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Posted by RED-001 on :
Today's Question #2-Who should be the love of the Ultimate Spider-Man?

Here's a list:

Kitty Pryde(current love)
Mary Jane(past love)
Gwen Stacy(R.I.P.)
Black Cat(see below)

As for Black Cat when she learned that Spidey was just a kid,she pretty much lost her lunch!
Make one wonder what she was think at the time!

We should rule her out and Gwen since her death at the hands of,Ultimate Carnage or was it Venom?

Is that correct spelling of Gwen's last name?

[ March 27, 2012, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: RED-001 ]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
How did Ultimate Gwen Stacy die?
Posted by Caliente on :
Ultimate Carnage killed her. It was... not cool. I've not forgiven Bendis yet. It was totally pointless and made me sad.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I agree with Cali--pointless and sad.

Still, USM is way better than any other current Spider-title.

Tell you the truth (and I'm shocked), I love Peter with Kitty in the Ultimate U. It just seems so cool. And its my favorite MU heroine with my favorite MU hero.

Longtime LWers will have heard me lament about my love of Gwen Stacy (the 616 MU version) despite my actually being born almost a decade after her death. She's my favorite love interest of Peter's to read. But I do like Mary Jane ever since that Defalco/Frenz origin issue way back in the #260's.

I like Ultimate MJ and feel she will eventually be with Peter and want that to happen. But he needs experiences with other girls/women at this point, and Kitty is perfect.
Posted by Pov on :
Ultimate Harry Osbourne.

But then they'd have to make it a MAX title. [Roll Eyes] [Big Grin]
Posted by minesurfer on :
I like Cobie's train of thought here. Mary Jane is an extremely likeable and sympathetic character in USM. I'd love to see those two hook up long term... but not right now.

I really liked the relationship with Gwen too, until she died. That was the one thing about the series I haven't liked.

Since I only collect the trades (and don't go for spoilers either), I just recently stumbled across the Black Cat rejection. I still smile over that one.

I don't know much about the Kitty thing (if I've read it, I've already forgotten about it, but I have a feeling she's happening in recent books and the trades haven't caught up yet), but it sounds intriguing.

I just think that ending up with Mary Jane right now would stagnate the book's drama. Quite frankly I'd like to see MJ move on at this point.

Maybe they could write a Gwen-clone into the story? On second thought... I'd like to see the writer do some work and just come up something/someone new and make me care about her and hooking up with Peter.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by minesurfer:
Maybe they could write a Gwen-clone into the story? On second thought... I'd like to see the writer do some work and just come up something/someone new and make me care about her and hooking up with Peter.

Wasn't a Gwen-clone already thought of, years back?
Posted by minesurfer on :
I don't remember the mention of any clones in the Ultimate Spider-man series.

I just said the Gwenn/clone thing as a tongue in cheek reference to the old Spider-man Clone Saga that was not so well received by the public. As far as Gwen being a clone in the original Marvel Universe... I have no knowledge of that. But the only Spider-man book I follow is Ultimate.

Maybe Cobie can answer that one with more authority than I can...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
You're right Minesurfer in that there are no Gwen clones in the Ultimate MU.

As for the original universe:

- Original Gwen Clone circa Spidey #144-151, which I reviewed here.

- Return and revealed to be product of High Evolutionary/Carrion plague thing which is too complicated to be explained right now (jeepers--that's a whole lot of 'splainin for a simple throwaway question!) - circa Spectaculur Spidey late 1980's.

- Clone Saga in Mid 90's reveals she was really a clone and still alive. Still around to this day in fact IIRC. If that's true, we probably won't see her for some time (even if she did die, I distincly remember there was an opening for her return--no writer outside of Conway, it seems, could ever actually kill her).

I actually like the Gwen clone [Smile] . That reminds me--I need to get back to posting my reviews in that thread! After all, I consider myself the greatest Spider-Man fan in all of history, even more than Stan Lee himself! I post those reviews completely from memory, so the 1980's, which are not as memorable towards the end (really early-mid 1990's) will all that much harder, since I refuse to use any research other than my memory [Big Grin] .

