This is topic May Comics Haul.... spoilers and speculations in forum Dr. Gym'll's Cultural Rarities at Legion World.

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Posted by Mystery Lad on :
spoiler space

This week I bought the following:

JLA 98
JSA 61

spoiler space

JLA 98: This really should have been DOOM PATROL #5, guest-starring the JLA. And The Atom, who makes quite an impression, as always. Give Ray Palmer a series, somebody.

Ray makes a great partner for Rita Farr. Since the Hawks are anything but a steady couple these days, and Green Arrow and Black Canary have split again, the Justice League needs an adventuring, fun couple. Why not Ray and Rita? 'The couple that shrinks together stays together.'

I'm still not sold on this new DP, though.

NIGHTWING 93: No way. Dick Grayson just wouldn't let what happens here happen. I don't buy it for a second.

Oh, well... how long do 'good' villains stay... er... 'down', anyway? Especially ones that are the main antagonist of a whole series.

Tarantula, Tarantula, Tarantula... lives up to the connotations of her name (fictional ones, but semantically real)... Ick on the roof. I hope Dick drops this chick quick. He's done *so* much better in the past.

I can imagine liking this new character, if the implications of her actions lead her in the directions I think they might...

Pretty art... superheroes in the rain always get me.

AQUAMAN: The big event that kicked off this creative team's run keeps spinning off new consequences. I like that. This time, the animals of the submerged city experience a delayed awakening and panic, going through the same changes as the humans, who try to help. Nice touch.

Love, love, love the panel with a dolphin resting its head on Aquaman's shoulder. Hated that the same dolphin is later killed. If you're an Amazon or a dolphin in the DCU, watch your back (or your dorsal fin).

Twists and turns.

A new Aquagirl? Fine, as long as she isn't a substitute for Garth and Mera. An addition to the Aquafamily is welcome; dropping existing members isn't.

AVENGERS 497: Nice cover. Hmmmm. Has this funereal statuary garden been shown before? I don't remember it. Very JSAish. Which came first?

And since when is Mantis dead?

I've defended Chuck Austen before, but I'm really glad he'll be nowhere near the character of Hank Pym. Ugh. Hank's not even recognizeable. And I'm not referring to his resumption of the 'GOLIATH' costume and ID.

The CAPTAIN AMERICA/IRON MAN banter was fun, though.

HAWKEYE and the WASP?! Ick. Vaguely incestuous, somehow. Now Hawkeye and the SCARLET WITCH... that'd be fun.

A new INVADERS? Cautiously looking forward to it. I wonder if there's any chance at all that the WHIZZER and MISS AMERICA will make flashback appearances... or even get updated? I have a fondness for that pair...

TEEN TITANS 11: The revelation of the relationship between Trigon and the Church of the Blood was a pip... as was the Church's intended role for Raven. Somewhat cliched, but at the same time unexpected.

I consider myself a Titan fan, but I must've blinked whenever Rose Wilson was a Titan. I don't care a fig for her (apologies to those who do), therefore her becoming a villain's sidekick doesn't bother me. Usually, I'm sensitive to/saddened/repulsed by heroes becoming villains (especially recently-- see LEGION LOST). But since I don't 'know' Rose, it doesn't affect me. In fact, the whole villain-with-a-sidekick schtick is sort of refreshing. My condolences to the fans of Rose Wilson, though. Maybe she's being mind-controlled, or something. On principle, I wish it'd been an orphan Slade picked up somewhere... I just don't like the hero-corrupted-out-of-nowhere storyline.

Creepy when Raven went 'black'...

Beautiful, beautiful spread showing Raven's 'interior' into which the Titans and co. are transported.

I'd like some hope for the character looming on the issue's last page. *This* guy I know and like. Don't want to see him as a villain, but in his case, his 'fall' has been shown a bit more. We've seen his thought processes and there's a certain logic involved. I don't really agree or like that logic, but I don't dispute it.

ULTIMATE X-MEN 45: Nice David Finch art. Sad story with a great usage of Xi'an 'KARMA' Coy Mahn. Her scene was worth the price of admission, for me. Storm had some worthy moments as well. Poor Beast, though.

JSA 61: Wow. Talk about a cliffhanger. Sheesh. Continued great examination of Mr. Terrific, mostly the new--- but also a bit of the old.

The flashback/funeral panel was *great*. Love it. Cast in a greenish glow, with somber figures in the rain.

Interesting revelation about Dr. Midnight's sight.

I just realized that Charles Mcnider is one golden-ager we haven't gotten to know, at all, during this series-- unlike other 'departed' members like Mr. Terrific and Hourman. Hmmm.

Speaking of Hourman... man, is it fun seeing him springing into action. I'm torn. I thoroughly enjoy Hourman, Jr., too. How to choose between them?

Maybe they can alternate interminably.

Fun little scene between Nite-nurse-lite and Wildcat. Heh.

Don't know what to think, yet, about the whole Hal/Spectre thing. Keepin' me interested, at least. Knowing about REBIRTH sort of dulls the surprise of it all.

Great seeing Rev. Craemer again. He was a character in the pre-Hal SPECTRE series, wasn't he? And also in SUICIDE SQUAD? The one that was good?

Looking forward to Sand's return in a couple of issues.

I sort of wish DC'd spin off an INFINITY SQUAD series. I love reading about Alan, Jay, Rex, etc.... but I'm always left wondering about Lyta, Todd, Al, etc.

There're worse things than wondering about characters you like when reading the exploits of *other* characters you like.

Legion fans know this better than anyone.

Posted by MLLASH on :
re: Rose Wilson, she was a TITAN during the period Arsenal was leading the team after ZERO HOUR, not long before the series (NEW TITANS) was cancelled.

She was brought back for a time in the last run as Lian's babysitter.

She's also Slade's daughter (and Jericho's half-sister) so I find her being Deathstroke's sidekick to be very interestng indeed. Father/Daughter villainous duo, an interesting dynamic.

