This is topic Max amount you will pay for a new comic in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by MLLASH on :
So a VERY few of my comics are still priced at a relatively-reasonable $2.25: JLA, THE FLASH, TEEN TITANS GO! and X-MEN.

But, as a big DC guy, MOST of my books are $2.50: like JSA, BIRDS OF PREY, OUTSIDERS, TEEN TITANS and the like.

Most of Marvel's non-X books are $2.99... like SHE-HULK, ALPHA FLIGHT, SUPREME POWER, INVADERS. I'm willing to bet Bendis' NEW AVENGERS will also carry that $2.99 price tag.

All DC minis are now $2.95, like ADAM STRANGE. The new LSH will be $2.95, but it will also have 8 extra pages of story/art. Not bad.

The point of all this is... we've already reached the days of $3 monthlies. We're not too far from the days of $4 and $5 monthlies.

How high are you willing to go?
Posted by Reboot on :
You missed that many of Marvel's minis are $3.50 (e.g. Earth's Mightiest Heroes & Hulk/Thing).

And as soon as they hit £3 (that's £, not $), I'm out.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
We've gone way past what I would have set for my limits a long time ago. I used to get a dollar a week for my allowance and knew that every week I could buy 8 comics (shopping at the BX where there were no taxes was more of a blessing than I knew when I was 6 yrs old). When they hit 15 cents I was horrified. A quarter blew me away but I bought 'em anyway and my budget suffered for it. *sigh*

Being a big supporter of independants in the '80s I got used to paying a little more for quality over quantity. Yet I still balk at the prices of the graphic novels these days. If it takes a little more out of pocket to keep the monthly printing schedule alive then I'll suffer and shell it out for a while longer but I don't think I can pay 5 bucks apiece for a regular comic book for very long.

I wish they'd look at the way that Emerald Dawn was collected and consider doing a line of cheaper reprints.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I'd say I've maxed out right about now. When I stop to think about it, prices are pretty ridiculous now for the monthly comics.

A first-run movie goes for $8-10, a video rents for $2 and lasts at least one and a half hours. Compare that to a $4.00 comic (Cdn) which takes 5 minutes to read - not very good value. Even a hardcover book, at $40, lasts proportionately longer. I've been paring down my list of monthlies - the only ones I may keep at this point are the Legion, Sleeper, Fables and the occasional independent/small publisher that's unlikely to ever be collected in paperback. I get a kick out of something like Plastic Man, but it's over before I finish my coffee - and not something that gets reread.

The trades make more sense, value wise - cheaper than the individual comics, easier to sell or donate to the library afterwards.

It's not the actual cash outlay that rankles - $20 more or less isn't breaking me - so much as the lack of perceived value.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Cramey, I forgot that in Canada, new comics are already $4-plus. Reboot, you will have to translate; I have no idea what dollars equal to pounds and euros and stuff.

I apologize for my America-centric lack of knowledge of foreign currencies.

I'm with Yellow, BTW... I *might* be willing to pay $5 American per book, but it is going to be my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES only (like Legion and JSA) as long as the quality is there.
Posted by Mearl Dox on :
£3 is about US$5.68.

Probably around $4.50 for me, unless there were several extra pages (and making the pages super thick and glossy doesn't help!) The cost is one of the reasons I don't follow many comics anymore. Not that I couldn't afford to pick up two or three comics a month, but it's never that simple--to follow a character nowadays, it seems like you've gotta buy his book, plus his spinoff book, plus the major crossover of the month, plus his guest appearances, plus the team books he appears in... it's just too much.

The further the Legion stays from the 21st century, the less it hurts my wallet.

[ November 29, 2004, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: Mearl Dox ]
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
As a corollary, I've noticed a disturbing trend with the pricing on back issues from the last 5 years, primarily from online vendors like MileHigh and Lone Star. Very rarely are they priced remotely reasonably, especially if the series had any kind of critical acclaim.

