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Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Loser Lad has requested the return of this unfinished thread. Now that Legion Love Survivor is over - it seems like a good time. I will continue the game from the point at which we were so rudely interrupted. It will be as if it never happened. (Like the Legion/Titan team-up)

So Earth and Orando are already down for the count. Here we go again!

The Suneater is back and gobbling up planets faster than Tenzil chewing his way through a bag of nuts and bolts.

Which Legion home world will be the first planet swallowed up and which will be the last one standing?

You decide.

All home worlds are post-boot versions.

1) Titan
2) Winath
3) Braal
4) Cargg
5) Bgtzl
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
8) Daxam
10) Imsk
12) Rimbor
13) Naltor
14) Durla
15) Vyrga
16) Omega Colony
17) Aleph
18) Mars
19) Talok VIII
20) Aarok
21) Kwaii hive planet
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Kwaii hive planet
Posted by Dave on :
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
I forgot to vote this round myself - I like to do it upfront then I can't influence the outcome. Hey - I like to be surprised too!

Omega Colony -

Have we ever seen it? No. Do I care? Not much.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I'll go back to my original thinking here too...

Any world with no vowels in its name is just lame for the sake of being lame...

I've really got nothing against the planet, I hear its nice this time of year, but the name is just wrong.

I vote big time for Bgtzl.
Posted by matlock on :
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I LIKE no-vowel planets! They're whimsical and humorous! I vote Mars. All the serious people stay on Mars.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Aarok. Anything with double a's at the start of it's name can't be good.

No offense, of course to any Aaron's or aardvarks reading this...
Posted by rokk steady on :
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
Omega Colony
Posted by Juan on :
The Omega Colony (I have no idea what that even is!!!)
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
Originally posted by Loser Lad:
Aarok. Anything with double a's at the start of it's name can't be good.

No offense, of course to any Aaron's or aardvarks reading this...

Loser took the words right out of my head as I thunk them..... Aarok gotta go!
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Kwaii hive planet
Posted by MLLASH on :
What the frag is OMEGA COLONY?

Kill it! Send it to hell!
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Posted by Arachne on :
Kawaii hive planet.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Omega Colony is Karate Kid's post-boot homeworld.

Still wanna send it to hell Lash?!?
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Kawaii hive planet
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
The hive planet. Keep that darn thing outta my galaxy!
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Why Kwaii? Waii not? They're a nomadic group - they'll easily settle in a new home - preferably one without fly-swatters.

Next Round:

Again, I vote for the Omega Colony. Down with hives and colonies, we want real planets.

1) Titan
2) Winath
3) Braal
4) Cargg
5) Bgtzl
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
8) Daxam
10) Imsk
12) Rimbor
13) Naltor
14) Durla
15) Vyrga
16) Omega Colony
17) Aleph
18) Mars
19) Talok VIII
20) Aarok
Posted by minesurfer on :
Lameness must go...

Off with Bgtzl.
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Colonists are always getting ripped off, Mars is too close to home for my tastes...

Eat Xanthu. It's already been wasted once, and no one is living there. If they are, evacuate.
Posted by MLLASH on :
I prefer KK's PREboot home-planet!

Toodle-oo, OMEGA COLONY!
Posted by Mystery Lad on :
If we ain't seen it, how can we miss it?

Wait- on second thought, that's a reason to keep Aarok and the Omega Colony! (Wonder what those worlds might be like... Hmmm could be an idea for a new topic there.)

I vote off Winath-- world of giant trees and really lame 'Little Farm on the Alien Prairie' ripoffs.

'Deliverence' and the Legion shouldn't be mixed.

(Or should they? Hmmmmmm?)

Posted by Nightcrawler on :
You've won me over Lash.

Omega Colony.
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Ditto. Omega Colony...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Omega Colony
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
If we ain't seen it, how can we miss it?

Wait- on second thought, that's a reason to keep Aarok and the Omega Colony! (Wonder what those worlds might be like... Hmmm could be an idea for a new topic there.)

I vote off Winath-- world of giant trees and really lame 'Little Farm on the Alien Prairie' ripoffs.

