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Posted by MLLASH on :
A certain poster recommended this book to me, saying it "reads like a Matter-Eater Lad adventure" which is a gaurantee that I will sample it!

Scored issues 2 & 3 today and am looking forward to them!
Posted by kid chaos on :
I only read the first issue of this series, and was quite impressed. The best of Marvels new books that came out March.

Never been a She-Hulk fan at all, but the freshness and humor won me over.
Drunken Super-Heroes always make for a good time!
If only Alpha Flight could be this good.
God knows I love funny comics, but Scott Lodbel just isn't my cup of tea.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I've gotten a couple'a giggles out of ALPHA FLIGHT's first 3 issues, so I think I'm gonna keep getting it...
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
She-Hulk's a pretty good read and I was never a big fan of the character. The premise of a lawfirm tackling superhuman related legal issues is turning out to be pretty fun and inventive so far. And I really like the art.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Suprisingly good. Downloaded the first three issues tonight. Not too bad.
Posted by MLLASH on :

2 complete and satisfying tales told in 2 issues? I thought that wasnt possible anymore!

Fantastic & hilarious usage of characters such as The Mad Thinker's Awesome Android and Dr. Strange!

Wonderful Art!

And is Jennifer likable or what?

If this quality maintains, this book will swiflty enter my personal top 5.

And because it's so different and well-done, expect its cancellation with issue # 12.

DAMN IT!! Now I gotta hunt down issue 1. STUPID Marvel with their STUPID pin-up-covers policy that don't really tell DIDDLY about what's in the book itself!!
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
DAMN IT!! Now I gotta hunt down issue 1. STUPID Marvel with their STUPID pin-up-covers policy that don't really tell DIDDLY about what's in the book itself!!

I totally agree! It's such a cool concept, they need to get that across on the covers -- they can't expect people to pick up the book just cuz of her image - it's far from a sure thing.
Posted by Monkey Eater Lad on :
She-Hulk has been a good read so far. I like the in-jokeyness of it.
Posted by Parasitic Twin on :
I agree with the rest of you. I picked up this title not knowing what to expect and I have been pleasantly surprised.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I mean, okay... the pin-up covers policy might be okay for "sure-thing" titles like X-Men and Spider-Man, but for the offbeat stuff like She-Hulk, let it GO!!!

Thank ALL that's SACRED that Milligan & Allred's X-STATIX has apparently never been bound by this idiotic policy!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Don't they do that same thing on the covers to Mystique and Emma's books too? Covers that have nothing to do with the story? I find it offputting and it maybe the reason I didn't give the book a second look (any of them really) when I saw it on the self. Very bad way to hook new readers. At least ones who will stick with the book and don't just want a beaver shot on every cover.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
There are a bunch of Marvel books that are like that -- most of the X-titles, Daredevil, Iron Man, Captain America & Falcon, Iron Fist, Ultimate FF, Marvel Knights FF("4") to name a few more that I can think of off the top of my head.
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Mystique is quite good actually!!!!
Posted by rokk steady on :
She-Hulk is Slottirific and Bobillotastic! And funny, too!
Posted by Pov on :
I'll be checking out issue 6 for Paul (Negation) Pelletier's artwork. [Love] [Cool]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Holey Moley!

I picked this book up soley on this thread and Lash's recommendation (and the rest of you), so thanks to whoever reccommended it to him!

I got issue #2, and I loved it! Hysterical! The Awesome Android working in the office! Dr. Strange! Danger Man's origin as a legal suit! This might be the funniest comic in the current market. I will pick up #3 next week and add it to my list!

Anyone not reading it: I highly reccommend it!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Cobie, we have li'l rhino to thank. Thanks, rhino! [Love]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Holey Moley! She-Hulk #4 kicks friggin' ass! As long-time die-hard Spidey fan, this was one of the most enjoyable and fun issues of any comics I've ever read.

Jonah Jameson on trial for spreading lies about Spidey! The lawyer brings up one of my favorite (and most funny) aspects of Spidey's life: everyone he knows is related to a super-villian!! JJJ created the Scorpioin, Robbie Robertson grew up with Tombstone, Gloria Grant dated the Lobo Bros., Frederick Foswell was the Big Man, and even Peter Parker was almost the nephew of Doc Ock [LOL] [Smile]

And the ending cracked me up completely! SPOILERS Peter Parker roped in and sued to Spidey has to settle, and then Peter and JJJ in chicken suits! "Yolks up! Bugle's vendetta is over easy!" [LOL]

This issue touched on more Spider-man supporting cast members, past storylines, obscure story threads of the last forty years and obscure characters than the last fifteen years of Spider-Man's own comic. Jumpin Catfish! I'm oozing excitement!

Enough is enough! Buy She-Hulk! Read it! Add it to your pull list! Love it forever!


[ June 19, 2004, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: Cobalt Kid ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I got it today and cant wait to read it! I haven't read what you said Cobie until I do read it. But your thread title is very encouraging!

SHE-HULK comes with my HIGHEST POSSIBLE RECCOMENDATION based on issues 2 & 3. Wonderful stuff.

STILL can't find issue 1, dagnabbit!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Can't find issue 1 or 3 dagnabbit! I still blame the Marvel cover system!

You are going to *love* this issue Lash. Make it one of the first ones you read!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Not seeing any of them here. I just have to download them to read them.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
I agree -- great Spidey story! Even the way he was visually depicted here was not only new and interesting, but totally in keeping with the character (like his pose in the witness chair). It even had a moment of dead seriousness that touches on the core of the Spidey concept when he's cross examined by JJ's lawyer. The coup de grace for the Scorpion fight was my favorite moment in any comic this week.

I don't know how well this title sells, but Marvel is doing such a disservice to the title by not even hinting at the wonderfully imaginative stories on the cover.
Posted by UTS on :
The first issue was amusing, but I never did get around to getting any of the subsequent ones. Maybe I'll look for them in the store this week.
Posted by UTS on :
By the way, who said the following line, and where?

"Spiderman. Irving Spiderman."
Posted by MLLASH on :
Issue 4 continues the trend from issue 2 & 3-- great 1-ISSUE stories (yes, Virginia, there IS such a thing) with completely charming artwork.

If She-Hulk fails salewise it is absolutely unacceptable!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I LOVE this book!
Hey Lashie, I'm on the lookout for #1 for you!

Posted by MLLASH on :
XXXXXXXXXXXs, rhino!!!!!! [Love]
Posted by rokk steady on :
Yep! She-Hulk rocks! Everyone should try it... NOW!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
[Frown] I need issues two and four. Hopefully the guys at my store will find them for me.

One was funny as hell, and three was pretty interesting. Not as good as one, but still, it was more about the interplay between Jen and Book than anything else, the mystery was jus' a lil' bonus to me.

Still, i am liking it.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Rick, that's funny, cuz I have 2 and 4 but am missing 1 and 3. Two is hysterical and 4 is probably one of the funniest comics I've read in my entire comic book reading life.

Now I need to pick up the two I'm missing...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Check out the preview pages for #7 at The Pulse:
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
The preview for #5 is up at ComicsContinuum and I laughed out loud three times just from reading the four page preview!! It's also got the New Warriors in action, John Jameson (as seen on the silver screen!) and great art from Pelletier (looking very Zeck-like). Go read it now and see how friggin funny this book is!!

[ July 09, 2004, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3003 ]
Posted by lil'rhino on :
OMG!!! The Mr. Bobo sequence is hysterical!!


ps. you're welcome, Lashie my dove.

[ July 10, 2004, 12:21 AM: Message edited by: lil'rhino ]
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
#5 Continues this series' inventive take on criminal prosecution in the DCU. The "Big House" was a great concept and provided some good laughs (She-Hulk's reaction to the Wrecking Crew in particular). The security did seem a bit lax though and even though I can buy in a title like this that prisoners would be allowed to still be in costume, it makes even less sense to allow them to interact. Still, the Thinker's plan was fun to watch unfold and we're left with a nice little cliffhanger (especially if Mandrake decides to crawl up She-Hulk's nose...).
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
This might be my favorite issue yet, even more than the Spidey one. There weren't as many laugh out loud moments, but the whole idea of this large army of super-villians in 'Ant-Man' size breaking out and hiding on She-Hulk's body had me smiling a huge grin the whole time.

Very amusing, very fun! Lots of cool moments for the Thinker, and the Scorpion gets an unpleasant surprise.
Posted by Petey C. on :
I used to be a big J. Byrne fan and he got me to love She-Hulkie with his stint. But this is the best She-Hulk ever. What is it about the character that lends itself to humor?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
This title is quickly becoming one of my favorites, right up there with the Legion and Walking Dead as first reads.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Petey C.:
What is it about the character that lends itself to humor?

I would guess it's her generally light-hearted attitude and the fact that she completely embraces her heroic identity without it being a source of angst or a product of tragedy.
Posted by Petey C. on :
Well, good stuff. Needs some better covers tho.
Posted by MLLASH on :


I *loved* issue # 5!

Pelletier's art was great, but I missed the tone set by the previous artist... is he gone in favor of the bigger-"NAME" talent of Pelletier?

This issue had more interesting concepts and ideas that all of the other MARVEL comics I read this week combined.

SHE-HULK has definitely become one of my top 5 reads as of this issue!

I even thought the cover was improved-- at least Shulkie was DOING something, rather than just posing... and I loved the detail on the gloves.
Posted by Pov on :
Marvel needs to get away from the poster-style covers. They're the main reason I never bothered with Ultimate Spidey.

I picked up Shulkie 2-5 today, on alla your recommendations. Don't make me sorry I trusted ya!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I await your review, Povvins!
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Pelletier's art was great, but I missed the tone set by the previous artist...

Same here -- he brought a unique style that complimented the off-beat nature of the series.
Posted by Pov on :
I read issue 4 this morning--

If any of the current Spidey books were like this, I'd probably be collecting a Spidey book. [Cool]

~~ [Poverty Lad]
Posted by Pov on :
Well, I burned through 2,3 and 5 as well, and it's official... this book is now on my preorders list. [Smile]

I love the fact that most of these have been stand-alone issues, as has been mentioned. And that the firm's library for superhuman law looks suspiciously like my comic collection. [LOL]

The writing's clever, engaging, and Jen's fellow firm associates are fleshed-out as are the myriad of MU guests-- love Dr. Strange and the Thing!

And as big a fan of Paul P's work as I am, I enjoy Bobillo's work on this book even more. Hopefully, Pelletier is just drawing the two-issue "Big Picture" Arc before getting another steady gig, so Juan B can keep producing pages that are as fun to look at as they are to read!

Thanks, guys. Helluva recommendation! ~~ [Poverty Lad]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yay! Another convert!

I was as shocked as could be that another MARVEL title would find its way to my pull-list... and wouldn't have believed it would be SHE-HULK in a million years!

Guess it's keeping the balance since I lost INHUMANS and will lose X-STATIX soon.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
*Gasp* -- the cover to She-Hulk #8 depicts...CAPTAIN ULTRA!! I love this guy!! Too bad the covers never convey what's inside this book (the description doesn't seem to match either).
Oh, and in case you're color-blind and don't know who I'm talkin' about:

[ July 22, 2004, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3003 ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Oh, I very well remember CAPTAIN ULTRA, from that wonderful 70s Fantastic 4 arc where the Frightful 4 had tryouts... he was deathly afraid of fire. Is he still, I wonder?
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Last I saw, he was seeing a psychiatrist to get over his phobia...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think I saw Razorback on an upcoming cover too!

Gasp! Razorback!!! Talk about an obscure crappy Spider-Man character from the seventies!
Posted by Pov on :
There's actually a precedent for Razorback appearing in SHE-HULK... Byrne used him along with the Space Truckers of US1 in a storyline when he was working on Sensational. They fought Spragg, the Living Hill and his people... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Anyone interested to see what the fuss is about can check out a free preview of the *entire issue* here are
Read She-Hulk #5!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm glad you've also converted, Pov! There seems to be a new Legion World convert for each new issue of She-Hulk!

And Drake, thanks for the link! I'm glad they picked this issue to give the free preview.
Posted by MLLASH on :
OMG, when I was a kid I LOVED Razorback! Hahahaha!!! That's so cool!
Posted by ActorLad on :
I just read the issue # 5 preview at MileHigh. I thought it was pretty good but I have a question. Does anyone know if Figment or Southpaw have appeared before this issue? I thought they were interesting characters.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'd never seen either of them before, but my MARVEL knowledge is nowhere near my DC knowledge.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by ActorLad:
Does anyone know if Figment or Southpaw have appeared before this issue? I thought they were interesting characters.

