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Posted by MLLASH on :
Well it does.

Tonight's ep focused on Green Arrow and his doubts about joining the League.

Through circumstance, he ends up along for the ride when Green Lantern, Capt. Atom and Supergirl are dispatched to deal with a crisis.

By the end, he has saved the day, but is still unsure about joining the League-- until he spots Black Canary (in original fishnets outfit, YES!!!) in the locker room.

TONS of 2nd and 3rd tier characters around-- this is going to RULE!

I was especially impressed with Supergirl this episode.

This may very well end up being THE DC 'TOON of fall time and is at least a decade overdue.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I was sorry they didn't start off with a multi-parter. After all the anticipation it's too bad we didn't get to see more of the new recruits.

I thought Green Arrow and Capt Atom sounded a bit young, but they looked pretty good (though I would've preferred if they gave Capt Atom blue boots). Interesting to see them give Capt Atom the "Wildfire" treatment, making him energy in a containment suit rather than a metallic "shell". But of course the good capt does what he does best (get himself blown to a million bits [Wink] ).
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Nice to see a few other cameos that hadn't been released (yes, KP - Zatanna's there too in the fishnet outfit) like Steel,Orion, Crimson Avenger, Vibe and the other Steel (JLA Detroit).

One guy I didn't recognize was blonde guy with the shoulder holster talking to Supergirl. Who's he??
Posted by MLLASH on :
That was NEMESIS from the Suicide Squad!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I was pretty disappointed by Capt Atom's portrayal here, actually, but I realize for the storyline's sake it had to be Ollie that got the rods inserted...

I LOVED Supergirl, though.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
Whoa. The League is now THAT large?

Now if only they would get Hawkgirl to rejoin!
Posted by MLLASH on :
It's bigger than you'd ever imagine, IB!
Posted by MLLASH on :
We saw the characters already mentioned, plus the regular JL cast, plus off the top of my head I can remember seeing:

Ice, Gypsy, Waverider, Stargirl & STRIPE, Red Tornado, Dr. Fate, Vixen, Vibe, Atom Smasher, The Question and I can't even remember who all else!

It was HEAVEN, I tells ya!
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
This is the list I compiled for the other JLU thread (plus ones added since seeing the ep):
- Hawk & Dove
- Green Arrow
- The Atom
- Atom Smasher
- Wave Rider
- Rocket Red
- Booster Gold
- Fire
- Ice
- Dr Light
- Obsidian
- Elongated Man
- Supergirl
- Captain Atom
- Sand
- Hourman
- Blue Devil
- Johhny Thunder and his T-Bolt
- Wildcat
- Vixen
- B'Wana Beast
- Aztek
- The Question
- Crimson Fox
- Mr. Terrific (current)
- Red Tornado
- Vigilante (the Cowboy guy)
- Huntress
- Aquaman
- Dr Fate
- Metamorpho
- The Demon
- Star and S.T.R.I.P.E.S
- Gypsy
- Vibe
- Steel (JLA Detriot)
- Steel
- Crimson Avenger
- Nemesis (thanks Lash)
- Orion
- Black Canary
- Zatanna
- Starman? (red/yellow outfit)
Posted by Future on :
E-gads! And they said a Legion cartoon would be confusing with "so many characters." [Wink]

I plan on checking a few episodes out for some personal favorite characters (Zatanna! Black Canary! Huntress!), though for the most part I'll probably be a parital watcher as not everyone on the roster grabs me yet.

Makes you wonder what the kids or solely fans of the JL cartoon are thinking about this new show/season if they've never read the comic books before. It has to be somewhat of a shock, going from seven to seventy. One's confusion though is another's reward for years and years of reading though! [Big Grin]
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
That was NEMESIS from the Suicide Squad!

That cameo appearance was one of my favorite bits in the ep.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Ice, Gypsy, Waverider, Stargirl & STRIPE, Red Tornado, Dr. Fate, Vixen, Vibe, Atom Smasher, The Question and I can't even remember who all else!

It was HEAVEN, I tells ya!

I, for one, am looking forward to the action figure line that will result from this.
Posted by Varalent on :
What network is this on? Sounds like it could be fun to watch (if I remember [Frown] )
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Cartoon Network. It was on at 8:30 PM on the east coast. Don't know if it'll stick to that time, but it's a safe bet. It'll probably be rerun at other times as well.
Posted by Varalent on :
Thanks, I'll have to remember next week
Posted by ActorLad on :
It was a pretty good episode although I could have done without GA. The only version of that character I even remotely liked is his son Conner. I loved seeing Kara In-Ze again, I missed her. I would have liked if more time was spent on Captain Atom. I don't care much for GL's new look it looks to similar to his Justice Lord alternate. The foe of the episode was someone I'd never thought I'd see animated.

I can't wait to see the rest of the season!
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Between this ep and the just released finale of "Another Nail", looks like the little archer that could is having "the best week ever!" [Wink]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm sorry I missed this! It sounds like it's going to rock all season!

Any idea when the reruns will be airing?

And the toy line will definately be cool...
Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Are they going to stick with the same regular characters, as they've done with JLA, or are they going to vary the roster?

With so many cameos, its hard to believe most would never see action. If they did, it would set the stage for a Legion cartoon.
Posted by MLLASH on :
If JL UNLIMITED is as big a hit as it deserves to be, I predict a LEGION cartoon within 5 years.
Posted by ActorLad on :
There pretty much having different rosters per episode unless it's a two-parter. I heard that Supergirl & GA while be in at least one more ep this season.

The already reran the 1st episode today so I'm guessing it will at least shown for the 1st time each Saturday & repeated on Sunday.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by ActorLad:
There pretty much having different rosters per episode unless it's a two-parter. I heard that Supergirl & GA while be in at least one more ep this season.

The already reran the 1st episode today so I'm guessing it will at least shown for the 1st time each Saturday & repeated on Sunday.

I hope they rotate the roster. From the opening credits, it seems as if Supergirl is going to be highly featured.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I believe that I heard that Supergirl and Green Arrow were going to be prominently featured, but I could be mistaken about that.
Posted by ActorLad on :
I also heard that small section of the credits change per episode for each different lineup. So next week the part that showed Supergirl, Captain Atom & GA will be different.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I did think it was kinda cool that the Watchtower was bigger now, and had a support staff.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I thought the episode was pretty flat and extraordinarily predictable. The only saving graces of the episode were the big cast scenes (I could have sworn I saw the backside of Isis) and the cameo at the end and the incentive it provided.

Other than that, I questioned Batman's conversation with Green Arrow. I just don't see Batman as a recruiter for the League. The writers definitely missed that one. They missed alot of little physics details too. Normally I don't mind this as it is comic book heroes after all, but there were just so many of them that they kept shocking me out of the episode.

I tell you what, if it wasn't for how well the cameo appearance at the end worked, I might not have watched another episode of the show for at least another week.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Seems to me that Batman and Green Arrow have pretty much the same mindset about the type of crime that they fight. Who better than Batman, then, to show Green Arrow the benefits of working alongside the League?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
While I haven't seen many eps of the first Justice League cartoon one thing bothered me about this new approach. I HATE mixing computer generated scenes with regular animation. The shots of the Javelin and the Watchtower, to me, were just awful.

I don't recall the previous JL cartoon mixing the computer generated images in like that. I hope it is very limited or not used at all in future episodes or I may just give this series a pass.
Posted by matlock on :
I hate to tell you, but apparently all the animation of the Watchtower and Javelin this year are CGI. It seems like a bit of a mish mash to me too.

I thought the ep itself was pretty good, though I was semi-delirious with exhaustion. (We were up late at the matlock house decorating our daughter's birthday cake.) They were able to sketch the characters with just enough personality to get by. Captain Atom getting split open was kind of a neat reference to Kingdom Come, though I was glad he didn't get bumped off and it seemed like they were borrowing a little from Wildfire with him too. Most bizarre cameo had to be Vibe. I mean, Vibe?!?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Hmm. I thought the animation was faboo. Is it CGI that makes it possible to have this JLU 'toon (and eventually, a LEGION 'toon)?
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by matlock:
Most bizarre cameo had to be Vibe. I mean, Vibe?!?

As lame as he was, his appearance made sense since they were showing various incarnations of the League - Vixen, Gypsy and Steel from JLA Detriot were also there and they also threw in most of the JLI lineup with Fire & Ice, Blue & Gold, Crimson Fox, Metamorpho and Rocket Red.
Posted by minesurfer on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Seems to me that Batman and Green Arrow have pretty much the same mindset about the type of crime that they fight. Who better than Batman, then, to show Green Arrow the benefits of working alongside the League?

I thought about this a little bit, and I'm still not seeing it. Maybe I'm missing something from a few shows that I've missed (For the record Starcrossed is about the only one I haven't seen and/or taped; I was on vacation at the time and just missed it).

Batman rejected initial membership in the League and then insulted them pretty well with a condescending, "Call me when you need me, and you will need me" line.

I'd think Batman would respect GA's need to be a loner and dealing with the types of crimes and criminals that he deals with. Whether or not Batman feels some type of kinship with Green Arrow would be irrelevant to the Batman I know. It's not like he's trying to get Nightwing to join.

"If you need help, you know where to find us. And don't even think about shooting someone with that bow and arrow, or I'll come looking for you." That's more in line with what Batman would have said to Green Arrow, not the "come fight the big monsters with us" line that we got. Anybody else saying that line but Batman and it works. It was just too far out of character.

[ August 03, 2004, 01:35 PM: Message edited by: minesurfer ]
Posted by ActorLad on :
Well the newest episode was an adaption of Alan Moore's "For the Man that has Everything". I've never read the story but I thought it was a pretty good episode. Just like last week, I have a feeling that this would have been much better as an hour. I read a summary of the basis afterwards & FYI don't expect to see the flaws to Kal's "greatest desire" in this ep.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I napped through Sat's episode and forgot aout the rerun Sunday!

Who was featured?
Posted by Spellbinder on :
It featured Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, fighting a big villain.

