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Posted by Spellbinder on :
Gee... just in case House of M wasn't bad enough, now they're doing "Son of M," a six issue Quicksilver spinoff of HoM.

Gee... doesn't Polaris need at least a "Daughter of M" one-shot?
Posted by Stealth on :

Just when it looks like the people running Marvel couldn't do something even MORE stupid...

When, oh when, will it end?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Silly Marvel! They're supposed to do 'Bride of M' first, then 'Son of M'!
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Stealth:
When, oh when, will it end?

About the time a present-day DCU book goes three months without tying into Infinite Crisis or one of its tie-ins.
Posted by Pov on :
I'm waiting for "The M-pire Strikes Back" m'self... [Good]
Posted by Reboot on :
Oh, and in the midst of all this, has anyone noticed how M is just being referred to as Monet in the X-Factor previews? [Smile]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
No, I haven't--spill, 'Boot!
Posted by Reboot on :
Nothing more to spill - I'm just suggesting that they've dropped her codename (ummm... codeletter [Smile] ) to avoid confusion with the M=Magneto motif going on.
Posted by Pov on :
What if they brought back Joseph, Mags' clone, and costarred them in M & M ???
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Pov:
What if they brought back Joseph, Mags' clone, and costarred them in M & M ???

That's reserved for the M twins [Smile]
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
While I detest Bendis (except DD) and am not a big fan of Marvel currently...the House of M title is kinda cool methinks. The series? eh.

Son of M is a cool title. I am a Quicksilver fan...yes one of the few. So I am a bit interested in this. Things don't look good for Scarlet Witch or Magneto. If they get killed...I can see Quicksilver going insane...or atlest turning evil (again).

It seems he has no powers by the cover. Everyone seems to be moving so fast around him. I always thought it would be cool if Pietro started losing his speed powers and gained energy powers similiar to his fathers. ohwell I am not buying this anyways.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Originally posted by Pov:
What if they brought back Joseph, Mags' clone, and costarred them in M & M ???

That's reserved for the M twins [Smile]
That wisecracking button and his pal from the M& M commercials? (They worked a while to promote the coming of 2000, but soon lost their novelty here in Australia) Go figure!
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Gee... just in case House of M wasn't bad enough, now they're doing "Son of M," a six issue Quicksilver spinoff of HoM.

Gee... doesn't Polaris need at least a "Daughter of M" one-shot?

She needs a "Thought-I-was-Daughter-of-M-even-though-I-knew-it-was-false-years-ago" one-shot.

Also, does anyone notice that this is sounding like Mad Libs? Mad Libs, Son of Mad Libs, more Mad Libs.
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Originally posted by Stealth:
When, oh when, will it end?

About the time a present-day DCU book goes three months without tying into Infinite Crisis or one of its tie-ins.
That's rough since the 52 book, which spins out of IC, will be going on for the next year.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

The Spider-man scenes were well-written and evocative. Though I'm surprised the parallel of Peter Parker's 'dream life' haven't been overtly compared to Pietro's. Spidey's dream of a family with a woman he can never have, ignoring the one he does have is in marked contrast to Pietro's dream of 'blessed' singlehood, his own wife and child no where in sight.

Said wife does pop up on the last page of the issue, asking 'What have you done to my husband'? I'm eager to read Spidey's answer and Pietro's response to Crystal (he fell off that roof, but since there's five more issues, I'm making the wild assumption that he survives).

The gritty art suited this issue, but I don't much like this penciller's Crystal. The colors for her are off, too. Always good to see Lockjaw, though.

[ December 16, 2005, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Where's "Uncanny M-Men", "M-Factor" and "M-calibur"?
Posted by Reboot on :
#2 preview:
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I read #1. It was ok. Not sure how long the heroes will keep their memories but I hope not long.

The art didn't do much for me. But i like the focus on Quicksilver and now the Inhumans. The reason I am glad Marvel is doing this is because usually a character like Quicksilver will be ignored and we would have to connect the dots ourselves on his next appearance.

Sure they are banking of the "M" thing but it's to tell a good story about a usually ignored character. Resolution...imagine that.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Great art, mostly. Loved Martinez's Crystal and Pietro (though I wasn't sure of his Crys in #1). She's clearly modeled after the Jae Lee rendition. I like what they did with her eyes... More beefcake shots of Pietro-- he reminds me of the guy who played the doctor in TALES OF THE CITY... and the husband in ONCE AND AGAIN.