I don't know about Figment (or Silencer either), but I think I read somewhere that Southpaw was original (don't remember where though). I'm wondering about the 8-Ball headed guy. I think I've seen him before but I don't remember -- what's the deal with that guy??
(btw, it was nice to see guys like the U-Foes and Grey Gargoyle again)
Posted by ActorLad on :
I think that 8-ball headed guy came from Sleepwalker.

[ November 20, 2004, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: ActorLad ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
He reminded me of Ruby Thursday, the DEFENDERS villain from the Headmen with the big round red ball for a head!
Posted by Bicycle Repair Man on :
IIRC, the Headmen (including Ruby) appeared in Byrne's She-Hulk series.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I think they're last appearance was in the brief Larsen/Busiek Defenders series.

Marvel is really missing the boat by not utilizing their forty-five years worth of super-villians.
Posted by Pov on :
Solicits for issue 8 list Bobo back on pencils! YAY! [Big Grin Bounce] [Bouncing Boy]
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Marvel is really missing the boat by not utilizing their forty-five years worth of super-villians.

Exactly! I'd better see "The Spot" make a big comeback soon!!
Posted by Pov on :
I got a chance to look through issue 6 today on lunch, on a visit to see my buddy Guy down at my old comic shop. Let's just say there's no lack of villians in THIS one, okay? [Wink]

And I can't wait to actually get this in my subscription delivery. I stood at the counter reading dialogue out loud and laughing! This might just be the best title Marvel's currently putting out!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
It definately is a contender! I can't wait for the next issue. It is definately the funniest and most fun title out right now.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
[Mad] This wasn't in my holds this week. I requested it a couple of months ago and still haven't seen an issue. At least I can download it to keep up.

And I agree, funniest and one of the top three books out there right now. The other two being Legion and The Walking Dead.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, the best thing about it was the way absorbing man bent over backwards to give up, i thought.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
-- I loved the spotlight on Awesome Andy in #6 - very cute!
-- Again, using comic books as legal precedent was nicely played (and if things in Avengers turn out as some have theorized, an interesting foreshadowing regarding Hank Pym's fate).
-- Biggest laugh for me -- the "8-ball" line (I knew he had to be there for a reason - this was the payoff!)
-- I miss the quirkiness of the previous artist though - he was perfectly suited to the humor of this book [Frown]

[ August 21, 2004, 05:40 AM: Message edited by: DrakeB3003 ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Povvins says he's back in issue # 8!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I miss him too, but the art was beautiful in this two parter!

My favorite scene was the page were Andy decides on being loyal to the Thinker or She-Hulk. We see the Thinker pointing at the Avengers, the FF and the X-Men yelling at the Android "Destroy Them!". An excellent history of the Silver Age Thinker [Big Grin]

Good to see the Aborbing Man, Electro and Tiger Shark and the U-Foes!
Posted by Pov on :
Electro and Tiger Shark.... *snicker* [Big Grin]
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Good to see the Aborbing Man, Electro and Tiger Shark and the U-Foes!

Same here -- Electro's one of my fav Spidey-foes and the U-Foes are a group that I always enjoy for some reason. Something horrible usually happens to them rather than simply being caught and hauled away, so I'm always glad to see they're still in one piece.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
All those are faves of mine (especially Electro, since he's a Spidey villian). Crusher Creel has the potential to take on the whole Marvel U, Tiger Shark is supposed to be as badass as they come, and the U-Foes are supposed to be merciless. I'm just glad to see them all, and the Thinker too!

In a fun story that didn't degrade them *too* much [Big Grin]
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Don't ya just wanna adopt Andy after this issue!?!
Especially after he took the Thinker's head to bed with him like a teddy bear!

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I love how everyone in the office seems to understand what he's saying (except his boss, who made him stay late).

It's cute how he fits in there.
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
I love how everyone in the office seems to understand what he's saying... It's cute how he fits in there.

Kinda like Doop with the X-Statix! [Smile]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Read SHE-HULK # 6 last night...

FANTASTIC! Absolute 10 out of 10.

Awesome Andy is freaking awesome! When he is told he has to work late and miss the game and is standing there all bent over and sad I wanted to cry! And the head-bed scene made me bust out laughing!

I do miss the regular artist and look forward to his return, but Complaining about Pelletier on fill-in art is akin to complaining about a George Perez fill-in. The art was wonderful.

With this issue, SHE-HULK has achieved "LAST-READ" status for me... I read my favorite comics last, and I read her issue last this time and will do for the foreseeable future.
Posted by Pov on :
Three...More... DAYS....

Until my subscription delivery gets here with the last two issues of Legion and the latest Shulkie!

[Frown] [Smile] [Love]
Posted by MLLASH on :
It's worth the wait, Povvins! SHE-HULK rocks!
Posted by Pov on :
[Stone Boy] [Confused] [Bouncing Boy] [Yes]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Space-rawks! You're gonna be laughing out loud at this issue Pov!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Yes, Lash, She-Hulk does indeed "rock".

But the real, important, burning question is...does she roll?

And if, indeed, she does roll, what does she roll in?

We await your response with eagerness akin to a virgin's first orgasm, or a child's first visit to the state fair.

(Note- please read the above response in the rather pendantic tones of ben stein. It helps, trust me.)
Posted by MLLASH on :
Witness what she does with Magic-8-Ball-Head Man (THERE'S a great candidate for membership in the HEADMEN) in issue 6 and you will see that she does indeed roll as well!
Posted by Povicho on :
Hee! That reminded me of when Chuck helped Tenz, Lori and Proty repel the chemoids in an issue of Legionnaires! [Bouncing Boy]

What a great issue! And the story was worthy of having two parts, unlike most of the padded TPB fodder out there now. So much fun!

My favorite dialogue exchange:

"Guys, can we speed this up? I was never one for playing with dolls."

"Action Figures!"

"Whatever." [LOL]

And without saying a word, Awesome Andy became one of my favorite supporting characters. [Big Grin] The chalkboard around his neck -is- cute, though.

So, SO glad I picked this up... Now, can anybody hook me up with a reasonably priced copy of the first issue?!? [Frown]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Me too!! STILL can't find issue 1.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I've got issue #1, but I can't find issue #2 anywhere...
Posted by Fat Pantha on :
The trade of #1-6 is coming out in November. I can't find #1 or 2.

The only thing I don't like about the series is this rah-rah about the great American justice system - as if there weren't enough crooks in the courts that Shulkie could go after... but it's a feel-good comic, not an exposé of social ills, so that's okay.
Posted by kid chaos on :
Love the title of the upcoming trade.
"Single Green Female" *hee-hee*

I wish the new Alpha Flight series had turned out as good as the She-Hulk one...
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by kid chaos:
I wish the new Alpha Flight series had turned out as good as the She-Hulk one...

I don't know, I'm still kinda enjoying it.

"I will say this only once and never again. Please."
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm still enjoying the new AF too, I'm really enjoying the Nemesis character.

SHE-HULK is just about the closest thing to perfect, though.
Posted by Povicho on :
Not only do we have Captain Ultra coming up, but Adam Warlock's supposed to have a role in issue #8! This book just keeps getting better! [Big Grin]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Just got the new one. Some light spoilers ahead...

Shulkie joins the magistrates. But we all know she is gonna go all gamma green on their posteriors to save a planet.

But, the regular artist is back, bringing his quirky, fun style. Unfortunately, i think her boss has dropped a few respectability points with me. He has gone froma fearsome force to a farcical friend. Still, the book is very good, and very funny. When the bad guy whups up on Mon-e...uhhh, i mean Gladiator, yeah, thats the ticket, it was pretty dang funny. I have no idea who the heck beta ray bob is, though.
Posted by DrakeChase3004 on :
Originally posted by rickshaw1:
I have no idea who the heck beta ray bob is, though.

Beta Ray Bill is a mortal alien who proved himself to be worthy enough to wield Thor's hammer Mjolnir. Though he defeated Thor in battle for the right to wield it in defense of his people, he was reluctant to take it from such a noble warrior so Odin created Bill a hammer of his own with its own magical enhancements. Bill is imbued with the power of Thor and is currently the stand-in lord of Asgard in the current Thor storyarc.
Posted by Donna Trom on :
I finally gave this series a try... it'd been sold out by the time I got to the CBS the last couple of months. I understand a TPB of the first six issues is coming out sometime soon, so I'll give it a read.

I was disappointed that the characters (mainly Valkyrie) on the cover didn't appear in the book. I don't mind the unconnected 'Poster' covers so much when it's a more generic image... but when specific characters that aren't in a series show up on the cover, they *oughta* be in the book... is that too much to ask?

That said, this was a fun issue... enough there for me to add it to my pull list and look for the trade when it comes out. I have lots of question... but I look forward to discovering their answers in the comic/trade rather than boring folks here with them.

Is this an ongoing or a miniseries? I keep seeing it referred to differently in various reviews/news articles.

Posted by Gilded Billy on :
I'm pretty sure that it is an on-going.
Though that doesn't really mean much these days...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Yeah, it's an ongoing, and Joe Q has promised (take it for what it's worth) that he's going to hold off as long as possible if sales ever start to slip (I don't think they are).

The last issue was a blast! Minor spoilers as to who is in it: Adam Warlock, Pip, Gamora, Uata the Watcher, Beta Ray Bill, Gladiotor the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, and who knows who I left out.

Absolutely hysterical! Shulkie's role as a magistrate is priceless, especially her first case! Brillant!

I reccomended this to my comic book store owner, who hadn't read it yet, and promised he'd enjoy it. I'm hoping he will and spread the word.
Posted by Donna Trom on :
Keep in mind I haven't read issues prior to #7 when I ask this... has there been lead-up to the magistrate's choosing She-Hulk?

In the issue, it seemed a pretty sudden and drastic turn... I wondered if this was maybe a future plot direction that'd been rushed up in order to tell the story the creators wanted to tell. I know I've seen SHE-HULK referred to as a 'miniseries' in more than one place, so this probably influenced my thinking.

This issue was lots of fun, so I'm glad most everyone else is sure of its status as an ongoing. I'll add it to my pull list...

...and keep hoping Val and her flying horse *do* manage to make it into the book's interior eventually (though given recent events in THOR, it's a long-shot...)

Posted by DrakeChase3004 on :
Originally posted by Donna Trom:
Keep in mind I haven't read issues prior to #7 when I ask this... has there been lead-up to the magistrate's choosing She-Hulk?

In the issue, it seemed a pretty sudden and drastic turn...

I chalk it up to the zaniness of the series that the plot or the status quo can take a drastic turn (though it'll likely only last til the end of this story).
Posted by Povicho on :
Sorry, Bobo fans.

Pelletier's the new ongoing artist with issue 9.

I'M happy, but I know plenty of you enjoyed Juan's work.
Posted by Povicho on :
Well, Juan may be leaving, but it'll be on a high note. I finally got part one of his last story arc, and am eagerly awaiting issue 8-- even if my favorite Marvel character EVER got used for a punching bag in #7! [LOL]

Can't wait to see what Jen does to resolve THIS!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I knew you'd like the Warlock scene, even if he gets pounded!

The baby getting cut in half scene made me literally laugh out loud enough for my brothers to read the issue immediately after.

And I love Pelletier's work, ever since the 90's Outsiders and especially after Negation, so this isn't bad for me. Still, I hope Juan draws something else that I'll be collecting.
Posted by Povicho on :
Agreed on Bobo's art-- I picked up the 6-issue MECHANIX mini-series (Kitty Pryde) from the $1 bins when I realized he'd done the art for it.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Jen's arrangement with Southpaw develops.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Well, Poop to Bobo leaving, but I like Pelletier too so I'll be alright.

As long as Dan Slott doesn't leave. Is he freaking FUNNY or what? I wonder if he's sexy...?

Posted by MLLASH on :
FINALLY read # 7 last night (sometimes having the coveted "LAST READ" slot on my list means it's a while before I get to it)...

Loved it, of course.

Best line of issue: Southpaw, on meeting cosmic entity The Living Tribunal: "He... he's not wearing any pants!"
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
So did you guys hear that Marvel announced at the con that the series is cancelled with issue #12? They 'plan' to bring it back for a second season in May. I hope they do bring it back and don't mess with what is a good book.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
No, i hadn't heard that, especially since i wasn't at the con. But i am not surprised.

Marvel seems to firmly have its head up its ass lately.

I had completely stopped buying marvel except for Captain Marvel. Then they cut it. I started buying Hawkeye, then they kill it. I picked up shehulk, now they are cutting it? Man, they are making my buying week much, much less expensive.

thanks marvel, you really are marvelous.

Posted by MLLASH on :
I find that hard to believe... SHE-HULK # 1 was going for premium prices at the con ($8-$12, which for what is essentially a new book) plus a TPB is coming out.

