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Posted by Just Pov on :
Click for fullsize image

Newsarama's got an interview with the writer, Allan Heinberg, but he doesn't spill too much information about tomorrow's launch. He's another member of the Hollywood influx, so who knows what to expect. But lookit the purty pictures by Jim Cheung... [Love]

[ July 08, 2011, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Just e-mailed my store and had them add this to my pull for tomorrow. I'm intrigued.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Is that Monstress?
Posted by Just Pov on :
Buy a copy and find out for yourself! [Wink]
Posted by ActorLad on :
No, that's Hulkling. You can read the issue preview here:
Posted by MLLASH on :
Hulkling? Not liking that moniker. And why can't young Thor be a long-blonde haired shirtless surfer dude?
Posted by ActorLad on :
Because Asgardian seems to know the concept of shame? [Razz]
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Is that Monstress?

Yep. It only looked like she was killed. Instead, she was saved by the Time Trapper and sent to the MU to join another group of teen super-heroes.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Nah, they're the New Warriors in different costumes, trying to ride the Bendis wave.
Posted by Jorg-El on :
This seems somewhat interesting.

The Hulk has to be a teenage girl right? Him and Thor seem buddy they cuddle?

I do like Thor Boy's look. I was hoping he was asian teenage Thor would be cool. Maybe he's that kid with the legacy virus...Bolt was it?

Not interested in Patriot much. Iron Lad on the other hand...and the Kang mention...interests me alot!

I am sore at Marvel and the Avengers stuff overall but I will get the first trade and if it's good will get more.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Great art. I've always been a fan of Cheung's, but he's gotten a lot more detailed and less stylish - color me impressed. The Hulking does look kinda femimine, facially. I think I read that we've seen at least a few of these guys before. At first I thought "Young Cap" might be Justice (Vance Astro) considering what his future holds as per "Guardians of the Galaxy", but it doesn't look like it from the lack of powers and his attitude.

Not too thrilled about the notion of Kang showing up again - he's as overused as The Time Trapper at this point, though I hope they'll think of something new and interesting this time around (assuming he shows up). It does raise the possibility that Iron Lad's "more advanced" armor is from the future (or that Patriot is from the past ... say WWII??). I almost hope Iron Lad is Machine Man back from wherever the hell he went after X-51, but that's a looooong shot.

The continuity with The Pulse works nicely here. The new Marvel is really the house that Bendis built isn't it?

[ February 08, 2005, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Lobo Gris on :
Someone else thinks that Ironlad is the young Tony Stark that firts appear during the Crossing?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Yeah, that occured to me -- he basically disappeared after the Onslaught thing didn't he? I know there was some convoluted explanation why the real Tony Stark came back (Franklin Richards worked his mojo), but I don't remember what happened to "teen tony". Kang of course was the one who drove Iron Man mad during "The Crossing", hmm......
Posted by ActorLad on :
Current Tony is a amalgam of Old Tony(the dead one), Teen Tony and HR Tony.
Posted by Kinetix on :
I was ambivalent towards this book. It seemed ok, but Marvel's been hit/miss with the Hollywood folks, IMHO, and Heinberg's credits didn't exactly fill me with joy...

I like Jimmy Cheung, so it was on my radar, but likely to be missed, until I saw the first few pages online. The writing really worked for me. I liked the first few pages of YA grabbed me more than any of Bendis' Avengers have.

So, I'm buying it...

And I think Iron Lad is the Vision.

Actually likes Kang, so bring him on!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
*If* these are characters that we've seen before in the Marvel U, that will probably make me really get into this book.

I like the idea of Iron Lad being the Vision or Machine Man, and Patriot maybe being Vance of GOTG.

Who is Thor Kid then? A young Thor, rebirthed after the events in his book (unlikely). Another Asgardian (young Balder or child of Volstagg?). Probably neither, but maybe there's some type of connection to Thor...

And the art looks stunning. I loved Chueng on Scion, so I'd be definately picking it up just for that. Even though I'm angry at Marvel for what it's done, I'll give this a shot.
Posted by Jorg-El on :
For all we know they are all obscure characters from Marvel history. Allen said he read old WCA?

Iron Lad I do think is Teen Tony...but maybe not the Teen Tony we know. He seems like he gathered these guys so picking them from different points in history makes sense.
Posted by Pariscub on :


I love it... very promising book so far. Love the art, love the writing... The characters are interesting and Iron Lad's real ID interesting twist!!!
Posted by Jorg-El on :
I've read elsewhere who Iron Lad is...interesting is putting it mildly. [Smile]
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
If someone in the know whould like to spoil Ironlad's ID in a PM to me, it would be appreciated [Smile]
Posted by Vee on :
Hmm...must say I,liked what I saw in the preview pages. Don't think I ordered this so hopefully I'll be able to get a reorder.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
If someone in the know whould like to spoil Ironlad's ID in a PM to me, it would be appreciated [Smile]

Spoil it for me too or provide a link!
Posted by Just Pov on :
I can't help myself....

I gotta spoil this...!



It's Irving Forbush !!!!
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :


It's blue type on a gray background!!!

[Wink] [Crusader   Princess Crujectra - Newcru] [Wink]
Posted by Just Pov on :
[Roll Eyes] I know. [Frown]

I was too lazy to figure out the color. Gary really should publish a chart... [Wink]
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Who's that?
Posted by Just Pov on :
(duh. I thought VU said "Who's what?" [Roll Eyes] )

Irving Forbush is the SA Marvel mascot, Forbush Man! Much like the Ma Hunkel (Golden Age) Red Tornado, Irv ran around with a pot over his head. The rest of his get-up was fuzzy red longjohns and a blue blanket for a cape.

And NO, I don't seriously think Iron Lad is a revamped Forbush Man... [Razz] [LOL]

[ February 10, 2005, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: Just Pov ]
Posted by huntdrouin on :
Minor Spoiler
Wow! Bendis has really retro'd Jessica Jones into a big time player in the Marvel U. Gotta admit, I really like her and am stoked to be seeing so much of her. I'd love to see her play a big role in YA and it looks like she just might.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Vee on :

Someone please tell me who Jessica Jones/Jewel is. I've never heard of her.
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
I don't remember either! She's not Diamondback, is she? I saw the costume in the flashback, and it's not striking a chord.
Posted by Just Pov on :
She's from the ALIAS series, and I think she's a retcon. Couldn't Marvel use some Z-list superheroine? [Razz]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
She is from ALIAS and The Pulse (is that still being published?). And she was a Bendis retcon. In the last few issues of ALIAS he went as far as showing her as a teen interacting with (IIRC) pre-Spidey Peter Parker and other 60's created heroes.

Jessica has a history with the Avengers (one of the new What If's? covered it) but I'm not sure exactly what her power is/was nor what, if any, costumed name she had.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Here's a thought. Did she get a write-up in the recent Women of Marvel Universe Handbook? If she's not in that one she should have at least been mentioned in the Daredevil edition.
Posted by Count Vu on :
can someone spill the beans please....
Posted by ferroboy on :
Jessica had a write-up in the Daredevil OHOTMU. She had super-strength and can fly, but her ability to land is terrible. She called herself Jewel and then Knightress. After spending something like a year under Purple Man's mind control, she realized she wasn't cut out for super-heroics. She retired and became a PI, which leads to ALIAS. During the series, she comes to terms with her past failures and becomes pregnant by Luke Cage, who is now her boyfriend. (At the time she found out she was pregnant, she was dating Ant-Man; he subsequently dumped her, even though she didn't even know him when she got pregnant.)

Once ALIAS ended, I lost track of her. There was a certain mood to that book that I didn't think would transfer well over to a mainstream Marvel book. Plus, she stopped being a PI. She works for J. Jonah Jameson and, IIRC, covers topics relating to super-heroes.
Posted by huntdrouin on :
That pretty much sums it up. Also, in the panel in YA where it shows a picture of her in costume, there's a small who's who written about her which says just about what ferroboy said.

I liked her because she was by no means perfect. Tons of character flaws which just made me love her more. I'm thrilled that she's become a player.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Originally posted by Just Pov:
She's from the ALIAS series, and I think she's a retcon. Couldn't Marvel use some Z-list superheroine? [Razz]

Yeah, the only reason she exists is because Marvel wouldn't let Bendis use Jessica Drew as the main character in Alias. From what I've heard about the series, thank Zod for that. Of course she's under his hands now in New Avengers so I don't have high hopes. [Frown]
Posted by Jorg-El on :
Alias is a problem I have with Bendis. He is always dissing lower tier/obscure characters or straight out has them killed off. Mentions how low certain characters sell.

Yet Alias, Luke Cage, Spider-Woman...all lower tier...none can sell a title...and he treats them like royalty. How much does Pulse sell? Is he going to add Wolverine and Spidey to that? Heck I think Spidey may be a guest star every issue and it still doesn't sell.
Posted by Pariscub on :
Ok since you all want to know... Iron Lad is



A teen-ager from the 30th Century named Kang!

The first issue is really good, and there's potential for a great series here... And it's definitely not a rip-off of the Teen Titans, like some people have been claiming even before the comic book was released.
Posted by MLLASH on :
It was a decent enough read w/ pretty art... I'm on board for 3 to 6 issues as a trial.
Posted by ferroboy on :
Same here, Lash. It didn't totally grab me but I'm interested enough to see where things are going.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I liked this alot more than I thought I would-- at least once it featured the Young Avengers instead of those reporters.

I instantly liked Hulkling and the Asgardian-- so the series is *bound* to feature Iron Lad and the Patriot for the next 5 years. [Smile]

Still doesn't overcome my current distaste for things Avenger... though I'll buy it for the foreseeable future.

Where's the Young Avenger girls? The lack of female participation (though I, too, wonder about Hulkling...) surprised me more than anything else.

Though I like Asgardian, this might've been a good place for the Samantha Parrington Valkyrie to turn up... it doesn't *sound* like she'll be involved in the upcoming Keith Giffen DEFENDERS.

The last page cliffhanging reveal approached, though didn't quite equal, the 'shockers' that were featured in THUNDERBOLTS and RUNAWAYS.

Definitely piqued my interest... I thought this series was quite 'Legionesque'. My cbs owner thought I'd think so, and I did.

I read in an interview that the writer is a big fan of TITANS and LEGION, and I think it shows.

Though the book isn't a direct analog to either, supposedly.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
I read in an interview that the writer is a big fan of TITANS and LEGION, and I think it shows.

Maybe he was the one responsible for those "Dream Crime" issues popping up on "The O.C."
Posted by Pariscub on :
Most probably. he's the comic book fan writer in the OC anyway...

But what I like about the comic book so far is that it's not a Legion or Teen Titans rip-off, as some people have presented it... I'm very curious about where it's going and I hope it survives 12 issues.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
If anything, it reminds me of "Slingers". They all took Spidey's temporary id's without his knowledge, they bicker like teens, tend to screw up and there's a secret villain plot behind their formation.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, I have to say I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. I’ll definitely be giving it a year trial period, but will most likely collect it throughout.

Iron Lad’s revelation was pretty cool IMO. It definitely reminded me of the Thunderbolts (although the revelation in Thunderbolts #1 is without a doubt the best “Holy Shit!” moment in a long time). The revelation in this issue caught me off guard and has hooked me for wanting more. Supposedly, there are a few more major revelations in the early issues of the series, and will be one every issue or so.

I’m glad that all the characters are supposed to have some connection to Avengers continuity. Like most of you, I’m still disgusted by Avengers Dissassembled and still don’t think Young Avengers or New Avengers is a suitable replacement—but I’m glad that this is at least connected to the old Avengers. I wonder what the connection the other three have?

I anticipate there will be girl members soon enough, and they will cause major drama among the team (along the same lines that any fan of the OC will recognize).

Overall, I surprisingly liked it.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Just got my issue in my monthly shipment and read it. I'm surprised no one mentioned that the one member using a code name with "Lad" is from the 30th century. I laughed out loud.
Posted by Pizza Delivery Girl on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
the one member using a code name with "Lad" is from the 30th century. I laughed out loud.

Posted by Danny Blaine on :
I have enjoyed this much more than the trash called "New Avengers". I'm intrigued by all the characters, although Patriot still hasn't really done much for me.

I really like Asgardian and Hulkling though. And the arrival of the young ladies looks promising as well. I would like to see Jan become their mentor though.
Posted by ferroboy on :
Spoilers for #2
Scott, I didn't even notice the "Lad" reference. Of course, I don't think I ever knew Kang was from the 30th century. Iron Lad's identity doesn't thrill me. Don't we have enough Kanglings running around? (Kang, Immortus, Scarlet Centurian, and Rama-Tut) I would rather he be a son or namesake of some sort. This way we can avoid yet another Kang War where Kang rails against his desiny to become Immortus.

Otherwise, I liked the second issue more than the first. The Cassie Lang stuff is interesting, but it looks more like she'll be Giant-Lass than Atom-Girl. (Hmmm...actually, though someone referred to her as Atom-Girl, I suppose it's probably not a great idea to have two Atom-Girl's running around on two teen teams with near-identical powers.) I'm also curious about the woman YA "rescued" in #1 and how she'll fit it. My guess is she'll be a much-needed mentor to the team who will get them on track.
Posted by Reboot on :
ANT-Girl, not Atom.

And Chung shouldn't have made her so big on that last page. It strains credulity just a bit to have her (normal) clothes stay on adquately (enough to cover her anyway) when she's more than double her original size.
Posted by Pov on :
[50 posts... I'd say this thread can support itself. Fly free, little thread!]

I finally get my copy of #2 this Monday, and after issue 1's ending it's near the top of the pile. [Yes]
Posted by Bevis on :
Lot's of speculation over at teh GLA yahoo group that the other girl will be a teen version of Hawkeye, largely based on the fact that she's wearing purple but I quite like that Idea.

Also *lots* of speculation about the relationship between Hulkling and Asgardian. Apparently the writer has said that Hulkling is indeed male (because there's something a little feminine about the way he's drawn so people had wondered if he was actually a she) and there will be issues to do with sexuality down the line. In #1 there's the little bit with Hulkling and Asgardian that certainly smacked of either flirting or actually a proper (but probably quite new) relationship.

Regardless, the title is worth it simply for teh art which I think is just gorgeous.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
The title is pretty interesting so far and the art is gorgeous, but my main problem has to do with Avengers mansion. In the last "Avengers" Iron Man said that he tightened security (or something), yet Cassie and whatsername can just climb over the gate?? You'd think there'd be tons of tresspassers/scavengers etc... And I can't believe Scott Lang's equipment (or anything else of equal value) is just sitting there in the ruins of the mansion (again, especially if security is so lax).

I don't read the title, but didn't Cassie Lang also become Ant-Girl in the "Spider-Girl" series' future?

[ March 20, 2005, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
In the last "Avengers" Iron Man said that he tightened security (or something), yet Cassie and whatsername can just climb over the gate??

Is this Avengers or New Avengers? If it's the former, it all got crapped (ergo the dud keypad). If not, we haven't caught up to NA 1 yet.

Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
You'd think there'd be tons of tresspassers/scavengers etc... And I can't believe Scott Lang's equipment (or anything else of equal value) is just sitting there in the ruins of the mansion (again, especially if security is so lax).

Agreed there, but there's no indication that the stuff *is* there, only that Cassie *thinks* it is (and she's clearly not been there since her dad died). If it survived, Hank Pym probably took it.

Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
I don't read the title, but didn't Cassie Lang also become Ant-Girl in the "Spider-Girl" series' future?

Stinger. And, while it's the same continity, it was A-Next, not SG (although she's guest-starred there a few times).
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I forgot to mention before that it was heartening to see the Vision (even in that state). It was frustrating that that's where Kang's narration ended this ish - I wanted to find out what role he might play in this title (mentor?) Either way, I hope a little 30th century technology can fix up the poor boy.

[ March 22, 2005, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Pov on :
Yeah! Don't get me wrong, I loved the issue as a whole, but that scene made the book for me. It has me anxious for next month! Maybe they should have ended #2 with THAT scene, though the Cassie's reveal on the last page was cool, also.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
This issue was really good—in fact, it was just plain awesome. At issue #2, Young Avengers is already shaping up to be one of my favorite Marvel comic books, possibly in my top five (have to give it six issues before I make such a bold statement though).

The Vision scene as awesome and very heartening. To know that he’s still around in some capacity and will involved in this book takes a little more of the edge off of “Crapassembled”. Iron Lad is a very interesting character so far, and it looks like the interplay between him, Kang, Vision, etc. will be a driving force behind this book, and something I’m very much looking forward too. I wish it didn’t have to end there either, but it was well played in that it really left me wanting more.

Seeing the girls was great too. Cassie Lang is a definite plus, as she is a long-standing Marvel character with more backstory than quite a bunch of others. Although it wasn’t really a surprise, it was great to see that she’ll be trying to carry on her fathers legacy (although we already saw it in A-Next, the best of that series of comics IMO). The other girl looks interesting too, although a lot of that might be me being glad there’s another girl on the team. Supposedly there are maybe some more members to come and the roster will be fixed by #6.

Hulking and Asgardian seem cool too and very likeable. I’m curious to both their identities (and Patriots). And it does seem like their being set up as a possible gay couple—very cool. I get the feeling that his will be underplayed and not an ‘event’, which is how I think would be very beneficial to the comic and more enjoyable.

All in all, a very fun issue and I’m looking forward to the next. And the art was awesome—as we Scion fans knew anyway [Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I read # 2.

I was sorta iffy after # 1. Fine, I supposed, but was it going to really interest me? I was gonna give it a few issues to hook me, and # 2 sealed the deal.

Here's why:

Cassie and the other chick. I suspect we're going to be seeing a Goliath Girl and Black Widow Jr. in the book very soon. I like!

Faboo artwork. WAY faboo.

But the # 1 reason was the revelation of The involvement of the Vision somehow with the team. YES!!!

And is it just me, or is Hulkling kinda looking like he, ahh, might play for the other team? He sure has pouty lips for a straight guy! OmiGAWD! I would *SO* buy "The Fabulous Hulkling" # 1! Or is "he" a SHE?!? Does anyone know?

So count me in on another Marvel book!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I just now read everyone else's # 2 comments!!

Kewl that the Vision's involvement made many so happy, as did the two chicas!

Bevis, your post has sent my mind racing! So Hulkling IS a guy. Oh, he's SO family. But he & Asgardian?!? I never really noticed. MUST reread 1 & 2!

Yeah, I'm digging this book, I think!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Good to know you're on board too, Lash! It looks like we've all been pleasantly surprised so far!
Posted by Pov on :
Hulkling and Asgardian shared a moment and a look in issue 1, Lashie... P.13, panel 3. [Wink]
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I bought the first issue, just to see what it was, but as of issue 2 I am hooked. It is among my favorite Marvel titles at the moment. It has a kind of old school Teen Titans feel to it, and I like that.

Hulkling is a guy? I coulda sworn he was a she. Kids these days [Wink]

Looking forward to issue 3!
Posted by G-Man on :
I've been lurking for months now after a friend told me about this board. I also really liked this book and I had to post an idea I had...

Could Patriot be the new Captain Britain's son? He mentioned about having to get home before his grandmother noticed and CB's son lives with grandma since he believes his mom died. Plus he would be bitter and angry over mom's death. Plus, he's a huge fan of Captain America, so...

The only real problem I see is a british accent, but he could disguise that if he wanted to.

Am I thinking crazy?

I'm not sure if anyone else has guessed on this but I haven't seen anyone else talk about it.