As for Ultimate Spider-Man right now on the stands, it is definately the best choice of all Spider-books that anyone could pick up. No one is missing much right now if they're just getting USM.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
They shoulda killed MJ (or turned her into Venom) and had Gwen as Peter's girl this time around.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
They definately should have kept Gwen around longer.

An MJ as Venom story-arc in USM actually kinda seems like a fun idea...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by RED-001 on :
Anyone read Ultimate Spider-Man #91? Take a look at the cover.

It would seem that Kitty Pryde wore a new costume when she’s with Spider-Man to protect Spidey’s Peter Parker identity when he’s with Kitty Pryde, so they can really date outside of their costumes like normal people. [Smile]

Will we see more of this Ultimate Spider-Girl?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I hope so! I'm loving the Kitty/Peter relationship right now and think this was cool. It'll all probably come to a head and get rough by #100 (considering the drama-centric feel of the series) but I'm enjoying it right now!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
good thing that Kitty Pryde and Peter Parker have not met their 616 counterparts....Kitty Pryde 616 would be flabbergasted to discover that the Ultimates Colossus is like into guys...Imagination runs wild if they all actually met each other - Colossus, Kitty Pryde, Peter Parker both of 616 and Ultimates.
Posted by Mekanix on :
Kitty Pryde and Peter Parker? I appear to be behind the times.

I must admit to being a very big fan of Miss Pryde, as some of you may have guessed by the username thing I chose. I started reading Ultimate X-Men when she joined the team but, after an awful arc involving a triangle between Rogue, Bobby and Kitty, I decided it was time to cut that book loose. My pocketbook didn't need the bleedin' strain.

Mister Parker has never really struck my fancy but, perhaps, I shall take a look at the Ultimate Spider-Man trade when it comes out. You've got me all curious now. I want a chance to pass judgment on the Kitty-as-Spider-Girl thing myself! [Wink]
Posted by Danger Boy on :
wait ultimate colossus is into guys?!?!?!?!?!

ha ha ha ha ha

dreams do come true.
Posted by RED-001 on :
If you've read the Ultimate Clone Saga story arc in Ultimate Spiderman #97,the Ultimate version of Scorpion is really a clone of Pete Parker.

Do you have any reservations of both the Ultimate Scorpion and Clone Saga? [Hmmm?]
Posted by RED-001 on :
The Ultimate Marvel Universe website has a complete synopsis of Ultimate Spiderman #98 and the Ultimate Spider-Woman is listed as a villain and Gewn Stacy turns up(maybe her Ultimate clone?) Who do you think is behind the mask of the Ultimate Spider-Woman?

1.a female clone of Peter Parker
2.a clone of MJ with Spider powers
3.Kitty Pryde in a new uniform

Go to below for more details:
Posted by Nick Vinson on :
I wonder who will take over once Bags leaves with issue 110? I think they'll give it to the guy doing the Annuals. Or perhaps they may go with another big name. I just hope however they get can keep a monthly schedule. Thats been one of the best things about this book. It comes out on time.
Posted by RED-001 on :
Kenneth Clifford "Kong" McFarlane

This is the only original character in the entire Ultimate Universe.He hangs out with Ultimate Flash Thompson and was he the first one to learn that Peter "Puny" Parker is indeed Spider-man but nobody believed him? [Roll Eyes]

What can you say about Kong,does he have any saving graces? [Hmmm?]
Posted by PolarBoy on :
Magician in xmen is a unique ultimate character
Posted by RED-001 on :
What do think of the return of Richard Parker, Peter's supposedly deceased father,in the Ultimate Clone Saga? Have you read issue #100 yet? According to the Wikipedia entry for the Ultimate version of Richard Parker,he bears an uncanny resemblance to the 616 Peter Parker of the 1970s as rendered by John Romita,Jr.(or Sr.?) and the late Gil Kane. [Smile]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
He does somewhat (albeit older of course). Its all in the hair style. Romita pretty much gave Peter a more 'grown-out' hair look (though not long hair), and Kane, who followed him immediately after (late 90's, then early 100's) did the same. It basically continued on that way all the way to Romita's son in the 230's!