Why would they cancel it?

I hope the "second season" isn't some retooled, dark-themed pile of crap ALA AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Supposedly it isn't supposed to make the title more like the way Jen appeared in Disassembled, which was horrible and nothing like her own title. But I don't believe that for a second. I'll just enjoy the 12 issues we'll have and leave it at that.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Read # 8 last night-- another winner.

Laugh out loud moment: When Shulkie steps into the ring, Champion's all "Bah! A Woman?" and Shulkie replies that that is the closest thing to a compliment she's had all day. [LOL]

I'll miss Bobo's interesting take, but am also excited about Pelletier's run which resumes next issue.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Does anyonye know why they are cancelling the book? Seems stupid to me. I hear the numbers are good and that seems to be what marvel goes for these days, or is it because some current glory boy writer wants to ruin her like hawkeye and the rest?
Posted by MLLASH on :
If Slott isn't wrtiting the Season 2 series or whatever, I think I'll pass.
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
In this month's Previews:

Posted by STU Cat on :
I finally got a couple of SHE-HULK #2 at the con! I'm loving this... I probably should have tried to get more back issues...
Posted by ferroboy on :
I thought the end of She-Hulk had something to do with Disassembled. That said, it's still being relaunched and, IIRC, with the same creative team.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by ferroboy:
I thought the end of She-Hulk had something to do with Disassembled. That said, it's still being relaunched and, IIRC, with the same creative team.

#10 (first of a three-parter) is a Titania solo issue, #11 picks up post-Disassembled, #12 ends this series, and "Season 2" #1- is written by Dan Slott and drawn by <unknown artist>
Posted by MLLASH on :
I feel better with Slott still the writer.

But if the theme is at all Bendis-based depressing dog-crap, I am ***SO*** outta there.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Dit and to, Lasher. They finally find something that works and immediately start screwin with it. Marvel seems more and more like its run by the dumbasses on this seasons' apprentice.
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Too bad we can't say "YOU'RE FIRED!!!" [Wink]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Tell me about it. A stupider bunch of applicants I have never seen. And Marvel seems to have the worst of the bunch running its place now.

I used to read xmen, daredevil, spiderman, ironman, Hawkeye, shehulk, captain marvel, and several others.

Now i read shehulk. And it is gonna be closed for renovations.

*sigh* some times....
Posted by ferroboy on :
I doubt they're going to do a lot to change the tone of She-Hulk. I'm thinking that they're doing the same thing here as with Ultimates, which is also going to "Volume 2" next month.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, you can burn people out on Number 1's, ya know. Legion is suffering from that right now.

Sometimes its needed, but not after only twelve months, and we haven't even seen the full 12 yet.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
This was a fun issue. Shulkie and Herc are always a hoot. Pug not gettin' through to her is also a lil bit fun to watch. A big guy, could easily be a human bruiser, hot for a gal that could toss him halfway across america.

Sasha is quickly gettin' annoyin', though. Never did like smartass kids, even when i was their age.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Don' tell me the love for Shulkie has died already?! Where's da luv, peopuhl?
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Much love here - much love!

The Hercules stuff was funny, but not as inventive as some of the other lawsuits we've seen. I also disagree that Constrictor deserved a payout. He's seen comically here, but the guy's still a murderer.

I loved the Titania cameo though [Big Grin]

The FF scene was great for Ben making fun of Reed, though it was an obvious sore subject. And what secret is Mr F keeping from Jen??
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Thats what i wondered. You don't think all the radiation has made our dear Shulkie unable to become a mom physically, do ya?

I can see it now...

"Now, Mrs. Applecart, don't make Shulkette mad, you wouldn't like her when she's mad."
Posted by Invisible Poster on :
If you like She-Hulk (which I do). You might like Ultra from Image by the Luna Brothers. Reminds me of early Love and Rockets. Super-powered heroines with love and life problems. The art and stroy are great and there are lots of fun extras.
Posted by lil'rhino on :
Did anyone catch Howard the Duck sueing George Lucas? "You promised me a trilogy!!"
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Yeah, laughed my butt off over that one. It should have been called Howard the Turkey.
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Valkyrie needing a license to ride her winged horse was cute, too. [LOL]

Constrictor's "Having fun. Wish you were dead." postcard to Herc. [LOL]

"Pip the Popped" ?! BWAAA! [ROTFLMAO]

Still loving this... [Cool]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Read # 9 last night... I know Todd will like the Valkyrie cameo! This is still my favorite comic if all! Excellent stuff. You guys like the new beefed-up Shulkie?
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Not if it means she's gotta cover up with a customized Jupiter suit! She looks like Charlie from The Guardians of the Galaxy! [Frown]

A little TOO beefy, I think, especially as she doesn't really -look- beefed up as Jen Walters. Though they did say she's exponentially stronger...

I'm just praying Bruce Banner never hits the gym...! [Eek!]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, she does appear to be veering into the Chyna territory, but she's just so dang cute...and green.

C'mon, who hasn't wanted to make time with a green chick since Shatner did?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Arune has a new interview with Dan Slott at CBR. There are also some preview pages from issue #11 included. Dan does address the difference in his Jen and that of the one shown in Avengers Disassembled.
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Runey! Yay! We haven't heard much from him lately... [Smile]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I read Slott's interview. And as much as i hate to say it, i agree with the re-launch. Very few make sense to me. They are usually just artificial "events" that only temporarily boost sales, along with a few variant covers.

But this one is making sense from a marketing standpoint. Shukie is selling out. I am having a hard time finding the few issues i missed. If this raises the awareness, and the retailers start ordering more, I am all for that.

This is one of the smartest, funniest, slickest books going. Not just standard spandex fare.

So, for this once, i say...bring on the number one.

*Now, who says conservatives aren't openminded, lol.
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Read # 9 last night... I know Todd will like the Valkyrie cameo! This is still my favorite comic if all! Excellent stuff. You guys like the new beefed-up Shulkie?

Lash, Dan Slott has made it well known he will do anything to promote the relaunch. Get your CBS to fly him in for a signing. You can talk She-Hulk, plug the book, and meet the cute writer guy!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Read # 10 last night... excellent as always. Totally appreciated and enjoyed the backstory on Titania.

I just ADORE this comic.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Same here! Jen is such a likeable character...I want more scenes when she's not She-Hulk!

(She's cuter then too!)
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Not as many laughs in issue 10, but I guess that was the point. Still a very enjoyable read, and wasn't Paul P's art GREAT?! [Big Grin]
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
Bump for issue 11! [Smile]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Is it out? I demand spoilerage!
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
#11's a much more standard super-hero issue. We don't get as much odd inventive humor and there's no legal stuff going on. This is all about Titania throwing the big Hurt on She-Hulk.

We get a nice recap of Shulkie's recent life outside the title in Avengers, Avengers Dissembled and even the X-Men (Juggernaut) which admirably tries to tie things together in terms of her characterization. It still felt a bit like outside loose ends being forced upon the title that needed to be cleaned up, but this stuff did need to get explained.

I can't help but think that by the end of next issue, Titania will be defeated again, but that Book will somehow end up with the gem and be a new antagonist for Shulkie...

[ January 12, 2005, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: DrakeB3004 ]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
more spoilerage;;;

yeah, but titania did a nice smush job on the guy with the jem. Now, who doesn't think that killed him?

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Read # 9 last night... I know Todd will like the Valkyrie cameo! This is still my favorite comic if all! Excellent stuff. You guys like the new beefed-up Shulkie?

You're right! I *loved* seeing Val again-- though it was bittersweet after seeing her fate in the concluding issues of THOR. Sighs and whispers.

I like the bulky-She-Hulkie. Even more, I like the idea *behind* it-- that her level of fitness as Jenn is incremently proportionate to her strength as She-Hulk.

What'd you think of the most recent issue's disclosure about Reed's 'secret'?

When's the TPB of the earliest issues coming out? I started with the cosmic judge storyline and feel like I've missed out!!

The one thing She-Hulk needs in this title is a female friend of around her own age. Either super-powered or not... heroine or 'civilian'. Actually, a circle of friends would be better... but that might expand the cast too much.

Looks like Titania might be moving up on the ol' villain totem pole, too.
Posted by Pov of Nine on :
And HEY! Omigod, it's an ACTION COVER!

See, boys, we -can- have a nice painted cover that still manages to depict something from the story within... [Wink]

As far as the TPB, is "Single Green Female" out yet? If not, it should be coming soon, Todd.
Posted by Jorg-El on :
Hey just read the first trade and it was very much fun. I vote for Dan Slott to write the Avengers. I like a touch of the superhero comedy/celebrity lifestyle in between the big bad adventures and drama!

Anyways can't wait for the 2nd trade. Lots of cool guest stars I wanna see...namely Spider-Woman (JULIA CARPENTER!!!).

Posted by Jorg-El on :
And to answer the question the trade is out! I think it came out last month? Buy it!!!
Posted by MLLASH on :
YES, YES! Buy it!!
Posted by Jorg-El on :
And just a few questions? What issue had Hercules? I'm a big Herc well as Shulkie and since a kid I wanted them to hook up. Stern, Byrne, and even Busiek I think had some flirtation between the two.

What issue was Spider-Woman II Julia Carpenter in?


Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Originally posted by Jorg-El:
Hey just read the first trade and it was very much fun. I vote for Dan Slott to write the Avengers. I like a touch of the superhero comedy/celebrity lifestyle in between the big bad adventures and drama!

I just read some solicits for Marvel's April books. Slott is slatted to write the Great Lakes Avengers mini-series. This I'm definitely going to read.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Oh yeah. Me too, that should be hysterical! In Slott I may have found a new "favorite writer"!

Jorge, SPIDER-WOMAN (Julia) is featured (flashbacks only) in the Titania issue, # 10.

Hercules has a big, excellent role in the previous issue, # 9! Good stuff!
Posted by Jorg-El on :
Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
Originally posted by Jorg-El:
Hey just read the first trade and it was very much fun. I vote for Dan Slott to write the Avengers. I like a touch of the superhero comedy/celebrity lifestyle in between the big bad adventures and drama!

I just read some solicits for Marvel's April books. Slott is slatted to write the Great Lakes Avengers mini-series. This I'm definitely going to read.
Hey I aint buying an Avengers title now with Slott on GLAvengers I'm all over it!!! [Smile]

MLLASH I just saw the 2nd trade to be released in April. I'm all over it!!! thanks
Posted by knowjack on :
Just read the She Hulk: Single Green Female collection last night.

LOVE IT!!! Can't wait to read more. What a hoot!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yeah, baby! Another Shulkie convert!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Finally read SINGLE GREEN FEMALE... really enjoyed it. I thought the whole 'Big House' sequence was great.

Has there been any news about the scheduling of the 'second volume' of SHE-HULK? Or who the artist will be?

I have to confess, I hope there's a little less Southpaw and more Awesome Andy and the mysterious lawyer guy... and more Doc Samson, too!

If SHE-HULK is Ally McBeal for superheroes, maybe DOC SAMSON could be the Newhart of Marvel! Hmmm-- She Hulk as lawyer, Doc as psych counselor, Madrox as investigator, Henry Pym as physician, Wasp as image consultant... maybe this group of Marvel Heroes could open a 'one-stop shopping' superhero support service.
Posted by Jorg-El on :
I would love to see Hank as a physician. I loved his Dr. Pym thing and believes it work best for him. I forgive Slott for having him appear as YJ in the series. [Wink] Hank works best as a Doc not a superduperhero.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Well, it was an uphill battle trying to get to read Shulkie # 11, but I *finally* made it!!

Wow! After the sympathy Slott managed to raise in me for Titania last issue, he held nothing back in ripping every ounce of it to tatters with this issue. What a bitch!!

I'm worried for Shulkie, and glad Doc Sampson is there. Seeing Titania's rampage at the Law Office was genuinely scary.

Still room for some yuks, though. Had to laugh at Champion's fate (even though I feel it isn't over for him and look for him to appear in # 12) and poor Doc Samson, giving a thumbs-up and weak "I'm okay" whie lying buried under a girder that knocked his shoe off.

I won't be able to take a long delay between She-Hulk volumes or I'll go mad. Povvins, Oracle Boy-- has anyone heard anything?!?
Posted by Just Pov on :
Well, both Slott and Pelletier are in the credits for GLA, don't know if that's a mini or not... Slott could write two or more books, I'm sure, but if PP is the artist for the next volume of Shulkie, they'll put it off until he's done with the Great Lakes guys.
Posted by Just Pov on :
Speaking of GLA, here's a peek at the cover and solicits for #1:



Written by Dan Slott Pencils & Cover by Paul Pelletier

They are the Great Lake Avengers, the guys who got the shortest end of the super-hero stick. But with the REAL Avengers disassembled, they're going to try to step up to the plate and deal with one of their most powerful villains! Can they save the day? Well, we just hope these guys can save themselves! THIS ISSUE: A GREAT LAKE AVENGER DIES! (Besides Mr. Immortal, duh.) Special appearances by: Captain America, Thor, the Vision, the Scarlet Witch, and Hawkeye.