Oh, and, by the way... HI! [Smile]

[ April 12, 2005, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: G-Man ]
Posted by Bevis on :
That's not a bad idea about Patriot, but I'm not sure. He just seems a bit old. Then again Carrie (is it Carrie? Ant-Man's daughter) also seems a lot older than when we last saw her. I know this is supposed to be a year after the events of Disassembled but I'm sure she was only about ten when we saw her last so for her to be fourteen or whatever she said she was seems to be a bit of a leap. By that standard than the godsawful Captain Britain's son could be old enough to be patriot too. The only question there is how he got his powers (at the very least he appears to be fairly invunerable).

I'm still not sure what's going on with Hulkling and Asgardian. Like I say it's been confirmed he's a he and it's also been confirmed that some of the characters sexuality will be an issue too but the twists that we've had so far make me wonder whether there's not something a little les obvious than them being gay. I would love it if they were and they don't make a big fanfare of it but it could be something else. What that something else might be I dunno, but I'm certainly interested in seeing where it's going. I'm now seriously thinking about dropping New Avengers (which just doesn't seem to be going anywhere) in favour of Young Avengers which so far has had the characters, the action and some of the best art I've seen in comics for a good while.
Posted by Bevis on :
Oh, and welcome to the boards G-Man. Make yerself right at home. [Smile]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
It's an interesting theory, G-Man. But I agree with Bevis that the age leap may be a bit too much. I also have doubts anyone thought the new Captain Britain was interesting enough to tie into any story [Wink] .
Posted by Reboot on :
Bevis - Cassie's the age she should be here. Johns deaged her in his Avengers and all Heinberg's done is restore her to the age she should be on a 1:4 ratio.

And I'm pretty certain that Iron Lad is meant to the the only pre-existing character in the first four. Although, a lot of people on another board were speculating that Patriot = Prodigy from the Slingers (not AX) based on that same thing about the gran.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
'Boot, I've almost certain I've read somewhere that all four of the first four are pre-existing characters or have some direct connection to pre-existing characters. Which means you could still be right of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if more than one were also. The only one I can't seem to figure out at all is Hulking.

BTW, the new Captain Britain died in Dissassmbled? I didn't even notice...series was so crappy and she was such a bad character, that I never cared.

Cru, I'm glad you're on board! This has been a very pleasant surprise and I'm already anxious for the next issue.

And welcome G-Man!
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
Hmmmm... maybe the Young Avengers will have their HQ in the basement of a disco! Or a huge, "A" frame tower!

And maybe, after the end of the GLA mini, they can claim the Quin-Jetta [Wink]

All kidding aside, I am loving this book. It's the first new series in ages that has really just grabbed me. The first issue was OK, although I could have done without that long ass scene in Jonah Jamesson's office, but the second issue was much better. I am definitely getting a Teen Titans/New Warriors vibe from it. And the art is simply gorgeous.

And if we get a little sexuality diversity in the characters with Hulkling and Asgardian, so much the better [Big Grin]
Posted by G-Man on :
Am I the only one that liked the new Captain Britain? Okay -the whole idea of "if you tell your secret identity then your kids die a horrible death" was just stupid, but otherwise I really liked her. Though I only read her origin story (Coipel's art was excellent and may have unfairly increased my enjoyment), so maybe she got very messed up after that. I also thought I heard that she was only injured and put in the hospital during Disassembled.

Either way, I like her better than Brian.

Based on your reactions, I'm glad I didn't read Disassembled -especially since Wanda and Viz were my 2 favorite Avengers.

I'm liking Young Avengers and echo the positive vibes regarding the new female members. I didn't really see anything about Patriot that made me think he had any kind of powers at all -but that's just me.
Posted by Bevis on :
G-Man, didn't he get shot in the last issue and pretty much brush it off? I suppose he could be wearing kevlar or something but I read it more as an invunerable thing. Possibly I've bene reading too many superhero comics though. [Big Grin]

I'm another one who has to jump on the bandwagon in hating the new Captain Britain. Actually hate might be too strong a word, but I do think it was stupid. There was no reason for her to be the new Captain Britain since it never really said what happened to the old one, and the whole 'if she gets hrt so does Britain' thing was just stupid. They then went on to ignore the fact that it said if she left England's soil (and they kept referring to Britain as being the same thing as England and vice versa which wound me up even more) and had her moving to the US. So... uh... is Britain now some kind of wasteland because she left?

I didn't realise she actually died in Disassembled though. I knew she got hurt when She Hulk went on the rampage but I thought she was just incappacitated rather than dead.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by G-Man:
Could Patriot be the new Captain Britain's son? .... Plus he would be bitter and angry over mom's death.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
BTW, the new Captain Britain died in Dissassmbled?

She's not dead -- her children only belive that she's dead.

The thing about the new CB that bothered me was the was the bizarre notion that since she's tied to Britain, injury to her results in catastrophe for the land. That sounds like a pretty ridiculous status quo for a superhero - someone who constantly puts themselves in danger. Other than that, there's certainly room for development (and it's nice to see the old outfit in use again).
Posted by G-Man on :
Bevis -you're right -I went back and saw where Patriot got shot and Hulkling asked if he was still bulletproof. I forgot that part.

From the Avengers story -I was under the impression that Captain Britain getting hurt by certain mystical means, such as LaFey's (LeFay's) magic, is what caused damage to Britain. Which is why she kidnapped Brian in the first place. Also, it turned out what made him so special was his parentage. It was a ridiculous storyline all in all and had a lot of stupid elements. It seems Marvel will allow certain writers to just tear up continuity in any way they please.

But I still like the character and what she did to protect Cap. And like I said, Coipel really heightened my enjoyment of the issue. I also loved his fill-in for the Uncanny X-Men.
Posted by Bevis on :
Here's a link to the cover for #6 but be warned it does have BIG SPOILERS (possibly).

One of the spoilers isn't really that much of a spoiler, but potentially there is another big one (although it's a cover so it could just be a bit misleading).
Posted by G-Man on :
If the cover is true, then I'm really going to miss that character. Of all the guys, he was my favorite, personality wise and in looks.
Posted by Kinetix on :
I like that Kate is going to have an ongoing, apparently very active role in the book, and wasn't just a minor recurring character for a few issues. At least, that's how it's looking from that cover.

Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
It'll be interesting to see Kate in costume (assuming a torn gown isn't it).

The cover makes me wonder if....

maybe the ramnants of Iron Lad's armor might be used to bring back the Vision's physical form? (he'd be a great advisor/mentor to the kids)

[ April 15, 2005, 05:49 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
What about the other character revealed on the cover? Too soon to bring back a Young Avengers version?
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
I think that handbag that Asgardian is carrying is just darling [Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :

Isn't issue # 6 a little early to be killing off founding members and starting "startling new directions"?

Also, I'm not crazy about another bow & arrow chick-- I'd much prefer she be a gadget-using Black Widowesque character!

All that said, I'm still excited about the book... after 2 issues it has a "feel" to it that I really like, and I am in general a fan of cast changes and "not knowing what to expect", so this may end up being hella-kewl.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I don't think they'd kill that character off after just going through so much to introduce him. Besides, we've seen hundreds of misleading covers like this before.

Good to see the girls involved though!
Posted by Kinetix on :
Lash: If you'll note, Kate has a bow and arrow, a sword, and a baton on her leg. She's picked over the bones of dead Avengers' gear, so she's not exactly 'gadget using', but she's got a number of tricks. [Wink]

Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Who is the bow & arrow check. As much as I wanna hate Marvel right now this book may bring me back.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
A good name for the bow & arrow girl would be Mockingbird IMO. [Wink] But if she takes the name Hawkeye..I being always for the new...won't complain.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
Who is the bow & arrow check. As much as I wanna hate Marvel right now this book may bring me back.

We don't know yet. That is supposed to be her first issue. As long as she isn't called Hawkette I'll reserve judgement.
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
If this was DC, then she would be the child of Hawkeye and Mockingbird that no one has ever heard of before. Then she could call herself "Hawkingbird" [Big Grin]
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I don't think they'd kill that character off after just going through so much to introduce him. Besides, we've seen hundreds of misleading covers like this before.

Good to see the girls involved though!

Pencils and Cover by JIM CHEUNG
Who ARE the Young Avengers? Discover their deepest secrets in this issue! In the penultimate chapter of "Sidekicks," the Young Avengers are finally forced to reveal the true nature of their powers as their battle with Kang the Conqueror becomes a fight to the death -- and that’s not hyperbole! But will the team survive its first fatality? Part 5 (of 6).

Pencils & Cover by JIM CHEUNG
The 6-part SIDEKICKS story arc comes to a shattering conclusion when the Young Avengers lose one of their founding members, a new member arrives on the scene, and the entire team undergoes a radical transformation. It's a surprising new direction for the Young Avengers as they battle Kang, the Avengers, and each other to ensure the team's survival.

Looks fairly consistant to me.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
If this was DC, then she would be the child of Hawkeye and Mockingbird that no one has ever heard of before. Then she could call herself "Hawkingbird" [Big Grin]

Or "Mockeye"! [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, I can see the following easiliy happening (that is to say, it's also equally as likely that the character dead on the cover is dead):

-it's a trick and a different character is the one that bites it.

-Iron Lad lives on in the series through the Vision's involvement in the MU or as Kang as the main bad-guy all series. I think it would be much more interesting to have him in the group for both those reasons though. I think Heinberg is too smart to kill off the most interesting character so early.

I guess we'll have to see though. I do like how they're wasting no time getting Cassie Lang involved.
Posted by disaster boy on :
maybe the "bow and arrow chick" is taskmaster's good daughter??? hunh any takers. nope, just a random offspring of hawkeye, black widow, or maybe the swordsman and mantis had a baby. that would be cool.

i don't mind how they killed off tony, especially if he may become the group's arch nemesis as kang.
Posted by disaster boy on :
actually, who has kids running around out there?

is luna still alive, quicksilver and crystal's kid? maybe a mutant will make it on the team.
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
Luna's still around as far as I know. I don't recall: has Luna shown any sort of powers yet?

I know whatshisface (Nomad, or used to be called Nomad) had a daughter.
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Luna would actually be a great choice as the next member. So far, they are goin in order of Avengers membership.

Hulk - Hulkling
Iron Man - Iron Lad
Captain America - Patriot
Thor - Asgardian
Cassie - Hank/Jan/Scott
Kate - Hawkeye

Next on the list should be Quicksilver or Wanda.
So Luna does make perfect sense.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Well, we know this about Luna:

1. She is a human with no powers. Her mutant genes and inhuman genes cancelled each other out, so the first pairing of the two 'races' resulted in a human baby.

2. She's still very, very young. Not a baby, but barely old enough to be in grade school IIRC.

Still, she has one of the coolest families in comics and always makes for good stories!
Posted by disaster boy on :
hmmm i didn't even notice the young avengers were assembling in order. cool.

well, cassie grew up real fast so maybe luna has too, except the lack of powers would be troublesome. maybe she's just a mutant taht needs to go through puberty first, or was that ixnay'ed. and the vis and wanda's kids disappeared. might be the start of an otherdimesional/othertime adventure if one of the twins somehow made it on the team.

remember spider woman, the one from secret wars had a girl too. but since spider woman was altered her daughter couldn't have inherited powers that way.
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
Actually, I don't think they are going in order of membership. Captain America wasn't a founding member of the Avengers, was he? I'm thinking he didn't join until issue 4 or something. As far as Cassie and Teen Hawkeye go, I think their membership has more to do with who died in Disassembled, rather than order of original Avengers membership.

Of course, I could be wrong. It's happened before [Wink]
Posted by G-Man on :
Is anyone else slightly curious as to how this book mimics Young Justice.

Start with the practically identical name based off the BIG team of the respective universe.

Young Justice: teen sidekicks / young counterparts
Young Avengers: young counterparts

Young Justice: 3 boys joined by 2 girls
Young Avengers: 4 boys (soon to be 3) joined by 2 girls

Young Justice: mentored by Red Tornado (an artificial intelligence)
Young Avengers: we have yet to determine if they will be mentored by the Vision (an artificial intelligence) --which I think would be cool

Hmmm, when I was coming up with this argument -it seemed like there were more similarities. [Razz]
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Speaking of Luna I always imagined her being an archer down the line. Why? Her being named Luna has a mythological connection with some moon goddesses...namely Diana/Artemis. Goddess of the moon and hunt. So Luna's hair turns white like daddy's and she becomes a gothic archer. Call me silly. [Wink]

The Mantis idea is a good one. If she's the bitchy hostage from #1 she seemed asian to me. I hope Asgardian is asian. Kinda ironic IMO.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
Actually, I don't think they are going in order of membership. Captain America wasn't a founding member of the Avengers, was he? I'm thinking he didn't join until issue 4 or something. As far as Cassie and Teen Hawkeye go, I think their membership has more to do with who died in Disassembled, rather than order of original Avengers membership.

Of course, I could be wrong. It's happened before [Wink]

Cru- Just FYI (cuz I'm bored):

Hulk left in #2, but appeared in #3 (fighting the Avengers with Namor) and #5 (fighting alongside them unknowingly against the Lava Men).

Cap joined in #4 (first Silver Age appearance, discounting a false Cap fighting the Torch in Strange Tales). Cap stayed on through the new team (Cap's Cooky Quartet), the return of Hank and Jan and the introduction of Hercules, until leaving around issue 40-something. It was the one with the Super-Adaptoid on the cover, I know that (going on pure memory here).

To be anal-retentive, it would be Wonder Man who joined in #9 that was next, although he betrayed them and died in that issue.

Then Clint, Wanda and Pietro in #16.

Then the Swordsmen (kinda) in #21-? (Pretty sure I'm screwing that number up). Like Wonder Man, this can be discounted if traitors are being discluded. Of course, both Swordsmen and Wondy went on to join anyway...

Then Hercules (although Hank and Jan had returned by then).
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by disaster boy:
well, cassie grew up real fast so maybe luna has too, except the lack of powers would be troublesome. maybe she's just a mutant taht needs to go through puberty first, or was that ixnay'ed.

Ixnayed the moment she was born in FF #240 - apparently Reed's scans were thorough (and it was reiterated in Thing #3).

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
To be anal-retentive, it would be Wonder Man who joined in #9 that was next, although he betrayed them and died in that issue.

Actually, he didn't join in #9 - he joined much later, after his revival (and then only as a probationary member. Him becoming a full member was done off-panel).

OTOH, Swordsman DID join in Avengers #20, even if it was to betray them. Whether they would have wiped that membership (as with Hulk, Terminatrix & Machine Man) is another matter, but since he joined honestly later, that's kinda moot.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I could have sworn that he joined in #9.'s been a few years since I read the issue though. The first Avengers comics I ever read were #1-16, which my dad has copies of and that's one of my favorite stories. I remember wondering why, as a kid, Wonder Man had his own comic book, when I just read that he died and my Dad had to explain to me that that happened 30 years earlier. Things like that hooked me on the Avengers.
Posted by disaster boy on :
re: luna

now why would anyone say that the offspring of two powerful characters would be an ordinary human. where's the potential of that. besides it's unbelievable. she could always fall into the terrigan mists or is that fatal to ordinary humans.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
The potential of Luna is that she's the only normal human amongst the Inhumans - that's what would be cool to explore once she's old enough. The last thing I'd want to see is another "little kid with powers greater than their parents combined" type Franklin Richards, Nathan Summers crapola.
Posted by disaster boy on :
that would be crapola.
Posted by G-Man on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Ixnayed the moment she was born in FF #240 - apparently Reed's scans were thorough (and it was reiterated in Thing #3).

Since when does Marvel care about continuity. They write the stories to fit their needs. This isn;t meant to be an attack of any kind -more of a disappointment in how marvel conducts business.

Joe Quesadilla "We're not bringing anyone back from the dead."

Hello Peter and Betsy. I don't mind because I love the characters and especially loved the manner in which Peter was brought back -but you can't trust them to honor continuity.
Posted by DarkPriestess Viviane on :
Originally posted by disaster boy:
re: luna

now why would anyone say that the offspring of two powerful characters would be an ordinary human. where's the potential of that. besides it's unbelievable. she could always fall into the terrigan mists or is that fatal to ordinary humans.

See, I think, when she gets older, she is going to lust after power, maybe turning to magic, science, something awesome!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
The potential of Luna is that she's the only normal human amongst the Inhumans - that's what would be cool to explore once she's old enough. The last thing I'd want to see is another "little kid with powers greater than their parents combined" type Franklin Richards, Nathan Summers crapola.
Originally posted by disaster boy:
that would be crapola.

As crapola as a normal human like Batman being in the JLA? I think that's more a natural extension of her established status in the Inhuman community and makes her unique. If she develops powers, she becomes like any other Inhuman. She's pretty much a blank slate anyway, I'm just saying I wouldn't want them to erase one of the few things that's been important to her character thus far.

p.s. I hope you didn't take it personally just because I didn't like the direction you mentioned for the character. You can always tell me why you don't like my idea or tell me why your idea is interesting to you. I mentioned not liking your idea because it reminded me of other stories that were poorly done - that's all.

[ April 20, 2005, 03:32 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by disaster boy on :
i meant the franklin richards, nate summers i am so powerful i need to be depowered....slant.

i was agreeing with you. but, i wasn't saying she should be awesomly powered in the first place.

maybe i could write: that WOULD be crapola. or now, THAT would be crapola. would've been better.

i would prefer she had powers personally. there are an endless number (6 billion) of normal humans out there to become batman. maybe if she became something non powered that capitalized on her other back grounds...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#3 was the best read of a crowded week! I'm loving this book. The fact that the writer is a big Legion and Titan fan is a real plus for me.

I'm not enough of a Marvel scholar to figure out if there's more meaning to some of the revelations in this issue than seems apparent. Any 'true believers' out there who can illuminate?

We can add Patriot to Iron Lad as characters whose back stories we now sort-of know. I'm *really* looking forward to the exploration of Asgardian and Hulkling.

About Luna-- it'd be kind of neat if she adopted a persona derived from Inhuman folklore; perhaps using some gadgetry she invented (with Reed's help?).

Maybe she's raising Lockjaw's pup, since the critter's disappeared from the pages of the FF.

I think she'd be a *great* addition to the cast, but I wonder if they'll let her be aged? She's associated with the Fantastic Four quite a bit... and you know that would raise the flag of the Franklin 'problem'.

At the least, it'd mean at least *some* use of Quicksilver and/or Crystal... which would be welcome.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
"NRAMA: Sharp-eyed readers also noticed a sword (Swordsman?), a baton (Mockingbird?) and what looks like Black Widow's belt, all characters that had ties to Hawkeye. Can you comment on the connection or lack thereof and what it means? Are fans on the right track?"

Newsrama had this to say of Kate Bishop. So she's like the normal human action star??? Didn't someone mention the Taskmaster had a daughter? In that case it has to be her. [Smile] And I would dig that.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
- Did Asgardian's identity or family ring a bell with anyone? I'm not too much into Thor lore. What could his connection be?
- Why wouldn't Hulkling have any idea where he got his powers? hmm...
- I can't believe it's an accident that on the cover it almost looks like Asgardian and Hulkling are holding hands. More fuel for the fire...
- I wonder if Vision's fallback plan was a side effect of when he gained near omniscience being plugged into every computer system etc back in the day, granting him knowledge to figure out this "next wave" of heroes.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I wonder how many of those white dots on the Vision's map we'll be seeing in these pages or have seen in other Marvel books...

I second DrakeB's question-- did the family names of Asgardian and/or Hulkling ring any memory bells?

Paging Cobalt...

Also, what exactly was Asgardian's "other" superpower displayed towards the end?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Haven't checked out the issue yet, but I'm excited that it's out already! If Asgardian's story ties into Thor continuity, I'll know it and report back when I read the issue!
Posted by disaster boy on :
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
"NRAMA: Sharp-eyed readers also noticed a sword (Swordsman?), a baton (Mockingbird?) and what looks like Black Widow's belt, all characters that had ties to Hawkeye. Can you comment on the connection or lack thereof and what it means? Are fans on the right track?"

