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Posted by Pov on :
Jen Contino has posted a Marvel "Press Release" at The Pulse.

No word on the exact length of exclusivity.

She-Hulk is mentioned as returning in October.

Of particular interest to me was mention of a new ongoing by Dan, featuring a "top-tier" character. Let the speculation begin... [Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :
OMG. Bad news for DC, as I will instantly try anything with Slott's name attached to it, even.... *shudder*... a "top tier" Marvel character.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
It's another evil plot. First they get us with Giffen on the Defenders, now they'll probably put Slott on something featuring Wolverine!
Posted by Pov on :

Please, Cramey, I -beg- you... don't even joke. [Frown] [Shudder]

That's not speculation... it's desecration. Defamation. And would lead me to self-mutilation. [Wink] [No] [LOL]

[ March 05, 2005, 07:34 AM: Message edited by: Pov ]
Posted by Reboot on :
Never read Wolverine #102.5, eh? Written by Dan Slott, art by Mark Buckingham [Razz]

*NB: This seriously exists
Posted by MLLASH on :
That must have been published before I became a Slott fanboy, so I'm excused from reading it.

For real real, Marvel is becoming THE place for "FUN" comics lately, a niche that DC always seemed to hold on to in the past.

ALPHA FLIGHT was a huge departure from previous, duller versions of that series. It wasn't successful, but that doesn't mean it wasn't good. And this coming from someone who isn't a fan of Scott Lobdell.

SHE-HULK, is, of course, a shining star in Marvel's over-X'ed, over-Ultimized line of books. We have GREAT LAKES AVENGERS coming up, and I predict the Giffen/Maguire DEFENDERS will be a big hit.

Sure, DC has the "Can't Believe It's Not the JLA" arc currently in JLA CLASSIFIED, but Marvel's kicking their butts in general in the Fun Dept.!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Although... if LSH # 2 & 3 are any indication, Waid & Kitson may be able to lay claim to having DC's current "FUN" comic.
Posted by Pov on :
With the exception of ICBINJLA and Waid's LSH, DC seems to be making it their mandate to de-funny their comics line. Using the seriously UNfunny ID Crisis as the starting point and launching pad for NU-DC all but guarantees that. pbpbpbppbbpt [Razz] to NO FUN COMICS!
Just for that, I hope Giff takes Ambush Bug with him to Marvel... We'd have a better chance of Toy Biz releasing a ML Buggy fig than we ever will of DC Direct, that's for sure. [Frown]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Maybe they will put him on Iron Man and i can start reading it again. Pretty please, Marvel? Hunh? Canya?
Posted by MLLASH on :
It's been YEARS since I've purchased an Iron Man comic.

But if Slott writes it, I will.


what with his recent EXCELLENT cameo in She-Hulk, and sure-to-be whacked out turn by Giffen in DEFENDERS, maybe Slott could relaunch DR. STRANGE?

I bet he'd rock on a HERCULES series too. I *loved* his Hercules in She-Huk.

But I don't think the Doc and Herky qualify as "top tier". Iron Man does, though.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I had spent some time collecting back issues of Iron Man because i was never a fan of Marvel as a kid. I had collected back before the Armour Wars and had a line on a huge set of others. Then they did the Hero's reborn, or something, and then he was a teen ager again, and then they started back with some quality with Busiek and Chen. And it was good.

Thennnnnnnn, all hell came about, and the book was as bad as Hulk after David left, and that horrible new daredevil.

I left the book highly saddened by the stunning and sudden lack of quality.

I keep checking in on it, but honestly, its not something that appeals to me. Wish they would do something that i could get behind again, though.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Like Shulkie, lol. That book has got to be one of the best finds in years.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Slott interview at Toon Zone:

You've got to love a guy who's favourite number is "a zillion". Slott on Shulkie:

"It’s book that revels in what a cool place the Marvel Universe really is—its rich history—and its amazing cast of characters. It’s got weird ideas, old school action, a lot of done-in-one stories, and—most importantly—it’s FUN! C’mon! Where else are you going to see shrunken super-villains, androids playing board games, and J. Jonah Jameson in a chicken suit?! AND have it be in continuity?"
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Count me in as a major Slott fanboy now.

