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Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
So, was this worth trashing the Avengers and Bendis' killing spree? Of course not - how could it? That said, this is shaping up to be an interesting story, but two things in particular took me out of the story a bit:
1 - I'm beginning to feel like Bendis is really creating his own pocket of the Marvel universe with storylines and relationships that cross from "Alias", "Daredevil" and "Secret War". It's almost getting to be like watching a Kevin Smith movie seeing all the same actors making a lot of the same old references and in jokes.
2 - most of the villains listed in "The Raft" were recently shown to be detained in "The Big House" over in She-Hulk. As a prison goes, the "Big House" makes a lot more sense even though that was played for laughs. It only makes The Raft seem like an ill-conceived notion and disaster waiting to happen. And what's Purple Man doing here? He's got a storyline going on over in "Thunderbolts". I hope there won't be any "Mysterio" type editorial oversights (and for those of you who didn't read "Alias", Purple Man once took control of Cage's current pregnant girfriend Jessica Jones, making her his slave for (I think) several months).

Bendis here as in "Secret War" does a good job on Spider-Man's nervous, wise-cracking banter. It's funny to think that he gets on Captain America's nerves since he's all business. I wonder if there'll be a scene where Spidey and Tony Stark compare scientific notes on something.

When I first saw Sentry, the first thought was "Thor!" - with the long blonde hair and beard it's not hard to make that mistake. Two seconds later, after rereading the comment on how he might be the most powerful superhuman on the planet, I thought "Superman?" Is Bendis trying to give Marvel a Superman type, but with a Marvel spin? Did anyone read the Sentry mini? Did he really kill his wife and what were the circumstances?

[ August 26, 2005, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:

1 - I'm beginning to feel like Bendis is really creating his own pocket of the Marvel universe with storylines and relationships that cross from "Alias", "Daredevil" and "Secret War". It's almost getting to be like watching a Kevin Smith movie seeing all the same actors making a lot of the same old references and in jokes.

I'm still wondering if Secret War isn't going to somehow play into New Avengers. You've got to notice the obvious similarities in cast. But I really hope Luke Cage gets his SW costume. It looks awesome. Same for Cap, actually.


When I first saw Sentry, the first thought was "Thor!" - with the long blonde hair and beard it's not hard to make that mistake. Two seconds later, after rereading the comment on how he might be the most powerful superhuman on the planet, I thought "Superman?" Is Bendis trying to give Marvel a Superman type, but with a Marvel spin? Did anyone read the Sentry mini? Did he really kill his wife and what were the circumstances?

As of the end of the Sentry mini (or TPB, which is why I read), his wife was alive. He and the world also had no memory of his existence. Something obviously happened between then and now but I'm not convinced Sentry killed anyone.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Wasn't there a few Sentry one-shots too? Like The Sentry and The X-Men? I seem to remember there being an FF and Spidey one-shot too.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Okay, just downloaded the issue and read it. I hate to admit it but it does look kind of interesting and was a good read. I couldn't even finish the previous Avenger series as it was too much to take. I might pick this up if the story telling stays good.

I do hate, though, that they seem to already be dismissing the new She-Hulk series. How else could you explain the discrepencies with The Big House in her series and this Raft. I preferred The Big House.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
So, speculation on who was the main target of the jailbreak? Electro refers to him as "sir", but that's it.

And in the groupshot, who's that Wildfire lookin' dude?
Posted by Bevis on :
OK, so I detested Disassembled and I had intended to take Avengers of my pull list simply because of it, only I forgot. o I went to get comics last night and there it was so I thought, 'ach, may as well'. And damn and blast but I actually quite liked it. Apart from Cap and Spiderman I really don't know anything about any of the other characters but hopefully that won't be a problem. Bendis did a couple of very brief recaps of who the characters are in the dialogue which was quite good (mentioning Luke Cage is invunerbale and such) and meant that i didn't feel like I was missing a huge amount. The dialogue did make me smile quite a bit and the plot has me interested if not quite hooked.

It does, however, very much feel like it's just a book with a large cast rather than 'The Avengers' specifically, if you see what I mean. Apart from Cap and Iron Man none of the team members seem right ot be on the Avengers to me. Working as a team, fine, but being the Avengers? Nah, it's not really there. That might change though (and I am loathing the inclusion of bloody Wolverine but you never know, it might work) so I'll give it a go. The art is... I dunno, I couldn't quite make up my mind. In places it's great and in other places it just seemed a little awkward. Not quite as 'real' as it's trying to be I guess. Not such a big thing that it put me off much, but enough to notice. Sort of like the way that Gary Frank's faces are all the same but the rest of his art balances out that little failing.

So I think I'm on board for at least the first arc and see how it goes. It might be good, it might not. On the other hand I also got the second issue of the Earth's Mighteiest Mortals mini (whatever it's called) which was just...mneh, and the last issue of Fantastic Four which was... well, fantastic. Sue dealing with Johnny's powers was brilliant, Johnny being Galctus's herald is even more brilliant and the plot and dialogue just had me hooked. Waid is really hitting it out of the park on FF so I'm hoping he can do the same with Legion.
Posted by huntdrouin on :
I can't believe hardly anyone has posted on this yet. Did everyone follow through with their word and not buy it?

