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Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Anyone reading the adventures of Wally West?

I thought the most recent issue (#216, I believe) was one of, if not *the*, best tie-ins to a 'big event' storyline I've ever read.

Does anyone have other favorites... stories in a related title that appear in support of a 'mega' series? Most of them have been mediocre, if even that.















The revelations about the Top fit seamlessly with what's going on in IDENTITY CRISIS. The ramifications of the Top's apparent mucking about with the minds of the Rogues (inspired by Barry Allen's messing about with the Top's mind-- with Zatanna's help) have me eagerly awaiting ROGUE WAR.

I've loved Piper as a hero... and the Trickster as a shades-of-gray mostly on the side of the 'angels'. Who knows what the status of Piper, James Jesse, Magenta and the rest of the Rogues will be?!

The only quibble I had with this issue-- and with the mind control facet of IDENTITY CRISIS-- is Zatanna's role in it. She just seems to be going along with it with no real feeling about her machinations one way or another. I'd like to 'hear' her thoughts about the whole thing... from the time she first touched Dr. Light to Wally's whisking her off to 'fix' The Top.

THE FLASH really is one of the most dependably entertaining titles out there. I'd say it's my favorite current solo hero book.

[ September 28, 2011, 05:32 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'd post more, but I'm at work! [Smile]

Flash is *the* best comic book on the market right now IMO, from all companies. Excellent month in and month out--by far the most enjoyable. I highly reccomend it to all!
Posted by Pov of Nine on :

Why don't I love this book more?

I've enjoyed it over the years, but never seemed to stick with it. Yet when I -do- pick up an issue, I haven't felt it was money ill-spent. I've heard so much about Johns' work on the title, even tried picking it up during the Zoom storyline, but never stuck with it.

But the last four issues, since the Mirror Master spotlight in 212, have been consistantly good. I was hesitant to pick up the run when Howard Porter came aboard, but he's not half-bad. Certainly better than the work he did early in the current JLA title.

We'll see if Geoff can keep me into it post-IC. But isn't this leading into a "Rogues-War" storyline??? Hmmm... Might be another addition to the preorders, at least for a bit.

[ November 29, 2004, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: Pov of Nine ]
Posted by Beagz on :
Although, I'm wondering if maybe it will wind up being a Rogues-Civil-War.

And, personally, I miss Piper as a good guy. He worked so hard to change his image, only to apparently throw it away a short while ago.

Maybe the impending Rogues War will straighten him out ... so to speak.
(Pardon the pun!!)
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
D'OH! [No] [LOL]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Geoff's run on THE FLASH has been consistently excellent with the sole exception of his first arc, WONDERLAND, which very nearly drove me to drop the title. I'm glad I didn't. Must have been "opening night jitters" for him, because every issue since has been a big winner for me.

LOVE his take on the Rogues most of all. LOVE that this comic has become everybit theirs as it is Wally's.

Also am hoping the explanation of The Top's mind-games are used to explain Magenta's instability following the TRIGON SEED storyline in TITANS.

Todd, I thought Geoff delved into Zee's thoughts on the matter quite well in one sad, sweet panel in issue # 216... Zee to Wally: "I never meant to hurt any of them."
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
i've only been reading "The Flash" since the "ZOOM" storyline [ that was a while back now ] and i too have been enjoying it each month !!!

i really enjoy all of Geoff's books .... and i get them all !!!

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Glad to see others like it as much.

Love the supporting cast and the Rogues. That's what is bringing me in each month, in addition to good Flash stories/battles too.

Beagz, I have a feeling Piper will stay strait (you know what I mean [Big Grin] ). There seems to be some ambiguity here...I have a feeling Heat Wave will go bad again, and the Trickser is up in the air.

The Top is suddenly really cool again, just like Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Grodd and the rest. I am loving this title.

BTW, I thought the weakest storyline was after the Zoom saga, with Wally's memory lost, and that might have turned people off. I know John's was purposely writing it differently though.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#217's come and gone... with Linda's return as a reporter... with some Flash/Batman interaction... and the intro to *this* title of the new Boomerang, with a bit of mystery surrounding the *old* one.

I wonder if Mr. Bones will figure in the Rogues War? I know he's not a Flash villain, but he *is* involved in the government intelligence bureaucracy.

The funeral scene was a good one... even though I couldn't ID everyone. I found it odd that new Rainbow Raiders are trotted out without much description (they *are* new, aren't they?).

I'm looking forward to this month's spotlight on Heat Wave... and then the Rogue War?

I wish Piper'd get another spotlight... the earlier one wasn't really *about* him, as I remember it.
Posted by Kinetix on :
I'm an occasional Flash fan, and recently dove back in with 197 for the new Zoom storyline, and have stuck around since. Most every issue since has been really good, and I've enjoyed the run.

And Identity Crisis may have been a bit of a let-down in some ways, but the stuff it's caused in the Flash make it all worth it, IMO.

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Creepy, creepy exploration of Mick Rory, aka HEAT WAVE this month.

I never knew a whole heck of a lot about this character... I always found his costume and m.o. a bit boring, to tell the truth. But not anymore.

It's pretty rare to show me a character who at once arouses sympathy and horror. Usually, it's pretty tellingly weighted one way or the other. Heat Wave now is 'my' exemplar of balancing the two. He'll be totally believable whichever 'side' of the fence he lands on.

Magneto was once in this category, and shows faint signs of resuming that position.

In any case, the scene that shows young Mick immediately after he... lights something is one I'll never forget.