Martinez's Medusa was beautiful, too- bedecked in Asian (Chinese? Tibetan?) finery. Lately, Medusa seems so... constrained. Perhaps she's adapted to her position. But I halfway expect a nice, juicy breakdown scene. Time to revisit the 'dame' in Madame Medusa...

Luna is six? Doesn't quite jibe with other Marvel character ages, but I guess keeping her roughly around Franklin's age (how old is he again?) makes sense. I *much* prefer her as a friend for him than Rachel Summers.

Pietro couldn't come up with a better plan than konking a sleepy guard over the head to sneak into the chamber of the Terrigen mists? Didn't he learn anything in his time as an Evil Mutant or as an Avenger/X-Factorer?

That last page-- what the madrox is going on?

I am enjoying this one- even if it did grow out of HOUSE OF M.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I haven't been following Marvel in some time, so I'm completely out of the loop on this House of M business. But a friend recently loaned me SON OF M #1, and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

It's always interesting to see a hero hit rock bottom. Sooner or later, they've got to climb out of that well of despair (if they are truly heroes, they will), and Pietro certainly has hit rock bottom in this issue. In fact, he's gone straight through the bottom. The opening narration, when he contrasts what his speed meant to him with the visuals of his present life as a derelict alcoholic, was touching. It also helped bring me up to speed (so to speak) very quickly without revealing too much information.

Spidey's appearances were also effective. Again, I have no idea what's been going on in M land, so Spidey's narration in which admitted that he was with the woman he loved -- and it wasn't MJ -- floored me. That must have been Gwen Stacy in the flashback, even though it looked nothing like her; she was Spidey's first true love, after all.

The interaction between Spidey and Pietro was also very moving. One can see just how far Pietro has fallen (literally), yet he still manages to be self-absorbed. He doesn't consider how his actions have affected Spidey or the mutant guy, or anyone else.

And then the last page is a classic Marvel teaser: Crystal shows up and immediately jumps to conclusions. I haven't seen # 2 yet, so I don't know how long she and Spidey duke it out before realizing it's all a misunderstanding (or perhaps writer David Hine will suprise me and not go that route at all).

But, for the first time in a long time, I am interested in seeing the next issue of a Marvel comic.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
The thing with Quicksilver is he's complex. Steve Engleheart made him a bad guy in a pretty good story way back in the day.

I do admit it was a bit of a stretch character wise but Pietro just makes a good villain.

Later it was explained as manipulations by Maximus that made Pietro "mad". But Pietro has always been mad. He's an anti-hero. By now I am not too worried he's powerless. Though I do think he would fare better if he had some energy powers similiar to his father's instead of super speed.

Is #2 out yet? You guys think Pietro will regain his old powers? Get new ones? Or remain powerless?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#2 did have one glaring mis-step. Spidey's "You're Crystal, right..." like he didn't know her.

C'mon- he and Johnny Storm were buds when Crys and the Human Torch were an item.

AND they're both Avengers!

And Spiderman doesn't know the Inhumans live on the moon? Weak.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Mystery Lad, lately I've been seeing that alot in Marvel comics. Characters who know each other act like they barely do. Writers need to come up with a better way to introduce the characters.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Is 'grey' Quicksilver on the level? Or is Pietro being manipulated? This is like an inexorable tragedy. When Pietro stabs Goren, the doom of his fate seems sealed. Or does it? Greysilver said "this is the way it always happens". Meaning this sequence has been repeated more than once. Will Quicksilver find a way to change the pattern? To undo his actions?

If not, welcome Quicksilver to the ranks of super-villains. He'd be unbelievable as a hero after this issue.

The Inhuman with the eyestalks is up to something. He's either investigating Quicksilver or manipulating him. Perhaps he can implant visions to be activated later. Was he too good to be believed in previous issues?

Jolen has a thing for Crystal? I don't blame him. Wonder if she knows that he's a murderer? One who was taking orders from someone on Attilan? (That plot really needs to be resolved somewhere.)

She seems to enjoy Jolen's attention, her protestations to Pietro, aside.