Seems that the opening sequence featured clips from that episode, which is why we saw so much of Supergirl in that episode's opening sequence.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman? Justice League Unlimited my hairy arse!!
Posted by matlock on :
The villain was Mongul, a big yellow space-dictator type. He was featured on JL before in a story in which Superman was forced into being some kind of gladiator. In the comics I mostly remember him as the b-villain in the "rebirth of Superman" stories.

The ep. itself was okay, not spectacular but not bad, though I guess if I had read the original story I might have had more of a reaction. I think I'm already hooked on the "guest stars" thing - seeing just the big three left me sort of restless.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
As someone who read the original story, I was bored. Been there read that. The only different was that Robin (Jason Todd) was in the comic book version. They could have had him in the episode as well.

I was disappointed that there wasn't any other heroes.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Well, after watching some of the Superfriends marathon last weekend on Boomerang, it was kinda cool seeing a wWonder Woman that could actually fight like a powerhouse [Smile]
Posted by matlock on :
I liked seeing the ol' invisible plane too. I can't remember if it's appeared on Justice League before.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm dumbfounded that they chose to focus on the BIG 3 in the **second** episode of JLU.

Way to disappoint the fans of the UNLIMITED aspect of JLU, DC.

I'm glad I missed it.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
It was ok, but yeah, I also missed seeing some guest stars (at least this early on). I can understand them wanting to do a "Big 3" story since they hadn't done one, but I prefer stories that somehow show their differences/similarities and uses that to explore what makes them tick. Seeing them beat on Mongul wasn't as interesting.

Nice to "see" Dana Delaney return as Kal's wife, which was a nice nod to Lois.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I get the feeling that this last episode was a leftover from last season. Something that was half in the can before they even started working on JLU. Why else would you focus on just the old timers this early in the series?

I'm looking forward to seeing a bit of the larger team in action, especially the Booster Gold episode that's coming up in a couple of weeks. He was one of my favorite characters when I first started reading comics years ago. It'll be fun to see their take on him.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
BTW, no Blue Beetle in the big group shot in the first episode? What's up with THAT?!?
Posted by matlock on :
Originally posted by Loser Lad:
BTW, no Blue Beetle in the big group shot in the first episode? What's up with THAT?!?

It's some kind of rights issue. Beetle won't be available for the series at all which is a bummer.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
That SUCKS! I didn't really think rights would be a problem since Captain Atom and the Question (other Charlatan-derived characters) are there.
Posted by Sanity or Madness? on :
Just d/led & watched FtMWHE. And I have to say, I liked this a hellavalot better than the comic version. This one, you can believe that Supes wouldn't want to leave "Krypton" behind. Plus Bats watching Chill get hit again... and again... and again is much more an expression of who he is than some nebulous fantasy with him and a wife & kids (If there's one JLAer who would rule the Earth with an iron fist, it's Batman). And, after the beating she gets in both versions, better WW gets to stop Mongol than Todd.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Loser Lad:
(other Charlatan-derived characters)

Freudian slip? [Smile]
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Originally posted by Loser Lad:
That SUCKS! I didn't really think rights would be a problem since Captain Atom and the Question (other Charlatan-derived characters) are there.

I wonder if it has to do with the fact that the Blue Beetle, unlike the other Charltan characters, was originally owned by Fox, and then purchased by Charltan.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
That could be it.

The Blue Beetle has appeared in other media already, if memory serves, and could have his rights tied up. Even though Charlton created their own version of the character, that might not matter.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Did anyone catch last night's episode?







It was the 'big three' plus Green Lantern with what amounted to an extended cameo by The Demon.

The villains were Morgan LeFay and, mostly, her son, Mordred.

This would've been a good Halloween episode, IMO. Morgan's frozen face/mask was creepy in that there was no movement at all whenever she spoke.

The Demon as a cute l'il fire-belching baby was cute... and the last shot of him in WW's arms was fun.

But I was disappointed by the lack of any of the multitudes of heroes we were teased with a couple of weeks ago.

Posted by Spellbinder on :
Yeah, they definitely don't seem to be as "unlimited" as I thought they were gonna be...
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Yep. Three episodes, a total of 3 "new" heroes shown in action, and all of those were in the first episode. Kind of a disappointing start to the series.

What I don't get is why this episode aired this week. This is listed on Cartoon Network's site as episode 5. Episode 3 was supposed to have been a Hawk & Dove feature. Me am confused.

Episode 4, which I can only assume should air next week, is supposed to feature Supergirl, who already got a turn in the first episode. Where are all of the other heroes this series was supposed to feature? Bring on the new guys!!!
Posted by ActorLad on :
I thought this was a good one & really liked how Diana seemed to be the leader. John's optimism and creative use of his ring was a nice change of pace from his "Drill Sargent" persona. Baby Etrigan was so adorable.

[ August 16, 2004, 05:04 AM: Message edited by: ActorLad ]
Posted by minesurfer on :
Gotta say this was one of my favorite episodes so far. I smiled and giggled along side my wife for the entire episode.
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Yeah, they definitely don't seem to be as "unlimited" as I thought they were gonna be...

I agree. From the title of the episode "Child's Play", I was hoping that we'd see Supergirl, Star Spangled Kid (or whatever her name is), & Hawk & Dove. Maybe a cameo of Zatanna providing them with instructions from Limbo.
Posted by rokk steady on :
Yeah, I was disappointed in the kids ep, for the same reason everyone else was... we just had the big three in the last episode, and now we have the big three plus one, with a pointless cameo by the demon? Justice League Downsized, is more like it.
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Nah, I loved this eposide. Thought it was funny and entertaining. Loved baby demon and loved that big three acted liked kids. Kinda reminded of Peter David's Sins of Youth story arc.

It was probably some cartoon network exec thinking that we want to see more of the big three.
Posted by matlock on :
I just read over at that Hawk & Dove will be voiced by Fred Savage and Jason Hervey. To top that, Savage will be Hawk and Hervey will be Dove.

It'd be nice if Steve Ditko gets a "created by" credit or for the Question's upcoming appearance.

[ August 19, 2004, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: matlock ]
Posted by ActorLad on :
I liked that we got to see more of Diana's backstory. Hawk & Dove were ok. I'll add more once I see it again.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
The Hawk and Dove episode was ok. Maybe I would've liked it more if I had more feeling for these characters. The solution was telegraphed a mile away, so that was no surprise. I thought if they were going to go that way, it could've been a bit more inspiring though I understand that they didn't want to give it a totally happy ending either.

The exchange between Wonder Woman and Hephaestus was interesting though.
Posted by ActorLad on :
This new ep has to be seen to be believed. It has Batman singing, Circe turning WW into a pig, Zatanna, Bwana Beast, Red Tornado, Elogated Man, & a character that might be the Crimson Avenger.

All in all, a very unique ep. In a good way that is.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I loved this one! It could've been written by Lashie & EDE!

Posted by He Who Wanders on :
The WW as a pig episode was bizarre, but fun.

For the first time, the character of Zatanna worked for me, since I didn't have to stop and read her spells backwards.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by ActorLad:
This new ep has to be seen to be believed. It has Batman singing, Circe turning WW into a pig, Zatanna, Bwana Beast, Red Tornado, Elogated Man, & a character that might be the Crimson Avenger.

All in all, a very unique ep. In a good way that is.

Now THIS sounds more unlimited. I'll try to catch the rerun of this today.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by He Who Wanders:
For the first time, the character of Zatanna worked for me, since I didn't have to stop and read her spells backwards.

There was even some in-joke dialogue about how one spell worked better forwards.

This wasn't a classic, but it had some classic moments, particularly at the end.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I'm a bit surprised that I haven't heard more criticism of an episode centered on two of the big three again. I don't really have a problem with whom the story is about as long as it's written well. I liked this one. The singing was enough to make me smile.
Posted by minesurfer on :
And another thing... I'd really like to see where they take the Wonder Woman and Batman relationship dynamic. I've got a feeling that they aren't going to visit these characters again at any length, anytime soon, but the writers have a pretty good Sam and Diane (from Cheers) situation set up that could provide alot of interesting moments.

[ August 29, 2004, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: minesurfer ]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I think it was supposed to be the Phantom Stranger. There was an Elongated Man cameo and the woman he met with might have been Jessie Quick (?) and don't forget Bwana Beast!

Great scene with Zatanna where BB's scoping her out. (hey man, she wears a tux and fishnets, we're not supposed to look?)

Circe - "A deal's a deal, tell him he can stop now."
Zatanna - "Not on your life."

Then Diana humming the song in the closing scene. Priceless.

Bwah ha ha ha - I'm really liking JLA Unlimited

[ August 30, 2004, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
This episode cracked me up!

B'wana beast swinging around that lamppost... ogling Zatanna... "Have you seen this pig?"...
CIRCE!!! If she was this entertaining in the comic books, she'd be right up there with the Joker and Luthor as frequent, meaningful villainess.

Medusa and her Hades County Blues... "Hippolyta, Hippolyta, Hippolyta... that's all I ever heard," (paraphrasing)...

...Circe singing (had me gigglin' as soon as they showed the stage-- wanting to show up her sisters, the Sirens!) BATMAN SINGING!!! And it FIT!

Weird and wacky... though I'm not crazy about a Batman/Wonder Woman romance, that's a small complaint.

I *do* wonder if nonDCU fans and kids would 'get' it.

Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
I think it was supposed to be the Phantom Stranger.

I'd have to disagree. It definitely resembles the original costume the Crimson Avenger wore. It's an odd choice for the show, to be sure.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

I loved that.

The only way it could have been better would be to have Circe invite Bats' Rogues Gallery to watch.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I haven't been thrilled with the last two episodes -- first they get turned into kids, then WW into a pig? It's very silver age, which can be ok, but like I said, didn't thrill me. Batman singing was ok, but it shoulda been a showtune - something really humiliating for him, if they were going to go that way.

I also think that guy was the Crimson Avenger.

The new little into's and outro's for the commercial breaks were also really uninteresting (and were also based on last year's design (GL) and lineup (Hawkgirl)).
Posted by Captain Yellow Jr. on :
The Crimson Avenger hadn't occured to me before reading this thread. Interesting.
...and the Phantom Stranger would have been wholly inappropriate.