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
This'll probably be fun-- though I don't really have any connection to those characters.

I'd rather have more issues of SHE-HULK, to tell the truth. But I'll probably give the Great Lakes Avengers a try, solely based on the writer.

When *will* SHE-HULK vol 2 (or is that 3?) be scheduled!!???
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
Back in the Fall, when it was announced SHE-HULK was getting cancelled, a relaunch was talked about sometime this Spring. In interviews as recently as November, Slott mentioned a possible May release. I don't know if that's still the plan tho'.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#12... and thus the series... has now come and gone. Sigh.

In the book, one of the charactes mentions that it'll be eight months before the law firm reopens... d'ya think that's a little shout-out to the fans about how long they'll be waiting for the next Hulkalicious issue?

Too dang long.

I really hope Doc Samson hangs around...
Posted by MLLASH on :
Todd, that does indeed sound like what Slott was doing, and I totally appreciate the heads-up from him. Don't have the issue yet, but can't wait.

Here's hoping She-Hulk V2 is the mammoth success it deserves to be!

Meanwhile, I will enjoy GREAT LAKES AVENGERS in She-Hulk's absence.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
When *will* SHE-HULK vol 2 (or is that 3?) be scheduled!!???

It's v2, but her fourth series (since this is the first one to just be called "She-Hulk")
Posted by MLLASH on :
THE END. Spoilers for # 12.


Issue 12 ended strong.

Stuff I loved:

Wanda's spell from # 1 being used to save the day.

Every scene the Lion of Olympus appeared in, he's hilarious and perfect for Slott's writing.

The way Mr. Holliway convinced Reed to save Awesome Andy.

The Comic Book Store scenes.

Ditto somewhat redeeming himself by helping save the day.

The punch that lays Titania out coming from jennifer Walters, not She-Hulk.

The Ant Farm.

And I felt that, yes, the final panels were aimed directly t us SHE-HULK fans... "It'll be FUN again? Interesting cases? Strange adventures?" "Yes" "When?" "Eight months."

And so, I will wait patiently for the return of MY FAVORITE COMIC and do my best to spread the She-Hulk doctrine in the meantime.

Thanks for an incredible run, Misters Slott, Pelletier and Bobo!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
It does suck that it will be that long, but well worth the wait if it holds up like this series did. I will most definately be there. Any idea on the artist involved?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Rick, I'm pretty sure GL AVENGERS is going to be a mini, so I don't see any reason why Pelletier can't return for V2.

Meanwhile, I hope MARVEL uses the 8 month break to formulate a massive push for SHE-HULK V2.

Obviously they want it to succeed, instead of cancelling it outright.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
One thing that perturbed me a bit - even in comic books do comic book readers have to be drawn so stereotypically geeky? Sure, they helped save the day, but lord knows it did nothing to break the stereotype.
Posted by MLLASH on :
That scene didn't bother me. Comics are already too full of beautiful people. Let the geeks have some airtime, too.
Posted by MLLASH on :
With thanks to Reboot, Here's the cover for SHE-HULK V2 # 1---

Coming in OCTOBER!!

Sweet, huh?

Posted by Pov on :
That's my wallpaper on my home PC... Not "PC" enough for my WORK PC, alas... darned conservatives [Wink]
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
If I made that my wallpaper my wife would cut off my wedding tackle, lol.

I just wish i hadn't lost the GL wallpaper i had before i had to erase my computer.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Well Quesada announced that Bobillo will be reteaming with Slott on relaunch but no word on the regular artist.
Posted by MLLASH on :
YAY!! I really dig his unique style, although I think Pelletier would be more of a "fan-favorite" choice for artist.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Guess I need to correct that. Bobillo will be the regular penciller on the new series.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Hey, if they want to double team with Pellitier, i wouldn't mind at all. Both have done a fine job and i liked Paul's stuff since i first saw him at DC wayyyyyy back.
Posted by Pov on :
Former Legion Guys that need regular drawing gigs:

Paul Pelletier
Chris Batista
Posted by Reboot on :
"She-Hulk will be back in the fall, with original artist Juan Bobillo on board. Bobillo had commitments with European publishers, so Marvel waited until they could reunite him with writer Dan Slott to relaunch the series."

Welll, something changed obviously (probably the pushing back of the publishing date). Originally, it was going to be a new artist...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
This must not have gotten much press at WWLA. Greg Horn will be the new cover artist for She-Hulk when it relaunches. Couldn't find a Jen done by Horn prior to the image already posted so here one is for Grey. [Big Grin]

Click for fullsize image

[ March 25, 2005, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
This must not have gotten much press at WWLA. Greg Horn will be the new cover artist for She-Hulk when it relaunches. Couldn't find a Jen done by Horn prior to the image already posted so here one is for Grey. [Big Grin]

Scott, look up... oh... about ten posts (it's "with thanks to" because I posted it first on the Marvel launching six new series" thread, having mentioned earlier in the thread that Horn was the cover artist) [Razz]

[ March 25, 2005, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I knew that Lash had posted that cover thanking you 'boot but I didn't see any mention that Horn was to be the regular cover artist just that he was doing the first cover. I didn't make the connection until I read the WWLA announcement from All The Rage.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Horn sure does draw purtty, but he needs ta tell that model for the angel chick to eat something. Seriously.

I never did understand why the nazi concentration camp victim look is so popular. Bones stickin' out everywhere...uggh. My wife loves that show will and grace, and the redhead on it is kinda cute, but i saw some eps where you could see the knobs on her BREASTBONE. Why in the hell anyone thinks that is attractive is beyond me. I like women with curves. Straight lines do not belong on a woman, lol.

And yes, some will consider this, whaddaya gonna do?
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Man, i really am becoming a thread killer. This thread hadn't been off the front page in ages. Now it was down to the second and sinking fast.

Posted by Pov on :
I doubt it's you, Rick. [Wink]

I think having a few months to kill until we get a new issue has more affect than anything else. [Frown]
Posted by Probability Pete on :
I always love a Rickshaw post. Even if I don't agree with it.
Posted by Probability Pete on :
How did I triple post?????????
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by Probability Pete:
How did I triple post?????????

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Originally posted by Probability Pete:
How did I triple post?????????

I fixed it Gary. We've been having some weird issues and a couple of times people trying to post wound up with double or triple. I think I deleted all the extra ones.
Posted by Probability Pete on :
Oh...I guess I didn't triple post. It looked that way in the preview posts. Either that or too many Sam Adams.

Last thing I need is to be goofed on by a founder. Esp G. of Nightcrawler fame.
Posted by Probability Pete on :
Gee whiz... now i look silly.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Pete, should i be flattered? Love is kinda ambiguous as to why, lol.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Just a quick bumpt to keep it near the front when it returns.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm planing to reead issues 1-12 in 1 or 2 sittings to see if I still love them.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I think they will hold up well, they have a certain "set in just about any time" quality to them. Nothing to really nail it down in say..."this was in march, '99" thing.
Posted by Pov on :
[Bump] for this week's release of the second trade, Superhuman Law.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I reread 1-7 in one sitting and "love" isn't a strong enough word. On to 8-12 next!

I envy anyone reading these for the first time!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Just looking through the Eisner nominations, I was a bit surprised that She-Hulk didn't get a mention in any of the humour sections. It's not a humour-only book, but neither is Girl Genius - and that was nominated.

(Kyle Baker dominated - 4 nominations in two humour categories. I'm a big Baker fan, but would say this suggests that humour is definitely lacking in comics today, if there isn't more variety in the nominations.)

Eisner list at:
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, Beetle stories wont be nominated anymore.

Posted by rickshaw1 on :
According to what i have seen, and i cant wait.

With this and PAD doing some Marvel work again, i may actually buy something from marvel now.

Plus, i heard that Hawkeye will be in the first story. Don't know if it is true, but if it is, and they bring back his book, i'll be there. The last one wasn't that great, but it did have him in my home state visiting Myrtle Beach. SC doesn't really have a lot of comics mentions. Mickey Spillane lived/may still live here, and I think Roy Thomas does, but thats about it. So the visit by Clint was very nice.

Still, more inspired stories and hillarity..hilarity...funny stuff with Jen is what the doctor ordered.

[ July 28, 2005, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: rickshaw1 ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Here's the solicit, Rick--

Written by DAN SLOTT
Penciled by JUAN BOBILLO
Cover by GREG HORN
The surprise hit from last year is BACK in a new ONGOING series! Join She-Hulk as she deals with the bizarre legal problems of the Marvel U.! Strange twists, exciting adventures, and lots of one, two, and three-part stories guest-starring all of your favorite Marvel Characters! See why Aint it Cool News says, “SHE-HULK is the best comic Marvel publishes today.”
And in this first issue, She-Hulk isn’t the only one returning. Get ready, True Believer! Because it’s NOT a dream, NOT a hoax, and NOT HOUSE OF M... HAWKEYE’S BACK! We kid you not! So why is Clint Barton giving Jen Walters such a hard time? And how is his fate tied in to She-Hulk’s latest case?’re just going to have to check out SHE-HULK #1 to find out! With guest appearances by THE NEW AVENGERS and CASSIE LANG (TITAN, from YOUNG AVENGERS)

But this is solicited for OCTOBER... patience, patience... I know it's hard...

See the original She-Hulk thread for the super-hot COVER to SH2 # 1....!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I'm REALLY looking forward to this-- I've missed Dan Slott's work. I missed the first issue of GLA and so decided to 'tradesit' that mini.

I read somewhere that another superhero will be joining the cast, one who isn't necessarily a lawyer.

Doc Sampson, maybe? Hercules? Another 'old school' Avenger?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Maybe Clint himself, in need of a home?

Todd-- do get the GLA trade or back-issues-- it's both everything you're expecting and not at all what you're expecting!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :

Doggone it!

An extra month? Well, that just sucks !!!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Haven't read GLA either. If slott is doing the writing chores, it's most likely pretty dang good.

Due to a confluence of events, i have missed a few things lately, such as everything after issue 1 of Maddox, all of Deadshot, and a few other things. Then Girl Genius goes online, and while that helps it out and saves it, man, i love just holding that paper book in my hand with an ice tea in the other hand, while lying in the hammock in the shade.

Yeah, i know, trades....

somehow, though, the stories loose a bit of their magic when you have the entire thing in front of you. No sense of antici


Looking forward to seeing Jen back, though. Just one of the small pleasures of life.
Posted by MLLASH on :
The cover to # 2, out it November! YES!!!!

Can't wait!!!
Posted by Stratum on :
Technically, they COULD have nominated the JLU Beetle story as it was pretty durn funny and very true to the character.

But I get your point. <G>

Posted by rickshaw1 on :
That cover is VDC!

Mr. Horn is a hellava good artist. The colorist did a fine job as well.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Good tidings and cheer, Jennifer-boosters!

Written by DAN SLOTT
Cover by GREG HORN
Join Marvel in celebrating 25 years and 100 solo issues of She-Hulk in this hundred page special!
Get ready for the most important case in She-Hulk’s life—because SHE’S the accused! Charged with crimes against the space-time continuum, the TVA is placing She-Hulk in a “Time Trial.” If she loses? Her entire personal history-- her very existence—could be erased right out of the Marvel Universe! Guest stars abound as your favorite Marvel characters and artists help spin a tale that spans every incarnation of the Emerald Amazon! Also reprinted in this issue: two of She-Hulk’s most important issues, SAVAGE SHE-HULK #1 and SENSATIONAL SHE-HULK #1 in all their four color glory!

Posted by Reboot on :
Didn't the F4 delete Marvel-Earth from the TVA's archives back ion FF354?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Looks like Mobius had to get that 'lost' file back.
Posted by Pov on :
After the stellar work she's been doing on Power Girl in JSA:C, I cannot WAIT to see Amanda C's take on Jen! [Drool] [Love]
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Four preview pages, plus some blah-blah, up at Comic Book Resources including this news:

She-Hulk is also reaching her 100th issue milestone in the coming months. She-Hulk #100 will be a monster-sized anniversary issue with 100 pages of all-new stories and savage reprints that you don’t want to miss.

[ September 28, 2005, 03:01 AM: Message edited by: Fat Cramer ]
Posted by Don Jorge del Oeste on :
I'm not a big Bobillo fan. After this issue I want a Slott Hawkeye title!
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
So who read it??? Spoil us!!!
Posted by Reboot on :
Bobillo's worse than ever. His YA-Vision = made out of Lego™.