I'm surprised you don't like her more, Todd-- considering how much we love the second, third & fourth-tier heroines!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
As always Todd, I love your reviews!

I have a big stack too, here's what I've read so far:

Teen Titans: another great issue! Good to see Kori get some screen time, and I like seeing Raven back, especially her seens with Gar. Deathstroke has been really good, and I like seeing Rose's growth, even if into a villian.

Pulse: Damn, this series is good. I think this is the best issue yet, and once again Bendis' pacing had my heart racing at the end of the series. I love seeing Jonah, Ben Urich and Jessica, not to mention Kat Ferrel and Luke Cage too. This is a great read.

Avengers: another Ick! I loathe Austen's Avengers, and I hate the way he's writing Hank and Jan. It just is so out of characters...ick.
Posted by MLLASH on :
Just got back from the CBS and am excited!!

Got FIRESTORM # 1 to see if it can hook me.



JLA # 98


HERO # 16

JSA # 61




But am most excited about the WORLD'S GREATEST SUPERHEROES 100 Page Super-Spectacular replica edition!! This is the grandpa of all 100-Page Spectaculars, and I've wanted a copy for ages... imagine my delight when they solicited this replica edition! It's loaded with reprints, including the first JLA/JSA meeting, a Johnny Quick tale, a Spectre tale, a Hawkman tale and MORE! Lots of Golden Age stuff I've never seen before!

Also scored a copy of DC COMICS PRESENTS # 52-- the first appearance of AMBUSH BUG!!! Am SO happy!

Also bought SUPREME: THE RETURN tpb; think I'll sell off my original issues. This is the good Alan Moore version, not the crappy pre-Moore Supreme.

So'm set for the weekend in reading material!
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Tarantula, Tarantula, Tarantula... lives up to the connotations of her name (fictional ones, but semantically real)... Ick on the roof. I hope Dick drops this chick quick. He's done *so* much better in the past.

She's around for the next story arc at least. I have no doubt they'll try to spin her off into her own mini or ongoing.

Great seeing Rev. Craemer again. He was a character in the pre-Hal SPECTRE series, wasn't he? And also in SUICIDE SQUAD? The one that was good?

Yep, that's him. Great character, and it's great to see Johns bring him back.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Some of Rev. Craemer's best appearances were the Suicide Squad issues centered around him that would explore the things going on with the various characters! And his scenes with the Spectre were Ostrander at his best ever, IMO.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:

But am most excited about the WORLD'S GREATEST SUPERHEROES 100 Page Super-Spectacular replica edition!! This is the grandpa of all 100-Page Spectaculars, and I've wanted a copy for ages... imagine my delight when they solicited this replica edition! It's loaded with reprints, including the first JLA/JSA meeting, a Johnny Quick tale, a Spectre tale, a Hawkman tale and MORE! Lots of Golden Age stuff I've never seen before!

This is the book that made me a DC comics fan for life, so it was quite a pleasant surprise when I heard they were reprinting.

I opted to pass on it, though, since I already have a good copy of the original print and the reprint's cover just doesn't look as good.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
The week ending May 22, I bought the following:

X-MEN 157

And here's what I thought:

SUPERMAN/BATMAN 10: Though Supes, Bats and Wondy were all acting just a bit over the top in their individual and respective ways, I thought the opening scene on Themyscira was effective. The backgrounds of Paradise Island and its Greek-influenced arena, temples and buildings were quite beautiful and fairly authentic, in a comic book way.

Artemis' character came across quite well in her couple of lines. Her partner in the Amazon duel... how long till we know if this is really Kara? I want to like her, but the uncertainty is keeping me from embracing her. I both liked and disliked the Amazon garb she wore here. It looked good on her, but the color scheme (red and gold) made me think for a minute that it was Lyta Trevor training on Themyscira. Which is something I'd like to see. So I was disappointed when it wasn't. The larger battle with the Doomsday clones (or whatever) from Apocalypse was impressive visually, but not so in any other way. I'm not so sure about the final page... cliffhanger or the end of little-seen supporting player? Kind of cheap if the latter. But with that particular character's array of powers... easily 'reversed'.

I wonder why the words 'World's Finest' aren't used in the title somehow? Seems sort of strange not to see them.

HAWKMAN 28: Acceptable. A new creative team arrives and with them a couple of new supporting players. One, a cop from Gotham City who doesn't like costumed heroes, interested me. The second, a night-club singer who flirts with Hawkman, seemed a bit more stereotypical. But I'll give her a chance.

I have to admit I really miss the married Halls... they were comics best-adjusted, most 'married' couple for a long time. The 'new' Hawkgirl, Kendra is one I like as Kendra... but less so as 'Hawkgirl'. I wish Shayera Thal had stuck around...

The last page with a particularly apt MO for a Hawkman villain made me anticipate the next issue.

WONDER WOMAN 204: I like the mythological elements in this book. Poseidon, Medousa (why the alternative spelling?), Euryale, Circe, the Minotaur chef... they are keeping me reading. I wasn't a big Wondy fan before the Perez reimagining... was Poseidon an 'antagonist' god for Diana then?

If he was or if he wasn't... I like that somebody besides Ares is causing some trouble. If Rucka *really* wants to be radical, he might show Ares on the 'side of the angels' for a while... or perhaps have Poseidon return to aid Diana in a later storyline. That's what the Greek gods were like, often.

Wonder Woman herself comes off well, here... showing scientific knowledge and an awareness of her limits in that arena. Batman (and Superman) have been used a bit too often in Diana's book, for my taste. Why not somebody else? Aquaman and Hawkman are two heroes I'd like to see guest-star. And a plethora of heroines...

Elongated Man could've helped Diana solve a mystery instead of Batman. But I guess he wouldn't bring in the bucks. Sigh.

Creepy litte dwarf villain survived and is up to some mean tricks. I dislike this villain, but he's indisputibly nasty and makes a visceral foe for Wonder Woman.

