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Posted by Exnihil on :
Batten down the hatches...

A storm is brewing...

September 19th...

(Watch this Space.)

[ August 08, 2010, 12:37 AM: Message edited by: Exnihil ]
Posted by Kent on :
"The hatches are battened down!"

"Well, batten them down again! We'll teach those hatches!"
Posted by BatBoy on :
It's a good thing the day before is the Day of Atonement ... I wouldn't want to go into this with a guilty conscience ...
Posted by Exnihil on :
Going in with a clean conscience is one thing... how you come out, weeeeeelllllll...
Posted by BatBoy on :
To quote one of my favorite students, "Will there be pwizes? I love pwizes!"
Posted by cleome on :
I need to get in my Time Bubble to see where I was/will be the night of 9/19!
Posted by Exnihil on :
<in an office downtown, we see a small, white, blobby appendage holding a telephone impatiently>

"C'mon.... c'mon... pickup....!"

"Weisinger Agency... how may I direct your call?

"Hi, Amelia... it's JP. Get me Morty"

"Right away, sir"

<impatient blobby appendage drumming as the call is transferred>

JP... Baaaaaby... how ya doin'?

"Cut the crap, Morty! Did you see it?"

"Ah. Yeah... I saw it..."

<interrupting>"You're supposed to be my AGENT!!! This is how I have to find out... by reading it on a public forum! What am I paying you for?!?!"

"Now, listen, JP... nothing's definite... it's just a rumor...

"Rumor nothing... he's doing it! He said there wouldn't be a second season... but mark my words, he's doing it! Where is it this time?

"Well, like I say... rumor..."


"Well... given the significance of the date... and the wording... people are saying... New Tartuga."

"And why haven't they called me, yet?"

"Listen, JP, after that drunken swing you took at him at the after-party, you're lucky he takes my calls at all."

"He's not thinking about someone else, is he? Nobody can do that show but me! That's my show!"

"...and everyone knows it..."

"Who is it?"

"Baaaaby... c'mon... you know that everybody..."


"Bear in mind, this is just whisper down the lane, but I'm hearing the name... 'Phil Dox' tossed around."

"That guy from the Amazers' R.A.C.E.?!?! He's a hack!!! He stole his whole bit from me! You listen, Morty, and listen good... that gig is MINE! Make it happen, or start looking for another client!"

JP... c'mon, now...

<blobby appendage slams down the phone, as the owner swings around in his chair>

"Oh, yeah, baby...

Posted by He Who Wanders on :
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
<at Security Office, gets a call from his agent>

Sal? Why are you calling? I told you I don't do pornos anymo--!

What?!?! The want me to do WHAT?!?! AGAIN?!?!

Well, damn, I already won the damn thing the first time, and Quis still gives me those victimized glances since I turned on him!

Look, the only way I'd ever even consider doing that again is if I get somethin' up front! I mean, you just know I'll get voted off first this time--it'll be embarassing!

What would it take? Well.....

<glances around, whispers>
Posted by Exnihil on :
Meanwhile, in a boardroom on the other side of town...


Ex - "Bigger... it's got to be bigger!"

Dewey - "But, sir, we're already way over budget. Why, the Captain Alisia Frake guest appearance alone is..."

Ex - "Nonsense! What's the point of doing this, if not for the spectacle? The kids today want flash... glitz... if we wanted to do this small, we could go back to the DCMBs. And I don't think any of you want that, do you?"

All - "Murmur, murmur, harumph, harumph..."

Ex - "All right then... New Tartuga... it's a pretty rough place... how are we looking on security?"

Cheatham - "Well, we've been in talks with the 'Emerald Dragons' out of Rimbor... they can provide security, but it's a union shop..."

Ex - "Fine... fine... work it out... just make sure there's no SilverAle during work hours! Now the cast... we'll have an open call in a couple of days, but I do want some of the Season One guys back... sort of a Fans and Favorites thing..."

Howe - "Already on it, sir, we put a call out today... I personally spoke with Taylor's agent..."

Ex - "Taylor's got an agent?!?!"

Howe - "Yes, sir... he's with Sal Manilla..."

Ex - "Everybody's a prima-donna. Speaking of which... did we hear back from Phil Dox on the hosting offer?"

Dewey - "I'm sorry, sir, he passed. He's on location with the Amazer's R.A.C.E. right now."

Ex - "Drat! What about that LEGIOPARDY fellow... Ali-3 Bek...?"

Cheatham - "Market research shows that he skews to an older crowd... certainly loses with the 18 - 24 demographic."