I'm actually really enjoying the current arc of USM! Lots of twists and things going on, and the action never stops. I do have two complaints: (1) Aunt May totally flipping out and being not at all understanding (c'mon, this is Aunt May for Pete's sake!), and (2) we lose the Gwen clone pretty quickly (I was hoping she'd stick around).

I'm worried about how this series will do without Bagley. He has definately defined himself as a Spidey artist in a way that only a handful have ever done. I'd compare him to Ditko, Romita Sr., Romita Jr. and McFarlane.

Though this series often has problems where it seems like its meandering or a little corny, it remains the only reliable Spider-Man comic that delivers a good, fun super-hero series with likeable characters.
Posted by RED-001 on :
Cobalt,the Gwen clone is really Carnage!!! (sad now,eh? [Frown] )

Also look for Ultimate versions of Tarantula,and a twisted Peter Parker clone and quite possibly an Ultimate version of Kaine(anyone remember him?)

[ October 14, 2006, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: RED-001 ]
Posted by Star Boy on :
Originally posted by PolarBoy:
Magician in xmen is a unique ultimate character

There's also *snicker* Geldof. [Wink]
Posted by minesurfer on :
Hey.... how about a little spoiler warning for those of us that wait for the tpbs? Please.
Posted by RED-001 on :
Here's an image of the Ultimate Clone Saga players.Go to the link below. [Smile]
Posted by RED-001 on :
Ultimate Spider-Man #102 goes on sale Nov.22
Anyone anxious to learn the identity of the Ultimate Spiderwoman? [Smile] [Smile] [Wink]

[ November 21, 2006, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: RED-001 ]
Posted by Reboot on :
I glanced at this out of sheer morbid curiousity. Apparently, the Ben Reilly role (Hero Clone with Peter's memories) is being played by Ultimate Jessica Drew. And she explicitly remembers being a guy.

This is weird.
Posted by RED-001 on :
Here's some questions in regards to the Ultimate Clone Saga and it's aftermath... [Smile]

1.What is Doc Ock's role in giving the twisted Peter (Ultimate Kaine?)clone a supply of OZ and his own role in the Clone Saga?

2.Should Ultimate Spider-Woman eventually adopted a costume similar in design to the 616 Jessica Drew?

3.What's your opinion of Cassandra Webb and is she a possible Ultimate Madame Webb?

4.Anyone both surprised and amazed that the CIA is setting up their own Super Solider program?

5.Should Ultimate Spidey and MJ get back together?
Posted by RED-001 on :
The twisted Peter clone(we'll refer to him as Ultimate Kaine)had kidnapped MJ and took her to the abandoned Oscorp Labs and was determined to give her powers of her own so she won't be in danger.

When MJ asked what he did,Ultimate Kaine informed her that he has injected her with an unquantified amount of OZ, the drug responsible for the creation of the Ultimate Green Goblin and Hobgoblin.
MJ got so upset that she changed into a huge horned red goblin-type werewolf creature,(Refered to by Bendis as Ultimate Demogoblin).

Here's a link to the image via Wikipedia:

Anyone remember Demogoblin?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I do. I actually kinda liked Demogoblin in that he became the one interesting aspect of the Hobgoblin legacy once Jason Macendale took over as Hobgoblin II. He was striking visually and made some of the Spidey stories of the 90's more appealing. He also had a good death.