Anybody catch the new one yesterday? I was out on a family thing so I missed it last evening.
Posted by Loser Logan on :
Yeah, I just finished watching it. It featured Supergirl, Green Arrow and the Question. Pretty good episode. The Question was hilarious!
Posted by Captain Yellow Jr. on :
Oh cool. I've been looking forward to seeing the Question. He's in the ads so I've been wonderingabout him.

I wonder if we should do a JLU watch-thread with lots of spoiler warnings?
Posted by minesurfer on :
Gotta say The Question was definitely the best part of this episode. Ollie had a few smirk moments, but the plot just kinda left me flat. Although I think it has long term potential if they run with the set up through the rest of the season.
Posted by Captain Yellow Jr. on :
Ha ha
The Question is great! Boy bands are part of a global conspiracy. (heh) This guy's more paranoid than Batman.
Posted by TheGreenActingBug on :
Pretty good ep but I wish General Hardcastle fired that bullet into Ollie. That would have made it much better. JLU Power Girl aka Galatea (Tea) was interesting. If your a Supergirl fan you should definately watch this ep.
Posted by Captain Yellow Jr. on :
No kidding.
I jumped up and shouted "Power Girl! Yes!"
I was wrong...or was I?...but it was cool anyway.
Nice rack too but not up to Wally Wood's proportions.

- a guy can hope can't he? -
Posted by TheGreenActingBug on :
I just remembered what I thought was kind of odd in this ep.

They let Evil PowerGirl Gala(Tea) date?
Posted by DrakeChase3004 on :
**GGGAAAHHH!!!!**** I missed it!! The Question's one of my all-time favs and I missed it -- both times!! (it runs twice over the weekend right?) It doesn't run again during the week does it??
Posted by TheGreenActingBug on :
It runs 3 times a week, so you'll have once more chance to see it. It goes brand new ep Saturday night, a repeat late afternoon Sunday, & a repeat of the same ep early the next Saturday.
Posted by DrakeChase3004 on :
Cool beans! I"m settin up the VCR right now!
Posted by Captain Yellow Jr. on :
I get that last repeat on Saturday at noon after the Teen Titans. Check your Tv Guide and adjust for your time zone and you're set.

- if you start seeing swirling rainbow patterned colored lights and some guy in a tattered purple robe shows up then you've done something wrong with your timer, set your clock to the wrong hour (remember Twin Peaks?), or your meta-gene kicked in -
Push reset immediately!
Posted by He Who Wanders the Seven Seas on :
Originally posted by TheGreenActingBug:
I just remembered what I thought was kind of odd in this ep.

They let Evil PowerGirl Gala(Tea) date?

Well, they let her date so she could give info to the reporter (who wasn't much of a reporter since he didn't confirm that information with another source, apparently).
Posted by He Who Wanders the Seven Seas on :
Of course, there's also the implication that their dating was more than casual, since the reporter knew about her waking up with nightmares. [Love]
Posted by Miss Troia on :
[Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark] Great ep tonight, Green Lantern! [Razz] Squeaky wheels space-rawk! [Wonder Girl - Cassie Sandsmark]
Posted by DrakeChase3004 on :
I finally saw last weeks' ep earlier today and it was great! Interesting spin on "Power Girl" (hey, her origin's pretty foggy in current continuity anyway), and I loved the Question! It's a new and interesting interpretation of the character, much more Rorshach than before, but quite enjoyable - he had the best lines. The CGI robot and helicopters bothered me though - they can create a CGI that looks like cell animation, so why make it look modeled and completely discongruous with the characters?

It was surprising this was so closely tied to the previous series - I hope the followup to this will be shown this season.

Regarding tonight's Booster Gold episode, it was enjoyable, but mostly for the Mordru battle - I was pleasantly surprised they went with the old school version and the Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman "Combined JLAer" was a fun bit, as were all the cameos.

[ September 11, 2004, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: DrakeChase3004 ]
Posted by Captain Yellow Jr. on :
Yeah, I spotted Booster and started looking for his Legion flight ring.
Then moments later I'm shouting "Mordru!" In the old flat topped hat even. Sweet.
Posted by DrakeChase3004 on :
Yeah, can't find too many villains with winged fez's anymore can ya?
Posted by Captain Yellow Jr. on :
I hear that. It seems the fez went out of fashion for bad guys with the end of WWII.

So in one episode we get two half baked Legion tie-ins to the JLU (even though Booster wasn't wearing a flight ring) I'm definitely down for more of that.
Posted by Donna Trom on :
This one was working my pause button, that's for sure.

Not being a huge fan of Booster Gold, I kept wanting to see and hear more of the larger battle.

I liked Booster here more than I have in his last couple of appearances in comics. I really wish they'd drawn in the Legion flight ring, though... or mentioned the 31st century in connection with Mordru, somehow (esp. since he's wearing *that* look... though I guess he isn't really connected *to* the Legion yet...).

I thought the last scene, with Booster kissing the lady scientist, while a lone Elongated Man looked on... or walked by? somewhat off-putting, in light of IDENTITY CRISIS.

I enjoyed the walking black hole guy (Chunk?)... esp. the encounter with the magically-animated building. That was fun. So was Skeets... at least in this small dose.

CAMEO ROLL CALL: Star and S.T.R.I.P.E., Captain Atom, Hawk, Dove, Fire, Ice, Vigilante... I know there were others in addition to the 'speaking parts' for Booster Gold and Elongated Man.


[ September 12, 2004, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Donna Trom ]
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
this episode totaly ROCKED!!!! cameos gallor and Booster Gold getting treated like the Roodney Dangerfield of the JLA. hey it was even cool to see Skeets. the "dissing" of Elongated Man was kind of cold but funny and it proved that even in the 21 century that Mordru is a threat not to be taken lightly. although i still have a problem taking anyone wearing a winged fez very seriously!!!
i gotta say that so far this new series has not dissapointed me, wayto go JLU!!!!

[ September 12, 2004, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN ]
Posted by minesurfer on :
Once I got past my Legion fan boy-ness (seeing Modru, looking for the flight ring, trying to find any other legion "easter eggs") and into the meat of the episode, I was pretty pleased.

How can you not root for the "Green Lantern" in this episode? Probably my second favorite episode of the season after the turned-into-kids one.

[ September 13, 2004, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: minesurfer ]
Posted by Crujectra Clay Jupiter on :
The only drawback is that since Mordru is obviously a very serious enemy (since so many Leaguers were needed to fight him), I wish we could have seen more of the battle.

Oh well.
Posted by DMSpeedy on :
I loved they way they handled Booster, and seeing the return of Skeets was great..

And i don't know about you guys, but seeing a 7 foot tall, all-powerful wizard with a winged fez is pretty scary!! I'm not gonna tell 'im he can't wear it... [Smile]

Did ya see the 'Composite Man'?? Nice Legion nod... sure wish we got to see the flight ring though...
Posted by minesurfer on :
Originally posted by DMSpeedy:
Did ya see the 'Composite Man'?? Nice Legion nod... sure wish we got to see the flight ring though...

Are you talking about the half Superman-half Batman with the Wonder Woman voice? I'm not so sure that is a nod to Legiondom. I think (and I'm no comics historian here) that the Composite Man is actually a Legion take/update on a World's Finest story that features the Composite Superman. It happened way before the Legion's Composite Durlan.
Posted by matlarrk on :
The Silver Age Composite Man was also tied into the Legion. He got his powers through some incident involving Superman's collection of Legionnaire statues. I think he was the janitor in the Superman museum and some alien hit the statue with rays that gave him all the Legionnaire's powers.

I thought it was a really fun episode. "We've already got one stretchy guy."
Posted by TheGreenActingBug on :
Booster & Skeets made a great comedy duo in this ep. Is it just me or did Elongated Man come off as kind of a jerk?
Posted by TheGreenActingBug on :
Wahoo! We finally got to see Kyle again in this ep. He even looked & acted more like himself. There were a bunch of new cameos. I'm intriqued with where they might go with Amazo.

[ September 19, 2004, 11:25 PM: Message edited by: TheGreenActingBug ]
Posted by Reboot on :
Much as I liked seeing Kyle - with them finally getting his hair colour right to boot! - I didn't like the GL suit redesigns. I would have preferred it if they'd all stuck with the John-suit template.
Posted by TheGreenActingBug on :
Yeah, Katma's suit looked really odd. Like she suddenly started dressing similar to the Slave-girl Leia outfit she wore in the Despero ep last season.
Posted by YellowStar on :
Amazo sure seems to be showing up in a lot of stories lately. btw, that looked like a follow up story to something that had happened previously. Did I miss an Amazo vs. the JLA episode or something?
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by YellowStar:
Amazo sure seems to be showing up in a lot of stories lately. btw, that looked like a follow up story to something that had happened previously. Did I miss an Amazo vs. the JLA episode or something?

Yup - "Tabula Rasa" (although he's never called "Amazo" in the story. Or this one.).
Posted by Loser Logan on :
Tons of cameos this episode. Aside from about a dozen or so Green Lanterns there were appearances from Fire and Ice, Rocket Red, Red Tornado (who appears to have been destroyed by the Ivo 'bot), S.T.R.I.P.E., Red Star and quite a few others. Steel (John Henry Irons) and the Atom had speaking parts, as did Dr. Fate and Inza.

One thing I don't like about this series is that most of the guest stars don't ever get named. Steel, for example, was never mentioned by name in this episode, though he had a handful of lines. If I was a non-comics fan watching this I'd be completely confused about who was who and what everyone was doing there. I wish they'd make more of an effort to make the show a little bit more inclusive to those who haven't followed DC continuity over the last several decades. It's not going to be successful if most of the viewers can't figure out who all the players are supposed to be.
Posted by Yellowbeast Kid on :
Crap. I know I didn't get to see ALL the JLA episodes but do they have to rub my nose in it?

I liked this one but it didn't get me as excited as the last one. It's a thoroughly enjoyable series so far though.