Ex - "Double Drat!!"

Howe - "We have gotten several calls from Jeff Proty's people."

Ex - "Triple Drat!!! <sighing> Ahhhhhhh... what the heck... he works for scale. Ms. Jath... make a note... have wardrobe order a boatload of powder... that protean reflects like nobody's business on camera."

Ms Jath - "...boatload of powder... got it, Ex."

Ex - "Great! Well, it looks like we're in business for another season folks, folks! Roll the logo..."


Ex - "Sweet Ass Sweet!"
Posted by Everyday Girl on :
Ohmygod! I like gotta be part of this. Gramps doesn't like it when I leave the MMB but maybe for this...

Or I could like have Daddy Hrun "Talk" to Mr Ex-in-hil's people.
Posted by Exnihil on :
Hi everyone!

Well, it looks like the cat's out of the bag. Following in the tradition of the very successful Survivor: Marzal (check out the link to get an idea of gameplay), Exnihil Productions is proud to present the exciting sequel, Survivor: New Tartuga!

Kicking off on September 19th (also known as "International Talk Like A Pirate Day"), this game will take you to the exotic - and danger-filled - Pirate Planetoid of New Tartuga where Legion Worlders will be invited to take part in the most expansive and immersive Legion-based game ever staged. It will have all the things that you love about the holo-vid version of Survivor, but catered to Legion World. Things like:

- Initial team play followed by individual play after a merge
- Reward Challenges
- Immunity Challenges
- Secret Alliances
- Tribal Councils
- Exile Island
- Hidden Immunity Idols
- The Jury
- and, of course, a Grand Prize (Or "Pwize" as Batboy's favorite student says)


The way registration will work is like this:

Starting tomorrow evening (watch for the posting), we'll begin accepting applications (anything received before then will not count). From that time, you may send a PM directly to Exnihil simply stating something to the effect of, "I'd like to play Survivor." We'll keep it open for a few weeks, and then assign the teams from all received applications (Ideally, we'd like to have about 16-20 players, but we ran with 12 last time around and it worked out just fine).


A few notes if you're thinking of signing up:

- The game will run for about a month. Although daily participation is not required, remember, initially you'll be part of a team and your level of participation will likely be directly proportionate to how long your peers will keep you around. [Smile]

- Although the time of the individual challenges will vary, last season's challenges seemed to reach a happy medium of generally starting between 8PM and 11PM EST to accommodate the largest number of schedules.

- If you are unfamiliar with Survivor, a word of warning - the object of the game is to, as the logo says, "Outwit, Outplay and Outlast" your fellow players. Traditionally, but not necessarily, this may involve the formations of secret alliances, betrayal of promises made between players, and at times, out and out lying. Should this happen to you, this should in no way be construed as any real enmity between anyone on Legion World and yourself... it's just part of the game. If you fear that your feelings may get hurt or that your faith in humanity will be permanently shaken, then perhaps this is not the game for you.


Watch this space for more updates and remember, September 19th, the boat sails... with... or without you!
Posted by Exnihil on :

That's right, starting right now all you need to do is drop a PM to Exnihil (after having read the notes in the post above) and, come this September 19th, you'll be one of the folks competing to win a... oh... but that would be telling. [Wink]

Good Luck, Everyone!

[ August 09, 2010, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: Exnihil ]
Posted by kenaustin on :
Arrr, yo!
At it again, huh? Was two years enough time to recover? [Wink]
Posted by Exnihil on :
"He's tan, rested, and ready," kenny! [Smile]
Posted by Exnihil on :

As registrations begin to arrive, naturally there are questions about the expectations and rules of Survivor: New Tartuga. As these come in, I'll use this space to help clarify any questions you might have.

Q. Our first question comes via PM and asks: "I'm just in it for the chance to spoon with somebody in a tent during a tropical rainstorm for warmth ... we do get to spoon with people, right?"

A. Yes! Not only is "Spooning" for warmth acceptable... it's actually encouraged (minor titillation helps to keep up the ratings, you know). "Forking," while not offically acknowledged by the Survivor producers, has also been rumored to occur off-camera. "Knifing," however, is right out.
Posted by dedman on :
I'd love to get on this again, as I enjoyed the last game.
However I have even less free time now then I did then, so I guess I'll just bow out.

I will be watching as closely as possible though!
Posted by Exnihil on :
Where can you find this year's contestants for Survivor: New Tartuga?

Under the Sea...


Above the Clouds...

In the Halls of Justice...