I wish there'd been a bit more about Cap'n Boomerang here... and a little more focus on Wally and co. (it *is* his book, after all), but I'm even *more* eager to read ROGUE WAR than I was before... and I've been looking forward to that more than COUNTDOWN and whatever mysterious event(s) follows (though mentions of Donna Troy are really starting to cloud up my radar) and House of M over at Marvel (Polaris is going to be involved! A rumored mass 'clearing out' of X-characters! Ick!) is making a few blips, too.

2005 is shaping up to be pretty interesting, big story wise. I hope the 'little' stories that *really* make a chunk of comics time successful get as much attention.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Gotta say, the issue was excellently written but I'd rather not have found out all that about HeatWave.

I liked him as a hero, but he's no hero. He's a sicko mass murderer right up there with The Joker, and deserves to be put down.

I just can't like him any more. *sigh*
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
About the only thing good I can say about IDENTITY CRISIS is that it got me buying FLASH.

Unfortunately, alot of people are saying the same thing... even Wonderland has been running low on recent issues. I missed the Top issue (216? ) and I think I missed the most recent one also. [Frown]
Posted by SiliconDream on :
I just can't get into Johns' Flash myself. I think it's perfectly well-written, but I find it way too dark. There are plenty of dark books I like, mind you, but I don't find the tone appropriate when the main character is practically a god. There's just too many ways he could Fix Everything if there was a necessity to do so.

That, and I preferred the Rogues under Waid/Morrison/Millar, when most of them were simply very odd people, rather than crippled by drugs and angst and mental illness.

But again, this is all subjective stuff. I think the quality of the writing is great, but it's not a story that grabs me.
Posted by Charles Phipps on :
Mllash, I think you may have missed the point. I think the entire point is that they're "rebooting" the Rogues all as bad guys. Heatwave is just one of the first.

His redemption is going to be revealed as a joke.
Posted by Owl Lad on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Creepy, creepy exploration of Mick Rory, aka HEAT WAVE this month.

I never knew a whole heck of a lot about this character... I always found his costume and m.o. a bit boring, to tell the truth. But not anymore.

It's pretty rare to show me a character who at once arouses sympathy and horror. Usually, it's pretty tellingly weighted one way or the other. Heat Wave now is 'my' exemplar of balancing the two. He'll be totally believable whichever 'side' of the fence he lands on.

Could someone spoil this for me? What's so creepy about Heatwave?
Posted by Charles Phipps on :
He killed his entire family.
Posted by SiliconDream on :
And burned down the circus he worked at, with all the performers still inside. And, at present time, he's just torched a bar. Don't think there was any indication of whether the bartender got out or not.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I may have missed the point, but HeatWave's redemption has already been revealed a joke in my eyes. I despise the character now.
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
And I thought Murmur was the creepiest Flash foe. Not anymore. Heat Wave scares the crap outta me.

And Lash, I agree. I despise Heat Wave as well. But I guess we are supposed to.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
What keeps Heat Wave interesting to me is the fact that as creeped out as we the readers might be by him-- or as weirded out as the characters in FLASH are by him-- he's more creeped and weirded out by himself.

I don't despise him, though. Then again, I wasn't really invested in his redemption-- truthfully, I never paid much attention to him until now.

I know he was involved in Cadmus for awhile, during the SUPERBOY series-- was that where your affection for the character and his redemption comes from? Or from earlier runs of THE FLASH?

In general, I enjoy redemption stories and 'pull' for the characters involved.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yes, he got heavy play In SUPERBOY for a while there, and really faught prejudice to be a hero. Burned to ashes in one panel.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Heatwave officially scares the shit out of me now. And I love it.

I never really was into Heatwave 'going good' seemed like too many of Flash's traditional badguys were doing that (and Piper as a hero is done very well, and I really like the way the original Trickster has been written since Underworld Unleashed).

Man, is Heatwave scary now. He is definately the biggest sicko of the Rogues now and it was very fitting that he was hunting the biggest sicko of Flash's new baddies, Murmur. Heatwave's belief that he's just on the edge of being good makes it even scarier and more tragic. Perhaps we'll soon see that Capt. Cold may have been the only one to really ever have caught onto him before.

It's the scenes with all the old Rogues that I really like, and I'm enjoying how John's has now fleshed out the Top along the same lines that he did Capt. Cold, Weather Wizard and Mirror Master. And now Heatwave, but in a waaaaay different way.

Suddenly, I'm interested in seeing what is going to happen to Heatwave.

And the panel where he burns down his parents, followed by the panel where he burns the circus down, was definatley a big WTF? moment for me.
Posted by Pov on :
Ba-da- [Bump] for issue 219, first part of an x-over with Wonder Woman; the second part is WW 214, out next month.

I finally caught up with the Top and Heatwave issues last weekend. I give them Five Jenni's: [Wink] [Wink] [Wink] [Wink] [Wink]

This book is firing on all cylinders. Hope the cross-over doesn't derail its momentum any heading into the Rogue Wars...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
The first part didn't... but it sure pushed Zoom into Heatwave-level creepiness.









A golden-age character meets her maker in this issue, too. Priscilla Rich, the original Cheetah is killed by Barbara Minerva, at the prompting of Zoom. She doesn't even get a line... which I found sort of disrespectful.

I'm still smarting from events in last week's WOLVERINE #25, though... so maybe I'm a bit oversensitive.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yes, I enjoyed the pearance of WONDER WOMAN. Ummm, so she's blind now? I'm not hep to that development.

This issue was good enough to make me want to get the conclusion in WW, a title I don't currently collect. I can't say that for 99% of other crossovers. I might very well get it.

And the ART-- I've loved JUSTINIANO since I first saw him in the BEAST BOY mini, and his fill-ins on various issues of the last TITANS run.