The Guardians on OA aren't very likable are they? Not that they have to be but that seems to be the way people refer to them in the books and I never really got the reason why. In the cartoon now they come off as pompous jerks. I like it, that finally makes that bit work for me.
Posted by Soy-Monkey Eater Lad on :
I caught most of the Saturday episode. Seeing the Kyle GL was kinda cool. Did anyone notice Ice's (of Fire and Ice) chest logo? It looked just like Polar Boy's logo. Did it always do that? Maybe Ice is Polar Boy's great, great,... great, great grandma!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
It was fun seeing all those cameos and especially seeing the GLC again (Kyle Rayner was a surprise). Too bad Amazo and Red Tornado didn't have a little "android bonding" moment. Atom was also cool.

Has anyone seen the promo image of "Ultimatum" featuring the "Ultimen"?
I haven't seen a good image, but I swear those are the original "Superfriends" creations. The two in purple look like the Wonder Twins, the big guy behind them looks like Apache Chief and one of them (the one on the left?) is named Wind Dragon - sounds like an updated Samurai to me. The other one must be the Mexican hero (forgot his name).
Posted by Reboot on :
For a split second, I thought the one in the middle was Captain Britain sans boots [Smile]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
The Mexican Superfriend was El Dorado.

I'm a little disappionted that they're already showing reruns instead of new episodes. The replayed the Hawk and Dove episode this past Saturday.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
The next new episode, Ultimatum (above), doesn't show until December 4. So be prepared for more repeats.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Now that sucks! [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]
Posted by Re-AniMiner on :
Originally posted by Loser Lad:
I'm a little disappionted that they're already showing reruns instead of new episodes.

Normally, I would be too, but I missed the Mongul ep on the first go round, so I was glad to get the chance to finally see it.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Was there a new episode on this weekend or did it get pushed back again? I had the VCR set, but I haven't watched the tape yet to see if it was a new one or just another repeat.
Posted by ActorLad on :
They showed Ultimatum on Sat. I only saw the very end because a friend brought over Spiderman 2, but it looked like a pretty good one.
Posted by Firebow on :
The one in red and white was Wind Dragon, and he is the updated Samurai. The one on the far left is the updated version of Black Vulcan, the electrical guy.

I like how this story tied into the Power Girl one, and I loved seeing Maxwell Lord and Amanda Waller... she even made reference to the Suicide Squad... sweet!

Finally... the Wonder Twins are cool.... but this time around they're both female... I think..
Posted by RTVU2 on :
nah, it was brother and sister...

Apache Chief was reborn as Longshadow

Samurai - Wind Dragon

Balck Vulcan - Juice

didn't get the name for the wonder twins though

Did you notice that there headquarters was the hall of justice?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I think one of the "Wonder Twins" was named Shift(?) It was a pretty cool episode, though I felt bad for those guys. I imagine this story isn't quite over yet though. I hope that when they return to this story the Question plays a part since he was the only one who had an inkling that there was a Conspiracy afoot...
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Cool! I'll have to be sure to check out my tape this weekend. Glad they're *finally* showing some new stuff!
Posted by Lady Crujectra on :
It was a cool episode. I liked the updated versions of the Super-Friends. And the Hall of Justice was a nice touch [Smile]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
and hey, Black Vulcan finally got some pants!! [Smile]
Posted by ActorLad on :
The "Wonder Twins" codenames were Downpour and Shifter.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Awwww...bugger! I missed the wondertwins!?! I love [smooch] the wondertwins!

And btw, this is one of the coolest drawings ever featuring the wondertwins! I know there's a black and white version out there but here's a colored one:
Posted by Firebow on :
Anyone see last night's new episode with the replicating aliens?
Posted by Kid Metal \m/ on :
Shifter and Downpour were the Wonder Twin analogues
Posted by Frog Kid on :
Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad:
Awwww...bugger! I missed the wondertwins!?! I love [smooch] the wondertwins!

And btw, this is one of the coolest drawings ever featuring the wondertwins! I know there's a black and white version out there but here's a colored one:

Is Batman doing what I think he's doing?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
He's just jealous 'cause Robin's hanging out with Wonder Woman.

Frank Cho rules.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Firebow:
Anyone see last night's new episode with the replicating aliens?

I saw The Atom get the ride of a lifetime... [Wink] [Styx]
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
my new favorite catch phrase from JLU is:"I'm going to need both hands now Professor." Ray Palmer has truly been where no man has gone before!!!!! [LOL]
and if i'm not mistaken with the likes of:
the Shining Knight
the Crimson Avenger
the Vigilante
Green Arrow
the Star Spangle Kid &
in the JLU roster you've got most of the Seven Soldiers of Victory all that's missing is Sandman. i think? [Confused]
Posted by minesurfer on :
I gotta agree... It's good to be Ray Palmer. That ranks right up there with some of the all-time great comic book related moments. Like when Big Barda in the JLA comic put on an evening gown and the gown actually turned out to be Plastic Man. Classic.

As for the rest of the episode... it seems like the animators tried to fit too much into too little time. This could have easily been a three parter.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
Originally posted by Frog Kid:
Is Batman doing what I think he's doing?

He's recruiting for 'sidekicks' [Razz]
Posted by Reboot on :
Just watched "Dark Heart" (Warren Ellis ep) and "Wake the Dead"

Dark Heart:

Ow. That was bad. Very bad.

Ellis had no sense of Wonder Woman at all here. I winced at "Strength in numbers'n'all that."

And they send Atom in to... try and smash up the heart, fail, and burst it's blood vessels. After talking about "reprogramming," and how, if that didn't work they couldn't leave a bit of it alive. And Superman couldn't have heat visioned those "blood vessels" when he took a look earlier because? Even leaving aside the fact that this is a team with Dr Fate and Green Lantern on it. And what the hell is "communicating on the atomic scale" when it's at home anyway? The writer's penchant for meaningless technobabble is showing.

Despite the name, no "heart" to this episode at all. Only the powers differenentiated the characters in any way.

Painful. D-

"Wake the Dead":

Better. I haven't seen the ep where Grundy died, which may have hurt it a bit, but I caught the gist. And it's nice to see Hawkgirl back - and nicer still to see that they didn't just rewind her back to Miss Smash'em'up. It picks up well from her attitude at the end of Starcrossed. The only think I'd pick up here is that, maybe, they oververbalised her problems a bit.

On the nominal "A" plot, though, not as strong. Having Hawkgirl's mace (which she didn't actually have at the end of SC - indeed, she didn't even take one with her when she left the Thanagarian ship) be the only thing that could hurt Grundy of a team that included Dr Fate, Superman and the All Powerful Android was a bit contrived. Nice moment though when she refused to let John do it for her - was leaving it unseen whether she did it a deliberate attempt to leave it vague (my initial reaction) or just them not wanting to show her smashing Grundy's head in with a heavy and spiky object (my later, cynical reaction)?

The A-plot here isn't that much stronger than DH, but the character work redeems it where DH had none worthy of the name. Even besides Hawkgirl, the little things like Vixen's cockiness and John's wide-eyed moment on seeing Shayera again.

Plus Grundy beats the crap out of Superman. What's not to love about that? [Smile] [I wouldn't have pegged Supes as voting "no" though. The way he behaved in SC, even Bats seemed more likely. He must have chickened out when they actually came to a show of hands]

Generally good, with some glitches. B+
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Dude isn't waking the dead next weeks(ie.this saturday's)upcoming episode?
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN:
Dude isn't waking the dead next weeks(ie.this saturday's)upcoming episode?

Is it? I'm not American, and I just dled the ep. Obviously it's been shown somewhere.
Posted by Firebow on :
For a minute there, I thought that I had missed an episode..
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Originally posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN:
Dude isn't waking the dead next weeks(ie.this saturday's)upcoming episode?

Is it? I'm not American, and I just dled the ep. Obviously it's been shown somewhere.
Hmmmm,..... that would explain it. (lucky dawg) : [Wink] :i'm really looking forward to that episode on saturday.
Posted by Beagz on :
Dark Heart -
Best line was when Batman ejected from the Batplane

"This is Batman. I can't fly. I need some air support. Now."
(Or something like that.)

Runner up -
Atom, after defeating the nannite or whatever that thing was at the beginning of the episode.

"I'm old. I'm tired. I'm just going to rest now."
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Beagz:
Dark Heart -
Best line was when Batman ejected from the Batplane

"Batman to all points. I could use some air support. Since I can't fly. At all. Now would be good." (corrected)

Actually, I thought that was nearly as bad as the Wonder Woman "strength in numbers" line. It's not a bad line, but it's not a Batman line.

[ December 15, 2004, 03:40 AM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Reboot on :
WtD been shown yet?
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
yup, aired here in the states last saturday, not bad. it was nice seeing vixen in action, but i'm still left wondering if Grundy killed that kid or not?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I gotta say that I was pretty jealous of the Atom too. After that he really ought to appear on Letterman to talk about the experience and fulfill fanboy fantasies that cross generations.
I'll bet that qualifies as the "warm fuzzy" of a lifetime. [Big Grin]

I've been pretty busty this week, is there a new one scheduled for this Saturday?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Freudian slip [Big Grin]

New Episode tonight!! Woo!!
The add shows Billy Batson, this ought to be super cool!
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
No Billy ! C_R_U_D!!

Any Suicide Squad fans out there? If so you'll be thrilled when this one reruns...maybe later tonight, I'm not absolutely sure though.
Colonel Flagg, Captain Boomerang, Plastique, Deadshot and Tempus Fugit (the little guy from the time travel episode last season) pull a raid on the JLA Sattelite. We get to see The Vigilante, Atom Smasher and The Shining Knight in some close up action as well as the Manhunter and Captain Atom doing the heavy work. Green Lantern gets the scene with the only *chuckle* in this one. Also we see Amanda Waller again with Morgana (I think it was her but I don't believe we got the lady's name so I'm not sure).
Posted by Beagz on :
Apparently, the new "season" is starting, because we're supposed to have a whole batch of new episodes. [Big Grin]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Did you catch it yet Beagz? I think CN reruns it again later tonight if you missed it. They did it that way last season but I haven't checked yet.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
Colonel Flagg, Captain Boomerang, Plastique, Deadshot and Tempus Fugit (the little guy from the time travel episode last season) pull a raid on the JLA Sattelite.

The time travel episode was Chronos wasn't it? This was Clock King last seen (I believe) in "Batman:TAS".

Any way, it was a cool episode. "Task Force X" stayed out of costume the whole time, which was a shame, but it made sense for the story. And one of them doesn't make it out!