[ October 20, 2005, 06:19 AM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
I've loved Bobillo's stylized take on every single Marvel U character I've seen him draw!

[ October 20, 2005, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: MLLASH ]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Written by DAN SLOTT
Penciled by SCOTT KOLINS
Cover by GREG HORN
"Return to Bone"
Not too long ago, She-Hulk lost control of her powers and destroyed an entire town... and silently stood by as the blame was cast on her cousin. Now it's time to pick up the pieces, take responsibility for her actions, and pay the price. A done-in-one story that's the official sequel to THE AVENGERS: SEARCH FOR SHE-HULK. Also in this issue, discover which old school AVENGER is joining the cast! You won't see this one coming! Well, unless you look at the cover to SHE-HULK #5 in February's previews... darn it!

Where's Bobillo?

So, will Dan Slott prove that one can still write a funny story while cleaning up continuity messes?

I'm betting yes.

Kolins? Is he going to be Bobo's fill-in-er? I'm not sure he's a funny enough artist.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Loved it loved it loved.

Hawkeye,, this could make me want to read more of marvel again, lol.

I love shulkie.

And slot is doing a great job. Juan's art is exceptionally pleasing to me as well. Sorry, reboot, but i just don't agree.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :






I have *so* been looking forward to this-- and it didn't disappoint. The 'waiting for trades' bit-- followed by 'those trades saved your life!' was funny. Though I think if this were a 'real' legal source center, those comics would've been scanned in on a disc.

I'm not sure yet what I think about the NEW AVENGERS sitting in judgment on She-Hulk. (Spiderwoman's gonna judge?!?) I would've preferred Captain America by himself. Though Jessica and Jennifer are contemporaries, I guess.

The time travel/Clint Barton stuff looks promising. Though as a native of Knoxville, TN I can't help thinking of another TVA whenever I read the acronym.

I thought the Vision looked very clunky (maybe a legal strategem?), unlike what we've seen in YOUNG AVENGERS. And Jennifer looked surprisingly scrawny, given the wonderful (I thought) device introduced in the previous series. The work-out-when-Jennifer-makes-She-Hulk-exponentially-stronger bit. (Oughta be applied elsewhere-- Black Canary could take voice lessons, Flash could sprint as Wally West without using 'speed force', etc.)
Posted by MLLASH on :
I've been without my new doses of Dan Slott fix for FAR too long. But no longer!

SHE-HULK (vol. 2) # 1 was wonderful! SPOILERS follow, so stop now if you don't wanna know.

Todd, I'd completely forgotten about Jennifer's bulking up in regular Jen-form. Guess she stopped working out, huh?

Agreed re: Spider-Woman judging She-Hulk. I remember when Jessica's rogues gallery included Gypsy Moth and Madame Doll. Who the heck is she to judge a years-long Avenger? But you are right in that they are contemporaries too.

Piffle. It doesn't matter; I liked how Jennifer handled Cap and Jess anyway.

I figured out they would be pulling jurors from the time stream long before it happened in the comic, but what wasn't predictable was that one of the jurors would be... Clint Barton! So this is how Slott is going to bring back Hawkeye! Pure jeenyus!! Yay, Dan!! I hope it sticks. I think it will. Hoping he becomes a regular here.

Bobillo's artwork is wonderful, and a bit weird. A pleasure to look at.

AWESOME ANDY!! I've missed him!

So looking forward to the 100 pager # 3, as I sold off both my Savage and Sensational runs of She-Hulk long before Slott began his series. Now I can get 2 of those issues back.

My favorite comic is BACK, and I couldn't be happier!

And with next month's THE THING series beginning, and the GLX Christmas Special in December, I'm about to get Super-Slott-ed! YAY!!!
Posted by MLLASH on :

re: the solicit for # 4 above... I figured the old-school Avenger" joining the cast would be Hawkeye, but what if it isn't? And if it isn't, then... who?

OhmiGAWD, let it be Hellcat, Hellcat, Hellcat!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm holding out for Mantis myself!

Issue #1 kicked ass! I love Bobillo's work myself, and how he does She-Hulk and her cast.

Slott is the man! The way he embraces comic book things like time travel is too awesome for words.

Cannot wait for the Thing!
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
Kolins? Is he going to be Bobo's fill-in-er? I'm not sure he's a funny enough artist.

I'm thinking he was chosen for this one-off because he drew the arc of AVENGERS it's riffing off of.
Posted by Jorg-EM on :
Having Hawkeye as a supporting character in this would be genius. Clint playing 2nd fiddle to Shulkie would be nice. They've also really had this sexual tension thing from way back when.

Both joined (Clint rejoined) at the same time. Remember what he did to her pink caddy? And what she did to his taxi??? My first Avengers issue btw! [Wink]
Posted by CJ Taylor on :
I got this title strictly because of the buzz here at LW. It's a fun book, Slott knows we're all here for the humour. Got to say the art bugged me. I'll stick aroud for a bit to see how it goes.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Promo image for She-Hulk #5 (February) by Greg Horn. Ride 'em cowgirl! [Big Grin]

Click for fullsize image
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#2's out...






... and Hawkeye's returned to his own time. Awww. And Jen's arrested by the TVA for her 'time crime'. Slott's not wasting any time, sending his lead off into exotic locales, is he? Fine with me.

She-Hulk and Man-Wolf-- wonder what their hyphenated progeny might be called [Smile] ?
Posted by knowjack on :
She-Hulk gets a solid "A" review in the latest Entertainment Weekly!
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
She-Hulk and Man-Wolf-- wonder what their hyphenated progeny might be called [Smile] ?

Claremont and Bolton had an EPIC character called Marada the She-Wolf back in the 80's... a Red Sonja-type... [Wink]
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Lightning Lad:
Click for fullsize image

Nice cow-pokies ... [Love] [Love] [Love] [Love] [Love]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by knowjack:
She-Hulk gets a solid "A" review in the latest Entertainment Weekly!

Damn, and that's a DC publication (Time/Warner)!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
How cute is Awesome Andy is stealth mode!
Posted by Don Jorge del Oeste on :
Sad, to see Clint go. Slott writes an awesome Hawkeye! My first issue of Avengers ever Clint was reading Playboy. I mean how cool was that at age 8! [Wink] He was a favorite ever since!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I read # 2!

I was devestated to see Clint "blink out"-- but I love the possible out he now has-- half of the letter Jen wrote him. Can't wait to see when/if this is picked up.

Horrified at the ending-- but what a cool set-up for next issue's 100-page spectacular!

Words cannot express how excited I'll be to get SHE-HULK # 3/100 next month!! (!!!!!!)

Hmmm... what IS Andy's secret mission..?
Posted by MLLASH on :

Don't get me wrong, I *loved* it, but # 2 held only ONE "bwah-ha-ha" LOL moment for me-- and it was on the letter's page, when the editor asks they people stop sending in requests to call the page "SHE-MAIL". [LOL]

The letter's page is an area where Marvel walks all over DC.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Also, it occured to me last night that Bobillo's art reminds me very much of Terry Moore on STRANGERS IN PARADISE.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
The title just isn't as funny or inventive since the relaunch. I'll stick with it a bit longer, but I'm not loving this title anymore.

And what was with those giant arrows Hawkeye fired at the robot?? Were those his "Pym arrows" or somtehing?
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Ah, Knight Man and Dr. Rocket -- we hardly knew ye... (or we did and I just don't remember...)

That cliffhanger's got me all a'tingle though -- who could it be? All signs seem to point toward Mockingbird, but I expect it'll be someone more obscure -- Two-Gun Kid?? Teen Tony? Dr. Druid would be funny, though I don't imagine Jen would want to rescue him.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
SHE-HULK 2 #3 Hmmm-- what is the original cosmic trial featuring witnesses alive and dead, taken from time and space? Probably a play, but I'm not sure. I enjoyed who filled the role of counsel for the defense. Anyway, I liked the part of this issue that featured characters like Wyatt Wingfoot and a plethora of AVENGERS, and would've welcomed more testimony. But SHE-HULK moves at a clip, so it's on to what's next.

What's next being the acquisition of a new supporting cast member. A former Avenger... There's at least one character mentioned in a solicit for an upcoming issue that *could* fit the bill, but I don't think that necessarily means that that's who was being held in the TVA's 'bubble cells' (between these and the 'Big House', I think Dan Slotts should consider prison design as a sideline...).
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Guess what Two-Gun Kid's occupation in his civilian identity was?

(When was TGK an Avenger?)
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Wasn't he a lawyer? I think he was made an honorary member when he and Hawkeye were hanging out together.

Say, whatever happened to Wyatt Wingfoot anyway?
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Mockingbird is my guess as well. [Smile] She did kill the Phantom Stranger back in time after he drugged and raped her.

TGK was a lawyer and an honorary member. TGK hung out with Hawkeye in the 20th century for a while and was mad a honorary member.

Both Two Gun or Mockinbird would rock IMO!!!Two Gun would be less controversial though.
Posted by Reboot on :
Check the upcoming She-Hulk solicits...
Posted by Povolero on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Check the upcoming She-Hulk solicits...

They spoil it? Really? Well, that sucks. I'm glad I pretty much order this sight-unseen, then.

#3/100 was excellent. Totally restored my faith after my initial ennui with the first two issues of the relaunch.

Have I mentioned how much I love Amanda Conner??? I'd love to see her on this book regularly, hint-hint. Sorry, Bobo.

And the Hulk's testimony choked me up AND made me LOL. Slott is the man.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
It definately had a feel of that northern exposure episode where the "chris-ness" of chris saved him from prison for parole violation. And i am sure that wasn't the first time that particular way out has been used.

Not a bad story at all. Still wish they had used it to bring back Clint. Every company should have one iconic character that stands out over time as the real pain in the ass that you love.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Loved this issue! Dan Slott GETS my Avengers! btw, the Avengers he had were from my favorite era! Hawkeye, Shulkie, Starfox, Captain Marvel(Monica), Hercules! Those were the days!

First time Dan used the alter ego thing and I didn't get sick of it. It was smart and well done.

Very good issue. Loved the 4th wall comment on the last page. [Wink] Dan Slott needs to write the Champions (aka old happy Avengers not dark Bendis New Avengers).
Posted by MLLASH on :
Oh my GOSH, how I enjoyed this issue!! I'm going to try to avoid upcoming solicits, but I too suspect Mockingbird will be returning.

Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:

Better advice couldn't be given... to anyone.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Nah, i wouldn't wanna live by that credo. I live more by what the nurse said in the original version of rear window.

"we were both misfits before we met. We fell in love, married, and now we are misfits together..."

Suits me to a T.
Posted by Povolero on :
And now they're misfits together plus 1... *sigh* [Love] [Wink]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I would love both Mockingbird and Two Gun Kid! I'm a huge Hawkeye fan and love both Mockingbird and Two Gun! Mockingbird would make a great "sidekick" for She-Hulk.

And if Two Gun comes back I want him to look cool! Keep the cowboy hat but throw some high tech guns, cables, gizmos, etc. [Wink]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Did they make Two-Gun Kid gay in that mini?
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Did they make Two-Gun Kid gay in that mini?

Well it was (um) Rawhide Kid who was gay. But I didn't read it so I am not sure if they revealed Two-Gun to be gay as well? Anyone read it?

In the Blaze of Glory mini in which Two-Gun *I think* he had a wife and kids...had settled down.

Blaze of Glory was a great mini btw. I learned of Marvel's cowboy heroes via Steve Englheart's Avengers and WCA. So I pretty much knew everyone in the mini. It rocked.

Hmm, if Two-Gun does return...and so does Hawkeye...and they go see Brokeback Mountain...will they never team-up again???
Posted by MLLASH on :
It was RAWHIDE KID, and it was a great miniseries, with beautiful artwork.

I need to re-read it soon.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Kid Eternity, Swordsman and the Two-Gun Kid. It's the month for left-field arrivals. This was a fleshing out of a fairly recent Avengers tale. I enjoyed this one more than the source material, I think. In any event, Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk is beginning to get under my skin. In a good way.
Posted by Pov on :
Ditto. I even liked Scott Kolins' guest art enough for this; It ties in nicely with the original Avengers arc. Nice resolution to a continuity albatross not of Dan's making. And nice touches besides. The reveal at the end about the GC's founder could've come across schmaltzy and cliched in less able hands, but I liked it. And I can't wait to V.2#5! [Smile]
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:

Oh, who wants to see Jen's new friend come across the trade for THAT in the lawfirm's library...? [ROTFLMAO]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I read it and liked it. Mr. Slott is able to tell GOOD stories out of past events.