For goodness' SAKE, DC!!! Put Justiniano on a regular gig, or rotate him on arcs with a slower artist!!!
Posted by Pov on :
I'm pretty sure Justiniano has at least a mini-series coming up, Lashie... I think it's even something I was planning on preordering, if I haven't already. I'll have to do a little research and get back to you.

[ February 27, 2005, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: Pov ]
Posted by Pov on :
Yes indeed, he's drawing the DAY OF VENGEANCE mini-series, 1 of 4 that spins out of COUNTDOWN. Here's the info on #2 that I found in my preorders:

Written by Bill Willingham
Art by Justiniano & Walden Wong
Cover by Walter Simonson
On sale May 18 • 2 of 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.50 US

Posted by MLLASH on :
Thanks for the info, Povvins!
Posted by Beagz on :
Okay, so what happened to Wonder Woman??
How come she's blind?
Posted by Pov on :
From what I can gather from FLASH 219,

!!!! --She did it to herself while fighting the Medusa a couple of months ago in her comic; succinctly recapped in one panel, midfight with Giganta, thru dialogue... a lost art for comics writers nowadays. [Smile]
Posted by Pov on :
Oh, and yes, I -finally- got to read 219! A stupid mistake placing my December DCBS order had all my February books come at once... at the end of the month. [Frown] So forgive me if I play catch-up commenting on some titles. [Big Grin]

I loved this issue. For the first part of a cross-over, it did what it's supposed to; it's sending me to the store to pick up Wonder Woman 214.

On its own merits: Justiniano's fill-in was great. I love the effect he gave Zoom; and his Cheetah was feral. He has a bit of that Ethan van Sciver thing going on that I hadn't noticed in his work before. Definitely has me looking forward to the DAY OF VENGEANCE mini he's working on next.

And Geoff... not much I can add to the praise others have given him for his work on this title in particular. Loved the interplay between Wally and Diana, especially involving the lasso. And I'm sooo looking forward to the start of the Rogues War next issue! [Bouncing Boy]
Posted by Pov on :
Aaaaaaand we're BACK! Just in time for the start of ROGUE WAR!

You know you want it. [Cool]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I canNOT wait for the next issue, now! I hope the original Trickster gives the smackdown to that young snot who's been appropriating his name.

The ramifications of IDENTITY CRISIS and the Top's recently revealed actions make this a storyline to watch-- though I'd say just the interactions of these particular characters would make it that.
Posted by matlock on :
Is the Top still dead? That was one of the first issues of the Flash I can remember reading.
Posted by MLLASH on :
The Top was featured n FLASH recently.

What with Magenta appearing as one of the "good guy" Rogues (if a team with Heat Wave on it can REALLY be called that), the latest TEEN TITANS arc, and the recent HAWKMAN issues, I'm totally getting a former-and-obscure TITANS fix!

I hope Magenta kicks ALL their asses!
Posted by Blacula on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
What with Magenta appearing as one of the "good guy" Rogues (if a team with Heat Wave on it can REALLY be called that), the latest TEEN TITANS arc, and the recent HAWKMAN issues, I'm totally getting a former-and-obscure TITANS fix!

I know! It's great isn't it!

Although I'm a little worried too because former and obscure Titans usually only show up to remind us all who they are before they're killed off! [Frown]
Posted by Pov on :
[Bump] for 221! [Smile]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Another winner! Though Wally's definitely getting short-shrift in his own title... Geoff Johns is making it up to The Flash, though, since it looks like he'll be front and center in the upcoming JLA arc he's writing (to be drawn by THE LEGION's Chris Battista!).







Magenta's never been better. Maybe seeing Suzy/Black Orchid cameo in DAY OF VENGEANCE put the character in my mind, but I thought that Frances Kane looked a little bit like BLACK ORCHID in a couple of panels.

The rumble between the two ROGUES teams is fun and interesting... but I wonder where it's headed?

I'm ready for TRICKSTER to give that young pretender the smackdown. And, once again, PIPER has a scene or two, but lurks in the background. Those panel-hogging temperature twins, CAPTAIN COLD and HEAT WAVE seem to be at the center of the events.

Already, I'm eager for the next issue. How many issues make up this arc? Five?
Posted by Star Boy on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Another winner! Though Wally's definitely getting short-shrift in his own title...

I must be perverse... I commented to a friend that if this was the Silver Age, the comic would be called Flash and the Rogues. (Flash and his Rogues?)
And I have absolutely no problem with that... [Smile]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
could be worse, could be Flash and the Pans.

Wasn't that a Firestorm villain, lol.
Posted by MLLASH on :

"Magenta the Magnetic Witch" was a lot of fun! Yeah, this is fun as anything-- but what will happen now that The Top has crashed the party?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Flash still remains my favorite comic out right now, as my reading of the latest issue reassured me! I'm loving the Rogues storyline and can't wait for me! I only wish I could get the *whole* story now [Big Grin]

Captain Cold is still awesome, and every scene with Heat Wave is just intense these days. Weather Wizard suprisingly has emerged as one of my favorite Rogues, as well as the Top, who should prove interesting. Funny how Geoff Johns has made scenes with the Top and Heat Wave all the more intense with their respective stories, so that by showing up on screen you can just feel the intensity.

Magneta, Piper, Mirror Master and especially the originalyl Trickster also have me wanting much, much more from this arc.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Big news on the Flash front. Newsarama is reporting that as of the August issue (#225, final part of the Rogue War), Geoff Johns is leaving the title. Apparantly Johns just wants to go out on a high note. #226 will be written by Stuart Immonen and then followed by an arc written by Darwyn Cooke. The full story can be found here.
Posted by Pov on :

Well, I needed to trim back somewhere anyway... And I have to echo the sentiments posted at NEWSARAMA... at least he's leaving the title on a high note and hasn't worn out his welcome.
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
I will drop this as well once GJ leaves
Posted by icefire on :
Okay I am not happy about this at all and I faer my love of this title will drop when Geoff leaves!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
you all don't like Stuart Immonen's writings? How come? Why not give him a chance to see what he will do to the Flash?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by superboymddjr:
you all don't like Stuart Immonen's writings? How come? Why not give him a chance to see what he will do to the Flash?

