This is topic THOR #83.... spoilers in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by Mystery Lad on :




NOOOOOOOOOO! Not Val! Bad enough seeing Aragorn blasted out of the sky... now his woefully underused and unappreciated rider, too?

Is there some secret cabal of comics writers utilizing an arcane super-scientific device to snatch the identities of my favorite characters out of my head so that they can ruthlessly kill them?

There *is* hope, here-- as apparently Thor's going to somehow reinitiate the cycle of Asgardian life currently coming to an end in Ragnarok (3 is it?).

TPTB have stated that there won't be a THOR 86... no word on potential new #1s or a return to the old numbering (which has been appearing next to the 'current' numbering anyway).

What any of the gods roles will be in a reborn(?) Asgard is anybody's guess.

I hope there's room for Valkyrie (and Aragorn, too!). She's always had *tons* of potential... and could easily be presented as a pivotal Marvel heroine.

I *did* enjoy Val's part in rescuing Sif... and that goddess being named as the new 'chief of the Valkyries'... wonder if that'll continue after this run's end?

#83 contained a powerful account of Thor's (latest) ultimate destiny as he follows in his father's footsteps. I like how these writers are linking Norse and Marvel-Norse mythologies in a more direct fashion.

I just wish Valkyrie didn't have to be sacrificed to do it.

There's comfort in the THOR SON OF ASGARD ongoing, in that Brunhilde is going to be a recurring character in that series now that it's an ongoing. (Hmmm... have we already seen the beginnings of the 'new' Asgard without knowing it?)

Anyone else reading this title as it apparently heads to a reboot/reimagining/reloading event similar to the Legion and the X-men?

A moment of silence for a character that could've been one of Marvel's premiere heroines (they love wasting them, don't they?)

Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Ah, but *which* Val was it? I know they referred to her as Brunnilhide, but last I checked, she wasn't the one weilding Dragonfang...
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
It certainly seems to me that the Asgardian Gods are going to get "rebooted" after this cycle of Ragnarok. Which only makes me more worried about Beta Ray Bill, who had a great appearance, but since he's not an Asgardian God, probably won't get rebooted along with the Gods if he should fall before the story ends - and seeing as how he's now lord of Asgard in absentia and as powerful as Thor, he's gotta be moved aside before the finale so Thor can take center stage.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
The Val that died in THOR *was* carrying Dragonfang... which is now being wielded by the one-armed Sif.

And this Val was called 'defender' and was said to have just returned from Midgard to aid Thor, etc.

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Anyone reading THOR, SON OF ASGARD?

I think Legion fans would find a lot to appreciate in it.

Thor, Balder, Sif and now Brunhilde (a Valkyrie... though I'm not sure if she is yet in this series) are all students in a military academy (or something equivalent) in Asgard. Loki and Amora the Enchantress are student-sorcerers.

I find these familiar gods as teenagers refreshing.

Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
The Val that died in THOR *was* carrying Dragonfang... which is now being wielded by the one-armed Sif.

And this Val was called 'defender' and was said to have just returned from Midgard to aid Thor, etc.


And that was my point. That doesn't fit Bru, it fits the Sam Parrington Val.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Todd, Thor: Son of Asgard is a great read! The art is beautiful, and I love seeing Thor (young or older) on adventures with Sif and Balder.

The current issues of Thor are very good, although I hate seeing characters killed. However, I can't get over the feeling that they're all going to be back in a big way after Ragnorok occurs.

It appears that Neil Gaiman talked about writing Thor for awhile, and came up with a few basic ideas for the series, that Joe Q went ahead with anyway after Gaiman didn't become the writer. So there will be a Thor series (at least, their better be), although I have no idea when, or what will happen to all the characters.

Thor is my favorite Marvel hero besides Spider-Man, my bro's favorite hero (*thee* reason he reads comics) and I really hope this isn't the end for him, Balder, Sif, the Warriors 3, Beta Ray Bill or any of the great characters.
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
I've been reading the Ragnarok arc. I find it anticlimactic after Jurgens' work. In Jurgens arc, some long time characters were killed (Balder, Hogun, Captain America, Wolverine, etc.) and Thor lost an arm. In the current arc, some longtime characters are killed (Balder, Hogun, Fandral, Brunhilde) and Sif loses an arm. And none of this is going to be "permanent," you can be sure.