I liked this closure to the Bone, ID story. I hope Two-Gun gets a make over from Jen. [Smile]
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Kid Eternity, Swordsman and the Two-Gun Kid. It's the month for left-field arrivals.

Where did Kid Eternity pop up again?
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by DrakeB3004:
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Kid Eternity, Swordsman and the Two-Gun Kid. It's the month for left-field arrivals.

Where did Kid Eternity pop up again?
KE showed up in Click Here For A SpoilerTeen Titans 31-- he was trapped and used by Brother Blood
Posted by MLLASH on :
# 4....

I normally like Kolins' art, but NOT here. Give me Bobilio or Pelletier, PLEASE. Or Amanda Conner.

Dan did an EXCELLENT job of resolving the whole crappy "She-Hulk on a rampage" story from Avengers.

Two-Gun Kid! That's gonna be fun!

In case I haven't said it recently, I (HEART) Dan Slott.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I kinda liked scotts art. Had no problem with it. I do wish that she had grabbed mockingbird instead, but that wouldn't have been true to her character. Dan wrote it right.
Posted by Pov on :
Hey Slott fans! Dan wants you to check out BIG MAX!

Here's an interview with him by our old pal, Rune-El, at CBR .
Posted by MLLASH on :
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll e-mail my CBS right now!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Poor Andy. The scenes of him 'sneaking' around on his secret mission were great fun. How long till he and the Two-Gun Kid become great friends? I predict that they will- months down the line. Unless, of course, Andy snaps and tries to kill Matt Hawk.

I would've picked any number of Avengers as characters I'd choose to see joining this title's cast... but the Two-Gun Kid wouldn't have been one of them. Which is why I'm glad to see that he works. His status as a lawyer from a hundred years ago makes for an interesting story. Good job.
Posted by Leap Year Lass on :
Andy carries a torch for Mallory!
Posted by Reboot on :
Paul Smith is the new ongoing artist starting with #8 according to Newsarama... (after Will Conrad's fill-ins on 6&7)

Makes you wonder why they delayed the relaunch for Bobillo when, besides being crap, he only did 3 and a bit issues in the end...
Posted by Pov on :
Love Smith, but I'm not sure he's right for Shulkie. Why, oh, why didn't they ask Amanda Conner?! Her all-too-short bit in #3/100 were fab!
Posted by Reboot on :
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm elated that Paul Smith will be gracing a monthly title again. It seems many fans just weren't going to warm to Juan's art, but I loved it. Maybe Smith will draw in a few more readers. Would have *LOVED* Amanda Conner, though!

I'm not familiar with the guy coming up for a 2-issue stint.

Starfox on the cover of # 6 = Yum. I never thought he was hot in his old Avengers appearances like he was supposed to be, but THIS...!

# 5 was more big fun in the unique She-Hulk style.
Posted by Pov on :
"Gorku got job. Gorku greeter at Wal*Mart."


Great, great issue. I [Love] that cover! After a slow start, this series is BACK. And the Smith sketches 'Boot linked to look fab... I can't wait.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Slow start....? I didn't notice.
Posted by Pov on :
I dunno, 1 and 2 just felt... off. Not quite as good as where they left off. The #3/100 anniversary issue was getting back on track, but any momentum was -killed- buy the muy serioso tone of issue 4. Not that I didn't appreciate Dan's efforts to fix Shulkie's continuity after Bendis' shitfest. [Razz] At any rate, this feels like SHE-HULK again. [Smile]

And hey!-- vote for Dan Slott in the She-Hulk Hunk-Off! ...Or Andy. [Wink] See #5's lettercol for details! [LOL]
Posted by Reboot on :
Ummm... wasn't he trying to clear up after JOHNS with #4?

And I'd rather not "buy the muy serioso", thanks, whatever "muy serioso" is [Smile]
Posted by Pov on :
Cobieism is alive and well in Connecticut!

Just be glad you've got an ocean between you an him... and [Shudder] at the thought of being his neighbo(u [Razz] )r ... [LOL]

(j/k, Des [Wink] [Hug] )

And yeah, my bad... I can't lay Jen's Hulk-out in Bone on Bendis. I was lumping that with her actions during Disassembled... [Disgusting]

Would it help my case if I admitted I'm on drugs? [Good]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yeah, I agre # 4 wasn't my favorite, but it really was a necessary tale to be told.

Thank gawd Dan is so skilled in the long-lost art of the 1-issue story! Someone else would have made a gawdawful 8-issue "AT LAST!!! SHE-HULK RETURNS TO BONE!!!!" dreadful 'event' out of it. *cringe*
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Hmmm, don't know what to say about the new issue. I really never read avengers except for the Busiek/Perez run, so i don't know anything about Starfox.

The art seemed a little raw, and perhaps this time there was too much...too much, but it wasn't bad.

The cover on the other, this guy likes to draw women, lol.

Anyway, the primary antagonist, Book, is a little off-putting, but then, i guess she is supposed to be. Andy is cool. Love how the artist drew the broken heart to show is mood. Lots of nice, little things.

I guess i can't help feeling that I'm waiting for more of a bite to the book. Just one issue, maybe it was more of a sour mood from work that did it than the actual book, but there ya go, lol.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Wow. Where's the shulkie luv, folks?
Posted by Reboot on :
She-Hulk #9 cover [SPOILER!]

[ March 25, 2006, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

Starfox is a fun character... though wasn't he more of an 'equal opportunity' seducer? Maybe I just imagined that he 'worked' both genders. The way his power affected Jen/Jamieson and Awesome Andy/Book was fun... but it does sort of seem like the character was used in this story only to further those subplots.

What is up with the 'sinister' senior partner?
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Mystery Lad, Eros from what I remember has never been shown romancing the same sex. But I remember him being pretty poetic about Mar-Vell...and maybe there was a line somewhere about him visiting earth and being fond of a human male in ancient greek times.

IMO he does bat both ways. [Wink]

Anyways the story was fun. I'm a big Starfox fan and wished to see a more serious side to him but I knew I wouldn't get it here.

Shulkie and Eros shared a bed back in Avengers 230 something. [Smile] heh.
Posted by legionadventureman on :
Starfox tried to have his way with Jarvis back in the Stern-Milgrom-Sinnott era, I believe...What a guy! [Big Grin]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
"Oh, I could never stay mad at your Eros."

Starfox, like Two-Gun, Andy, hell even the Guardsman, is just fun. Slott proves once again that he can top himself each issue.

I think Slott's Two Gun Kid might be my favorite character he's written so far, and I love almost all of 'em!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Space-Virgins! Space-Monsters! Space-Haylofts! Space-Farmer's Daughters! Space-Bars! Space-Bimbos!

Dan Slott! What can't you love about him?

Yep, it's true... SHE-HULK # 6 could possibly be... THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMIC MAGAZINE!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Hmmm, don't know what to say about this one. Seems like Leonard is trying to find out why Shulkie's power is still blocked, and it may have something to do with her mental state more than anyone suspected.

When she realizes that Eros may have used his whammy on her, she goes apecrap and kicks the snot outta him. Leonard mentions magic and Dr. Strange before that, but who knows what lurkes in the mind of the gamma-green coifed Dr.

And is it just me, or is he starting to look like the steroid guy for the Ican'tbelieveit'snotbutter, spray campaign?

Anyway, so so wrapup.

Does anyone else think the book is loosing steam?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
While I admire the 'realistic' take on someone with Starfox's powers *and* I realize that it's a logical extrapolation of how he's been shown to use those powers, I just don't *like* him as the cad to end all cads.

I think that any god walking among men would get the reactions that Eros gets, to some degree. Thor, Hercules, Ares... if they *really* existed and were among us, they'd get female (and male) attention/fascination/obsession wherever they went. A god would exude something that would draw us. It'd take an active force of will to *supress* it, I'd think.

That's not the 'reality' of comic book gods-as-heroes, though. In Eros' case, I wonder if he even *consciously* controls his 'come-hitherness'.
You could argue that 'it' is what he *is*, rather than something he *does*. He's a god named 'Eros', after all. Sticking Venus or Cupid with a rape charge would seem so.... petty, in a way. And perfectly 21st century.

Though I didn't *like* the most recent issue, it's certainly made me think a bit. However Starfox's case turns out, it'll cast his future appearance in a different light.

Though I didn't like Eros cast in the role he finds himself here, I *did* like the characterization it netted for SHE-HULK. Provisionally. I really don't want to read about her extensively dealing with being 'date-raped'. I don't think that's where Dan Slott is headed, but you never know. Her reaction was completely believeable, so that much I enjoyed.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#8-- so what did anyone think about the CIVIL WAR stuff? I like that Jennifer Walters thinks one way as Jennifer Walters, and a different way as SHE-HULK.

Wonder where *that'll* lead?

Nice to see Doc Samson here-- as his mini has (mercifully) concluded.
Posted by DrakeB3004 on :
I don't know if she thinks differently when she's Jen and Shulkie - she made the differentiation that registering with the government isn't the same as having that private info leaked out to the public.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yeesh, I just now read # 7.

I enjoyed it, UNTIL Jen went on her rampage.

Is she so sure that Starfox was using his powers on her way back when? Why didn't he use them on her when she attacked?

I think-- in Jen's case-- that he is innocent.

This issue also opens up the question of, what kind of standards do you use for a guy who is a walking "roofie"?

This issue certainly made me think. Can't say that about any old comic book.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
The latest issue was only okay to me because i don't really get the civil war thing. I read very little marvel anymore.

I do think that Dan is being perhaps a little too subtle at this point with the Jen/Shulkie split personality, for lack of better ways of saying it.

The way i read it, and its entirely possible i am wrong, is that being Shulkie is like Jen being drunk. Things she might like to do as Jen but do not get done as Shulkie when her inhibitions are low.

Again, maybe i am wrong, thats just how i see it. it would be funny though if the thing that Jameson did gets lost in a kind of intervention, lol.
Posted by Pov on :

@#$%@!!! SPOILER ALERT! [AHHHH!!!!]

The Two-Gun Kid Western Special leads right into She-Hulk.... number freaking 11! So if you don't want where Jen & Co. are headed for the next three issues spoiled for you, put the T-GK Special aside until you've read 8-10... [No] [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
What's up with Marvel and spoiling storylines in other titles recently? Their editors forget to consult one another?
Posted by MLLASH on :
Thanks for the heads-up, Povvins-- was looking forward to reading the TGK 1-shot but have set it aside until after I read She-Hulk # 10.

re: She-Hulk # 8... I thought it was a good issue-- I'm glad SOMEone is standing up for the New Warriors... was sad to see Whatsisface-Lad had sunk so low... the story actually got me interested in CIVIL WAR, though I doubt I will buy it. I didn't recognize some of those New Warriors, but I never got the last mini (might get the TPB).
Posted by MLLASH on :
Okay, so I totally enjoyed the latest issue as ever, and am intrigued with the continuation of the "Starfox's influence" storyline, but, umm... wasn't Smith's run as penciller ridiculously brief? What's up with that?

I mean, everyone was so stoked about his joining the "cast". WTF?
Posted by ActorLad on :
Just got the Single Green Female tpb this week, and I really like it. Awesome Andy rocks!
Posted by MLLASH on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:

re: the solicit for # 4 above... I figured the old-school Avenger" joining the cast would be Hawkeye, but what if it isn't? And if it isn't, then... who?

OhmiGAWD, let it be Hellcat, Hellcat, Hellcat!

YAY! With SHE-HULK # 10, I finally got my Hellcat appearance! Cheese & crackers, it was cool how Slott worked in info on CILVIL WAR for us non-CW readers! And Ruby Thursday appears too!

I'm pissed that Paul Smith's much-hailed stint as artist was ridiculously short, but Rick Burchett's work was very good.

What if the weird Mallory/Andy relationship and Jen/John marriage AREN'T the work of Starfox? That would sure wreck poor Pug.

I also read Slott's TWO-GUN KID special (which bridges SHE-HULK 10 & 11, so GET IT!), and it was werewolf-riffic!
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I loved Burchett's art!
Pug needs to give up on Jen and give me a call.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Patsy's scene was like a normal person's response to the whole registration thing. Everybody else seems so... overheated.

I LOVED the cover to this issue. At first, I thought Man-wolf was kind of a lame partner for She-Hulk, but I'm starting to dig him. They make a goofy couple. Clearly, the reader's supposed to root for Pug-- but I'm starting to think it'd be OK if his unrequited love stayed just that.
Posted by Stratum on :
Thumbed through next week's issue and the CBS today....this development gets a LOT more interesting!

Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:

Hellcat, Hellcat, Hellcat!

Hey, didja see the Marvel Spotlight magazine/comics thingie featuring Joss Whedon? In a sidebar he named a few Marvel characters in whom he has potential interest. Including guess who?