Why? Because it is only for one issue. There is no mention of him continuing or coming back after Darwyn Cooke takes over after Immonen's one-shot.
Posted by Suddenly Seymour on :
Hmm, and here I was all set to send an e-mail to my comic shop tomorrow to drop "Flash" because I haven't liked it for a year or so now (well, pretty much since the whole Spectre thing), but I'v been sticking around hoping it would get better -- seems like I'm in the minority on this thread, though. I finally have the addition of financial incentive to drop (I need to drop several titles, in fact), and I couldn't care less about how "Rogue War" turns out, and now Geoff is leaving and someone better might be coming along.

I like Geoff. He did some good things with "Flash," and I've enjoyed other work, but blind loyalty to the title has been keeping me on for a long time now.

Aargh, now I don't know what to do. Sigh.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Darwyn Cooke?

Posted by superboymddjr on :
Darwyn Cooke? whoa....then I don't see why several of us need to drop the Flash....look at what he did to the New Frontier and I immediately enjoyed that book. Best book ever for the year of 2004 (or early 2005?)!
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Big news on the Flash front. Newsarama is reporting that as of the August issue (#225, final part of the Rogue War), Geoff Johns is leaving the title. Apparantly Johns just wants to go out on a high note. #226 will be written by Stuart Immonen and then followed by an arc written by Darwyn Cooke. The full story can be found here.

They did an update. Stuart Immonen will be joined by Steve Lightle on that issue.

Howard Porter will remain the artist and I think it said that he would illustrate Cooke's arc.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Well I just recently dropped Flash, along with a bunch of other titles, to cut down on my spending. But I will pick up the Immonen/Lightle issue for sure. Could care less for Cooke.

Thanks for the update RTVU2!

[ May 23, 2005, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Flash is by far my favorite comic on the stands these days (and has been for some time), so this is kinda sad. Geoff certainly made my love Keystone again, and did the Rogues a justice that other comic book writers should emulate. And he created a whole slew of kewl characters too! (re: Chyre and Morillo).

I really like Darwyn Cooke, so that should be good. Just hope the book doesn’t lose steam without Geoff [Frown]

Still, Geoff’s entire run, especially once he hit his stride after the initial few issues, is probably my favorite run of the last ten years. (Amazing enough, Waid’s run from about #85-120 on Flash is a contender for fave run of the 90’s).
Posted by Lucien Judge on :
For a while I've been a bit torn by Flash. I'm really liking what Geoff has been doing, especially with the Rogues, but I really don't like Porter's art either. Not enough that I want to drop the book but enough that if a writer I'm not keen on takes over then I think it might have to be dropped. But then again I'm also planning on dropping Hawkman, New Avengers and Fantastic Four (and maybe a couple of others) so I might just do a big cull on my titles and just keep the ones that i know I consistnely enjoy.
Posted by Omni Craig on :
Sorry Geoff's leaving Flash, as he's more than filled Waid's shoes on the book over the past 5 years! I enjoyed his addition to the Rogues, the cops, and fleshing out Keystone City! I look forward to Green Lantern and can't wait to see what the newest Crisis is!

I'll be picking up the Immonen issue, but mostly because of Lightle's artwork, which I love! I actually had a problem with his style on the Flash covers when Kolins was doing the interiors as they had such a different feel to them. But I'm a huge fan of Flash and Lightle so I'm there! On the down side, Immonen was involved with LotR (his art was the only saving grace for that year's issues) and the Inferno mini was pure drek! [Disgusting] Love Stuart's art, but not a big fan of his writing.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Can't blame Johns for leaving. With his workload, something was going to give eventually and he had a good run on that title.

I am intrigued by the announcement that Cooke is aboard for an arc. That could be fun.
Posted by Pov on :
Well, losing Geoff's a blow to the title, for sure... but we still have the rest of the ROGUE WAR storyline. [Cool]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :





- I don't think THE TOP is *really* dead. Do you?

- Where was Magenta?

- I feel a bit better about Piper. I hope Wally's ID 'flash' keeps Hartley as pretty much the character he was before ROGUE WAR... with maybe his conscience/grief about his folks set to rest a bit.

- One TRICKSTER in da dumpster! Hoo-rah! The other all 'eeeevil' again? I hope not, because I think the moral ambiguity in James Jesse is one of the most intriguing things in comics. If he's gonna be a full-time supervillain again, I'll be *very* disappointed.

- *WHO* is Owen's mother? And brother!? Could *Wally* be his brother? I can't think of anyone else that would provoke Boomerang's warning--

I'm sad about Johns' departure-- but I *really* hope he gets his wish and is offered a ROGUES series.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'd buy his ROGUES series in a hearbeat. Actually, I've been saying for years he should bring back SECRET SOCIETY OF SUPER-VILLAINS.

Hate to hear he's leaving, as THE FLASH has just kicked butt and taken names for a while now.

I too am no fan of Immonen's writing (love his art though!) and would rather Cooke illustrate his own arc, though I'm enjoying Porter's art very much. Will take a "wait and see" stance for now.

As for # 222... I don't think The Top is dead either. No way. Poor Magenta indeed got shorted, but appeared unconscious in one panel on page 11. It is NOT implied that The Top is responsible for her mental instability, which is fitting. I think the insane Mother and the Trigon Seed implant were enough to make anyone a bit daffy.