However this mini ends, I hope it resolves the state of the marriage of Pietro and Crystal. Each one has treated the other badly at one time or another. Time for it to end, I think. Poor Luna, though. She's such a cutie. I hope this child has a future in the Marvel Universe. I liked her outfit. It fit a girl named Luna.

I didn't like to read that Luna's the only one who plays with Lockjaw. Crystal doesn't? She used to... in fact, her playfulness was always a big part of her character. Has she grown too grim and serious, like her sister? The royal family needs to get back to Earth. Perhaps literally. Let a little light in, Marvel.

Notice that it's Quicksilver-blue who departs Attilan with Lockjaw and Luna, but he appears to be wearing grey in that dingy room where he exposes himself and his daughter (and Lockjaw?) to the crystals he killed to steal.

Theft, murder, kidnapping and child endangerment (and turning a pet against it's owner?)... sound like the list of the acts of a super-villain to me. Will the remaining issues turn things around for Pietro?

I hope so.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Whoa. This issue it got really interesting. I think this entire series is in fact the set up as Pietro as a major villain personally...or his death. Or Pietro as a complicated hero/villain type which I enjoy.

Hope nothing happens to Luna. I hate seeing young interesting characters sacrificed.

This issue was very well written. Certainly the most interesting.

So ya think Luna is gonna get powers? I hope so.
Posted by Reboot on :
#4 preview, and Luna's powers:

Originally posted by Ultra Jorge:
Whoa. This issue it got really interesting. I think this entire series is in fact the set up as Pietro as a major villain personally...or his death. Or Pietro as a complicated hero/villain type which I enjoy.

Hine's said that the start point and the end point for Pietro were mandated to him, and the route was his choice(s). So there are obviously plans.

[ February 17, 2006, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Between THE THING from a week or two ago and this issue, poor Lockjaw just can't catch a break from his family. Crystal's behavior was unlike her, but she *was* under the duress of just having her daughter kidnapped. I hope she makes apologies to Lockjaw and to Medusa (who *did* have a son-- but I've forgotten the ins and outs of his story. Something to do with Mephisto and Daredevil, I think. What was his ultimate fate? I should know, but I think it occurred in the early 90's- an era I skipped out on, except for the LEGION and a couple of other DC titles).

I'm not quite clear on why Pietro would travel to Genosha to administer the terrigen mist therapy. No super-heroes to confront him? I would've thought he *might* look up his surviving *sister* for the first doses. Oh, well- another opportunity wasted.

Poor Calisto. Her scenes were effectively written, conveying her sense of handicap post M-Day and her exhilaration at being repowered. And then, the cut of the teeth biting her ass as a result of that repowering.

Gotta say, the artist draws a beautiful Magneto. I'm looking forward to next issue- though I'm also dreading it, because I don't see how the characters featured here (all of which I'm very fond) can make it out intact.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :








I was completely satisfied by this mini, though it does seem to be leading to at least two other stories. In other words, another 'soft' ending. Points off for that.

HOWEVER, what *is* there is 'cherce', IMO. Pietro's now positioned as a unique player in Marvel. Some are calling him a villain, now. Some still see him as a misunderstood hero. I think him just about the saddest character I've encountered in a comic in quite a while. He's done some awful things. I think the character realizes that about himself and his actions, compounding his sadness. Some awful things have happened to him, too.

Pietro's new role as the possible De-Decimator is interesting, but it's almost overshadowed (actually, it's *completely* overshadowed) by one whispered little word. "War" breathes Black Bolt.

The Inhumans vs. the US government. Now, this can't be good.

I would've liked to see a little diplomacy attempted before BB utters his havoc-wreaking syllable... but the Inhumans *have* been separated from humanity. They gave the general a chance. He was foolish not to take it.

It's a pretty one-sided 'war'. I don't see how the government could justify this general's actions. It'd be like someone stealing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution from every library, bookstore, museum and database at once.

It'd be nice to see the Marvel heroes rally around the Inhumans and partially seal up any rifts that have occurred due to CIVIL WAR. But that *ain't* gonna happen. The writers are going to have to work overtime to persuade me about any arguments used to sway Cap or even Iron Man to side against the royal family in this case.

I suppose the 'war' might simmer for some time... coming to a head *after* CIVIL WAR. That'd surprise me a bit.

[ June 06, 2006, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]

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