"The Package" that the team is sent to retrieve is a reference to a past episode, though I didn't remember it at the time. I was hoping the new season started off with "Double Date" - I wanna see The Question!

And yeah, the GL/Deadshot scene was wickedly funny.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Ok, you're right. I got the two characters confused. I knew what the Package was as soon as they mentioned the villian who created it. I thought John Jones (never can get that Martian spelling right) did some cool stuff in this one.(I know I made "spoiler space" but I'm still trying not to give too much away) [Big Grin]
It would've been great to see them in costume though. I wish the Star Spangled Kid had had a bit more than just a cameo too. Did you catch anybody else in the background?

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing the episodes they're using for clips for the ads. There's some cool stuff coming up this season.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
can't wait to see the future episodes!! Huntress, Green Arrow, Question, the Demon, CAPTAIN MARVEL!!!, etc etc.
Posted by Beagz on :
Here I was hoping CM was gonna show up in this episode (because of the clips used ... like they did with the prior run).

But it's okay.
I'm patient.
Sort of.
[Big Grin]

I still think that J'onn shoulda been able to have stopped everything with a mental "push."

Also, I'm guessing this was the government's retaliation for the "secret weapon" displayed in "Dark Heart"?
Posted by wamu2 on :
I just started this show. I am hooked. I enjoy the way the stories are informed by stuff from the comics, but adds it's on touch. well done. well done.

my only complaint: when do they rerun episodes? I have not found a repeat listed anywhere.
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
I wish the JLA comic was more like the JLU cartoon. I've always felt that the Big 7 worked better when working with an assortment of characters, like in the old satellite era. It led to a more interesting variety of stories, too. You could have the MAJOR CRISIS arc for 2 or 3 issues, then have the League take on smaller threats. With just the Big 7, the creators feel the need to throw only Universe Shattering events at them, which I think in some ways limits them.

I would love to see JLA be comprised of all of their former members, even if the Big 7 are the core members. That way, you can mix and match and draw characters from the team's history.
Posted by matlock on :
Originally posted by wamu2:
I just started this show. I am hooked. I enjoy the way the stories are informed by stuff from the comics, but adds it's on touch. well done. well done.

my only complaint: when do they rerun episodes? I have not found a repeat listed anywhere.

Unofortunately I'm not sure if CN is rerunning the show right now. For a while they were showing it M-Th nights but they aren't now. They also used to replay the Sat Night episodes on Sunday afternoon but that may have ended also.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
My buddy Ben got me the triple pack of Green Arrow, Dr. Fate, and Flash toys! Weee....
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
"Blind Date"
-- GREAT episode! Totally pays off the anticipation. Simone does a great job with these characters. We all know she can do a good Huntress and great banter -- turns out she writes a good Ollie and interesting Question as well. she needs to throw these guys in a "BoP" arc.
-- The scene with Mandragora (is he a DC character?), GA and Canary was funny, had good characterization and even turns out to be an important plot point (he was goading the heroes so they'd get thrown out for when he made his escape).
-- I'm liking this "Mulder" version of the Question more and more. Definitely in line with the Question from the recent mini despite some major differences (conspiracy nut vs. urban shaman). As a big Question fan, I love that he was always one step ahead. That "You wouldn't believe me if I told you" line was a perfect response.
-- One gripe was the use of the JLU teleporter in the train tunnel. It's a bit of a bad precedent to set. Why wouldn't any Leaguer just call out to J'onn for a 'port out anytime they were in trouble? And why were they dropped off in the middle of the air over the river? Why the "sideshift" rather than beaming up to the Watchtower? (although I liked the little detail of the water running off Ollie's hat when he put it back on)
-- Was that a "Star Wars" reference between Huntress and "Q" in the tunnel? It took me a few minutes to get it.

[ June 05, 2005, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Beagz on :
I don't think it was a Star Trek reference in the tunnel when Huntress called The Question "Q."

I just took "Q" to be a "nickname"?
Posted by Beagz on :
ALTHOUGH ........
John De Lancie showed up on Batman last week, and then on JLU last night ..... so who knows??????
[Big Grin]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
even the Hitman got his name mentioned in that show! That episode best! gets better and better...can't wait next week - spotlights on Vixen, I think.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Beagz:
I don't think it was a Star Trek reference in the tunnel when Huntress called The Question "Q."

I didn't mean that "Q" was a reference to "Star Trek". I meant the "Train!", "I see it" part being a reference to "Star Wars" - isn't there a Han/Leia sequence like that?
Posted by minesurfer on :
Don't think that had anything to do with Star Wars... even if Han and Leia had an "exchange" like that... it's not nearly as signature a thing as "I've got a bad feeling about this" has become.

But then again... it's open to interpretation.
Posted by RTVU2 on :
Are you taling about the asteriod scene from Empire?

Great show by the way. Enjoyed every minute of it.
Posted by Kid Metal \m/ on :
The 'Question Authority' and 'Flashpoint' eps coming up really deepen the series' background. Gettin' pretty serious for a 'kiddie' show, but not at all in a bad way.

When the heck are the first two JL seasons getting collected on DVD?
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
-- The scene with Mandragora (is he a DC character?)

I believe so. But his look here reminded me of another DC gangster, Tobias Whale.
Posted by knowjack on :
Man, "Double Date" was freaking awesome. Gail Simone==Genius!

I want my Huntress/Canary/Arrow/Question JLU figure set!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
-- The scene with Mandragora (is he a DC character?)

I believe so. But his look here reminded me of another DC gangster, Tobias Whale.
I read that he was initially supposed to be Whale, but TPTB made them change it for some reason.
Posted by Beagz on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
I didn't mean that "Q" was a reference to "Star Trek". I meant the "Train!", "I see it" part being a reference to "Star Wars" - isn't there a Han/Leia sequence like that?

Sorry 'bout that.
Posted by Princess Crujectra on :
You know, seeing the way the government is suspicious of the League in the cartoon, I wonder if this might be a foreshadowing of what might be coming in the comic book. I mean, what happens if word leaks out that the League had been messing with people's minds over the years?
Posted by minesurfer on :
They have to be careful going down that road (IMHO)... if they do that then it won't be long before their tag line becomes something like, Oh I don't know, "The Justice League, protecting those that fear and/or misunderstand them." Then its just a matter of time before you can't distinguish the Justice League from the X-Men at all. You'll start having things like the J'onn J'onzz Institute for the Gifted and Batman will start shooting beams out of his eyes... you get the idea.

I sure hope they put a twist in the path if they go down that road... creatively speaking. I'd be really disappointed if they mess the Justice League up like they did the X-Men.

[ June 07, 2005, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: minesurfer ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I still don't like this one. But something that Comics Continuum said yesterday may get me to watch an episode next season. Warlord is expected to make an appearance in an episode set in Skartaris.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
-- The scene with Mandragora (is he a DC character?)

I believe so. But his look here reminded me of another DC gangster, Tobias Whale.
I read that he was initially supposed to be Whale, but TPTB made them change it for some reason.
Was Whale a Tony Isabella creation? This couldn't be related to the Black Lightning flap, could it?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
The following is something Simone posted on her boards over at ComicBookResources:

This thing with Tobias Whale was a little odd. Tony's a friend, and he know full well I wouldn't do anything that would cause him a problem intentionally. In fact, I specifically asked him if it was cool to use Black Lightning in a story. He was gracious, but at the same time, I got the impression he'd rather I not use the character, whom he feels has been misused.

So, without a moment's hesitation, I killed the story, same as I did after a similar situation with Marv Wolfman and Blade (again, both of them are too gracious and professional to say NO! but I got the impression it would be unpleasant for them). You don't mistreat friends, I say, or cause them unhappiness when you don't need to. Tony and Marv both have always been great to me, and that's more important than using those two characters, as much as I like them both.

When we started this JLU thing, Tobias Whale was VERY BRIEFLY in the outline, but for whatever reason, they wanted to change the character to someone closer to Helena's origin (and I'm told there's a connection one of the other DCU animated shows), so they swapped out Tobias Whale (even though his name still ended up in some of the promo stuff) with a similar character they already had, but had not yet named, I gather. Those guys at the show had a LOT of respect for Tony and his characters, and said so often.

Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
"Question Authority"
- Let me preface this by saying that I *LOVE* the Question!! He's a character I never would've expected to see on JLU at all, let alone seeing him take center stage, having an ep named after him.
- I want to follow this by saying that I *LOVE* what they've done with him on "JLU". He's definitely been altered, but enough of him remains and the stuff that's been added not only enhances his characterization, but makes him a hoot on the tv show!
- I loved his confrontation with Superman - not many have treated him like this (though it makes me wonder if this detecting was originally meant to be Batman's role and they weren't allowed to use him because of office politics etc.)
- The interrogation scene was awesome -- I actually laughed out loud for each of The Questions "fake" responses! (I for one no longer trust my shoe laces...)
- I know I'm biased, but it seems to me that "JLU" has given the most exposure to The Question (and Green Arrow) above all other "non originals"
- I also really liked the scene with Prof Hamilton. He's a traitor (to Supes at least) but isn't a villain -- they actually provide a reasonable explanation for why the government has reacted the way they have been (even more impressive is that it lead from another series (Superman)).
- The scene with Luthor was great as well. Q had an interesting solution to the dilema and I liked Luthor's line "Do you know how much power I'd have to give up to be President?"

[ June 26, 2005, 09:49 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by Stargazer on :
This episode was outstanding. I was not to keen on the Question/Huntress relationship but in an odd way it makes sense.
The characters are really fleshed out and I like the continued storyline thats gonna lead to a bigger picture.
I kinda wish they would do the Crisis in would rock.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
I saw this today with my gf and she loved it. She's not a comic book person or cartoons for that matter. It rocked!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
see the new episode yet? saw Dr. Light, Gypsy (odd thing about her powers being different from comics), Vibe (his power able to lift the heavy concrete off ??) anyway... interesting episode but not that evil or kick butting....but more like how people fears Heroes. hmmm....should be interested in seeing the next episode - part three of five...geez. LOL!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
The ante gets upped in "flashpoint", but it felt like a middle chapter. The Superman /Capt. Atom battle was pretty cool and it was nice to see Green Arrow debating the heroes on the satellite representing the "little guy's" point of view (just like old times). I half expected him to relive that JLA cover and quit.