My disappointment over Heat Wave's return to the bad side is gone now, with this issue's revelations. I hope Piper and Trickster get it together and don't make a full-blown return to the dark side.

DAMN, this storyline just won't let up. FLASH and HAWKMAN are kicking SO much ass!
Posted by MLLASH on :
ANNNNND I just read a solicit for JLA # 115, featuring the return of none other than The Secret Society of Super-Villains written by none other than the DC Fan's best pal Geoff Johns! YAY!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
THE SSOV is key to VILLAINS, UNLIMITED if you're not reading that title, Lash. Not to mention a new SECRET SIX.

Also, note that the artist for Geoff Johns' JLA arc is THE LEGION's Chris Battista.

[ May 29, 2005, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
I really hope that Piper does not return to the Rogues.

I would much rather him be a good guy, even if he just retires...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I feel the same way about Piper, DB. I'd really hate to see him wake up and threaten Linda, next issue.

I'd be sad to see Trickster as a full-fledged villain again, as well. Or Magenta, for that matter.

Heat-wave, I wouldn't mind so much.

[ May 29, 2005, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Magenta should be a Titan or retired as far as I'm concerned.

Trickster and HeatWave I don't mind being villains as much.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#223's out... spoiler










... as Geoff Johns' exemplary run nears the finishing line. This was an exciting issue-- with possibly a bit too much Professor Zoom (and more for next issue, as well). I'm more interested in Piper, Trickster, Magenta, the new Boomerang, etc. There was a *great* use of Mirror Master's ability, I thought-- as Captain Cold created a giant sheet of ice, which served as a mirror through which MM teleported 'rogues' to bash Wally one after another. Grodd, Dr. Alchemy-- big guns, the both of 'em.

Kid Flash appears-- looks like Wally'll need him to help Jay Garrick (whose survival I'm beginning to somewhat question...). I'm betting that Piper, Magenta, Hunter's wife and maybe Trickster will pitch in to help the heroes. Maybe even Captain Cold, who has been turned into a complex, well-developed character that should now be considered among the DCU's highest echelons of villains. Though he's so well-rounded, I don't even think of him as a villain, but as a-- if not *the* Rogue. An important distinction, at least in my mind.

Professor Zoom's getting there, too-- panel hog that he is. His motive and particular brand of insanity is pretty unique.

Oh, and Heatwave's apparently completely turned to the 'dark side' once again.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm cool with Heat Wave's return to the bad side following last issues revelation about all the mind-meddling.

And this issue was a non-stop mile-a-minute freaking MARATHON of action. It made me almost dizzy. Surely this arc will go down in FLASH history.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#225's out-- with Geoff Johns' final FLASH story for now.





and I was a bit underwhelmed. There's a nice event for Wally & Linda... and I'm glad Piper's apparently 'himself' again. But TRICKSTER remains with the Rogues as they join the SOCIETY of Luthor, etc. ???!!! I hope he's working his own agenda, here-- since the TOP/mental adjustment thing doesn't quite work for him, IMO.
Posted by Caliente on :
I like that Trickster and Heat Wave are evil again. I never really liked Jesse as an FBI agent. Although, I did enjoy his trickstering in Impulse back in the day... I guess, I like him best as a shady character that might have some redeeming qualities. As opposed to just another grunt being forced to do things he doesn't want to do. Or... something. And Heat Wave's always been a freak. He's not so much evil as just sick. (I say that with love.) I was a fan of the Cadmus thing in Superboy 'cuase it was really funny but that's another one that's just kind of a good psychopath.

What I wanna know is what happened to Magenta? I didn't see her at all after the first couple issues...

I feel like the "Rogue War" wasn't a good title for this arc. Like, the War itself only lasted for a few issues and it never really seemed the forefront of what was happening. I must say, though, I am very happy with how everything ended up. Yay for Wally and Linda. And Piper. So the best gay character ever. So lame. ^_^

Lingering questions: Where's Iris at the end? I feel like I'm forgetting something with her... and didn't she have a supposed maybe romance with that older police officer...? Whatever happened to that? I wonder why Digger wanted Owen to stay away from Bart (said his brother, right?)...? Why won't Zoom die?? Seriously... just die. Oh and how did Barry know what to say to Wally? Did that mean that he was actually coming back from the future but just pretending not to for some reason or...?

Anyway, I'm sad Geoff's run is over. But I feel like he did a good job wrapping up loose ends and explaining why the Rogues are in with the Society. I definitely think that the development and changes of the Rogue characters are for the better -- Lenard and Wally's friendship from a few arcs back was awesome.

I really like who Wally's become and I really, really love the Flash. But then, you guys already knew that, didn't you...? [Wink]

[ September 01, 2005, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Caliente ]
Posted by Stargazer on :
Cool issue.. I felt it was rushed and I had the same feeling Wally did... the timestream makes my head hurt as well.
Now that we have a family...what is gonna happen to him?? I thought they might kill him in the upcomming crisis. Now I hope not, Wally is great.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Killing the Flash in an upcoming Crisis? Stargazer, one hopes the writers of the series know the meaning of the phrase "been there, done that"... [I Dunno] [No]
Posted by Stargazer on :
You would think that would be the case. It just seems that all the heroes who have been killed since Crisis have come back from the dead... Who's to say that Wally retires with family to the future and Barry returns. It could happen.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
My concern is how it affects the future now that Jenni is out of the picture...Is Iris or Don and Dawn Allen still around (in current continuity)?
Posted by Stargazer on :
Good question?
My guess is that Jenni has to be around..she has to be a decendant to Wally's kids.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
But who is Wally, really? If he was Iris's nephew, then he would have to be related to Eric and Fran Russell too...or is his family only restricted to Professor Ira West?
Posted by Caliente on :
Wally's relation to Iris isn't by blood. Not with the weird Iris-is-from-the-future retcon.