I wasn't going to but it was a "weak" week for me and wanted more to read. You're right, it's more of a bunch of super-people than the Avengers but I'm liking the story so far (resurrect Hawkeye already). Maybe it'll work out. I'm skeptical but intrigued to see where it's going to go.

The funny thing is that I'm not a real fan of ANY of the characters. However, since Luke Cage is in it, maybe we'll see Jessica Jones, the former Jewel, from Alias...I LOVE her
Posted by ferroboy on :
It's not so much that I'm a fan of these characters as I am of Bendis's obvious love for them. For that reason alone I think he can do a good job on this book.
Posted by icefire on :
Nope didn't buy it didn't even look at it!!!!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I ain't getting it.

I'll save my money for HOUSE OF M or whatever it's called, so I can read about an AVENGER I care about... Wanda.
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Originally posted by huntdrouin:
Did everyone follow through with their word and not buy it?

<Raises hand high>

The only good thing about it? Whenever the Avengers suck, the Thunderbolts ride high! GO BOLTS! BOO BENDIS! [Wink]
Posted by ferroboy on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
I ain't getting it.

I'll save my money for HOUSE OF M or whatever it's called, so I can read about an AVENGER I care about... Wanda.

You do know that Bendis, who trashed Wanda, is writing House of M, right?
Posted by MLLASH on :
That's fine as long as he doesn't somehow make Spider-Woman, Luke Cage, Wolverine and Spider-Man Magneto's cousins and nephews or whatever, and stick them in the book.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Magneto: Luke Cage, I am... your father!!

Luke: Sweet Christmas!
Posted by ferroboy on :
It would almost be worth it to see it in print!
Posted by icefire on :
Okay I looked through the book and I will admit that it wasn't bad, but it wasn't the Avengers if this book had been called the Defenders I so would've bought it. I just can't justify these people as Avengers and I can't see Cap condoning their actions.
Posted by Stargazer on :
Probably gonna beat a dead horse here but how can you have several of these characters in the book and not be considered overused? I am wondering just how many books Spider-man will not be in. Dont get me wrong, I like Spidey..but come on.

On a different note I did pick up the first issue ( sorry Lash) only because I wanted to see the original Spider Woman back in action.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Well, having both Spider-Man and Spider-Woman on the team at the same time is almost like having Ant-Man and the Wasp... almost [Wink]
Posted by ferroboy on :
They do have minor variations in powers. Once has spider-sense and web-shooters while the other has venom blasts and glider wings.
Posted by Pariscub on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Wasn't there a few Sentry one-shots too? Like The Sentry and The X-Men? I seem to remember there being an FF and Spidey one-shot too.

Yes, there were one-shots with Spider-man, Hulk, X-Men and FF which happened in between the mini-series and the Finale One shot. All of them are in the TPB.
Posted by Pariscub on :
Well, after thinking that Dissassembled was nearly as bad as the Austen run (nothing can ever be that bad), I was wondering if I was going to pick the new series up or not.

I don't like Wolverine, I've never been a big fan of Spider-man (even though I enjoy Ultimate) and I hate the fact most of my favorite Avengers are out of the book.

However, I was quite happily surprise with the first issue. Apart from two useless splash pages, the pace is really good and the story sounds promising.

However, to me, it's "Marvel Team-up" or "Marvel Knights", it's not the Avengers
Posted by Jorg-El on :
I like the Pulse article of how it "Sold Out". In more ways than one. Also wondering if it will outsell Busiek/Perez's #1.

As Pariscub knows I was all for a shake up. Namely getting rid of the dysfunctional Avengers family members Pym, Wasp, Wonder Man, Vision, and Scarlet Witch. Atleast breaking it up a bit. The connections between some of these characters was just getting old and hurting the title IMO.

But I was hoping for the return of Thor, possibly Namor? Black Knight? Wouldn't have minded Sentry joining either. And while I love Spidey...he is in a ton of titles. I would've enjoyed him. But Wolvie?! Total sellout.

Also I know many (including Paris) love Jessica Drew. I am all for the new guys. hate when retired heroes return when another hero has taken their place. I love legacy characters. Rebirth? ick. Ohwell my rant is over. I will return to the Avengers once the Avengers return. My guess is after Bendis is gone so wil the "New".

Plus the Avengers are kicking ass in the Ultimates. I LOVE the Ultimates.

Posted by ferroboy on :
Jorge, I'm hoping that when Thor returns in his own title that he'll eventually make it back to the Avengers. You're right that he belongs with the team. And while I like Jan and Hank, I can't say I'll especially miss them.

I also like Jessica Drew, and since Bendis once planned a series based on her it's a sure bet that he likes the character.

I also love the Ultimates. I often feel like they're the Avengers-done-right. Ultimate Cap is way better, and I truly enjoy this spin on Thor. Even Ultimate Wasp is more interesting.