Newsrama had this to say of Kate Bishop. So she's like the normal human action star??? Didn't someone mention the Taskmaster had a daughter? In that case it has to be her. [Smile] And I would dig that.

i was just making up teh taskmaster thing. anyone know who mr. bishop is if anybody?
Posted by disaster boy on :
i assume we will see more young avengers from the map since there are actual names to go with dots.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I've seen a list of the names on another website (one I wouldn't recommend cause it blows) but none of the names sounded familiar.

The writer is doing a good job eh? [Wink]
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I was also hoping Asgardian was one of those twins saved by Thor way back in the Simonson days. Adopted (human) sons of Volstagg. Ferget their names.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
OK, spoil me. Tell me the real name of Asgardian and I might be able to remember it. I can't think of those two kids off the top of my head, but if I heard their names, I'd know.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Asgardian: "I'm Billy Kaplan. My parents are Jeff and Rebecca. He's a cardiologist. She's a psychologist. Two little brothers, both obnoxious ... does that mean anything to you guys?"

The only tie I can think of is that his dad's a doctor and Thor used to be one (and of course Jane was a nurse, Jake was an EMT). Maybe they knew each other?

[ April 22, 2005, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Great issue. And some great quotes:

"Okay, this completely violates Growing Man cotinuity." Asgardian

"We're Fanboys aren't we? So we collect them all." Hulkling
Posted by G-Man on :
That single line by Hulkling raised my appreciation of him about 10 notches. I didn't get the issue because my comic shop is jacked up, but I read most of the issue -this may become one of my favorite books -especially considering the current LSH isn't really working for me.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Ok I'm convinced I will like YA. Going to get the trade. The one thing I do not like is Jessica Jones. This series seems geared towards old Avengers fans and she's just a Bendis reminder.

Black Widow and a host of former Avengers can fill this role much better. Ofcourse I vote for Tasha! Or heck someone with Kang connections? Jessica Jones? ugh.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
I really like Asgardian as drawn by Jim Cheung! Maybe I shoulda asked for an Asgardian sketch instead when I saw him in January but I hadn't even read the book yet!
Posted by Bevis on :
Jessica Jones in YA hasn't actually been that key a figure. She was kind of a way in to the story, and she's been there with Cap and Iron Man but I don't think she's going to be all that important in the long run. They certainly seem to be setting up Vision as being the mentor of the group, and I'm sure Cap and other adult Avengers will turn up from time to time, but I don't think Jessica has been given enough screen time in the last two issues for her to become a key player. I could be completely wrong about that though.

#3 I loved. The art just gets better and better and the characterisation is great. Hulkling and Asgardian, even if they aren't a couple, are quickly becoming two of my favourite comics characters (which is funny because Thor and Hulk have always left me cold) and the girls look like they're going to just as good. Patriot is interesting, although possivly he needs to be taken down a peg or two to avoid him becoming annoying. I think I've decided now that New Avengers is ging to be dropped from my pull list and YA will take it's place.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Do it Bevis! Drop New Avengers! With YA and Ultimates who needs Bendis' elseworld? [Wink]
Posted by MLLASH on :
DAMN, this book is HOT!!!

# 3 was awesome!

I **love** who Patriot really is, that was a top-notch idea.

Humour, faboo art, intriguing devlopments-- Yep, this book is as awesome as the 70s TEEN TITANS, the early NEW WARRIORS, and the (insert your favorite issues of your favorite series here)! (!!!!!)
Posted by Reboot on :
So, does the cape confirm what many thought would happen?


(I'll replace the image when a better copy becomes available)
Posted by RTVU2 on :
ok someone spill, who is really patriot?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by RTVU2:
ok someone spill, who is really patriot?

The grandson of Isaiah Bradley, the 'original, first' Captain America.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Still trying to figure out who Asgardian is, myself! Seriously, if I don't know that name, NO ONE will be able to off the top of their head [Smile]
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Cool. In hindsight that makes sense. Thanks LL!
Posted by Pov on :
[Bump] for #4!
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
i hope her name is not hawkingbird. but i want to see what gadgets she found. and for her to have a real costume.
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
is jewel a real character? if so what are her powers?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Here's a larger look at the cover for issue #7.

Click for fullsize image
Posted by MLLASH on :
I hope they don't change his colors again, as this cover suggests! His original look is TOO classic!!
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Very nice cover! Hmm are they downloading Iron Lad's brainwaves into the Vision? Or did Iron Lad build a new android? Cool.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I hope they don't change his colors again, as this cover suggests! His original look is TOO classic!!

Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
Very nice cover! Hmm are they downloading Iron Lad's brainwaves into the Vision? Or did Iron Lad build a new android? Cool.

It's Kangboy's (red and silver) armour.

Vision's "software" is already in Kangboy's armour, downloaded by Kangboy when he found Vision's mangled corpse lying in a warehouse, but it's not active.

The YA6 cover makes it look very like Kangboy is kaput.

The current theory is that Vision's mind is undamaged, despite Disassembled, and takes over Kangboy's armour when Kangboy dies.


[ May 19, 2005, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Vee on :
Hang on a second! :stop:

Kangboy can't die. If he does, it would mean there would be no Kang The Conqueror. [Confused]
Posted by MLLASH on :
A Vision/Iron Lad-Kangboy hybrid? Not so sure I like this. We'll see how this plays out before I start screaming, though. This book has been great so far so I'll give it a chance...
Posted by G-Man on :
I really enjoyed the revelation that the guys have different powers and were basically just masquerading as the original founders.

I LOVED Jessica taking the gun from Kang. Keep her on as an advisor.

I'm hoping that the Vision personality will continue on in Iron Lad's armor -but with a slight mind-wipe -so he's starting from scratch. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED Viz and Wanda together but they've been screwing that up for years and its gotten tiresome. Let's give him a fresh start (away from Byrne).

I did not like the small idea that KangKid only got characters from Viz's protocols because that would mean the Viz would have known about Patriot -does anyone else see that as flawed?

This book is one of my faves right now -maybe my absolute fave. A nice substitute for the replacement Legion that I still haven't completely warmed up to.

I didn't see if anyone mentioned it, but the last 2 letters pages have been concentrating on the topic of homosexuality -but there was also a small article in the Advocate about it. Kinda neat, huh?
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
The Vision is the Batman of the Marvel Universe [Smile]
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
reboot thanks. So it appears the good ole Vizh brainwaves have found a new body.

Don't know what to think of this. On one side I love it that it's different and the old "he's back just like before...good old Vizh." I hate that. Busiek had a knack for it and Geoff Johns is developing one as well. Develop the character right back to what he was before? eh.

On the not so good side...the Vision was already confusing as hell. I was hoping for a much more streamlined newer version. Inhabiting the the armor of Iron Lad who is really a younger version of Kang after his former body was destroyed...being a chrono-clone (ugh) of the original Human Torch with 3 different brain patterns...well kids it's not the easiest history to understand.

Still it's exciting. [Smile] The Vision with new powers same brain! good idea.
Posted by Reboot on :
I want to re-emphisise the "current theory" and "might be leading us up the figurative garden path" aspects of this idea, BTW.

Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
On one side I love it that it's different and the old "he's back just like before...good old Vizh." I hate that. Busiek had a knack for it and Geoff Johns is developing one as well. Develop the character right back to what he was before? eh.

Yeah. Crap, ain't it.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :





So what do you think Billy/Asgardian's 'other' super-powers are? I'm kind of disappointed that
he might not be connected to Asgard, somehow. I wonder if Billy knows that Thor and co. are all 'dead'?

This issue's big reveal of Hulkling's power as a shapeshifter was a nice surprise. Mimicking different Avengers would be a nice motif for this character... in a couple of months he can be 'Beastling', then 'Ms.ter Marvel', then 'Quickling' etc.

I can't decide if I think 'Hawkingbird' is so kitschy it's cool, or so achingly bad that I never want to see it uttered again. What do you think? I like Kate Bishop, though.

I'm ready for Cap, Iron Man, and Jessica Jones to go on about their business now. Let the stories of the YOUNG AVENGERS take center stage. I want to see how they go about things in a less stressful situation, without their heroes peering over their shoulders. One, or occasionally two, of the 'senior members' can appear at a time, I suppose.

Anyway, this title continues to be a treat that I didn't expect and enjoy all the more for that.
Posted by ferroboy on :
I'm wondering if Billy _is_ Thor. We've all heard the rumors that the Asgardians are supposed to return as teenagers. Maybe this is a start. Note that he has a cane like Donald Blake, which is particularly odd since no one would associate Thor with that cane. He's also got the lightning and, it seemed, some sort of teleportation power (like Mjolnir had). Asgardian being Thor is a possibility.
Posted by Kinetix on :
This book is so amazingly good. Part of it is because expectations were so low, it would have to really try to dash them. The other is just how well it's written, using continuity, and with rather well-defined characters so far, IMO.

Loving Kate, and "Hawkingbird" has just the right ring to my ears. Although grabbing dead heroes weapons is kinda asking for it. [Wink]

Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Hawkingbird isn't actually used in the comic is it? That is horrible. [Smile]

Ohwell this book still rocks it seems.
Posted by Kinetix on :
It's used in the following context, "Who are you supposed to be? Hawkingbird?"

Not official, but I like it...

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
#4 kicked ass. 'nuff said.

Well, not enough said, but that would have sufficed.

Even though I'll enjoy when Cap, Tony and Jessica leave the comic, I don't mind them being around right now. The first six issues acting as the "Young Avengers *real* first night" (as in not really the first, but the first one that counts) is cool, and I like how the adults have been forced to see Kang's point and help him.

The more I read, the more Asgardian seems like my favorite, even though we barely know anything about him. Seeing him doing the pull-ups in the background when they were in the cell was cool, and said more about the character than we knew.

Kate Bishop is a pretty groovy character too, and I'm finding myself enjoying the bickering b/t her and Patriot even though the wrong bit of dialogue could verge on the cliche. Yet, Heinberg is smart enough to steer the conversations to where we're entertained.

Iron Lad is still just a kick-ass cool concept. It does look like his days might be numbered (I'll cede that), but I hope some semblance of him remains, even if the Vision (one of my all time faves) takes over his role in the series. As you can tell, the more involvement of the Vision in any capacity, though, the better.

So, Hulking is a shape-changer? Cool! NOW THEN...speculation: where did he get his powers? Could he be a SKRULL? Leftover from the Kree/Skrull Wars (or some type of connection to it). What other shape-changers are there in Avengers history?

I like Asgardian coming to his rescue and the two knowing about each other too. Whether as a couple or as friends, there friendship/bond already comes off as strong, as does their willingness to cut Patriot some slack when he's a jerk and stick by Iron Lad when they're unsure of what to do.

Still lovin' the series.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Space Phantoms!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Of course! D'oh!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Personally, I think "Hawkingbird" is a ridiculous name - it's a nickname at best. My guess is they'll stick with a birdtype name, but not actually Hawkeye or Mockingbird.

My initial thought was that the Vision would end up inhabiting the Iron Lad armor - if that happens at least he'd be able to alter his appearance to something akin to his classic look (if not duplicate it outright). I hope they don't reboot his personality though or else what'd be the point? (it's also already happened once (or twice))
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
It might very well be Mockingbird. From what I understand this girl has a mouth on her. [Smile]
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
I really like Asgardian's look and in general the whole feel of the team. I wish the 'New Adademy X-Men' teen team book were this fun and cool.
Posted by MLLASH on :

# 4 was great. What a dillemma Cap, Iron Man and Jewel are in.

And you can't help but feel for the kids.

Seeing Hulkling's true form was a shock. Yeah, Asgardian and he are an item for sure.

Loving "Hawkingbird", she's one brave, resourceful lass.

I'm so glad I tried this comic. I really like these guys. And gals.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I just read the first 4 issues from a bud who has kept telling me how awesome this is...and he is right. I love it.

The art is great. The story is good & fun. Feels more like the Avengers have in a long time. I wanted some progression with the Avengers as a whole but keeping the tradition and respect of the team. I don't mind seeing Scarlet Witch, Hank Pym, Wasp and some others move on/retire, etc. If we got cool new young heroes with ties to the Avengers I was all for it. Sadly the Avengers got rid of the old guard to replace with a seventies Bendis love fest.

This comes through for me which I am sure is what Marvel was planning. This wins back the old school Avengers fans. I am lucky my bud said he will let me read all of his but i will still get the trades cause this is just so darn good.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#5's out.... spoiler










... with the penultimate issue of the series opening arc, 'Sidekicks'. Another winner, with an eyebrow-raising cliffhanger. A favorite 'old' Avenger appears (and then disappears?)... another revelation about one of the Young Avengers is made... and a couple of personal connections are made (at least potentially).

It was heartening to see the VISION rise from Iron Lad's discarded armor... surely he'll be playing a more prominent role next issue, as the few panels he appeared in this issue was just enough to tantalize.

I'm a bit disappointed in the revelation about Asgardian. It's clever enough-- and in keeping with the disclosure about Hulkling. A spellcaster and a shapechanger *do* make a good team. I just miss Thor and Marvel's Asgard and was hoping that this likeable young character would fit into that legacy. 'Magic' still could, but for me, personally, it's very much a letdown. I'm just not a fan of sorcerer-heroes, in most instances. But I like Billy-- if it turns out the lightning is a separate power from the spellcasting, I'll be a little happier. I'd be pretty surprised if that were the case. Ah, well... this development will please lots of other folk, probably.

Cassie kisses Iron Lad, while Patriot and Kate have a more... vocal meeting of the minds. Good pairs, the both (four?) of them. I'm looking forward to the romantic twists and turns.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
It would be cool if Asgardian's magic is Druid (as in Dr. Druid) related?!!!
Posted by MLLASH on :

Another issue knocked clear out of the ballpark.

Can't rave enough about it.

I **love** these kids. All of 'em.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
This is Marvel's best comic and in my top five. #5 was no different and another A+.

Todd, as you said, I'm one of those people who thought the revelation about Asgardian was pretty cool. I like magic based super-heroes, and this was another cool shocker. And further insight to the friendship/relationship b/t Hulking and Asgardian!

The Iron Lad and Cassie scenes were nice too. Cassie is a very likeable character, and she shines here.

Vision. YES. Really...YES.

Great scenes with Patriot and Kate too. All around, another solid, excellent issue. I wish it was weekly [Big Grin]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
While I still really like this book, I wish they'd move this Kang story along - it seems to be dragging to me. Part of my impatience is surely due to the fact that I want to find out more about these kids, their history etc., but what we've been let in on so far is pretty cool.

After this adventure is over, I have to wonder if Hulkling is going to bother keeping the "Hulk" form as his default since he can be anything.

And is it me, or is Asgardian starting to seem more like their Scarlet Witch rather than their Thor? I hope we're given a real explanation for his reality warping powers before .... well, you know...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Definitely my favorite Marvel title at the moment. Just read #5 and, though a quick read, it was enjoyable. Unlike House of M. [Disgusting]

So, is Hulkling a Skrull or not? I read something about this issue that basically put it out there it was a given but I don't recall that being revealed.
Posted by Vee on :
Great issue! This is also my favorite Marvel title (among the very, VERY few Marvel titles I even consider picking up)

Refresh my memory, were the Skrulls shape changers? I can't recall.
Posted by Caliente on :
Skrulls? Yup. Shape-changing aliens. But, if that was put out in this issues... well, I missed it.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
If Hulking happens to be one of the kids of a Skrull/human pairing (i collected a mini about this in the 90s) it would be cool.

Asgardian? I like him. I wanted him to be asian? Only cause he looked asian to me in the promo art and still does! Plus a young asian-american dressed like Thor I think is pretty cool & unique.

Spell caster? hmm like I said if they tie him to druids it would be cool. Not sure if I like it too much. Reminded me of Wanda actually. hard to define powers but it was cool.

Great issue. I do love Cassie Lang. Marvel almost made up for killing her dad by introducing her. Vision in yet a new body? cool...he has such a complicated history it really doesn't matter at this point that he inhibits the armor of a young kang from the future. doh! and has everybody in the Marvel Universe brainwaves. [Wink]

I am glad the Vision is in this title. Yes the best Marvel title.
Posted by Reboot on :
Take big note of the YA9 cover (SPOILERS AHOY)

Oh, and Cassie's codename is revealed in the She-Hulk solicit.
Posted by Caliente on :
Yay Iron Lad isn't dead!! [Big Grin]
Posted by Reboot on :
Ummmm.... that's a joke, right [Smile]
Posted by Caliente on :


...I hope not...

I like, er, young!Kang. And he's on the cover... so... yes. Let me be delusional.
Posted by Reboot on :
He's not on the cover, Miss/Mrs/Ms/Mis/Mirs/Mris/Mistress Delusional [Smile]
Posted by Caliente on :
I know. *sigh* Stupid Vision in Iron Lad's armor. Let me be delusional, damn it!! [Wink]

[ July 22, 2005, 12:46 PM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Hmm...I wonder if Marvel is cooking up a Runaways/Young Avengers/New X-Men crossover? Maybe they could team up to babysit PowerPack?
Posted by Caliente on :

Well, I know that the Young Avengers and Runaways are going to meet in the Runaways series, along with the return of Cloak and Dagger and an appearance by Spider-Man.

No X-Peeps are mentioned but they're getting a retooling 'cause of HoM and stuff, so that's probably part of it.

Personally, I'm hoping for some East Coast/West Coast rivalry. [Wink] Like the old school rap wars!! It'll be good times, I tells ya.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I've never seen a girl quote the old school rap wars of east and west. [Wink]

(re: Cassie's codename) Eh. Giant Girl seems better. I don't know though...personally I like shrinkers better than growers. I mean the giant thing is just for show. [Smile]

How about Titant? Heh. jk.
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
Hmm...I wonder if Marvel is cooking up a Runaways/Young Avengers/New X-Men crossover? Maybe they could team up to babysit PowerPack?

You think the Julie Power appearing in Runaways needs a babysitter?
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :

Well Julie Power in the Sumerak Power Pack is a lot younger. Maybe we can get New Warriors in there too...
Posted by ferroboy on :
I'm guessing the PP in their own book is not mainline MU - despite their appearance in an issue of Wolverine. Besides, which Julie Power would you rather look at?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Is it me or is issue #6 really late?
Posted by Pov on :
Um... yeah. [Frown] WTF???

It pisses me off that these guys who could keep regular schedules at CrossGen-- Cheung, Land, McNiven-- have let their professionalism go to shit while working for Joey Q & co. And it says alot (or very little!) for the jobs their editors are doing. [Razz]

[ August 26, 2005, 12:58 PM: Message edited by: Pov ]
Posted by Reboot on :
It's just you.

It is, in fact, really, REALLY late [Smile]

Finally due next week though:
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Maybe they're getting rebooted [Wink] Preview art seems to suggest a couple of them will get costume tweaks...
Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
what the frak is Kate Bishop's codename?
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I believe Kate codename is going to be Wicca. Don't know why, though.
Posted by Reboot on :
Actually, I think, on reflection, that Wiccan is Asgardian renamed. Someone @ Wikipedia is claiming that Kate will be "Knightress" after Jessica Jones, without a source,
Posted by Harbinger on :
Knightress??? Too much like Night Dress for my liking.

Phaah! Ba-a-ad codename alert!
Posted by Pov on :
Hey, if she wants to fight crime in a slinky little teddy, -I- ain't complaining... [Love] [Wink]
Posted by icefire on :
My comic shop had an advance copy of #6 so it will be out next week.
Posted by KidChaos on :
Originally posted by Harbinger:
Knightress??? Too much like Night Dress for my liking.