Next ep should be interesting -- that's a whole mess of Ultimen ...
Posted by superboymddjr on :
ah...completely forgot about one more thing - the return of the FLASH!!! about time, been a while since we alst time saw him having a lot of talking action! the Flash, we miss you and welcome back! It sure brings me a smile when I saw him.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Okay, I decided to give the series another try, especially if they do come back with a Warlord story next year.

So I've 'obtained' all 13 episodes (blame Canada [Big Grin] ) for this season. Any particular stand-outs or should I just start with episode one and work my way through them?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
You'd likely start from the beginning and work your way through. The main Cadmus storyline that's coming to a head now has been building all season long. There are certain episodes that follow the storyline more directly, but they've done a good job of bringing in things from previous episodes that are connected, but you don't realize it at the time.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
The Flash is probably the coolest character in this series personality wise.
Posted by Caliente on :
Originally posted by Jorg-EM:
The Flash is probably the coolest character in this series personality wise.


*fangirls for Flash*
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Lightning Lad - you will need to start from episode's much cooler if you start from the start to the end. gotta love Green Arrow, Huntress, Black Canary, Vixen in action!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Ha saw the new episode tonight and gotta love Steel... he sure made Kara feel better. He made a brief and nice speech on how special the 7 are and has set the standard for many heroes. Nice speech. but......but.....look at the whole episode...oh.....don't want to spoil it. [Smile]
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
aww man last night's episode was AWESOME!!!! can't believe that Flash qouted the "Jingle bells Batman Smells,." line about the BatMoble losing it's wheel and Joker getting away. and i', wondering if it's really Brainiac pretending to be Luthour or is it some left over Luthor/Brainac plot from Superman:TAS?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Yeah very awesome!!! especially Hawk, Wildcat and one more I forgot....shame on me...jumped on Apache Chief knocking him out. AtomSmasher...whoa!! Galatea is a witch, indeed! Vigilante, Red Tornado (he knocked the winds out of three guys!!!), Star Spangled Kid, Stripesy (really Pat Dugan), Hourman all seen in action!! yeah awesome!! Sand too!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
oh yeah Captain Atom s back ! Question and Huntress ah....still a lovebird!
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Although mostly without speaking parts, this episode definitely pulled out all the hinted at JLUers. The Creeper, Ice and Fire all had moments, and I gotta tell ya: I was really digging Fire and Ice! I wish they could have been like this in the JLI comic [Frown]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
One thing I couldn't help but notice -- rather than board the Watchtower to blow up their reactor, they could've just shot real missles at the thing -- they all made direct impact.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I don't think they were trying to kill the Justice League, though... merely defeat them. Gala-whatshername... Power Girl... had other plans, but I don't think detonating the fusion reactor was Waller's plan... unless I missed something.

Granted, in this episode the power was out, but it makes you wonder if the Watchtower has defenses like lasers or a force shield when the systems are online. It would be kind of a sitting duck if there isn't.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Man I can't believe Dwayne McDuffie pulled a bunch of cloned generic Super Friends??? That was awesome! The Wonder Twins even! Man that rocked.

Loved all the JSAers! I love all the cameo appearances.

As a Creeper fan I was really excited to see him as well. This cartoon rocks!
Posted by Calybos on :
Originally posted by Spellbinder:
Gala-whatshername... Power Girl...

Galatea. Nice little Greek-mythology reference, there.
Posted by Invisible Brainiac on :
I think Waller would rather keep the League in check than eliminate them totally. It would seem more consistent with her general strategy, anyway.

Can't wait to see this ep - unfortunately, JLU only shows once a week here and we just finished the episode where Superman fights Doomsday in the volcano [Frown]
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Another awesome episode, at least they kept from fulling the "Justice Lords" prophecy by Wally not dying, and it was cool that they introduced the whole "Speed Force" thing also
i just hope with the decommissioning of the Watch Tower and the League being more "planet" bound, that next season doesn't unvail the re-introduction of the "Hall of Justice"
Posted by Spellbinder on :
















Well, since the new season will heavily feature the Legion of Doom, I wouldn't be surprised if the Hall of Justice is the new "embassy" that Superman suggested.
Posted by Stratum on :
Well, since the new season will heavily feature the Legion of Doom, I wouldn't be surprised if the Hall of Justice is the new "embassy" that Superman suggested.

Well, it did make an appearance as the Ultimen's HQ.

Also, just in case anyone missed it, they've release the first three episodes on DVD. It slipped under my radar and I just happened to run into a copy.

Posted by legionadventureman on :
Will JLA Unlimited possibly sneak another appearence by Zan, Jayna and that monkey Gleek?
Posted by ActorLad on :
Just a reminder, two new eps are on tonight!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
the Key!! Dr Polaris! Lex Luthor! good to see the War Wheel again! a lot of villains !! Thinker! Ventroloquist!

Fire, Flash, Hawkgirl play major roles, but Aztek a minor role. More to come!!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
spear of longinus? doesn't he mean Spear of Destiny?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
now remembering villains - giganta, silver banshee, Metallo (or that Cyborg?), Sinestro....

now watching the 2nd episode....Hawkgirl again...she really kicks a big time!
Posted by superboymddjr on :
nice nice!!! Can't wait to see Carter Hall again! StarGirl will be the main star next week!
Posted by ActorLad on :
I liked both eps. I think the highlights of the 1st ep was how Flash had a big crush on Fire, and how Hawkgirl was teasing him about it/trying to help him out. He's right, she is like his big sister. On the 2nd ep I was glad we got even more of a spotlight on Hawkgirl. That was an interesting take on Hawkman too. What with him maybe being crazy or not. I'm interested if they'll ever pick up the plotline again.
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
i liked that they showed the Extremist from the JLE book it was a nice touch and i liked how they made the golden age & Silver age origins of Hawkman meld into something that made sense.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Two really strong episodes that again show how JLU has created a pretty tight universe with a lot of continuity (if you think about it, there are tons of references to past shows in these two eps) but manages to avoid letting it bog them down.

"We Are Legion":
-- "Crazy Lex" is an interesting take. I'm going to assume he really is talking to Brainiac and he's not just nuts.
-- The Legion of Doom is awesome. I hope we get to find out the full roster and who all those little cameos are. I don't think I know "The Key" - where's he from and does he look like that in the comics?
-- Seeing several of GL's rogues (Sinestro, Dr Polaris, Star Sapphire) just makes me miss Hal from this continuity.

"Shadow of the Hawk":
-- Interesting take on Carter. As convoluted as Hawkman history can be, I like that they introduced the possibility that he may be delusional, but no less a hero.
-- Great fun to see the Extremists. John definitely gives good bubble...
-- I wonder if there's a reason they keep Hawkgirl out the costume and with no code name? I doubt it's just to avoid confusion with Kendra in JSA.
Posted by Calybos on :
The spear of Longinus IS the spear of destiny. Longinus was the name of the Roman soldier who wielded it.
Posted by KidChaos on :
Great episodes both.

(and thanks for Actor Lad for the reminder. I would have *completely* forgotten)

ep one:

I was thrilled to see Fire given a fairly prominent role. Loved that Flash was smitten with her. Who wouldn't be?

Was a bit put off by her voice. I guess it makes sense she has a Portugese accent, but still.

Loved that Hawkgirl jokingly told Flash he may be "wasting his time" with Bea. Nice nod to old fannish speculation regarding Fire and Ice there...

Loved the new Legion of Doom. Great concept behind their formation.

However I found that the Legion of Doom's acquisition of the spear of Longinus/Destiny to be just creepy. I always felt the spear's existence in comics to be a little bit in bad taste, and feel the same now with the cartoon.

ep. two:

Was also happy to see the Extremists. Would have been even more happy to see a retelling of the "Extremist Vector" story arc from JLE, but beggars can't be choosers.

The comment about Carter flaming the Shiera haters on the MBs made me smile.

I was worried about the SA Hawkman being too complicated, but they handeled it *very* well.

I'm beginning to lean toward the opinion that Hawkgirl is getting a bit to much screen time at the expense of other leaguers, but if the stories are as good as these were, I can't really complain...

And I notice from the credits/previews that Supergirl will be getting a costume that matches her current one in the comics. Good! I never liked the white T-shirt thing.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the new Metro Tower (unless I missed someone's comments). I think it looks kinda cool, and has both elements of the Hall of Justice and the Watchtower (from the comics).
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by KidChaos:
And I notice from the credits/previews that Supergirl will be getting a costume that matches her current one in the comics. Good! I never liked the white T-shirt thing.

I liked that design for the cartoon Supergirl, but didn't think it looked very good for the comic book character (the simplicity of it doesn't translate well to comics which tend to give more details).
Posted by Stratum on :

The Key is a VERY old school JLA villain, one of the first if memory serves. In his original appearance he looked much like he did in JLU. He was updated early on in the Morrison reboot and is now 'edgier'.

It was also nice to see THIS Dr. Polaris. The new costume is right up there with the Rainbow Raider, IMO.

I really like how they handled Tho...err...Hawkman in his episode. Gives them room to expand his and Shayera's story a bit.

And I can't believe no one mentioned the Absorbicron's appearance, for shame Legion World, for shame. [Smile]

They REALLY need to start getting the full seasons on DVD. I love this show.

Posted by legionadventureman on :
Originally posted by KidChaos:
I'm beginning to lean toward the opinion that Hawkgirl is getting a bit to much screen time at the expense of other leaguers, but if the stories are as good as these were, I can't really complain...

Well, seeing as Hawkgirl was out-of-the-loop for a while (following the events of the Thanagarian fiasco two-parter which led to the JLA Unlimited series), maybe the writers needed to include her so she wouldnt be put on the back-burner so soon after her return.

Speaking of which, when did Shayera get re-admitted? [Confused]
Posted by l.e.g.i.o.n.JOHN on :
Originally posted by Calybos:
The spear of Longinus IS the spear of destiny. Longinus was the name of the Roman soldier who wielded it.

in the old Justice Society books didn't Hitler use the Spear along wiht the holy grail to keep all the Super powered hero's from invading Europe if they tried to "take him out"?
maybe the Legion of Doom will use the spear along with other mystical artifacts to keep the League at bay.
Posted by Stratum on :
Yup. That's how it went down.