I've heard there's a premium on anything published within the last five years because print runs are so low. Even hot titles are scarce when compared to their heydays. X-Men used to average 600k+ is circulation, while these days it's lucky to hit 125-50k, and the average print run has dwindled to around 50-60,000.

Of course, that's only going to matter if comics survive ...
Posted by Beagz on :
Welllllllll .......
here's hoping comics survive for a while longer, at any rate. I just can't imagine no more new comics.

But when a good title comes out, like Impulse (okay, can the laughter and the boo's!!!), it made things REALLY easy to trim back my titles. Pretty much if the book wasn't fun or exciting to read, I dropped it.

Since then, I've added a few more, but once again, I'm in the process of culling them down again.

Green Arrow is gone.
JLA isn't too far behind.

I'd have a rough time giving up JSA, Flash, and LSH.

But, I must admit, I still LOVE Bevis' "Queen of Diamonds." The only problem is that I'm just too impatient for Bevis to get the next issue posted.
I'd pay good money for a paper copy of that series. [Big Grin]

Missed a quote in the original post.

[ November 29, 2004, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: Beagz ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Well, I paid cover for all the issues of New Frontier, if that's any indication.

As for regular size comics, I'm thinking about $4 a book before I start dropping titles.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Cramey, I forgot that in Canada, new comics are already $4-plus. Reboot, you will have to translate; I have no idea what dollars equal to pounds and euros and stuff.

I apologize for my America-centric lack of knowledge of foreign currencies.

No need to apologize Lash - this isn't the currency trading forum! The funny thing is that last year they actually dropped the Canadian cover price on some books, including Legion (4.25 to 3.95), I suppose due to the increase in the Cdn relative to US dollar. However, I wonder if sales were slumping in Canada due to the high price and they hoped a price cut might help.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm at the point now where I hardly give anything a chance at $2.95 or over that doesn’t have a long history in the DCU or Marvel U. Only if there is significant fan buzz among posters and friends I trust to have tastes equal to mine will I give it a try. If they keep raising prices, I’ll keep canceling more titles. I collect a lot of comics with my Dad, (we used to get every Marvel and DC), so we basically keep cutting more as prices raise and get closer to the core titles (re: Cap, Iron Man, FF, ASM, etc. for Marvel; Flash, WW, GL, GA, Hawkman, etc. for DC).

Big specials like DC New Frontier are exceptions, especially when they’re as good as that was. But I hardly buy any inter-company crossovers anymore (unless they’re drawn by George Perez [Big Grin] ).

Sadly, this means that comics like Bloodhound and Manhunter have little chance with me, if the prices are that high. Marvel’s Silver Surfer, Thanos, Punisher, etc. all were cancelled within a few issues when it was apparent (to me) that they were absolute nu-marvel crap. I’d be much more inclined to give all of these a better shot if prices were lower.

I also refuse to buy any new X-titles that aren’t the main ones, and am considering canceling a bunch of Batman titles we get (already did so with Batgirl). Sometimes I wish they’d just cancel a series, like Nightwing, rather than let it go on so badly, especially when I own the first #100 issues. Of course, sometimes I’d rather they never cancel a comic, no matter how bad, like Thor, when we own all 600+ Thor issues.
Posted by Lad Boy on :
Since the Legion is the only monthly I plan to buy, price isn't a particular concern. About $8/copy would be the point at which I'd look for other forms of self-indulgent entertainment.
Posted by Faraway Lad on :
I only buy the Legion, Fable's and Lucifer with any sense of loyalty. Price is therefore not really an issue. Especially given the amount I need to spend to fill in the back issues.

As Lucifer will end in the next couple of years I'll probably continue wiith that till the end. Fables is still good so I'll stick with that for a while longer.

I currently also dip into birds of prey and JSA, but neither of them would hold my attention if they hit say £5 (sterling)
Posted by Jorg-El on :
If I am gonna spend the big bucks I rather get a tpb. Infact I get most everything in tpb these days. [Smile]
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
If they keep raising prices, I’ll keep canceling more titles.