[ December 14, 2004, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: ferroboy ]
Posted by Jorg-El on :
ferroboy, gotta agree with the Ultimates. Cap is way too politically correct anyways...the Ultimate Cap seems more american [Wink] Ultimate Wasp is much more interesting. Ultimate Thor KICKS ASS. Man, I am a big fan of classic Thor but this nature loving hippee with a hammer! Now that is an interesting character. Same with Cap IMO he's a democrat that would make you swallow your teeth if you don't open the door for a girl. The original versions seem to be have become a bit static. I honestly think the new Thor series may be in the Ultimate universe.

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Posted by Blacula on :
Why can't I see these images?
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Right-click on 'em and copy the address into your browser. That'll bring up the images Scott's been linking to. Worth the effort! [LOL]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Sorry guys. Been having issues hot linking to Pop Culture Shock. Also can't seem to even get into Silver Bullet Comic Books. It keeps crashing my browser. I'll get the link to the site these originated at when I can.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Oh, and if you are using FireFox for your browser just right click and select show image. The image will open up.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :

random thoughts:
-- Dang, that Spider-Woman is hot.
-- Dang, that Spider-Woman has really big man-hands on the cover
-- It's odd that Tony Stark was talking about not having enough money to fund a new team, yet he's busting out another skyscraper, new quinjets etc...
-- Bendis is giving this book a much more "real world" vibe than previous incarnations. It's certainly not as dark as "The Ultimates", but it's interesting that the appearance of costumes is more fluid here. Spider-Woman finally puts hers, Luke Cage doesn't wear one, Elektro isn't wearing one and Wolverine isn't wearing one at the end of this ish. Yet Cap and Iron Man, as representative of the old guard are pretty much always in costume. Spidey is too, but his dialogue and the fact that he's frequently on panel with Cage puts him in the more "realistic" half of the team.
-- Did we really need an entire page to see Elektro walk up to his girlfriend?? This kind of stuff is bothering me more and more.
-- Bendis continues to write great Spider-Man dialogue and quips. The highlight was the banter with Spider-Woman. ALthough the "Crash landing" thing was also funny.
-- I also like how Bendis is handling Iron Man. He does a lot more than just fire repulsor rays (which he actually never does here).
-- I thought Spider-Woman's ploy with the donuts was very close to being too cutesy.
-- The identity of the mystery prisoner was a surprise since he's not exactly a big name. Definitely interested to see where this leads and if it has anything to do with what happened in "Weapon X" (which I didn't read)
-- I almost forgot Wolverine was going to be on this team. When he pops up, I thought "oh yeah, him. I'm sure Bendis will have an interesting take on him. Logan always worked better in a team setting where his personality conflicted with others. He might be too at home with the X-crew, so I expect there'll be more friction here.

[ March 26, 2005, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
I don't know the artist at all, looks like a Kubert/Silvestri clone, but "Damn" is right, Mr. Cage! I have a soft spot for Jessica Drew dating back to the early issues of Wolverine--the Claremont/Buscema run. Man, I've got to reread those soon...I'm not sure I LOVE what's going on. I'll stick with it a while longer, but it's on my "might-drop" list right now. The last issue was the best one yet.
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
I'm not sure what I think of this series. It's not as horrible as I feared, but in truth I really don't care for any of the characters. I have never been a huge fan of Spider-Man, Wolverine and Luke Cage, and Iron Man and Captain America always felt more palatable to me when surrounded by characters I did like, such as Scarlet Witch, Wasp and Yellowjacket.

I'll probably give this a few more issues, but I don't see myself staying for the long haul.
Posted by Disaster Boy on :
is the roll call of the new avengers an attempt to get all/many of the high selling solo characters in one book like j.l.a.? seems so
Posted by Stargazer on :
I thin Disater Boy is right. Now all they need is the Hulk.

but for some odd reason I am reading this series..and I do like it. I am such a dork.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Disaster Boy I don't think roll call is like the JLA to get high selling heroes. I think Wolverine and Spider-Man are simply there to sell comics. And I am really suprised Daredevil wasn't put in.

Luke Cage and Spider-Woman I think are just Bendis faves. They are by no means big sellers.

[ July 07, 2005, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: Jorg-EM ]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
There's also Sentry, who's not exactly a big cash cow. And then the new character Ronin so I don't think this new lineup is the "Big Guns" Avengers that people were speculating awhile ago.
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
Luke Cage and Spider-Woman I think are just Bendis faves. They are by no means big sellers.

Bendis has an avowed 70s fetish in his character selection. Even hinting that he is going to launch a Spiderwoman ongoing title. (Like it'll last 12 issues after he's gone) As adults we choose what we grew up with right?
Posted by MLLASH on :

People are actually reading this? You should all be ashamed of yourselves!!

I'll be seding a unit* of REAL Avengers over to chastise you properly.

*don't worry; the unit consists of Triathalon, Sersi, Starfox, Stingray and Dr. Druid.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
Luke Cage and Spider-Woman I think are just Bendis faves. They are by no means big sellers.

