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Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
OK, i'm crazy late on this book
but this is the reason that series need to be collected in trade form
just picked up the first digest-sized trade (a deal at $8) and it's GREAT
i'm definitely picking up the 2nd and every little kid on my list is getting them for the holidays
cool stuff

[ June 19, 2007, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: Pov ]
Posted by disaster boy on :
this was one of my favorites until it ended but i think that may be a good thing, at least it was finished well. and the art was great. i am waiting for the collection of teh first few issues..i missed them.
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Did you guys know they're relaunching the series? It's in this month's Previews. Here's the cover:


Somebody else around here's a big fan of the series... Reboot, or maybe Drake. I think there's been some previous discussions here, if you wanna check around. Try typing "runaways" into the search function at the top of the page. [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I was thinking of picking this up but didn't. Even considered the digests. Was it really any good?
Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
the digests are surprisingly good

and i HATE teenage-focused comics right now

this series is fun, smart and doesn't try to be young -- well-rounded characters, sharp art & dialogue, and interesting designs on the folks & kids
Posted by Blacula on :
I *never* read or buy Marvel comics (I spend enough money on DC, Vertigo and Wildstorm as it is - I just don't want another comics universe to suck me in) but even I found myself reading, and looking forward to, every issue of this series in the store.

I thought it was really very good and if it had been a DC comic I definitely would have bought it!
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Yup it was a good series and I loved the art! When's the next one come out - next year or so? Can you imagine it as a tv series or movie?
Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
Originally posted by Blacula:
I *never* read or buy Marvel comics (I spend enough money on DC, Vertigo and Wildstorm as it is - I just don't want another comics universe to suck me in) but even I found myself reading, and looking forward to, every issue of this series in the store.

I thought it was really very good and if it had been a DC comic I definitely would have bought it!

i can't believe it! i suspected it, but it's true -- we really are similar kinds of things

i only buy marvel as Trade collections!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
Yup it was a good series and I loved the art! When's the next one come out - next year or so? Can you imagine it as a tv series or movie?

The new series is scheduled to debut in February.
Posted by icefire on :
I also truly loved this series it was GREAT!!
Posted by Blacula on :
Originally posted by 235 - Andy S:
Originally posted by Blacula:
I *never* read or buy Marvel comics (I spend enough money on DC, Vertigo and Wildstorm as it is - I just don't want another comics universe to suck me in) but even I found myself reading, and looking forward to, every issue of this series in the store.

I thought it was really very good and if it had been a DC comic I definitely would have bought it!

i can't believe it! i suspected it, but it's true -- we really are similar kinds of things

i only buy marvel as Trade collections!

We're soul-mates Andy!

... That, or you're just copying me! [Wink]
Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
Originally posted by Blacula:
[QUOTE]We're soul-mates Andy!

... That, or you're just copying me! [Wink]

is this an either/or thing?
maybe we're just a cargggite that's forgotten he's been split?
[Triplicate Girl]
Posted by Blacula on :
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
And your third body's working for the Luck Lords... [Eek!] [Wink]
Posted by 235 - Andy S on :
that 3rd body is such a bi&$* !!!
Posted by ActorLad on :
I finally received the 1st two trades of this today, and it's even better then I thought it would be. I can't wait till the 3rd comes in.
Posted by Jorg-El on :
Quick question...these kids are the offspring of super villains? I thought I heard that somewhere.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Yup, but the members of The Pride hadn't appeared previously to the 1st issue.

There's going to be a new character that is actually the kid of a "bigtime supervillain" appearing soon though.

For those who haven't seen it yet here's the preview to Vol 2 #1.

[ February 03, 2005, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: ActorLad ]
Posted by Just Pov on :
Sad to say, I didn't even give this book a chance when it first came out; I saw it as further flotsam from the TSUNAMI (boy, I bet Marvel cringes about naming it that NOW... [Embarrassed] ) launch. I'll have to check out V2#1 and the trades for the prior run.
Posted by Pov on :
Bump for the new #1; Still planning on checking it out this weekend. If it "grabs" me I'll order the trades for the first series. [Cool]
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Sad to say, I didn't even give this book a chance when it first came out; I saw it as further flotsam from the TSUNAMI (boy, I bet Marvel cringes about naming it that NOW... [Embarrassed] ) launch. I'll have to check out V2#1 and the trades for the prior run.