As for the future -- who knows. We know Bart's mum is Owen's mum too, which leaves a few things to be addressed still. We also know that Jenni is nowhere to be found as of yet. She's a decendent of Barry, not Wally, though so we'll see if the upcoming crisis affects her or not. [Poverty Lad] Should be interesting.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I read # 225.

I dunno. Everythiing just kinda fizzled out there. Still, overall, ROGUE WAR was a fun storyline, moved a mile a minute.

And that ending with Linda was unexpected. I *knew* Geoff was too nice a guy to really devestate Wally and Linda like that!

A nice issue to end my run of FLASH on.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :

It all kind of ended too fast for me too. I agree that Rogue War was a great story though, and I'm sad to see it end! (A real first for me in the last few years). I really hope Geoff can work on the Rogues more often in the next few years.

Not sure what to expect with Wally and Linda now, with the babies born. Some rumors have been flying around that Barry might come back and retake the mantle...I don't know if I can see them doing that though, or if I really want them too. I love Wally as the Flash, but can it work so well with him having two babies?

Seeing two Flash's and two Zooms was cool though. And the Top is not dead, right? He ended up being a pretty intense villain.

A great run with Geoff on the Flash. In my opinion, the best run on a super-hero comic in a looooong time, and consistently the best comic out there for months. Here's hoping the inevitable fizzle that follows a great writer departing doesn't happen soon, and Darwyn Cooke can come on board for a great story to make way for a great new creative team.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
well according to Johns in Wizard, he wanted to kill off two rogues which he did - the Top and Plunder. So The Top is pretty much deader than ever.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Trickster's (not the new one) situation begs for further exploration. Surely, Geoff Johns knows that James Jesse's moral position had nothing to do with The Top and any projected mental meddling.

I wanted more Magenta, Trickster, Piper, Captain Cold, etc.-- but I think that this story will be remembered as a good one... with rereading? Once we've seen the Rogues appear again.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#227's out...






... and it's a distinct improvement over last issue. But that ain't saying much.

Something about it reminded me of the TITANS series before the current one. Not sure what, exactly...

The time travel dream was disconcerting. Paired with the title FINISH LINE and this issue's LAST DAYS, it's all a bit too ominous.

Vandal Savage (I'm assuming) has set up a group of henchmen in a church basement!? Uh-uh.

This isn't the ongoing new creative team, is it? That hasn't been announced and I missed it, I hope.
Posted by Stargazer on :
I dont know...seems to me Wally will be hanging up the suit.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I can see how you'd think that, but I hope you're wrong:).
Posted by Caliente on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
I can see how you'd think that, but I hope you're wrong:).

Me too. [Frown]

My name is Wally West, and I can explain everything in one word: twins. Well, to be fair, you also need to know that I'm the fastest man alive. That means I do everything fast. Yeah, even that, wise guy, I'm sorry to say. We, uh, are still trying to figure out exactly how the kids were conceived.
[LOL] Hilarity. That really won me over. Pooooor Linda. [Wink]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#228's out-- with a guest appearance by Nightwing. Reading this characterization of NW after last week's Supergirl, the most recent issue of JLA and Dick's own title leaves me scratching my head. Are there multiple Dick Graysons running around the DCU, like there's more than one Lex Luthor? Nothing else makes sense.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
FLASH #230

I didn't even really read the Vandal Savage part of the story. Just skimmed through. The closing pages featuring the speedsters together out of costume was fairly good- though the dialogue seemed off somehow. Still, their essential characters came through. It's possible we won't see these particular characters all gathered together again, so I'm glad we got this scene, at least.
Posted by Pov on :
Somebody sit Cali down, give her a glass of water and hold her hand...

Didio Talks Flash @ Newsarama

Need I say, SPOILERS!!!!!
Posted by Star Boy on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Somebody sit Cali down, give her a glass of water and hold her hand...
Didio Talks Flash @ Newsarama

Need I say, SPOILERS!!!!!

And with every announcement, I grow closer to dropping what few titles I still buy. I think I've worked it out. DC hates the readers it gathered in the 90s and is doing its best to drive us away.

PS The current Legion series is not helping.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Star Boy:
I think I've worked it out. DC hates the readers it gathered in the 90s and is doing its best to drive us away.

PS The current Legion series is not helping.

Posted by rtvu2 on :
I have no idea what you guys are talking about... I am loving everything!
Posted by Caliente on :
Originally posted by Pov:
Somebody sit Cali down, give her a glass of water and hold her hand...

Didio Talks Flash @ Newsarama

Need I say, SPOILERS!!!!!

[sob] [sob] [sob]

I saw it a few hours ago (on my own accord) and... and... [sob] !!

[sigh] The end of his series was like being hit by a two-by-four of obvious. As in obviously it was only a matter of time and obviously it would be expedited by the crisis. Yeah. Great. [AHHHH!!!!] ><

Anyway, my money's on a depowered Wally with a brand new Flash including new powers origins or... whatever. Not the same. Not my boy. [sigh] And I'll never accept it. Never! *sniff* [Frown] Wally...
Posted by Pov on :
<pats Cali's hand> [Hug]

I wish they'd just give Wally the Starman treatment, and have him retire to raise the kids with Linda... but it's sounding like there are serious plans afoot for the twins.

Gotta say, though, I'm loving Lashley's preview art. I might check out the new #1 for that alone, providing they find him a different inker than who they used on his work in Legion #12.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Looks interesting, but as with any other move of this type, it's going to have to be really, really good to justify the changes, since the current Flash wasn't exactly "broken".
Posted by PolarBoy on :
The following quote from the article

The series is built on the concept of ‘legacy.’ It is the recurring theme of Flash, it is the strength and the weakness of the character,” Didio said.