Bendis has an avowed 70s fetish in his character selection. Even hinting that he is going to launch a Spiderwoman ongoing title. (Like it'll last 12 issues after he's gone) As adults we choose what we grew up with right?
Tamper Lad and I've read some House of M rumors that seem to suggest another 1970s Marvel icon may be returning ala Bendis.

MLLASH, this series does blow. Bendis writes a great Daredevil but I think his view of the rest of the MU is a bit warped. Sure New Avengers is selling like crazy but I think in the long run it will be more harmful than good. I think there were other ways of raising Avengers sales then this. It might be Mark Millar's fault since he wrote such an amazing Ultimates it may have killed the Avengers. ohwell. It makes me sad.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I dunno - it's kinda the cycle isn't it? Shake up the team (maybe make one of them a killer - "The Crossing", anyone?), reinterpret the team in what's considered "modern" at the time and when that runs out, take it back to a more classic feel (like Busiek). I imagine the pendulum will swing back eventually.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
After the last issue, I'm definitely dropping this title. The stories and art are fine, but I just can't get into the characters. I don't really like any of them enough to hold my interest. And in today's market, I just can't afford to collect titles that I just don't like... even the Avengers.

Thank goodness for Young Avengers [Smile]
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
DrakeB3004, I am all for making the Avengers more modern. Adding Wolverine, Luke Cage, Spider-Woman, and Spider-Man doesn't seem to me more modern. [Frown]

I wouldn't mind Nova & Namorita for instance. [Smile] Atleast they are younger.

I was all for making the Avengers more "modern" but the Geoff John's way of making the JSA modern. Not this. [Frown]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I guess the "modern" part comes from Bendis, the art and the kind of stories they're telling. The lineup isn't necessarily modern, but we're definitely in "non-classic" lineup phase.

I kinda hope this "Ronin" guy (who's *not* Daredevil) turns out to be Moon Knight. He's rumored for a comeback, he's used to multiple identities and the disguise might be kinda the same reason as Sensor Girl's - Moon Knight resigned under less than cordial circumstances.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Am I the only one here who thinks this title absolutely kicks butt? I love this title! The stories are solid and the artwork in the latest issue was fantastic. Never even heard of Steve McNiven, but his pencils are great! This is currently one of my favorite titles. Maybe my standards are slipping? Anyway, loved the personality in the Wrecker, and can't wait till next issue...
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Drake3004, I can see the story telling being the modern aspect of it. Well maybe not modern but certainly different.

I am a fan of Moon Knight and if he becomes a member I think it would be cool. The Avengers never really had a vigilante and I thought MK would have fit that role nicely.

Still won't buy New Avengers mind you. [Wink]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:
Never even heard of Steve McNiven, but his pencils are great!

I don't know much about him, but he's been impressing me over in the "Ultimate Secret" mini.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Well, I just officially dropped New Avengers. Issue #7 was my last. The sad thing is, I almost think I might have continued a little longer with the title if Wolverine wasn't in it. I am sorry, but Wolverine has no place in the Avengers. If I wanted to read a book where the Avengers included killers, I would read the Ultimates (oh... wait... I do read the Ultimates [Wink] ) In any case, I have no interest in contributing to Wolverine's takeover of the Marvel Universe any further.
Posted by Pov on :
$#!t. [Mad]

Looks like I -will- be picking up at least a couple issues of this series, after all... [Frown] :

Click for fullsize image

Frank Cho draws Spider- Brandy er...Woman! [Love] [Love] [Love]

I'm such a whore for Cho's art... although I avoid zombie stuff like the plague, including Scooter's much-loved WALKING DEAD, I picked up (and enjoyed!) Cho's ZOMBIE KING... [No]
Posted by Pov on :
Again I say:

Click for fullsize image

[Love] [Love] [Love]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Anyone still buying this? The mystery of Ronin is set up nicely with Daredevil as the obvious red herring. Cap's conversation with DD's recommendation might be another red herring. It looks/sounds like he could be talking to Elektra (knows about the hand, the "same training" as DD, a history with Wilson Fisk...), which would make Ronin's identity even more of a mystery if that wasn't him talking to Cap.

I thought that maybe it could be Shang-chi, and it'd be nice to see him in a more prominent role in the Marvel U, but why would a kung-fu guy give himself a name based on Japanese samurai? Perhaps to throw people off? I dunno...

But whoever it is, it looks like he got an arrow right up the butt (among other places) -- ouch!
Posted by Mattropolis on :
I dropped it as well. It killed me to do it, as Avengers was the first book I ever picked up. But I console myself by saying this isnt the same Avengers.

I refuse to buy a book I am getting no pleasure in.
Posted by lancesrealm on :
The past few issues involving the Sentry have been real stinkers. I'll give it awhile longer, though, hoping for the best.
Posted by icefire on :
This had to go and even though I like Spider-Woman and applaud her membership I think Spidey,Wolverine and Luke Cage will never be Avengers in my eyes.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Drake, while I hate everything NA stands for I read a friends of mine. [Smile]

It has to be DD. When Cap mentions he was once Nomad to DD. Well I just think DD put on a wig and some sunglasses pretended to be someone else. Iron Fist and Shang-Chi are both kung-fu type guys not japanese fighters. Plus both are "nice guys" somewhat. Wolverine and DD are better versed in the Japanese martial arts.