>>>On topic 'cause Jen's a lawyer and lawyers do sidebars and stuff.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Cheese & crackers! A Joss-written Patsy would kick ass!
Posted by MLLASH on :
I know the tarnishing of Starfox was tough to take, but I hope people are still reading this! # 14's spotlight on Awesome Andy was... well, awesome and touching.

# 15 sports a hella-fun Steranko-inspired cover by Greg Horn and features the lovely Cheesecake: Agent of SHIELD, who I am sure will gain lots of fans (like me!).

Loving Burchett's art, but I agree with the letter-writer who wants her to look taller.

I assume something dreadful was done to the Hulk during Civil War which is why we now are a "Planet Without a Hulk"?
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
LASH, the Hulk was tricked into getting rocketed off Earth. I believe Nick Fury, Reed Richards, and Tony Stark were behind it.

And I love this title. See in the right setting I can take silliness and love it. [Smile]
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Slott leaving She-Hulk?
Posted by Pov on :
Gail off BoP, now Dan leaving Shulkie... [sigh]
Posted by MLLASH on :

Gosh... this also means I'll be buying my first issue of Amazing Spider-Man in YEARS.
Posted by Pov on :
Newsarama has an in interview with Dan Slott about his departure... [sigh]
Posted by MLLASH on :
Well, I'm glad to hear about the GREAT LAKES INITIATIVE, anyway...
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Sad to see him leave She-Hulk, but if Slott is on Spider-Man, this could be the most exciting comic book thing for me since, well, since I first starting reading Spider-Man!

But I do love Slott's Shulkie! I wonder if Marvel can keep this title going w/o Slott? You'd think that maybe post WWH, there'd be a chance...
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Sad to see him leave She-Hulk, but if Slott is on Spider-Man, this could be the most exciting comic book thing for me since, well, since I first starting reading Spider-Man!

Even if they erase the marriage before he starts (I certainly seem to recall Slott making less-than-complimentary remarks on the Spider-Marriage...)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'd be happy if the marriage could somehow be undone. I've yet to find an actual Spider-Man fan who reads every issue every month off the stands who doesn't feel the same way. The only people who would be outraged seem to be the ones who don't buy Spider-Man comics but would be angered by the context/act/nature of 'undoing the marriage' itself. At this point, I'm more concerned about the future of exciting, dramatic Spider-Man stories with the real Peter Parker.

(Not saying you're a fan of the marriage or anything 'Boot, just felt I should add my own opinion, which seems similar to Slott's).
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
(Not saying you're a fan of the marriage or anything 'Boot,...).


*is a fan of the marriage*
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Even if the marriage could go away, I'm not sure how it could be done in regards to execution and maintain any level of credibility. I'm not sure if anyone at Marvel cares about that, of course.

I mean, killing MJ seems repetitive and a waste of a great character. Divorcing is out of the question. 'Undoing' via the Scarlet Witch or something seems like it could be disastrous, forced and editorially underhanded.

Of course, when was the last time MJ was written well in the comics? I'd say pre-Clone Saga, pre-Peter's fake parents via the Chameleon, waaaay back in the early 90's/late 80's. That was the last time MJ was written well, without appearing weak, whiney, uncaring, boring or out of character. I do think it can be done though...of course, there seems to be tons of writers that really don't want to try. [shrug]

I'd kill for a well-written Spidey comic with Peter married to MJ or not...(I do like MJ of course)...
Posted by Pov on :
Don't you two have a Spider-Man thread you can post to? [Wink]

(You made me get all on-topic and stuff... [No] [Big Grin] )
Posted by Reboot on :
Joe Q said they won't kill or divorce them (since widowed or divorced Spider-Man is "worse" than married Spider-Man). That leaves "Scarlet Witching" it (or the equivalent). "Genie in the bottle" and all that, and there's speculation they'll do that and "fix" the public ID in One More Day.

Oh, and Sensational Spider-Man Annual #1. Three weeks back.

Originally posted by Pov:
Don't you two have a Spider-Man thread you can post to? [Wink]

(You made me get all on-topic and stuff... [No] [Big Grin] )

Meh, if it needs "fixed", Gary'll have to do it at this point [Smile]

[ May 24, 2007, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Jillikers, I already posted about Shulkie Pov! And here I thought you would be able to give me the names of some potential writers besides Slott who could keep this comic running at full speed! [Razz]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by Reboot:
Originally posted by Pov:
Don't you two have a Spider-Man thread you can post to? [Wink]

(You made me get all on-topic and stuff... [No] [Big Grin] )

Meh, if it needs "fixed", Gary'll have to do it at this point [Smile]
Everyone on Legion World is always trying to 'fix' me [Razz]
Posted by Caliente on :
But, alas, none of us have succeeded.

Okay, so I'm hoping that with #18 will come the return of the Jen's lawfirming stuff. Seriously-- Slott's v2 of She-Hulk sort of reminds me of BKV's v2 of Runaways. I still like it but I don't love it.

And where's Pug? I miss him... [sigh] Was so sad when he never made his move. [Frown]
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Jillikers, I already posted about Shulkie Pov! And here I thought you would be able to give me the names of some potential writers besides Slott who could keep this comic running at full speed! [Razz]

[LOL] No biggie.

And Slott only teased that he's excited to read whoever's taking over-- no hints to their identity. [Mad]
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I'm a fan of Spidey's marriage. Not a fan of She-Hulk's recent marriage though. [Smile] This issue came out yesterday...anyone read it?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I enjoyed the heck out of seeing She-Hulk give Tony Stark a tiny taste of what he so richly deserves.

I think her support of him and his initiative have kept me from enjoying the past few issues of this title.

Some characters, it wouldn't matter in the slightest, but her status as a defense lawyer made her support of Tony hard for me to swallow.

The fact that she was shown sleeping with Tony in some recent title or other (Mighty Avengers?) simultaneously heightened and diminished their battle here. L'il Dr. Doom got the last laugh, he thinks, by 'permanently' transforming She-Hulk into Jennifer Walters. Her vow at the end, that he *really* was in for it now, had the ring of truth.

I hope the creators find a way to keep both settings and casts around. I didn't like the SHIELD carrier, at first, but I've grown to think it's pretty cool. Same for Clay Quartermain and co. A little too close to what's going on in MS. MARVEL at the same time, perhaps.

Maybe the ladies can share one?

The law offices have gotten scant story. And if they *have* to choose, I suppose that's the setting that's most liable to give She-Hulk the room to prosper.
Posted by Reboot on :
ML - read IH106, then WWH:World Breaker now (in that order), which are the "next" two appearances of She-Hulk...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Thanks for the info, Reboot. Are both of those already on the stands?

And do you need to have read all the recent Hulk-in-space stuff? 'Cause I didn't, though I wanted to and couldn't quite afford it. (Actually, I forgot to pre-order it and the earliest issues sold out at my CBS-- making me a tradesitter. Not sure if my B&N has received the Planet Hulk TBs yet).
Posted by Reboot on :
They've both been out for, oh, three weeks or so (SH18's a full month late - it was meant to be out before both).

The Planet Hulk *HC* (not TPB) is due out the same day as WWH #1 in comic shops (I'm not sure whether TPBs/etc come out at exactly the same time in bookshops as comic shops or not).

And it's not strictly necessary - <i>World Breaker</i> exists in large part to bring you up to speed - but it helps.
Posted by Pov on :
IH #106 has sold out and gone to a 2nd printing, I thought I read somewhere.

And yes, Shulkie took both Clay then Tony for a roll in the hay in subsequent issues of her own mag. Right after she hit on Logan. [Roll Eyes] Love how they turn her into a slut to show she's "different" from just Jen... [No]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I picked up the two Hulk-related books. I liked 'em. I'm especially keen on seeing how former Champions Hercules and Angel are used. It's sort of inferred that one or both of them might not be there to help Amadeus Cho (cool character), She-Hulk and the soon-to-return Hulk.

I was surprised how quickly it looks like the stuck-as-Jen plot development will be resolved.

It's always good to see Doc Samson-- even under these storyline-induced madness conditions.

I thought Mr. Fantastic was through helping Tony? Guess I misunderstood recent issues of FANTASTIC FOUR.

I have a feeling Black Bolt's in for it. Between this and what's going on in SILENT WAR, coupled with rumblings about 'big' plans for the Inhumans, I'm beginning to be concerned for his continued survival.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I have to read the Herc/Angel appearance. Is that Incredible Hulk #106?

I agree She-Hulk's SHIELD team and Ms. Marvel's are similiar. Are all Avengers with a solo book getting a SHIELD team? Iron Man has one as well.

Can't wait to see how Shulkie gets Tony back. That was real low of him.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Another good issue in Slott's great run.

If I were Iron Man, I wouldn't take Jennifer's threat lightly.

This new Marvel U is no fun anymore, is it?

Although I still like the idea of a team for every state...

Oh well, I'm sure GREAT LAKES INITIATIVE will be a hoot.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I so want to see Hulk and She-Hulk take turns pounding Tony Stark into the dirt, like a metal-plated cricket wicket.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Well I was ready to drop this title when Slott left. But it looks like Peter David is taking over. I may have to stick around.
Posted by Pov on :
Whoa. Definitely unexpected, but it has a kind of logic, given PAD's history with her cousin. Shulkie stays on my pull list.

Have they said for definite if Burchett is staying on as artist?
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
I really like PAD as the choice here. Sometimes his humor gets a bit X-Factor and Captain Marvel.

But if he writes it more dynamic ('s She-Hulk) and writes it more like will rock.

Regardless I'm staying on.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I'm really glad it's PAD!
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Man this issue rocked! Slott pulle some old school Marvel stuff out of his here.

He basically tied up all his loose ends. And I do mean all. It took me a while to read. Which is a good thing. Nice Hawkeye stuff here as well.

I am going to miss Slott. I am excited about PAD though.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Thanks for merging. I couldn't find the original thread.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Yeah it was a good issue... I'm glad Slott got to tie up all the loose ends, but that final few panels shows that life is never entirely wrapped up in a pretty bow. I will miss Slott terribly here, but am looking forward to the era of PAD!
Posted by Pov on :
Slott's a genius. Using tourists from the Earth A dimension to explain away continuity errors? Sheer genius. [LOL]
Posted by Reboot on :
Am I the only one who finds the idea that Slott felt to explain away a mention that Monica's parents were dead by claiming it's an alternate whose parents were dead rather than... say... her parents, y'know, having died since we last saw them... inherently amusing?

Oh, and, how do Hulkling and Wiccan have counterparts on a basically-no-powers Earth?

Hulkling's a half-Kree, half-Skrull full-alien, whose conception was intimately (no pun intended) tied in with the Avengers and Kree/Skrull War.

Wiccan's the mystically-^&*$ed with child of Scarlet Witch and Vision (a pseudo-robot), concieved only through a whole coven's worth of magic.

I'm sure someone could plot a graph on how decreasingly likely it is that someone will have been born if they were conceived since powered superheroes first openly emerged (during or slightly before WW2 since the few that were earlier, like Union Jack I, weren't powered to my recollection, although I'd be happy enough to be proven wrong) since one person marrying the "wrong" person has the domino effect, not only directly but in how other people are affected at the time... even before you consider aliens and magic,... (3D Man would be less problematic than almost anyone else you could name, actually, since, being born earlier, he'd be more likely to exist on both worlds since he was concieved pre-WW2).
Posted by Caliente on :
It's Marvel science, 'Boot. This is the company that came up with radioactive spiderbite poweres, cosmic rays and super soldier serum. Why overthink it? Just sit back, suspend your disbelief and enjoy the ride.
Posted by Reboot on :
The ride makes me want to vomit when it comes to Slott. PAD taking over might make this title actually, y'know, readable.

And, when you come up with a story just to nitpick away a four-year old issue of another book (which is, y'know, petty), suspension of disbelief goes out the window and into the river. It's not "genius", it's bad fanfic that an editor should never have let past the concept stage.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Heh. I think fans like Reboot may be the ones Slott's "Squirrel Girl defeated Thanos"-type stories are designed to irritate.

This was another excellent issue. Slott rawks!
Posted by Pov on :
There is nothing in the universe SO wonderful that someone, somewhere, won't hate it-
Thanks to LAL for the quote in his sig. And how much nitpicking have YOU done over your years of posting, 'Boot? Pot, meet kettle. [tease]

And I love Thanos, but "Squirrel Girl defeated Thanos" made me giggle. So there. [Big Grin]
Posted by Reboot on :
If I was writing comics, I wouldn't nitpick *in* them!