Phaah! Ba-a-ad codename alert!

I'd actually prefer "Hawkingbird" to "Knightress"
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Was the name Monstress any more inspired for a flighty girly Hulk-clone?
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Knightress? Yep that's the next thing right after I install the blower, stick on that gigantic spoiler and lower the suspension of my RSX-type S.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Knightress sounds like the name of a wig stuck on top of a suit of armor.

I hate it.

Like Kate thought.

I leafed through the preview a bit this week, too. What I don't understand is this: If they can get copies printed and distributed as previews, why not go ahead and release the book if it's running weeks and weeks late?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
I believe Kate codename is going to be Wicca. Don't know why, though.

A little more background info would help clarify matters on this "Kate" character...and help determine what would be a good hero-name for her... [Yes]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
About this title, did Heinberg confirm that Hulkling and Asgardian were in fact a couple?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I think I've read that he did, but I'm not sure where I found that info.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
He supposedly let it slip at SDCC this year while on the "Gays in Comics" panel. According to Buzzscope.

[ August 27, 2005, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Golly... like almost half the membership will be gay? What a revolutionary concept! I can't imagine a team in this day and age that would have such a large gay membersh... <looks around>... oh yeah... we have that here [Wink]

[ August 28, 2005, 10:36 AM: Message edited by: Spellbinder ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Ah, I remember the early days when the LMB had the token five strait guys (with 20+ gay members)... [Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by KidChaos:
Originally posted by Harbinger:
Knightress??? Too much like Night Dress for my liking.

Phaah! Ba-a-ad codename alert!

I'd actually prefer "Hawkingbird" to "Knightress"
Totally agreed.

I do like the code-name "Wiccan" though.

Glad to see I haven't missed an issue; I noticed its been a while since I got a new YA.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Milligan and Allred beat out Heinberg for the number of gays on a team, though-- X-FORCE/X-STATIX had three in its run: Bloke, Phat & Vivisector! Though Bloke was killed early on.

It was interesting (and realistic) how Phat and Vivisector developed: let's pretend we're gay to get some limelight... uh oh, we're naked in bed together... maybe we ARE really gay?... no, I'm not gay, YOU are... Okay, so we're both gay, just not attracted to each other.

But apparently Hulkling and Asgardian have been together for a while. This is going to be a plot to watch, for sure!
Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
Did #6 feel a bit padded? Lots of character moments but they felt S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D [Tusker]

Kate Bishop stands out still, and Patriot seems to be developing into his role (which seems to be akin to the Ultimate's Cap/Fury).

I still don't understand Hulkling or his parentage. Or, for that matter, Wiccan.

And I don't know about Cassie's new codename. This might be the last issue I pick up.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I liked this issue-- though I don't really care for Asgardian's new codename at all. My first reaction to his new costume isn't too positive, but one panel really isn't enough to judge.

The parent issues will be addressed over the next two issues. Hopefully, there won't be long waits. I think that cuts down on interest quite a bit.

Still one of my favorite titles.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
What is Hulkling's new codename?
Posted by Caliente on :
He's still called Hulkling.

I really did enjoy this issue. Even though they got rid of my favorite character. *sob!!* I'm excited to see where it goes from here.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I am really really not into Cassie's new codename - "Stature"?? ugh. And I'm not totally sure I got the joke about Asgardian's name -- was she saying they might call him "Ass Guardian"? (if so, it's a tad weak, if not a bit offensive)

I hope the kids enlist the Vision's aid. There has to be a followup with him sometime. He doesn't seem all there, the way he was standing like a statue, talking kinda robotic-like. What's he even been doing for the weeks before they reformed the team?

The loss of Iron Lad will be a blow, but things are just starting for these kids so I'll definitely be there to see what Heinberg has in mind.

[ September 02, 2005, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
I am really really not into Cassie's new codename - "Stature"?? ugh.

What would you prefer? Giant-Girl? [Disgusting]

Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
I hope the kids enlist the Vision's aid. There has to be a followup with him sometime. He doesn't seem all there, the way he was standing like a statue, talking kinda robotic-like. What's he even been doing for the weeks before they reformed the team?

Right now, I think Vision's back where he was after VisionQuest, despite the new-Kang-body - i.e., between his Ultronic meltdown, getting ripped in half by She-Hulk and being left to rot in a crate for months, he'd suffered "brain damage" by the time Young Kang uploaded him into his armour. And I think, thus, that he's going to be a fellow trainee with the YAs, rather than a Red Tornado-style mentor.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
How did the Young Avengers idea come about? Hulkling? Asgardian? Iron Lad? What happened to the original team?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
What would you prefer? Giant-Girl? [Disgusting]

No no ... it's GiAnt-Girl, to honor her father [Wink] . Or how's about:
- Girl Tower
- Big Mama
- Little Big Girl
- Step On Ya Lass
Posted by MLLASH on :
Well, # 6 pretty much confirmed for me that YOUNG AVENGERS is now my favorite title.

The art is superb, and I find myself actually dreading the fill-in art next issue. Usually fill-ins don't worry me.

I do think Iron Lad will be back, sooner or later.

I found the "Asgardian" name comment to be quite hilarious and unexpected. And true. VERY true, they were wise to change it.

Kate really is takin' charge. Groovy.

I think I dig the new costumes too.

The name "Stature" I'm less thrilled with. Yes, "Giant-Grl" *would* have been a better choice. FAR better.
Posted by disaster boy on :
wiccan and hulkling are so cute in civies!

except...why the big deal about changing costumes, they look the same but less detailed.

giant girl would have been better.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Wiccan and Hulkling ARE cute, aren't they? Twink City!
Posted by disaster boy on :
i have a theory that pencillers that draw cute boys...are cute.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
I think Cassie is going to be like Kitty Pryde in terms of code-names. No matter what code name she has, she'll be referred to by her given name.

As far as jokes on Asgardian's name. I was thinking As-gay-ian. Although I like Ass Guardian too. I don't think Wiccan is any better of a code-name. "Enchanter" maybe?

And will Kate have a code name? I can't think of a good one for her.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Kate -- Archer?

"Wiccan" doesn't seem right to me. Maybe because it seems kinda trendy, maybe because he doesn't seem to have done any studying of wicca to gain his abilities, he just waves his hands and wishes things (I *really* hope they explain that soon). Might as well call him "Wishmaster" or "Genie". I wonder if he has a "there's no place like home, there's no place like home..." scene coming up.
Posted by disaster boy on :
too bad Arsenal is taken for kate. Armory...i like Archer too. Paladin 2? she wears purple.

i agree with drake on the wiccan thing...dosnt have the right sense.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Loved this issue, and this continues to be my favorite Marvel comic.

I'm loving all the characters and the ongoing interactions between all of them. I'm definately looking forward to more of the Vision next issue and his role in the team, and I'm hoping that Iron Lad will show up once more (I figure probably in a years time or so, once they've established a new sense of group dynamic with him no longer involved, which will screw it all up [Big Grin] ).

I think Wiccan/Asgardian is my favorite member. I like his relationship with Hulking--I guess after this issue, it's not much of a mystery anymore!

Great scenes with Patriot, Kate and Cassie too. Seeing the five of them develop as friends will be the best part of this title, methinks.
Posted by Reboot on :
For myself, I'm still trying to figure out if there's any way the time-travel stuff could make sense. In a world where the Thing can go back and cure his younger self without actually changing anything for himself, this doesn't exactly make sense.

And does Patriot strike anyone as a leader-wannabe who isn't actually the one everyone else follows? Before it was Nate who was the real leader, now it's Kate, but he still thinks he's the one in charge.

[ September 11, 2005, 03:01 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Mattropolis on :
I love this title and I think Asgardian and Hulkling are an adorable couple.

As far as the leadership goes, it does seem as if Kate will be the leader if only by action. See what developes between her and Patriot will also be worth watching.

Did anyone notice Kate's coment about connections in the fashion industry? that could have been a throwaway line or... maybe she has some connection to Jan Pym? That would rock!

Now i want to see them face Ultron!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Matt, good call! I didn't catch that at first, and a connection to the Wasp would be awesome!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I wonder what Thor would think of the 'Ass-guardian' joke?

I hope Billy goes back to Asgardian shortly after Thor makes his comeback in 2006.

Mattropolis, that fashion industry comment made me curious about a connection to Janet Van Dyne, too. Especially after glancing through next week's PULSE (the Jessica Jones book).

Maybe Cassie will come to Ms. Van Dyne's attention through Kate, leading to the Wasp taking Stature under her wing, so to speak. Or else causing Jan to prod Hank Pym into mentoring Cassie.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Although on the one hand I like the idea of a couple of the Old Avengers mentoring the kids, in a way I think I would rather they not. I want this book to start focusing now on just the Young Avengers. I'm okay with the Vision hanging around, although it's a little too much like Red Tornado and Young Justice.

Add me to the list of people loving AsgardiWiccan and Hulking. They really are a cute couple. And they are funny, too!

I hope this title will be able to mix the themes of "young heroes in training" and "teens being teens." I want to see Cassie and Kate going to the mall, and Wic' and 'Ling going to the movies... stuff like that. The next two issues are supposed to focus on the kids' private lives, I think, so maybe we'll see some of that.

That was the secret to the Teen Titans success, I think. I was a superhero book, but you also got the feeling that these kids were also friends. That's what I'd like to see happen here.

Oh... and a poster. I'd like to see a Young Avengers poster [Smile]
Posted by Vee on :
Hmmm...interesting thought about Janet. That could be very possible.

Cru, there is a Young Avengers poster. It was a promo for the new series...a repro of the artwork from issue #1. Happened to see it at my CBS this weekend.

Regarding the new names: I also don't care for Wiccan unless they develope a connection by exploring his background and the development of his powers. Spellcaster would be a better choice (probably shortened by the group to 'Caster)

I really, REALLY don't like Stature however. Yuck! I would much rather see her named GiAnt (not necessarily with "Girl" on the end) than this. At least that honors her father, which is her motivation.

Patriot and Hunkling are fine as names and I would think that Quiver would be a good choice for Kate, though I like Paladin a lot as well.

I too hope we see Nate again down the road, I fear however that we will see him as a young Kang as an ongoing nemesis for the team. Have to admit that it would provide some real angst for them to have to battle him, knowing who he was ~ their founder!

Add me to the list that really likes 'Caster and 'Ling as a couple. And yes, they are hotties! [Big Grin]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Originally posted by Vee:
Spellcaster would be a better choice (probably shortened by the group to 'Caster)

I'm willing to let them use Spellbinder [Wink]

And I think it's so cute how Wic' casts spells: IwannacreateawallofflamesIwannacreateawallofflamesIwannacreateawallofflamesIwannacreateawallofflames

Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Vee:
Patriot and Hunkling are fine as names....

Amusing slip [Razz]

Really don't like "Patriot" as a name tho.

Originally posted by Vee:
I too hope we see Nate again down the road, I fear however that we will see him as a young Kang as an ongoing nemesis for the team. Have to admit that it would provide some real angst for them to have to battle him, knowing who he was ~ their founder!

Isn't Kang's history complicated enough without adding a period as Kang before he becomes Rama-Tut?

[ September 12, 2005, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
I kinda liked they old costumes more but I guess I have to see them in better detail. Now how about that Runaways crossover!
Posted by KidChaos on :
I'm really gonna miss Kate's Mockingbird mask.

Kudos to giving Cassie one though.

"Stature"? [Disgusting]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
She kind of looks like the Ultimate version of Hawkingbird now, what with the sunglass/googles and purple latex/leathery suit.

Stature isn't really doing it for me either. Not really sure what else to call her, though. Maybe Tiny Titan [Smile]
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
I wonder what Thor would think of the 'Ass-guardian' joke?

I wonder what Thor would say about Asgardian and Hulking being together??? And by that I mean Thor and Hulk aren't the best of friends.

But now that he ain't Asgardian any longer...and never seemed to have any real ties to Asgard I guess it's a non issue. Pretty ironic though.
Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
...he just waves his hands and wishes things (I *really* hope they explain that soon). Might as well call him "Wishmaster" or "Genie". I wonder if he has a "there's no place like home, there's no place like home..." scene coming up.

"Genie" is great. Very campy Barbara Eden possibilities.
Maybe he's Scarlet Witch's lost sons? Well, 1 of them anyway. (Then Magneto can be Anti-M or something)
Then Hulkling can be Lyja's almost-child from her Fantastic days!

[ September 13, 2005, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: 235 - Andy S ]
Posted by disaster boy on :
anyone shocked to see the last page?
Posted by Spellbinder on :
What was the last page? The group shot?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Let's just say Patriot has a secret...

Dagnabbit, I'm getting into this series.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
What was the last page? The group shot?

Well, I suppose two YAers might count as a "group" [Smile]

Oh, and we get an explaination for why the Vision's been talking and acting so oddly. Bad news Vision fans...

[ September 29, 2005, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I think I must be an issue behind. Did the new issue come out this week? The last one I have is issue #6, the conclusion of the initial Kang arc.
Posted by Vee on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
Let's just say Patriot has a secret...

Dagnabbit, I'm getting into this series.

Not sure I care for this developement. Guess we'll see where this goes. [Frown]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
If anyone cares to spoil me in a PM, then that would be lovely [Big Grin]
Posted by disaster boy on :
i live to spoil you spellbinder.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Thanks D-Boy and 'Boot. Hmmm... not sure what I think about that Patriot secret. Wonder where they'll go with that?

This sucks... now I'll have to wait until next week (after the convention) to get it [Frown] Young Avengers is just about the only title that I anxiously await each month [Smile]
Posted by Caliente on :
Mmm. Finally read it. Muy interesante. The right combination of humor and drama. I enjoyed it muchly. ^_^ The Vision made me particularly happy. But, then, I wasn't really a fan before.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I couldn't resist... I picked this up at the convention [Smile]

Not a bad issue, although I missed the regular artist (Cheung?... I'm horrible with names). LovedLovedLoved the scene with Billy's parents. If only it could always be that way.

I know Cap means well, but hes really getting on my nerves. I'm ready for the Old Avengers to get back to their own book.

Looking forward to seeing the next issue!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Loved it as usual. Even the fill-in didn't horrify me but I *LOVE* the regular art-guy.

The parental/coming-out scene was tops cute.

"My ward is-- A JUNKIE!!"
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Loved the issue as well. I agree about the scene with Billy's parents--very cute. I'm loving all the interaction so far and can't wait for Young Vision to hook back up with the kids.

Still Marvel's best comic book.
Posted by Reboot on :
And New Vision finally shows a personality... and it's Iron Lad's. Most of the rest you can probably guess [Smile]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
about #8...






...a tad disappointing. Big-time fans of Mr. Hyde would probably get a kick out of the extended fight scene. I didn't, particularly.

I liked the little touches like Stature growing in proportion to her emotions. Billy makes a good showing, though I miss the helmet wings and still dislike WICCAN as a codename.

Is the condition that Cassie's mother mentions a part of the character's history pre YA? If not, is there a chance she's making it up?

So Vision retain Iron Lad's memories, emotions, etc.... How long before he goes into conquering Kang-mode? Sigh. Is there any of Simon Williams/old Vision in there? I hope there is and that Cap, etc. will back and let Viz play guardian because I'm already tired of these 'stand down, kids' scenes.

Hank Pym should make an appearance soon, if he can be pried away from THUNDERBOLTS. And a HULK appearance would seem inevitable. Who else should appear? BLACK WIDOW, maybe? THOR, when he comes back.

I liked the Vision/Patriot scene. That timestream crack was funny.

I'm not going to comment about the Patriot/drug thing until it plays out. My initial impression isn't very positive. But that's really in a larger context. In terms of this story, the presentation works well.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I dunno why, but I like the Wiccan code-name. I like saying it. Wiccan, Wiccan, Wiccan. Try it, Todd, it might help it to grow on you. [Smile]

re: Cassie's heart condition, yes, it is very much a pre-established part of her continuity AND the reason Scott Lang became ANT-MAN, as stated in this issue. See MARVEL PREMIERE # ...oooh, I'm wanting to say maybe 48 or so. Drawn by John Byrne back when he was really fresh and drawing lots of different Marvel stuff.

I myself and very interested to see where this Patriot/superhero-drugs thing goes. I think it's an interesting storyline.

And the art was just fine but I really really REALLY want the other guy back now.

[ October 29, 2005, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I tried it, Lash, and now I have a twig with the words 'Wiccan, Wiccan, Wiccan' on it growing out of my head.

Darn you and your impossible-to-resist directions!

Still doesn't make me like the name any better-- but *OUCH*, that made the twig grow out another inch.

The Cassie/Scott Lang sounds familiar- thanks for reviewing it for me.

As I said, I think the way Patriot's story is written is compelling. I'm just not sure that making the black guy rely on drugs is a good idea. Notice I ain't saying he's an addict- though some are jumping to that conclusion.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
So Vision retain Iron Lad's memories, emotions, etc.... How long before he goes into conquering Kang-mode? Sigh. Is there any of Simon Williams/old Vision in there? I hope there is and that Cap, etc. will back and let Viz play guardian because I'm already tired of these 'stand down, kids' scenes.

Don't think there's any of oldVision in there, no. It's not Ultron-5 --> Ultron-6, more Captain America --> USAgent-as-Cap. Same look, different guy.

'Sides, oldVision was hardly Wonder Man In Robot Mode to start with. It was a very loose template, plus he had at least one other set of brain patterns (Alex Lipton, a dead cop) and Android Human Torch residue floating around too. Maybe you'll get lucky and newVision'll evolve into something very like oldVision in an example of convergent evolution [Smile]

[ October 29, 2005, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
This series is reminding more of "Slingers" - especially now that one of them has a "dark secret origin". Unfortunately, another reason it's reminding me of "Slingers" is that it's a series whose appeal lies largely on the art. "Slingers" had CrissCross and his absence in that series was just as deeply felt as Cheung's absence is from this one, imo -- not just for the art, but because the artists were able to create that emotional bridge between the new characters and the reader. If Cheung leaves, I'm not sure this title is interesting enough for me to continue (and I still liked "Slingers" more than "YA")

[ October 29, 2005, 10:40 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Cheung draws a really cute Wiccan and Hulkling. I can't wait until he draws them smooching [Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Agreed! [Holt]
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Re: Vision. He has so many darn brainwaves floating around I suggest a clean reboot. Forget Simon Williams, Alex Lipton, Kang jr. Let the Vizh be him
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
Re: Vision. He has so many darn brainwaves floating around I suggest a clean reboot. Forget Simon Williams, Alex Lipton, Kang jr. Let the Vizh be him

This IS a clean reboot, as it were. New Vision ≠ Pre-Disassembled Vision. It's a new character that happens to have certain physical resemblances.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Ok cool so this Vision is all new. I like it. The last one had more baggage than most anyone else in comics. I mean I think he may have been a a member of the Earth-7 JLA over at DC at one point. [Wink] And an all new Vision with the brainwaves of Kang. Nice. I always thought Kang should've have been in the Vision origin. Really thought it would happen in Avengers Forever and Busiek being a fan boy just made it more complicated.