X-MEN 157: Nice art on the first page, featuring a Chinese temple... marred by the rickshaw. I guess they are still in use, but stil... Nice to see the cracks begin to show in that artifical facade of a relationship between Alex and Annie. Josh Guthrie arrives... they should've waited a while to bring him into the series, IMO. His impressions of some of the characters were worth reading, though.

Iceman and the secondary mutation of being permanently 'on ice'... ugh. Here's to a little recidivism. Loved seeing Storm in her flora-filled greenhouse... even with her imperious attitude.

"School bulletin board" existing on a website... how long till *that's* a monthly X-book?

The scene in the new headmaster's office... funny, but also disturbing. Since when is Scott *this* autocratic? I'm detecting Emma's influence here...

I'm ready for a full list of who's where. Lorna and Bobby will keep me reading this book, Beast and Kitty attract me to ASTONISHING, Angel and Mags to EXCALIBUR, Dani, Sofia and Rahne induct me in ACADAMEY X... Storm, Sage and Cannonball assure I'll read UNCANNY... but what about NORTHSTAR?! MAGMA!??? Those two were GREAT additions to the x-men titles! Find 'em a home!

This Havok/Bobby/Lorna thing could get old if all they do is bicker... though I ain't really complain' cause I've wanted to see that particular trio on one team since the aftermath of GIANT SIZE X-MEN #1, when they were all booted into limbo together.

The last page... combined with EXCALIBUR #1's end... make me curious about future developments. And, contrary to the views expressed by many, those developments make Grant Morrison's concluding story *more* interesting, rather than diminishing (or "cheapening") it. Long live the principle of serial storytelling.

NEW X-MEN ACADEMY X: A good-enough intro for anyone who didn't catch the NEW MUTANTS title which was this book's immediate predecessor. Most of the main characters are explained fairly well. Scott's plans as headmaster should be interesting. I wish he and Emma weren't going to be heavily featured in this book, though. Dani, Xian, Rahne and Northstar would've been sufficient faculty for the principal cast, IMO. Ah, well... I don't have the most mainstream of tastes, I realize.

OUTSIDERS 12: Arsenal and Huntress? Huh. Wonder if this'll get any play in BIRDS OF PREY? I'd like to see Dinah's reaction to her stepson-in-all-but-name and her new partner's little 'thing-that-wasn't-a-thing'.

SHIFT is likeable... if I hadn't read GRADUATION DAY, I'd even like Indigo, here. But I did and I don't... so far. I hope Metamorpho continues to pop up from time to time. I'm bound to like Shift at least a little bit, since he reminds me somewhat of Element Lad, at least in power. And in innocence.

That last page, and the sequences setting it up, makes me eager for the next issue. The FEARSOME FIVE always had heaps of untapped potential as villains, I thought. If the character that seems to be returning is actually returning, they should be a great supervillain team. Especially if said character has gained some intelligence through the intervening time that's taken place since their last appearance. Gizmo, Jinx, Mammoth and Psimon and the fifth FEARSOME one working for Dr. Sivana? Yeesh.

Will Captain Marvel, Jr. be returning?

BIRDS OF PREY 67: Wow-- what a cover! I didn't catch all the earlier issues of this storyline, but I sure enjoyed its conclusion. Chesire showed why she's a great villainess, whether here or in Titans or Outsiders. Vindictive, cruel, capable... and I'm glad they've kept her distinctive costume.

Black Canary makes a great entrance. I really enjoyed her explanation about her use (or non-use) of the canary cry. Makes total sense for Dinah. I liked seeing a bunch of little-used heroines. I only wished they hadn't chosen several that look so much alike. Shiva, Gypsy, Katana... ah, well, I wouldn't cut a one of 'em. Great seeing them. I like that Shiva is now, fairly definitively, a 'shades of gray' character. She's become quite fascinating.

Between BOP and OUTSIDERS, I'm starting to like Huntress. I never thought I would. Sheesh. First DNA made me like Atmos (at least a little), and now Huntress. Who's next? Lobo?

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Great comments Todd! I'll add a few:

-Huntress: As I've stated, she is my current favorite heroine in the DCU. I'm glad she's growing on you, she just keeps getting written better and better IMO!

-BoP: I agree with you totally. AMAZING art. AMAZING cover. Great story, and great to see so many good heroines. I love the Huntress, as I've said, Dinah kicks ass, Shiva kicks even more ass, and Cheshire is a hottie!

-Outsiders: I agree about Shift, I like him. At first, I was worried he'd be a Metamorpho rip-off, but I like how he's growing into his own character. Combined with recurring appearances by Rex, and I'm liking what I see. Indigo is still my favorite in the whole book though, so I hope she grows on you [Wink] .

-X-Men: see the "Joss Whedon on X-Men" thread, for my full synopsis on who is on what team, although it seems you already have it down pat. I think we're reading all the same titles, and like you, I'm interested in seeing my favorites. I'm glad you're getting "New X-Men", it's a book that I've been enjoying, and enjoyed as New Mutants.

Hawkman- I really enjoyed this issue. The art blew me away, and I'm interested in seeing where this story goes. I pull for characters like Hawkman to do good, since I love DC's Silver Age heroes who are not Bat/Super/Wonder characters, so I'm more prone to enjoy this series. I'm glad to see the book looks like it will be in capable hands for the time being.

-Superman/Batman- I liked it too, but like you, I want to make sure it's Kara first before I start really liking her (which is hard to do). I love the way Batman is written here, even if it is over the top!

As for that characters death, like you said, kind of cheap, but easily reversable.

Your comments, as always, make reading the books even more enjoyable Todd [Smile] !
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

-Huntress: As I've stated, she is my current favorite heroine in the DCU. I'm glad she's growing on you, she just keeps getting written better and better IMO!