Just thinking about the fate of the Tsunami titles now...

New Mutants --> Relaunched as New X-Men: Academy X after #13, in Top 30, about to get a spin-off mini
Runaways --> Cancelled before the brilliant Digest nos came in, quickly uncancelled and a relaunch planned as soon as the artist had got a bit ahead
Mystique --> Cancelled @ #24. Longest unrelaunched survivor
Venom --> Cancelled @ #18, and survived that long only on name recognition (titles which launch with 90k orders should not get cancelled at #18. This bombed simply by virtue of being unreadable)
Sentinel --> Cancelled @ #12, a digest didn't save it
Bill Jemas' Namor --> Cancelled @ #12
Inhumans --> Cancelled @ #12, just been given a digest
Human Torch --> Cancelled @ #12

Ummm... ow. Did better than the following years' equivalent offerings though, of which Iron Fist got done @ #6, Warlock @ *#4* only Cable/Deadpool is making to #15 (and that had been due to launch months earlier, but got delayed half a year by the artist getting pulled twice to do other stuff), with Cap/Falc getting killed @ #14 (a Capless relaunch may or may not have Priest writing) and a Runawaysesque relaunch due for She-Hulk after #12.
Posted by Pov on :
Looks like they're still in love with the idea of a kid/teen-friendly subline; Arana is a Marvel Next book, as will be POWER PACK and MACHINE TEEN (gag [Razz] Hope that's not the official name...), both being written by Mark Sumerak. MT is a Machine Man refitted for this kids line. The cover is up in this week's LitG.
Posted by Reboot on :
Back to Rv2:

Didn't see that ending coming... Funny how everyone conforms to the superheroine "model" in the end though, huh [Smile]
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:
I was a little confused, though. People started using their powers, and I didn't understand what their powers were. I really thought a little more background/info would have been nice.

They're all the children of former crimelords who acted in various occupations
Most of the rest is in the issue.
Posted by ActorLad on :
I finally was able to 3rd tpb of this yesterday. This series just keeps getting better & better. Some of my favorite parts were the kids getting "Frogger" and Gert/Chase moments. I can't wait to read the new #1.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
This is a great book. I loved the trades... and I thoroughly enjoyed the new #1.

The main group needs some more boys, though.

I'd love to see a storyline set in the future referenced in this story. An intriguing leader for THE AVENGERS... the FANTASTIC FOURTEEN (???!!!!)

Eventually, a crossover with THE THUNDERBOLTS would be fun... the two titles with the best opening twists EVER *should* have their characters meet.

Who else thinks that at least some of The Pride will turn up?
Posted by Pov on :
Nwsarama: RUNANWAYS v.2#1 Sells Out @ Marvel
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Jeepers! I hope I'm able to secure a guys have me kind of interested.
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
I was thinking of picking this up but didn't. Even considered the digests. Was it really any good?

Oh, yeah. It's well worth the money. Even in times when I had to think about which books I should drop, I never considered dropping it. I liked it a lot and v2 #1 was also a great read.
Posted by disaster boy on :
love volume 2. glad gert ends up hot. just kidding i like her how she is now...

but didn't julie power make a mistake...she wasn't lightspeed and starstreak. her sister katie was one. i think she's on craaaaaaack.
wonder what her power is now?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I picked up #1 on your guys reccomendation and liked it a lot, I'm officially interested. I'll stick with the book for a bit now, although I'm debating on whether to pick up the back issues. Possibly when I get some extra cash. So far, an excellent read that left me wanting more.

And best Wrecking Crew appearance in too long to count!
Posted by Pov on :
I tracked down 1 and 2 from the first run... if I'd read these when they came out, I would have been a die-hard fan from the beginning. D-mn Marvel, for hiding all their gems (RUNAWAYS, SHE-HULK) amidst all their other garbage!
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by disaster boy:
love volume 2. glad gert ends up hot. just kidding i like her how she is now...

but didn't julie power make a mistake...she wasn't lightspeed and starstreak. her sister katie was one. i think she's on craaaaaaack.
wonder what her power is now?