Its funny, but despite my agreement that many things of the 90's were very annoying, I had a soft for Demogoblin and the Spidey Doppleganger, which kind of represent the Marvel era of Infinity War/Maximum Carnage/etc.
Posted by RED-001 on :
I've saw the spoilers for USM #103 on Wikipedia and all I'm gonna tell you is that Sue Storm(Invisible Woman)has her suspicions of Richard Parker!!! [Wink]
Posted by RED-001 on :
Has anybody read USM #104? It turns out that "Richard Parker" is really an aged clone of Peter and ages to death!
Reed Richards managed to cure MJ of the OZ drug that the twisted Peter clone injected into her and then Spider-Woman took off into the night,will we ever see her again?

How many here are surprised that the Gwen Stacy clone was really Carnage?
Posted by RED-001 on :
In USM #105,the aftermath of the Ultimate Clone Saga,Peter and MJ are back together! [Smile] [Smile]
However Shadowcat is upset at this turn of events.

There are now plans for a story arc involving an Ultimate version of Marvel Knights featuring Daredevil! Looking forward to that?!?
Posted by RED-001 on :
The Ultimate Knights story arc is already underway and I need your reaction(s)to the following:

Kitty Pryde leaving the Xavier Institute following the death of Professor X, moving back in with her mother in Queens and enrolling in Midtown High to be near Peter?

The Ultimate version of Jessica Jones,a senior at Midtown High who grills Kitty on her relationship with Spiderman?

The appearance of Ultimate Ronin?

Ultimate Kingpin owing the merchandising rights to Spidey?

MJ still feeling the effects of the OZ drug?

Ultimate Iron Fist betraying the others to Kingpin?
Posted by RED-001 on :
What do you think of these Ultimate versions of the two so far?

Jessica Jones is a senior at Midtown High and producer for the Student News Network.She has yet to display any powers similar to her 616 counterpart and so maybe there'd be an Ultimate Knightress or Ultimate Jewel somewhere down the road?

It seems that Ultimate Ronin has a connection to the Ultimate Moon Knight-who was the product of a failed Super Solider experiment and he has a a form of dissociative identity disorder and maybe Ronin could be one of those personalities?

[ April 28, 2007, 08:54 AM: Message edited by: RED-001 ]
Posted by RED-001 on :
In the Firestar article on Wikipedia,Bendis states that he had spent 120 issues working toward this and making it an 'organic' event and not something "I pulled out of my ass". The story is reported to be appearing after the current "Death of a Goblin" arc.

For more info go to:

She's appeared in the ongoing Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane in a costume similar to her TV incarnation.

So what are the odds that Ultimate Iceman teams up with Ultimate Spidey and Ultimate Firestar to form the Ultimate Spider Friends?
Posted by RED-001 on :
Peter Parker and Aunt May have a little talk

In USM #111,Peter and Aunt May have a talk about him being Spider-Man.This issue will be historic for two reasons:

1.The introduction of the Ultimate Spot who has better control of his powers as opposed to his 616 counterpart.

2.This issue will be a "passing of the torch" from Mark Bagley to Stuart Immonen.Hope and pray!

Will Aunt May accept the fact of her nephew's double life? Will Spider-Man still join the Ultimates even after their split from SHIELD?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Anyone wondering if they should pick this up should know the latest story with Firestar and Iceman (with an Ultimate twist) is in my opinion, the best story in this title in quite awhile (and it hasn't exactly been bad).

I really liked the dynamic between Liz, MJ, Peter, Kenny, Kitty, Johnny Storm and Bobby Drake. It just seemed to flow well here, with Pete's cast interacting normally with the Torch, Iceman and Kitty Pryde.

USM is still very entertaining and by far the best the Ultiamte line is offering (I've dropped all the other Ultimate titles at this point). There are some things that will bother people but nothing horrible. Here is a case where Bendis seems to know what he's doing and still has the enthusiasm and craziness to have fun with it. Immonen's art (which is usually a hit with me but can sometimes be a major miss) is awesome here.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, even though I've comletely dropped anything Ultimate-related, I hung onto Ultimate Spider-Man as my one exception and I'm glad I did. Since the relaunch, its really been a fun comic book, completely unlike anything else any company is doing.