With a little further thought, I realize I like Huntress whenever she appears in a book that isn't a BATMAN-related book (I don't think of BOP as one, though I realize that DC does). I liked her when she was in the Justice League... and I've enjoyed her here and in the Outsiders. I *really* don't like her as a partner for Nightwing, however, as I think they bring out the annoying qualities in the other.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

-Outsiders: I agree about Shift, I like him. At first, I was worried he'd be a Metamorpho rip-off, but I like how he's growing into his own character. Combined with recurring appearances by Rex, and I'm liking what I see. Indigo is still my favorite in the whole book though, so I hope she grows on you [Wink] .

I confess that I'm holding a grudge. Donna Troy is/was my favorite non-Legion DC heroine and I can't really separate Indigo from GRADUATION DAY.

I'm pretty sure that Donna will return one day... if and when she does, I'd like to see her appear with Indigo- either as a permanent teammate (my choice), or a prominent guest-star. I can imagine Donna making friends with Indigo... at that point, I'd be open to the character.

If I'd only read OUTSIDERS, I guess I'd like her.

I have to further confess that years and years ago, when making up one of many superheroes, I made up one that I named INDIGO... that may be a reinforcing source of my bias against this character.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

-X-Men: see the "Joss Whedon on X-Men" thread,

I'll check that thread out and post there.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

-Superman/Batman- I liked it too, but like you, I want to make sure it's Kara first before I start really liking her (which is hard to do). I love the way Batman is written here, even if it is over the top!

As for that characters death, like you said, kind of cheap, but easily reversable.

I also like the back-and-forth thought captions. Do you mean it's hard to wait to start liking Kara, or that it's hard to like her at all?

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Your comments, as always, make reading the books even more enjoyable Todd [Smile] !

Thank you, kind sir... and your replies make writing the comments worthwhile!

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Todd, I totally agree about the Huntress. I think she's so much better when not in the Bat-books, where she becomes just another bat-character sometimes. However, there are times when she's with just Batman that I like her too. Personally, I can't see why Bats isn't head over heels for her [Wink] .

And for Kara, I mean that it's hard to wait to start liking her. I don't want to get caught up in enjoying her, only to find out she's not who she says she is! However, I'm getting sucked in despite my best efforts to wait...
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

I'm pretty sure that Donna will return one day...

There is currently a rumor flying around that Phil Jiminez has plans to "right a wrong" over at DC. The smart money says he's planning to bring Donna back.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :

I hope that rumor turns out to be truth, Outdoor Miner...

This week I bought:

JLA 99


X-STATIX 23... This was fun; Hawkeye *totally* playing/manipulating the smitten Vivisector and winning the portion of Doop's brain up for grabs. The politics of Africa made an unusual backdrop. Was it simplistic? I honestly don't know enought about it to determine.

I think it'd be funny if Vivisector tried out for the Avengers one day. Not saying he should become a member... but a 'rematch' against/with Hawkeye is in order. And where else would we see it now?

Ant-man versus Venus De Milo... ich! Blood and guts (literally). The subconscious thing was a little hard to swallow. Is this a secondary mutation?

All in all, this is turning out to be a fun series of superheroic 'duels'. It's such a shame that these meetings will be closing out the series, as I think the characters have lots of miles left in them. Especially now that they aren't killing one off every other issue.

AVENGERS 83/498... Wow... those lobster-ships attacking the oiler... what a visual!

I like the Blazing Skull (not least because we share a name...). He's funny, a little klutzy and very 'roll with it' flexible. He alone would prod me towards picking up The INVADERS when that book starts. Isn't it strange that both Avengers and JLA take the proverbial backseat in the same couple of months to intro a debuting super-team book? Co-inky-dink?

The new Cap and Human Torch will have to grow on me. Right now, they're a tad too negative. Though I like the throwback to the original HT not being able to 'flame off', they'll have to do some work to show why they didn't just use Jim Hammond. Does the MU really need three human torches? Spitfire.... cypher, so far.

This was also the month for sexy aquatic heroes, as Kollins draws a hunky Submariner. I always like Namor turning up...

LOVED She-Hulk pretending to be a monster while chasing those kids... LOL! I've never been a particular fan of She-Hulk, but this small scene's made me one! Now I suppose I'll have to give her series a try, since I've read such glowing reviews of it. Darn it.

As for Wasp/Hawkeye/Goliath... gag. I like Austen on X-men, but I'm *so* glad his run on The Avengers is coming to an end soon. I think he has totally misread the Hank Pym character. I read an interview with Austen, in which he told of his own abuse as a child. I think he's projected his feelings about that sad event onto a character who doesn't deserve it. A little open-minded research would've revealed that.

ULTIMATE X-MEN 46... I really like Ultimate Angel. Ultimate Northstar, debuting here, is a tad too negative, though. He's very young, however.

What does 'sobaka' mean? Nothing came up when I tried an online Russian-to-English dictionary. Has Colossus' crush on Wolverine turned to hate?

'Corsair' as Scott's childhood fantasy world was kind of a cute reinterpretation. Iceman teaching Rogue to ice skate on a frozen swimming pool that Kitty wanted for a swim... that was fun. Hee-hee!

Storm cutting her own hair is worthy of a splash page? What will they do when she has to get ready for a trip to the beach? Devote an epic miniseries to 'Stormhair'?

Ulitmate Mr. Sinister... tres creepy. Did he kill JP, do you think?

JLA 99... well, it's over anyway.

The 'new' DP... consists of the original four plus Faith, Nudge, Grunt and Vortex. Vortex is the only one of the last grouping that inspires the least bit of my interest. And the three women look way too much alike. All three have medium brown-hair... though at least of different lengths.

I think Rita should've stayed in the JLA. That'd be interesting, and Lord knows they need some heroines in there. But I'm sure Byrne won't let her out of his tight little grip for a while. I hope he has some good stories planned, cause his interpretation of vampires just doesn't cut it, IMO. Negative Man and Robot-Man are good enough characters, traditionally anyway, that I'll check DP out, I suppose.

What's with the curly/wavy haired blond guy? He says "The time hasn't yet come to reveal myself" and isn't seen again. Did I miss something? This really shouldn't have been included in the JLA storyline. Not everyone's gonna check out DP, no matter that the publisher might wish that they would.