About this issue. I'm not a fan of Patriot not having powers. He couldn't have been like 1/4 super solider atleast??? Also not a fan of him using MGH for a multiple of reasons. These last two issues weren't my fave of the series. Looking forward to the next few issues to rekindle my interest in this.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
This new Vision isn't totally removed from the previous version. The old Vizh's data was all downloaded into Iron Lad's armor. That's a big doorway for any writer to introduce elements of the previous Data -- oops, I mean Vision that s/he wants to later on without much effort.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Drake, hmmm data downloaded? Does that include just memory/history or brainwave patterns? If it's patterns this version would have 4 of them running around! If I was the Vizh I would perform a labatomy on myself. Busiek atleast suggested he had formed some on his own.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
Drake, hmmm data downloaded? Does that include just memory/history or brainwave patterns? If it's patterns this version would have 4 of them running around! If I was the Vizh I would perform a labatomy on myself. Busiek atleast suggested he had formed some on his own.

Actually, the 1994 Vision mini established that first.
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
This new Vision isn't totally removed from the previous version. The old Vizh's data was all downloaded into Iron Lad's armor. That's a big doorway for any writer to introduce elements of the previous Data -- oops, I mean Vision that s/he wants to later on without much effort.

Knowledge, yes. But otherwise not unless nuVish drops out for a while and gets brought back as oldVish.

Put it this way - I doubt he remembers how oldVish felt on seeing his twins being born, even if he knows the specs of the plan Iron Lad found.
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
About this issue. I'm not a fan of Patriot not having powers. He couldn't have been like 1/4 super solider atleast??? Also not a fan of him using MGH for a multiple of reasons.

It doesn't seem like the MGH is a possibility anymore following House of M.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by ferroboy:
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
About this issue. I'm not a fan of Patriot not having powers. He couldn't have been like 1/4 super solider atleast??? Also not a fan of him using MGH for a multiple of reasons.

It doesn't seem like the MGH is a possibility anymore following House of M.
MGH doesn't refer directly to Homo Superior - the Mattie Franklin Spider-Woman got her powers in a magic ceremony but could still be used as a "factory"
Posted by ferroboy on :
Ah, that's right. I'd forgotten she was being mined for the stuff in ALIAS.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
I miss Jimmy Cheung's art!
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
I miss Jimmy Cheung's art!

Yeah totally and I'm a fan of Andrea's. Still Cheung was kick tail on this. Want him back asap.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I peeked at #9, which is due out next week (it was part of the 'First Look' dealio)-- just when I think a question's answered, it turns out there's questions behind the answer(s).

If anyone's let YA slip from their reading list, now might be a good time to reconsider.

And Cheung's back, by the way.

The *bad* news is that #10's not out till FEBRUARY! Aaaargh!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
some speculation...

after some SPOILER SPACE






...after reading this, who thinks HULKLING might be the son of Professor X and Lilandra? Or maybe the original Captain Marvel and a Skrull female are his biological parents?

An 'empress' is mentioned-- did either the Skrull or Kree races have an empress? I should know, but the memory cells ain't cooperating.

I liked this issue alot- in large part because there's minimal use of 'Old ('New'- sheesh, is that adjective clumsy) Avengers. And Super-Skrull's a fun villain... bringing several questions about Teddy's 'birthright' with him. Poor Teddy-- poor Teddy's mom.
Posted by Caliente on :
It's okay, Mom. We're super heroes. I meant to tell you.
Tee hee. I [Love] this series!! [Big Grin]
Posted by Don Jorge del Oeste on :
The Skrulls indeed had an empress.

R'Kll and S'Byll I think were both former empresses. R'Kll may have debuted during the Byrne era. She was the hot Skrull. [Smile]

Here is info on S'Byll. Can't find any info on R'Kll.

Super Skrull is one of my fave villains!
Posted by rjbrande on :
Originally posted by Don Jorge del Oeste:
Super Skrull is one of my fave villains!

Ditto - I really enjoy this title. I thought the ending of the last issue was about as "classic Marvel" as it could get, then they throw in the Super Skrull. Just a cool, cool book.
Posted by Don Jorge del Oeste on :
Ok, just read the latest issue. It ROCKED!

Jimmy Cheung is back! I like DeVito but this book just doesn't feel the same without Jimmy.

Love the fight with Super Skrull in front of the NYC Public Library! That library is one of my favortie places in the world.

Good fight scenes! Hulking has been my least favorite on the team...this moves him up.

Any guesses who his parents are???
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Hmmmm... Teddy's father died of cancer...

Could Hulkling be the son of a female Skrull and... Captain Mar-vell???
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Hmmmm... Teddy's father died of cancer...

Could Hulkling be the son of a female Skrull and... Captain Mar-vell???

Too obvious (I hope...)
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
A friend made a similar comment the other day, and i couldn't help thinking when the four of them were sitting on the stairs of the library, if a cute girl walked by, none of them would be interested [Razz] !
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Could Hulkling be the son of a female Skrull and... Captain Mar-vell???

Hmmm, intriguing yet I doubt Marvel would want to place that event as sixteen years ago in the Marvel timeline. The notion of a Skrull/Kree hybrid is interesting though (shades of "Underworld" mixed with the original "changeling" myth).
Posted by Reboot on :
Can someone PLEASE edit "(WHERE'S #6?!?!)" out the subject now?
Posted by Pov on :
Um... what're we up to...? [Confused]

Posted by Spellbinder on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Hmmm, intriguing yet I doubt Marvel would want to place that event as sixteen years ago in the Marvel timeline.

I don't have the issue in front of me... did they say that Teddy's father died before he was born, or just that he died of cancer?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Um... what're we up to...? [Confused]


Actually I'd like to know this answer. I think the last one I saw was #6. What issue are we on and has the Special come out yet?
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Um... what're we up to...?

Don't bother with issue no.s if you're not going to update, yes?

(#9, for Reboot [Love] )
[Smash] [Smash] [Smash] [Smash] [Smash] [Smash] [Smash]

Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Originally posted by Pov:
Um... what're we up to...?

Actually I'd like to know this answer. I think the last one I saw was #6. What issue are we on and has the Special come out yet?
#9, special's next month, #10's not until Feb...
Posted by Don Jorge del Oeste on :
I actually know a bit about obscure Marvel cosmic stuff...and the Avengers as well. I'm racking my brain to figure out who the father is.

Yes, Mar-Vell certainly fits the bill. But I just don't see Marvel (company) doing that. Things are already a bit complicated.

Right now I have a feeling the Super Skrull may be his father. If the cancer thing was just a lie...I also suspect Starfox/Eros.

There also the skrull milk/meat...from the Skrulls who were turned into cows. This has Kree-Skrull connections as well. Some people who ate the meat got cancer like symptons...some gained powers. The Skrull Kill Crew was a mini (Grant Morrison) where they explored this.

Also Rick Jones had cancer...once. But Super Skrull made it sound like his father was super strong.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Yay! Jim Cheung is back! I'm ready for my smoochie scene with Billy and Teddy now, Mr Cheung [Big Grin] [Love]
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Don Jorge del Oeste:
Also Rick Jones had cancer...once. But Super Skrull made it sound like his father was super strong.

But Rick didn't dieof cancer. And Mar-Vell was super-strong, but it's just TOO obvious, surely...
Posted by Don Jorge del Oeste on :
Reboot I agree Mar-Vell is too obvious.
Posted by MLLASH on :
# 9 kicked ass!

Kate looks awesome in costume (the cover).

Cheung kicks BIG HONKIN' ASS! I like the book a lot when he's away, when he's NOT away, I *adore* it!

I've seen enough Moms getting burned to death, even if she isn't his bilogical Mother, she's the only Mother he has ever known. That was too grotesque, and depressing. It should really have an impact on Hulkling.

OmiGAW.... does this mean Hulkling will end up moving in with Wiccan? They might be a bit young for all that, but I'll keep an open mind.

I *love* that Eli and Kate don't have "powers", just skills and gadgets... that is very 70s-ish Teen Titans. I **LOVE** it.

And I **LOVE** this book.
Posted by Don Jorge del Oeste on :
MLLASH, more interesting will be if Billy moves in with Eli or Kate I think. A straight guy rooming with a gay guy...or Kate who might get him addicted to shopping with her fat wallet. [Smile]

Hey I thought it was very 80-ish Teen Titans...and I LOVE it also. [Wink]

This was one of the best issues of the series. I was worried after the two issues before this one...but they are certainly back on track.
Posted by Don Jorge del Oeste on :

Over at the Pulse they have a preview of the YA Special #1. SPOILERS!!!!!!!

If you think one of the choices for Hukling's dad is obvious...they really try to make it more obvious in the preview.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
For Posterity.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :

It just freaking came to me man. The Super Skrull himself had two different stories!

First in Alpha Flight. When he fought Sasquatch.

Then he ended up being Captain Hero the kid in Power Man & Iron Fist...who was dying of a cancer type disease. Though he could've been faking that...since he was faking being Captain Hero.

Anyways atleast in the Alpha Flight story Sasquatch teleported him as energy into space. The Surfer saved him later in space.

So Super Skrull had cancer. He was my initial guess. Whew, no Captain Marvel. Super Skrull was also "buddies" with the empress S'Byll who I mentioned earlier.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Did anyone notice that the LMBP's own Martin Gray had a letter printed in issue #9's letter column?

Go, go, LMBP! [Wink]
Posted by Kid Cobalt on :
It would have been even cooler if he signed it with his LMB moniker: "Dial H for HOMO!" [Big Grin]
Posted by MLLASH on :
No comments on the SPECIAL?

I rather enjoyed it.

Neal Adams, Jae Lee, Bill Siencwickz-whatever... very nice.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
So, I'm guessing from the Special that Billy and Teddy weren't dating before the Young Avengers formed?

And Cassie was having growth spurts before that night outside Avengers Mansion, but didn't realize it?


I liked the Special okay, but I would have liked to see some pinups by Jim Cheung or, even better, by George Perez (is there some way to involve George in every book I read? [Wink] )
Posted by Vee on :
Can't believe no one else has mentioned this...

Anyone else notice who makes an appearance in the last 2 panels of the Special? Wonder if we'll be seeing more of them soon.
Posted by Pov on :
Soon-soon, or "Hollywood"-soon? <gentle poke at A-Hein's dayjob> [LOL]
Posted by Vee on :
Considering who it is, whenever might be more appropriate. [Big Grin]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Originally posted by Vee:
Can't believe no one else has mentioned this...

Anyone else notice who makes an appearance in the last 2 panels of the Special? Wonder if we'll be seeing more of them soon.

I forget who made an appearance...
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Originally posted by Vee:
Can't believe no one else has mentioned this...

Anyone else notice who makes an appearance in the last 2 panels of the Special? Wonder if we'll be seeing more of them soon.

I forget who made an appearance...
Posted by Vee on :
Obligatory Spoiler Space
Looks like an adult Kang spying on Jessica & Luke through a monitor (from the future I assume) Of course he's supposed to be dead but...Iron lad DI go back to take his place.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Oh yeah... NOW I remember [Big Grin]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Did the new issue come out this week? ANy spoilers to share? [Smile]
Posted by Pov on :
It's in my DCBS shipment that went out yesterday. No spoilers here, sorry. [Smile]
Posted by Reboot on :
Unless we've got (more) time travel or rapid-aging, there is a severely screwed up origin at work here.

Oh, and the Scarlet Witch turning up in Billy's origin is looking less and less of a coinky-dink.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I haven't read it but it sounds awesome.

William and Thomas huh? heh. I love it!

And Kang has hit a new low Click Here For A Spoilerspying on Luke and Jessica??? C'mon Kang! Next he will be a DD villain! Or Moon Knight? Though a Moon Knight/Kang battle through time sound awesome! damn Bendis!
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Hang on...weren't Wanda and the Vision's kids illusions conjured up by Agatha Harkness?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Counterparts for Wonder Man and Ms. Marvel to come? That portrait *did* seem meaningfully placed. Or maybe it's the *number* that's important. Eli and Billy are counting off Young Avengers. They reach 'five', then six with Vision, with one possibly added this issue. There are 10 Avengers in the portrait. Are there four more on their way? They'd be handy in the upcoming Kree/Skrull war. Or would they be a detriment as untested newbies? Or, worse, would they be cannon fodder?

I loved the Vision in this issue. Cheung's gleaming, shiny Vision is a variation that I like for this character. Though I appreciate the sentiment involved and the characterization it reflects, I was kind of disappointed when the Vision reverted back to his historic look, for the sake of Cassie's feelings.

It made *me* smile to see the Vision smile when he heard those magic words, "So, are you coming or not?" Don't all of our lives hinge on variations of that simple sentence?

Thomas and Billy as the twin sons of the Scarlet Witch and the Vision? Won't that be weird? Having a father and his sons on the same team, with all of them looking, and possibly behaving, the same age?

Hulkling seems more and more likely to be the son of Marvel's most famous Captain Marvel. Therefore, also brother to Photon of the Thunderbolts.

Both origins are satisfactory, if you squint and ignore the timing thing. As long as Franklin Richards is around, all the 'second generation' heroes and the timing of their births are going to be screwy, I'm afraid.

I'm kind of hoping there's a twist involved with one or both of these Avenger/Young Avenger connections.

I love this title. I really hope an Inhuman joins this team. That'd make it perfect. That and a young Asgardian or Olympic godling.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
LAM, or by the Scarlet Witch herself I thought...and she might be at it again. I don't think the Vision ever had much to do with the "twins" except Wanda wanted children.

This issue rocked! I hope this Vision never becomes the old Vision. I like the new blood.

For a moment I thought Hulking was the son of the Super Skrull but I guess not.

Also hope we get more members!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Another stellar issue. I wish all the team books I read gave me this feeling.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Anyone know what's up with this title? I haven't seen it in Marvel's last two monthly solicits. Maybe they figure it's best not to solicit it, that way if it shows up, great, and if it doesn't, no one will know any better.
Posted by Pov on :
Blame Heinywood... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Ok, so we have apparent twins where one has magical powers and the white-haired one is a cocky speedster... the connection's obvious, but I'm still not sure how. It should be fun to find out.

Having this Vision be a byproduct of Kang rather than Ultron this time around is an interesting twist. I'll miss the old Vizh though [Frown]

I think whatsername should call herself "Ladyhawk" hehe...
Posted by Reboot on :
Young Avengers #12 cover

Despite there being no YA12 solicit for May, ComicNewsI included the YA12 cover in their solicit-covers gallery, implying it was pulled from the solicits pretty late...
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Please tell me that Wolverine is NOT joining the Young Avengers... [Wink]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Spellbinder, I doubt he well...but what about...X-23 or whatever her name is!!! The teenager female version of Wolverine. argh!!!!!

Keep Young Avengers old school. [Wink]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
She still doesn't have a codename? They are building up to something grand- my bet is Hawkeye.

So do we know if any of these kids are classified as mutants? As for them being the next gen Avengers, I didn't realize the team formed 15-18 yrs ago. I thought Marvel had a sort of 10yr rule.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yeah, I didn't like that myself. NO WAY the Kree/Skrull War was 14 years ago. That puts the MU at being waaaay too old. I guess I'm not really too concerned though...whenever comics try to set the ages of any member of any series, only trouble comes out of it.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
There is always the possibility that Wanda's children were not products of her hex powers, and were in fact shunted off through time to begin new lives. That would explain things, as well as keep the Marvel timeline intact.

As for Teddy, who's to say that Skrulls (or Kree for that matter) age at the same rate that Earthlings do? And couldn't his mom/nurse have altered his memory somehow? Maybe he was only born a handful of years ago, but his alien heritage (or his powers) makes him physically look 16ish.

I really hope that they don't kill off Tommy. I would hate to see a new character show up only to end up as cannon fodder. Besides, I have a thing for twin twinks [Wink]

And how much did I love seeing Teddy and Billy's embrace? Nothing overtly sexual... just a little display of emotion to show how much they mean to each other and how worried they were. It's the little touches that go a long way.

I will be interested to see how Patriot handles his lack of powers in the coming war. Granted, there are other non-powered heroes out there, but where they have combat/gymnastic training, I'm not sure what he has to fall back on.

All in all, still loving this book!!!
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Well crap.

There's a Wonder Woman interview with Heinberg over on Newsarama, and in it he says that Young Avengers is now bi-monthly.

I hope that doesn't last too long. I need my monthly YA fix! [Frown]
Posted by Pov on :
I don't even think he's capable of maintaining a bi-monthly schedule. [Razz]

This book's coming off my preorders and I'll wait for the trades. Screw that.

And Joe Q wonders why people are complaining about "industry" people coming in to write comics? Because comics will always take a back seat to their "real" jobs, meaning what pays better. Somebody writing comics as their livelyhood is going to be more conscientious about sticking to schedule.

Fooey. [Mad]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
But do we know for certain that it's Heinberg's fault that the book's late? I mean, no disrespect to any writer's out there, but how long can it really take to fire off a script for a single issue?
Posted by Pov on :
Several times now in his "Joe Fridays" columns,Joe Q has pretty much stated it's not the art-- the book's at the mercy of Heinberg's "dayjob".

And now DC's giving him free reign to do the same with Wonder Woman??? We'll be lucky to see 4-5 issues of each a year...
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Please don't tell me I'm gonna have to start reading the Joe Fridays column... [Wink]
Posted by Pov on :
No, it's all right, Cru; I'll do your dirty work... [Wink] [Hug] [LOL]
Posted by Pov on :
From Marvel's first panel of the NYCC--

Asked what the future for Young Avengers is, Brevoort said that Allan Heinberg is in it for the long haul, but is committed to his television work, saying that the series will wind down through its current run, and restart early next year. No issue numbers were given.
The editor also announced that there will be a Runaways/Young Avengers crossover mini-series coming during Civil War.

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Pov on :
Joe Q shared an email form Allan Heinberg in this week's Co'J column at Newsarama:

"Young Avengers has been without a doubt the creative highlight of my writing life thus far. So when it seemed as if my outstanding TV and film commitments were going to force me to leave the book after YA #12, I was blown away when the good people at Marvel very generously offered to do for Young Avengers what they had done for The Ultimates and Astonishing X-Men by granting the book a brief hiatus and allowing YA artist and co-creator Jim Cheung and myself some much needed time to catch up.

"Having read far too many message boards, I know some readers and retailers are understandably frustrated by the book's erratic publishing schedule, and for that I cannot apologize enough. But the truth is, Young Avengers is an extremely labor-intensive book for everyone involved, and what we've all discovered is, it simply takes the time it takes. Jim puts his heart and soul into every panel of every page, and I have a regrettable but unavoidable tendency to rewrite every script at least five times, if not more. It's who we are - and it's why the book is what it is.

"Jim and I certainly wish we could produce it monthly, but we can't and maintain its current quality. So, Marvel had a choice. They could either turn the book over to another creative team or they could break all the rules of publishing and give us the time we need to do the book to the best of our ability. And miraculously, that's what they've chosen to do.

"So, needless to say, I'm so grateful to Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada and publisher Dan Buckley for allowing Jim and me to fulfill our vision for the book, and to our readers for being so passionate and so very patient."

P.S.-- the YA/Runaways Civil War mini will be written by neither Heinberg nor Brian K. Vaughan, but both will be collaborating extensively with the as-yet-unannounced writer.

And the mini is meant to act as a bridge between YA "season 1" and the eventual relaunch.

[ March 04, 2006, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: Pov ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I dunno.

I *love* YA... it's posssibly the best team book on the market right now...

But I am *not* supportive of this it-comes-out-when-it-comes-out, even-if-that's-only-twice-a-year nonsense.
Posted by rjbrande on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I dunno.

I *love* YA... it's posssibly the best team book on the market right now...

But I am *not* supportive of this it-comes-out-when-it-comes-out, even-if-that's-only-twice-a-year nonsense.

I'll be interested to see how this turns out. I've thought for a while now, especially with the Legion, that we'd all be better off with a trade-type book coming out 2-3 times a year with a great story rather than a book that comes out monthly and just wanders all over the place.