'Deliverence' and the Legion shouldn't be mixed.

(Or should they? Hmmmmmm?)


You seem to be forgetting your TMK history Todd. You vote of Winath you vote off the breadbasket of the galaxy. If you are okay with starving to death, then we Winathians will glads leave your little game. [Lightning Lad]
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Do you smell what Aarok is cooking?!?

Neither do I. Get rid if it...
Posted by Arachne on :
'Lash is just too persuasive.

Bye bye Omega Colony.
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
I'm going for Durla this round, who wants to keep a radioactive hellhole anyway?
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
It's a good thing Karate Kid has found a second home in Steeple 'cause the O. Colony is gone.

Only a few more "never-heard-of-it" planets to get rid of, then the game should get really interesting. In that spirit, I vote out Aarok.

1) Titan
2) Winath
3) Braal
4) Cargg
5) Bgtzl
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
8) Daxam
10) Imsk
12) Rimbor
13) Naltor
14) Durla
15) Vyrga
17) Aleph
18) Mars
19) Talok VIII
20) Aarok
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Originally posted by Sonnie Boy:
who wants to keep a radioactive hellhole anyway?

Hey, leave New Jeresy out of this! [Wink]

Oh, yeah, and I vote to get rid of Aarok (again)...
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Aarok here as well...
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
yeah, lets get rid of Aarok this round
Posted by Stu on :
With so many planets from outside our solar system, I'm voting out Mars the mundane.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I'm sticking with my pistols and shooting at Bgtzl.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :

[Edited my pithy comment out since someone else had already used it previously. My vote didn't change.]

[ July 20, 2003, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Arachne on :
I was just rereading Zoe's first appearence and it appears that many of Aleph's citizens consider her powers "an aberration of nature".

Aleph must go! [Smile]
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Although, I'd like to vote for Aleph.

It looks like this round we're getting rid of Aarok. Bye, Aarok.
Posted by Estimate Lad on :
Aarok must go.
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Caught between Aarok and a hard place Jennie's home planet is gobbled up at super-speed.

While we're on the "A"s I'll vote out Aleph this round.

1) Titan
2) Winath
3) Braal
4) Cargg
5) Bgtzl
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
8) Daxam
10) Imsk
12) Rimbor
13) Naltor
14) Durla
15) Vyrga
17) Aleph
18) Mars
19) Talok VIII
Posted by minesurfer on :
With apologies tho Alfred E. Newman...

Blech-tzl must go.
Posted by Loser Lad on :
I think Talok IV was by far the best of that bunch. Get that lousy pretender Talok VIII out of here.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I LIKE Bgztl! It's like Alderaan! Do you want to be the Moff who blows up Alderaan???

(Okay, I'm being irrational.)

I'm voting for Mars. SO boring. It's basically "Earth Lite."
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Kid Prime on :
"No! Bgztl is a peaceful planet! We have no weapons!"
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
"You would prefer another target? A military target? Then name the system! I grow tired of asking this. So it'll be the last time. Where is the Rebel base?"
Posted by penda on :
Aleph should be the next to go.... Mars should follow.
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
As promised last round...

Posted by rokk steady on :
Posted by Kid Prime on :
"Durla. They're on Durla."
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by Kid Prime:
"Durla. They're on Durla."

"There. You see Lord McCauley, she can be reasonable. Continue with the operation. You may fire when ready."

(Yes I'm a Star Wars geek too. But only the original trilogy.)
Posted by Kid Prime on :

(Me too. But only the original trilogy as well.)

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
(Okay, gotta finish this. Too hard to resist.)

"You're far too trusting. Durla is too remote to make an effective demonstration. But don't worry. We will deal with your Legion friends soon enough."
Posted by Kid Prime on :

<<I say, squriming in the grasp of... I dunno, Evolvo Lad in ape form, I guess.>>
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
(Let's see if I can get this bit right.)


McCauley: Commence primary ignition.