And number two? Perhaps we were premature in wondering who the person under the mask might be. That is, wrong in the sense that we wondered about a “person” in the singular.

“The costume will be very familiar,” Didio said with a chuckle, “Although you may not want to get too attached to the first Flash you see…”

This leads me to think that the new flash will be wallys twins both acting in the role using wally's suit. Also I would guess that one of them (Prehaphs the more driven one) will get killed of pretty quick and the other will take up the mantel full time.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I have to say that I've been thrilled with DC for the past 2 years.

And now, for the first time, I'm extremely taken aback and discouraged about DC in general and the Flash in particulur.

I want Wally West. It took a lot of stories and a lot of years to make Wally what he was, and as great a character as he was. Mark Waid's seven year run was a shining moment for DC when most of the DCU was pure, utter horseshit. And Geoff John's run on Flash was the best run on Flash ever IMO, as equal to the Silver Age Flash #106-135 (what I consider the truest form of Silver Age Flash greatness).

I'm very discouraged. Don't give a crap about new writers or artists. If its not Wally, I hope its at least Barry. I'll keep up some semblance of hope for at least one of these two options, though I prefer the first. If its a third route, I'll be very dissapointed. The three worst things they can do now would be 1) a new Flash, 2) Bart Allen as the Flash and 3) the Flash's twin children sharing the role. That last one sends a shiver of 'ugh' down my spine.


I'm a little shocked at myself for being this dissapointed. Sure, its only comics...but this seems more like 'business' and I get enough of that every day of my life.

Now someone lie to me and tell me there's hope its still Wally (or Barry).
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
It just seems like they're trying too hard to make this an event on a par with the original Crisis or the beginning of the Silver Age. If it really does have that kind of impact on the DCU, I have much less problem with this, but right now it just seems gimmicky.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Originally posted by Star Boy:
I think I've worked it out. DC hates the readers it gathered in the 90s and is doing its best to drive us away.

PS The current Legion series is not helping.

So....XS won't become a regular in FLASH any time soon??? [sigh] [Frown]
Posted by Tamper Lad on :
I can see why they were tempted to do this. Writing Wally after Geoff Johns must be like trying to write Legion after Levitz or X-Men after Claremont was back in the day.

It's pretty clear to me that Flash in the sketch is Wally's son. I'm not sure but I think I can see his Korean heritage in a few of the shots.
Posted by Vee on :
There is one other person that's had a great deal of screen time recently with "speed" powers and ties to the Flash....the new Boomerang.

They killed the old one off for a reason and hinted about the kid's parentage, implying that his mother wasn't the source of his speed powers. What if he turns out to be a son of Jay or Barry (or Johnny Quick or Max Mercury, for that matter) and he reforms during the IC event. I could see them thrusting him into the Flash role as a shocker.

Don't see it being Bart. Besides, didn't he disappear into the Speed Force along with Barry, Wally, Johnny and Max? I'll have to go back and check.
Posted by Vee on :
Yep, I remembered correctly. Bart did disappear into the speed force as well.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
So...does this mean that Iris and other long-serving Flash supporting cast players will "cease to exist" when the series is revamped after INFINITE CRISIS?

[ January 26, 2006, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: legionadventureman ]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
No way to tell right now.

Jay Garrick is still around OYL, so not everyone will be gone.
Posted by rtvu2 on :
The New Boomerrang is rumored to join the Outsiders.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
For Caliente, a sneak look at the cover to issue #1 of Flash: The Fastest Man Alive.













Click for fullsize image
Posted by Caliente on :
Wow. [Love] Thank you Scott!! [Big Grin] I might get excited about the new series yet!!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
You're welcome Cali! Here's the solicitation text too:


Written by Paul DeMeo and Danny Bilson, art and cover by Ken Lashley, variant cover by Andy Kubert and Joe Kubert.

The Flash is back. And in this landmark issue written by Paul DeMeo & Danny Bilson -- creators of the groundbreaking TV series The Flash -- and illustrated by Ken Lashley, one of the biggest questions of 2006 is answered: Who will wear the ring?

Infinite Crisis aimed a mortal blow at the legacy of the Fastest Man Alive -- but what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger! Be here for a historic chapter in the legacy of The Flash!

32 pages, $2.99, in stores on June 21.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Any plans to include Jenni and/or Bart?
Posted by Dev Em on :
I just finished the Run (har) of Wally's book. Johns' run ended well I thought, the remainder of the series was very lackluster.

I'll miss this series though, we'll have to see what happens next...before I decide if I want to continue my Flash obsession.
Posted by Vee on :
So, now that IC is over, anyone have any further guesses about who the newest Flash will be?



It's apparently not Bart, nor Wally. I doubt it's Barry come back from the dead. Could it be Jay? He still has speed powers. I can't begin to guess (though I suppose it could be Wally's son all grown up).

Who wants to take a stab at it?

[ June 08, 2006, 11:54 AM: Message edited by: Vee ]
Posted by Reboot on :

Readers were warned "not to get attached to the first Flash you see" in F:FMA #1. Lo and behold, Jay's on page 2.
Posted by walkwithcrowds on :
I think it'll be Bart.

I know the Speed Force is gone but, Jay still has his "inate" speed due to the "X - Gene" or whatever the DC version is called.

Well Bart inherited his speed through his family, so he should have it on a genetic level as opposed to having it as a "gift".

That's my theory anyway...I'll have to wait and see how it pans out.