Next month: A JLA story, right? Oh, wait... it's time for an intro to yet *another* superteam... Sigh.

ASTONISHING X-MEN 1... A strong opening scene featuring Kitty Pryde's return to the X-Mansion sets the tone. I've read that Kitty's a favorite of Josh Whedon... and it shows.

Kitty and the dialogue are the stars, here... as is the art. It's Wolverine's turn to scold Scott this month; it's much more problematic than when Beast did last time around. When Beast, normally a staunch pal, criticized Scott, I 'sat' up and took notice. When it's Wolverine... well, that's Cyclops and Wolverine... another day at the office.

Emma had such a 'sit up' moment for me, when, in an aside to Beast, she says the following, "Superpowers, a scintillating wit and the best body money can buy... and I still rate below a corpse?"

Now I'm interested.

The plot begun here involving a scientist and her announcement about mutancy being a disease... seemed familiar. Has a similar premise been used in a storyline before? I remember a 'cure' for specific mutants in X-Factor... and recently in X-Statix, but I don't think either actually called being a mutant a disease.

JLA ANOTHER NAIL 1... Jiminy jigglywhiskers, I enjoyed this. And I'm not particularly a New Gods or Green Lantern fan.

Barda gets better treatment than I've ever seen her get in the 'normal' DCU. I enjoyed it, at least. And her hubby, Scott, goes through quite a 'freeing' transformation. Consider the ramifications...hmmmm.

Hawkwoman as a central JLAer.... Selina Kyle Wayne as Batwoman.... Davis' yummy Aquaman (told you it was the month for hunky undersea heroes)... Dr. Fate and the Outsiders... Madame Xanadu and the Phantom Stranger...

LOVE all that! And BLACK ORCHID's ahead! And then the Legion!!

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Haven't read most of those yet Todd, but here's some comments:

JLA Another Nail #1: Holey Moley, I'm hooked! Very cool! Great art, great pacing, story and dialogue. Like you, I'm not a huge fan of the New Gods, but I really liked what I saw.

Best Barda I've ever seen, and Mr. Miracle was done equally as good. Great seeing Davis draw the classic JLA! And I liked the various appearances throughout the book, and look forward to the others.

And it's worth it just to hear Todd say Jimin Jigglywhiskers!

I haven't bought Astonishing X-Men yet, and am really looking forward to it! Kitty (along with Nightcrawler and Collosus) is my favorite X-Man, so I am more than excited!

Haven't read Avengers either, but I'm already for Austen's run to end. He's killing Hank's character, which as I said in another thread, really bothers me. I didn't know about his own past though, so at least I have some idea why. I probably will pick up Invaders though, b/c I love Namor and am strangely enjoying Action Comics and X-Men, after over a year of hating his work. I'll at least give it a try.
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

JLA 99... well, it's over anyway.

What's with the curly/wavy haired blond guy? He says "The time hasn't yet come to reveal myself" and isn't seen again. Did I miss something? This really shouldn't have been included in the JLA storyline. Not everyone's gonna check out DP, no matter that the publisher might wish that they would.

I would have been willing to write that off as a little editorial gaffe, had the issue not ended with a cliffhanger that will be resolved in Doom Patrol #1. Not the smartest way to launch a new series.

Speaking of gaffes, note what is very likely a coloring error in one of the final scenes with Crucifer.
Posted by UTS on :
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:

I'm pretty sure that Donna will return one day...

There is currently a rumor flying around that Phil Jiminez has plans to "right a wrong" over at DC. The smart money says he's planning to bring Donna back.
The good news: Donna's coming back.

The bad news: "Wonder Snake."
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
What, and miss the opportunity to bring her back in a crystalline body?

Now "Lilith Snake", on the other hand....
Posted by Obadiah Oldbuck on :
What got me was the "ghost" that surprises Nudge in JLA #97. Lookes like a Union Soldier. Then never seen again. What's up with that?
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Sheesh-- I left out FLASH 210!


And it was one of the best

of the bunch!


I'm loving FLASH again. Every morsel dangled in front of us about the rogues in the FBI makes me that much more tantalized. Piper's one of my favorite supporting characters... and so is The Trickster (who needs to smackdown that callow kid usurping his name...). It'll be interesting to see how Wally fits into the 'Rogue War'. Do Piper, James and Heat Wave still consider themselves rogues? Their reasons for reforming are *very* different. I hope that gets explored.

Anyway, the issue's main event is the conversations between Dick Grayson and Wally West. I'm glad Nightwing will be around next issue, otherwise I'd already be demanding 'more, more'! Seriously, if there can be a SUPERMAN/BATMAN ongoing when those two characters are ambivalent about each other... there should be a FLASH/NIGHTWING series. I'd buy it.

Their 'reunion' is fun to read, here, with a well-done flashback in a dim, dank batcave that, unfortunely, sets the lighting tone for the rest of the issue. I find something more compelling about Dick and Wally as friends than I do the Dick and Roy friendship featured in OUTSIDERS. I enjoy both, though.

I think I like Girder as a newish Flash-villain. Double-down, not so much. What is it with playing cards as a source for superpowers? I don't really get it.

I thorougly enjoy flashbacks to the original Teen Titans. They were the best thing about the last Titans series... sometimes the only good thing. I resisted really buying into the new Titans series because it didn't feature a single original Titan. That bugs me. I get that the characters would naturally move on into more complicated lives. But, to me, the sum of the 'Fab Five' is greater than its parts.

Reluctantly, I can see that an ongoing team book featuring Dick, Wally, Roy, Garth and a resurrected Donna would have to contort these characters in a contrived way. I like Roy in Outsiders... he's growing leaps and bounds there. Dick, I think, should leave in a year or so. His heart's not in it. And the fun in his taking his mentor's place in 'Batman and the Outsiders' has been mined for as much as it's worth, IMO. Wally's graduated-- he's JLA... though he'll never totally leave behind his allegience to the Titans. Garth's just disappeared, unfortunately. And we know about Donna.