It's really Spider-Man and his Pals, as the Human Torch, Iceman, Kitty Pryde, MJ, Gwen, Kenny and Peter all make up the cast and are kind of like a team. Appearances by Rick Jones & others keep the possibilities for more cast members coming. Dagger (of Cloak & Dagger) is a rarely seen supporting character though she isn't super-powered here (yet).

It's like the best Teen Titans comic going meets the best teenager-based television show. Aunt May shines and so does the rest of the cast.

Having them all (or most anyway) undercover at high school and interacting with other students makes for all kinds of fun, and the interplay between Spidey & his cast and Johnny, Bobby & Kitty just works on so many levels.

I've got to say, USM is one of the most fun comics on the market. I always forget about it and when I read it, I remember why there is no chance I'm dropping it anytime soon. It's also completely unlike anything else Bendis does. It is something I think new readers, Spidey fans, MU fans and younger readers will all like.
Posted by Officer Taylor on :
I had been picking Ultimate Spidey since shortly after the relaunch when I had finally caught up on trades from the old series. I'd been behind since before the Deadpool arc and got every trade I needed over the course of last summer. When I recently did my Great Marvel Purge I decided to cut Ultimate Spidey along with it, not because it sucked but because each individual issue wasn't satisfying me enough for my $4. I'll likely buy the trades in bunches in the future.

While it's still a fun comic, it's getting a little too crowded. I almost feel like their should be a Spidey/Amazing Friends title and a separate Spidey book. Pete always works best as a loner at least more often than not. Plus, I miss the mythology that the Ultimate Spidey book had about it especially using the Osborne confrontations as tentpoles and other stories such as its version of the Clone Saga. There was plenty of good stuff in between, but it was those stories that always seemed to be around the corner that kept me reading. I feel like Bendis may be trying to work the Ultimate Mysterio for this purpose, but I haven't really been feeling it like the other stuff to this point.

In any case I'm not done with Ultimate Spidey and anticipate catching up with trades as I go along.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yeah, even though I get it in the monthly, a part of me thinks this title is probably better in the trades (just speculation though, as I have no intention of switching). The $3.99 price is killer and indefensible.

You're mentioning of the tentpoles in the first mega-run is something I liked and totally agree with. It actually totally mirrors my feelings towards the original ASM run in the 70's in the eras I've been discussing with Prof on the main Spider-Man thread, and I know you haven't read a lot of that era. In the post Stan years, pre-Roger years, Spider-Man has some very specific tentpoles that distinguish the spirit/feel of the series, with subplots leading up to each one, characters being majorly affected by them, and then the next one subsequently growing out of the prior one. They are: Green Goblin/Death of Gwen, Harry as Green Goblin II, the Jackal/Clone Saga, Green Goblin III & final say on Harry (temporarily at least), The Carrion Saga in PPTSS, and then the Mysterio/Death of Aunt May/Burgler/#200 storyline. All of these are favorites of mine and are milestones the other issues flow in and out of. And USM really nailed that type of feel too, as you mention; when those arcs were around the corner you could feel the tension building and it was great.

Glad you'll still be reading in trades Lardy, as you'll probably save a ton of $$.

(And just to comment on the Ultimate Clone Saga, did it not restore a sense of fun to the word 'clone' comics again? Totally off the wall and crazy and I loved it.)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Ever realize how many superhero stories you've read where a villain takes over a hero's identity and causes all kinds of havoc on their personal life? The current Chameleon story in Ultimate Spider-Man so far is ranking among the best EVER.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Ultimate Spider-Man has gone back to it’s original numbering with #150, making the relaunch kind of pointless, but at least Marvel is honest about it—every interview I ever read with Joe Q had him pretty forthcoming about using any numbering event possible to draw in new sales. #151 kicks off the new direction (which I guess will then go in a new new direction for the ‘Death of Spider-Man’).