In the Farthest Reaches of Space...

...and perhaps... in your very own home!

In just 20 days, the most exciting, wide spanning game ever to hit Legion World begins. Simply drop a PM to Exnihil saying, "I want to play Survivor: New Tartuga" and you'll join those fellows above in the ultimate chance to Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast your fellow Legion Worlders!

Don't Delay... Sign Up Today!

[ August 30, 2010, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: Exnihil ]
Posted by Novelty on :
Wow Ex, this looks interesting as usual. But what's the main prize?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Oh just sign up Novelty
Posted by SharkLad on :
I am so gonna Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast everybody!

Unless of course there's a need for strategy, intricate puzzles to be solved, and a lot of late night conspiring involved ... I suck at that kinda stuff ...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Yeah, I'm bad at the making alliances and then breaking them.
Posted by Exnihil on :
... and then there were five!

Joining Quislet Esq., Shark Lad, Lance, and Dev-Em on the trek out to the Pirate Planetoid, we now have, returning from season one:

Lone Wolf Legionnaire

Still looking, at a minimum, for another 7 folks to sign up, so tell your friends to register (heck, tell your enemies, and then vote 'em out early [Wink] )... before that boat sails!

Originally posted by Novelty:
Wow Ex, this looks interesting as usual. But what's the main prize?

'Tis yet a mystery, laddie! Clues abound, but... so far... the treasure (a thing of rare beauty) be not named!
Posted by Lance's realm on :
oh, isn't...the Tabloid, is it?
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
Well, from the "Know your Legion Worlder" thread, we know that Exnihil has recently spoken with Al Plastino.
Posted by Dev Em on :
I gotta think in this thing?!?!?!?!?!
Posted by Exnihil on :
Well, with a little over five days left for registration, things is looking a mite bit dire for the fruition of Survivor: New Tartuga.

Unfortunately, we're holding steady with just five registrants. Given the nature of game play, we need a minimum of twelve contestants to make it viable.

Perhaps the timing is off this year, because I have been contacted by a number of people who would otherwise be up for it, but have a conflict this time out. I'll give it until the 19th, but unless there is a sudden groundswell of interest, I'll probably have to call it. Trust me, it disappoints no one more than I, because I love running these things.

If you're on the fence, now is the time to jump in. Only you can save Survivor: New Tartuga! [Smile]
Posted by Chief Taylor on :
<still waiting for bribe...>

Posted by Chief Taylor on :
Seriously, Ex....have you campaigned over at the DCMBs like you did last time? Maybe you could also mention it on the LW and Legion Omnicom Facebook pages? Maybe even on Paul Levitz's FB page? I feel certain that if you broaden the range of places as I suggest, you may get more than enough contestants. If they aren't registered here, there should be plenty of time left for them to do so.

I'm still on the fence about this because there's a fairly significant time investment, but if it gets close and you need one more guy, let me know.

(And why the hell aren't Lash and Edie interested? This is right up their alley!!!!)
Posted by SharkLad on :
The suspense is killing me ...
Posted by Exnihil on :
Well... it had to happen sooner or later. After three years of hosting large scale, Legion-themed, message board games, with this sixth outing, Exnihil Productions have finally come a cropper.

I apologize to the five folks who signed up, but it looks like there just isn't enough interest this time out to warrant Survivor: New Tartuga becoming a reality. (Mods, please de-feature this thread).

Perhaps, as Lardy suggested above, it was a lack of aggressive advertising (although, admittedly, there is a fine line between "advertising" and "becoming a pest" that I really didn't want to cross), but, honestly, I think it really comes down to bad timing.

From the feedback I received, both through this board and other channels, there were quite a handful of people who would have liked to take part, but had other commitments that precluded the time investment. I don't know if we would have hit the magic number, but trust me, we would have come a darned sight closer.

C'est la vie. Perhaps another day.

The one fellow that I really feel bad for is ol' Jeff Proty. I heard he really needed this gig and has fallen on hard times. Well, here's hoping he lands on his feet... er... blobby appendages.


[ September 19, 2010, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: Exnihil ]
Posted by Dev Em on :
And I was ready to sleep with whoever it took to win. DAng...
Posted by SharkLad on :
Thank you, Ex, for all of the effort you put into this and all of the games you host... While I'm disappointed I'm not going to get the chance to play, I'll be the first one to sign up when you're ready to relaunch ...

As for Jeff Proty, I heard McDonalds is hiring ...
Posted by Quislet, Esq. on :
ditto for me. You come up with very good challenges.

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