Icefire, I have to agree with thee. I was a fan of Julia Carpenter as Spider-Woman. But Jessica Drew has been growing on me again...don't mind her as an Avenger but Spidey, Wolvie, and Luke Cage really seem forced imo.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Ok, so we now know who the Ronin is.


The Spidey diagloue was of course funny as only Bendis can do (with Cage as sparring partner). I have to wonder if Bendis was mouthing internet rumors when he had Spidey mention Iron Fist and Shang-Chi.

I couldn't bring myself to pick up "Wolverine", but Silver Samurai is there too and I only hope the two titles didn't contradict each other.

Bendis continues to pay respect to the Iron Man armor and what it can do. It really seems half the time that the rest of the team is just dragging him down (kinda reminds me a bit of how Green Lantern was portrayed in some silver age issues of "JLA"). Without Thor or Sentry he's definitely the Big Gun of the group.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Well I found out who Ronin is. I'm done with the book now. It really hasn't grabbed me at all. I give it 36 issues, then we will see some major roster changes.
Posted by Don Jorge del Oeste on :
So the Ronin mystery even got me to read this asap. I begged a bud to read his and let me borrow it. btw, he also had the anti-climatic feeling I did. I was open to Daredevil or Wolverine as Ronin? Having a big name hero join NA with another identity I thought was kind of cool. You still get the big name hero on the team but it seems less "commercial" or a forced fit.

And I was somewhat hoping for Iron Fist just because it would raise his stock. I'm a big Fist fan.

But this? yeah. So what? The only up side I can see is that she somewhat reminds me of Mantis. Such a odd fit but with the right tweaking it might work out. Speaking of Mantis...I wouldn't mind seeing these two go toe to toe in NA. [Smile]
Posted by lancesrealm on :
Have we seen the woman who was Ronin before?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by lancesrealm:
Have we seen the woman who was Ronin before?

From the Daredevil trade (#8: Echo - Vision Quest):

Maya Lopez – a.k.a. Echo – a deaf young woman capable of assimilating an individual’s fighting style by sight and who nearly took down Daredevil – makes her return. Her entire life was once defined by her belief that DAREDEVIL killed her father and that the KINGPIN could help her achieve justice. Now, with her perceptions completely altered, can she make sense of the world? Echo embarks on a Native American vision quest to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.
I believe she once dated Murdoch.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Go here and click on the Echo (comics) link for her Wikipedia entry. Can't link directly because of Wikipedia's use of parenthesis in their URLs.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
It's interesting to note that in the scenes where she's "ignoring" Spider-Man, she's responding to Cage. Furthermore, Cap who knows who Ronin is, has to repeat everything Iron Man says before she can respond. It's going to be a bit hard to have a deaf team member when she can't understand two of the team members!! (she can't read their lips) They'd need a psychic on the team or something...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
NEW AVENGERS #15 Wasn't there supposed to be a big membership shift this issue? I only leafed through it, but I didn't notice anything, other than Carol Danvers appearing, but not joining.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Not a membership shift, it's the team formally announcing the "new" lineup to the public (sans Wolverine who didn't want to be a prancing monkey -- and even he thought a murderer like himself shouldn't be standing up there).

I just want Cage to get a costume already! While I can understand the plainclothes aspect to his character, I think he should have a supersuit for superhero activities.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Actually I think the membership change stuff is issue #16. Only reason I remember is b/c of the classic v1 #16 membership change.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Is it the "continuity buff" in me that wants Cage to toss on the ol' "Power Man" duds? Ahh, those were the days...
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I wouldn't mind the duds he had in the last Heroes for Hire.

As much I love Cage I don't care for what Bendis has done with him. Tied THE MAN down!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
First Cage, then T'Challa - it's a trend! At least Brother Voodoo's pimp hand is still strong...
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Omni Craig:
Is it the "continuity buff" in me that wants Cage to toss on the ol' "Power Man" duds? Ahh, those were the days...

I'm waiting for the Halloween where the kid goes "But DAD! I wore that LAST year! Can't I dress up like Uncle Danny for once?" [LOL]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Alpha Flight [No]

(at least nobody's head got ripped off...)
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
DrakeB3004, I heard it was a terrible issue. As in really bad.

I liked Alpha Flight. [Frown] Bendis is evil!!!!!!!!! I can't wait till someone kills off Jessica Jones!!! [Wink]
Posted by Stealth on :
Did any Alpha Flight members survive?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
What happened to Aurora when Northstar kicked the bucket? Is she now in an institution?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Stealth:
Did any Alpha Flight members survive?

Luckily, they haven't actually said that anyone's dead (yet). Lying there with your eyes open rolled into the back of your head doesn't look good, but that's not concrete - they were beat up pretty bad, but nothing that can't be undone at this point.
Posted by Stealth on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Originally posted by Stealth:
Did any Alpha Flight members survive?