What I liked about #151 was the limited focus on Spider-Man and the maximal focus on the supporting cast and Peter Parker, which Bendis does so very well in this series. I’m loving the current set-up with the Torch and Iceman living with Aunt May & going to school with Pete and it just gets more and more fun as more cast members are introduced. I was very glad to see Gwen return to the house too, as she is essential to this series, which needs more females (and I wish Kitty would show back up!). I’m just loving the teenage drama that runs rampant through this title. Bendis very clearly throws away reason when the characters make quick decisions, which is what he should do when writing teens.

I still love this title and I’m actually curious what the oncoming Death of Spider-Man will mean. Is it a real death of Peter, with his clone (Spider-Woman) taking over? That sounds terrible on paper, but maybe the actual delivery of it will be good. For the Ultimate Universe, I’d certainly be willing to give it a try.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I read Ultimate Spider-man #160 a couple of days ago. I don't think it's too spoilerish to reveal that this final issue featured the death of the Ultimate version of Spider-man. If you intend to read it and don't want the details spoiled, please don't read any further.

I've always enjoyed this Bendis-written book and its refreshing take on a Peter Parker who is a high school student for the entirety of the book's run (as opposed to original Peter being in college by around issue 30 approximately in Amazing). I bought Ultimate Spidey well into the 40s before deciding to switch over to picking it up with trades thereafter. Bendis's style of arc-writing just makes for less satisfying monthlies. Despite all this, I thing USM is the best thing Bendis has ever done.

So I've been behind on USM since the first arc of the post-Ultimatum relaunch. I bought 160 for obvious reasons instead of catching up on trades.
I read some good reviews, so I felt it was a good choice, especially as I've loved the run so much.

Having read the issue, though, I was a little disappointed. If there's anything in Bendis's reimagining and reshaping of the Spidey mythos that I've never been crazy about, it's what he's done with the Green Goblin. Osborn is basically an evil, mutated Behemoth who reminds me more of the Abomination than any other character. I like Osborn with a mania and menace to him balanced out by a cunning which makes him Peter's opposite number.

Issue 160 is basically one big fight scene between Peter and the Goblin with a few in-battle interludes with Aunt May, Gwen, MJ and Johnny Storm. The biggest nuance we get with the Goblin is him frequently screaming, "PARKERRR!!!"

And then it just ends abruptly. Peter manages to take out the Goblin by slamming him with a truck, but Peter succumbs to his injuries from the fight and his proximity to the truck exploding (plus, a bullet wound suffered in previous issues that he took from the Punisher, meant for Captain America). He says something sweet to May about having succeeded in saving her when he hadn't been able to save Uncle Ben before. Then, he dies.

I dunno. It was touching in some moments, but just seemed a little underwhelming. For one thing, we've seen Peter Parker survive so much thoughout the decades that it's hard to accept that what we were shown killed him. It just seems he's survived worse. Maybe reading all the parts of the story would change my mind with its entire context, but I'm not so sure. Bendis does squeeze in nice moments like a fight interlude kiss with MJ, though. But the issue taken alone doesn't really feel like a great final chapter to this version of Ultimate Spidey. It's a tragic end (assuming no resurrection, of course), but it just felt kind of empty.

USM is a book that's not been without its dark moments, but it's one I always think of as being overall fun and lighthearted. I guess it feels wrong that Ultimate Spidey's story should end like this and with a disappointing antagonist as the Ultimate Goblin has been. Oh, well.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
So all this has paved the way for a new Ultimate Spidey, who's identity has been revealed thru various media today. I applaud Marvel's decision to give a character representing racial diversity such a prominent flagship role, but:

What will they do if and when the sales drop? Bring back Peter? Cancel the Ultimate line? Will the hispanic-African Spidey be just the footnote that hispanic Spidey 2099 ultimately became? If so, what will all this have accomplished in the end?

I guess we'll just have to wait and se.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Lard Lad:
What will they do if and when the sales drop? Bring back Peter? Cancel the Ultimate line?