Still, there's gold in these characters getting together... for new adventures and for remembering their childhood. I think an annual get-together should be instituted. The Thanksgiving JLA/JSA team-up is a great addition to DC's tradition. I think this could be, as well. Maybe an annual Christmas party? New Year's Eve?

Which has taken me far afield from THE FLASH... and the surprising, but not if you think about it, cliffhanger...

Posted by Blockade Boy on :
I definitely agree with your comments about Flash's Rogues. They could easily support a mini.

Of the new "rogues," Murmer is just scary. No real superpower, just psycho. Double Down, yeah that's weird. Peeling cards off your skin is a bit over the top even for a comic.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Is 'Rogue Wars' going to be a mini-- or just happen in the pages of THE FLASH?

Murmur *is* scary... so much so that imagining that particular character cooperating on a supervillain team stretches just a tad.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Murmur *is* scary... so much so that imagining that particular character cooperating on a supervillain team stretches just a tad.

Yeah true. He can be used though, like the rabid dog you sick on your enemies.

Look boy, tongue! Fetch! [LOL]

Rogue War happens within the pages I'm pretty sure.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by MLLASH:
re: Rose Wilson, she was a TITAN during the period Arsenal was leading the team after ZERO HOUR, not long before the series (NEW TITANS) was cancelled.

I'm surprised you don't like her more, Todd-- considering how much we love the second, third & fourth-tier heroines!

I remember when Arsenal led the team for a bit... and I vaguely remember Rose being introduced. But I don't remember her making an impression at that time, Lash. Maybe I didn't buy all of this run? I recall being disappointed at the general direction then.

I can't like *all* the 'lower' tier heroines! There's quite a few I'm not interested in... most of the 'catgirl' ones outside of Selina, The Cat/Tigra and Hellcat. I never cared much for She-Hulk until this past AVENGERS issue, of all things. Her little rampaging act to scare the kiddies was adorable...

I suppose we could post lists, but that'd take all day... maybe it should be another thread.


[ May 30, 2004, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Avengers: another Ick! I loathe Austen's Avengers, and I hate the way he's writing Hank and Jan. It just is so out of characters...ick.

I've read a couple of Bendis interviews about AVENGERS DISSAMBLED and what'll come after and now I'm *really* worried about Hank. I have a feeling he's gonna go psycho, causing the breakup of the current team.

I absolutely loathe this idea... all based on one slap! When he was having a nervous breakdown (or something...). One slap is a long way away from spousal abuse, IMO. It worked for the ULTIMATES, but it's so much ca-ca in the 'regular' AVENGERS.

I hope I'm wrong.

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Tarantula, Tarantula, Tarantula...

She's around for the next story arc at least. I have no doubt they'll try to spin her off into her own mini or ongoing.

You think? I wouldn't mind seeing her turn up in JSA for an arc or two... just because of the Jonathan Law connection.

But would they consider her a legacy or an opponent?

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Todd, I totally agree about the Huntress. I think she's so much better when not in the Bat-books, where she becomes just another bat-character sometimes. However, there are times when she's with just Batman that I like her too. Personally, I can't see why Bats isn't head over heels for her [Wink] .

Ick... that'd be sort of incestuous. I know, I know... she's not the Earth II Huntress. But still...

Call me stuck in the eighties, but the only Bat romance I'll ever believe will be between him and Catwoman. Those issues immediately before Crisis (and right after, I think... wasn't Catwoman 'revillainized' by Dr. Moon postcrisis? Meaning it's the same character starring in her own book now? I'm not entirely sure...) when Bats and Catty double-dated with Green Arrow and Black Canary are sentimental favorites.

Does *every* comic couple have to be placed in doom and gloom? There'd never be a 2nd (or would that be 3rd?) generation of heroes...

I guess Gag and Magag are inevitable...

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by UTS:
The good news: Donna's coming back.

The bad news: "Wonder Snake."

Eek! Gods of Olympus, no!

But it'd be sort of fitting, in that snakes often symbolized death to some Greek cultures...

But if she does come back as Wonder Snake, and eventually undergoes the same transformation that Sensor did, at least give her some nipples!

Donna 'Hydra' Troy?

Posted by Frostfyre on :
I'll take Donna back anyway I can get her!!!!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I'm tempted to agree, frostfyre. But then I see suggestions like 'Wonder Snake' (made in jest, I *think* [Smile] ) and I hesitate.

I think they should set up Donna's return like this:

1. She's been transported back to the ancient battle of Troy, where she's a member of an Amazon army fighting for Troy. She encounters Achilles, Patroclus, Hector, Odysseus, Helen and several gods and goddesses. She becomes a particular friend of Odysseus and Athena.

She's there as the war concludes, where her purpose is revealed; she's entrusted with making sure Aenas and the other 'colonists' make it to Rome and get started building their new city-state.

2. She's transported back to her own world and time through a magic mirror used by a Roman magician. She steps through-- primarily as the Donna we remember in personality and power, but a bit Romanized.

She's now to Rome what Wonder Woman is to Greece, though her Amazons have disappeared from history. She's a revenant of the long-missing contingent of Roman Amazons.

Her search for the missing sisters becomes her primary focus as a heroine. Along the way, she reconnects with her old friends in the Titan, Outsiders and JLA.

Whaddya think?


[ May 31, 2004, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Frostfyre on :
I like it!

My idea was to have Donna lead an "Exiles" like team jumping through Hypertime my line-up would include:

Donna Troy
Polar Boy
Superboy (from Earth Prime)
Flash (from Tangent comics)
Grifter (from Wildcats)
Green Lantern(a very young Hal Jordan)
and Ambush Bug!!!!
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Anyone have any comments on the latest issue of Robin??
Posted by Outdoor Miner on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
Originally posted by Outdoor Miner:
Tarantula, Tarantula, Tarantula...

She's around for the next story arc at least. I have no doubt they'll try to spin her off into her own mini or ongoing.

