpact). And Dr. Myst, I believe.
Posted by Stratum on :

Wasn't there a female Forager that took on the mantle after the original died?

Also, El Muerto was in the DoV one shot and maybe at Stonehenge. I'd have to double check that one.

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Jamie, I think you're right on El Muetro.

I can't for the life of me remember a female Forager. Do you remember where that may have happened? I know Forager I died in Cosmic Odyssey, and a second Forager did not appear in the Simonson & Byrne runs on the Fourth World stuff. Can't really remember when Evanier's or any other Fourth World stuff came out, only that it was not very good.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Also, in a show of massive comic dorkiness I admit that at one time I could name all the Bloodlines heroes. However, I (thankfully) can no longer do so (although I could probably name most if I saw them in costume).

We can confirm the following as being IN IC stuff so far:
Loose Cannon [Superman book]
RazrSharp [Robin]
Geist [Batman book]
Sparxx (who went on to join the Ravers) [Superman book]
Gunfire [no idea]
Lionheart [JLE]
Anima - possibly. This is hard to confirm.(Stonehedge scene?) [Titans I believe]

Also, the following are not available:
Hitman - dead [from the Demon]
Jamm - erased from continuity (alright, I'm hoping, but still...) [from the Legion]

Bloodlines heroes not appearing yet that I remember
Prism [from Eclipso]
Joe Public [Batman book]
Mongrel [Hawkman]

Now we're getting really obscure! I fully expect Doomsday to kill most of these that appear though... [Big Grin]
Posted by Stratum on :

Here's an image of Forager II. I remember her showing up in Maggedon, I think.

Forager II

And like you, I have most of the Bloodlines stuff too.....this is the first time I've ever admitted to it, tho'.


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