A button is pressed which switches on a panel of lights. A hooded SP officer reaches overhead and pulls a lever. Another lever is pulled. McCauley (who's really Ra's Al Ghul don't you know) reaches for still another lever and a bank of lights on a panel and wall light up. A huge beam of light emanates from within a cone-shaped area and converges into a single laser beam out toward Bgztl. The small blue planet of Bgztl is blown into space dust.

[ July 21, 2003, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: Lightning Lad ]
Posted by Arachne on :
I'll keep voting Aleph till it's gone.
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Farewell Aleph, we hardly knew ye'

Okay, the anti-Mars gang have convinced me - you're a boring little planet and red is not my favourite color.

1) Titan
2) Winath
3) Braal
4) Cargg
5) Bgtzl
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
8) Daxam
10) Imsk
12) Rimbor
13) Naltor
14) Durla
15) Vyrga
18) Mars
19) Talok VIII
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I second the vote for Mars!
Posted by Estimate Lad on :
I'm going to vote out Daxam, purely because I always spell it wrong! (Some dark recess of my brain always makes me thinks it looks better as Daxaam).
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Well, you know what they say about Taloks. VII's company, VIII's a crowd...
Posted by minesurfer on :
I was a Star Wars geek, but until recently I didn't know it. Only the original three too, until I stumbled across a little something known as the Thrawn Trilogy. Three books written by Tim Zahn which take place 5 years after Endor. They are very well written books that should be read by all Star Wars geeks.

I already voted, but I will reiterate my disdain for lame... Bgtzl must go. Send the Death Star quick.
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
I'm gunning for Braal this round, their economy is shot to hell so they'd probably appreciate the insurance claim...
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by minesurfer:
I was a Star Wars geek, but until recently I didn't know it. Only the original three too, until I stumbled across a little something known as the Thrawn Trilogy. Three books written by Tim Zahn which take place 5 years after Endor. They are very well written books that should be read by all Star Wars geeks.

I already voted, but I will reiterate my disdain for lame... Bgtzl must go. Send the Death Star quick.

Its been years since I read any Star Wars books (comic or otherwise) but my favorite was Alan Dean Foster's Splinter of the Mind's Eye. I don't think I've read any of Zahn's books although I have heard of him.
Posted by penda on :
As stated before, Mars must go this time...
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Mars. It's too close for comfort.


Thank you, LL & KP! Nicely done.
Posted by Arachne on :
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
You're just one big Mars Bar** to the Suneater, so you're done.

The anti-Bgtzl crowd have been waiting patiently for this planet to be gobbled up so I'll give them a shot in the arm and help vote it out next.

**Favourite Canadian chocolate bar.

1) Titan
2) Winath
3) Braal
4) Cargg
5) Bgtzl
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
8) Daxam
10) Imsk
12) Rimbor
13) Naltor
14) Durla
15) Vyrga
19) Talok VIII
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Summer's here. It's time to squash some bugs...

Posted by Estimate Lad on :
Gonna go for Daxam again.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I second the vote for Vyrga!
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
Bgtzl. When Winema was home visiting would be best. And maybe the Suneater would stay in that dimension and everyone could relax.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I may be a jerk, but I'm a consistent jerk...

Bugtizzel should just phase its way to oblivion.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I'm sticking with Bgtzl too.
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
I'm sticking with Braal - I was never convinced by the big tyranosaurus lookeelikey metal beasts that gave the colonists such a hard time they had to adapt with magnetic abilities - like what a crock! Braal deserves a 3 generation long recession just for having such badly thought out native fauna and in fact deserves to be blotted from the Legion sky.

join with me in a chorus of "bye bye Braal"

And I never really liked Cosmic Boy either....
Posted by Stu on :
The last of the red hot Vyrgans...
Posted by Loser Lad on :
Ugh. I think I'm running out of Talok VIII jokes. Let's just get rid of it already...
Posted by Arachne on :
I'm not sure I like a whole planets worth of telepaths hanging aroud spying on people.

Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
As Bgtzl fades phantom-like from existence we move on to the next round.

As demonstrated by Millie on The Amazing Race 4,
nobody likes a buggy Vyrgan.