I did like the mythological elements woven into the latest issue.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Never a colossal THOR reader here.. I have a smattering of issues from my early days of comics buying, but for the most part I've gotten my THOR fix in AVENGERS, where I enjoy him a lot.

I *DID* get into the character in the mid-90s when Deodato was doing some kick-ass art and Thor never looked sexier! THEN came that whole stupid deal where Liefeld and Lee took over half the Marvel books, and I completely lost interest. I *do* think I own the first 3 issues of this current run, bat that's it.

Although this SON OF ASGARD book sounds appealing...
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Sanity or Madness?:
]And that was my point. That doesn't fit Bru, it fits the Sam Parrington Val.

I have to admit I'm a bit confused about where one ends and the other begins.

Maybe the whole multiple ID thing's the reason Val's never taken off in popularity?

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Todd, Thor: Son of Asgard is a great read! The art is beautiful, and I love seeing Thor (young or older) on adventures with Sif and Balder.

I even like Loki, here! It makes his eventual 'descent' into villainy that much more tragic. Though, being a god, he could become a force for good at any instant and stay that way for a generation or two.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

The current issues of Thor are very good, although I hate seeing characters killed. However, I can't get over the feeling that they're all going to be back in a big way after Ragnorok occurs.

Same here. I wonder how SON OF ASGARD will fit with any new 'cycle'.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

It appears that Neil Gaiman talked about writing Thor for awhile, and came up with a few basic ideas for the series, that Joe Q went ahead with anyway after Gaiman didn't become the writer. So there will be a Thor series (at least, their better be), although I have no idea when, or what will happen to all the characters.

Marvel's being pretty cagey about THOR. Somebody wearing the helmet's going to appear in YOUNG AVENGERS, at the least.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Thor is my favorite Marvel hero besides Spider-Man, my bro's favorite hero (*thee* reason he reads comics) and I really hope this isn't the end for him, Balder, Sif, the Warriors 3, Beta Ray Bill or any of the great characters.

SON OF ASGARD's now an ongoing, so at least they'll appear there.

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
I've been reading the Ragnarok arc. I find it anticlimactic after Jurgens' work. In Jurgens arc, some long time characters were killed (Balder, Hogun, Captain America, Wolverine, etc.) and Thor lost an arm. In the current arc, some longtime characters are killed (Balder, Hogun, Fandral, Brunhilde) and Sif loses an arm. And none of this is going to be "permanent," you can be sure.

There are a lot of similarities between the two stories, aren't there? Too soon to judge, perhaps, but it *seems* like the impetus and means for change are being set-up. So, at least it won't seem like a sudden 'save' is pulled out of somebody's butt.

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Never a colossal THOR reader here.. I have a smattering of issues from my early days of comics buying, but for the most part I've gotten my THOR fix in AVENGERS, where I enjoy him a lot.

I actually prefer the 'minor' gods-- Sif, Balder, etc.-- to Thor. I've drifted in and out as a reader of his title(s).

Originally posted by MLLASH:

I *DID* get into the character in the mid-90s when Deodato was doing some kick-ass art and Thor never looked sexier! THEN came that whole stupid deal where Liefeld and Lee took over half the Marvel books, and I completely lost interest.

The Deodato issues were when Enchantress supplanted Sif as Thor's love interest, right? I *hate* that development! Thor's *supposed* to marry Sif. IMO.

Originally posted by MLLASH:

Although this SON OF ASGARD book sounds appealing...

It IS! Give it a try-- this last issue featured the first appearance of Brunnhilde (though it was in the last panel, I think), so *next* month's issue should showcase her a good bit.

Did you take a look at this month's THOR? It contains a scene that we'd both find painful... SON OF ASGARD ameliorates.

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Frostfyre:

Yep-- sure does! And so do his young friends!

Posted by MLLASH on :
Yeah, in the issues of THOR I was into right before the Lee/Liefeld takeover when everyone was shunted to a different earth, THOR was in a sexy-ass outfit and ENCHANTRESS was his babe, looking pretty dang hot herself! 2 blonde hotties all done up by Deodato.

I promise to buy whatever issues of SON OF ASGARD are on the shelf at my cbs Friday. I'll check it out.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think you'll enjoy them. I'm about four behind right now, and plan on reading all four in a row when I get the chance.

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