Judging from the cover to #3, she's back on her original light'n'flight powers (conviently mirroring Karolina, oc..)

And, apparently, she was "Starstreak" (II) in the last PP mini.
Originally posted by Pov:
I tracked down 1 and 2 from the first run... if I'd read these when they came out, I would have been a die-hard fan from the beginning. D-mn Marvel, for hiding all their gems (RUNAWAYS, SHE-HULK) amidst all their other garbage!

Not getting the digests? The whole first series is out now as three digests (i.e., six issues per digest)

[ March 08, 2005, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by ActorLad on :
My comments on the new #1:

I love how the gang "schooled" The Wrecking Crew, they're one of my least favorite super-villain teams. Nico's fight with Wrecker really shows that you don't want to get on that girls bad side. [Big Grin]

I'm enjoying Excelsior and I hope Phil will finally take up the mantle of the Blue Wail that Spider-girl has teased us about.

It's awesome that the new "Hostel" at the La Brea Tar Pits Museum since I have many found memories going there.

Future-Gert (if she is the real deal) was intriguing and I hope at least one thing she mentioned comes true (Hisako joining the X-Men). I really felt for Chase there at the end.

Oh and FYI Disaster Boy, Julie was telling the truth. The Power's often share codenames with there siblings along with there powers.
Posted by disaster boy on :
shared names AND powers. i guess i'm not up on pp.

cant wait for the showdown!
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Not getting the digests? The whole first series is out now as three digests (i.e., six issues per digest)

Eh, I'm a monthlies kinda guy. [Wink]

I'm not having any trouble finding these for cover, so I'll probably just buy the entire first run out of the back-issue bins. But I'm picking up the digests to share. [Cool]
Posted by Reboot on :
Surprised no-one's posted this yet: Runaways #2 preview

And the RW #4 cover:

Posted by Pov on :
Posted by ferroboy on :
Yeah, but someone in the background doesn't look happy. Is this another Kitty/Lockheed?
Posted by ActorLad on :
Awesome cover! Although one wonders what's up with Old Lace with that look, unless that's a just a smile. [LOL]

What do you mean by "Is this another Kitty/Lockheed?", FerroBoy? If you're just refering to their relationships to each other, then no. Lockheed decided to join up with the X-Men because he thought they (and Kitty in particular) were fascinating. While Old Lace has yet to be shown as more then a designer pet/bodyguard raptor for Gert with a psi-link "command system". I'm not dissing Old Lace it's just currently we don't know "The Way She Works". [Wink]
Posted by ferroboy on :
A bunch of people I know think that Lockheed had more than a casual interest in Kitty. Plus, he thought he was human. Old Lace seems jealous, so I was making a link between this situation and the one with Kitty and Lockheed.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by ActorLad:
What do you mean by "Is this another Kitty/Lockheed?", FerroBoy? If you're just refering to their relationships to each other, then no. Lockheed decided to join up with the X-Men because he thought they (and Kitty in particular) were fascinating.

AL, come on, I know you like the Trial of Lockheed:
"...and I confess, with the youngest [Kitty], I was instantly smitten"
"In deep space we met. In that moment I knew a love truly true"

Plus the "leaving fianceé at the altar thing"

Fairly clear really [Smile]

Originally posted by ferroboy:
A bunch of people I know think that Lockheed had more than a casual interest in Kitty. Plus, he thought he was human.

He never thought he was human though.

[ March 11, 2005, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by ActorLad on :
Yeah he does love her but it's still friend-love, not any other kind. The way I read the whole leaving at the alter thing was basically he thought he could do more good for the universe with Kitty then just protecting his people.
Posted by Reboot on :
Rad, "smitten" is not a word you use for friend-love. Nor is love at first sight ("we met. In that moment I knew a love truly true")
Posted by ActorLad on :
Not often perhaps, but I have heard both used (all be it rarely) for friend-love. It could be refering to just a simple crush, IE one where you don't really want to date the person, you just have a certain admiration for them.

I do admit that the humanoid Lockheed as seen in the Crosstime Caper did have romantic feelings for Kitty. That ended up annoying 616 Lockheed and made Kitty blush.