You think? I wouldn't mind seeing her turn up in JSA for an arc or two... just because of the Jonathan Law connection.

But would they consider her a legacy or an opponent?

Given their standards, if they know anything about her, they'd consider her a problem.
Posted by Pov on :
Originally posted by Frostfyre:
Anyone have any comments on the latest issue of Robin??

As someone who doesn't regularly follow the ROBIN title, I have to say... I liked it. Steph's drive and determination in the face of her inexperience, Bats' clinical detachment (apparently) from Tim after he chose to retire, Alfred's questioning Bats' motives, the vignettes of Tim's return to a "normal" life... all really compelling writing by Bill Willingham. I only ordered #126 because DCBS was offering it at a special 50% discount, but I'll be checking out at least the next issue, if not Spoiler's entire run as Robin.
Posted by MLLASH on :
So THE SPOILER is now officially Robin? I like that development. A lot.

Curious to see how/if this will change TEEN TITANS.
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Pov, I don't read Robin either I just flipped through and had to have it great turn of events in this issue I'm gonna be reading the enire Spolier as Robin run!!!!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm not really that big on it, but I do like Stephanie as a character. Be weary though guys, Stephanie getting hurt bad or killed might be a possibility down the road...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Don't expect Steph around long. Last week's All The Rage (highlight to see):

Round Robin

Wondering how long DC is going to run with the new female Robin? From what I hear, it won’t be much longer. Word is that the former Spoiler/current Robin will be crippled or killed in the upcoming Batman: War Games crossover. Furthermore, Tim Drake's dad will be “disposed of”, paving the way for Tim to become Robin again. Afterwards, Tim is expected to remain Robin for the foreseeable future, both in his own book and the related Bat-titles, Teen Titans, and so on…

If true, this rumor tracks with Dan Didio’s recent comments at Wizard World East. During the DC panel, he mentioned that the current Robin storyline has direct repercussions on how War Games plays out. He also said it would “change Batman’s relationship to his support staff.”

To which, I say “Death in the Family, anyone?”

This Has A “Status Quo is Here Again” Factor of Eight Out of Ten

[ June 06, 2004, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Frostfyre on :
I had herd this rumor already Scott and as much as I hope it isn't true I pretty much buy into it. But I'll enjoy Steph as long as I can!!!!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
I like Stephanie, too. I hope she isn't killed in the upcoming multiparter. But I prefer Tim as Robin... he's really a refreshing young character. I was surprised how much I liked him when he debuted.

Maybe Stephanie could call herself Bat-Girl? Or even Batwoman? How would she look in red and yellow?

Posted by Mystery Lad on :
OK, this week I bought...



THOR 79/581
THOR 80-582



EXILES 48 The creative team's got some work ahead of them to make me care about Namora. I don't much like the 'swap one blue-skinned babe for another blue-skinned babe' development. Even though Beak's ostensibly Nocturne's replacement. He's hardly a substitute... but that's the point, isn't it?

I wonder if Nocturne's story will continue in these pages or in another title's? Just who met her at the gates to X-Mansion?

Angel and all her babies predicament is the first time we've seen the consequences of one of the Exile's absence from their home, isn't it? Sad...

Typically, for superheroes, it looks like TJ won't be keeping Mimic's promise to Beak...

The Fantastic Four always are fun in these throw-down situations, for some reason. How 'bout next time an altEarth FF story is visited, that Earth's FF contains Crystal and/or Medusa?

Crystal, Medusa, Invisible Girl and the Thing... that'd be fun. Medusa can be the stretchable-tressed genius, Crystal can 'Flame On' and Sue and Ben can be the married couple...

Or maybe a non-Richards FF? Crystal, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Polaris... for a more mutant-FF.

UNCANNY X-MEN 445: Carol Danvers! Appearing in the X-Men! In her classic uniform! Is this 2004?

I enjoyed seeing her here.

LOVED the Nightcrawler/Storm scenes... especially when they rose waltzing into the air. I don't know what Claremont intends for these two long-time friends, but could anything be *more* romantic?

I know zip about the Captian Britain mythos, so Fury's new to me. He seemed familiar and fairly routine.

The personal bits were the best part of the issue. The art was quite good, with some nice dialogue to support it.

I trust that Sam isn't in the situation he appears to be in, at the issue's conclusion...

AUTHORITY: MORE KEV 1... I didn't read Kev's first appearances, so, for me, the story really began with the first panel set on The Carrier. Y'know... the Authority is, in some ways, even goofier and sillier than some of the Silver Age stories that modern readers giggle over... with breasts and cuss words thrown in. So is 'reality'.

The opening scene with Kev and his coitus interruptis via assissins was snickery, but the transformations of the Authority members who return to the Carrier were FUNNY!

"Get your hands off my tits, you bastard!" Tee-hee! How could Apollo have known?

I'll admit it; I find Apollo and Midnighter fun. They're no more realistic than the counterparts they're meant to ape. I'd love to see a more 'sane' gay superhero couple, but until I do... this pair's antics will suffice.

Their dialogue is over the top, not even vaguely sexual. I'm sure that's offensive to some readers on both sides of the 'gay divide'. It arouses a smile, for me. "I've spent enought time around your balls to know I don't want to replace them..." Snicker.

Written with a leer, obviously... but not a malicious one... I hope.

Mindless entertainment written by a sharp 'pen'.

THOR 79/581... I know that some will find this a rushed end to a looooong storyline, but I thought there was a certain logical cohesiveness to it.

Obviously, Asgard wasn't going to hover above Manhattan for the rest of the existence of the Marvel Universe... unless Thor and co. are going to break off into their own exclusive little 'Thor-verse'.

Who didn't see a reset coming? It was the means to an end.

THOR 80-582... Love the trappings of myth... love Loki as a cosmic-class opponent, not a clown (though he could easily veer into a different kind of clown... there's a 'human' side to Loki, too)... love Thor's thinking of the Avengers as 'brothers' just as he gasps out "Avengers... Assemble!"...