Which is why I shouted, "The Spear of Destiny!" from the kitchen Saturday night like the A.S.S and JSA fanboy that I am....

Posted by Stratum on :
Last season. She came back from hiding out in Dr. Fate's tower to put down a Solomon Grundy driven mad by an excess of Chaos-magic...a story they never quite wrapped up, IMO.

Technically, she was never voted out. The original members had voted to keep her in, she was the one who ran away. She never knew their vote until the episode I mentioned above though.

Posted by ActorLad on :
Remember two more new eps on tonight!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Darn it! I missed the first 10 minutes of the Warlord episode! Will someone summarize how the Leagures ended up in Skartaris? And was mention made of Supergirl's new uniform?

LOVED the second episode!







It was great enough seeing Giganta, Heat Wave, Mr. Terrific (with lines this time), Star Sapphire, etc.-- but that section when Gorilla Grodd told the story of the VIKING PRINCE was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I love how they used what looked like original art from the comics for the story!

Though the end of the episode made perfect dramatic sense, I secretly (well, not so secretly any more) wanted the Viking Prince to be found alive within that block of ice and to join the JLU. Ah, well- that'd be too much like Captain America, anyway.

DC really needs to release a Viking Prince tpb or ARCHIVE. I remember reading a stray reprint here and there back in the days of the GIANTS and 100 PAGE SPECTACULARS. Now, I'd like to read his whole story.

I liked the parallels between Prince Jon and J'onn J'onzz. I half-expected him to adopt a human guise that looked like the Viking Prince in modern-day dress, but I'm kinda glad he stuck with good ol' John Jones.

Wonder Woman's becoming the mother hen of the group, isn't she? With Hawkgirl, Black Canary and Huntress playing more of the spitfires, that makes sense.

Is Devil Ray a villain that appears in the comics? How about the ice chick? Was that Killer Frost in a new uniform using brand new powers? Or was she someone else?

[ September 24, 2005, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Darn it! I missed the first 10 minutes of the Warlord episode! Will someone summarize how the Leagures ended up in Skartaris? And was mention made of Supergirl's new uniform?

The first ten minutes were a hoot! The JLU members were in Japan fighting a not too thinly veiled version of Gamera (the big flying turtle). Supergirl was the last one on the scene because she was actually already in town for a Supergirl convention. There was no mention of her getting a new outfit, but her intro was a nice long pan up her body so we could drink it in. The Japanese fangirls that show up later were all dressed like her in her old outfit. One of them even berates Star Girl for talking smack about Kara.

The team flies above the North Pole to get back to the Metro Tower (I think that's what it's called), when they're snagged by some energy field and sucked into a big gaping hole in the ground, taking them to Skartaris.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
The best part though was in the second episode -- three words:
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Thanks, DrakeB! A Supergirl convention... hee-hee! Fighting a giant turtle in Japan... fun.

It was cool seeing WW spin-- but the Viking Prince segment really blew me away.

[ September 24, 2005, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I can't answer all your questions but the episode started with a fight where Supergirl was the heroine of the day (she showed up at the very last second and more or less was handed the victory that Stargirl worked her butt off for). For some reason John insisted that Supergirl fly the jet over the North Pole (he claimed it was the shortest route - but to where wasn't all that clear) and they were caught in some kind of energy field that drew them into the entrance to Skartarus. The jet crashed and they wound up fighting a bunch of dinosaurs. The Warlord ended the battle with a few rounds from that magnum he carries.

No mention was made of the new outfit for Supergirl though and I even wondered if she's supposed to be the same Supergirl from the previous season. I loved the second one as well. King Faraday was a real surprise as was the Secret Society of Supervillians and yes it DID look like the Viking Prince art was clipped from the comics didn't it?

Both episodes were fun to watch, I really lilked them. Weren't the two episodes on last night (@ 1 am new ones from last week? If so then Solomon Grundy is back and it was awfully cool seeing Star Sapphire...but it made me wonder about Hal Jordan...

I always watch the credits to get some clues about upcoming episodes and did it look like the Flash was drawn into the time strean during one of those clips to you? I know the Legion is supposed to appear this season and it made me wonder if that's how it's going to happen.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
-heh- I should type faster. [Big Grin]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Thanks, YK! I feel like I've got the picture between your summary and DrakeB's.

I didn't see the episodes that aired last night. Last *week*, there was one with Flash, Hawkgirl and Fire encountering some supervillains on Blackhawk Island-- with the last of the Blackhawks aiding them.

The villains made away with the Spear of Destiny, though-- if I remember correctly.

The second episode was Hawkgirl meeting Carter Hall, who has styled himself as Hawkman after using the absorbacon (sp?). They, along with Batman, fought the Shadow Thief. From your description, it doesn't sound like the shows you saw match these.

It looked like Flash was sliding around on some kind of blue wave. It could've been in the time stream, sure. There was a female with him, but I didn't catch who it was.

I *did* spy lots of Rogues-- Mirror Master, Trickster, Captain Boomerang, and The Top.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
OOoo..I'm going to have to go back to the tape and watch the last few seconds of the episode again Once I get a better look at that clip, I'll try to clear that up.

edit: Nope, my bad. That was Flash dodging bolts of light from some kind of disco ball or something. Then Mirror Master is depicted in the next few scenes and we also saw Capt.Boomerang and (I think)The Trickster just before that. So it looks liks the nest one has bad guys made up from Flash's Rogues Gallery as the primary antagonists.

[ September 24, 2005, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Phooey- I just checked the Cartoon Network website and there's no episodes of JLU listed for Saturday, October 1.

I thought maybe they'd rerun the four we've seen over the last two weeks again before airing new ones.

Guess not. Why doesn't this series get at least some of the play that TEEN TITANS does? I don't get it.

Has anyone heard when new episodes will resume airing?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
loved the first part of Teen Titans - the Doom Patrol's appearance, the Brain and Monsier Mallah...can't wait to see the 2nd part of the episode next week.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
ah...nice to see mastiche, Mara, Shikira, and Mariah alongside Warlord and Jennifer Morgan.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Methinks JLU is getting a little top-heavy in the hero department - how about the producers a "let's put all the main players names in a hat and pick out a small group of Leaguers" to carry off the episode?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
or maybe it's Tara, not Mara??
Posted by legionadventureman on :
I believe there was a Mara in the Warlord universe, Supes
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Nice to see Joe Kubert's art being showcased in JLU's 2nd episode. ( or is that Alex Toth's?)
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Posted by superboymddjr on :
*giggle* loved to see Wonder Woman's spinning! Devil Ray - is that Black Manta or what? Killer Frost looks like she's a grunge/dead. yeah I am watching JLU and doing computer work at the same time. [Smile]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Isnt that a tad distracting, tho?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
nah not really. TV is next to my computer so perfect for me to do two things at the same time. [Smile]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
That would be a good name for you if you ever decided to go drag - "Amber Dextrous"
Posted by superboymddjr on :
can't wait to see the Flash's Rogue Gallery next week! Capt Boomering, new Trickster, the Top, Mirror Master, and one more I can't remember - with the spotlighting on Flash and Orion.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
well I am ambidexterous. [Smile]
Posted by legionadventureman on :
In everything? [Wink]
Posted by superboymddjr on :
you can say that! Ha....oh about your asking me if it's an animation of viking Prince...I don't think's more like cutting the picture out of comics books then superimposed on cartoon....hard for me to cut-and-paste - can anyone explain better than me on Jon Viking Prince's?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Like Ralph Bakshi did on the Lord of the Rings cartoon-movie years back?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
not sure about that since it s the first time I have seen an actual picture coming from comics books being pasted into the cartoon show. so i don't have a right answer for that.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
No, my answer wasnt right suddenly dawned on me that Marvel had allowed several of their characters (Thor, Captain America, Sub-Mariner, etc) to be used in a cartoon format way back in 1966 (i think).

The unique animation in each feature reminded me of how the production staff must have "cut-and-paste" scenes/stories adapted from the actual comics themselves. I hope that's what you were thinking of, mate
Posted by superboymddjr on :
maybe maybe could be like that one. when will you get to watch JLU episodes?
Posted by legionadventureman on :
I get Cartoon Network on cable on Australian TV, the Unlimited spin-off is still running the first season (after Hawkgirl's expulsion, that is)

But i havent had much info about it except through surfing at the TV Tome website - thats a cool place to look up stuff on live-action super-heroics as well as the animated counterpart. Have you heard of it, dude?
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Yeah, it was basically just cut and paste pics from the comic book over a bit of background animation. I'm pretty sure that was Joe Kubert artwork for the Viking Prince sequences.

Too bad they didn't animate it like they did for those old Marvel cartoons. That was really horrible animation (the old Marvel 'toons) but it was really Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko stuff they did it to. Wierd but cool at the same time.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Superboy and myself were just chatting about it, Yellow Kid...That Marvel Super-Heroes cartoon show was terrible in a way, but at least the stories were taken directly from the comics themselves (more or less)...
Posted by superboymddjr on :
LAM - you have to wait for another year for JLU's 3rd season? But anyway, the 2nd season of JLU gets better and better! Vixen kicks a big time butt there.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Superboy, I dunno what Foxtel (the local cable network) are going to do with their cartoon programming, i expect we Aussies will catch up in (as you just said) another couple of years...

BTW does Vixen look the same as she did when she was a member of the Detroit branch of the JLA or has her look and costume been redesigned?
Posted by superboymddjr on :
redesigned.....hmmm looks like Gina Torres and her hair is short and nice....her costume is the same with some little token, bracelets.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Gina Torres - didn't she play Cleopatra in an episode of "Xena, Warrior Princess" once?
Posted by ActorLad on :
My comments on the new eps:

The 1st one: The Gamara cameo was funny as was the Supergirl Convention. I liked that both Stargirl and STRIPE played big parts. I'm glad Countney seemed to get along better with Kara at the end. Good to see Silver Banshee.