They're doing this because, thanks to Jeph Loeb's Ultimatum, the UltU is on the brink. If a relaunch fails again, this time it's done.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
My feelings echo your own Lardy on just about every point regarding #160. Having read the previous issues as they came out, I can add they really didnt enhance the finish. The story felt both drawn out and then rushed.

I'll say that I had decided to cancel USM once and for all. I've enjoyed it throughout but my interest and enthusiasm has increasingly waned over time. Post-Loeb I thought USM did a nice rebound but this latest story felt like another stunt too soon. However, with the latest announcement / spoiler of the multiracial Spidey, I'm a little curious--it may be just the thing to keep me interested. If it happened to "real Spidey" I'd be pissed, but I've always seen the UU as not the "true" MU where things can go way off the radar; I'm shallow like that as a reader.

But I'm pretty skeptical this will succeed. I wonder if I'll be in the minority where this change may be the only thing keeping me around? Regardless, it's obviously a Hail Mary ploy for the Ultimate U I think. (As is bringing on my two favorites Hickman and Spencer for the other titles).

Ps - Ultimate Goblin was the worst part of the whole USM run. [Yes]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Ps - Ultimate Goblin was the worst part of the whole USM run. [Yes]

Agreed. There were times when he worked, but only because other elements were in play. Namely, these were the Ultimate Six and "Death of a Goblin" arcs. The one worked because of the circumstance of a Ultimate Sinister Six and how it was different in that universe's context and how it clashed with the Ultimates. The latter worked because of Harry and the whole tragedy of the situation.

But the Goblin as an interesting character and opposite of Peter Parker? FAIL!
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Thing is, this actually got my attention and may get me to at least give the first arc a try. Just to see what it's like.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Do you mean the first arc ever of Ultimate Spidey, Dev? If so, I highly recommend doing so! Despite any reservations I've expressed here about the ending, I would whole-heartedly recommend USM as a whole to anyone who likes good Spidey stories! There are some lulls here and there, but it was a highly enjoyable book, for sure.

I'd say it was especially good during Bagley's long, uninterrupted run (well over a hundred issues) as artist, and Stuart Immonen also did a great job after Bagley left. After Ultimatum, unfortunately, the art was a bit of a revolving door. Bagley returning for the death was much appreciated, though.

Definitely give that first trade a try, and see what ya think, Dev! [Yes]
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Oh, I've read a lot of the Ult. Spider-Man run, through the collection that I sold for quite a haul (including 400+ for the white alt cover of #1), and through the library.

I was talking about the new Spidey they are starting.It interests me to see what he does with it.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Oh, okay. The new book's a hard "pass" for me as far as individual issues, but I'm open to picking up the trade down the line if I hear it's good. (I still intend to complete the Ultimate Spidey/Peter Parker trades as well)
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I remember looking through some of the trades of Ultimate Spider Man in Barnes and Noble years ago. The only one I definitely remember is looking through the one where Gwen Stacey is killed by Ultimate Carnage.

Heh. Ultimate Carnage. Word play.
Posted by Dev - Em on :
Lardy, I plan to eventually get all the trades as well...sooner or later I'll have money to spend.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid:
I remember looking through some of the trades of Ultimate Spider Man in Barnes and Noble years ago. The only one I definitely remember is looking through the one where Gwen Stacey is killed by Ultimate Carnage.

Heh. Ultimate Carnage. Word play.

Re: Ultimate Gwen....

Click Here For A SpoilerShe got better! [Yes]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Dev - Em:
Lardy, I plan to eventually get all the trades as well...sooner or later I'll have money to spend.

They're kinda low on my trade priorities right now, but I'll get them, my pretties! [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Following the death of Ultimate Peter Parker, Marvel released the 6-part Ultimate Fallout which deals with various characters grieving over it. Or at least that's the implied premise--the real point of it is to gear up for the re-relaunch of the UU to come with the introduction of the new U-Spidey, new U-Xmen and new Ultimates. Each issue had 2-3 stories each.