I was at that point awhile back. I'm sure I've said it before, I've been spending roughly the same $80 a month since I was in high school... mid- to late 80's. Obviously, that bought aLOT more then than it does now. But a few years ago I actually got to the point where I was considering cutting titles I liked to keep my spending under my comfort level. Instead, I switched my subscriptions to DCBS. Now I rarely pay more than $2 for my new stuff... even books like New Frontier are "affordable" when you knock at least 35% off, under $3.50. And I'm alot more likely to try out something new, like Manhunter, especially when DCBS runs special discounts-- 75% off the first issue in this case. The service is great, the shipping is nominal when compared to the discounts I get, and I also have the same discounts on action figures.

There's no way I'd be buying like I do if I were paying retail at a local store.
Posted by Stargazer on :
Lash...great topic.

I have always been a huge DC fan and much like Yellow Kid I remember getting books dirt cheap.
In todays time the cost of these books are getting way to high. It seems I can not leave the comic store without spending almost $40.00.
This weekly is too much... Like Beagz, I am gonna have to get what I truly love. Of course Legion is my #1 buy
Posted by ferroboy on :
$40.00, eh? I only spend that kind of money when I have something like a TPB mixed in. I sometimes walk out having spent under $10.00. Ideally, I'd like to bring my number of books down lower, but it's hard to figure out what to drop. I think Superman, Wolverine, and Ultimate X-Men are all on their way out, but I might be adding Peter Milligan's X-Men. It seems like whenever I decide to drop some books, new ones come along that catch my fancy.
Posted by Stargazer on :
Thats my problem...I pick up way to much.

Hello..My name is Stargazer...and I uhhh...I am a comicholic. Will you sponser me?
Posted by ferroboy on :
No, dammit! I'm having a hard enough time supporting my own bad habit.
Posted by Stargazer on :
We really should start a support group.
Comicholics Annonymous (CA)

We know we are all out there..we are all addicited.
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Tell me about it.

I just placed back-issue orders with Mile High -and- Lone Star... As if I didn't spend enough last month on my roadtrip! [Eek!] [LOL]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
This gem found at Journalista.

Learn economics with a price analysis of Spiderman issues, 1963 to present.

Author's conclusion:

For all those disgruntled comic buyers: Keep buying comics. As long as the supply of dollars is controlled by governments, the amount of money in the economy will continue to explode and the value of a dollar in your bank account will erode. Comic books, on the other hand, will keep their value, and may even provide some reading enjoyment.

He's a lot more optimistic about comics' future value than I am.
Posted by Pov on :
That *is* a gem. Very interesting interpretation of the info presented.

I'm not sure I buy all of his logic; As you say the future value of comics isn't that certain. A collectible only continues to gain in value when the demand outstrips the supply... what happens when current collectors die off and future would-be collectors would rather spend their money elsewhere-- video games, music downloads, what have you, instead of getting into collecting comics?

Very cool link nonetheless, FC. [Smile]
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I haven't read the entire article yet, but ... March 1963 was "more than fifty years" ago???

If this guy can't get simple math right, I'm not sure I trust his collecting and investing advice.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
3 years later and this thread is brought back! good job Policy Pam! *grin* anyway...interesting....My max $$ is up to rougly $150....yeah roughly - most of time tends to run around $100 unless I see Action Figures that I want to get or Archives I will run up to $150. am I really a comicsaholic?
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Like some of you said back when this thread started, I keep trimming my monthly fix as prices go up. I roughly spend $50 a month on comics (my wife, 4 kids and a mortgage come first), so as time goes by, I get fewer and fewer books. I imagine one day I'll just be buying Legion for $49.95 a month... [Frown]
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
I'm in the same boat.

When I was young and single and comics were $1 each, my budget was $20 week. Now that I am old and married and have a mortgage, by limit is STILL $20 a week. But the average comic now is $2.99

I think it was back around the time when regular comics were $1.95, or so, and many indys topped out at $2.95, that my limit was $3 for a standard format comics book. I probably will go over that, but I'll still only spend $80 per month, post discount.