I agree that YA is probably the best team book going right now. I'd rather read that book 2-3 times a year (assuming that we got substantial story arcs each period, as opposed to just another 22 pages) than see it come out regularly and go down the Thunderbolts path.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I dunno.

I *love* YA... it's posssibly the best team book on the market right now...

But I am *not* supportive of this it-comes-out-when-it-comes-out, even-if-that's-only-twice-a-year nonsense.

Okay, we'll get Akira Yoshida and Chris Bachalo to do six fill-in issues while Heinberg and Cheung catch up, so by the end you'll wish they had waited...

And given the way Marvel keeps chucking them work, I don't think that counts as reducto ad absurdium somehow...
Posted by Pov on :
In that case thank heaven for small favors-- it looks like Heiny and Cheung are getting the Whedon & Cassiday treatment.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
As long as they can manage the bi-monthly schedule, then I can deal with it. It's worth it to maintain the integrity of the series. Another writer/artist team might ruin the book.

Kinda makes you wonder if Wonder Woman will manage to be out on time...
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Gosh... has it only been two months since the last issue came out? Seems like three [Wink]

Not bad so far, but not really looking forward to the New Avengers guest starring in the next issue. Enough with the team ups already. We get it... Young Avengers and New Avengers are linked, but do they really need to show up every other issue?

Click Here For A SpoilerLooks like Hulking really is the son of Captain Mar-vell and that Skrull princess person, and Billy and Tommy appear to be the sons of the Scarlet Witch. Wonder if either parentage will remain true...

All in all I liked the issue, and the book remains one of my must reads every two to four months when an issue comes out [Smile]
Posted by Caliente on :
Personally, I just loved how abrupt they were with everything this issue. This is how it is. Bam. Just like that. My head was spinning but in a good way. Like I'd visited the mists or something. [Wink]

The cliffhanger ending, however, I did not dig. Not because it was a cliffhanger but because... I don't like where this is going, y'know? But we'll see how things end next issues, I guess...
Posted by disaster boy on :
hmmm...not sure how i feel about a YA and runaways crossover. love both books but they are very different books.

i don't want runaways to get more super hero-ish. and i don't want YA to get less so...
Posted by Gorilla Nebula on :
ok, YA fans, i'm curious what you all think.
what does Young Avengers have that LSH doesn't?
i don't know. i've never read an issue. i've been tempted but will wait for trades. but reading all the rave reviews here..."best team book out there", etc. Does it have better characters than the Legion? better art? better plots? what exactly?
Posted by Reboot on :
Better writer certainly, and Chueng's art is a degree more dynamic than Kitson's.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I don't think that YA will be as big a hit with their next "season". Delays and the special have killed the series for me.
Posted by MLLASH on :
YA is heads and tails above the LEGION for me right now.

Action, romance (both gay and straight), powerhouse art, likeable characters and an "adults vs. teens" theme much more to my liking than in LSH currently.

I'm cool with bi-monthly, much cooler than with "it comes out whenever".

# 11 was again great. Who wants to bet Eli's injuries lead to a dose of the super-soldier formula?
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Lash, YA is head and shoulders above Legion. And it does have adults vs. teens...but it just isn't as corny or forced. And the adults happen to be pretty darn cool(Avengers!)

I wouldn't mind Allan writing Legion. [Smile]

This last issue rocked! We get the origin of three characters!!! And what awesome origins!!!

This all makes sense to me. The "Avengers family" was a dead horse decades ago they just kept beating. The Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Vision, Hank Pym, Wasp thing just got really dysfunctional. (I won't even bring up Wonder Man, the Grim Reaper and Ultron).

Allan has brought back the Avengers family in a NEW way! With Billy, Tommy, and Cassie! Legacy heroes?! Imagine that.

As for Patriot? Glad to see him hurt badly. Why? Cause I hated that they made him powerless and he did "super-steroids" or whatever. Now he can get a proper blood transfusion from Cap! [Wink]
Posted by Reboot on :
Y'know, I think the "blood transfusion from Cap" is just too obvious. Yeah, you don't leave a guy dying as the cliffhanger unless you intend to save him - you'd cliffhanger on "He's dead" - but, like I say, obvious.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
Personally, I like YA much better than Legion right now.

i don't know, but the Legion kids seem to be brats just for the sake of being brats. In the last issue, I didn't sympathize with them at all.

YA has a more likable cast right now. I love Billy, Teddy, Kate and all the rest.
Posted by Pov on :
Dangit, I wanna stay mad at Heinie, but...

#11 was so #%^#ing GOOD! [Frown] I don't even mind that it features the "New" [Disgusting] Avengers. Or that AH seems to be playing fast & loose with Marvel-time. (Scarlet Witch's twins as teens can be chalked up to chaos-magick, somehow... but I have a hard time buying that the Kree/Skrull War happened long enough ago for Teddy to be in his teens [Hmmm?] )

And yeah, the ending setup is pretty obvious, but I like it. [Razz] [Wink]

Dangit! [Smile]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Who says that Kree/Skrulls age normally, or that at least part of Teddy's memories of his life were implanted?

Of course, the Super-Skrull could be full of crap [Smile]
Posted by Pov on :
I thought about that-- DC did it with Bart, sorta. And Teddy's a shapeshifter... who's to say he's not actually, say, 5 or 6?

I hope the Super-Skrull's -not- full of crap, and that a better writer finds a way around the GROSS injustice done Genis in Thunderbolts 100... [Frown]

How funny would it be for Marvel to put them and Phyla Vell in a MARVEL FAMILY anthology? [Embarrassed] [LOL]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I've been losing interest in this book since the end of the first arc. I guess it comes down to three things:

-- fill-in artists: When Cheung wasn't on art I found myself not nearly as satisfied with the issue.
-- direction: Maybe we just haven't gotten there yet, but so far the stories are centered around the origins of the individual characters. The team itself doesn't have a focus so I end up feeling like the book doesn't either.
-- the characters: the mystery was intriguing, but now that we actually know where they all come from, I find myself not as interested. Aside from the aforementioned "druggie" origin for Patriot (which I felt totally undermines what I thought used to be a very strong character), I guess I'm just not that intrigued by the other origins (though I appreciate the tie to Avengers history).

I'll still stick with it awhile, but with other new things on the horizon, this book might get pushed...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
A lot going on in #11:

--Revelations about three YA origins. Though Hulkling as the son of Mar-vell and a skrull princess and Tommy and Billy as the Scarlet Witch's sons weren't exactly stunning surprises, there *was* that twist that apparantly the twins are still the biological children of their original families. It's their souls that are the sons of Wanda. I think.

--The Vision's attitude towards the boys should be interesting in the future. I noticed while leafing through the latest NEW AVENGERS, that the Vision is drawn to look more adult. I wonder if teen-Vision will be around much longer?

--I'm kind of liking Super-Skrull, here. It might be fun if he's a frequent guest-star.

--"You're not vaporizing them, Tommy." Ha!

--Like much of Marvel recently, a big chunk of the Scarlet Witch's history is ignored here. "Thomas and William ceased to exist. As did the Scarlet Witch's memory of them... until recently." Marvel's bullpen can spin this as much as they want, but it just ain't so! As recently as the JLA/Avengers mini, Wanda mentioned her twins. I know she did more than once in more regular continuity appearances, too.

--Loved the asides between Billy and Teddy. Fun dialogue showing how these two complement each other.

--Eli... wow! #12 can't get here soon enough!

I dislike this bi-monthly schedule. And the prospect of a relaunch (unless the team is changing it's name?) I'd much prefer the 'seasons' approach. Three to four issues released in the same number of months... then a gap of whatever time is required. Other creators could contribute solo tales or done-in-one issues to tide fans over, possibly. This title works much better as a monthly than a bimonthly, IMO.

Two months is too long between issues, for me. Especially with this creative team's propensity for cliffhangers.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I agree. No comic book is worth constant delays IMO. I'd prefer the seasons approach. YJ is good, but it my patience can only handle so much wait. Bring on Pachelo! [Razz]
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Well, the end of season one finally "aired" this week. Nicely tidied things up, although hints were dropped about season two. There were a number of splash action shots, and some interesting interactions between the kids and the Avengers (we should be a little concerned that Wolverine likes Tommy... that can't be good [Wink] ). And it was nice to see a tender moment between Teddy and Billy, and Cap's subtle acknowledgement of their relationship.

The main story was wrapped up in a nice way, and I really enjoyed the epilogue. The last page was nice, and makes me look forward to the next chapter.

Hopefully Allan and Jim are taking the next few months to get a jump on the next season, and hopefully get a good chunk of episodes in the can before the book is re-solicited. I don't mind the series taking breaks between seasons, but I would prefer a more regular schedule.

Can't wait to see the kids in action again!
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Awesome finale! Love "Speed's" costume. As for Kate being called Hawkeye? eh. I don't mind it much but I worry what will happen to Clint Barton. I hope he doesn't become a violent Bendis mess.

Loved how Patriot got his powers! My fave Marvel title!
Posted by Bevis on :
Yep, one of the best titles out there. With art and story this good I don't mind having a wait for each issue. More happens in one issue of YA than has happened in the entire run of New Avengers so far. Hopefully it won't be on hiatus for too long.

Oh, and promoting myself a little here but linking to the topic, keep an eye out for Rich Johnston's 'Civil Wardrobe' from Brain Scan comics in October (I believe). There's a take on Young Avengers in there by yours truly. Don't know if I'm allowed to say more yet so I shan't, but I thought I'd get a quick plug in now. [Wink]
Posted by Pov on :
This was good-- REALLY good. Good enough to make me tolerate the "New" [Disgusting] Avengers. It'll be interesting to see if they follow up on Billy's wanting to find the Scarlet Witch in the next "season".

And that sounds interesting, Bevis! Can't wait until you can share a sneak peek. [Cool]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I'd normally opt for story over splash page, but here it worked well-- with the use of those smaller panels to move things along.

I was as surprised as Cap when Teddy 'revealed' himself. Though shouldn't have been. In retrospect.

I would've like to see more of Cap's reaction to the 'lost souls' confession. That was way too big a bomb to drop in Cap's lap in the middle of a fight. His distraction could've had disastrous consequences.

Though if Billy chose that moment to minimize Cap's reaction, he apparently chose well. Pretty sneaky.

I hope someone tells Eli that Cap was more than willing to donate his blood. He needs to know that, I think. It'd be cool if Eli spent a stint in Cap's book as an official apprentice, wouldn't it?

Cap 'naming' Hawkeye-- great. But what'll Clint think about it? I liked Tommy's costume a lot... but SPEED?! Are SNOW, LUDES, and XTC far behind?

Seriously, I find that way more-- suggestive? than the 'Ass Guardian' thing.

Notice how Teddy de-bulked when it came time to release his mom's ashes? I appreciate how sizing has been used as an emotional 'tell' for Stature and Hulkling. Very effective.

Didn't Marina die in a mother-related way? That makes her statue the perfect one to be included on that particular page, if I'm remembering correctly.

It's going to be a long wait to see this creative team with these characters in Volume 2, isn't it?
Posted by kenaustin on :
I have high hopes for the Civil War team-up between YA and Runaways. The meeting between Hulkling and Xavin, the Super Skrull in training, should prove interesting. Also of note will be Gert's and Victor's reactions to YA since both have alternate(?) futures as Avengers, Gert's being to lead them, and Victor's being to destroy them and every other superhero.

[ July 12, 2006, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: kenaustin ]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Bevis, I will try to keep an eye out. [Smile]

Allen H. has written a great title but I wonder about his codenames. [Wink] It's like Perez with costumes. Amazing penciller but I don't think I liked one costume he's designed. lol.

Knightress? Well Hawkeye is better. I am guessing Clint Barton is joining Iron Man's side in the Civil War business. After what he's been through he probably thinks the superpowerered people need to be controlled. I wouldn't mind him with guns...and be a bit like Bullseye (see Ultimates)...and I would have loved him to take the name Two Gun Kid...but Matt Hawk is back.

Is Hulkling going to keep that name? Stature I don't mind cause while it's not fits. It's hard to pick something to indicate both growing/shrinking powers.

Another knock on New Avengers. Joe Casey wrote a pretty good Iron Man mini called Inevitable. In it Tony talks about his "new" powers. Ellis basically made Tony a giant wifi laptop/cellphone cyborg of sorts. Tony talks about evolving for sake of change...even if he doesn't have a good reason to evolve. He mentions the Avengers...he doesn't even recognize them. [Smile]

YA blows away NA!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Cheung really outdid himself with those splash pages -- awesome stuff!

Considering what happened to Patriot I kinda wish they had just skipped the whole "I have to take drugs to have powers" storyline. It just ended up the way we thought it originally had anyway. It'll be interesting to see what new powers he has though.

Cool to see this is how Super Skrull ends up being a spy at the beginning of "Annihilation". Looks like the editors really were on the ball with this one.

Speed should be an interesting new addition. I don't know about the love triangle though - I've rarely seen it done well on team books so I hope they don't get too soap-opera on this.
Posted by Bevis on :
Just as a little follow up to my tease, if you bip over to the Bits forum I have just posted the page that I've done for 'Civil Wardrobe'. It's not Young Avengers. Well, not *quite*...
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Saw the trade at the CBS, got it, loved it. Sought out and devoured the following issues. I like 'em all, Kate and Teddy in particular.

I don't know a thing about Runaways, but I'm game.

PS: What's the deal with Clint now? (I lloked over at the New Avengers thread but didn't see anything...?)
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
... XTC far behind?

No, she's in the near future (of Kingdom Come).
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I've got a feeling Clint Barton is gone. He is Hawkeye, more so than any other codename he's used. Giving his name away just seems more of a goodbye than any thing else.

Posted by Reboot on :,print.htm
Dead Means Dead

With lots of news coming out of SDCC, rest assured that we will be following up on rumors heard on the con floor over the next few weeks. One item of interest forwarded by a source close to Marvel comics confirmed that one of the new team books spinning out of Civil War next year will be headlined by Clint Barton, who may not be going by the name Hawkeye at that point.

This Has A “Trick Arrow” Factor Of Seven Out Of Ten
Posted by ActorLad on :
I forgot to metion this but I got the 1st tpb recently and really enjoyed it. I'll miss Iron Lad though, and I prefered everyones 1st costumes. Can't wait to get the next tpb.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Hawkeye did go by Goliath at one point. And I doubt he will ever again. Hey I will take Clint as Clint. [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Clint's slated to appear in New Avengers #26 with none other than Wanda Maximoff.

Regarding Young Avengers...I really want to read the first 12 issues now in a row to get a feel for just how good this series was without the waiting between issues. It was definately one of the energetic comics complete with likeable characters in a long while.
Posted by Tekwych on :
From Comics Continuum:

Christopher Yost is writing Marvel Studios' and Lionsgate's Teen Avengers direct-to-video animated movie.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Tekwych:
From Comics Continuum:

Christopher Yost is writing Marvel Studios' and Lionsgate's Teen Avengers direct-to-video animated movie.

Christopher Yost:
And this isn't based on Alan [Heinberg]'s excellent Young Avengers series. It's a wholly original project that we're trying to break for DVD.

Posted by Tekwych on :
All the DVDs have been, for the most part, their own thing. The 2 Ultimate Avengers films use the designs from Ultimates but that's about it. Next weeks Iron Man is a slightly new take on the Character and it looks as if the Dr. Strange film will be a new take as well.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Still no word on when this is resuming? Marvel needs to yank this property out of Heinberg's hands, then.

The Young Avengers are in danger of fading into obscurity.

I *like* Heinberg's work on the title, but I don't think *this* long a wait is worth it.

Coudn't they have a series of solo-titles or something? Patriot teaming up with Falcon, Stature with the Pyms, Wiccan and Wanda, Hulkling and Captain Marvel, Hawkeye and Hawkeye, Speed and Quicksilver...
Posted by Set on :
The Young Avengers are in danger of fading into obscurity.

I *like* Heinberg's work on the title, but I don't think *this* long a wait is worth it.

It really seems like the writers wanted to keep it the hell away from Civil War. If they succeed in re-launching with minimal CW baggage, I'll buy it. If CW affects the book significantly, I'll drop it, like everything else on my pull-list that the oily taint of CW has sullied.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
If Stature was pro-Reg, and Hulkling and Hawkeye were anti-Reg, would there be much of a team at this point? How could they still operate with such fundamentally different viewpoints?
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Keep in mind that the Young Avengers are basically more a team of friends than a team of superheroes. I know that I don't always agree with my friends on some fairly important issues, but that doesn't prevent me from doing things with them and enjoying their company.

I doubt that Heinberg will even address Civil War when the series returns.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I'm with Mystery Lad. We may need a new writer here. I love Allen's work but...i rather have the title be around more. Cause at this point no one is going to care about them. Still use Cheung ofcourse. Maybe Allen can plot it and have someone else execute it.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Keep in mind that the Young Avengers are basically more a team of friends than a team of superheroes. I know that I don't always agree with my friends on some fairly important issues, but that doesn't prevent me from doing things with them and enjoying their company.

I doubt that Heinberg will even address Civil War when the series returns.

I don't agree with my friends all the time either. But when YA assemble to take down their next villain, Stature will say "We can't, you're not registered." Then Hulkling will say "To Hell with your registration." And we'll have Civil War all over again.

If the SHRA was suppose to shake up the MU as much as they said it would, YA won't be the same- no matter how tight a friendship they have.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Still no word on when this is resuming? Marvel needs to yank this property out of Heinberg's hands, then.

The Young Avengers are in danger of fading into obscurity.

I *like* Heinberg's work on the title, but I don't think *this* long a wait is worth it.

Be careful what you ask for - Jeph ^&*!ing Loeb (and David Finch) are doing a WWH:Young Avengers one-shot.

Remember what I said about Akira Yoshida doing fill-in issues earlier in the thread? You're practically getting it, especially if that WWH:YAv series leads into ^&*!ing Loeb doing a YAv series...
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Reboot is probably right. Without Allen it might suck big time...and we would say the wait is worth it.

Allen better come back with a bang!
Posted by Spellbinder on :
For all we know, he might even be working on it as we speak, but there's no sense in Marvel soliciting it until they have a few episodes in the can (I don't know why I insist in using film terms when discussing anything Heinberg related, but I do [Smile] )
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Bah. I'm unimpressed and impatient. Give me Jenkins and Ramos [Razz]

Actually, the format of doing 12 issue 'minis' doesn't bother me, its the wait between issues if there are delays. Even 6 issue arcs work. The format of Ultimates would work beautifully here--except of course, they've dropped the ball there too.

This entire industry-wide problem of late comics is ridiculous. The quality is there...*sometimes*...but more often than not, I'm not getting anything special enough to rank in my top 500 comic book stories ever told, let alone top 100.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
PS - kidding about Jenkins and Ramos...
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I would be happy to have Heinberg on board as plotter, and then someone else as scripter. I trust Allan's vision for the team, but am willing to compromise on the writing a bit. Perhaps as "producer" he could still oversee things, while let someone else be the "director".
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Some news about the Young Avengers, from newsarama's summary of a panel at the Baltimore con...

"A fan asked about Young Avengers. Brevoort said that fans who want an ongoing series that picks up where the first volume left off are "going to have to continue to wait I'm afraid."