[ March 11, 2005, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: ActorLad ]
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by ActorLad:
Not often perhaps, but I have heard both used (all be it rarely) for friend-love.

It's a stretch, and you're admitting here it's a stretch.

Originally posted by ActorLad:
It could be refering to just a simple crush, IE one where you don't really want to date the person, you just have a certain admiration for them.

Smitten, maybe, but "a love truly true"? And this is several years after the fact - Lockheed debuted in Uncanny #166, and this is somewhere around Uncanny #273. If it was just a crush, he'd have been over it by this point.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Probably but his original "crush" could of just matured into a good friendship with Kitty. Remember we haven't really "gotten in his head" since then. Most writers don't realize he's his own complex character and not just "Kitty's dragon". Not that I couldn't keep talking about Lockheed but we should probably go back on topic.

So do y'all think Chase should stay just driving "Frogger" or get a new gadget so he can go back to being "in the trenches" with the rest of the troop?
Posted by Pov on :
Aw, that whole Lockheed speaking in rhyme issue of EXCALIBUR has bothered me ever since it came out. What I always enjoyed about the lil' guy was knowing what he was thinking without needing to know exactly WHAT he was thinking. His mind was so alien that Professor X couldn't read it, so that one story always struck me as needlessly silly... like fitting dragonwings on a tomato, if you will... [Wink]
Posted by Reboot on :
It was, as a footnote informed you, "loosely translated from dragontongue". And, although Warren Bloody Ellis later (bleep)ed it up, it's actually established in that issue that they (LH included) can't speak or understand human-speech at all, it's all in the reading (Kinda like early Cass-Batgirl, before she got her mind rewired).

[ March 11, 2005, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by ActorLad on :
A reprint of Vol.2 #1 with a brand new cover came out this week for those that didn't get a chance to pick it up, in addition to Vol.2 #2.
Posted by Pov on :
Thanks, AL... computer problems kept me from updating for some of this week's new releases. [Embarrassed]

I'll edit the title for #2. [Cool]

[ March 24, 2005, 06:56 PM: Message edited by: Pov ]
Posted by Pov on :
And again for #3!

So... who's Vic's dady, huh? [Smile]
Posted by disaster boy on :
anyone else get runaways #3?

who is victor's daddy? kang? magneto? or thanos?
any guesses
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by disaster boy:
anyone else get runaways #3?

who is victor's daddy? kang? magneto? or thanos?
any guesses



Where the HELL did that come from?

[FTR, I'm going for "none of the above"]
Posted by disaster boy on :
they said his dad was the greatest evil in the universe.who else but thanos? mephisto?
Posted by Pov on :
Duhbya. [Big Grin]
Posted by disaster boy on :
that's not funny.

he's too evil. i couldn't read any comics with him in it.

[ April 22, 2005, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: disaster boy ]
Posted by ferroboy on :
Except that I doubt you could reach Thanos or Kang using a regular telephone. Or Magneto, for that matter, since I hear "technology" doesn't work in Genosha. Whoever it is seems to be rich and powerful, so I'm thinking Kingpin (unless he's dead), Silvermane, or Doom.
Posted by disaster boy on :
it's probably somebody from the cover of (2?)

but being thanos' son would be way cooler than dr. octopus'.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
BATROC! No no, wait MODOK! Hells yeah! When he grows up he's gonna get a big head and floating chair of his own...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The Hypno Hustler!

The Ringer!

Posted by Vee on :
Well, Vic seems to have electric powers of a sort so who would that point to?
Posted by Reboot on :
Doesn't have to mean anything.

With that last page, it's either the Kingpin, or they're trying very hard to make you think it's the Kingpin as a red herring.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Re: the latest issue.

Wow, I’m glad I picked this series up! The characters are more likeable each and every issue it appears. I have *got* to get my hands on the first series. I think Karolina might be my favorite now, but I’m still too new a fan to be sure yet.

The best part of the issue for me had to be the dialogue of the Doom-Bot. Let’s face it: I was pretty certain that somehow Doom wouldn’t be his father. And I was further certain that it was a Doom-Bot and not Doom they were facing. BUT, the writing was so spot on and the dialogue was so funny, that I couldn’t help but keep forgetting this wasn’t the real Doom! Calling the girls his harem, throwing one girl into the other flawlessly, calling another a dwarf…not bad for a one-issue fake villain!