But the $3 rule does come into play. To make budget I cut the Groo 25th Anniversary Special ($5.99) and Superman #666 ($3.99) from the first draft of my August order. I also skipped Action Comics #853-854, because I just can't buy three issues of a single title in a single month and not have to cut something.
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Hmmm. . . It looks like my belt has been getting tighter than even I thought. I used to go over my $80 limit quite a bit more freely in past years than I do now.

Here's my ordere for August, 2000

Dark Horse Comics
Space Circus #2, $2.95
The Nevermen #4, $2.95

DC Comics
Detective Comics #359 Millennium Edition, $2.50
Military Comics #1 Millennium Edition, $3.95
Sensation Comics #1 Millennium Edition, $3.95
Green Lantern/ Green Lantern #1, $2.5
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #134, $2.25
Detective Comics #749, $2.50
Batman: Gotham Knights #8, $2.50
Batman #582, $2.25
Superboy #79, $2.25
Superman: Last Son of Earth #2, $5.95
Superman & Bugs Bunny #4, $2.50
The Flash #165, $2.25
Green Lantern #129, $2.25
Legend of the Hawkman #2, $4.95
JLA #46, $2.25
JSA #15, $2.50
JSA Annual #1, $3.50
Lazarus Five #4, $2.50
Legends of the DC Universe #33, $2.50
Legion Lost #6, $2.50
Starman #70, $2.50
Orion #5, $2.50
The Spirit Archives, Vol. 2, $49.95

Promethia #10, $2.95
Tomorrow Stories #9, $2.95
Top Ten #10, $2.95

DC/ Wildstorm
The Authority #18, $2.50
Jenny Sparks: Secret History of Authority #3, $2.50

DC/ Paradox Press
Remarkable World of Phineas B Fuddle #2, $5.95

Image Comics
Age of Bronze #8, $3.50
Crimson Plague #2, $2.50
Section Zero #3, $2.50
ShockRockets #5, $2.50

Marvel Comics
Hellcat #2, $2.99
Avengers #33, $2.25
X-Men: The Hidden Years #11, $2.50

Abstract Studios
Strangers in Paradise #34, $2.75

Bongo Comics
Bart Simpson Comics #1, $2.50
Simpson Comics #50, $5.95

El Capitan
Murder Me Dead #1, $2.95

Comic Book Artist #10, $6.95

RETAIL $178.79

So, that's 43 books at an average of $4.16 each. Eliminate the Spirit Archive and it's 42 books at an average of $3.07
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Here's my order for August, 2001

DC Comics
Detective Comics #761, $2.50
Batman: Gotham Knights #20, $2.50
Batman #594, $2.25
Harley Quinn #11, $2.25
Superman & Batman: Generations II #1, $5.95
Green Arrow #7, $2.50
The Flash #177, $2.25
The Flash: Iron Heights, $5.95
JLA #57, $2.25
JSA #27, $2.50
Just Imagine Stan Lee/Wonder Woman, $5.95
Legion Worlds #5, $3.95
Wonder Woman #173, $2.25

DC/ Beyond the Universe
The Spirit Archives Vol.5, $49.95

Promethia #16, $2.95
Tom Strong #15, $2.95

Sandman Presents: Dead Boy Detectives #3, $2.50

Image Comics
Obergeist #4, $2.95
Bluntman and Chronic GN, $14.95
Mr. Right #1, $2.50

Marvel Comics
Avengers #45, $2.25
Avengers: The Ultron Imparitive, $5.99
Ultimate Spider-Man #12, $2.25
New X-Men #117, $2.25
The Brotherhood #4, $2.25
Uncanny X-Men #397, $2.25
X-Force #119, $2.25

Claypool Comics
Elvira #100, $2.50

Drawn & Quarterly
Optic Nerve #8, $2.95

El Capitan
Muder me Dead #8, $2.95

Eightball #22, $5.95

Will Eisner's Moby Dick, $15.95

Advs. Of Barry Ween: Monkey Tales #4, $2.95
Alison Dare, Little Miss Adventures #3, $2.95