But he and Cebulski announced that there will be a five issue mini-series in January that will focus on the Young Avengers, with each issue done by a different writer and ocusing on a different one or two characters. The writers will be:

Ed Brubaker - Patriot in #1.
Brian Reed - Hulkling meeting Captain Mar-vell in #2.
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa - Wiccan and Speed in #3.
Paul Cornell - The Vision in issue #4.
"We haven't said who's doing the fifth issue. So there will be more Young Avengers stuff on the way."
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Well, it will be nice to see them appearing in something, even if it's not together. I just hope that the writers stay true to Heinberg's vision, and we don't see random (or generic) characterization.
Posted by Pov on :
Any word on Jim Cheung drawing the entire mini? :wishwish:
Posted by Vee on :
Such a shame that one of the very few Marvel titles worth getting in recent times IMO, has been allowed to die on the vine like this. Someone should have been shot (in place of Cap) for this travesty!
Posted by Pov on :
It's not The Heineyman's fault-- he had a Wonder Woman relaunch to go screw up! [Roll Eyes] [Wink]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
DARK YOUNG AVENGERS (or is that YOUNG DARK AVENGERS?)-- comments here or in its own thread?

I liked this more than I thought I would. If nothing else, it'll yield a villain group for the 'light' YOUNG AVENGERS to face again and again (hopefully).

Not that most of the characters seen here would think of themselves as 'supervillains'. In fact, they're attempting to be heroes, but doing it in the manner a villain would. Which is pretty interesting.

At first, I thought characters like Melter and Coat of Arms (who has a really unique and fun POV, by the way) could end up as new members for the other Y.A. team. Still could, I suppose.

Melter, in particular, would've seemed the likeliest candidate. But is he? Isn't his acquiesance to some of his teammate's darker ways of doing things a sign? Of weak character?

Maybe he'll grasp that and firm up his resolve. Or else his 'weakness' will entrench and he'll bind himself more and more with the darker impulses around him.

Big Zero would seem to be headed to full-on super-villainess. That could well be a snap judgment, I admit. It was fun (and disturbing) to see this teen character act out what was always subtext in the Wanda/Vision relationship. Her 'Vision' seems to be struggling against the programming she's trying to install in him, however.

Enchantress-- is this Amora? Is she even an Asgardian? Her speech patterns get a lot of play. Is she an Asgardian trying to fit in (though current-day Asgardians aren't using the 'thees' and 'thous' at all anymore) or a poser?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Wow. That had several disturbing scenes.

I'm really curious where this is going.
Posted by Caliente on :
I'll be honest-- I'm more disturbed than curious. :/ Which is disappointing because I really do like the writer and artist. I'll give #2 a shot but if it keeps in this vein, I'm thinking no.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Spill! What's so disturbing?
Posted by Caliente on :
The so-called heroes are really more like sociopaths (except maybe the leader guy) and just... destructive with their powers. And there's creepy romances abound (um, robot dating humans doesn't end well-- anyone else remember Vision/Wanda??) and they're super flawed with their own personal gain angles which I find unsympathetic. Plus, the leader guy who seems like he could be okay can't control his temper enough to reign in his powers, so even he's more of a danger than anything else. I dunno, it just wasn't my cup of tea. Too dark and creepy.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
<----------- let down by too many mediocre Young Avengers follow-ups already.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I would much rather see a new Young Avengers series than a Dark Reign version [Frown]
Posted by MLLASH on :
# 1... just set it down and had to comment, it was GREAT!!!!

I'm right there with them-- can't anyone even consider the fact that Scarlet Witch might be innocent?

I had *NO* idea she was considered guilty of near-genocide and altering reality at the drop of a hat... that part I don't like.

Everything else kicked ass.

So glad the original writer/artist team are on board...

I though that scene with Wiccan and Hulkling and the almost-makeout was pretty daring. *sigh* They're all so cute.

I'll gladly wait 2 or 3 years between series if that's what it takes to keep it this high-quality.
Posted by Mattropolis on :
I agree, this was the one marvel title that I think isn't basically crap. As long as this creative team continues, even in long intervals, I will follow them
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Here's something I mistakenly posted in the Atom thread:

Originally posted by Chief Taylor:
I began reading Young Avengers when it came out, enjoyed it, but lost track of it during the time I stopped getting monthly comics for a while. Did Iron Lad ever return? Or is he somehow part of Jonas/Vision?

Can someone answer?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Here my comments on Young Avengers from the 'All-Avengers Thread':

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Young Avengers: the Children’s Crusade
This was a big one for me: did I still care about these characters after all these years? The last time I collected one of their series, I was living AT HOME. That was quite a number of years ago. But I gave in and got it—and man, am I glad I did. I thought it was a terrific first issue and all at once I remembered why I liked Wiccan and Hulking (and hope I’ll feel the same for the rest shortly). Heinberg really is a talented writer.

And the Jim Cheung artwork is simply to die for—man, I forgot how good he was. I’m tempted to go back and reread some of Scion by Crossgen which is how I first became aware of him.

What’s exciting is Wiccan opens up the possibility: maybe the Scarlet Witch was not really responsible for all that terribleness? Like Wiccan, I so desperately want to believe that is true! But I also suspect Heinberg could be opening this story up to be a hard lesson for the kids and thus, the readers. Still, I’m holding onto hope and that is a tribute to Heinberg’s writing. It also makes me realize I want the Vision to be restored to the Vision again, especially if these are his sons. I just want to see that scene of them reunited! Up until right now, I never felt that strongly about it before.

I’m here for the duration of this series and am looking forward to it. Now it better not be late because I’ll complain like a mutha&%&$er.

All in all, I read up on 3 of the 6 Avengers titles thus far. All three are A+. Pretty good, Avengers.

Lardy, I'll let someone else answer you. It's been so long that honestly, I can't remember and hope someone can fill us in.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Ok, going from memory only... (I intend to reread the first YA series, plus the YA SPOTLIGHT mini and Dark YA mini in the next week or so, so I should then be able to confirm)... I think Iron Lad's "ID", brain-patterns, whatever you want to call it, is in the young version of Vision.
Posted by Reboot on :
A Young Kang cameoed, watching the Young Avengers from afar, at the end of the Special.

Jonas/Vision's personality is based on Iron Lad's brain patterns, and he has a copy of Vision Sr.'s personal logs (think "very complete diaries" rather than "memories" - he doesn't have a personal connection to the events therein).
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I am so thrilled about this! I totally didn't know this was even in the works, let alone out, until I went to pick up my comics this week! I loved it!

And I know I'm asking for too much, but pleasepleaseplease let Heinberg find a way to make the Scarlet Witch's actions not her fault. I want her back so bad! And I want her to slap all the Avengers who never once gave her the benefit of the doubt, or tried to help her. Especially her "friend" Ms Marvel. Murderer my royal ass!

Oh,and Teddy and Billy getting cozy in Avengers HQ was so cute!
Posted by Set on :
I'm actually more concerned that Wanda's power levels are set back to a sane level, more than her actions be redeemed / retconned. As long as she can wave her hands and replicate the effects of Superboy Prime punching the universe, she's unusable as a character, really, except for big world-changing events.

I'd rather have her with her old lower level 'hex' reality-manipulations as a villain, than as some cosmic entity that only gets pulled out for the Decimation / House of M crap.

Too much power = only gonna be used as a plot device. too much power = storylines where the character is a victim of her power, controlled by an external force like a puppet or can't handle her power and goes crazy (and gosh, doesn't that *always* happen when a female character gets cool powers?).

I liked Billy and Teddy a little more when they were handled more subtlely. I feel like every appearance they've had since they were established as a couple has had to beat the reader over the head with how much of a couple they are (although the outright challenging of Captain America with it only to have him say, 'whatever, I'll get your room together,' was both a neat 'right back at you' from Cap and a potentially preachy 'look how open-minded Cap is!' moment). Meanwhile, the Vision and Stature have something going on, and possibly Patriot and Hawkeye as well, and there's little indication of that from the last few appearances, because all the attention is on Wiccan/Hulkling. I like their relationship, but it's starting to feel a bit 'look how progressive we are!' and exploitive how much the writer is pushing it front and center.

Is this the new blaxploitation? Gaysploitation?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Set, you bring up two great points. First off, I absolutely agree that if Wanda comes back, getting her power levels back to normal and really, "reasonable level", is a must. Otherwise, what's the point? Wanda shouldn't be Marvel's Phantom Stranger.

Also, I kind of agree that Young Avengers is on the verge of being preachy and trying to showcase the 'look how progressive we are'. It's not there yet, but it could go that way. They should watch that. I think that's not so much Heinberg's fault but just that since Heinberg's last story with the YA, so many different people have done miniseries with them and wanted to focus so much on the Wiccan/Hulkling relationship. Hopefully Heinberg showcases everyone else equally too and this isn't really an issue by #3.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I think the focus on the Hulkling/Wiccan relationship is strong this issue because the focus of the issue itself is on Wiccan.
Posted by Cobaltus on :
Yeah, I think ultimately you'll be proven right. Wiccan is actually my favorite of the Young Avengers, I think. Hulkling I'm still 'getting to know', in the same way I'm still getting to know some of the others.
Posted by Power Boy on :
I was surprised in my YA poll how many people preferred YA to Avengers proper.

you know, sometimes i'd like a little gaysploitation haha, at least it's out there somehow. they're probably focusing on the hulkling wiccan romance because it's popular, and they want to be clear they are a couple and not just friends .. so cap ends up saying blunt things like ' ... your room'

whatev, im liking the story but, after a while it might get old as romancesploitation. like reading Avengers proper and just seeing stories about Vision and Wanda or Hank and Janet.

but like i said, i'm liking the story and the focus now.

especially the part about them defending wanda saying she might be innocent and has been used before.

has pietro admitted to pushing her to do it ... maybe it was Immortus as an imposter. who used some mind control.

I prefer wanda's powers more defined too, like she changes time or affects probability, or even if it's magic but just not all this crazy uber reality warping power. unless they make other avengers keep up somehow, (like the Authority is on the same level more or less with the Doctor) or if the Avengers were a team that faced cosmic level threats.

they even put her wayyy above dr. strange and prof x.

w e i r d o s
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I think the focus on the Hulkling/Wiccan relationship is strong this issue because the focus of the issue itself is on Wiccan.

Agreed, I just remember the focus on their relationship from the crossover with the Runaways, and then in the mini with the Dark Young Avengers (Young Dark Avengers? Youthful Avengers of Darkness? Whatever!).

I like it, I'm just afraid that all-chocolate all-the-time is gonna leave me hankering for some vanilla, or something, something, possibly less creepy with food/sex innuendo.

Also, as I already mentioned with Wanda, ill-defined powers that end up turning into Deus Ex Machina (or mysteriously not working when the writer doesn't want them to mess up his plot), such as Wiccan's are rapidly becoming, give me agita. Right there in issue one, we've already got Wiccan raising red flags and being considered a potential Wanda-level-threat, making the story all about how girls can't handle power (only, shockingly progressive, the traditional girl role is played by a gay dude!). I don't mind a good self-referential storyline (hero against himself), but it gets kinda masturbatory if the storylines remain too self-involved.

Plus, these 'too powerful for their own good' storylines rarely end happily for those in them, and the formulaic storyline would involve Wiccan claiming that nothing is wrong, everyone else trying to talk him down, him getting defensive, and not learning his lesson until his out of control powers end up hurting or killing Hulkling.

I'm just about past bored with that storyline, and don't need to see Billy maiming Teddy in yet another telling of it.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I dunno. I loves me some Wiccan and Hulking, so I don't mind a little extra screentime. Besides, Stature and Vision are in Mighty Avengers, so they don't need as much [Smile]

I think once things get moving, you'll se everyone get a little time, but I think the focus is going to be on Wiccan and Speed, since it is their mother they're searching for.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Besides, Stature and Vision are in Mighty Avengers, so they don't need as much [Smile]

Umm... that book's dead as of the general A-relaunch (Mighty & Dark were replaced by adjectiveless & Secret, New was relaunched and Initiative became Academy). Cassie & Jonas are only appearing in Children's Crusade.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Hmmm... I'd forgotten I hadn't seen a new issue of MIGHTY AVENGERS in my pull for awhile...
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Well that sucks ass! Mighty Avengers was the only good Avengers title! Oh well...
Posted by Set on :
Man, that means I won't see anymore USAgent for awhile. He was always my favorite Cap, warts and all...
Posted by Spellbinder on :
You know, I don't even care that it's bi-monthly. I am loving this series so far! Billy and Teddy are too cute together, and I'm loving delving into the history of Wanda and Pietro. I coulda done without Doctor Doom getting involved, but oh well... I'm sure it will only be one issue.

And even though it's been several years now, I still cannot get over the Avengers' attitude toward Wanda. I know she did some bad things, but it's not like she just woke up one day and decided to be an evil bitch. She needed help badly, and from day one of Disassembled they have been cold blooded in regards to her. Some friends and teammates they turned out to be.

Oh, and dear god can someone please tell Marvel that Wolverine is waaaaay over used? Get him the hell out of my Young Avengers title, at least. I certainly did not need him to be front and center on the cover.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
With the current treatment of Roy Harper, and seeing parallels made here, I need to pick up the Children's Crusade.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I just bought Children's Crusade #1.




Why have I not read about this team before?!
Posted by Power Boy on :
yeahhh it's good!!
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
My review:

I am a loyal Teen Titans fan, but I stopped buying both titles out of protest to DC's HORRIBLE treatment towards the team, the death of Lian Harper, and that moron Deathstroke running his own team. I recently bought the House of M hardcover from the library, and reading someone's description of the Scarlet Witch's situation over and certain parallels of Roy Harper's situation, I decided to try this title.

Oh my God why I have I not been reading about this time before?! They are everything the Teen Titans should be and more. This is my first impression of the team, but I get the idea that they don't have to deal with being tortured or maimed or killed. They actually act like teenagers that aren't whiny or gigantic jerks. The relationship between Wiccan and Hulkling also adds a special touch, at least to me.

The Avengers attitude towards their comrade Wanda came off as cold to me. I'm not familiar with the status of how or why her nervous breakdown occurred, but from House of M it's obvious her friends on the team didn't lend enough support to her frail state of mind. Not to mention their attitude towards the Young Avengers was a bit condescending.

However, I enjoy the team chemistry between the Young Avengers, the art, and the fact that this will finally resolve the problem with the Scarlet Witch.
Posted by MLLASH on :
The first series was the best thing I've read out of Marvel in YEARS. The current run looks to be just as excellent.

It's the best Teen Titans book available. [Smile]

Think I'll go read # 2 now...
Posted by Spellbinder on :
The treatment of the Scarlet Witch was the worst part of Disassembled, to me. Although it just did not seem in character for the Scarlet Witch to murder anyone, I could go with the whole mental break due to immense emotional gried. But what was inexcusable to me was how the Avengers could turn so cold bloodedly against one of their own.

I mean, it's not like Wanda was a morally questionable character. She had served the Avengers heroically for like 30+ years. She didn't wake up bored one day and say "Oh well, guess I'll murder some teammates." But from the moment they found out she was behind the event, I can't recall one single Avenger offering an ounce of compassion or understanding. Not even supposed friends like Ms Marvel. Hell, Wolverine is far more homicidally inclined than Wanda, and he's welcomed with open arms!

I'm thrilled that the Young Avengers are looking into this. At least they legitimately seem to care about Wanda, which is more than her teammates can say.

And yeah, this is definitely the best Teen Titans book on the market. It reminds me alot of the original Wolfman/Perez era, with good stories and believable characters. Of course, as much as I am thrilled for Wiccan and Hulkling humping like bunnies, the prude in me doubts that the Avengers would go for two horny 15/16 year old boyfriends sleeping together in the same bed under their roof, but then I still haven't recovered from seeing Nightwing and Starfire in bed together in the first issue of the New Teen Titans Baxter run [Big Grin]
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
Spellbinder... are you a member of the Bring Back Lian Harper movement?
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Not officially, but I've never been a fan of killing children for storyline purposes. There's enough death with Titans members without resorting to killing off their families.
Posted by Sarcasm Kid on :
I just wanted to ask since hearing you describe the Scarlet Witch's dilemma and the Young Avengers made me try out the Children's Crusade.

Here's the group page if you're interested.
Posted by MLLASH on :
2 was (as expected) very good... although I think I missed a page... suddenly, Wanda and some other villagers are with Magneto and the gang?

A panel showing them arriving on the scene would have been nice prior to Quicksilver's murderous attack. For me that's a pretty huge gaffe.

Otherwise, great stuff... yeah, except for the Avengers' awful attitudes about Wanda.

Nice scenes with Patriot/Hawkeye and Vision/Stature for those wary of too much Wiccan/Hulkling too.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
#2 was another solid issue. The inclusion of the last page villian to the larger storyline is welcome; that image actually looked pretty threatening!

I like that Patriot & Hawkeye got some good screen time this issue.

Glad to Pietro's inclusion. However, I have to say, seeing Speed interact with Pietro made me realize I like Speed even less than I initially thought since he's a strait-up knock-off of young Quicksilver. His lameness factor is very high in comparison to the other 6 young avengers.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
#2 was another solid issue. The inclusion of the last page villian [sic] to the larger storyline is welcome; that image actually looked pretty threatening!

This may be another instance of not paying attention to what's happening in other books though...
The mystery villain's status quoAfter all, not only was Doom brain-drained in FotH, but the preview for an upcoming issue of F4 suggests that's stuck...

Not to mention, if Doom's had not only Layla "I know stuff" Miller, but Wanda "reality gem" Maximoff on his side for the past while... why has his track record been so utterly crap over that time, being pounded, imprisoned, humiliated and brain-drained in Mighty Avengers, Millar's F4, Dark Avengers and FotH...

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Glad to Pietro's inclusion. However, I have to say, seeing Speed interact with Pietro made me realize I like Speed even less than I initially thought since he's a strait-up knock-off of young Quicksilver. His lameness factor is very high in comparison to the other 6 young avengers.

Well, he also has an "explode stuff" power. And Pietro was really shot in the head as a viable character by the HoM/DeciMation stuff...
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Glad to Pietro's inclusion. However, I have to say, seeing Speed interact with Pietro made me realize I like Speed even less than I initially thought since he's a strait-up knock-off of young Quicksilver. His lameness factor is very high in comparison to the other 6 young avengers.

I am getting the unpleasant feeling that Speed (and therefore Wiccan) might not be individual souls, so much as bits ripped out of Pietro (and Wanda) and that to 'fix' the Scarlet Witch, would require the un-creation of 'the twins' as they are re-absorbed by their damaged and soul-riven 'parents.'

I can't see Hulkling reacting well to such a solution, obviously. I can also see Speed choosing to fight the process, even to the point of being willing to kill Pietro so that he can 'stay a real boy...'

It would be a pretty dark concept, and the 'solution' might end up being less pat than some magical reconciliation.

Pietro and Speed might remain split, and unbalanced, and increasingly dangerous, for instance. (And this process could be used as an 'out' to explain Pietro's even more boneheaded than normal actions of recent years.)

Billy might be willing to heal his 'mother' by giving her his essence, only to have Wanda pre-empt his decision by unravelling her own existence and reinforcing his, finally truly dying (for reals, as they say), and leaving him behind as her legacy.

Given the historical 'children's crusade,' which did not end happily for the children involved, it's a foreboding title for them to have chosen...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Young Avengers really seems to be cooking with #4, as the sheer amount of characters and things happening are just making each issue jump off the rack at me. Dr. Doom in all his glory! Magneto in all his glory! Quicksilver being the Pietro we all know and love! The Avengers! Wonder Man clearly siding with Wanda (nice, Simon!)! Wolverine being the lone douche! And the Young Avengers themselves getting good moments, even if everyone other than Wiccan and Hulkling thus far are background material.

And now—Iron Lad, who has always been my single favorite of the team. I’m glad to see him return, and though Heinberg kind of did a great job writing him out, I expect he’ll have a cool way of having him back.

It makes me wonder though: if Iron Lad sticks around, is this the first step of restoring the Vision to his former self? Will this series end with the Vision and Scarlet Witch back to normal? I can’t help but hope for that outcome.