Hate, hate, hate the nonchalant deaths of Sif, Balder and the Warriors Three... the very offhandedness with which they're dispatched makes me think that their 'deaths' won't exactly be permanent.

If I'm wrong, I won't be reading Thor for very much longer. Sif and Balder, in particular, are big factors regulating my enjoyment of this title.

As it is, this opening chapter of AVENGERS DISASSEMBLE has my attention... in spades.

Nice to see the Valkyries on Asgard... now, about THE Valkyrie showing up, hmmm?

Posted by MLLASH on :
DC to refrigerate ANOTHER heroine? Guess I'll skip the Robin arc.
Posted by Frostfyre on :
Thats the rumor Lash Here's hoping its not true!!!!
Posted by Frostfyre on :
They killed Sif Good Lord!!!!!I thought Thor was a Marvel comic!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
To keep up with adding my own comments to Todds [Smile] :

Uncanny X-Men: Absolutely loved it. I agree, the moments between Storm and Nightcrawler were the highlight and very welcome. These two have been friends for so long, and I really love to see these scenes. It was a great read this month, like last, and I can't get enough of it. This reminds me of the *old* Claremont, and I can't get enough of this group of characters, and the situations of this issue. Kurt and Logan's opening scenes were good, and no one writes a better Cannonball than his creator.

Thor: The issue that wrapped up that major storyline was good for me b/c most importantly, it finally wrapped up the storyline. Rushed or not, I'm just glad it's over.

For the latest: Wow. The story was good. The art was magnificent, and seeing Loki, the Fenris Wolf, Ulik and the Midguard Serpent was crazy. Thor calling on his 'brothers' was a nice touch.

But I really hope that Baldur and Sif (and the Warriors 3) aren't dead. I half think they'll come back (I mean c'mon, Thor's whole cast dead?), but with this "Re-assembled" business gets me worried. Sif does have the power to travel through time/space, so she could have gotten her and Baldur (and others) out of there. But it was shocking nonetheless. I think I'm going to wait to see how the arc ends before I comment on any deaths.

But the art was great and Thor was exciting for the first time in who knows when. And cool shots of a young Fandral and Volstagg, Odin in all his magnificence, Thor as a regal and sane king, the Valkryes, the Norse gods saluting a fallen Dwarven hero (very nice touch), etc.
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Frostfyre:
They killed Sif Good Lord!!!!!I thought Thor was a Marvel comic!

It *is* in an opening issue for a long storyline... I'd wait till the conclusion to jump to any 'refigeration' type judments.

And Balder, the Warriors Three and who knows how many others went with Sif, so the icebox *might* not apply.

Oh, yeah-- Amora the Enchantress, too. But her, I wouldn't miss...


[ June 07, 2004, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Mystery Lad ]
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Uncanny X-Men: Absolutely loved it. I agree, the moments between Storm and Nightcrawler were the highlight and very welcome. These two have been friends for so long, and I really love to see these scenes. It was a great read this month, like last, and I can't get enough of it. This reminds me of the *old* Claremont, and I can't get enough of this group of characters, and the situations of this issue. Kurt and Logan's opening scenes were good, and no one writes a better Cannonball than his creator.

Cannonball's one of my favorite X characters, so I hope he's gonna be around for awhile. Do you think Storm and Nightcrawler are just having a friendly sky-waltz, or is this the start of something more? I'd be for more, I think.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

Thor: The issue that wrapped up that major storyline was good for me b/c most importantly, it finally wrapped up the storyline. Rushed or not, I'm just glad it's over.

Yeah, it'd more than run it's course.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

For the latest: Wow. The story was good. The art was magnificent, and seeing Loki, the Fenris Wolf, Ulik and the Midguard Serpent was crazy. Thor calling on his 'brothers' was a nice touch.

Yes... seeing so many mythological elements touched upon was a treat. And I liked the runelike borders that surrounded some of the pages... they fit the storytelling.

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

But I really hope that Baldur and Sif (and the Warriors 3) aren't dead. I half think they'll come back (I mean c'mon, Thor's whole cast dead?), but with this "Re-assembled" business gets me worried. Sif does have the power to travel through time/space, so she could have gotten her and Baldur (and others) out of there. But it was shocking nonetheless. I think I'm going to wait to see how the arc ends before I comment on any deaths.

If the deaths stand, I'll be dropping THOR. I mean, I know it's 'comics' and not the 'pure' myth, but Thor is *supposed* to marry Sif someday... Balder, of course, is meant to be resurrected anyway. In myth, at least. I wonder how many poor Valkyries won't be coming back-- or even named, though. We (at least I) thought DC treated its Amazons poorly...

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:

But the art was great and Thor was exciting for the first time in who knows when. And cool shots of a young Fandral and Volstagg, Odin in all his magnificence, Thor as a regal and sane king, the Valkryes, the Norse gods saluting a fallen Dwarven hero (very nice touch), etc.

I thought the beginning of Jurgen's run was fairly exciting, but lost steam. The whole 'dead Odin' thing's a bit much...

...I think some of these writers are gonna get the 'hoodoo hex' on 'em if they keep killin' off these gods and demigods that've been around for centuries and millenia:). Don't they learn anything from the stories they write? Or read before they became writers? [Big Grin]

Thanks for replying, Cobie...

Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Re: Thor, the bodies were dropping as easily as a "What If" story. Since it's called "Ragnarok", I guess they have to make it seem like the end of the world, but it obviously won't be so I have to imagine the cosmic reset button will be hit at some point. Otherwise, it's a really crappy way to end their lives.
Posted by matlock on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
OK, this week I bought...







...I know zip about the Captian Britain mythos, so Fury's new to me. He seemed familiar and fairly routine.


Is that the Fury? A robot with a big round head? If so, it was a pretty tough cookie which killed all the heroes of it's native Earth except one, and killed Captain Britain to boot (he was resurrected soon after.) It took a lot of doing to bring it down. This was in the Alan Moore/Alan Davis run, which I think was put out in TPB a few years back and which I highly recommend.

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