The new writers in the UU are 2 of my favorites, Jonathan Hickman and Nick Spencer (who in my mind are the best of the best these days) so its been exciting to read their set-up. Meanwhile Brian Bendis gives all of Ultimate Peter's cast a send off while briefly introducing Miles Morales. All of this has been really interesting and good so far.

However, one caveat is: did Marvel really need to drag this out for 6 issues in 3 months for $3.99 an issue? No, of course not. This is sneaky comics marketing at it's worst. It should have been a double-sized one shot or something.

So good content, poor delivery. I'm glad it's done but admit it's peaked my curiosity for all 4 new Ultimate titles.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
After checking out Ultimates and Ultimate Hawkeye and coming to the decision I wouldn’t be going forward with those titles, I now focused on the one Ultimate title I never stopped buying, Ultimate Spider-Man. As I said earlier in the thread, I had made the decision to stop collecting it but then held off on that decision when I heard about the introduction of a new Spider-Man in the UU, Miles Morales.

Sidenote: I’ve seen masses of complaints over the death of U-Pete and his replacement by Miles. Most are along the lines of ‘how could you kill a beloved character that is decades old to replace him in order to create diversity?’. My reaction is “um, this isn’t the real Peter Parker. So what the hell are you talking about?” I’m perplexed how people could feel that way; they obviously were not truly collecting USM and are just trying to use this to justify their own beliefs. But clearly, USM was not a beloved, decades old franchise. This is nonsense.

Meanwhile, USM #1 introduces Miles Morales and gets his story started. Some flashbacks at the beginning of the issue tie the story into previous Spider-Man drama by showing how Norman Osborn and Ultimate Deadpool are a factor in Miles’ origin. The first issue feels quite a lot like the very first issue of Ultimate Spider-Man.

But what it comes down to is this: this is the most Brian Bendis-ish story I’ve seen from the writer in quite awhile. It is so Bendis, it hurts. In other words, if you like Bendis, you’ll love this. If you dislike Bendis, you’ll hate this. Clearly, the writer is sticking with a formula of what has worked for him in the past. The pacing, dialogue, build-up, interactions, etc. are all the usual writing tools Bendis applies to his stories, particularly Ultimate Spider-Man.

What does that mean for me? I’m not sure that’s enough. Because I was already willing to drop the Peter Parker version of this series; this one doesn’t feel too much different. I think I’ve just moved on from USM. There is nothing wrong with the series: it’s well-written, well-drawn and introduces a new, interesting character, but its just missing something.

I may stick around for #2 and see if it grabs me. I like Bendis but he isn’t my favorite; but sometimes he can really blow me away with his story-telling and make me glad I buy his stuff.
Posted by RED-001 on :
Before I begin,I need to ask a favor of this board's moderator and founder,Can I start a NEW thread on the new Ultimate Spider-man(Miles Morales)since want to keep things in perspective and differentiate the two?

Now onto my question...
What do think of the arc, Death of Spider-man?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Speaking as one mod of this forum, I'd be reluctant to endores another Ultimate Spidey thread being started. Though I can see the point of doing a new one with the change under the mask and the restart, I feel that LW at large hasn't shown a big enough interest in the Ultimate Universe and Ultimate Spidey to merit another new thread. I mean, we've had six months of inactivity between your post and the previous one, so my inclination is to just keep the one thread.

But I'm only one mod, so their opinions count as well....

As for the "Death" arc, I only bought the final part of that story, but i wasn't terribly impressed by it. Pete's death seemed a little sudden, brutal and unmemorable to me. This is speaking as a guy who has generally loved Bendis's work on this title and who owns around 140 or so issues of that book's run to date.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'd also say keep it one thread.
Posted by RED-001 on :
Sounds like the people have spoken! [Smile]

Alright then,even though he's new to the job,do you think that Miles Morales can live up to Peter's legacy?
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
One thread works. You can edit the title to reflect the new direction and what page to start at if need be.
Posted by RED-001 on :
From this thread onward will be devoted to the second Ultimate Spider-Man Miles Morales.

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