1) Titan
2) Winath
3) Braal
4) Cargg
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
8) Daxam
10) Imsk
12) Rimbor
13) Naltor
14) Durla
15) Vyrga
19) Talok VIII
Posted by Estimate Lad on :
I'm gonna stick with Daxam will fall one of these days.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Vyrga. Is there many Vyrgans left anyway after Ra's Al Ghul?
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
bye bye Braal
Posted by the boy with UltraPowers on :
i gonna say MARS too !!!
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Originally posted by the boy with UltraPowers:
i gonna say MARS too !!!

Matthew - Mars is already long gone and causing the Suneater a bout of acid reflux. Please vote again.
Posted by Kid Prime on :
You killed Bgztl!!! YOU BASTARDS!!!

Fine, add my vote to the majority for Vyrga.

Posted by minesurfer on :
Bgtzl was so lame, I want to vote for it again.

But alas, even I know when to accept victory [Smile] .

I shall now endeavor to make sure Imsk is voted off of this list. I mean what is up with Imsk? Oh I get it, since they can all shrink real small, they must be like Imps on that planet, right? But we can't name a planet "Imps" so let's just change a letter and make it "Imsk"? Pure Lame.
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
And, what would you say about Vyrga (who I'm voting off BTW), minesurfer?
Posted by minesurfer on :
Vyrga hasn't quite reached the level of lameness of say a Bgtzl or an Imsk yet. I did consider it, and once Imsk is gone Vyrga will probably receive my full attention.

On the other hand, there is a sophomoric quality about Vyrga and the natural inhabitants being called Vyrgans (pronounced with a soft "g") that has an iota of respect from me.

Its like that episode of the Simpsons where Principal Skinner is tied up in a sack that holds all of the dodge balls and he asks a squirrel to chew a hole in his ball sack. You just gotta shake your head, laugh, and wonder how they got that past the censors/editors.
Posted by Stu on :
Gonna go with Vyrga again...
Posted by Arachne on :
I'm sticking with Titan, in spite of the odds.
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
As Vyrga teleports into the Suneater's tummy we are left with just classic Legion planets.

This round I vote off that trashy, crime-infested planet - Rimbor

1) Titan
2) Winath
3) Braal
4) Cargg
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
8) Daxam
10) Imsk
12) Rimbor
13) Naltor
14) Durla
19) Talok VIII
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
This is getting a bit more difficult for me. I guess Rimbor.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Posted by Varalent on :
Posted by rokk steady on :
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
bye bye Braal
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
What the hell. I'll go with the majority, Braal...
Posted by Stu on :
One planet I will not be spending my next vacation on is Rimbor...
Posted by Kid Prime on :
I woun't BAWL about losing BRAAL!
Posted by Arachne on :
Posted by Fat Cramer on :
I'll join Arachne with Titan. Don't trust those mind readers.
Posted by minesurfer on :
I can see I am going to have a difficult time convincing you sentients of the lameness of Imsk. sigh

Imsk is lame. Nobody likes it.

Go here and substitute Imsk for Legionnaires to find out just how lame Imsk really is.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Originally posted by minesurfer:
I can see I am going to have a difficult time convincing you sentients of the lameness of Imsk. sigh

Imsk is lame. Nobody likes it.

Go here and substitute Imsk for Legionnaires to find out just how lame Imsk really is.

Why not just go here, instead?
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
It's a tie.

The Suneater is feeling a tad peckish this round and devours two planets (including the first founder's planet to go). Grim Rimbor and that fridge magnet Braal.

An entire planet of Supermen and women or should I say M'onelmen and women? Big bullies.


1) Titan
2) Winath
4) Cargg
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
8) Daxam
10) Imsk
13) Naltor
14) Durla
19) Talok VIII
Posted by minesurfer on :
Gonna stick with Imsk, as it is the most lame planet left on the list.


Can't argue with a planet that has its own "I am lame" webpage. Remember Imsk was the first.