And Slott really seemed out to try and sabotage Annihilation for some reason... (seriously, read that Thanos thing between the Thanos series and Annihilation, combined with that She-Hulk arc that involved Moondragon when she was meant to be an earless captive, and went out its' way to undercut Thanos' death...

And I'm still trying to figure out how a Mary Sue is funny just because "it's meant to be funny". Squirrel Girl is a Mary Sue.

[ October 01, 2007, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: Reboot ]
Posted by Pov on :
Well, Annihilation sucks because there's no Warlock. Duh. [Big Grin]

Seriously, I don't see how SG is a Mary Sue. Devin Greyson's Tarantula in NIGHTWING? You betcha. But I don't get any MS-vibe from Squirrel Girl. She's humorous for humor's sake. And don't worry about undercutting the death of the Big T, Marvel will do that themselves when they inevitably bring him back.

I still say they should kill off Lord Chaos and Master Order, and replace them with Warlock and Thanos if they're not going to do anything useful with them(W/T) as is.
Posted by Stealth on :
Well, Peter David's first She-Hulk issue is out, and I thought it was...underwhelming. I expected more from one of my favorite writers.

Click Here For A SpoilerThe art is clean, yet the battle scenes between Jennifer, Absorbing Man, and Titania are confusing. Maybe a more leisurely re-reading will clear that up.

But the thing about Peter David is...he often picks up speed as he goes on. I'm hoping that by the time this first arc is finished, the book will have improved thousandfold.

Definitely didn't hit the ground running like X-Factor, though.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I liked the fact that Titania- a name shared by the Queen of the Faeries (sometimes called the 'little people')-- is apparently stuck at the tiny height she was sentenced to along with a stay at Hank Pym's 'Big House'.

Jennifer's interesting new posture has me intrigued, as do her many faces on display here.

The bounty hunter business leaves me a bit cold. I liked her as a lawyer. But it could have possibilities.
Posted by Stealth on :
I didn't expect this story to be only a two-parter.

I think PAD's phoning this one in, and I can't continue to support it. I'll stick to X-Factor and Fallen Angel, books that PAD's heart is clearly into.

Sorry, She-Hulk fans.
Posted by MLLASH on :
The only thing you should be sorryabout is missing Dan Slott's excellent run (if you in fact did). It was worlds better than the past 2 issues, although I enjoyed the Crusher Creel and Titania appearances.

Like Mystery Lad, I much prefer the lawyer thing over the bounty hunter thing. Still, I'm not going anywhere. I want to see about Jen's new Skrull gal-pal. Could be fun!
Posted by Stealth on :'s difficult for me to say this to you because I see you're such a fan of Slott but...I skipped his run because I don't like his writing; his sense of humor doesn't click with my sense of humor and I don't see superheroes the same way he does.

No hard feelings, Lash.
Posted by Reboot on :
Originally posted by Stealth:'s difficult for me to say this to you because I see you're such a fan of Slott but...I skipped his run because I don't like his writing; his sense of humor doesn't click with my sense of humor and I don't see superheroes the same way he does.

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm not totally into PAD's run here yet but will give it a chance. I definately thought PAD's second run on Hulk was pretty weak (one of his weakest series of stories in the last ten years, despite the great Scorpion HoM crossover). But he's a writer who picks up speed as he goes.

But losing the entire supporting cast hurt a lot. Supporting casts mean quite a lot to this fan, and I don't like to see so many dumped so quickly.
Posted by Reboot on :
Two things going on with that:

One, he wanted to use a new situation, rather than risk being seen as "Slott-lite", and because pretty much her whole cast was tied to her job...

Two, he apparently didn't know how Slott's run was going to end, as he wrote #22-23 before Slott wrote #20-21.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Oh. I never thought of that (the second thing) and it makes sense. Hopefully we'll see them later on. I trust PAD enough to stick with the series for the duration (unless some drastic reason suggests otherwise).
Posted by Stealth on :
I never thought of that either, and it brings a new perspective on why # 22-23 was such a disappointment. I may browse through the next few issues at the store, and see if there's any improvement.

Re: PAD's second Hulk run, what ended up as his first arc was originally supposed to be a mini-series that would clear up the mess that other writers had made of Hulk continuity; placed within the frame of the ongoing book, it's admittedly jarring; and except for a few moments like the Fin Fang Foom sequence, it doesn't compare well to PAD's better arcs from his first Hulk run. Then there was that murky done-in-one ghost story (likely an inventory issue) that's better ignored. Which brings us to the HoM tie-in arc, which was surprisingly good and had an ending which could be seen as a set-up for a new direction that PAD would have taken if he hadn't left the book. With the HoM arc taking over almost half of this brief run, I'd say that overall, the glass was half full.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Of course no hard feelings. I can certainly see why Slott's GLA/X/I and She-Hulk style of writing wouldn't please everyone (he had a certain "in your FACE, fanboy!!" quality that could ruffle feathers) though I myself love it. I believe in A:tI he shows that he can handle the current Marvel style of writing very well, though.

PAD's She-Hulk continues to be "okay" with me, though not nearly as fun (or good) as Slott's.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Still having a hard time enjoying PAD's run so far. I usually love PAD's work 80% of the time, but there are occassions where I just don't like what he's doing at al (his entire second half of Supergirl was very 'meh' to me). I may drop She-Hulk from my pull list...
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#34 sees the beginning of a new story arc featuring the Lady Liberators, who debuted this month in HULK #7.

That issue was nothing to write home about, but this one had entertaining character interaction galore.

The plot concerns one of those get-involved-in-real-world-situations that super-heroes fling themselves into periodically, to show the readers their heroic consciences, I suppose. This particular one concerns earthquake-deprived citizens of a despot (tyrannical, but fun!) controlled country.

That's neither here nor there, as the reason to pick up this issue is for the dialogue and chemistry between She-Hulk, Thundra, Invisible Woman and Valkyrie.

All but IW appeared in the HULK issue, with no explanation given to Val's presence and corollary abscence from Asgard. Presumably, she's been 'reawakened' like 99% of the Asgardians and has either yet to return to the city hovering over Oklahoma, or has left it once more. It's clearly Brunhilde, though, and not Samantha Parrington.

No explanation given for Aragorn, either, yet he's there as well.

Anyway, if the image of Valkyrie knocking back cheap beer (which she first calls mead, and then swill) while balancing on the back legs of a chair in the kitchen of a trailer in a trailer park amuses you, then you want to give this issue a look.

She-Hulk conjoles Val and Thundra and Sue into joining her humanitarian mission (Val says she's in but then says that it might be the swill talking...)

As delighted as I was to see Valkyrie (though the otherwise fine artist makes her armored breast cups look a bit *too* much like the real things) and Aragorn return, I'm puzzled by how Thundra's presence ties in with her concurrent appearance in SI Inhumans and her cameos in green Hulk titles over the last few months (she apparently is the mother of Hulk's as-yet-unseen daughter!).

Are all of these the 'same' Thundra? Her home planet and culture have had more than one characterization, haven't they? I like her to pieces, but her back-story's a bit hazy.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Wow- no one else is excited by Val's return? Or by the formation of a new Lady Liberators?

I'm shocked!

And disappointed.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Wrong! I just read the issue.

The best issue since Slott left, IMO.

LOVE the funny take on Valkyrie... yeah, this is definitely not the Thundra who I first met in the 70s in FF, crushing on ol' Ben Grimm.

As far as I'm concerned, issue # 35 could convert from She-Hulk to LADY LIBERATORS. Or Bod Squad, whichever.

PAD did an excellent job with the interactions. And the art has totally grown on me!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Its okay. I've read much better stuf from PAD, and am not dropping the book, but it needs a bit more story, more humor, and honestly, better art for me to really dig it.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
#35 wasn't quite as entertaining as #34, but *did* contain much more weighty fight scenes.

This storyline seems designed to tickle my personal comic funny bone-- big roles for Valkyrie, Thundra and Darkstar (who has quite different powers than her predecessor, but still has me curious about her) and a good ol' fashioned meet/fight/reach an accord between two groups of super-beings.

I liked the way Red Guardian and Ursa Major were written. Wouldn't mind seeing more of this Winter Guard elsewhere.

I *really* wish Peter David would get the green light for a LADY LIBERATORS ongoing. Unfortunately, I think it more likely that She-Hulk will be relegated to something called 'Hulk Family' or somesuch.

This was a huge week for the character of Valkyrie- who was also featured in HULK #8, which had its moments, but was mostly set-up for a double-page spread featuring what looks like would be the rest of the prospective roll-call for LADY LIBs. Spider-woman (given SI, how?), Tigra, Storm, Hellcat and Black Widow arrive to face Red Hulk next issue...

Val also was a main character in the THOR: MAN OF WAR one-shot. Here, she's sent by Odin to teach Thor a lesson. They fight, first each other and then a frost giant. With the aid of the Warriors Three and Balder, the Asgardians triumph and celebrate their victory in a tavern- where Brunnhilde's all over Thor.

The story's set in the fairly distant past (as in centuries ago), but it was still odd to see Val draped over Thor's lap. She disappears in the second half of the book, which features a dust-up between father and son Norse gods.

That's a lot of appearances for a character that's been absent for so long. Still, there's no explanation about her current relationship to Asgard.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Just read somewhere (newsarama, i think) that its cancelled...again...

and since this is one of two (count'em, two) marvel books that i have been reading (Understand, i used to read all the x-men, hulk, spider-man, Captain Mar-vell, west coast avengers, well, you get the picture) it just means that i will have more money to stick in my pocket.

Cancellation fever...everyone has it.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
PAD never got me on this one. I just didn't like what he was doing here. Its rare for a PAD book to not be good (for me), but this was one of 'em.

I've been reading PAD's "But I Digress" in CBG since I was 11 years old, so I think I know him better than I know most writers. He has lots of thoughts on various topics, a great deal of whih I agree on, and he has his own theory of why a title needs to embrace crossovers. I don't buy it though...I think on that account he's dead wrong, and it hurt both X-Factor and She-Hulk.

I'd love for a Lady Liberators ongoing though. That would rock!
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
Well, i found PAD on Hulk the first time, and went back and tried to buy all the backissues. He never let things get static on Hulk, CM, Supergirl, or Aquaman. That said, as much as i love his stuff (still buying Fallen Angel), he just didn't seem to hit his stride on Shulkie. Granted, that usually builds and really picks up momentum after the first year of him doing a series, but it just didn't seem to be kicking into gear here.

I would, however, have stayed with the book for quite some time till he did find his groove thang.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Give the LADY LIBERATORS their own title, already.

Seeing Val and Thundra again has pretty much made my comics-reading month since November.

As far as Shulkie's participation, she's much more believable and entertaining in these character's company than in the LAST DEFENDERS. And I love the Defenders. Well, usually.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Todd, did you get the Thor one-shot that was basically a Thor/Valkrye team-up comic? It was by Matt Fraction and it was A+ excellent.
Posted by Ultra Jorge on :
Eh. I used to love Peter David but something happened recently where I just don't get into his work.

I agree with LASH I would love it if this book became the Lady Libs or Bod Squad. Throw in Tigra or Hellcat.

Heck, now that the world "Avengers" is overused as much as "X" call them the Lady Avengers.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
SHE-HULK 38 sees the release of this series' final issue.

It ends with a pun, a bad one, but that groaner is preceded by a pretty fun free-Jadzinda-from-captivity plot that sees the return of Thundra, Valkyrie and Invisible Woman.

Val and Jen's interactions are priceless-- they'd easily be a perfect centerpiece for a Liberators ongoing... or even a relaunch of The Defenders. Thundra's piles of fun, too.

The character of Mallory Book makes some interesting moves in this issue... lots of room is left for her return somewhere or other.

I'll miss this book, even if I wasn't so fond of Peter David's non-Liberator stories.
Posted by rickshaw1 on :
I've now bought three or four different versions of She-hulk over the years. They all seem to end for not much good reason.

PAD wasnt knocking it out the park for me, but i would have stuck with it.

And yeah, the pun was a groaner, but i love puns that can actually cause people to leave a room, so it worked for me.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
SAVAGE SHE-HULK #1-- I wasn't going to buy this, but my cbs thoughtfully put in my file and I want to encourage that kind of customer service, so I went ahead and bought it.

And I enjoyed it. Not enough to think the main She-Hulk title should've been banished to make room for this, but I liked it.

The central character's likeable, though her background's sort of dodgy. But then, what superhero's background isn't?

One thing I'm not clear on-- is Lyra's mother the same Thundra that recently in the Liberators? And is that Thundra the same Thundra that Crystal and Medusa visited in the Inhumans mini-series last year? Three different timelines going? Two?

The cover's certainly striking. I wish the parental units had appeared in the issue, as stretching things out until they guest-star is quite predictable.

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