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Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Read it!
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Look at the pictures too.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Hey! You're not the boss o' me!
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Am indeed.
Posted by DrakeB3003 on :
Well, then -- I want a raise! And a key to the bathroom! (my filing cabinet's starting to reek!)
Posted by rokk steady on :
Why? B/c the story-telling and art are taking her places she's never been before.

The writer knows exactly what to do with Selina. He's making a little bit good with a rebellious streak, and the basis for turning her back on 'crime for crime's sake' is believable and logical. Also, one of the recent storylines was so brutal, the subsequent story-arc simply dealt with the fall-out. And it was logical fall-out, the kind that a writer doesn't often address in the comic stories I read. Characters were actualy traumatized and became distant with each other, but not indefinitely so, w/out resolution.

And I'm no art critic, but the lines are simple, the mood noirish, and the page lay-out is often a 6-panel grid that works very well with the story-telling style. Even better, Selina is no longer Jim Balent's Babe-a-licious Boobmonger with indestructable, gravity-defying mammary cushions for all of those falls from tall buildings.
Posted by Thriftshop Debutante on :
Fab boots.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
With all the hype around it, I couldn't wait to read Catwoman #1! Would it live up it's notoriety?

Well, it certainly did. I'd say it was provocative to the extreme--but not necessarily in a bad way. Catwoman in the 90's was a series about giant breasts and it sold like hot cakes. I wonder if DC had that in mind? Well, there is certainly some of that here, with a focus on Selina's bust (and under-garments) throughout. But the real kicker--and part that was actually kind of interesting and enjoyable--were the no holds barred sex scenes with Batman. If you're gonna go for it, then go for it...and they did.

Beyond sex and sexiness, there isn't too much in the way of story. There are hints, both of Selina's characterization and larger plotlines, but nothing with depth yet. It might be enough to come back but I could see how that might turn off readers (especially those annoyed at DC's attempt to turn them on).

But the artwork was the star here: the characters are sexy and full of attitude; the figures are attractive but the art is stylized to enhance it.

Definitely DC's sexiest comic. The key is now for Winnick to add something more to it.

Cobie Comparison: did I enjoy as much as JL #1? not quite as much though they aren't that dissimilar when you think about it.
Posted by Pov on :
I don't have mine yet (on its way, though! [Smile] ) but I am NOT looking forward to Batman's "O"face... [Quake Kid] [No]
Posted by Pov on :
So... A some questions upon rereading. Did Selina kill her ex-pimp? What exactly was going on at the bottom of the page where she first attacks him... it looks like something's broken, but what?

And I thought she knew Bruce was Batman? She knew Dick is Nightwing and was Robin, I thought... Is that a DCnU change?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I understood it as a DCnU change but that's just an assumption.
Posted by LASHbrain on :
I for one wholeheartedly approve of DC's attempts to give me an erection! Well played, DC!

(I'm not saying they succeeded, BTW... but I'm also not saying they did not succeed, teehee!!)
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
With 52 new series, there should at least be a half-dozen erection inducing new series otherwise this is a failed relaunch!
Posted by Pov on :
[Fortress Lad]

Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So with Month #2 in full swing, my intention is try to curb my list of DCnU titles some, since my Dad and I are still collecting like 45 titles. Catwoman is one of those titles I was ready to give the big dismissal.

But with some surprise, I put down #2 and couldn't wait to get #3! Sure, the series is perhaps the single sexiest comic in the industry right now (and the readers who like guys will have a lot to drool over too), but its much more than that so far. Judd Winnick is showcasing his writing skills in a way that reminds me why I liked his early Outsiders issues--the guy can tell an exciting, action-packed story that also is full of character. He's presented Selina to us as a fully developed person that I'm finding interesting for the first time since Brubaker left years ago.

And his pacing so far has been pretty terrific too. He balances a classic Catwoman grifter plot with the Russian maffia with a sexy Selina & Bruce together out of costume sequence that works in a big way.

And that art...did I say how sexy this series is?

I think I'm officially going to add Catwoman to the pull list!
Posted by LASHbrain on :
So you give CATWOMAN two erections up....
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I finally read issue #1 today--LOVED it! The ending was at the same time kinda out there but also kinda worked with the emotional rollercoaster we saw Selina go thru all issue. Loved how she fled her apartment with all those cats stuffed into and overflowing from her carrier. Loved how she had a visceral, violent reaction to seeing a face from her past. Loved Guillem March's sexy take on Selina and his overall sense of style and layouts.

You know what? The ending worked for me. These are two adult people living extreme lifestyles who can occasionally find comfort in each other. And it was sexy! Nothin' wrong with a little sexy in comic books, says I! [Big Grin]

This one's probably making the pull!
Posted by lil'rhino on :
I'm lovin' this book!
Posted by LASHbrain on :
But what of the erections, dang it??!?
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Originally posted by LASHbrain:
But what of the erections, dang it??!?


Originally posted by Lard Lad:
This one's probably making the pull!

Posted by Legion Tracker on :

Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Originally posted by LASHbrain:
But what of the erections, dang it??!?