Thank you NC.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Daxam. Home of the White Triangle.
Posted by rokk steady on :
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Posted by Varalent on :
Imsk it is
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Imsk should go. They fought dirty during the Braal/Imsk war anyway.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
And to prove that subliminal advertising works...Imsk!
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Winath - Tell the nekkid people to get some clothes on them.
Posted by Stu on :
Titan. [Saturn Girl]
Posted by Arachne on :
Down with Titan!
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
get shot of Titan I say, dirty snooping psychics the lot of them....
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Teeny Imsk is barely a snack to the Suneater so he is hungering for something a little more substantial.

Daxam fits the bill.

1) Titan
2) Winath
4) Cargg
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
8) Daxam
13) Naltor
14) Durla
19) Talok VIII
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Got to go for Daxam!
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Durla. Its a nuclear wasteland anyway so maybe it'll give the Sun-Eater indigestion.
Posted by Stu on :
I'm gonna go with Titan again! [Saturn Girl]
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Dang, I missed a round or 2. I'm going with Talok VIII.
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
Naltor gets my vote this round
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Suneater thirsty: want coca colu.
Posted by rokk steady on :
Posted by minesurfer on :
Not any lame ones left...

I'll go for Daxam this round since a planet of Supersentients is far too dangerous to just leave laying around.
Posted by minesurfer on :
Question for upcoming rounds...

How does everyone pronounce Winath?

Is it Win-ath? or Is it Whine-ath? It makes a big difference as to whether I vote for it or not.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Originally posted by minesurfer:
Question for upcoming rounds...

How does everyone pronounce Winath?

Is it Win-ath? or Is it Whine-ath? It makes a big difference as to whether I vote for it or not.

I've always pronounced it Win-ath. But according to these tryouts its Whine-ath. I still go with Win-ath though.
Posted by Varalent on :
Colu's got to go-lu
Posted by Arachne on :
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
"Durla. They're on Durla." [Chameleon Boy]
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Daxam meet Suneater's tummy.

This round - Durla - not exactly a vacation spot in the U.P. is it?

1) Titan
2) Winath
4) Cargg
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
13) Naltor
14) Durla
19) Talok VIII
Posted by minesurfer on :
I can't decide between these two...

Whine-ath. Frankly I don't want to keep a planet around that reminds me of whiney old girl friends.


Talok VIII. It just sounds so Star Trekky. I like Star Trek as much as anybody else, but this is Legion.

I'll vote for Winath. The greater of two evils.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Posted by rokk steady on :
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Talok VIII
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
I'm gonna stick with Naltor this round, don't like their messed up off-shoot-from-Xerox-turned-Hi-Tech-world history.
Posted by Varalent on :
Stickin' with Colu
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Stu on :
Xanthu is just waiting to be X'ed off the list...
Posted by Arachne on :
[sigh] Titan again.
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Durla! Dammit!
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
In a last ditch effort Durla collectively imitates a fire hydrant - but the Suneater isn't fooled.

Who should go next? Those unfeeling brain-boxes on the planet Colu.

1) Titan
2) Winath
4) Cargg
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
13) Naltor
19) Talok VIII
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Lights out for Talok VIII!  -
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
the High Seer can see the writings on the wall for Naltor
Posted by rokk steady on :
Talok VIII!
Posted by minesurfer on :
I'll vote for Talok VIII since its my second choice, then we can all gang up on Whine-ath next round. Too much whining there. [Smile]
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Winath.....or Talok....hmmm hmmmm which one provides I vote for the planet with less food exports -

Talok bye bye.
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Talok. I through VIII. Why not take the whole system?
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Things look dark for Talok VIII.

This round - sticking with Colu

1) Titan
2) Winath
4) Cargg
6) Colu
7) Xanthu
13) Naltor
Posted by Lightning Lad on :
I think Xanthu's time has come.
Posted by braalian on :
What? Braal isn't even in the top 5? [Frown] (not to mention earth)

well, for my first post on this board I too vote for Xanthu. Just nothing special about that world.
Posted by rokk steady on :
I'm with you about Braal, Braalian. It shoulda won!