Lash, I highly, highly reccomend Spider-Man/Human Torch--as funny as She-Hulk IMO! I'll post a review of it tomorrow or soon in the thread Pov started for it. I just read #1 and 2 last night...absolutely outright hysterical. I love it...and talk about having a grasp on Spidey and Johnny!

Slott on Iron Man would just be awesome. I'm a huge Iron Man and Thor fan, and wish they'd have a few years of greatness that really overdue to them...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Slott on Iron Man would just be awesome. I'm a huge Iron Man and Thor fan, and wish they'd have a few years of greatness that really overdue to them...

To clarify: they've had decent runs here and there, but neither title has been amazing in a long time.

For example: Warren Ellis on Iron Man now--a good read, but comes out every three months. Feh! I don't count it.

Jurgens/Romita on Thor--not bad, but not exactly the run that blew my socks off. Eventually it turned into a rehasing of old Simonson stories.

There are a dozen other examples that come to mind...I wish someone like Slott could revitalize ol' Shell Head!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Ya know, i do think it kinda funny that Marvel has no forum anymore, if it ever did. In the day and age of computers, i guess you could call it the silicon age, they seem to be much farther behind the times than venerable old DC.

I would love chance to show them that not all fans are quivering fanboys over some of their "favored" writers and artists.
Posted by Pov on :
They -DO- have a board... It's called Other DC Universe Topics... [LOL]

Cheap bastards would just rather have their fans use other companies' bandwidth to discuss their books. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I'm a major Slott fanboy as well cause it's not just mindless comedy...there is a good story in there as well. [Wink] He's already used Julia Carpenter and now El Aguila over in GLA...I told him if he does that I will buy anything he does so I obliged.

As for the top tier character? A Spider-Man title comes to mind. Since Spidey has so many he can jump on. [Smile] Or he can do a Spidey mini.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Slott one of the Spidey books (which haven't been up to par for quality lately IMO) would make this mega-Spider-Man fan a very happy camper!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Did anyone see the news as to Slott's major character ongoing series?

It’s the Thing! And you know, I think this is going to be pretty cool! Slott on the Thing might actually be the perfect fit for him…and will definitely go in the tradition of She-Hulk and Spidey/Torch.

The Thing is actually one of my favorite Marvel characters, and I don’t think he gets nearly enough attention as it is. I mean, he used to be Marvel’s most popular character along with Spider-Man for like two decades! I wouldn’t mind seeing him go back to at least being one of the most popular.

And Slott writing almost guarantees good story-telling, lots of comedy and a love for science-fiction/silver age goofiness. I think Marvel found a good fit for this one.
Posted by Pov on :
Maybe they'll bring in the Thing Ring from the old cartoon!

Teen Ben Grimm turns his magic ring while chanting "Thing Ring, Do Your THING!"

It'd fit right in with the Marvel Next line... [LOL]
Posted by MLLASH on :
THE THING? Top-tier at Marvel?
Longtime star of the Fantastic 4, star of his own team-up mag, had his own solo series before. Had his own MEGO action figure!

Top-tier? Yeah, I think so!

And an EXCELLENT CHOICE for Slott!

I am SOOOOOOOOOO relieved!!
Posted by Pov on :
I'm honestly just glad it's not another Spidey book. AND I know Slott will do a bang-up job on Ben!
Posted by MLLASH on :
When's this due? It was mentioned in a Marvel lettercol I read last night!
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
To tell the truth I really think the Thing is an icon. He has the star power to be out there in the mainstream with guys like Spidey, Hulk, and um...I guess the X-Men (ick).

I am really glad they gave him his own title. He is probably my favorite Marvel character. Who doesn't like the big rocky guy???

As for Slott? He has done nothing but impress me at Marvel. I would like to see him do something a bit more dramatic (not serious/dark/grim/gritty). Would love to see him (or Casey) take over Avengers after they finish this grim/gritty/in da hood phase.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Slott on AVENGERS?

Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Avengers is Bendis' until he decides otherwise, and then he'll likely have a big say in who takes over. I can't see Slott fitting into that.

Ben Grimm's a great character, but I find myself wondering if anyone can make him work for long outside the FF. We'll see soon enough.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Avengers is Bendis' until he decides otherwise, and then he'll likely have a big say in who takes over. I can't see Slott fitting into that.