Luckily, they haven't actually said that anyone's dead (yet). Lying there with your eyes open rolled into the back of your head doesn't look good, but that's not concrete - they were beat up pretty bad, but nothing that can't be undone at this point.
Thanks. I hope that turns out to be the case.
Posted by Stealth on :
Okay. In spite of the whole pointless and mean-spirited Alpha Flight business, I decided to give the next issue, # 17, a chance, to see if Bendis could deliver on his promise of a battle with a cosmic-level enemy instead of the usual spies and ninjas and ten million guest stars having 20-page conversations.

First, the good points:

Mike Deodato's art. I'm still amazed at how much he's improved over the years. No more Jim Lee swipes, thank God. Iron Man looks especially impressive.

The coloring. Finally, an issue a whole variety of colors, instead of just brown and red.

Now, the bad points:

I get the impression Bendis doesn't like women. We've had the whole Evil Wanda nonsense; we've Spider-Woman turn out to be a double agent, and now she's reduced to making monosyllabic comments ("Touched down?" "Oh my god." "Too late?" "There where?"); and, worst of all, we have Ms. Marvel screwing up the attempt to negotiate with the villain by attacking him recklessly.

The villain says his name is "Michael", and he doesn't reply when Iron Man asks him if he's Korvac. I admit to having an intense personal dislike for the Korvac Saga, so this isn't very promising to me. But at least the confrontation isn't taking place inside a ^%$%^#$##@ suburban house.

The early pages, with Luke Cage talking (and talking and talking and talking) about how the team is going to police the streets. It brings back bad memories of the Larry Hama/Rage issues; plus, this scene takes place in Detroit, adding insult to injury by recalling JLA Detroit.

I gave Bendis the benefit of the doubt, but in the end, I came away feeling the same as before.
Posted by Kent Shakespeare on :
I'm still waiting for Purdy to show up.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

I skimmed through this at the comic book store. I'll probably buy it, making it the first NEW AVENGERS book I've bought in quite awhile.

Fans or those with a casual interest in MAGNETO will want to browse through this at the comic shop, at the least. With every month, Wanda's little tantrum is more and more dissipated. I also leafed through a preview copy of the adjectiveless X-MEN. Interesting that NA 20, SON OF M 6, and this X-MEN issue all come out within a month of each other. Can a Wanda appearance be far behind?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
So, is he dead or alive? Three guesses...

Quake? Future Avenger material? The membership *is* supposed to shift, next issue.

I think it'd be a hoot if Magneto applied!

At last, the details are somewhat about Xorn and Xorneto are addressed. I know it's not true for everyone, but they satisfied me. I didn't buy Magneto as the nutjob that destroyed much of New York that we saw in Morrison's last X-men work, so laying that all to rest while propelling new story works. For me.

This new guy who didn't know he was a mutant, received all the powers of The Collective (Hmmmm- related to another Marvel Collective? Wasn't there one that fought the Defenders? And Iron Man, maybe?), and wiped out Alpha Flight is another Avenger 'maybe'.

I'm disappointed that we didn't see the fates of Alpha Flight addressed. Who, if any of them, survived?

I think I'm ready to let go my distaste for the use of Wanda and give NEW AVENGERS a chance on an ongoing basis. Avengers membership shakeups are always fun, at any rate
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I picked up #24 for the INHUMANS appearance. I don't know a lot about Sentry, who was the main focus of the story, but I did enjoy this glimpse into the character.

What was fun was the mocked-up cover for a never-printed Sentry/Inhumans meeting from the 70's.






What the Inhumans apparently don't know in this issue is a little iffy... and I thought they'd declared war on the U.S. and not the *world*... but it was a decent appearance. There's a fun 'feast' scene, and a surprising romantic revelation.

Also, more and more it seems like the Inhumans have been on the moon for *generations*, rather than a few years. No wonder they're isolationist.

At first, I winced at the revelation that Sentry and Crystal had had a short relationship before she married Quicksilver. But, you know, the fact that she couldn't remember it due to Sentry's memory wipe could explain why she's drifted from relationship to relationship. Searching for something she felt but couldn't identify in her memory?

I always thought her healthy libido was a positive thing, really- but most fans apparently don't. In addition, she's an Inhuman. In this issue, she makes the statement 'but only on Earth, right?' when Sentry says he's married.

It's good to see Lockjaw back 'in touch' with his mistress, after The Thing's series and SON OF M.

It was disappointing that Crystal's career as an Avenger went unmentioned. She'd be pulled in many directions by CIVIL WAR and the upcoming SILENT WAR (whatever that's going to be). But we aren't really seeing this. I thought the art sort of hinted at it when she was approaching Sentry with Black Bolt's headpiece-thingie as an invitation... her facial expression and posture was evocative of *some* feeling or other.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So, latest Avengers, featuring Hawkeye and the Scarlet Witch?