Renissance Press
Amelia Rules #2, $2.95

Comic Book Marketplace #85, $5.95

RETAIL $189.64

So, that's 36 books at an average of $5.18 each. Eliminate the Spirit Archive and the two graphic novels and it's 33 books at an average of $3.20

[ June 15, 2007, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Portfolio Boy ]
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Here's my order for August, 2002

DC Comics
Batman #606, $2.25
Catwoman #10, $2.50
Deadman #9, $2.50
Detective Comics #773, $2.75
Green Arrow #16, $2.50
Hawkman #6, $2.50
Hawkman Secret Files #1, $4.95
JSA #39, $2.50
The Flash #189, $2.25
The Legion #11, $2.50
Wonder Woman #184, $2.25

DC/ Beyond the Universe
The Spirit Archives #8, $49.95

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen II #2, $3.50
Promethia #22, $2.95
Tom Strong's Terrific Tales #4, $2.95

Image Comics
Age of Bronze $14, $3.50
Liberty Meadows $27, $2.95
Micronauts #2, $2.95
World Class Comics #1, $3.95

Marvel Comics
Amazing Spider-Man #44, $2.25
Avengers #57, $2.25
Avengers Icons: The Vision #1, $2.99
Call to Duty: Brotherhood #3, $2.25
Call to Duty: The Precinct #2, $2.25
Call to Duty: The Wagon #1, $2.25
Captain America #5, $2.99
Fantastic Four #60, $0.09
Spider-Man/ Black Cat #3, $2.99
The Thing: Freakshow #3, $2.99
The Ultimates #8, $2.25
X-Statics #2, $2.25

Amaze Ink/ Slave Labor Graphics
Dork #10, $2.95

Archie Comics
The Shield: America's First Patriotic Hero, $12.95

Dork Storm Press
Dork Tower #20, $2.99

Oni Press
Queen & Country #11, $2.95

RETAIL, $155.04

So, that's 35 books at an average of $4.34 each. Eliminate the Spirit Archive and the FF nine-center and the Shield tpb and it's 32 books at an average of $2.78

[ June 15, 2007, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: Portfolio Boy ]
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Here's my order from August, 2003

Dark Horse Comics
The Goon #2, $2.99

DC Comics
Batman #618, $2.25
Batman Adventures #5, $2.25
Catwoman #22, $2.50
Cinnamon: El Ciclo #1, $2.50
Detective Comics #785, $2.75
Dr. Fate #1, $2.50
Formerly Known as the Justice League #2, $2.50
Gotham Central #10, $2.50
Hawkman #18, $2.50
Human Defense Corps #4, $2.50
H-E-R-O #7, $2.50
JSA #51, $2.50
JSA: All-Stars #4, $2.50
Reign of the Zodiac #1, $2.75
Superman & Batman: Generations III #8, $2.95
Superman: Birthright #2, $2.95
Teen Titans #2, $2.50
The Flash #201, $2.25
The Legion #23, $2.50
Wonder Woman #195, $2.25

DC/America's Best Comics
Terra Obscura #3, $2.95
Smax #1, $2.95
Tom Strong #22, $2.95

Arrowsmith #2, $2.95
Astro City: Local Heroes #4, $2.95

DC/Beyond the Universe
Spirit Archives Vol.11, $49.95

Image Comics
Liberty Meadows #33, $2.95
Puffed #2, $2.95

Marvel Comics
1602 #1 3.50
Crimson Dynamo #2, $2.99
Amazing Spider-Man #56, $2.25
Amazing Spider-Man #57, $2.25
Avengers #70, $2.25
Fantastic Four #502, $2.25
Fantastic Four #503, $2.25
Human Torch #5, $2.50
The Thing: Night Falls on Yancy St. #4, $3.50

Walt Disney's Comics & Stories #636, $6.95
Walt Dinsey's Uncle Scrooge #321, $6.95