Anyway, I vote for Colu this round.
Posted by minesurfer on :
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :

And make sure the Sun-Eater eats up Mekt and the bratty little Ranzz twins.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
ever contrary vote of Cargg... or is that Carggg? whichever, get outta here already!
Posted by Estimate Lad on :
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Bye, Xanthu!
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
The Suneater has a voracious appetite this round as feels the need for a little brain food (Colu) and some greens (Winath). Then he cleanses his palette with spare, bare Xanthu.

Titan would be a hotbed of paranoia with all of that mind-reading going on so I'm voting it out.

1) Titan
4) Cargg
13) Naltor
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Wow. Three in one swoop.

I forsee Naltor's demise this round though.

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Bevis on :
Oh Titan, please. Any world that produces irritating control freaks like Imra deserves to be scoffed.
Posted by Juan on :
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Posted by minesurfer on :
Posted by Future on :
Naltor, although I *DO* love certain precogs that hail from there. [Wink]
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Hmmm, you seem to have gotten rid of all the planets that produce male legionnaires. That must say something freudian.

Oh wait, my mistake, you still have Titan.

Bye to Titan.
Posted by superboymddjr on :
Titan hmmmmm ......Carggg.....oh......Titan? Ah...we have too many Titans around here, and we don't need any more of them...So titan, bye bye. At least Saturn Girl have a planet to fall on (Saturn).
Posted by braalian on :
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Titan. Have you read the latest issue?
Posted by rokk steady on :
Posted by Kid Prime on :
Titan. Too many hussys.
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Titan... Ditto on the hussies...
Posted by Estimate Lad on :
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
In one TITAN-ic gulp it's over for Imra's homeworld.

This round - well you don't expect me to vote out my own adopted homeworld do you? Naltor.

4) Cargg
13) Naltor
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
The Naltorians evacuated their homeworld three rounds ago, knowing that they'd be the ones to go this round.

Posted by Lightning Lad on :
Posted by Future on :
Posted by Estimate Lad on :
Posted by minesurfer on :
Posted by rokk steady on :
Posted by Sonnie Boy on :
Posted by Blue Shift on :
Naltor. They sneak into casinos and play. Not nice.
Posted by Juan on :
Posted by braalian on :
Posted by Arachne on :
Posted by Danny Blaine on :
Posted by Nightcrawler on :
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
We can't end the game on a tie so I will leave it open for awhile longer.

Will Naltor fall asleep at the switch? Or does Cargg look three times as yummy to the Suneater.

Your votes will decide.
Posted by Blockade Boy on :
Naltor is close to Khundia. Not much in the way of a big Sun-Eater type snack there.

Posted by braalian on :
Duo Damsel is my 2nd favorite...
so Naltor must go.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
Is this a win by two kind of thing?

If so... I think the game's over...
Posted by Super Lad Kid on :
Dunno if it's too late or not, but my vote is for Naltor.
Posted by Eryk Davis Ester on :
SLK, it looks like I actually misspoke earlier, and your vote actually may be the tiebreaker!
Posted by The Man From Cargg on :
Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester:
Is this a win by two kind of thing?

If so... I think the game's over...

Actually, EDE my intent at the time was to wait another 24 hours before deciding - otherwise I could have just swept in when it was convenient to my preference.

In any case, I have to discount Braalian's last vote as he had previously voted in this round.

Which leaves us with a Survivor tie.

Both Naltor and Cargg will continue to grow and prosper in the U.P.

Thanks to all who played. There were some surprises along the way - like our very own planet Earth biting the dust so early in the game. At the outset, I expected peaceful, agrarian, NAKED Winath to winath. But, I was very happy to see my favourite legion gal's home planet Cargg fare so well. (Even though her native Carggites treated her so poorly).

So three cheers to Cargg and to Naltor (for predicting the Suneater's every move).
Posted by superboymddjr on :
well, if I was working on last Saturday and I would for sure to vote Carggg OUT! So Naltor would be the winner....but..oh well. so it's a tie. eh? Congrats!
Posted by Kent on :
Titan loses! [Wink]

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