Thank you Mr. Bendis--you owed us this one. I'm intrigued and I want more, and I'm willing to be patient as it unfolds. But I've wanted Clint and Wanda back, and I think there's hope for both, so let's see what happens.

Wanda has never, ever, looked more lovely than here.

Hawkeye was absolutely great. He has had so much potential to be the 'leading man' in the last 40 years, and I think here its actually pulled off for once.

I dislike the thought of Clint & Wanda together, but for story purposes here, it fit.

Love Wundagore Mountain as a setting. Let's see what happens next...
Posted by wndola1 on :
With the exception of Newuniversal, runaways and x-factor I am gonna try and stay away from marvel altogether until Quesada is out. I feel a distinct lack of respect towards the characters, the writers and women in general right now and I am so waiting for Pam to wake up and find Bobby in the shower to tell her the last few years have all been a bad dream.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
WTF?!?!?! So how many Avengers has Wanda slept with? She and Crystal have become rather liberated women. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the sex. But is that the only way writers can show her relating to males?

Suddenly the Ultimate Scarlet With and Quicksilver seem normal...
Posted by doublechinner on :
Yeah, I swore off all Marvel (except for Dr. Strange The Oath!) after Civil War #whatever, where Reed Richards, the smartest man on earth, drew the complete wrong conclusion about the McCarthy years. I still feel really good about my decision. I miss the FF, the Avengers, and Spidey, after having been away from them for years, but I won't sanction the kind of character rape they've been subjected to lately. Eventually, the power of the characters will overcome the cretins writing them at the moment.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Soooo, Clint and Wanda have now been together,
Wanda has been with Vision and Wonder Man,
Clint has also been with Jan
Jan's also been with Tony and of course Hank
(and Simon and Beast have probably done stuff [Wink] )

Am I missing any hookups between major Avengers?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
oh, so what does everyone think about the upcoming membership (or the three that have been revealed thus far)?

Click Here For A SpoilerI really couldn't care less about Echo and I feel like Bendis is crazy trying to get us with yet *another* "who's the Ronin" mystery! (this one better have a good payoff!) Dr Strange could be interesting, but he'll always seem more like a Defender.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
It just seems less and less like the Avengers. I can't wait for Young Avengers to come back, so that I can read an Avengers title again [Smile]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Soooo, Clint and Wanda have now been together,
Wanda has been with Vision and Wonder Man,
Clint has also been with Jan
Jan's also been with Tony and of course Hank
(and Simon and Beast have probably done stuff [Wink] )

Am I missing any hookups between major Avengers?

Wanda and Cap slept together during the Disassembled storyline. (I'm not sure if it was in Cap's book, or the Cap & Falcon title.)
Quicksilver and Crystal obviously (and she's been linked with Johnny Storm, Bobby Drake, and now The Sentry.)
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Sounds like the next book should be called As The Avengers Turn.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I was thinking, The Young and the Avengers.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
I was thinking, The Young and the Avengers.

I like that one better.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:

Wanda and Cap slept together during the Disassembled storyline. (I'm not sure if it was in Cap's book, or the Cap & Falcon title.)
Quicksilver and Crystal obviously (and she's been linked with Johnny Storm, Bobby Drake, and now The Sentry.)

Crystal and Bobby Drake? When did *that* happen?
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Maybe I'm misremembering, but when she was first introduced in FF, wasn't Crystal torn between the hot-headed Storm and the cool-hands Drake?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
While I'm going to pick up this book, this definitely isn't a traditional Avengers lineup (you'd have to go to "Mighty Avengers" for that). Bendis' reveal of Click Here For A SpoilerPower Man and Iron Fist as members clinches it. Not a big surprise who turns out to be team leader. If it weren't for the just revealed never-been-an Avenger-before member, I wasn't totally sure I'd be in. But now I have to get it. I'm excited about the book now.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Well Bendis finally made it a Marvel Knights book. Basically all street level characters except for a couple. Not sure I like who is the new Ronin (we all know who it is). He should just call the book the Kung-Fu Hussle or something. [Smile]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Yeah, we ALL know Ronin = Deadpool! I mean, it's so obvious....!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
The presence of Spidey and Wolverine pretty much guarantees that this will be a huge seller.

I'm just not interested, even though I like a lot of the characters.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Well .... first appearance of the NEW new team!

I suppose Echo's "sex change" makes some sense now, but it's funny that we now have a new Ronin mystery. A lot people have been guessing that it's Cap, but from the dialogue, it doesn't seem like him. And Cap hacking away at people with a sword? I dunno...

Still awesome to see Iron Fist on the team, using the Fist to great effect.
Posted by Set on :
Eh, IMO they brought Hawkeye back to life so that he could be Ronin v 3.0.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Unless he's the new guy in the Iron Man armor [Wink] (or unless they're BOTH the same guy ...(or girl for all we know))

Oh, and Yu needs to pick up the latest Iron Fist series -- he ditched the yellow booties...

[ February 09, 2007, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
So, what did anyone left reading this title think of the big reveal at the end of #31 (click here for spoilers)?