And then, I have to admit I was shocked: Ultron! And what an entrance! And then it clicked with me: parents so far have been time-travelers, sorcerers, mad-scientists, aliens, etc.—of course there’d be a robot one! It’s the next classic genre of comic book villain!

Each issue leaves me wanting more.

And it appears that the guy helping team “Excelsior” might not actually be bad, which would be very refreshing, since that idea has been done to death.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Does this mean that Victor isn't biologically human? Or is he some sort of 'hybrid'? And just how would *that* be accomplished?

This really makes a Hank Pym and Vision guest-appearance a must.

Karolina's great-- but I really like Old Lace... Molly's fun, too.

So you haven't read the first series yet? Do you know what happened? I have a couple of guesses who the shadowy 'Excelsior' advisor might be from that series' end...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
No clue, just that they were betrayed by a boy in their group! (Stupid boys!)

Besides that, all I know is the basics on the Pride and that Cloak and Dagger appeared. When I finally buy/read it, it should be a pleasant surprise...
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
i think victor was just spliced together from human stock by ultron.

so...unless the others wake up gert and chase are going to have their hands full. chase is my new favorite.

i'm guessing who the shadow excelsior benefactor is. "he" better show up soon!
Posted by Reboot on :
Runaways #7 preview:

Right now, I'm laughing at SHIELD not being able to keep a frelling single bee locked up since Ben Reilly beat Swarm last time. I mean, all you'd need would be a tuppaware dish [Smile]
Posted by Stratum on :
Who the what now? Ben Reilly?!?!?!?!?!?!

I thought he was dead?

Just started reading the Runaway Trades and is in the dark...
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
big hard back of the first 18 issues came out today. it is booootiful. has some extra sketches and commentary. i want it but dont wanna pay that much since i already have the whole first series (i think)
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Stratum:
Who the what now? Ben Reilly?!?!?!?!?!?!

I thought he was dead?

Just started reading the Runaway Trades and is in the dark...

No, Ben's not in the issue. But the last time Swarm appeared, Ben-as-Spider-Man beat him and grabbed Swarm's queen (which controlled the other bees) and handed it over to SHIELD.
Posted by Stratum on :
Okay, just making sure that Marvel hadn't cracked the Internet in half....again.

Thanks Reboot.

Posted by Joe-Boy on :
I just picked up the 4 digests over the weekend...Id been wanting to get into this series for awhile but never got around to it. And can I just say...wowza! also Gadzooks...This is a Truly Truly cool comic. And the Art...Fantastic! Now my Sister has stolen the books and refuses to return them.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
This series is beautiful. I've just picked up the first three digests myself. I also went to a little Saturday afternoon thing put on by the Toronto Public Libary and met Adrian Alphona. I got a quick sketch of Nico too.

The preliminary pencil work from the sketch book that he had with him blew me away. The inked art loses a lot.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Ohhh lucky! Can we see your sketch? I got a Nico sketch once by Takeshi Miyazawa (who did a couple of fill-in issues here and there):
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Here's the little pencil sketch of Nico, Adrian Alphona did for me. I don't have a scanner these days so I had to cam the sketch.

Adrian mentioned that he hadn't really done any Cons but I believe he said he'd be in San Diego next year as well as doing some more local appearances in Toronto.

Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Of Cloak and Dagger, I always liked Dagger more. So, of course she's the one ususally unconscious or in the background. Cloak's interesting, too. I'm glad to see him getting this attention as a guest star, here. Wonder what Charlie was going to say when he got interrupted?

I liked the visual effect of Victor's 'breath'. I'd like to get to know this character better, he's interesting.

This really is one of the better titles out there.

[ October 21, 2005, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#10's out-- featuring a guest turn by the NEW AVENGERS. The team splits up into pairs for various purposes. The interactions of those pairs are the fun and beauty of this issue.