Ben Grimm's a great character, but I find myself wondering if anyone can make him work for long outside the FF. We'll see soon enough.

Hey the Avengers do have an editor! Tom Brevoort? hahahaha. We know he has nothing to do with this Avengers. A couple years ago Tom was on He seems to be a middle man cause his books certainly are starting to look more like the MK line. In any case...Joe Casey is working on Iron Man hopefully he may get Avengers in the future. Who knows it might be David Mack...when Echo joins! [Frown]

In today's market a Thing solo series is risky. His last series was successful but it spun out of Secret Wars as well as Byrne's FF...when Byrne was BIG and comics sold like hotcakes so you may be right. If I was Marvel I would stick with the Thing series just in case. [Smile]

LASH, love the Ambush Bug icon!!!

[ October 11, 2005, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Jorg-EM ]
Posted by MLLASH on :

Written by DAN SLOTT
Pencils & Cover by ANDREA DI VITO
"Fun N' Games" Pt. 3 (Conclusion)
The Thing vs. Hulks? When you're on "The Deadliest Place on Earth" anything can happen-as long as it's guaranteed to get you killed! It's more Fun N' Games with Nighthawk, Constrictor, and Tony Stark.

Nighthawk? Yep, Dan Slott rawks.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Yeah I bet Nighthawk will continue be the source of jokes. Yet I don't mind. I like him better as a lame hero than a real hero. [Smile]

But give me the latin lover swashbuckler that is a real hero...El Aguila! Now that's a man! [Wink]
Posted by Burger Eater Lad on :
Put me next to the other Slott fans - I think he is great. I just wish Marvel is getting behind She-Hulk vol.2. They should have put a SHE-HULK preview in the back of all their books instead of that retarded NICK FURY AND THE HOWLING COMMANDOS garbage.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Retarded Howling Commandos by Legion god Keith Giffen??? I'm pupmed about Howling Commandos! I want a cartoon and video game asap!

Maybe She-Hulk will join New Avengers which is super hot (though I hate it!). That will give her title a push I hope.

btw, didn't She-Hulk #1 come out today? Must find that thread.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Re: Thing. He is to the FF what Wolverine is to the X-Men.

Honestly, Thing is much cooler than the rest of the FF.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :

Dan Slott interview. The art looks super sweet man! For those that may not be digging the art on Shulkie...DIG THIS! [Wink]
Posted by MLLASH on :
The cover to THE THING # 1.


The Story:
“Money Changes Every THING”
It’s the ever lovin’ blue-eyed THING, back in his own ongoing series! Join Ben Grimm and his pals as they clobber their way through the Marvel U! And, spinning out of events from FANTASTIC FOUR, the idol of millions is now worth billions! So will big bucks make a Rockefeller out of this Rocky fella? Will Ben trade in Yancy St. for Park Ave? Tune in and see, True Believer! Special appearances by: Goliath (Bill Foster), Warbird, Wonder Man, and Peter Parker.


In Stores: 11-16-2005

[ November 02, 2005, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
That cover was on my work desktop for a atleast a month after it first came out. [Smile]
Posted by Burger Eater Lad on :
What did everyone think of SHE-HULK #1? I loved it. There were a couple jokes that I found very funny and I loved the use of some old Walt Simonson characters (I don't want to be specific in case this is spoiling anything for any of you).

The art looked a little rougher than usual.? The lines and the color gradient edges were a little jagged. I think it was mediocre coloring. Just a minor gripe.
Posted by MLLASH on :
You can get everyone's opinion of # 1 (as well as Volume 1) below:

Posted by MLLASH on :
I bought my first AVENGERS comic today since that wretched "Disassembled" crapfest, AVENGERS THE INITIATIVE # 1.

I bought it for one and only one reason: Slott listed on the cover as writer.

I'm concerned that not even Slott could make me like what THE AVENGERS have become... This better not freakin' suck!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
You might be one of the few who did that.

I'm figuring most people bought it because it spins out of Civil War.
Posted by Arachne on :
I thought is was pretty decent. I don't think I've read an Avengers comic since Steve Epting was penciller, so I can't tell anymore if someone's out of character.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I've even dropped Slott's She-Hulk. Marvel just doesn't do it for me anymore.

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