Originally posted by Lard Lad:
This one's probably making the pull!

Originally posted by Legion Tracker:


Posted by Dev - Em on :
Posted by LASHbrain on :
Good Lord!!! [LOL]

aaah, Legion World: No place like it!
Posted by LASHbrain on :
I can't wait to read # 2 so I can write a review and see how many sex puns I can cram in it!
Posted by doublechinner on :
Puns would be a step up! I'm thinking of downloading issue 1. Will then have to stow my IPad in that special drawer?
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Originally posted by LASHbrain:
I can't wait to read # 2 so I can write a review and see how many sex puns I can cram in it!

Til then, you'll just have to keep a tight grip on it! [Razz]
Posted by doublechinner on :
So just read issue 1, and I don't really get what all the tzuris has been about. Does that make me an insensitive male? Ooh! I hope so. Or is that DEsensitized...
Posted by LASHbrain on :
Bats and cats having sex is a sign of the apocalypse, in some cultures.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
So with #3 out, it's clear that this series is something special. Winnick is writing some powerful stuff here--hitting a huge range of emotions and making me connect with Selina again for the first time in years. I think with only three issues into it, that this is by far the best thing I've ever read written by Judd Winnick, and at a time when I'd just about written him off.

The artwork by Guillem March is nothing short of amazing. While the characters were by no means unattractive here, March is able to transform the "sexy" tone to something much more viceral and ferocious. The way he drew the angst and hurt in Selina's face was really rough to look at--and any one whose ever lost somone they love can easily relate.

Really fantastic stuff! DC's female lead series right now are really among the best comics in the industry, such as Wonder Woman and Batwoman. It's not joke that I'm putting Catwoman right up there with them.
Posted by Pov on :
And Marvel just went and cancelled their only title featuring a female lead-- who's a CLONE of their most popular male character!! [LOL] Way to go, Mouse of Ideas! [ROTFLMAO]
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Marvel has done a lot of things better than DC throughout its history but one thing it just can't do is put together a lasting series with a female lead. [No]
Posted by Lard Lad on :
I LOVE this book!!!! In a way if I compare my expectations (being pretty low) to my actual enjoyment (being very high), you could argue that this has been DC's most successful 52 book for me! I love that while it is unabashedly a sexy book, it also boasts really terrific characterization and clever writing! At this point, the book looks like it might be even better than it was under Brubaker's run, and that's HIGH praise indeed!
Posted by LASHbrain on :
Haven't read # 3 yet, but it is nice to see former Winnick-bashers *glares at Cobie* enjoying his work!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I love it when a writer proves me wrong with some good product. [Yes]

I should note Winnick's Bat-Wing has also been fantastic and what I would consider his 2nd greatest work ever! The DCnU arrived and Winnick's Stepped the F*** Up!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
My only complaint is that they Click Here For A Spoilerkilled off a perfectly normal-looking middle-aged female; I had high hopes for Lola as a supporting character. It was very sad to see Selina burning the photographs of the two of them together.

I'm enjoying the game that Catwoman and Batman are playing, some elaborate chase. Not many people who could give Batman a run for his money, and Selina does it with great panache.
Posted by Lard Lad on :
Dude! I just read issue 6--in it, Catwoman Click Here For A Spoilerbites off a bad chick's ear!

Kinda harsh and over-the-top, I know, but the ***** had it comin'! [Yes] Still enjoying this...a very good book!
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
Catwoman remains among my favorite DCnU comics. It, Batman and Nightwing are the three best Bat-books and all do a great job showcasing their stars.

I saw Judd refer to putting Selena in "Die Hard / John McClaine' situations and I can totally see that. There's definitely a high octaine, exciting pacing to each issue's story.
Posted by Future on :
Catwoman has been a consistently groovy book since the DCNu launch. I'm surprised to still be loving this title since I've never read a Catwoman book before, though I've always been charmed by the character.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
It's sort of manic depressive, I don't mean that in a clinical sense, but like a roller coaster, she goes from tears and tragedy to a madcap crazy heist. You can almost feel the adrenalin racing; it's like a Bond film when she's up, and then it goes quiet, or dreadfully tense.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
I'm a longtime mega-Batman fan, and it occurs to me, I don't think we've really seen Selina acting as a car-thief much before. I can't recall any other time?

The high adrenline-ness of car theft definitely exemplifies what FC is describing above.
Posted by MLLASH's back on :
Just read issues 3-7. There were some chills, spills and thrills for sure and this is definitely a roller-coaster ride of a comic, but I have decided to drop it from my pull.

When it's all said and done, I'm just not into good cop/dirty cop stories...

I think I'd enjoy it if the focus was on Catwoman's relationship with Batman. But I can't see that ever being the primary focus.
Posted by Cobalt Kid on :
The Catwoman tie-in to Night of the Owls nicely tied on only peripherily--really, it was a nice story featuring Selina, Spark, Penguin and the centuries old Talon.

But what made me feel obligated to post? That Guillem March artwork! Hot damn! He might be the most explosive artist in comics! He fight scenes are furious! His discussion scenes are full of energy and tension! My fingers had burn marks when I was done!

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