Alter Ego #27, $5.95

RETAIL: $164.59

So, that's 41 books at an average of $4.09 each. Eliminate the Spirit Archive and it's 40 books at an average of $2.94
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Here's my order from August, 2004. Note that although I still have a Spirit Archive in the mix, the spousal unit has begun to lay down the lay that big books do not a budget buster make

Dark Horse Comics
The Goon #8, $2.99

DC Comics
Batman: The 12-Cent Adventure #1, $0.12
DC Comics Presents: The Atom #1, $2.50
DC Comics Presents: The Flash #1, $2.50
DC Comics Presents: Justice League #1, $2.50
DC Comics Presents: Superman #1, $2.50
Doom Patrol #3, $2.50
Gotham Central #22, $2.50
Hawkman #31, $2.50
Identity Crisis #3, $3.95
JSA: Strange Adventures #1, $3.50
JSA #64, $2.50
Legion #37, $2.50
Legion #38, $2.50
Manhunter #1, $2.95
Teen Titans #14, $2.50
Weird Secret Origins 80-Page Giant #1, $5.95

Promethia #31, $2.95
Terra Obscura v.2 #1, $2.95

DC/ Wildstorm
Astro City Special, $3.95

DC/ Beyond the Universe
Spirit Archives Vol. 14, $49.95

Marvel Comics
Amazing Spider-Man #511, $2.25

RETAIL: $109.01
I also wrote off El Cazador #8 and Ultimates v.2 #1 this month, bringing my actual total to $87.75

So, that's 22 books at an average of $4.96 each. Eliminate the Spirit Archive and the Batman 12-cetner and it's 20 books at an average of $2.95
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
Here's my order from August, 2005

Dark Horse
Serenity #2, $2.99

DC Comics
Blood of the Demon #6, $2.50
DC Special: Return of Donna Troy #3, $2.99
DC Special: Return of Donna Troy #4, $2.99
Doom Patrol #15, $2.50
Gotham Central #34, $2.50
Hawkman #43, $2.50
JLA #117, $2.50
JSA #76, $2.50
JSA: Classified #2, $2.50
Legion of Super-Heroes #9, $2.99
Teen Titans #27, $2.50
Justice #1, $2.99
The Rann/Thanagar War #4, $2.50

Astro City: The Dark Age #3, $2.99

Tom Strong #34, $2.99
Top 10: Beyond the Farthest Precinct #1, $2.99

Otherworld #6, $2.99

Marvel Comics
Shanna, the She-Devil #7, $3.50
Defenders #2, $2.99
Captain America #9, $2.99
Captain America #10, $2.99
Supreme Power #18, $2.99
Ultimates v.2 Annual, #1, $3.99

Complete Dennis the Menace vol.1, $24.95

Uncle Scrooge #345, $6.95

Hero @ Large #1, $2.99
Rocketo #1, $2.99

RETAIL: $106.74

So, that's 28 books at an average of $3.81 each. Eliminate the Dennis Archive and it's 27 books at an average of $3.03
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
And, the order for last year, August, 2006

Dark Horse Comics
The Goon #19, $2.99

DC Comics
52 #13, $2.50
52 #14, $2.50
52 #15, $2.50
52 #16, $2.50
52 #17, $2.50
Action Comics #842, $2.99
All-New Atom #2, $2.99
Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis #45, $2.99
Batman #656, $2.99
Blue Beetle #6, $2.99
Detective Comics #822, $2.99
Hawkgir #55, $2.99
Jonah Hex #10, $2.99
Justice #7, $3.5
Justice League of America #1, $2.99
Shadowpact #4, $2.99
Showcase Presents: Batman #1, $16.99
Supergirl #9, $2.99
Supergirl & the Legion of Super-Heroes #21, $2.99
Superman #655, $2.99
Superman/Batman #29, $2.99
Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters #2, $2.99
Wonder Woman #3, $2.99