House of M, Civil War, all of the big Marvel U events of late have left me cold (to the point of dropping basically all Marvel titles). But this idea might get me back in, at least for next year's event.

Now to start a list. Who do you think is really a Click Here For A SpoilerSkrull?
Posted by Crujectra of Psyonia on :
Click Here For A SpoilerJoe Quesada [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I was going to say Click Here For A SpoilerBrian Bendis. [Smile]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
All right it's been a while since I've done a New Avengers rant.

First off New Avengers: Illumimanti #3 really made me angry. Marvel has explained the Beyonder off as an infant cosmic cube. It worked. I liked it. I like the cosmic cube mythology. Ofcourse here comes Brian Bendis and says the Beyonder was really an Inhuman which is extremely powerful. He also kind of suggested the entire Secret Wars II didn't happen. I hate that.

Ok, the reveal? Not very keen on it either. I think it might cheapen some things like Civil War.

Is Tony Stark a [SPOILER}? No. They couldn't do that. It would just cheapen all of Civil War. I'm hoping Nomad was a {SPOILER} so they can bring the real one back.

I keep thinking Marvel Team-Up might have some answeres. One of the heroes introduced there was a {SPOILER}. I actually liked him. And there was a alternate version of Tony Stark introduced who is currently running around the MU secretly.

This can get sticky.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I kind of like it. BTW, no spoilers from me [Big Grin]

I’d really like it if Elektra stays dead and was a Skrull all along. It really cheapened Frank’s story when she came back in the 90’s, and having her around every since has been very poor of Marvel.

This could be a very cool story-driven way to explain some Marvel inconstancies if done right. It could also be a colossal bust. Despite an initial feeling of ‘hey, maybe Tony is a skrull!’, I know it can’t be that way, since it would pretty much make Civil War irrelevant, and its too obvious. Same for Cap (who doesn’t need it to be brought back, that’s already built into his death and can be done a few ways).

There’s a bunch of possible Skrulls and its intriguing. For instance, it’d make a lot of sense of Dr. Strange was one, since he obviously has been out of character since the 80’s. However, and I’m holding my breath, imagine if Mary Jane was a skrull? That would be just such bad writing…(if it was going to be that bad, they might as well make it Lyja and just sell Marvel to Pepsi or something).

But Marvel has treated their main characters so ‘out of character’ for awhile now, so this could be a cool way to connect it all back together. It also gives what Nick Fury has been doing (I assume battling back), a really cool aspect. I bet Dr. Doom turns out to be helping Fury and that woman from Secret Wars running his country (Bendis version, the one supplying the villains their tech through the Tinkerer) is a Skrull.

Imagine if Hank Pym was a Skrull? I don’t say yay or nay to that, but only inspire vigorous and horrific debate. [Razz] Because every single one of you know Marvel would do that these days.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Cobalt you just scared me. If the guys who are writing these characters our of character...are now doing this? I am scared.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Re: New Avengers #50
-- Dark Riegn has given new life to this title. The constant battle against Tony Stark or even the Hood were wearing thin. Going against Osborn, a real larger than life villain, gives the New Avengers someone real to fight, since they never did anything too overtly combative against Tony and their old friends.
-- The team's reaction to Osborn's lineup was priceless! This is why Bendis was so hailed as a writer of good, in character dialogue. He gets too carried away sometimes, but this is the stuff!

[ February 26, 2009, 09:29 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
The opening and closing sequences were fun, with enjoyable dialogue.

However, I think the fight scene against the Hood's crew suffered from part of what killed the latest Legion book. Hordes of unidentified characters makes *any* fight less than it could be.

The heroes had personalities and quirks-- their oppenents should as well.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
However, I think the fight scene against the Hood's crew suffered from part of what killed the latest Legion book. Hordes of unidentified characters makes *any* fight less than it could be.

Not to mention "Civil War", "Rann/Thanagar War", "Infinite Crisis", "Secret invasion" ....

I actually thought this fight was better at least in terms of spotlighting each individual member. I can forgive the lack of characterization for the bad guys here because they were just fodder. I think Bendis is doing a decent job building up Osborn's Avengers as individuals for the most part.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
I can forgive the lack of characterization for the bad guys here because they were just fodder. I think Bendis is doing a decent job building up Osborn's Avengers as individuals for the most part.

See, this issue involved Hawkeye/"Ronin" and Moonstone/"Ms Marvel" meeting for the first time since Hawkeye put her in a coma in Avengers/Tbolts, after they'd been sex-buddies for a long time in the old Tbolts series and Hawkeye was a major influence on her even after he went to prison... and they might as well be strangers.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Except they didn't meet in this issue. Spider-woman was the only 'New' Avenger that actually interacted with the 'Dark' Avengers.

I hope Hawkeye's and Moonstone's history isn't ignored when they *do* cross paths. I actually preferred her with him to Mockingbird.

I wanted and want more of Madame Masque. I don't think any of the New Avengers were on the team when she was briefly a member or an associate. If that was even *this* Madame Masque. Still, I'd like to see it mentioned again (I think they briefly touched upon it at some point during the Invasion issues).

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