In X-MEN: DEADLY GENESIS, a new mutant is introduced that would make a great addition, or at least guest star, in RUNAWAYS. Her name's Petra, and she has earth powers. Anyone else read XDG and think she'd be a natural fit?

[ November 17, 2005, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Can't say I'm sorry to see this storyline end. Not my favorite. Cloak and Dagger sort of take over proceedings whenever they appear. Give 'em their own title, or at least another mini, Marvel.

What's up with Charlie? Is he able to instantly use any tool that comes to hand?

I like Victor. Which probably means he's about to become a huge villain. Sigh.

The new Pride needs to debut already
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

A band of teens done in the 'Oliver Twist' mode could've had staying power as an adversarial supporting group to the Runaways. Ah, well... it was nice to see Molly front and center. The last couple of pages were quite sad.
Posted by Pov on :
Hokey Smokes! [Elastic Lad]

What a cliffhanger to #14...

Click Here For A SpoilerA teen Wilder is back... but it's not Alex. [Eek!]
Posted by Pov on :
<Last page of #17:>


But since all the publicity for the death of one of our castmembers has been for issue 18, I'm hoping this is a swerve thrown at us by BKV. Not that I actually want any of them to die... [sigh]

Longterm, who wants to see Karolina stay on, and her Skrull fiance/ee join up? [Yes]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I do! I hope the pair stays long enough to at least encounter the Young Avengers in the crossover series about to start.

The meeting of Super-Skrulling and the Hulkling would be one to watch, I'd hope.
Posted by Pov on :
Yeah. [Cool]

I'm a bit worried that neither Heinberg nor BKV are directly involved with the crossover mini, but am willing to give it a chance for that reason alone. Hope, hope, wish, wish...
Posted by Reboot on :
Check the cover to Runaways/YA #1...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
If you follow the link at the bottom of this post, you can see the first three covers of RUNAWAYS/YOUNG AVENGERS set side by side, making one image.

Warning: this could very well spoil the next issue of RUNAWAYS (then again, maybe not...) It would *seem* to narrow the 'death-pool' down to three Runaways... four if the future Super-Skrull counts.
Posted by Koymc Dox on :
Well, sure, but they could also pull one of those "This story takes place before the events of Runaways#18 blah blah blah" deals.

I hate the idea that any of them are going to get offed. The interplay and chemistry between these characters has just been perfect.

Of course, I might have said that same thing before Alex turned traitor and got killed. I started reading with Vol.2 (I got the digests of Vol.1 later) and he was already dead and gone by then.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
I hope the end of 17 is a red herring! Maybe they could do one of those 'they died but now they're a ghost member!' thingies. Apparently BKV and Heingberg are supposed to be editorially in the loop with the crossover miniseries so hopefully stuff will make sense. Also

Click Here For A Spoilerthe Skrull bride/groom is on an upcoming cover of Runaways so looks like he/she'll be around?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Click Here For A Spoiler Nico lives, but Gert dies. A sad ending for a distinctive character. More individual than Nico, really. At least her sacrifice will apparently result in some additions to Charlie's arsenal. I'm glad Old Lace survived Gert's death.

I'm really liking Xavin. I hope he sticks around past CIVIL WAR.
Posted by Danger Boy on :
i just read the last spoiler.

nooooooooooo no no nooooooooooooo
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Since I came on to this title (#1 of 'Season Two') I've really liked each and every one of these characters.

Click Here For A SpoilerIt was tough to see Gert die! Even tougher to see Chase's reaction. I suspect we'll get great characterization for Chase and I'm glad Old Lace is gone.

This is very much in the tradition of Marvel's best stuff right now though, a constant character progression. Still though to see her go though [Frown]

I'm thrilled Karolina is back though, as she's my second fave (behind Nico). I really like them all though.

Wondering where the book will go from here...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Did you leave out a 'not' in that spoiler, Cobie?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Oops, yeah I did :eep:

Glad Old Lace is *not* gone! I love that aspect of the team!
Posted by Joe-Boy Harvestar on :
Wheeee Joss Wheddon !!!

and Apparently Excelsior is getting its own book? retitled "The Loners" as Stan Lee owns the rights to Excelsior.

