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Posted by Pov on :
Hitler porn? L.A. a retirement community for disenfranchised government agents? Only from Warren Ellis...

'Kay, so I came into this book a little late; I was confusing it with the upcoming rerelease of Alan Moore's HALO Jones work. Luckily, J.H. Williams' artwork caught my eye.

Michael Jones is a former MI6 agent who drank his way out of field service to the crown and was drafted into The Desolation Test. The only candidate to survive, he now lives in L.A., using the skills learned in the British secret service to investigate goings-on in "The Community". He's got an aversion to sunlight, an unhealthy appetite for narcotics and has a penchant for hallucinations/visions.

Ellis does a wonderful job at making his characters come alive. While not likeable, exactly, Jones is a very cool character. Can't wait to find out exactly what was done to him in the Desolation Project... [Eek!] [Shudder] Each issue so far has had a standout support character; Jones' fellow ex-spook Robina in issue 1, Emily Crowe in #2, and issue 3's Nicole the pornstar are all sympathetic, if again, not completely likeable, and evoke our sympathy for Jones through his reaction to/ interaction with them. Good stuff... it earns its "mature" label for more than just the cussing and the (occasional) nudity.

I can't wait for issue 4! [Cool]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Sounds kinda like The Prisoner a little. Maybe I'll look this one up.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
It's been pretty good, really gives you a sense of a creepy underworld. (Didn't get #3 yet.)
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Found the first three issues but haven't had a chance to read them yet.
Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
this has been one of the most appalling, nightmarish, surreal and twisted view of Los Angeles I've ever seen in fiction

after living there for 3 years, i have to say: it's remarkably honest
Posted by Pov on :
Andy! [ROTFLMAO] / [Shudder]
Posted by Pov on :
Issue 5 finally came out!

Lots of great character bits and a flashback that help flesh out Jones... he's not likeable, but I find the character very easy to empathize with. And just when I was afraid the action was suffering for the pathos, BAM! The book goes out on a shot. Can't wait for #6... hopefully I won't have to wait as long. [Shudder]

DJ and Image's FELL give me my Ellis fix. And that's not a bad thing. [Cool]
Posted by Pov on :
P.S.-- Did you ever start reading these, Scott???
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
No, I need to start grabbing up the collected issues if they've been done.

From Ellis today:

Apparently, it's been reported on Newsarama that Dan Didio, when asked a question about DESOLATION JONES -- which I've previously said is on a hiatus -- said that he believed the series wouldn't continue due to my being exclusive to Marvel. This is, of course, what happens when you put on the spot a guy who doesn't run the Wildstorm operation day-to-day or have any reason to know anything about my Marvel deal. Dan Didio has many powers, several of which are far too disgusting to mention in public, but telepathy is not yet one of them.

DESOLATION JONES has been put on pause for several reasons, including my wish to get enough pages in the bank to take the series monthly from the forthcoming #9. My Marvel deal does not preclude me from continuing JONES.

The other reason I know JONES is being continued, is that DC themselves are currently involved in the brokerage of a very interesting media deal that I cannot yet discuss. Which is something else that poor old Dan would have no reason to know.

So when you next see Dan Didio, sitting sadly in the lobby of a convention hotel ruminating on why no-one loves him and how no-one understands that all the pretty girls have to die... give him a hug. Tell him it's going to be all right. Do it for me.

-- Warren Ellis

Posted by Pov on :
I [Love] Warren Ellis. [LOL]
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
[qb]No, I need to start grabbing up the collected issues if they've been done.

There's a TPB for the first 6 issues out-- over at IST for $9.74. [Big Grin]

(Probably what you'd pay just for 4-6, anyway!)

[ September 09, 2007, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: Pov ]

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