I also am digging how every issue has a surprise / cliffhanger to it. I’ve come to expect that now as part of this series. It took me awhile, but I’m really digging YA again.
Originally posted by Set:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Glad to Pietro's inclusion. However, I have to say, seeing Speed interact with Pietro made me realize I like Speed even less than I initially thought since he's a strait-up knock-off of young Quicksilver. His lameness factor is very high in comparison to the other 6 young avengers.

I am getting the unpleasant feeling that Speed (and therefore Wiccan) might not be individual souls, so much as bits ripped out of Pietro (and Wanda) and that to 'fix' the Scarlet Witch, would require the un-creation of 'the twins' as they are re-absorbed by their damaged and soul-riven 'parents.'

I can't see Hulkling reacting well to such a solution, obviously. I can also see Speed choosing to fight the process, even to the point of being willing to kill Pietro so that he can 'stay a real boy...'

It would be a pretty dark concept, and the 'solution' might end up being less pat than some magical reconciliation.

Pietro and Speed might remain split, and unbalanced, and increasingly dangerous, for instance. (And this process could be used as an 'out' to explain Pietro's even more boneheaded than normal actions of recent years.)

Billy might be willing to heal his 'mother' by giving her his essence, only to have Wanda pre-empt his decision by unravelling her own existence and reinforcing his, finally truly dying (for reals, as they say), and leaving him behind as her legacy.

Given the historical 'children's crusade,' which did not end happily for the children involved, it's a foreboding title for them to have chosen...

Really fascinating theory, Set! If that's the way they are taking things, I have to say, you are pretty genius.

Not sure that's something I want to see, but it is curious.

Originally posted by Reboot:
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
#2 was another solid issue. The inclusion of the last page villian [sic] to the larger storyline is welcome; that image actually looked pretty threatening!

This may be another instance of not paying attention to what's happening in other books though...
The mystery villain's status quoAfter all, not only was Doom brain-drained in FotH, but the preview for an upcoming issue of F4 suggests that's stuck...

Not to mention, if Doom's had not only Layla "I know stuff" Miller, but Wanda "reality gem" Maximoff on his side for the past while... why has his track record been so utterly crap over that time, being pounded, imprisoned, humiliated and brain-drained in Mighty Avengers, Millar's F4, Dark Avengers and FotH...

I've kind of accepted that continuity-wise, this whole thing doesn't really fit anywhere. Part of the annoyance of dealing with creators who don't give a crap about schedules.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I read # 4 a bit back and forgot to comment.

Love it.

But the Avengers can sprock off and Wolverine especially can kiss my arse.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think so far the Avengers haven't been too overly anti-Wanda, considering she is responsible for the deaths of the Vision, Ant-Man and Jack of Hearts (though I also loathe those storyline events). The only one who is overly asshole-ish is Wolverine, which was pretty much the case in House of M.

I do like Wonder Man's blatant "I'm taking Wanda's side" stance though. If I was writing his dialogue I'd probably be unable to stop putting in lines like "kiss my ass Avengers--you guys can suck it!"
Posted by MLLASH on :
I don't now nor will I ever consider Wolverine an Avenger, so his setting himself up as Wanda's judge, jury and executioner is particularly pissing this former Avengers fan off.

Wonder Man rules. Always has.
Posted by Set on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Wonder Man rules. Always has.

I didn't like him until an issue after a big battle where the drama of the issue started with Wonder Man saying, "Lean on me, Wanda."

It was a long time ago, and I've liked him (and had a bigger appreciation for the Vision) ever since.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I loved him even way back when he was a coward fighting Count Nefaria... now THAT was THE AVENGERS.

Poor kids these days got Dr. Strange and Wolverine and Sentry and who knows what-else for "Avengers". That's sad. [Frown]

ps/I don't care if what I said directly above is accurate or not... what matters is Wolverine sucks and therefore so does "The (not really) Avengers" team Marvel has tried to pass on us of late.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I've liked him too and loved his solo series in the 90's as well. When they killed him in the 90's, I was furious because that's when I thought those things stuck.
Posted by MLLASH on :
The first YA series brought back the good feeling I remember from reading AVENGERS as a kid... this current series, while very very good, is still hindered for me by the presence of Wolverine and the not-Avengers.

But *IF* things are made right with Wanda, I might reconsider that.
Posted by MLLASH on :
My issues with the current Avengers are similar to my issues with this Fantastic Four:


I can't help it, I'm old school. Does this mean I hate ALL Marvel changes?

I don't think so... DnA's all-different GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, for instance, was a longtime fave and I miss it.
Posted by Set on :
I do kinda like that the guy who did that cover was tongue-in-cheek enough to call it 'The Worlds Most Commercialist Comic Magazine.'

Gosh. The Ghost Rider. He was popular once, I guess...

Nowadays it would be Wolverine, Spider-Man, Luke Cage and, uh, someone else... (Quick, I'm out of the loop, who'se the flavor of the month?)
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by Set:
I do kinda like that the guy who did that cover was tongue-in-cheek enough to call it 'The Worlds Most Commercialist Comic Magazine.'

Gosh. The Ghost Rider. He was popular once, I guess...

Nowadays it would be Wolverine, Spider-Man, Luke Cage and, uh, someone else... (Quick, I'm out of the loop, who'se the flavor of the month?)

heh heh... I never caught that bit... it IS cute.

Let's see, I'd guess either THOR or IRON MAN or CAPTAIN AMERICA for the new 4th, with the movies and whatnot.
Posted by Chief Lardy on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Originally posted by Set:
I do kinda like that the guy who did that cover was tongue-in-cheek enough to call it 'The Worlds Most Commercialist Comic Magazine.'

Gosh. The Ghost Rider. He was popular once, I guess...

Nowadays it would be Wolverine, Spider-Man, Luke Cage and, uh, someone else... (Quick, I'm out of the loop, who'se the flavor of the month?)

heh heh... I never caught that bit... it IS cute.

Let's see, I'd guess either THOR or IRON MAN or CAPTAIN AMERICA for the new 4th, with the movies and whatnot.

I'd say it would be Wolvie, Spidey, Deadpool & Iron Man.
Posted by Set on :
Thank goodness Gambit and Cable aren't still super-popular.

A Fantastic Four consisting of Cable, Deadpool, Gambit and Wolverine would pretty much be the four horsemen of my comic-book-reading apocalypse.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I would love to see a return to what was (in my opinion) the definitive Avengers line-up:

Captain America
Iron Man
Scarlet Witch
Wonder Man

To me, this line up embodied everything that the Avengers are supposed to be. The Avengers from issue 140-ish thru 210-ish were the best they've ever been as far as I'm concerned.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I am completely loving Childrens Crusade so far. I agree that most of the focus is on Wiccan, Hulkling and Speed, but considering the storyline how can it not? The search for the Scarlet Witch would impact those three characters the most, although there really should be more focus on Stature and her feelings on the matter, considering Wanda did kinda kill her father and stuff.

I really, really, really hope that this series can undue some of the damage done to Wanda by other writers who completely dis-assembled her character for the sake of plot. I would love this to end with Wanda restored to sanity and a part of her children's lives. Even if she ends up powerless, I don't care. The woman has suffered enough and deserves to be the mom she wanted to be.
Posted by Power Boy on :

These seem to be coming out irregularly.

However, this is IMO one the best, if not the best, comic out there right now.

Issue number 6, succinctly summarizes a few years now of plots.

Click Here For A SpoilerIncluding Wanda's point of view of Avengers Dissassembled that leaves me understanding her, in a she's only partly crazy but mostly was just severely grief stricken.

(oh yeah Wanda's finally back, and Hawkeye says at one point ... to Iron Man ... "She's fine, she's ... she's Wanda". It appears the previous Wanda in these stories was an impostor Doombot Doom created. yeah he's got issues ... trying to marry a Doombot)

The writers give us one very important thing beyond summarizes the events of several story arcs ... from way back in the 80s. 1) a sane and repentant Wanda who .... wait for it .... by the end of the story ... is bent on repairing the damage she's done with her awesome power to undo it ... to remutantize mutants, begining with Rictor. on the final page of the issue she appears successful.

Other major plot points wrapped up, William and Thomas are indeed her children. Thomas is a bit harder on his new mother than william but the end results of both interactions is touching as well as Ant Man 2 seeing his daughter Cassie in action and giant sized ... and being very proud. Unlike the tired dissapproving Parent on Superhero child reaction we see mostly.

Another particularly sweet moments are some Hawkeye + Hawkeye action on ... some Ultrons and Kree, that in the very first pages of the issue a repentant Wanda has conjured to kill herself (very jean grey dark phoenix 1980) lucky for us and mutantkind she decided not to thanks to Wiccan

This issue swiftly summarizes and gives us answers to lingering plots, has a lot of tender moments, and the art of Cheung just gets better and better.

all that and tons of guest stars:

Click Here For A SpoilerX-Factor, X-Men, Jessica Jones, Magneto, Quicksilver and the Avengers rushing to confront Wanda (including ticked off Iron Man and Wolverine) but we will have to wait until issue 7 for that confrontation.

And lately I've been feeling a bit jaded and tired of comics, not really loving much that i get ... but this one is a winner!

[ June 29, 2011, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Power Boy ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I enloy this series heaps. It's well worth the wait, though how events will synch up with MU continuity is a bit of a puzzler.

Still not buying Wanda's supposed motivations for the Disassembled attack.

I loved what happened to one of the guest stars, as that character's status was one that I found particularly sad.

I really hope YOUNG AVENGERS becomes an ongoing after this mini is over. These characters seem like veterans compared to all the newer teen heroes that have sprung up since the YA debuted.
Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Still not buying Wanda's supposed motivations for the Disassembled attack.

Yeh, It's still more of a super villain's motivation or a she lost her crap motivation. How did she find out about William and Thomas anyways ... it seemed much after the fact and I doubt it was that one panel where the Wasp slips up. idk maybe it was gradual.

Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
I loved what happened to one of the guest stars, as that character's status was one that I found particularly sad.

Click Here For A Spoilerscott lang ?

yeah, i am very afraid Click Here For A Spoilerthis great issue is some sort of alternate timeline or dream ... after thinking about it .. and all the guest stars ... and that it basically wraps up what has become the x-men books entire motivation (not so much integration anymore but the books are all about survival and a nation)

and has Hawkeye really slept with EVERY Avenger ?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
No Click Here For A Spoiler Rictor and his being cut off from feeling/sensing the earth all around him
Posted by Power Boy on :
that was cool too. (I mean the resolution of that) I hope it's true.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Oh, good-- I will hit the CBS for this ASAP. A title so wonderful I don't balk at the $3.99 pricetag.
Posted by Set on :
While I like the 'corrections' going on, it's getting old that every new issue seems end on the reveal of yet another prominent individual (or *team*).

The book is very, very crowded, already.

It's a bit weird how many so-called heroes seem dead set against allowing for anything *good* to be done. They seem terribly invested in the wrongs of the past remaining un-resolved, so that they can continue justifying their own overreactions...

Wow, can you imagine the government / Initiative / Stark & Richard's reaction to 'a million mutants' regaining their powers, after they worked so hard to attempt to draft and control everyone with powers?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm blown away by how epic this story is becoming!

The Wanda / Billy scene in #6 got me a little choked up!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Finally got around to reading # 6.

By far, the best comic being published. Nothing else comes close.

Am I to understand Rictor and Shatterstar are a couple these days? That's HOT. I might need to check out some X-FACTOR...

Assuming everything at face value and it isn't not some hoax/dream/imaginary story, I am SO pleased to see good things happen for Wanda after the awfulness of DISASSEMBLED.

I had no idea she wiped out mutant powers. Funny how apparently no primary X-men were affected.

Art is as beautiful as the story. I'd pay $5 an issue for this book by this team (high praise indeed coming from me these days), and gladly wait as long as they needed for this kind of quality. Comics aren't made this good anymore anywhere, sadly.
Posted by Dr. Tot Rocket on :
Any word at all on # 7? It's getting pretty close to 3 months now...
Posted by Reboot on :
Due this week:
JUL110578 AVENGERS #17 FEAR $3.99
JUL110637 CAPTAIN AMERICA #3 $3.99

Posted by Dr. Tot Rocket on :
Mucho gracias!! Love this book [Smile]
Posted by Power Boy on :
except for the delays.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Hasn't it been pretty much on time, having always been solicited as bi-monthly?
Posted by Dr. Tot Rocket on :
It's more like a bi-monthly plus a few weeks, heh heh. This book is worth the wait though.
Posted by Power Boy on :
I think 7 is delayed by three weeks and 8 is delayed by about six.

It was supposed to end with the schism and fear itself event.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Lately I’ve been putting the DC #1’s at the top of my reading pile because I’m admittingly caught up in the spirit of the relaunch. One comic though that trumps the vast majority of the DCnU is Young Avengers because that comic has been damn good. I couldn’t wait to dive into #7 and after doing so, I put it down thinking “this might just be the perfect comic book.”

For those of us that are intimately familiar with the Marvel Universe, at least, it’s the perfect comic book. You’ve got the Scarlet Witch back to herself, addressing what happened before and actively trying to do the right thing. You’ve got Quicksilver and Wanda reunited and Pietro willing to screw over everyone for his sister (maybe I do like you after all). You’ve got Magneto and Wanda having a moment. Cyclops being a total dick. Captain America telling him to get lost. X-Factor siding with Wanda against the X-Men. Hawkeye, Beast, Wonder Man, and so many others just totally being themselves. And of course, Dr. Doom totally kicking things up a notch like we knew he was going to do (and I still loved it).

Oh yeah, this is also a Young Avengers comic. They aren’t getting that much screentime but for some reason I don’t mind. Wiccan is stealing the show, quickly becoming tied for my favorite member. Patriot is also getting a lot of screen time (and annoying the hell out of me!). I only wish the Vision would get a chance to step forward and shine since he’s so vital to the story—I mean, he obviously must be going back to the old Vision if they brought back Iron__, right?

Loved Wanda putting Emma Frost in her place. Love that Jim Cheung artwork just rocking my face off on every page. And just love this love letter to the Marvel Universe that appears to be setting several major wrongs right again.
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
I just read # 7 (finally) and I have to agree word for word with Cobie.

This is absolutely my favortie comic book, and my favorite creative team!

Any word on # 8? I delayed reading # 7 so long I was hoping # 8 might be coming out shortly... [Smile]
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by MLLASH classic:
Any word on # 8? I delayed reading # 7 so long I was hoping # 8 might be coming out shortly... [Smile]

Last update:
Avengers: Children’s Crusade #8 - 28th December 2011 (originally due 5th Oct)
Avengers: Children’s Crusade #9 - 15th February 2012 (orig 18 Jan)

[And the HC's slipped from Feb 1st to Mar 14th accordingly]

What, you expected Heinberg & Cheung to keep to a bimonthly schedule? [Razz]

#1 was released Jul 2010, so #9 should be out by now even on a bimonthly schedule - whereas, in reality, if #9 comes out this side of March, we'll be lucky!
Posted by MLLASH classic on :
Wow... I still say this comic is worth waiting for, but my goodness!!

I wonder what the odds are we will ever see more from them after this?
Posted by Set on :
Eh, if they want to put out one issue every 4 months, I'll take it. It's the only comic I find at the store and get all excited to read.
Posted by Pov on :
Meh, I'm waiting for the trade. The softcover TPB. [shrug] [Wink]
Posted by Reboot on :
In case anyone's wondering where Children's Crusade #9 was this week... Shock of shocks, it's been delayed again.

It's CURRENTLY due on the 7th of March. Whether it makes that or not... Who knows?
Posted by kenaustin on :
Isn't it being delayed because of the Avengers vs. X-Men event?

I'm not saying that Heinberg & Cheung are prolific in any way, but I thought I'd read that shoehorning it into the AvX story was part of the reason for the longer than usual delays.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
When this is all over, I hope Marvel goes ahead and gives us a YOUNG AVENGERS title. If Heinberg and Cheung can create 4 or so issues a year, let them-- make those the highpoints, but let other creators give us some 'in-between' stories. I'd hope they wouldn't start one of the 'highpoint' sequences util the whole thing's written and a good chunk's drawn, though.

If editorial interference isn't a factor, than in the case of this last issue of CHILDREN'S CRUSADE, I think the delay will have some pay-off.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So, great end for Wanda. Lots of characters had fantastic moments throughout the series: Doom, Magneto, Quicksilver, Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Madrox, Rogue, etc.

But the YA themselves? I feel a little like they got the shaft.

Click Here For A SpoilerCassie is dead? C'mon! And Scott Lang is back? Terrible trade! Why in the world would that be a good move? It hurts that she barely did ANYTHING all mini.

Speaking of not doing anything: Kate and Eli were barely present for the duration, only checking in to screw up and then be quitters

I've long expected the YA Vision to die and wasn't surprised by it, especially since the original Vision is back. But the whole sequence where Iron Lad just goes and kills him IN FRONT OF EVERYONE? And then takes off without anyone trying to stop him? That was a writing Epic Fail.

Billy & Hulkling got most of the camera time all mini and were done well. They're like the Brainy and Imra of the YA. Even Hulkling gets the short end of the stick though sometimes, stuck in 'shoulder for Billy to cry on / lean on'.

I dont know. Good mini for the MU in general, and good for restoring Wanda. But the Young Avengers themselves? It didn't really work for me.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I agree about the team getting the shaft a bit in this mini, but at the same time there were so many things I loved.

Oh and the hypocrite of the year award goes to Capt America. "Once an Avenger always an Avenger"
Posted by Set on :
Click Here For A Spoiler
Cyclops continued to be unrecognizable, and Wolverine, who has been bragging about how much he wants to kill Billy and Wanda, seems to have gotten bored and wandered off...

Strange, and sort of anticlimactic. The entire story has turned into a bridging device for the A vs. X 'epic event,' and lost it's way, I think.

Posted by Power Boy on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
So, great end for Wanda. Lots of characters had fantastic moments throughout the series: Doom, Magneto, Quicksilver, Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Madrox, Rogue, etc.

But the YA themselves? I feel a little like they got the shaft.

Click Here For A SpoilerCassie is dead? C'mon! And Scott Lang is back? Terrible trade! Why in the world would that be a good move? It hurts that she barely did ANYTHING all mini.

Speaking of not doing anything: Kate and Eli were barely present for the duration, only checking in to screw up and then be quitters

I've long expected the YA Vision to die and wasn't surprised by it, especially since the original Vision is back. But the whole sequence where Iron Lad just goes and kills him IN FRONT OF EVERYONE? And then takes off without anyone trying to stop him? That was a writing Epic Fail.

Billy & Hulkling got most of the camera time all mini and were done well. They're like the Brainy and Imra of the YA. Even Hulkling gets the short end of the stick though sometimes, stuck in 'shoulder for Billy to cry on / lean on'.

I dont know. Good mini for the MU in general, and good for restoring Wanda. But the Young Avengers themselves? It didn't really work for me.

I haven't read the issue yet but from everyone's review ... it sounds like a wacky 70s teen titans comic or adventure era legion!!!!
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
I finally read 8-9!

The X-MEN come off as mostly dislikeable and unrecognizable.

I did like how Wiccan gave a rundown on everyone else's shady pasts...

All in all, I'm a little disappointed. This didn't serve the YOUNG AVENGERS very well at all for the most part.

Felt too much like a setup for Avengers vs. X-Men in the end.

And the Cassie/Vision deaths were terrible.

I do like that the Scarlet Witch is mostly restored to her proper place.

I think will be it for the YOUNG AVENGERS team... it felt final. Maybe that is a good thing.

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