The 2nd one: The whole plotline with the Viking Prince was keen. It was nice seeing Giganta, and Killer Frost again. I liked how Diana and Martian Manhunters interactions. I wish Mr Terrific had a bigger part then Ollie. I'm disappointed that it seems that MM seems to have left the Justice League at the moment. I hope that doesn't last to long. I'm guessing it might lead into a standalone ep with him in his dectective persona.
Posted by ActorLad on :
Just a reminder everyone that new eps start again tonight in the US.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
I saw the ad!! I know I spotted Supergirl in the new outfit but just barely. Now I gotta go back and rewind so I can watch everything and pause the juicy parts!

[Big Grin]


Can anyone drop the list of the rest of the episodes here in the thread?



..Kara, Brainiac AND Bouncing Boy are all in a scene in the commercial!


[ February 11, 2006, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Yellow Kid ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Episode #32 - Dead Reckoning
Original Airdate - February 18th, 2006

The ghost of a circus performer convinces Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman to help him retrieve the stolen souls of a mystic order of Monks.

Episode #33 - Patriot Act
Original Airdate - February 25th, 2006

When an out of control super soldier threatens Metropolis, Green Arrow leads seven non-powered Justice Leaguers, including Crimson Avenger and Shining Knight, in a battle they can’t hope to win.

Episode #34 - The Great Brain Robbery
Original Airdate - March 4th, 2006

A mystical accident leads to Lex Luthor and the Flash’s minds being swapped into each other’s bodies.

Episode #35 - Grudge Match
Original Airdate - March 11th, 2006

Roulette starts Metabrawl (“Cat and Canary”) again, this time with an all-female fight card made up of Justice Leaguers.

Episode #36 - Far From Home
Original Airdate - March 18th, 2006

Supergirl, Green Lantern and Green Arrow travel into the future where they meet the Legion of Super Heroes and their enemies The Fatal Five.

Episode #37 - Ancient History
Original Airdate - March 25th, 2006

The Shadow Thief returns and so does Hawkman as more mysteries from “Shadow of the Hawk” are explored.

Episode #38 - Alive (Part 1)
Original Airdate - April 1st, 2006

In a knock-down drag out battle on Earth and in space, the power moving behind the scenes of the villains is revealed leading to the most unexpected team-up in Justice League history.

Episode #39 - Destroyer (Part 2)
Original Airdate - April 8th, 2006 - Series Finale

In a knock-down drag out battle on Earth and in space, the power moving behind the scenes of the villains is revealed leading to the most unexpected team-up in Justice League history.

Airdates assume a straight run through of the remaining episodes like they've done in Europe.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Maybe it's because I'm not much of a Flash fan or maybe because it's been so long since a new ep, I was underwhelmed with the latest. Good to see Orion, but he didn't seem quite himself.

I liked the scene with Trickster in the bar though - it really highlighted the world of Flash and his rogues and how it's much different from Batman and Orion's worlds.
Posted by Yellow Kid on :
Mark Hammil's voice for the Trickster was pretty cool. I was amused by the nod to the old Flash live action show [Big Grin]
Posted by rtvu2 on :
Thought the show was great. Enjoyed watching JLU after all this months of not having it.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
wow great episode last night!!! Loved the homage to Seven Soldiers of Victory.....Speedy made a nice appearance and teamed up with Green Arrow...loved it - my favorite episode of them all this season unless I see the Legion in action real real soon!!!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
I loved it too. My only disappointment was that the Crimson Avenger didn't get to do much.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
yeah but I was not disappointed....i kind of wished it was a female crimson avenger and an unofficial eighth member Wing to appear...regradless, I loved it. Crimson Avenger was so silent! real cool! and also the Newsboy Legion also appeared (in connection to Cadmus Project!). Loved the interaction between Shining Knight and Vigilante. Stargirl gets to show off her powers. I kept think that Stargirl would make a good member in JLA books, somehow.
Posted by Stratum on :
I FINALLY got a chance to see an episode this season!!!

As is usually the case, I loved this episode. Seeing the SSoV in action was great....against the Shaggy Man/General was even better.

Newsboy Legion - Aces!
Crimson Avenger - Was he just in there at the end? Or did I miss another scene.
Mr. Terrific - Woot! Speaking lines!
Stargirl - Go Courtney!

And Roy! I'd love to see them put the grown up Titans in an episode (never happen, I know).

And when JLU ends, DC needs to grab Dwayne to write the JLA. Or at least get Burnett involved somehow. Those guys 'get it' so much more than Meltzer ever will. And they have so nailed Amanda Waller's character...wouldn't a Task Force X cartoon be cool?

Posted by rtvu2 on :
Wow, I didn't even catch the Seven Soliders of Victory homage. I saw the Newsboys and I liked that the made Eiling transform into his sorta Shaggy Man form.

To tell yout he truth, I have like the JL more since they went the JLU route. I love seeing all the different heroes other then the main 7.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
I've been enjoying JLU much more than I've been enjoying the JLA comic. The stories are more to my liking, and this is the kind of Justice League that has always appealed to me: a combination of the "Big 7" and the less iconic/powerfulish heroes. They are the modern-day Legion, in my opinion.

I haven't really enjoyed reading the comic since before the Morrison relaunch. And I shudder to think who will be raped/savaged in the new series...
Posted by Stratum on :
BTW, noticed in IC#5 the add stating the the first seasons of JL and Batman Beyond are coming out on March 21.


Posted by superboymddjr on :
reminder: tonight's new episode!!! can't wait to see it tonight!!!! [Smile]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
"No ...because I'm evil." [LOL] God, that line had me cracking up!

It was great fun to have Smallville Lex actually get to play adult Lex for once - and Clancy Brown does an amazing job of Flash as Luthor - he really captured Rosenberg's protrayal of the character.
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Well, the series wrapped up Saturday, and I think it went out with a bang. Although the setup from last episode felt a little rushed, all the stops were pulled out as the entire JLU rushed into battle against the hordes of Darkseid.

Many Leaguers saw a little limelight, including Steel (from the Detroit JLA). The main heroes in the episode, though, were Batman and Superman, and you really got a sense of who these two heroes were. Superman's scene where he let loose was awesome.

The end scene with the JLU running down the front steps of the Metro Tower was cool, as was seeing Batman's sense of humor, which might have been a first in this series.

I will definitely miss this series, which was a consistently good cartoon.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I wasn't thrilled with Darkseid being the climax - it's almost like they don't think the DCU has any other really big guns, so they have to drag Darkseid back for the finale. I would've preferred a big throwdown with the Secret Society. Still, it was pretty cool.
Posted by Stratum on :
I dunno Drake, when the kids and I started watching part I of the finale, I told the that the only person more dangerous than Luthor would be Darkseid. Imagine my boyish giddiness when he showed up 20 minutes later.

All in all, I will miss this show but am glad they are finally getting the Season DVD's out now.

I REALLY liked the casting call at the end with all the representatives from the different League Eras (and the JSA!) running down the steps.

And ANYTIME Superman can cut loose is awesome. It one of the few moments the series really shows the magnitude and scope of the powers that are being used on the show.

Posted by superboymddjr on :
what I liked was Giganta giving a kiss to cute!
Posted by Stratum on :
That was the Flash, IIRC.

Posted by superboymddjr on :
oh that's're right....Batman was standing next to the Flash....gotta get DVD when they are out soon.

Giganta was the one who really shone on the show...alongside Lex Luthor and Darkseid.

Loved how they did with Martian Manhunter's red Dragon - at first I was like "who, was it Dr. Fate? who? who?" Then changed to reveal MM...I was ah nice!!! and it was a nice homage to the beginning of the Season introduction where MM was morphed into a shadow dragon to reveal himself...and now to the last episode, it was nice fitting.

that episode makes me want to see it again and again. so hope that the DVD will be out soon (no way in one year!)
Posted by Stratum on :
Yeah, was trying to figure the chinese connection as well...Did you notice his speech was a little different? There are a lot of nice moments.

Now I really want a JLA Detroit: TAS....
Posted by Spellbinder on :
Wasn't J'onn walking along the Great Wall?
Posted by doublechinner on :
A great episode and finale. Perhaps marred only by the mystery of Luthor's and Darkseid's disapperance at the end. Where DID they go? We will probably never know.

I appreciated a small detail in the episode: the scenes in China and Europe took place at night, as one would expect if Darkseid's attack happened during daylight in Metropolis.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I enjoyed the episode, too.

Though with the tunneling machine thingies, it would've been a good chance to showcase SAND for a scene or two.

And Obsidian would've been an interesting counter for Darkseid, before the big Superman/Darkseid showdown.

I'm disappointed that these two and THE RAY and several other heroes never got 'their' episode.

Considering that B'wana Beast, Fire, Mr. Terrific,
Vixen, etc. were immortalized in animation, I can't be *too* disappointed.

Here's hoping a nice, long series of made-for-DVD JLU movies is launched soon!
Posted by Stratum on :
You guys remember what the towers were originally from right?

And I think that it was implied that Luthor and Darkseid are stuck in the Source Wall, at least that would should have happened based on past attempts such as this.

Posted by rtvu2 on :
Jamie, I like the ending too when all the heroes were running down and you got to see them running togethere with the 'League' they are most assoiciated with.

My one wish would have been to see Aquaman. but oh well.
Posted by Stratum on :
RTUV2, I still want my Booster and Beetle episode!

Posted by armsfalloffboy on :
Watched it last night with the kids, who were crushed by the idea that there would be no more JLU. The last two seasons have been far and away the best DC animated work, IMO. Not to take away from some of the Batman single eps, but I don't recall a whole season that hangs together quite as well (that's Timm Batman, not the gobbeldygook that's going on now).

The seven year old boy, six year old girl, and 34 year old dad were bouncing off the walls with the "Superman SMASH!" moment. AWESOME. "I never really get the chance to cut loose and show you HOW POWERFUL I REALLY AM." I've got to go and memorize that speech--classic!
Posted by Matthew E on :
That was a great moment. Even the lead-in to that speech was inspiring:
[referring to Batman:] That man won't quit as long as he can still draw a breath. None of my teammates will. Me? I have a different problem...
You knew something good was coming.

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