So Excited...though kinda over marvel on the whole these days.
Posted by ActorLad on :
OK, I'm glad "Loners" is gonna happen but I can't say I'm to optimistic about Joss coming on board considering how freaking blowful his Astonishing has been. Don't get me wrong I loved it at the start but after he brought back the Rusty Russian (who was creamated for Our Lord Magneto's sake!) it went downhill so fast you'd think it was in a soapbox race.
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
aorry actor lad, but i beg to differ, the return of colossus is one of my favorite moments of all comics history. tears came to my eyes and my mouth dropped open. Astonishing is the only X-men comic i buy...and i was a pretty devoted X-fan before the 90's.

but, does this mean joss is leaving astonishing? great....and where the hell are vaughan and alphona going. i'm feeling gypped. one of my two favorite titles is going to the crapper i'm sure?!?!?

besides vaughn does great dialogue!

btw: I am thinking of having a service for Gert, my favorite Runaway, you all are invited. Maybe Joss will bring back Gert like he did Colossus! we'll get a page with Chase with his mouth open instead of Kitty.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Wheddon's Astonishing started great and kinda plateaued, but I can't stand to read the individual issues. I really need to read it in TPB format to enjoy it.

Brubaker on Uncanny X-men, now that is a comic I can't wait to read. I haven't enjoyed X-Men like that since reading the Classic X-Men reprint series.

Wheddon on Runaways will probably be good in attracting a bunch of readers to the series. I just hope that it won't suffer from delays and such like AXM has.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Chase's definition of 'innocent' needs some explanation, I think.

Great title-- I wish more Legion Worlders would give this a try.

I'm really, really glad that Xavin the Skrull survived and is now officially a member. Yes, a Skrull is a member of a Marvel team of heroes, without fudging on his identity.

Would it attract more readers if I mention that he spends a bunch of his time in the shape-changed form of a girl so as to keep the attentions of his lesbian fiancee?
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
Gertrude OR Nico? They're my favorites!!
Posted by ActorLad on :
I bought the 6th digest about a week ago and even though I knew what was coming it still made me tear up. I'll miss that character a ton.
Posted by Pov on :
Nico's getting her own Mystic Arcanna special:

Click for fullsize image

Bestowed with powers she barely understands, how does one of Marvel's youngest magic users, Sister Grimm from Runaways, deal with her newfound mystic abilities... when all she wants to do is be a normal teenager?! As her parents' past comes back to haunt her, Nico Minoru learns that there may be more to her magical lineage than even she could have imagined. One look in the sacred Black Mirror sends Nico looking for answers she may not like discovering. PLUS: The final chapter of Ian McNee’s quest. Will he possess the four cornerstones of the magic? What shocking revelation does he learn about his past and what does this mean to the Marvel Universe?

Posted by Reboot on :
This was announced months back, even if it's just solicited (it's set between Runaways v1 #17 & 18). See the Mystic Arcana thread (the title of which should really be despecified from the BK issue).

And it helps if you spell "Arcana" right [Smile]
Posted by Pov on :
Okay, Greyboot. [Razz] [Wink]

Though, really, I did just quote the solicit text [Embarrassed] ... maybe I was just channeling the misspelling from the Squadron Supreme character...? [Hmmm?]
Posted by Reboot on :
New writer/artist announced:
Posted by Pov on :
$#!+, already?!

I didn't realize Whedon was only on for six issues. Terry Moore should be a good fit, but Ramos? Just.... no. [Razz] This isn't a book I want looking THAT cartoon-y; I wish they were keeping Mike Ryan on the title.
Posted by Pov on :
No comments on the current run? [Eek!]

I just caught up with my reading... reread 1 and 2 before finishing out the first arc. Moore is good here... I especially love his Molly.

And let me eat some Humble Pie regarding Ramos on the art chores. Other than his Old Lace, which is kind of weird, his work's been great. [Yes]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I just couldn't get into it, and dropped it with #2. Without Vaughn at the helm, the series has suffered, and I just don't have an invested interest without a creative team I can really get into.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I miss Runaways. Marvel needs this book right now.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying seeing the Runaways parent's battle Iron Man in the latest arc of Iron Man: Legacy. (By "battle", I mean subtly as Iron Man is unaware of their existence...)

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