Johnny DC
Teen Titans Go! #34, $2.25

Image Comics
Rocketo #11, $2.99

Marvel Comics
Daredevil #88, $2.99
Captain America #21, $2.99

RETAIL: $92.05

So, that's 28 books at an average of $3.39 each. Eliminate the Showcase book and it's 27 books at an average of $2.89
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
And finally, my order for August, 2007:

Action Comics #855, $2.99
All-New Atom #14, $2.99
All-New Booster Gold #1, $2.99
All-Star Superman #9, $2.99
Brave and the Bold #6, $2.99
Countdown #39, $2.99
Countdown #38, $2.99
Countdown #37, $2.99
Countdown #36, $2.99
Countdown #35, $2.99
Jonah Hex #22, $2.99
Justice League of America #12, $2.99
Justice Society of America #8, $2.99
Meteal Men #1, $2.99
Supergirl and the LSH #33, $2.99
The Spirit #9, $2.99

LSH in the 31st Century #5, $2.25

Captain America #29, $2.99
Thor #2, $2.99

Black Coat: Or Give Me Death #4, $3.50

Complete Peanuts: 1965-1966, $28.95

Nexus #100, $5.99

TOTAL: $94.51

So, that's 22 books at an average of $4.30 each. Eliminate the Peanutsbook and it's 21 books at an average of $3.12
Posted by Portfolio Boy on :
So, what can we learn from this? Probably, not much.

The number of books ordered each August since 2000:
2000: 43
2001: 36
2002: 35
2003: 41
2004: 22
2005: 28
2006: 28
2007: 22

Average retail price (average of reg. comics only)
2000: $4.16 ($3.07)
2001: $5.18 ($3.20)
2002: $4.34 ($2.78)
2003: $4.09 ($2.94)
2004: $4.96 ($2.95)
2005: $3.81 ($3.03)
2006: $3.39 ($2.89)
2007: $4.30 ($3.12)

Total retail price (price paid) since 2000:
2000: $178.79 ($151.77)
2001: $189.64 ($161.25)
2002: $155.04 ($131.75)
2003: $165.45 ($139.90)
2004: $109.01 ($92.66)
2005: $106.74 ($90.73)
2006: $92.05 ($78.24)
2007: $95.41 ($80.33)
Posted by MLLASH on :
Well, I'm paying $4 for such titles as MARVEL ZOMBIES 3 and FRANKLIN RICHARDS and Lo3W.... [sigh]
Posted by stephbarton on :
I will pay $4 ONLY if I get extra pages. So I'm fine paying $4 for Lo3W, but I wouldn't pay it if Lo3W was the standard 22 pages.

When comics fully go to $4 for 22 pages I'm out and going back to trade, or at least I'll only stay around for certain books. Like I might buy a Captain Marvel (original) book and a Legion book, but it better be a damn good book.

I will say I buy one book for $4 and 22 pages rigt now, but it's from an Indy publisher and a series of six-issue minis. It's called Locke and Key and it is AWESOME, I love it, but it's one book and the only indy I currently buy (as most are $4 anyways and aren't always worth it).
Posted by cleome on :
A dime.

Cut me some slack here. I don't even know where I'll be living in six months. [sulk]

[LOL] <---- on the outside
Posted by Chemical King on :
The bad part is, you actually don't see the raised price if you're buying a bunch of comics once a month like me, living many miles away from any decent comic book store.

So it was only last month that I saw - with shock and horror - that some of my Marvel monthlies have recently gotten from 2,99$ - very expensive already - to 3,99$!

There is nothing justifying such an immense price raise, and I'm going to skip those books like New Avengers immediately... but I fear that other companies will follow this blatant Marvel move...
Posted by Arm Fall Off Boy on :
See, I look at it the opposite of the companies.
"If we raise the prices, we'll add extra pages to make it worth your money."

Um, how about instead of raising the price, then spending more money to add pages and thereby decreasing your profit margin, just keep the price the same and keep the same number of pages.

Comics used to go up 5 cents, then 10, then 25 and so on. Are they really justified in going up a whole dollar? I know bills have to be paid, but I call that greed.

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