Like I said, I think it'll be Bart but I really hope it'll be Wally. He's EARNED that suit!! Let him keep it.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I think it's going to be Wally and his family. It adds a new dimension to the "legacy" theme. And with Bart and Jesse speedless, there's room for a few Flashes.

Just curious, anyone else catch Bart's comment about Wally and the twins in the first ish of 52?
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
Just curious, anyone else catch Bart's comment about Wally and the twins in the first ish of 52?

No. WWi?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Where he said Wally and Linda are just taking some time to get away and that the twins are getting big, and annoying? I saw that. I felt that they were going to be using the twins in the new Flash.
Posted by Vee on :
Yeah I got the same impression from that comment. Might be kind of neat to have the twins as Flash...brings back memories of Don & Dawn Allen! [Big Grin]
Posted by Stratum on :
I think the statement was a red herring to skew our thoughts in one direction.

Personally, I have no idea who it would be. But as much as I love Barry, it SHOULD be Wally. Like it was said, earlier, he earned it.

Posted by Stealth on :
The topic of my not liking Geoff Johns's Flash run started rolling along in the Mark Bagley thread, so I thought I should post this here so that the Bagley thread doesn't go too far off topic.

I should start by saying that I do like a lot of Geoff's work: I think his JSA was great up through # 75, Green Lantern: Rebirth and Green Lantern Corps: Recharge are two of my favorite mini-series of all time, and while the Green Lantern ongoing took several issues to find its footing, it's been consistently good for a long time and still counting.

Now, when I got back into comics in early 2005, one of the first things I got into was Geoff's Flash swan song, the Rogue War arc. On first read, I found it a non-stop thrill machine, but subsequent reads have left me feeling that the first half is great -- y'know, when there's actually Rogues fighting each other, as opposed to the way most of them dissapear halfway through -- but the second half much less so.

But it was good enough overall for me to want more, so I looked around for trades of Geoff's other Flash arcs. The one I finally found collected the arc where Wally doesn't remember who he is anymore. I was dissapointed. Everybody seems to like Johns's hardened Captain Cold, but I thought it was just a bunch of cheezy tough-guy posturing.

Having read online that the pre-200 issues are Johns's best, I finally tracked down a trade collecting one of the earlier arcs, the one with Blacksmith leading the Rogues. And I had a similar reaction to the one I had to Rogue War: it's really good for a while, and then it just comes undone. It's also a case of Johns building up a promising new villainess only for her defeat to come way too easily -- see also: Lyssa Drak in The Sinestro Corps War -- and I must add that Blacksmith being captured by an angry mob came across as very unsettling in a way that Johns probably didn't intend; there is a paternalistic streak to his stories that is adequately balanced in his better work, but off-balance in his lesser work.

There's also the matter of the art. I doubt many people would disagree that Howard Porter and Alberto Dose did not do very good work on Flash. And, TBH, I don't think Scott Kolins was that much better than them. The dreary coloring certainly didn't help any of these artists. Of course, there's the other side of the art issue, where I did sorta like Geoff's early Teen Titans arcs, but only because of Mike McKone's art.

I hope this post isn't too self-indulgent. It has helped me figure out exactly why I didn't like Geoff's Flash, and Legion World is one of the few forums where I feel comfortable posting these ruminations.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Okay, first off there's like three Flash threads in Gym'lls and I was unsure which one to use.

Second, I figured I'd post solely to complain about my lack of enjoyment of this title. Peyer has not helped matters, though his idea for a villian, Spin, is appreciated for at least being semi-original.

Honestly, I didn't sign on in Flash fandom to read about Wally's kids. Two writers and so far I find them extrememly annoying. I don't like a 'Flash family'. I want solo-Flash stories with occassional guest appearances by Jay Garrick, and some other speedsters (but not every issue). Honestly, when Waid kept having the entire "Flash Family" show up so often in his original run I got tired of it, and at least I liked all them.

This isn't what I'm looking for in a Flash comic and Wally West is my favorite DC hero (non-Legion) of them all. The kids got to go, DC can pick the way they want to do it (hey, Marvel did).
Posted by Future on :
I'm with Cobie. I was glad to have Wally back, but I dropped the book three or four issues in. I was unaware DC was publishing 'The Incredibles'.

Beyond the unappealing kids taking center stage, I'm bothered that Linda has gotten regulated to the 'team scientist' role. I can't get behind it and it seems too forced, making the whole of the West family a super-heroic, techie team. Rather than a simple family whose patriarch juggles being a super-hero.

From the issues I read, there was little interaction between the Wests beyond fighting or worrying over their kids. I never thought I'd be against our heroes growing up, but damn if having those kids (or at least aging them) hasn't ruined Wally and Linda for me.

The best Wally I've seen since his return has actually been in Brave and the Bold. Neither Justice League or The Flash have really given Wally the attention he deserves or a portrayal I can rally behind (minus his return issue).
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yeah, that was the only Wally appearance so far that was any good IMO.

If aging the characters means *this* than screw that. This is beyond annoying. Anyone who argues that super-heroes should be allowed to have kids should be pointed towards the Flash for the best arguement against it. Because when wrongly executed it not only is bothersome, it literally kills the series.

DC's treatment of the Flash legacy may have given Joe Q & Marvel their best arguement for the MJ marriage.

PS - the Spidey reference is meant to be over the top and outrageous [Wink]
Posted by Vee on :
This is one thing that Final Crisis could "cure". A mercy killing is definitely called for here, I'm just not sure if it should be for the kids or the entire series.
Posted by Dave Hackett on :
My son made his own Flash costume tonight for Halloween. It was great and he was really proud. The woman who went trick or treating with us was in awe: "Wow, he must really like the Big Bang Theory, huh?"

Posted by Dev - Em on :

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